Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Robert Hood, Millionaire Mill
er, is Cited as Defendant ,
M in Suit Brought, -by
Wife. . ' :
- Another echo of the famous Chad-
ron case war heard in district court
Friday morning when Robert Hood,
millionaire miller, of Chadron, was
cited as defendant in a petition filed
by hia wife, Bertha Gordon Hood.
Vfra MnnA alWtx extreme cruelty :
also that she has been unjustly ac
cused of having yiolated the marital
vows. She further alleges that Hood
on one occasion assaulted her and
urged her to leave home, which she
did 'on November 17, 1917. Mrs.
Hood asks for alimony- and .declares
that Hood is worth not less than
$200,000.7 , .
The Hoods were married in Lincoln
on February 3, 1916.
J- Former School Teacher.
Mrs. Hood, who is now in Oma
ha, was Miss Bertha Gordon, teach
ing in the Prescott school at Lincoln
when Hood became, infatuated with
her i and proposed marriage. ' She
taught in Lincoln four' years and lived
in Crete, Neb., before going to-the
tat ranital Hnori was more than
three, score yeafa when he married
v the young woman "who now asks for
, separation. ' ' ... ' '.
Theiriartial troubles of the Hoods
at Chadron was the beginning of the
f amour Chadron case, which resulted
in the vtrial of six Omaha men and
three Chadron men for alleged black
mail and which situation afterward
was closely connected with the police
department hearing in Omaha a year
: ago.. - ' "' "
' Fourteen months ago Hood grew
auspicious of his wife, who did not
take f kindly to the atay-at-home
method of life of her elderly husband.
. Hood engaged the Omaha Detective
association to obtain evidence against
lira. Hood. Among the operators
lent to Chadron ' by the association
were Philip Winckler, Gust A. Tylee
and Elsie Phelps. The Phelps wo
man went to Chadron ostensibly as
an Omaha woman in quest of divorce.
She assumed the name of "Mrs. Low
rie" and sought the acquaintance of
Mrs. Hood. '
Mrs. Hood, learning that she was
being shadowed, engaged County At
torney Crites of Chadron as her coun-
iieiore tisie rneips wcm vi w""u,
pn ahe tonfided her mission to Paul
B. Sutton, with whom she collabo-
raieo in staging mc wniuus u.b
- acene of My 14, .1917, in the office
cf Mr. Crites. The alleged plot was
to get "Crites and Mrs. Hood under
compromising circumstances, and
then cash in on the evidence.
Since the Chadron affair Mr. and
Mrs. Hood apparently had patched
x up their differences. They were in
Omaha together last summer and
appeared happy when they patron
ized a Sixteenth street jewelry store.
or men sewer uhiiiuv"sui.v
War Time.Prohibition Bill
, ;To Be Pressed in Congress
Wasfiinpton. Tune 7. Food Admin
ictrator Hoover's declaration that
prohibition should be by legislation
and not byNforcing the food admin
istration to be responsible for "an
orgy of drunkenness" 1 drew from
Representative Randall of California
today the statement that a full war
I M 111 1 . :mA JM
proniDiuon measure win us
congress at mis session.
President Wilson's letter to Sen
ator Sheppard . of Texas opposing
Representative Randall's amendment
adopted by the house to make un
available a ' $6,000,000 gricultural ap
propriation unless the president exer
cises -powers under the food control
act to prohibit the use of grains in
making beer and wines was read to
the senate today.
"Franklv I was very much dis-
tressed bv the action of the house,'
said the fetter. "I do not think. that
it is wise or fair to. attempt to put
such compulsion on ,the executive in
the matter in which he has already
acted almost to the limit, of his au
thority." V . .
New Mayor Lends No Aid
To -Seekers of Pardons
and comfort to pardon seekers.
Mayor '.Smith is not lending aid
The 'only pardon he has granted
was in behalf of a youth, 17 years old.
wtin rim from a farm in Sarov
( .Annf A a rTmr.mrA in ih rtiv anil
got into trouble. , A juvenile officer
promised to vouch for the boy's return-to
the farm and for his future
"No pardons will be Issued for vio
lations of the liquor laws,"' the mayor
stated. ',
Friday morning representatives of
the : teamsters union called at the
mayor's office for a pardon to remit
a fine of $100 and costs imposed in
police court againsran officer of the
national organization of 1 teamsters.
This' man was arrested- here, while
en route" from Kansas City to another
!tv anif ha nil rharffH -'with- vinla.
tion of the prohibitory law.
Irish Sjiip. Worker Dt'ivel
1 2,20. Rivets in Nine Hours
Belfast, June 7. To drive in 12.
209 jeven-eighth-inch rivets in nine
hours in to.' a standard ship was the
-feat accomplished at the yards of
Workman c Clark here yesterday by
John Omir, who last week beat the
houf record for the United Kingdom.
-In his work yesterday, Omir drove
in more than.. 1,000 '-rivets every
hour and,, on two occasions passed
the 1,400 mirk. Inhis best minute
he ; drove twenty-six rivets.
MntfM. Clnna ii PkinnnA la
mayv uuenu uinuayu iu
Engage Gas Plant Expert
Mayor -Smith will go to Chicago
Friday night to consider the engage-'
ment of an expert to appraise the
Omaha gas plant in connection with
the prospective municipal acquirement
of that utility.
Bed Cross Workers Land
London, -June 7. Forty Red Cross
workers from all parts of the United
States arrived in "England today on
the ay to France, Italy and Sviytzer
Iand.V Those - going to Switzerland
will provide relief for several thou
sand homeless .Russians there.
. Tiller of Soil Copt
Lion's Share of Loaf
Every time an Omaha man buys
a pound loaf of bread the. Nebraska
farmer receives 3J4 cents s .his
share of what the loaf brings.
In 1913 the farmer of this state
only received 1JS cents as his share
of the money realized in the sale of
a loaf of bread, but since that time
his proportion has been gradually in-,
The Omaha miller who grinds the
flour only gets 6 per cent of what
the loaf will bring, and in his share
is included the cost of the lack or
barrel which contains the flour.
Prices of bags are going up, too.
The "down trodden farmer,", for
the first time in many years is get
ting the lion's share for his wheat
and the miller and baker must be
content with .the crumbs from the
loaf. n
Dancing Contests Held Three
' Times a Week at Krug Park
One of the most novel and inter
esting attractions at Krug park is
the dancing contests held every
Monday, Wednesday and Friday
nights. These contests will be given
for 15 nights ! and each' night the
couple dancing the fox trot, waltz
and one-step the best will have an
opportunity at the end of the fif
teen nights to participate in the,
grand elimination contest when some
one couple-will be proclaimed oy
competent judges the best dancers,
will receive a silver loving cup. Un
usual interest is being shown and
good crowds are being drawn to the
Danceland pavilion each evening.
Results of Enemy Bombardment of America n Trench
I MV'$ 1
m 1 'If (if - wi
1 .w vyj limm&MML
4JL 11
This photo shows the condition of
an American trench after a fierce
bombardment by the enemy, 'which
State Health Board Men
.Make Survey . of Omaha Sewers
Dr. Wild and William Grant of the
state -board of health accompanied
City Engineer Br pee and city com
missioners on a survey of the sewer
situation of Omaha Friday. Before
approving a sewer bond issue of $400,
000 for thu city, the federa-k govern
ment requires a report from the state
board of health as to the essentiality
B Cowtrrt f VAraaw, Ai
was still in progress when the pic
ture was taken. (Readers of this
newspaper who wish a photographic
copy of this picture may obtain it by
sending 10 cents to the Dlvisio'n of
Pictures, Committee on Public In
formation, Washington, D. C Enclose
this clipping.)
Fine of $50 Levied Against
Speeder by Judge Madden
"I am going to stop this speeding,
and I'll stop it by imposing heavy
fines," Police Judge Madden declared
in police court, as he laid a fine of $50
on H. B. Miller, negro, Eighteenth
and Webster streets. Miller was ar
rested Thursday night for going more
than "35 miles an hour," according to
the arresting officer.
First War-Time Folder is
Issued by Union Pacific
The Union Pacific has issued its
war-time folder and time card. For
the first time in more than 50 years it
appears in black and white without
the red, white and blue shield on the
Cold facts only are stated in, the
new folder. It is about, two-thirds the
size of that of former issues.
See Our Window
Display of These
Wonderful Values
See Our Genuine ,
Palm Beach Suits at
urn TV ALU
Just think of what a Wonderful Clothes Value-Giving Store
the Palace, is offering as it does smart, serviceable, stylish
Suits at the remarkable low price, ?lo.
Hand-Tailored Suits
This Week's Great Special Sale is just another bit of evidence of how Palace saves yon
money on your clothes, Men I You'd never think i possible, in these war times, to get such
splendid hand-tailored Suits at so extraordinary a price! Besides the superb quality and
make of these Suits, they're as nifty in style and pattern as you can want them. .
The Style Hits of Jhe Hour! j
1 Fellows in close touch with fashion will realize that these Suits art.
THE things in style for this season. , New waist seam models, five-panel
military backs and others just as new. j
ifi w.v i r ia n.-iA.i i li nr..l
men veiours, uassuneres, aoveuj ouiungB ana w vvi p.
Blue Serges. The pattern display is a vast collection of extreme .
novelties and conservative eliects. sizes 32 to 44 to nt men or
all shapes and proportions. '
Many tOlher Wonderful Suit Value for Yon at
$10, $12.50, $18, $20, $22.50, I $25
A fact not to be forgotten: The Palace Clothes yoa Better for Less Money.
tin Nainsook Ath
letlo - Union Suits.
Beat underwear for
summer e o m f o r t
Knee leng-tb
and with (T Qs
roomy : arm-. -Tf
ote J4 to 4S v
Union Suits
Of excellent quality
fancy etrlpe, plaid or
cheeked mad rat. Will
give unura
al errice,
Slses 14
to 48
Summer, Hose
Extra wearing- Ug-ht-weight
hose, in popu
lar ihadee g'
or aummer. 7
3lsr. vn-tmJC
Lisle Hose
Good looking;
for wear with
cuts. Smart
colors for
the sea-ion
Summer Shirts
Men J these are the
greatest shirt val
ues of the dayl
Nifty, new Per
cales and Novelty
Shlrttngs. - In pat
terns that strike a
new note in clev
erness; also many
conservative de
signs. Soft French
cuff for summer
For Men and Young Men
Over 5,000 Pairs of Eml at Immense
Cash Savings Here SATUEDAY! f
t Men's $3.00 Pants
Strong, durable Cassimere and Worsted
Pants that will give many months of good
service izes 28 to 46 waist qq
priced here Saturday 'at. ple70
Men's 4.00 Pants J
Exceptionally welf made Trousers that com
bine neat patterns, great durability and
low price-r-8peeially popular Aa jq
for work priced Saturday aU..atO
Men's $5.00 Pants ;
Hundreds of splendid Cassimeres, Cheviot
and Worsted Pants are included in this
great lot every pair cut on the new Spring
lines and unusually well tailored. Aa qq
Priced for Saturday at,......;..p.0
Mi (t .
ml &
n I'
iSiWffgm J
Finest Exhibit of
Summer, Clothes
No store can approach the show
ingof cool Summer Suits dls-
Slayed at The Palace! A is em
lag of thousands of oool. airy
suits, all of them offering
the smartest in styles and the
maximum of crisp, breesy com
fort for hot daysl ;
Palm Beach Suits
Cool 'suits, in plain tans,
striped tans, pla
checks and fanciest QQ I J
wonderful values... apOW
Smart Summer
Suits v
Positively the greatest assort
ment shown anywhere! Thou
sands of patterns, s
scores of different Sill
lightweight fabrics... V v
I Kool Kloth Suits
Also cool crashes.
Priestly mob airs
and fine b e a h
cloths; rich grays,
tans, greens and
Suits I
beautifully designed
models in superb
Crashes, Kool
(Cloths, Khaki
Crashes and gen
uine Priest- mm
To complete your Palm Beach
attire. Shapely English Oxfords,
in w n 1 1 e
canvas, with
DsssbjWbJsmM kfesstM
... J
Bog S
and demonstration f
'Come and hear the FACTORY REPRE
SENTATIVE explain the MANY food and
ice saving features that are installed in these
Guerney Northland
. Refrigerators
Are built on scientific prin
ciples. They help you save food
and Ice and thereby help lower
the cost of living. Every home)
should be equipped with a de
pendable Guerney Northland
Pays for Itself
in a few seasons- in the eost of
the ice they save.
Guerney Northland Refrigerat
ors are very, moderately priced.
PnPP A Gurney Northland Refrigerator, juat like H
I II Ck lustration, to be liven away absolutely free Frl
'day evening, June 14, at 8 o'clock.
, Ask the special factory representative, or any of ow employee,
and they will be glad to explain to you just how this wonderful Got
ney Northland Refrigerator will be ' given away, No purchase
necessary. , j ...
Unmatchable Values
in Dependable Furniture
And, As Usual, You Make Your Own Terms
FT (TrTTTL T27PT gAortctft ,
ncT) IfitiitAd lPMOrl lC0Ntrs
liriiiir is ii i is
I I . Visjif 1
I -L llllllllllllllllll
SC) I VCj 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 HI 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 lrUfmi
Kino) (&OSl.rLPOVUi4 (l4AeYAIQMf4ltVL- lufKJ) ,
f Jn. ltv lllnafraMnii anil a anlandid. onmatchable value. The
handsome bed is strongly constructed and highly lacquered. The
springe are extra strong and durable and the splendid mattress has
a heavy layer of soft cotton on top, with good grade of ticking.
Four-Passenger Lawn
Just Wee cut Heavy hardwood
frames, strongly . bolted . and
braced. Our feyf QC
............. P"ivv.
Child' Size, $2.25.
Lawn, Porch or Living
Room Rocker v
Just like illustration and made of
splendid grade of fiber, ' in a
Baronial finish. Has full roll and
can be used on porch, lawn or liv
ing room. Our price.... $3.48
Famished Complile
fjt'Ey ' Cream
Wgjjggji Freezer
iiil cut
lI All Metal
Reed Carriages
Complete with large reed hoods
in brown, ivory and natural.
Priced at 317.50 824.50
$27.50 34.50.
Value That Indicate
Thrift and Economy.
Folding Step-ladder stools. Our
price 784
Folding Ironing Boards, Our
price ...4,954
Galvanized Iron Washtnba. Our
price 31.39
Folding Sewing Tables, with
measure. Our price . . . 31.35
25-ft Guaranteed Lawn or
Garden Hose. Complete with
couplings. Our price. .83.95
60-ft Lengths. Same as above.
Our price 86.95
Folding Porch 'Settee. Our
price 95tt
Large Wagon Umbrellas. Our
price .954
The People's Store.
Opposite Hotel Room.