Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 08, 1918, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 20

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Biandeis Stores
Itais Stores'
: Clothes
GOOD ENOUGH is not good enough--because
when a man says to. himself; ''Oh, that is good
enough,"Ke knows that sometning is lacking that
would make it thoroughly good. Good enough
"in Clothes is not good enough for you if you are
a climber and want to succeed. We cater to
thousands fof ;men like yourself -so . when we
took 'over the , - - - . ! .
Hart Schaf f ner & Marx ,
Clothing, it was not because itwas good enough but because it'
. l.u it ... L j L fl . lt xt rt .At
was yeuvr man anyming eise we, naaever seen ine Glomes
that Ve knew you would like to wear. They.cost less because they
wear best and they are .ALL WOOL
' , Superb Suits for Summer Service
$25 , $30 '$35 $40 v
p For men and young men of every, build. Smart military five-seam,
panel back models, the double-breasted styles, the semi-form-fitting v
. coats, the two-button sack models, as well as the conservative styles
all the most approved and dependable fabrics are liberally represented. ,
Hart Sehaf frier & Marx Suits for Large
... ' Men, $30 to $50
Because our great advance preparation, we are still able
to offer you these fine values, in Suits for men and young men, at
, our opening season prices, : -
$20.00 and' $22.50
You will not find this price attached elsewhere to such good
all-wool fabrics, smart styles, and excellent tailoring as is em
bodied in these splendid garments. All regular, slim, stout and
short sizes included. , . v
; Hart Schaf f ner &-Marx Welt
' Waisted Suits $25
II Here's a style that young men. will find very nifty. Military de-
1 1 . sign, single and double-breasted models. Older men take to these
4 V ' 'young, sprightly types as well. The new colorings are very striking,
plain shadesT Iridescent shades, three-color types, stripes, checks.
Headquarters for Keep Cool Clothes
i Flannels, thin worsteds, 'silks, mohairs, Palm Beach Clothesi Well
tailored, stylishly designed, smart colorings aid fit guaranteed.
. , Sizes for stout men, fat men, extra-sized men. , v v
$ld; $12, $15, $18, $20, $25 - -Blue
Serge Suits That Will Stand the Test
: $25.00, $30.00, $35.00 and $40.00
Australian wool weaves, sun-proofed blues; the fabrics will not "cockle;" won't
Pot from wetting; pure indigo dyed wool, for which we accept all responsi
bility. . . V .. ,
Silk nfned, quarter lined, 'mohair
linea, skeleton lined, soft weaves and
serges; the best American and British
Good blues are scarce and prices have
soared but, we are prepared with a big
stock and we have every good model for
men and young men.
Omaha Headquarters for Officers' Uniforms
i , Second Floor Rid Up On tho Moving Stairway
- 'They say that "Straws Show Which , Way the JVind Blows"
1 anyway; when the wind begins to come'strong from the South,
it is no time to wear a Fur Cap. So we, have provided forihis
South Wind time wjth the biggest assortment of the niftiest Straw
Toppers' that you ever set eyes on. It is a matter f but a few mo
ments spent in this store to enable you to find just the hat you
want, at justthe price you; want to pay.- V;''
" There is a constant procession of satisfied men coming arid
: ' v :V going here every day. k v .
Panamas, at.;$3.50, $5, $7.50 and $10
Leghorns and Bangkoks..;,$5 and $6
San Juan Porto Means'.-. . .$2, $2.50, $3
sennets ana split Braids, v , -
at.-... ..; . . .$1.45, $2, $2.50, $3 and $5
. Very Special for Saturday, at 65c ; :
; Men. Straw Hats and Outing Hats For Every day; Wear. -
' " r -("' The Boys' Hesdwear , " '
v Boys Golf Caps; plain and fancy colors, light weight. .65cj'$1.00 and $1.25 ,
2oys Children's Rah-Rah Hats, in Silk, Madagascar, Palm Beach and
Fncr Mbrtures P at. ... i . . v , ..... . ; . . . . . v .466c
s -Hats and Caps at i5c--to Clearawav
cirCVi- m j ,, r1: v ,y? BQ nnaren s sample Hats and Caps,
Slightly soiled; all in the esje lot Saturday, at ...i.....".'. .......
Main Floor, Arcad '
THE 9M adage, "Clothes
D6 Not Make the Man,"
might have been true in the
days "when stage coaches
were the only mode of travel
qn these vast prairies of Ne
braskaand when Mother
Earth was the only sidewalk
that pedestrians had and
when the'roadhouse was the
rude, but hospitable "stop
ping place."
But today, when refirfe
, ment and super-intelligence
have driven before
them these relics of for-
mer days ' and replaced"
. them with swift modes 6f
travelwhen the "road,
house" has ' been super
seded by he perfectly
quipped hotels and when
all social and business and
civil life is on a higher
plane than ever before
' :' ; ' ' ' - '
It-Isnt a matter that has
to be thought out by you
Individually- there is no
problem it is a simple
matter of whether you are
going forward or back
wardand if you are go
ing forward you must, of
necessity, express that
progress to your fellow
men with the outward ap-
pearance of prosperity
and success. "Clothes
Make the Man" today in
this respect it inspires a
fine appreciation of his
aspirations ahd'gives him
a standing that he could
. not get, mo matter how
hard he tried, if he per
sisted in presenting an ap- -pearance
that belied his
endeavors and ' gave the
impression of. failure
rather than success. v, v
'Nothing Succetit Liket
Sue cess" taiake the ap
pearance, and the world is ,
willing to take you at the
estimate you place upon
yourself (until you prove
. otherwise), but fail to ap
preciate that a . success
ful appearance is half the
battle, and you will spend
a good part of your time
apologizing . to yourself
for,-your shortcomings in
not being well dressed.
It is a matter of personal pride, and adds' greatly
to a man's consciOusness of being well dressed, to,
have his entire attire just right, whether it is gen
erally exposed to view, or not; Luxury changes
to necessity and convenience and comf 6rt ask for
more today than ever before so the man who is
well groomed is well-groomed down to the small
est detail of his Furnishings "
Silk Shirts Showns Here at $5.95 '
afford some of the best opportunities to stock up for the Summer
with splendid quality garments. Style, fit, colorings and designs,
all will meet with your thorough approval. Faultlessly made of
Crepe de Chtrie, Pussy Willow, Broadcloth and EnglisfiYwill Silks
' , - - V v-.'
Very Special Lot of Shirts, at $1.39
These are different from the Shirts you would get ordinarily at
anything like this price, because we secured th'is special lofbn such fa-
vorable terms from the maker that we are able to quote a price much -lower
thans usual. Jine Corded Madras, Satin Striped Soisette, Jap v
Crepe and Fancy Jacquard Madras are the materials employed and ' -i
excellent designs and colorings give you wide range for choice i
"Manhattan" ' Sample Union Suits, at 95c
- are perfectly proportioned and exceedingly comfortable garments for
Summer wear- the recent big purchase which we made enables us to
, quote this low price this is the balance of the lot which has been go
ing like wildfire. All sizes in the lot. '
' Bathing, Suits for Men, $1.25 to $598
The water looks good these hot days and if you are provided with
. the proper togs it will look better still. One-piece, style Bathing Suits,
I of cotton, wool mixtures and wool with mercerized silk stripes. All
. . sizes and a score of styles. -
Interwoven Silk Hose,
75c, $1.00 and $1.50 J
Ypull surely. want a generous share of these
offerings your stock of stockings must be "justf
sof' these days when you are wearing low shoes
and "Interwoven" w heartily recommend.
Men's Sample Pajamas,
: : , at $1.95 a Pair
One lot of these samples, in plain shades and
neat stripes: some slightly . soiled. From one
of the best makers. Soisette, Madras and Ox
ford Cloth. Every Pajama in vthis lot an ex
ceptional bargain..
Men's Muslin Night Gowns,
, . 79c, $1 and $L25
- Made of food quality Muslin, Cambric and
Mull Cloth, cut extra large lb the body and,
full length; all sizes are represented In the lot
Men's New Summer Neckwear,
at 50c Each
Groups from some of the best makers of high
grade Neckwear are represented in this sale;
all the tetest colorings and plain weaves; neat
and pronounced patterns.
Men's Leather Belts,
, ' 50c, 75c and $1.00
Do away with your suspenders and enjoy
real i freedom and comfort with a good belt:
These are all-leather, in black, tan and gray.
Men's Hose Very Special,
at 25c a Pair
Silk Lisle, Lisle and Fiber Silk Hose, In all
the Spring shades andMn all sizes; run-of-the-mill
quality (which-does not hurt their wear),
and for that reason, priced away down to 25c m
. pair. , ; - .
f Main Floor, Men's Bid.
' L ' ' N
, x ' : . sssssa
Your Shoes should mean to you, not only supreme comfort,
but the right' style and size and kind for your particular need.
White Footwear has a faculty of repelling Summer heat and
we, are making special offerings of this kind of a Shoe for Satur
day, in two special groups that should invite your serious attention.
White Nu-Buck Oxfords, at $5.00 , -
Made with leather soles and heels, over medium English lasts stylish and
snappy, mis is very special vame.
, r White Canvas Oxfords, at $3. 50 -.: x
We have just received a line of Men's extra good value White Canvas Ox-
j i. j!: j a . i : .11 , .
iuius inab are luie iouaius aim easy iu wear; snowu in ail sizes up To iu
and widths B and D.
Main Floor, Men's Bid
David Grayson will convince you, in the twinkline of an eve.
that the best that earth' holds is under the great outdoors and the
man who fails to take advantage of the privilege of almost living :
uuiuuurs uiese utys, is missing une ox me Diggesi Deis in ms exiSW
ence.' 1 . ' v - - ,.
- Pastimes help you to make the moments full of iealth-'
giving pleasure and employmentso we suggest these.
' Here's a thought that comes direct from headauarters: v
' Uncle Sam Wants feyery Man and Boy to Learn to Shoot. 'ps
' Winchester and Remington .22-cali-
ber Rifles. ........$4.50 Up
Tennis Rackets for children,
at. . . . . . . . i . f . . .25c and 50c
Steel Casting Rods, to get theig
fellows . .$1.00 Up
Base Ball Shoes, pair, $2.75, $4, $6
Golf Hose, the footless kind, a
pair...... ..$3.50
Boys' Base Balls. ..5c, 10c and 25c
Split Bamboo Fly Rods, special,
each . . . . ; , . . . i ...... .$2.50
Croquet Sets, 4-balI, 95c; 6-ball,
$1.25, and 8-ball.. ...... .$2.00
Main Floor, Mn' BIdf.