13 ' THE BEE; OMAHA, FRIDAY JUNS7, 1013. y..-:'-.- u.. IL' '" ' " - - r 1 : : 1 : : 1 r : . . ' : I Went Ad Rates Cak With Ordr.) lLm m word eh taMraoB par wori tor thr conMcnUr lnartloa M yr wora zor moo oquukui iwn K 4 UJub fr lM than toUl of tie wlw ttaaa t0 pr dir. " CHAKOB. 9 mt 8m Mit words U tin) tin H m Mm Mck tlm. S eonuanUT time It pt Ua Mcb time ! eonMcntlT Udh UTAnOM WANTED, ttt Mr tin pr wck : CASOS Of THAJTE8 AND rOKZBAI. NOTICES. ( pr Iin.,.. .....each ItiMrtlOB ' . (Minimum Chart, It Cent.) CoataM MrntM Om AppMeatlo. Itor MTMliet ( adTrtlr wnt ad ' will k aoevpud at Um toUowint offlcmt HMii ornca Bmidinc M ORIM ........ 411 IforiB tn Bt. otno ....... .....Jfti rxortn iib ou M Crrie 4T Banth Mth Bt 7 t Otnt ...... ...Illl LaTnwortb 8t . - OfrlM Sit North 40th St I A tMo Illl N Bt .. II Bloffa .....1 Mala Bt. ttorth - J BJCH will aot k roaponalblo for mor r -a M laoorroet Inot-ttoa et an advartia 4mt ordarad for mor tttaa on Um. T T3Z TELEPHONE If roo eanaot eon. r jttMt krlnir or trad your ad to any of abero oftte. Aak for a Want Ad '. r ud yon will racotv th mm food -ne m whoa dllTrlnf . your ad is rH ONE TTLEB 100. Waa Ad Colama Cloa r-wl Edition ,...ll!t V. ; -af BdltlOM 10:08 P. ML i -v yMtttnna II P. M. Batnrdity Evanlnf r,:oviE PROGRAM Nortk uoHA, " KTH AND PARKER. JEWEL CARMEN, IN THE BRIDE OF FEAR." BiiiiMJ"! aJi HTITaND BINrJElT DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, IN "WILD AND WOLLY. South. 7K "TH AND LEAVENWORTH. LEE KIDS. IN "AMERICAN BUDS." JZt, HTH AND DORCAB. MARGUERITE CLARK, IN "BAB'S DIARY." - FUNERAL DIRECTORS. w- . .TAKERS and lloanaad m'jlamra; r private ambulance. Call Wcbtr 47. V iH' g CrooBT. Itll N.Hth 8t T. i A, OENTLBfiAN." undertaker and -mr. 4H rarnam Bt Harnay l. i R1KPEN, ' undortakcr and to xi, 1 B. lth. Douala 1. biStJK & FALCONER ''7 OBtTndrtakra. lid A Far. It, 100, I, L. PCSDZR CO.. rumrsl Director. Ik raro. Mir., ltd and Cumin et. o pooyiM err. A ambalanoa. "" i CiTkANN FUNERAL HOME.""" refAaann quality aerrlce, eoata lea. - ' ."d-Podm. Pouirla linl. " ""UENT A CEMETERIES, y - mn.t hill, the cemttery beautiful, r t a or alnfl Intermeata. prptnal car -eagejiiraua, Term to suit. Call Supt. 1404. ; . a .Usaat dUplay In th United State. FRANK 8VOBODA, 'VB. lltte Phone Oowgla H7MIH. i LAWN oltera ympaThetlo aervlc in ta aorrowi ) crpetual care; no . lota on aay term. Phone Wal. 130. FLORISTS. TIeOarmon -.tie rut. -4 Durlaa Bt Dougla 44. . .DONAGHUE Eat lilt. Itll BARNET. hipped everywhere, tip. prepaid. "Tflqwershop n a. it. p. lYof Olorlat, alt 8, lltb. D7I400. t Careful Florlat 1104 Farnam Bt wvaaeooa. 1HI Farnam. D. 125. MARRIAGE LICENSES tKuowlag marrlag Uona have been i im and Addrea. Aae. -a A. Chappell, Hiawatha, Utah, over il wooiey, jtovo, t'taa. over II - Freton, dry it Nerrta, city..,.......,.,.,.,..... is Jora Kal, Pander, Neb....,.,.,,.., ti a amiu. - reader, mop. ...... it a. Teat, lty....,.........ovr 11 no uarrlion. clty.i,....,,.,.over 11 ram n. Toetea, elty.'. St a aoatoii, city...,....,....,,,..,,,,.. 'oer T. Springer, Ottamwa, la.,,.,, H C Holberg, Ottamwa. la. ......... 11 aoa r. Bartmaa. city s H Urban, Prague; Neb.. it T Amoe, city H --a Wallla, city...... 41 , ' CUILDINO PERMjTS . iMwbmaa. Itll North Eighteenth t. i, mm auto aaeo. .coat fist. M Fonnan, 141t South Thirteenth , , brick barber (hop. Cot 11,100. f. N. B. Noablck. 1471 Of den atreet. t dwelling. Coat II.S0O. 1 - Or Xnppe 4141 North Twenty-elghth t, Addition to frame dwelling. Coat n 4 ''-'- . . .. .-, flaaa Crocker, t! North El ith teen th own auco aneo. Coat H0. , aaa M carmlcbeal. sl Weatern e, frame and atuce dwelling. Coat .....,.....:. TIRTHS AND DEATHS a wuuam Conatii. 102 South flfth atreet laryngool diphtheria, Fearer Mary Ellnbth Wood, Old I'd Home, acuta tnteatinal obatrac- II year; Joaeph Mekaoek, 1417 I Twenty-fifth atreet, prematura birth; P. Tnllitaa, 4l Poppletoo. avenue, -toala, at It year; Prl. Verle Mat V Port Omaha, aette labor pneumonia, ft yeara; Beaal May Stewart. - ttt " earelonla. age 41 yeara: Ella -eatkor, Illl I lard atreet. rbr! . a It year; Howard B. blad . ethodlat Enlacopal hoetiHal, aplna! da. age 12 eara; Margie Hill, Twanty-flftli atrtK tuoerenlo!, 1 rear. - -Waatoy aad Jlth Collina, tilt rwt, girl, Mildred Violet; Cath. "n. 1411 Seward atreet, girl; aiattlda Laatolrea, 1414 4 South a atreej, boy, Leo Frank: Charles 1 I eyare. 1414 South. Tenth, girl; t FTtaaiaV Kantal, ttt Martha t; TaVld and Alta Bandoa, Thed .. f .11 A. W. aad Mabel Zelb. till eh , Mroet, girl; WiU aad twalna. South Bid, girl; Mike Kolodzlct, 4417 South Third John apd Joeephln Puto, i Thirty-fourth, boy. :CIAL KOTICES T who ltniw4 the autoiuo--Kt at llth and Jackson Mob. Jant I, Itll, aad offered erj m isjsrm, (iwur get in com at eaee with E. Hastier, .ang. Phone Harney 1C7J. - . mi i iiFrvn nrs miv I . mwiupee f'tl & T n i i TvrMnf I iin n ill t urrn uii F I OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET KAILWAT COMPANY. Pereon having loet aom article woold d wall to call up th office of th Omaha A Council Bluff Street Railway company u acriaja whether they left It la th trevt ear.! i Many article each day are turntd la and th company la anxloua to reatoro them to the rlhtful owner. TOU loa anytblnf and will advertlae It hire you will urelw' recover it If :ouoa by an honeat peraoh. If you find any tblnf of value the honeet way I t ad eertl for th nwner. LOST At Bellevue, June J, '1918, ladlea' medium ld (old watch, with foia pin attached; nam on outalde cover. Liberal reward, Phone Bllvu U7. LOST Mount Bt Mary' fold medal pin on Houth Onuha car. or on atreet . Jiewara. Dnnglaa 672. For Sale Miscellaneoeui Bottles. ROOTBEER bottlea patent atoppera and other. Nat Btelnberf, 1011 Har. D. Iljt. Turniture, nd Hcuseheld Googs7v AUCTION BALE. Aa truatee In bankruptcy of Coseland. riyna Company, I will aell at oubllo auc tion at 10 -o'clock In, the forenoon on th flOth day of June, th following described property, which I a part of th aaaets of 'eld tat. Th aale will take plac at 1201 Howard fit . - I platform icalea. ; 1 office deak. I . ' ' 1 atandlnf dealt - 1 atandlnf deak chair.' . 1 atandlnf deak atool. 1 addreMof raph and atend, 1 Underwood typewriter. '1 typewriter deak, ' 1 roll top deak. 1 Perleai Junior check protector. 4 office chain, I awlvel, S atralfht back. 1 amall table. ' 5 wat baakatf'. , oil tov. " -s 1 Ford Roadster, HIT model. -1 Stewart truck, -ton, model 411. I oaalnf. Inner tub. , 1 poultry acale. . , .. 4 large dip tank. V 5 amall dip tank. 1 ateara boiler. -: 1 ton oft coal. ,. , 10 ohlcken batterte. 1 flat truck and 1 barrel truck. 1 roll twlno. 1 i U barrela aalt i , 1 platform cale, amall bed. 1 old tov. . ISO poultry box. I amall barrel track. 7 roll wrapping paper, 1 barrel allele. . S dr light candle for candling fa. Droned poultry. For further particular tnaulr et H, J. Bwlft. 484 Omaha National Bank Bldg., telephone Doug la 184. WHfl'A'y MORS , WHEN YOU CAN BUT IT FOR LK8S AT THE STATE. Our big cprlng aale of furniture and houae furnlahlng la now on In full iwtng. Poeltlvely th biggest aale of Its kind aver held lih middle wait If you need fur niture 4r th kitchen or parlor; a refrig erator or a atove here la where yap will buy If quality and prto la a oonaldera , tion. We make a aneclalty of complete homo ontflta, alao hotela and rooming , houae. Railroad far free to all out-of-town buyers within 10 tnllea of Omaha n ' purehaaet of 120 or mor. 1 STATE FURNITURE CO. ZL Po"-.lT. Cor. 14th and Dodge St. (UBNUUKB A HARUWAHH) UARUAllNa. Beds, (prlnf. mattruaea, Oreaaera, cnit fonlers, lablea, chain, china and kitchen cabinets, ruga and linoleum, trunk and mtt caaea, gaa itove and to boxes, full lino cren wire, poultry netting, garden . tools. 1ISI-47 North S4tb Bt Tel. Web. 107. Open till t p. m. " ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full lino of furniture, gaa and ooal ell itove. ruga.) baby catrlagea, trunk,, ate. Loyal Furn. Co., 121 N. 16th. FOR HALB 4-ft refrigerator caae. Call 4517 B. 9th St FOR SALE Five-piece Ivory bedroom aet; Adam design; reaaonable. Hariipy 6653. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE bav ivveral Vlctrola thatw took la on trtdts for tale; In good condition. Rouse Phonograph Parlor. Cor. I0tb and Farnam Bt A.' HOSPE CO., 1611 ,Douflaa. have piano to rent at 13.60 per mouth, or will 111 on eaay terma ONE "Monarch" grafonola cheap. Red 1333, and . record, . Sewing Machines. 713WING KAClNl5T We Trent repair, tell needles and part of all sewing machines. , MICKEIVS ' NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 15th and Harney Sta. - Dour lilt. Hrmt ng and Supplies. AOD1KU oiacblnea, all makta, bought sold - and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange, II0S Farnam. - Store and Office Fixtures WE buy, sell and make desks, aafe. how - race, shelving, eta. Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co., 11th and Douglaa D. 17J4. J Typewriters and Supplies, FOR RENT Remington, Monarrh and Bmlth Premier typewrltera. Sent anywhere. Rental applies on purchase. . Remington Typewrite; Company,. Nineteenth and Dougla treeta TYPEWRITERS lold, Rented and'repalred. . Rent an Oliver i month for 15. Central Typewriter Exchange. ,1105 Farnam, WE buy. aell or exchange typewr 'ere; guar, tyuewrlter 110 and up. Writ for Hat. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 Ddge. Miscellaneous - OMAHA I PILLOW CO. Feather aleamed. renovajted and mad up In new feather proof Irking- 17 Corning Doug 1447 FRESH country buttermilk; butter beet of cream; atrlctly fresh egga; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phone South til or Tyler llt.Wafner'a. Good eaaortment of eawloga for aale. Frank JBIavln. Waterloo. Nub. -- SWAPPERS' COLUMN l-CYLINDER, 1-cyrle air-cooled Chase en gine for Iron lathe or motorcycle. Box IStO, Omaha Bee. ' , I WANTED TO BUY Rare old U. a coin oe an sinus or win exenang for otbera, ; Addres Bos 1141. Be. WANTED TO BUY, BSy PATRIOTIC! HELP UNCLE SAM. BELL TOUR OLD CLOTHES AND V BUT LIBERTY BONDS. GIVE MS A TRIAL. WILL CALL- PHONE DOUO. 1411. 1111 DOUGLAS ST. B. OERBER IS KNOWN Tb PAT THE HIOHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHINQ AND FURNITURE D. 1444. 5ESKS DESKsTT)ESKS New desk, used deeka bought gold and traded. 'J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 614. WANTED AT ONCE Seven l-ft second hand -ehowcaeee. - Boa 1141, Omaha Bee. W IKWT AROUR. BUT PAT TPUR OWl rnivs nm twn uirrHite pq , Ait-SAK KN rurnllur Co. pay full value) for furnltar and clothe. Douglaa Itll. wanta porch swing. Walnut 1221, LARGEST BUTER OF FURNITURE AND MEN'S CLOTHINQ. DUUULad 4616. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, aunburst, box pleating, covered buttons, all sixes and atyles; hemstitching, picot edglirg, eye let cut work, button hole, pennanta. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLSATINO CO.. lOt-IOI Brown Bldg Ph6ne Doug. 13". HEMSTITCHINO. PLEATlNO. BUTTONS. Q. V. VanArnam Pleating Co., 131-7 Paxton Block. - Phone Doug. tlOt. Awnings. AWNINQS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping snppllaa, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holme. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY wllPhaul averytblng for you. Package leaa than 10 Iba., It cent. Douflaa 7462. THE ONLY WAY fit" THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Bras and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 17th and Martha St., Omaha, Neb. Braas, bronxe, aluminum and machine gray Iron easting. Chiropractors. 8PIN0QRAPH. Tr. Edward. 14th A Far- nam. Dr J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 1411. ' Costumes. FULL dreaa aultta for rent." Opp. P. O. John Faldman, lot N. 16th St Douglaa till. Contractors. J. ELKIN milldlng repalra. Web7tT Detectives. AMES ALLAN, lit Neville Blk. Evidence enured In all caaea. Tyler Illl. Dressmaking. MISS STURDY, dreaamaking. Doug, 4398. Dentists. P- Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. T-vft'a Dent Rm.. 101 Roa Bldg. D. S18I. Express Transfer. West a button." Piano, houeehold moving; II v stock hauled. D. 1721. 1101 Can St Film Developing. FLMb developed: rolla. luc: packa. lie: . one-day aervloo. Kaae Studio, Nvtll Blk,. lsthand Harney. Fixtures and Wiring. TTTpTZTf ElectrloiJaahlng machtnas, XJ U XV IVliil eieotrio Irona and reading lampa. azai turning ot. Uouglaa 251. - Jewelry. DIAMONDS at small proTIt cross. 402 N. 16th Bt Hat Cleaning:. kind of hat remodeled. 1C20 Harney Live Stock Hauling. WS wlli baul your live atock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. til Farnam Bt Telephon Dougla HOI. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON. S14 Brandel Bldg. T. 10. Re 4741. Patent Attorneys. BTURGGS STUROES. U. & and foreign "n'i ana trademark, lio nee Bldg. Rug Cleaning. llTT RUU CLEAT QUALITY RUU CLEANERS Scientific Olive Oil Washing rereun Hug Cleaning Co 1267 Farnam. Safes. BAROAINS. 1111 Farnam. J. J, Derlght Safe Co. Medical. PILES, fistuta and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. . DR. E. R. TARRY, , 240 Bee Bldg Omaha, r.. - Patents. 7 PATENTS procured, bought and aulrf Imr national ratent co tss Rrandela. n. Il. fuming ana tjmce auppues Waten-Barnhart Ptg. Co., 634 8. 13th St Tailors. Ptedrlck, P. L.. It & 10th. Tailor. D. 1411. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply 107 a llth. D. 121. Trusses. -CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES.. , Flaied Perfectly h Ent,i, The W. Q. Cleveland Co.. 1410-11 Harney Bt. Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruga on th floor. I aa noover mannine. Harney Illl. i -Wedding Stationery. vvKui'iisu announcementa and crtntlna. "umi ubiiiis ui vougiaa 14. BUSINESS CHANCES A-l UP-TO-DATE bakery. contectloner .s ice cream parior, located in center of best business block la Norfolk, doing 121,000 yearly Business; a splendid opportunity for som one. Price IS.IJO. Do not write, but come and tee for yeuraelf. j. 3. Montagu, 111 Norfolk Av Norfolk, eo. . . HOTEL FOR RENT Commercial hotel, Rushvlll. Keb., go ing good and paying business I tot rent. Immediate possession, and will take very little money to handle, as I own fixtures and will rent furnished If .prearable, to tenant If you want, a good ho4eI prepo sition and are reliable write or wire owner for description and terma. Mrs. V. Dulla ghan, Rushville, Neb. SALOON and hotel, II furnished rooms ale will av. Illl to 1160 per day; with or without atock, from 1 barrel to 40 barrels. No trouble to get algnera In . block. Belling out on account of sickness. No trlflerg need answer. A. Klenk. Green Tree, 701-101 South 4th street. St Joseph Mo. - , 1 140 ACRES OF LAND, wlU sell tor cash or txchang for a clean running stock of hardware or merchandise Price' III per -' acre. Will carry half back at t per cent, i Will make a good stock and grain ranch. Laye well, 75 feet to water. Bos 141 Burlington, Colo. OMAHA RESTAURANT. Completely equipped, large, well oatab , llahed good location, coating 116,000. Hul . nesa reasons. Offend for $4,000, cash, or property, Bos 1311, Omaha Bee - DANDY CAFE Flrat-clasa la every respect. : Doing tin haalneaa. Open day aad night. Seating capacity It. Excellent opportunity and money maker. Box 7991, Bar LADT Call walnut I FOR SALE Only rest, la town of 800, do ing 11,000 business per month. Owner drafted. F. C. tlmlth, Beaver Crossing Neb. , FOR SALE Blacksmith ahop in good shape with electric motor and all up-to-date machinery, cheap if taken at once. Axel Nielsen. Hancock, la. Lock box 7. GUARANTY locate you; any line bualneaa; any atate. Guarantee aell your business. Pi V. Knlst,vPee Bldg.. Omaha. Neb. pN ACCOUNT of high coat of llvlnK domes tic day labor will advance from fie to 3r,c an hour. WANTED TO RENTARoomlng house, fur- nluhed, In good town, Addresa Box 212. Oothenberg, Neb. BAKERY Confectlanery. etc., for sale. Christiansen, Mln- Nets 1221 month. W. den, Neb,,. RESTAURANT, soft drinks, confectionery; will sell or trade. Box 22, Overton. Neb. Rooming Houses for Sale. FOR SALE Rooming houae, aeventeen rooms, thirteen furnished. Full of room en. 411 N. 17th, Tyler 1484. AUTOMOBILES RADIATORS " Wrecked and leaky radlatora repaired end rebuilt; large atock used radiator on hand. Mashed fenders and lamp repaired like new. I New honey-combed Ford radiator, Itll model, 122; 1117, 123. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRE WORKS. lilt Cuming St Omaha, Neb. ' 4-Pass. 1917, Scripps-Booth, still new, good tires, $675. Call Weber. Tyler 1000. LISTEN We will save you 60 per cent on your tir bin. Trade your old tlrea for new on. Tubes vulcanised I cent. ca Ing 60 cents up. Rebuilt, t In 1 casing for sale, II up. U. & machines for sale. U. a Vulcinlzer Co., Branch II. 120 8. 13th St.. Omaha. I 1370.00. S 1117 Baxon Light Four Roadster, dandy little car, fully equipped, excellent ahape, fin car for running around In. Call WALSTROM. . Co. Trees, office or Colfax 2911 evening. NEW TIRES AT i PRICE. ALL SIZES' NEW 30x2 Republic 1175 Ford tube. 12.00 NEW 30x3t FIRESTONE non-skid. 114.75 NEW S2x3H FIRESTONE tires 114.90 KAIMAN 8 TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 Cuming. BAROAINS IN USED CARS All makes. With and without atarter. 15 to pick from. Phon D. 1241 or call at 1511 Davenport BOY LAN AUTO CO.. . FORDS exchanged, bought and aold; we re , build your Ford with a Kelsey streamline ' body like rupr; can aold for cash or time payments, ctol S. Goldstrom, 2867 Farnam St. Harney (548; agents wantod. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell touring car. Ex cellent condition. Will conalder trade on light roadster. Addreas 4311 Seward. Telephone Walnut S250. ALL kinds of can for hire. With or with out driver, by the mil or by th hour, Foxds, lOo .per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Oarage. . . NEW Maxwell cars, 1911 models, for sale, 1300 cash, balance monthly payment. a desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 8082. Boe. - CUMING OARAGE, 2415 Cuming St.. D. 2831. Storage, day and night service, carbon burning, welding, general auto re- pairing. " I WE ARB THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St. Douglaa t07. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BAROAINS. 2021 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 1290. , BARGAINS IN USED. FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 1500. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH; 100 USED CARS; o,ulck acHon; no delay. Auto Ex change Co., 20t Farnam St. Doug. 6036. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO, 2404 LEAVENWORTH 8T. FOR SALE) Ford touring car, . Just" over hauled; In excellent running condition. Call Tyler S644-W. USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1020 Farnam 8t Omaha. Neb. 60 FORD3 WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO.. 1101 FARNAM 8T. GOOD USED CARS. , GUY U SMITH. ?(th and Farnam Sta. Douglaa 1170. WANTED Model D 46 Bulck roadster. Must be In good condition. Box T 674, Omaha Bee. TELL A BINKLEY.N Commercial body bulldera. St. D 1540. till Harney OAKLAND, Sensible Six. , MARSH OAKLAND CO, V. 2300 Farnam St BARGAINS in used care ORR MOTOR BALES CO, 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. 1914 FORD touring car. In good ahape; rea sonable price. 2642,Caa St Red 6070. G"OOD second-hand delivery car, cheap. In quire 1219, W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED TO BUYA1917 Ford coupelet for cash. Hoefelman, Platte Center,- Neb. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c mile, too per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sunday and holiday.) . FORD LIVERY CO, Pongjse 1622. 1314 Howard St Repairing and Painting. AUTO REPAIR (A. L.)rtner. Now at . 1617 Vinton. South aid of street Pbope Douglas 167. EDWARDS, E. 8., 3611 llth Bt Web eter not. For th best result with repair wora consult ua. Starters anif Generators Repaired- AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. . Anything 'electrical about your auto. Ill a llth 8t Douglaa 1481, Tires and Supplies. INSIST on O. A O. quality retread and av It per cent on your tlrea. Bargain In new and slightly used tlrea GAG. Tin Co.. 2415 Leaven'th St Tyler 121-W. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1,000 Mile Guarantee . ,8dxl, 17.75; SOxSH, 18.75; 32x3tt. 110.26; 33x4.' 11.1.16: 34x4, 111.15; 35x4 . 11I.6. Writ ua today for particulars. -AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tiro Repairing I -2 IN T VULCANIZING CO, 1511 Davenport St. Omaha, D. Ill A REAL TIRE BARGAINS. Eighteen atandard make fresh from factory, no junk, all brand new. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Send for prlcev list it means dollan saved on your tires and tubes. . , OMAHA CUT RATE TIRE CO. "Nebraska Tire Bargain Center." ' Douglaa lilt. - 310 S. 19th 8t. TIRE BARGAINS. CUBE BARGAIN'S. We are talking of tire and tubes, alt brand new. direct from factories, 21 to 40 per cent saved; send for price list WHOLESALE AND RETAIL f OMAHA. CUT RATE TIRE CO., ' "Nebraska's Tlr Bargain Center.' Douglaa lilt, w lit 3. llth St BUY Lee puncture-proot pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tire troubles. Powell Sup ply Co.. 20&1 Farnam 8t SLIGHTLY used auto tire. Red 7892 Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L B Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In naed machines. Victor H. Boos, the Motorcycle Man. 27lb and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home aa Helta your old clothing, furniture, mnga slnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Calf and inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. 1 OMAHA Bath Inst Electric ateam or tub baths, maaaagea of al lklnds. 228 Neville Blk. Douglaa 7381. 18th and Harney St. MISa ALLEN Massage, faclaL and scalp treatment. 1802 Farnam St., Boom 2. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, 370 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1569. MAE BRUGMAN, scientlflo masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage. Neville Block. Miss Halran, 222-S Manicuring snd ntaas. 1,23 Farnam. R. 19. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated wlthou't a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H Wray. 30 Bee Bldg SITUATIONS WANTED Male, PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na- tlonal Cleaning and Service company, . aroi Leavei.worth St. Harney 6011 YOUNG man wanta poxitlon as chauffeur; years experience; references. H. 6501. WANTED Rubbish and -dirt hauling. Web ster 6230. EXP. carpenter wants work. Douglaa 1660. ' Female. . WANTED-r-Positlon as jiou8ekeer for bus iness man In Omaha. - Box 8t68, Omaha Bee. YOUNG lady desires to give private Instruc tions In French during the summer. Call Walnut 2293. WAilTED Plain and fancy sewing by re liable colored lady. Tel. Webster 3293. PRACTICAL nursing. Phone Webster 17 or call et 3203 Locust St. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evenings. Tyler S004-W.- ' Dressmaking & Millinery wk. done. Red 8623. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work- wanted Tuesday. Wednesday and Friday. Phone Web. 448. BUNDLES carefully deliver. Web. 4283. laundered. Call .andr BUNDLE washing, rough dry and finished EXP. laundress, bundles called tor and de livered. Webster 6322. LAUNDRY work called (or aud delivered. Webster 1963. - . BUNDLE waahing, lace curtains. Webster 1717. WomN . Wants day-work, ret abater 2211. BUNDLE waahing w't'd; priceless. 2127. - Web. 1ST-CLASS laundress Ing. Web. 6894. wanta bundle- wash- LAUNDRESS Waahing 3017 ' by the hour Web COLORED lady wants day work. Har 6405. CURTAINS raundgred, w'k guar. Har. 1180. Bundle washing wanted. Call Webster9319 Day work and bundle washing. Web 1088. DAY work wanted. Webster 1499. BUNDLE waahing to take home. South 1611. lSTclass col, laundress with ref. Doug. 8712, NEAT col. lady wants day work. Dg. 6077. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way yor advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference In return will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist yon In preparing your. advertisement. ' WANTED Two men with experience In office work tor order and shipping de partments. Permanent poattlofs to proper parties. Oakland Motor Car Co , 2200 Farnam St. OMAHA railway mail clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; 190 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, - Dept. 231-F, Rochester. N.T. .. WANTED A warehouse man. Apply to su perintendent, CARPENTER PAPER CO., 9th and Harney. GENERAL office man, 1100. ' ' WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL1 TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED Wall and Bulletin men. Ap ply The Phllley System, St. Joseph, Mo. Professions and Trades. - ' WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN. ' . Y.'LILLS FARGO A CO, EXPRESS, UNION STATION, WANTED Good all round plumber lend tinner. Will pay best of wage. Stedi Job by the year for good man.. Address 1 1. wuson, uumap, la. THOROUGHLY experienced talloray and preseers, good wages and agreeable' place to work. Write Woolfson A Co, 613 pierce St:. Sioux City, la. 1 " a V WE NEED 1- x conductor's ; 'v:, r'.1-' 'AND' MOTORMEyN. ' . ' ) Apply in person to the superintendent-of - trans portation, second- floor. Merchants National Bank Bldg. Omaha. ' OMAHA & COUNCIL . BLUFFS STREET. 5 RAILWAY CO. WANTED. DRIVERS AND WAGON HELPERS ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. '.AMERICAN tXPREjSS CO. ., apply rv'v UNION STATION. .-.. WOOD WORKERS WANTED. ' By largo concern In Inter-mountain country sttckermea. sash and door men. ''cabinet men and cutlers wage rilo per hour; t hours, open ahop; steady- employ . ment Olv full partlculara aa to age, draft tatne, experience and ability, Ad dress Box T 171. Omaha, B' r : "' Professions and grades. WANTED Meat cutten, reliable, capable of running small, shop. Call at Basket Stores Office, 108 N. Ith St. Call any day. WANTED Young man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt., Bee Publishing Co. FIRST CLASS carpet and linoleum Jayers wanted, good pay. prospect of permanent position. Anawer at once, stating where worked, how long, salary desired and when can come. Only experienced capa ble men need apply. ' ' . ORCHARD WILHELM CO. 414-11 'S 16th. WANTED Expert automobile mechanic; largest shop In the city Anawer, giving salary desired and referencea, Box 8585, Omaha Bee. WANTED Firat-class granite letterer and carver; good wage and steady ' work. .Western Monument Works, Hastings, Neb. WANTED An all round blacksmith. The best of wages wll be paid. Henry Schrapfroth. Battle Creek. Ia. PRINTER Elderly Swedish -man; handle 1 mailing list and Job press. Omaha Posten, 15th and Jones. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. Calk, or writ Barber College. 1124. Douglaa St WANTED Upholsterer tor furniture depart ment. Box 41406 Bee Salesmen and Solicitors. HIGH grade salesman with some experience in specialty work to handle high class real estate proposition. Will pay drawing ac count and commission to right jnan. Ad dress Box T-577, Omaha Bee. v STOCK salesmen to sell Lion Bonding and Surety company atock. Good territory open. Bankers' Bales Agency, til Wood men Building, Omaha. GOOD prospects for live wire solicitors, male and female. Call personally, 2019 Cuming. Agents and Canvassers. DOES YOUR TIME PAY? A splendid op portunity Is offered by a large, conserva tive, well managed LIFE INSURANCE company, with 113,000,000 of assets, 14. 000,000 of surpias, nearly a third of a cen tury old, lower rates than eastern com panies atd dividends the greatest of any company in America. If you are In the lire Insurance business or any one who wants to learn It we would like to corre spond with them. We can double your In. come It you are a hustler. All communl- ctlons will be held confidential. Address Y 670, Omaha Bee. WANTED Portrait artist and drapery workers. E. H. Robert Portrait Co.. Kan sas City, Mo. Boys. BOTS WANTED TO WORK IN FACTORY. GOOD PAT TO BEGINNERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO.. ITH -AND DODGE. r RANTED Musicians, for band and or chestra; dramatic stock company; a good engagement and sure salary. William R. Leonard, Mgr. The Leonard Players, New Market, la. BOYSWANTED Boy with wheels, 1818 St. Mary's Ave. Miscellaneous. WANTED. Laborer for track work. 30 cents per hour at start and carfare. 10-hour day. t Awriy , STREET RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION DEPT. 22D AND NICHOLAS STS. MerV to unload coal by the ton. Cany m by the ton or general yard work. Sunderland Brothers -;V Company, : West Yard 42nd & Izard WANTED Active men tfor .our delivery wagon can use men up to 50 yean; want men who wish to earn month. ,' 1100 or better per ALAMITO .DAIRY CO., " . 16th and Leavenworth. X EABORERS WANTED. 15C PER HOUR I HRS. WORK. WEEKLY PAT. s APPLY. 101 CITY HALL.' LADY with well established business would employ man past draft age. No expert, anc necessary. Might consider partner ship Address Box T 672. Omaha Be. .Stablfs WANTED A youg man to drive Ford de livery for grocery. Must be under draft age. , Call In person at one. Twenty sixth and Blondo. , WANTED men to sell good on passen ger trains; tnust have cash security. Ap ' ply Sock Island ' New Stand, Falrbury, Neb.- . JANITOR for Apt, morning-and evening work, during summer, Hipper month and room. Tyler isi:-j. HtLP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. 1 MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR . Wanted at once, must be experienced and (fairly rapid. Permanent position. Apply la person at 1434 Fint Nat Bank Bid. r HELP WANTED FEMALE Office aiyl Desk Room. WANTED. We want an sxperTSnced OFFICE CLERK. , i - "-Good salary and rapid chance v for advancement Apply - LOOSE-WILES'BISCUrT CO. . 12th and Davenport. 1 . WANTED. Experienced food prouuc demo:utrator for store work in , Oirmha, Might u married Woman who' could wont pai't time only, if experienced aud u bio to g. v results. In answering, state experience In demonstrating, age, time available for work and salary granted. Also give -tele-1 phone number, as position Is open now. Address Box 4636, Bee. ' GOVERNMENT needs 20,00b women clerk at Washington, V Examinations every where In June. Experience unnecessary.. Women desiring government position write for free particular to J. C Leonard, former Civil Service EKaminer" 606 ' Kenoia Bldg., Washington. . " WANTED Bright young iady to .nWslat In office and as cashier. ' SHERMAN & McCONNELL DRUG CO., .General Office, 19th and Farnam., STEXO, wholesale, 385; sti-no, Ins., 190-80; steno and bookkeeper, $75-90. - . THE MARTI SERVICE. 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED at once, an experienced girl 01 woman to take phone orders and clerk in store - Telephone Harney 614 or. cat 614 Park avenue. GOVERNMENT wants thousands clerks a Washington Immediately; 1100 month; ful: Information free. Box Y-634. Omaha Bee ASSISTANT bookkeeper, ISO. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY,, 600 BEE BLDG. Professions and Trades. ! WANTED-Young Ladies it' ban. telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St4, 25 GIRLS Wanted For and Packing Apply Icing Dept LOOSE-WrILES BISCUIT CO. 12th and Davenport. GIRLS WANTED - -TO WORK IN FACTORY GOOD PAY TO BEGINNERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO, 8TH AND DODGE. . , WANTED Janltress to take care of ..of fice; good pay. yKlrschbraun A Sons, 1th -and Dodge. j " ., Saleswomen and Solicitors. y: FOR" TRAVELING POSITION, excellent proposition, references required. Ask for W. F, Harris. Sanford Hotel, Sunday. WANTED Good salesladies. Apply Wash ington Market, 1407 Douglas St. Household and Domestic. WANTED An experienced woman or girl to do housework and help care for chll . ... dren In family, of 3; no" washing; good , wages. Mn. Ralph Kiewlt, Walnut- 2975.1 si as a aath St. t '. , A COMPETENT white cook and second maid In a family of three; references. Mrs...W. J. Hynes. Tel. Harney 4760. ' WANTED Cook, good wagea; two in ; . family. No laundry. Call Major Kennedy. Fort Omaha. WANTED Good cook at" Wiae Memorial . hospital.- Call Tyler 1571. ' WANTED Experienced white cook where 2d girl Is kept; no washing; beat of wages, Mrs. W. P. HoKford. Harney 17. - COMPETENT girl for general housework; ' no laundry work. 3316 Burt St Harney 1031. - ' WANTED An experienced cook; good wag - ea. Appointment by telephone. HaroejL. 120. Reference required. ' . WOMAN for housework. , Must be good cook. No laundry. 416 8. 38th St. Harney 2650. GIRL for general housework; no wsshtng or Ironing. Call Wal. 669. . WANTED Girl to assist withe, housework and rare of smgll child. Phone; Walnnt 21. WANTED WHITE girl for nurse maid for one child. Call Harney 70. Trade Schools. beVv WANTED Ladle to learn barbi traoe.- Special' rates and Inducements. TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. 1402 Douglaa St , - HELP WANTED. Male and Female. WANTED Either ladlea or men. ' , On Otflc help, who can take dictation., and handle simple book work accurately.. Several apprentice or experienced help In kodak finishing. , ' We will pay you all you are worth; : Give your correct address, so that we . ' may call on you dr communicate with you whichever may be most convenient Replies must be In by Tuesday, Jun.e " Pith. I a, m. ' Addles Box 679, Omaha Be. WANTED Men, ladle and boy, learn barber trade: big demand; wage while learning: atrlctly modern. Call or write 1401 Dodge 8t Trl-Clty Barber College. . Phone D. 1147. MOLER Barber College rnta young men . and ladlea to learn the barber trad. Call -' ok writ for free catalogue. 110 SV 14th 'St,. Omaha. Neb., EDUCATIONAL - x BOYLES C JLLEGE. ' DAY SCHOOL . NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day la nrollmat day. Book keeping, ahorthand. atenotypy. typewrit. -Ing, telegraphy. elvU .eerrlce all commer elal and English branohea. Cstalogue tree, v BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa IMA, r 1IU aad Harney Stt. 1 i 1 I- - 1 I hv n.Ko&a M II