0 N - . THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JUNE 4, 1918. " - ' g .. :. .. . ,. . .. ,. . . , . - .... . - - . . . . ,- .- ... ' V THE AGENT IerSld ! ' . -'V' , ; : ; : : : r ' i ' i i Went Ad Rates (Cash With Ordr.) : lUa ear word ..tch Insertion la pr word tor tbre eonocutlv Inurtlon 1 pr word for eh addition! Insertion No ad taken for leva than a total of 10c or laia than 19o par day. CHARGE. a par Una (count f worda to Una) on tlmt to Fr Una each time. I coneotlv times la pr Una aach time. 10 conscullvtlme srrCATIOK WANTED. tt par lint 1 . Pr waak CARDS Or THANES AND FUNERAL. NOTICES. ' iOo par Una each Inurtlon (Minimum Chari I Centa. Contract BatoaOa Applleatloa yr eoBvanlanoa of advtrttaara want ada will b aeoaotad at tb following orflexa: MAIN omCB Bulldlns Am Offlca 4110 North 14th HL lAk Orflc ,.,.Z5ia Nortu i4tn u Vinton Offlca ........ ...346T south 6tb tU. Park Offlca ..tilt Leavenworth Bt. Walnut Offlca Ill North 40th HL South Bid till N BL Council BTaffa ......... .1 Main Bt.. North THB BKB will not b raaponalbla for mora than oaa Inoorraet Inaartton of an advrtlaa aant ordtd for nor tbaa on tlma. Da TBI TELEPHONE If vo oannot eon WMlaatly brine or aand your ad to any of tk a bora etnoa. Aak for want Au Takar and yon will racalr tba aama food Mrrtca aa wbaa dtllrerlng your ad in FHOXS TTXEH 1,000. Want Ad Colamn Cloa ftonlnr Xdltlona l!:0f M. Iforalna- Edition 10:09 P. K Sanday Edition 10 P. it Saturday Evanlnr ' MOVIE PROGRAM North. AiUAUBRA 24TH AND PARKER ALL-STAR CAST in "WOMAN AND THE LAW." ibAAND, HTH AND BINNET MARY PICKFORD In "AMARILLY OP CLOTHESLINE - ALLEY." v South. Ai-OLLO. 1TH AND LEAVENWORTH . ' EARLE WILLIAMSin "THE SEAL OF SILENCE." LvJCAU ITU AND DORCAS DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS hi "THB 'MAN PROM PAINTED POST." FMHODB NO. . "THB HOUHH OP HATE." ' fewaLFFi Mi LEAVEN WORTH. DOROTHY D ALTON in , FLARE-UP SAL." West DUNDEE, UST AND UNDERWOOD JACK PICKFORD AND IOVIS HUFK. In J'WH AT MONEY WON'T BUY." rATHS & FUNERAL NOTICES t.jf'TSflNE Mr.. Mary, dlad awtTTi't IS year. Keldnc 1J1I South Second , aAinerat June 4 at till a, m. , from Janda'a undertaking parlor to St. Wen 'Ctaiftus, Pourteanth and Plna St. Burial Ht. Mary' cemetery. Mr. Oottetln I , aurvlved by one dauthter, Mr. Mary Kabl, . and by on alater, Mr. Kubobec, of Call- lA.nl. - - ' 3.NDEKSON Arthur C, 27 yeara, June l! Bemcea at realdenc. 4133 N. 14th St. : Wednesday t a. m.,'Rev. O. D. Baltaly officiating. Interment Foreet Lawn ceme- MARRIAGE LICENSES Th following marriage llcenaea hav been leaned: ..k ; Nam and Addrea. . Age. Clyde C. Crawford, Omaha.. 30 Gertrude Seldenaplnner, Omaha x 30 Harry Cohan, Omaha 30 Mary Margolin, Omaha ................ 1 William Paul. Omaha Pearl Hall, Omaha ..................... 2 ' Fred Sledge, Omaha ................ ..,.24 Mary Mallre, Omaha 11 -Milton A. Varkham, Omaha.. 24 Cr-1 E. Darrough, Omaha.,. 17 Charlea Elliott, Omaha 13 litbl Qarner, Omaha , 31 Pdga D. Brown, Omaha..,. t ... 33 tl hreeaa Oorllck, Omaha.......... 33 IksOlltord, Omaha,.,,,,.,. 31 Lena Cohn, Omaha 13 Albert T. Humphrey,' Kama City. Kan 31 Lout Taylor. Columbux, Neb,. 23 Wayn & Crawford. Lincoln, Neb....... 43 Orac H. Mark, Lincoln, Neb is Kdwin A. Brown, Omaha........,.,..,, to iredoni Bandera, Burling, Colo. SI Ilarrey C. Peterson, Omaha...;...,.,.. 22 Corinn B. Quick, Omaha...., .. to - Howard Crane, Lincoln, Neb.......,.,,. 21 3tm X. Walker, Lincoln, Neb Herbert X Hoffmann, Dubuque, Ia.,.. 24 Orvllla Squirea. Omaha. 33 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. fcary Bell and hfaband to Jamv Xoutiky, Twenty-thlrd atrt, 10 feet north t P itreet, at aide, 130x20 ,. I Itaemua Petemon and wife to Oacar Johneoli, aouthweat corner Fiftieth and Plitkney atreet, 10x130 , Uaoey J. Orove and wife to Peter Jakoper. JeTferaon tret, 17 feet wt of Thirty-third atreet. aouth aid. 10x111 ; 9. A. Conger and wife to Maude M. 3.100 l.too 2,210 31,000 i too 2000 S.307 3,750 1,271 Kaltn. northweit Atrner Twenty txth and N atreet, 130x150 Cllxabeth Daniel and hue band to Daisy Balding, Fort atreet, 301 feet woat of Forty-flrat avenue, north id 40x131 T, U. Coleman and wife to Herbert Co and wife, Saratoga atreet, 120 feet eaet of Fortieth atrt, north Ido. 0xl2S , Th Grain Belt C. to Nannie C. J4ork, northweit corner Thirty fifth avenue and : Dodge atreet. 4Sx0 V. Hunt to Anna M. K. Swanaon, Newport street. Ill feet west of Thirtieth atrsat. north ilde, 46x140 tTbarle Uallett and wife to Anna M . K. Bwanaoa, Newport atreet. Hi feet weet of Thirtieth tret, north id 130x140 i........ FUNERAL DIRECTORS. L!nDERTAKER8 and llcenaed en.jlamera; prtvaU ambulance. Call Webater 47, Wlilta & Croaby. 3611 N 34th Bt. r'N A. GENTLEMAN, underuker and ombalmer, 1411 Farnam St. Harney 112. -L8a5 A RIEPEN. undertaker and n tlmra. 7ll 8. 14th. Douglaa 1231. bTACK & FALCONER 'Mwodent Underuker. 13d A Far. H. 400. L. DODDER CO., Funeral Director. U Faro Mgr.. tld and Cuming Bu. Dougla 677. Auto ambulaaoa. HOFFMANN FUNERAL HOME. Hoffmann quality aervice. coata lee. and Dodge. Douglaa 3101. "3"UMENT & CEMETERIES. 01 iCT Hili, th cematery beautiful, lot or aingl Interment. Perpetual car -rangementa. Term to ault. Call SupU, 2 brgaat display in the United Slate 1 niKit avnunni ''-"e a 23th. Phone Douglaa 1172-1211, f LAWN offer eympathetle aervlc in aorrow; terpetuai car: no aae - Ji tula M aaay twua. Phone WaL 121. BIRTHS AND DEATHS Birth Dunn and Eva Tcxiorlo, (414 South Twenty-eighth, boy; Martin and France Hansen, 3933 North Twenty-f lrt, boy; Jame and Anna Mullck, 4101 Charlea, ilrl; Enau and KkIo Oardlner, iU Kanxaa avenue, boy; Joeeph and Marl Fabian, 3421 MadlaOn, flrl; Jre and Myrtle Fltimlnimonii, UK Capitol avenue, boy; Clell and Carrie McCluny, 123 South Nineteenth, Klrl; Walter and Lnttle DlHbrow, fp2l Florence boulevard, girl; Rol and and Hf I lllmebaugh, 4344 South Fif teenth, liny; Jdor and Hattlr Nathan, Six teenth and Chicago, girl; P. (i. and Violet Dknlelii, 6211 Florence" boulevard, boy; John and Amelia KwaswInwMkl, 2111 Spring, girl; John and Emma Turner, 1121 North Nine ternth, girl; M. B. and Minnie Koory. ,1S Worthlngion I'lace, girl; Fayette and Orpha Duck, 3122 Chicago, hoy: II. H. and Nora Blggeratnff. 3S24 North Twenty-fourth, girl; Alola and Katrtna Lova, 4301 South Thirty ninth, girl. Death Anton Schwarx, 14, 9111 South Eighteenth; Mllea V. Ball, IS, Bt. Joaeph'a hoipltal; John lrwln, li, Lord Llater hoepl tal; Annla B. Anderaon, 21, (07 North Forty fifth; Baby Roblnaon, I dav. Sixtieth and Bedford avenue; Carmalla Rablolo, Florence; Marie Rablolo, I, Florence; Peter Johnaon, 13, 1073 South Thlrty-flnt; Emmett L. Fear ao n, it, St. Joe;ih'a hoepltal. FLORISTS. ontenell Ploraiti, LEE L. LARMON )I14 Douglaa Bt Douglaa 1114. A. DONAGHUE E.t. 1866 1121 1IARNET. Flower hlppd everywhere. Exp. prepaid. LARGEST aaeortment of freah flowera. , HENDERSON. 1519 FA RNAM. PARKER PlSwER SHOP. 411 b7V. D. 1101, POdEJRSJFlorlat 111 B. Iftth. D. 1400. SaTH CarefrFlo"rTat, 1S04 Farnam St. - BUILDING PERMITS. ' W. L. Huffman Auto cboipany, 3411 Orant treat, repair 13,000. i LOST-FOUND-REWARDS LOST A H1NOED MA8ONI0 IWATCH CHAIN CHARM. ' I.cet Sunday at About t p. m. a hinged Maaonlo watch, chain charm, either on Florence or Farnam atreet car, or near Intersection of 16th .and Farnam atreata. Owner name, Initial C. E. II. engraved on Inutile charm. Finder will receive aultabl reward If charm left at thin office. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraorfa having lot om article would e wall to call up th office of the Omaha A CounoU Bluff Street Railway company tu aeoertaln whether they left it In th atreet car, Many article each day are turned In and th company la anxlou to r'tor them to the rightful owner. T YOU Icae anything and will advertlaa it her you will aurely recover It If iounl by an houeat peraon. It you flr.d any thing of value the hoteat way I to ad vertise for th owner. LOST Very .mull black patent leather puree containing 121.00, entire month' ii d! working girl. Leav at lie bfflcc. - ....... r , ;. t ; LOST Pair of tortol ehell rlmmeeTglaaaea In black cae. on Klmwood gulf link Saturday afternoon. Finder call Harney tail. Reward. , , t EJiST Package paper marked Pioneer tllaaa & Paint 'o. ; pleae return to Pioneer Ola A Paint Co., 14th and Har ney St., or phone Froit A. Walker; ault ablo reward, . LOST Saturday afternoon, black leathr bill ra with. Ill and aoma peraonal card; reword. Plea notify Prlvat Otto Kortamr, Jr., 3d company, Fort Omaha. Folding check book containing two $30 third l.lbefVy loan bonda and aom receipt. Reward. Call Webeter 1380. LOST Platinum bar pin aet with three email diamond. Liberal reward, Phono Dnutlaa 1163 Lost A )"cket book at Mt Hall Sunday night. Finder call Harney 633 and re ceive reward. LOST Old-f aahloneii bar pin, turuuolae act ting. Reward. 1. Elliott, Millard hotel. LOST Eye glasaea In can Saturday va. nlng. Telephone Harney 6005. LOST Eaatern Star pin, on Weat Q car Sunday, June 2. Reward. Wehater 4671. For Sale-Miacellaneoeus Furniture and Hcusehold Goods. WHY PAY MORE , WHEN TOU CAN BUY IT FOR LESS AT THB STATE!. Our big aprtng aal of furniture and houae furnishing la now on In full awing. Poaltlvely the blggcit sal of Ita kind ever held in the middle west It you need fur niture for the kitchen or parlor; a refrlg. erator or a etove here la whore you will buy if quality and price I a considera tion. W make apeclalty of complet horn outfit, alao hotela and rooming houae. Railroad fare free to all out-of- j town buyer within 10 mile of Omaha on parchaae of 120 or more. , i STATE FCRNITURB CO. Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor. 14th and Dodge Sta. FURNITURE A HARDWIRE BAROAINS. Bed, (prlng. mattreaae. d reisers, chif fonier, table, chalra, china and kitchen , cablneta, ruga and linoleum, trunka and iult caaea, gaa atovea and Ice boxea, full Una acreen wire, poultry netting, garden tools. 1331-47 North I4tb 8U Tel. Web. 107. Open till p. m, Ml' .ST be aold before Thursday. Household furniture Including ga range, dresser, three-quarter bed apringa and mattress, nearly new. 1160 phonograph, 131 worth . of records.. cheap. Uenulne leather Davenport, sewing machine. 1011 N. 14th. Harney 6025. ! ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BAROAINS Full line of furniture, gaa and coal oil atovea, ruga, baby cairlageii trunka. to Loyal Furn. Co.. 123 N. 16th. FOR SALE A Duntley Vaccum cleaner sultuble for offlca building or apartment house. Good condition. Call Douglaa 6076. CARVED walnut parlor ault; bedroom nulta, piano, in xchang for good lot. Box BHeu Omaha Bee. DOUBLE ot of work harnea tor aala cheap. 230 8. 15th St. FOR SALE Five-piece Ivory bedroom aet, Adam design: reasonable. Harney 656S. One ft mattress, cotton top; one month in ue. Call Harney 6764. , -Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. OKNU1M& yellow Jaraey sweet potato planla for sale. Tel. 244. J. K. McFheraon, Co. Hluff. la, Pianos and Musical Instruments. WHS have aeveral Vlctrolaa that we took In on tr&di for Bale; In good condition. Roua Phonograph Parlors, Cor. 20th and : Farnam 8t. A. HOSPE CO., 1613 Douglaa. hav piano to rent at 13.60 per month, or will mil on aey term Clothing and Furs. FOR SALE Boldiere complet outfit. In . excellent condition. Consist of regular wool O. D. uniform tor small man, leather puttees, pr. spiral puttees, pr. naif leather leggln. officer' cap, aervlc hat. wool " shirt and alx perfectly new allk atocka. Owner Just out of aervic and will sell at a aacrlfice. Inquire Apt. II, Th An geine, 204 South 36th St. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needle and part of au ewlng machine. , . , MICK Eta ; , " NEBRASKA CYCLB CO.. 16th and Barney St. Doug. 1611. FOR SALE Miscellaneous Printing and Supplies. ADDING machine, all makea. bought, aold and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange, 1101 Farnam. Store and Office Fixtures. WE buy. aell and make deaka. aafe, how cae. ahelvlng, etc Omaha Fixture A Sup ply Co., 11th and Douglaa D. 2724. Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, Monarch and Bmlth Premier typewrltera. Bent anywhere, Rental applle on purchaae. Remington Typewriter Company. Nineteenth . and Douglaa atreet. VVDVIVDITB-DB mA r.nl.H n4 r.n. i rA Rent an Oliver 3 month for 15. Central Typewriter Kxcnange, moa rarnam. win k a ...h.n tvn,r'tjri! guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ for lit. wia is na Typewriter uo.. ne v-ian. Miscellaneous. FRESH country buttermilk, butter; best of cream, atrlctly freah egg; delivered to any part of Omaha. Phona South 215 or Tyler 02, wagner. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feather teamed. renovated and mad up In new feather- Troot ticking. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 2467. BOTTLES Rootbeer bottle patent (topper and other. N. Steinberg, 1011 Harney. D. 1166. FOR SALE cheap, lea box, 3x8x10 teat Addres Box 72, Ewlng, Neb. . SWAPPERS' COLUMN WANTED TO BUY Rare old U. & coin of all kind or will exchange for other, Addrea Box 2343. Bee. EQUITY in Fontenelle boulevard lot for Ford oar. Colfax 3617.. WANTED TO BUY m PATRIOTICI HELP UNCLE SAM. SELL YOUR OLD CLOTHES AND BUY LIBERTY BONDS.. GIVE MB A TRIAL. WILL CALL. PHONB DOUO. 1439. 1311 DOUGLAS ST. 11. GERBER 13 KNOWN TO PAY THB HIGHEST PRICE FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. D. 3444. J DESKS DESKSTDESKS New deak, used desk bought, cold and traded. J. C. Keed, 1201 Farnam. D. 6146, THE NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WILL PAY YOU THB HIGHEST PRICB FOR FURN.. STOVES, CARPETS. Doug.,2713. WE DON'T ARGUE. BUT PAY YOUR OWN PRICB FOR YOUR CLOTHES. DO 6114. AK-BAR-BEN Furniture Co. paya full value for furniture and clothes. Douglaa 6368. LARGEST BUYER OF FURNITURE AND MEN'S CLOTHING. DOUGLAS 6515. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aids, knifa, Aunburat, box . pleating, covered ' buttons, all stzea and atyleai hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, button holes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO., 800-301 Brown Bldg. Phone Doug. 1136. HEMSTITCHING. PLEATING. BUTTONS. U. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 138-7 Paxtnn Block. Phone Doug. 810 J. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping auppllea. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT A AWNINO CO. Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tablea for parties at Holme'. Baggage and Express. . REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY will haul everything for you. Package less than 20 lbs., 16 cent. Dougla 7463. THE ONLY WAY THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. ' 17th and Martha Sta., Omaha. Neb. Braaa, bronx. aluminum and machln gray Iron castings. Chiropractors. SPINOGRAPH. fr. Edward. 24n A Far- nam, Dr J. C. Lawrence. Balrd Bldg. D. 1461. Cisterns. CISTERNS built and repaired. OMAHA CISTERN CO., 808 Crouna Blk, Red 2113. Costumes. FULL dress ault for rent Opp. P. O. John Ftldman. 101 N. 16th St. Douglaa 3123. Contractors. ELKIN building repalra. Web. 767 Dancing Academies. SPECIAL aummer rate; learn to dance In 12 leaaona. 86; class and assemblies every Monday and Thursday. Private lesson 'any tlm by appointment Keep Dancing Academy, 2434 Farnam St, Douglaa 786A. Detectives, JAMES ALLAN, I12 Nevlll Blk. Evidence secure 1! In all case. Tyler 113t. Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING, plain and fancy, 20 yeara' experience. Harney 5756. MISS STURDY, dressmaking. Doug, 63r6. DRESSMAKING and milliner. Red 8623. Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. 131 W. O. W. Bldg. Tsft'a Dent Km,, 308 "Rose Bldg. D. 8181 Express T ransfer. WEST A BUTTON. Piano, household moving; Itv stock hauled. D. 8721. 1606 Cam St Film Developing. FiLMc developed; rolla. lOo; packs, 15c; cne-dsy aervlc. Kaa Studio, Nevlll Blk.. lth and Hrney. Fixtures and Wiring. FiTTPWtSl Electrlo washing machine. U U XVAVlil electrlo iron and reading lamp. 1331 Cuming St. Douglaa 3511. Jewelry. DIAMONDSrCW 22 at email profit GROSS. 402 N. 16th St. Hat Cleaning. ALL klnda of hat remodeled, 1620 Harney. Live Stock Hauling. WS all; haul your live atock. LIVE BTOCK TRANSFER CO, 120 Farnam Bt Telephone Dougla 2508. Musical. PROF. HENRY BIANCHI, teacher of violoncello, mandolin, tenor banjo, and other wind Instrument. Harley Hotel, loth and Farnam Sta. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 114 Brandel Bldg T. 5660. Rea 4741. Patent Attorneys. ST URGES A 8TURGES. U. & and foreign patent and trademark. 130 Be Bldg. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUG CLEANERS. Sclentlflo Ollv Oil Waahlng. Persian itug Cleaning Ctv I2II Farnam. - H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS, 1313 Farnam J. J. Derlght-.Si Co. ANNOUNCEMENTS' AUTOMOBILES v , SITUATIONS WANTED HELP WANTED MALE ' J Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper ation. 'Cure guaranteed. Write for bock bn rectal diseases with testi monials. DR. E. R. TARRY, 24Q Bee Bldg.. Omaha. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter. national Patent Co.; t3 Brandel. D. 6611. Printing and Office Supplies. Watera-Barphart Ptg. Co.. 624 8. 13th Bt Tailors. Dledrlck. P. L., 216 8. 20th. Tailor. D, 1432. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply. 307 S. 11th. D. 628. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Expert. Th W. O. CleveUnd Co.. 1410-12 Harney Bt Vacuum Cleaners. WILL clean your ruga on th floor. Hoover machine. Harney 1116. I us , Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Dougla Printing Co.. Tel Dougla 44 BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE A first-class shoe stock. In voicing about 16,000; finely located In on of th beat towna of eastern Nebraaka, with an Immense pay roll; no trad con Idcred. An excellent opportunity for a man with cash to get Into paying busi ness. Act quick if you want a bargain. Box 4286, Bee. TO LEASE Swell new brick restaurant, alze 22x65 ft., between and within 30 feet of two depots, in thriving railway town of 1,500; doing good business. Must make chang account of alcknesa. Addrea Owner, Box 514, Superior, Neb. DANDY CAFE First-class in every respect Doing fine business. Open day and night Beating capacity 60. Excellent opportunity and money maker. Box 7998, Bee. FOR HiALE First-class meat market In town of 6,000, doing good business; must cell on account of health. Addrea Bog Y 667, Omaha Be. GUARANTY locate you; any tin business; any atata. Guarantee aell your bustneaa. F. V. Knlest. Be Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. RESTAURANT, aoft drinks, confectionery; will etll or trad. Box 33, Overton, Neb. BAKERY Confectlanery, tc, for aala. Net 1225 month. W, Christiansen, Min "den, Neb. ' ,,v .. " AUTOMOBILES , ; Used Car Bargains. Maxwell touring, with winter top, Ford touring; self atarter. . Oldsmoblle, 6-paesenger, . ' Studebaker touring. All theae cars hav self-starter, elec trlo lights, and are In good , condition. Prlc right, ; Nebraska Oldsmobile Co. 2561 Farnam. , 'RADIATORS , Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired ' and rebuilt; large atock used radiator on hand. Maahtd. fenders and lamps repaired Ilk .new. . New honey-combed Ford radiators, 1111 v model, 122; 1917, 123. OMAHA RADIATOR AND TIRB WORKS. 1911 Cuming Bt Omaha, Nab. I SEVERAL used 34x4 Vi cl. case for sale. 1016 Maxwell touring car, t good tires. ' 1275. . .. National 70 II. P, racer, regular track car, 1175. 1912 Ford, just overhauled. 1218. 1914. Cola 4. perfect condition, starter, lights, etc., 1300. ' - r CUMINO GARAGE, 1415 Cuming St.. Omaha. Donglaa 2833. 4-Pass. 1917, Scripps-Booth, still new, good tires, $675. Call Weber, Tyler 1000. BUICK light touring. Molina Dreadnaught touring. Maxwell touring. All good cara. Com In and look them over. BARNUM-SMITH CO.. 1 2122 Cuming Bt - LISTEN We will lav you 60 per cent on your tire bill. Trad your old Urea for new one. Tub vulcanised I cent, cas ing 60 cent up. Rebuilt. 2 In 1 casing for sale, 13 up. D. 8. machine for aal. U. 8. Vulcanixer Co- Branch II. 120 & 13th 8t Omaha. NEW TIRES AT H PRICE. ALL SIZES. New 30x3 Firestone, 19.46; Ford tube. 13 New 30x3 Republic..... .....I 176 New 10x3H Firestone, non-kld 14.76 -New 3Cx3Vi Firestone..... .-'14.10 KAIMAN3 TIRB JOBBERS. 1731 CUMINO. BARGAINS IN USED CARS , All makes. With and without starter. II to pick from. Pbon D. If 14 or call at 1611 Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO.. ' WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. TRAWVEB AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam 8t Dougla 1070. WANTED TO BUY. Wanted, Ford, touring car, 1917 model; must be nearly new and in perfect me chanical condition. Call Mr. Roblnaon, room 344, Paxton abotet. FORDS exchanged, bought and sold; w re build your Ford with A Keisey itreamnna body Ilk now: cara aold for cash or tlma payments. Sol 8. Gpldatrom, 1867 Farnam St. Harney 646; agenta wanted. FOR SALE 1917 Maxwell touring car. Ex cellent condition. Will conalder trad on light roadster. Address 4311 Seward. Telephone Walnut 3350. ALL klnda of cara for hire, with or with out driver, by th mil or ty in nour. Ford. 10c par mile. Dougla 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. NEW Maxwell cara, 1911 model, for sale. 130 caab. balanc monthly paymenta a desired. Answer atrlctly confidential. Boi ' 6083, Be. ' ' ' MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. , 2028 FARNAM ST. DOUGLAS 6290. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS. McCaffrey Motor Co. I6th and Jackaon. Ford Agent. Dong. 3500. WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Auto Ex change Co.. 3051 Farnam St Doug. 1036 QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO . 241 LEAVENWORTH 8T. : USED CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 1020 Farnam St. Omaha, Neb. 10 FORD7 WANTED, AUTO PARTS CO., llOt FARNAM 8T. ' j .t GOOD USED CARS. GUY 4U SMITH, 14th and Farnam Sta. Dougla 1179. TELL A BINKLET. Commercial body builder. 1111 Harney St. D. 1640. A BARGAIN Brand new l-paasenger road ster. Stearna Knight. tllt-DodK St OAKLAND. Sensible Blx. MARSH OAKLAND CO, 2300 Farnam St DODGE Touring; good condition, 8600. CARD-ADAMS MOTOR CO.. 2421 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cara. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 0th and Farnam. - Harney 414. REO, five passenger car,. In good condition. Price 1550. Inquire Mlnne I. una Garage, AUTOMOBILES afcd trucks aold on time. Address B-487, Bee. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC BERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 316 8. 19th St. Douglaa 6488. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c a mile, 15o per hour minimum charg. (EXCEPT Sundays snd holiday.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglaa 8622. 1314. Howard Bt. GARAGE for sale In good northeastern Ne. braska town on-account of health. Ad dress Box Y 669. Omaha Bee. Repairing and Painting. AUTO REPAIR (A. L.) Ortner. Now at 1617 Vinton. South side of street Phon Douglaa 167. EDWARDS. E. 8., 2611 19th St. Wb - star 1103. For th best results with repair wore: consult ua. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3.000 Miles Guaranteed. SOxS, 17.75; 30x34, 18.75; 32x3. I10.2B; 33x4, 113.35: 34x4, 113.25; 35x4, 116.60. Writ us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1518 Davenport St. Omaha. D. 2914. REAL TIRE BARGAINS. Eighteen standard makes fresh from factory, no Junk, all brand new. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. . Send for price list. It means dollars saved on your tires and tubes, OMAHA CUT RATE TIRB CO. Douglas 2916. 810 S. 19th St. TIR3S. New 80x3 Firestone I 1.10 New 30x3 Non Skid 13.50 New 32x3 Firestone 15.36 30x3 Guaranteed Tubes 3.10 10x3 Guaranteed Tubes 3.80 Good used Ford tires 8.00 Other sizes In proportion. . Retreading and vulcanizing. OMAHA RADIATOR & TIRB WORKS. 1918 Cuming St.. Omaha. Neb. Tir anA Siinrli8. INSIST on G. A G. quality retread and aav 60 per cent on your tires. Bargalna In new and slightly used tire G. A G. Tire Co., 2415 Leavenworth St Tyler 1241-W. BUY La puncture-proof pneumatic tlrea and eliminate your tiro troubles, Powell Sup ply Co, 2051 Farnam St . Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargain In used machines. Victor H. Rooa, th Motorcycle Man, 27tb and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army industrial Horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga xines. We collect. Wo distribute. Phon Doug. 4135 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1113-1114 Dodge 8t ' OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, steam or tub baths, massages of al Iklnda. 228 Nevlll Blk. Douglas 73sl. I6tn ana Harney sta. MISS FISHER, aulphur, steam batha and massage, 370 Bran. Thea. Bldg. u. , MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and scalp treatment. 1803 Farnam St." Room 2. MISS WEST, ma n Icura. mass. 210 N. 17th. MAE BRUGMAN. scientific masseuse and baths. 203 Karbach Blk. Red 2727. SCIENTIFIC massage. Neville Block. Miss llalran, 223-S Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. II. SCIENTIFIC mass 618 Paxton Blk. P. 6372. -T MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H VVray. 806 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. SALESMAN Wlshea to qnlt traveling. wanta city position. Twenty years' specialty experience, good producer, con vincing talker, good appearance, hustler, can adapt myself to any line. Will con alder Inside position. Kiel Hotel, Coun cil Bluffs. GENERAL store clerk with seven years' ex perience. Good In dry goods and gents' 'furnishings. Would like to make a change. Am above the draft age and can furnish best reference. Address Box Y 666 Omaha Bee. SITUATION WANTED As cashier- or aa alstant in country bank by middle aged man with long experience; best of ref erence; can Invest up to 120,000. Box 8295 Bee. PRINTER All 'round, can do anything except run machine; hav had 12 yeara experience; married; Job must b per manent; prefer town in Kansas or Ne braska. Box 4284, Omaha Bee. HIGH class specialty salesman making Ne braska territory in car. Open for high grade quick selling staple specialty. Must be money maker. Act quick. Box 8453, Omaha Bee. WORK wanted by reliable colored man, ex perienced In all kinds of housework, lawn mowing, wnxlng floors, wall paper clean a, ,,'- lhci hi.. , nimttri PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional Cleaning and Service company. 2701 I.MV.I.Jin,thfil XI- -na, ftfllV ing nn cistern. Webster 4760. HOUSECLEANI.NO, window -washing and rug cleaning. Webeter 698. WANTED Rubbish and dirt hauling. Web ater 6230. - j Female. WILL give mother's care to baby, reaaon able; no other child, modern home. Col fax 2030. WANTED Plain and fancy aewlng by r ' liable colored lady. Tel. Webater 3393. WANTED Plain ewing. Harney 3983. 3103 Burt Phon EXPERIENCED lady, wanta dressmaking , and millinery work. ' Red 8628. GUARANTEED dressmaking.. Call evenlngA Tyler 2004-W. Laundry and Day Work. DAY work wanted Tuesday, Wednesday ana rnaiy. rnone i-fo. ss. BUNDLES carefully laundered. Call and deliver. Web. 4283. BUNDLE washing, -rough dry and Ilniehed Red 6673. EXP. laundress, bundle caUed for and de livered. Webster 5333. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webater 1963. BUNDLE waahlng, lac curtain a Webster 1727. ' PICKING dandelions, beating rugs, clean carpet and lawns mowed. Webster 1719. WOMiN wanta day work, ret 2331. Webater Laundry ana liay work. salesmen and solicitors. - , ii BUNDLE washing w't'd; prlc rea. 2127. Web. 1ST-CLASS laundreaa want bundle waah lng. Web. 6894. LAUNDRESS Waahlng by th hour. 2017 ' - ' - Web. COLORED lady want day work. Har 6406, CURTAINS laundered. wk guar. Har. 1130. 2311' 1088. Bundle waahlng wanted. Call Webeter Day work and bundle washing. We. DAY work wanted. Webater 1499. BUNDLE washing to take home. South 113. LAUNDRY work, 809 N. 24th St. Tyler 2957, HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND F1RB Advertise for "help" th asm way you adverttss to aell merchandise, and tb difference in return will surprise you. The next tlm you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced Ad taker will assist you la preparing your advertisement. YOUNG MEN WANTED WE HAVE PER MANENT POSITIONS OPEN IN OUR MECHANICAL DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG MEN BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 20, WITH HIGH SCHOOL EDUCATION. APPLY; wisunisaiiAi, JUNE 6, BURROUGHS ADDING MA CHINE COMPANY. WANTED Good all round plumber and tinner. Will pay best of wages. Steady Job by the year for good man. Address I. Wilson, Dunlap, la. OMAHA railway mall clerk examinations coming; hundreds wanted; $90 month; sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 231-F, Rochester, N. Y. STENOGRAPHER, 85; office boys, 140, 155, THE MARTI SERVICE, 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. BOOKKEEPERS, 1136, 1 100, 90, 885,, 176, Office clerks, 190, 180, $76, 165. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st National Bank, BOOKKEEPER, real estate office. 1125. WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND ASS'N. GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEBBLDG. DRAFTSMAN at once, for city map work. Call Anderson, Douglas S05 Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in person to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants', National Bank Bldg., Omaha. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET - RAILWAY CO. WANTED AT ONCE, TRANSFER MEN, WELLS FARGO A CO. EXPRESS, UNION STATION. . WANTED. DRIVERS AN1 WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY UNION 8TATION. WANTED Young man to work In the press room. Apply to Supt, Be Publishing Co. WANTED Meat cutters, reliable, capable of running small shop. Call at Basket Stores uiiice, jus it. tn ai, v-su any aay. WANT printer to learn linotype and work machine and floor, mostly machln, will make good chance. Permanent for good man not liable to early military call. Modern srop. Three machines, electric - Dots, good working conditions, fin town, ' Telephone our expense. Dally Hub, Kear ney. Nek -- - MIDDLE aged man, without family, to live at private realdenc, to cars for ground. garden And chore. Good wages ana per manent place. Name laat employers and gslve references. Address Bog 8332. Oma- hu Be. WANTED On chemlat and prescription druggist: on first class counter salesman. Apply general office, Sherman A McCon nell Drug Co., 2d floor, 19th and Farnam St., Omaha, Neb. BARBER wanted at one. Must be good workman. Steady Job. up-to-date shop, 120. ' Half over, 128,' Le Wood, Laurel, Neb. FIREMAN WANTED for high pressure boiler; eight hour per day. Box 1414 Omaha Bee. WANTED An all round blacksmith. Th best of wages wil be paid. Henry Schrapfroth. Battle- Creek. Ia. LEARN barber trade, low rate now. Call or writ Barber College. 1124 Douglas 8t WANTED Uphoiaterer lor furniture depart ment. Box 41401 B ELEVATOR boy. - Apply Blackston Hotel.- to manager, Boyi. WANTED Boy about- 16 years of age for , composing room of The Daily Bee night side. Fine " opportunity for ; bright boy to learn a . good . trade. Fair wages tb start, with advance. See foreman after 6 p. m.; Bee office. WANTED Strong boy, about It years old, for wrapping. Apply Th Omaha News Co., 15th yd Davenport - y WANTED An errand boy over 16 , years. Must glv references. CARPENTER PAPER CO, Ith and Harney. WANTED A bright boy for office work. Apply Monday morning at McCord-Brady . Co., 11th and Leavenworth. WANTED Two boy to wait table. Woodruff 114 N. Htb - , Th SALESMEN AND AGENTS-B Ind. pendent make money, build a business oi your own; we want men and women with automobile or rig preferred, to handle th Eltlnolen Phonograph, In town and coun try, from house to hous; It's a winner; . sells at halt thf prlc of others;-looks, plays and sounds just as good; play all records without extra attachment; show It play it sell U; hundreds of othert are doing it; easy profits of 160 to HOC 1 A week; real workers make much more; write quick and get good territory. Charles H. Elting A Co, 1516 3. Wabask Ave., Chicago, III. ' 1 , WANTED Four men with real sales ability. Men who have had stock and Insurance selling experience preferred. This is a live y . proposition so, deadheads and advance grabbera will make us money by keepini " off. Box 8333, Omaha Bee. EXPERIENCED tire salesman by large tin , company, Nebraska territory; state age, ' experience and aalary expected. Box 8459, Bee. Agents and Canvassers. DOES YOUR TIME PAY 7 A splendid op portunity is offered by a large, conserva tive, ,well managed LIFE INSURANCE company, with 113,000,000 of assets, 14, 000,000 of surplus, nearly a third of a cen tury old, lower rates than eastern com panies and dividends the greatest of any . company la America. If you are la th life Insurance business or any one who wants to learn It, we would ilk to corre spond with them. We can double your In come If you are a hustler. All communi cations will be held confidential. Addres Y 570, Omaha Bee. WANTED Portrait artlsta and drapery . workers, li. H. Roberts Portrait Co., Kan sas City, Mo, Miscellaneous. Men to unload coal by the ton. Carry in by the ton or general yard work. Sunderland Brothers Company,, West Yard 42nd & Izard ' MEN WANTED, AT THE LUXUS PLANT: STEADY WORK, GOOD WAGES. APPLY AT BOTTLING DEPARTMENT. FRED KRUG PRODUCTS CO. MEN WANTED. - AGE 21 TO 60. FOR GENERAL YARD WORK. STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED 5 men to sell goods on passen ger trains. Must have cash security. Apr ply Rock Island News Stand, Falrbury, Neb. LADY with well established business would employ man past draft age.' No experi ence necessary. Might consider partner ship. Address Box Y 672, Omaha Bee. WANTED Colored man to do porter work In cleaning establishment 2907 Leaven worth. WANTED Man by month, board and room, farm and garden work. J. R. McPber son, 1281 Ti Pierce St., Co. Bluffs. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. GOVERNMENT needs 20.000 women clerks at Washington. Examinations every, where in June. Experience unnecessary. Women desiring government position write for free particulars to J. C. Leonard. fnrftaAi fMvd ServtA F.iamlnAr Kftft fy Kenois Bldg., Washington. THE Continental Casualty company Wish to engage the services of a lady competent -to Interview business men and women and close applications. This is an opportunity where a reliable person can be assured of A good income. Salary and commission. Call between 12 and 1 or 6 p. m, 300 Be Bldg. STENOGRAPHER and dictaphone, 65, 170. Stenographer, temp., 33 a day. - Offlc clerk, 140. -THB MARTI SERVICE, sis-i w. u. w. Bldg. MULTIGRAPH OPERATOR Wanted at once, must be experienced and fairly -rapid. .-Permanent position. Apply. in peiBuii afc rirgi nsu nanK jsiag. GOVERNMENT wanta thousand clerks a i Washington immediately; 8109 month; full Information free. Box Y-634. Omaha Be. STENOGRAPHERS, 395, 190, 7S, 165. 150. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st National Bank. STENOGRAPHER and aecretary, 1100. -WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'NV GOOD POSITIONS AT ALL TIMES. THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB BLDG. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to lean, telephone operating. Good wages paid while learning, rapid advance' ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F.LAMBERT. 1807 Douglas St V" i GIRLS WANTED TO WORK IN FACTORY. GOOD . PAT TO BEGINNERS. GORDON-LAWLESS CO, ITH AND DODGE. WANTED OfRLS TO WRAP AND IN SPECT PACKAGES. GOOD SALARY AND GOOD CHANCE FOR ADVANCE MENT. APPLY MR, COHEN. BRAN DEIS STORES,-. . w 1 1 ' i A T '' J'