Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 02, 1918, Page 8, Image 8

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    'Ir-jf'fe-. ..aAi- ' ni..-, .u-Ai'u
8 A
Procession to Form at South
! 'Side Rectory and Escort New
. Priest to St. Francis
!..., Altar.
t , Father Aloysius Staskiewicz, son of
i Wr. and Mrs. Maskiewicz, torty-sec
cji and L streets, was ordained as
i priest May 25, and will celebrate his
; first mass at St. Francis church, Thir
f ty-third and L streets, Sunday morn
f :ng at 10 o'clock.
A procession will form at the rec
i tory and escort Father Staskiewicz to
the altar of the church, where he will
j be assisted in the celebration of high
I mass by Father Gluba. rector of St,
Francis parish, who will act as arch
priest; Father Kalamaja, deacon, and
Jf er. Alex Grzecyckowski, sub-deacoa.
Fellow seminarians will act as masters
ef ceremonies.
i Following the services in the
' church, four altars will be erected in
the open air, and a procession, which
-will include all of the societies of the
church, will proceed from one altar to
another, receiving: at each altar the
benediction of the church. Following
the services a luncheon in honor of
Father Staskiewicz will be given at
the home of his parents.
At 3 o'clock a program by the
, school children of the parish will be
given at the church, at the close of
which Father Staskiewicz will receive
prtsents from the church societies,
Father Staskiewicz is a graduate of
Sr. Francis school. , He continued his
studies at the Franciscan college, Tan
topolis, III, and took a course at Pu
laskt seminary, Pulaski, Wis.
i . .
cd Cross Salvage Branch
To Open South Side Office
The South Side branch of the sal
vage department of the Red Cross
will open permanent headquarters at
Eagle hall, 1 1 wenty-tnird , and w
streets, Thursday,: June 6. 1 Anyone
wishing to make a donation may call
South 237, and an expressman will
call. The McKeon Transfer com
pany, the Reed Transfer company, and
the Looney Express company will do
nate their services.
Mrs. Frank Furness is chairman,
Mrs. Frank Ames, vice chairman, and
Mrs. Roy Dennis, secretary and treas
urer. Assistants will be Mesdames
William Routt, F.. Youngblood, John
F. Moran, Fred Bowley, Sam Wells
' and Miss Dorothy Adkins. 1 ,
ith Side Board Notifies
Draft Eliaibles to Register
Att South, Side " men , within the
" ir:-"irtini ftf local exemotion board
l&, 2, who have become 21 years of
since june s, itu, or wjio-wiii
..ave reached that age on and in
cluding June 5, 1918, are notified to
ippear for registration for the selec
tive draft at the South Sidj city hall
between the hous of 7 a. m. and 9
p. in., June 5. There will be no other
registration day, and no excuses will
ve recognized by, the board. Should
illness prevent a registrant ; from
-oming to the city hall, a registration
' '"V will be sent to the home.
Charles Tracy Is Dead of
Acute Appendicitis Attack
Charles Tracy. 4218 South Eight
eenth street, died Saturday night in
the South Omaha hospital following
an attack of acute appendicitis. He
was 55 years old and is survived by
his widow and eight children, five sons
and three daughters. Funeral services
will be conducted at the family resi
dence Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock
bv Rev. William Holler. Interment
will be in Graceland Park cemetery.
Big Bill Hart at Besse,
1 With a Fleet of Other Stars..
"The Dawnmaker," with W. S. Hart
is the star card for today.
Tomorrow charming Bessie Baris-
cale in "Within The Cup. and King
Bangott in "The Eagle's Eye."
Tuesday Miss Edith Story in "The
Wednesday Elsie Ferguson in "The
Song of Songs.''
Thursday darling little Vivian
Martin in "The Fair Barbarian."
Friday the colossal eight reel super
feature Berlin via America, with
Francis Ford, this is the biggest
thing that has struck Fackingtown in
many moons.
Saturday "The Woman in the
Web, and Charles Spencer Chaplin
in one of his 2,000 foot Joy Bombs.
Sunday Miss Dalton "Daredeavil
Dot" in a blooming new streak of a!
western picture entitled "Flare Up
Sal. '
N. B. Owing to the extra high
rental on ourFriday's picture, "Berlin
Via America," we are compelled to
ask a slight increase in the admission
price. Adv. - .
South Side Brevities
A "delegation of South Sid !! stock
men wll leave June 11 to attend th. annual
mestlnr of tb Nebraska, Live Stock
Orower's association at Alliance, and the
annual stockmen's meeting at Wheatland,
wyo. tm party win raturn Juna 15.
A load at 40 hoa, donated by farmer In
tha vicinity of Gibbon., Neb., was aold on
tha South Hid market Saturday, tha pro
ceed It o I rig to tha horn chapter of the
Red Croaa. Tha ahlpment weighed 7,400
pounda, and was aold to a local packer for
$1 40 per 100 pounda, netting 11,116.84.
Berlnlna Mondav. June 1. tha Rnnth
"Slda publlo library will ba open from 10
a. m. to f p. m., except on Saturday, when
It will remain open until 1:30 p. m. These
ara tha usual hours for tha aummer months.
Tha Red Cross work room will ba open aa
usual for the night claanea during the
week beginning Juno S, and worker ara
requested to us tha slds entrance.
Card of Thanks W wish to 'thank our
kind neighbors and friends for kindness
shown and beautiful floral offerings, through
Illness and death of our dear alster and
. Mrs. Nellie Redmond and family.
, Mr. Joseph Madden and family.
I Mr. Thoe. Foley and Mary oley.
Dinner at Fontenelle
In Compliment to Dimery
T. C. McNish was host to 32 Omaha
business men at a complimentary ban
quet in honor of Martin W. Dimery
at the Fontenelle hotel Saturday night.
Mr. Dimery, who for several years has
been, secretary of the First Trtrst
company of Omaha, leaves in a few
days for Wyoming, where he- will
make his future home.
Mr. Dimery will have charge of the
Wyoming banking affairs of the In
dustrial Security Corporation, of
which Mr. McNish is president. He
will be president and a director of the
Farmers State bank at Riverton and
have direct charge of four other banks
in surrounding cities.
; George W. Thummel, Ed V. Mar
tin, Edward F. Leary and Byron Clark
spoke briefly on behalf of the Omaha
business men following the banquet,
wishing Mr. Dimery success in his
new field.
Masonic Blue Lodges of
Greater Omaha Elect Their
Officers for Ensuing
Last month the nine Masonic blue
lodges of Greater Omaha held their
annual elections and selected officers
who will look after the welfare of the
organizations - during the ensuing
years. In some instances there were
re-elections, but generally new men
will occupy the chairs. The roster
Nebraska Xo. 1 Master, Cliales
H. Marley; senior warden, Harry E.
Mahaffrey; junior warden, Herbert L.
Underwood; secretary, Frank Wilcox.
Capitol No. 3 Master, Charles P.
Bradley; senior warden, Bernard N.
Robertson; junior warden, Charles C
Haynes; secretary, Walter Wills.
Covert No. 11 Master, William B.
Hall; senior warden, Origen Williams;
junior warden, Edward B. Kettell;
secretary, George R. Porter.
St. Johns No. 25 Master, Frank H.
Woodland; senior warden, George W.
Bell; junior warden, Frank E. Under
wood; secretary, Carl E. Herring.
Kepler; senior warden, M. C Wilker
son; junior warden, William N. Pax
ton; secretary, Ralph K. Towle.
Lininger No. 268 Master, Frank
C. Builta; senior warden, Dexter C
Buell; junior warden, Vincent C. Has
call; secretary, Charles A. Eyre.
Omaha No. 288 Master, Walter H.
Mailand; senior wardeii, B. E. Oviatt;
junior warden, Robert E. Gilmore;
secretary, Edward L. Gain.
Benson No. 290 Master, Ernest H.
TJndell; senior warden, Charles P.
McPherson; junior warden, Arch M.
Wiggins; secretary, Daniel Wester
gard. Florence No. 281 Master, Guy R.
Spencer; senior warden, Frank P.
Brown; junior warden, Edwin E. Ga
brielsen; secretary, Jacob Weber, jr.
Odd Fellows.
Next Thursday, Hesperian encamp
ment No. 21 will put on the Patriarch
al degree in full force. Several grand
officers are expected to be present.
Clan Gordon.
The regular meeting of the Ladies'
Auxiliary, Clan Gordon No. 63, will
be held at the home of Mrs. Albert
Falconer, 4216 Larimore avenue, Wed
nesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. The
annual election of officers will occur.
Knights of Security.
Omaska Council No. 2295, Knights
and Ladies of Security, will dedicate
their service flag Monday night at
the hall' in the Swedish auditorium.
It is said a splendid program has been
arranged. The public is invited to at
tend the open meeting.
Royal Highlanders.
FerncHffe Castle No. 488 will hold
election of officers Friday evening,
June 17, at the hall, Nineteenth and
Farnam streets.
Sues for $5,000 Damages
From Roofing Company
The National Roofing Co. is made
defendant in a damage suit for $5,
000 filed in the district court Satur
day by Joseph 1. Dillan, Neola, la.,
who recites in his petition that as a
result of alleged negligence on the
part of the roofing company his son,
Edwin, was killed TannarvdS whil
playing on a hoist used by the roof
ing company in erecting a school
building in Neola.
Sale of Uliite Slices
c:i Men's, Weren't, Children's lloitery
Great Dig Savings for You!
The heavy rain ef a few nights ago came through tha roof of our
balcony And wtt several hundred pairs of whlto canvas shoes and
several hundred pairs of. men's, women's and children's stockings.
These will be aold at big reductions. Nothing wrong with them ex
cept that In some cases the merchandise Is still llttla damp.
All Ladies' White Canru
Clippers, -values i- to $2.48;
Men's Hose
-values up
te 75o (silk
i Included),
special, at,
values to.
$1.35, spe
cial, at,
45c and
values te
49c, spe.
clal, it,
&R. KINNEY CO., Inc.
05-7-9 North 16th.
Hotel Loyal Bldg.
briar Departure Chicago Great Western
Effective June 2, 1918, No. 12 for Fort Dodge,
.Mason City, St Paul and Minneapolis, will leave
: Omaha at 8:05 p. m. instead of 8:20 p. m. ' No
l change in leaving time of No. 16 for the same
points at 7:29 a. m. w
, No. 6 for Fort Dodge, Oelwein, Dubuque and
. Chicago, will leave Omaha at 3:30 p. m. instead, of
3:50 p. m. No. 5 from Dubuque and Chicago,
will arrive at 4 :45 p. m. instead of 4 :30 p. m.
E. P. Kretz, C P. & T. A.
403 South 15th Street, Omaha.
' , Phone Douglas 260.
i -
Important Changes
In Schedules
Effective, Sunday, June 2nd
Trains will leave Omaha Union Station, as follows:
No. 310 Des Moines Local, except Sunday 6:00 A. M.
-Chicago Express, daily 6:30 A. M.
-Chicago Express, daily 3:15 P. M.
-Chicago Express, daily .....5:00 P. M.
No. 8
No. 6
No. 14-
.No. ' 5 Colorado Express, daily. 1:30 P. M.
No. 17 Oklahoma Express, daily ..3:45 P. M..
No. 7 Colorado Express, daily 12:01 A. M.
Pullman service on all trains, excepting No. 310.
For further information inquire at
City Ticket Office, 411 South 15th
Street, or at Union Station.
Union Pacific's Through Train and Sleeping Car
Service to and from Pacific Coast Effective
June 3, 1918, Will Be As Follows;
Between Omaha and Pacific Coast
"Overland Limited" Trains 1 and 2
No. 1 No. 2
.Westbound Enstbound
:30 a. m Lv. Omaha... Ar 9.20 p. m.
10:40 p. m.. Lv. Cheyenne Lv 7:35 a. in.
8:40 a.m... Ar. Green River. .... .Lv 9:00 p. ra.
8:55 a. m. Lv. Green River .Ar 8:45 p. m.
3:10 p. m. (M. T.)....Ar. Ogden .Lv........ 2:45 p. m.
2:30 p. m. (M. T.)....Lv. Ogden Ar... . I'S p. m.
5:10 p. m....... Ar. San Francisco ....Lv , .. 9:40 a. m.
4:30 p. m .....Ar. Salt Lake City....Lv 1:10 p. m.
5:30 p. ra..... Lv. Salt Lake City. ...Ar 12:45 p. ra.
5:30 p. m. Ar. Los Angeles Lv 9:30 a. m.
8:30 'p. m.
9:30 a. m.
8:55 a. m...... Lv. Green River Ar..
7:00 p. m...'.. Ar. Portland ........ .Lv. .
"Pacific Limited'.! Trains 19 and 20
No. 19 ' No. 20
Westbound Eastbound
1:20 a.m. .....Lv. Omaha Ar...... 1:45 a.m.
4:50 p. m... Lv. Cheyenne ..Lv 11:30 a. m.
3:25 a. m .......Ar. Green River Lv 12:50 a. m
3:40 a'm.... Lv. Green River Ar .12:40 a. m.
10:05 a. m. (M. T.)....Ar. Ogden Lv...... 6:40 p. m..(M. T.)
9:35 . m. (P. T.) Lv. Ogden ....Ar 5:20 p. m. (P. T.)
2 :30 p. i .... , Ar San Francisco Lv. . .. i, 1 :00 p. m.,
11:40 . m.... Ar. Salt Lake. . .Lv 4:30 p. m.
11:50 a. m ...Lv. Salt Lake... Ar...... 12:45 p. m.
4:15 P- m...... Ar. Los Angeles. Lv...... 9:30 a. m.
3:55 . m ..Lv Green River Ar. 8:30 p. m."
3:30 p. m .......Ar Portland... .Lv...... 9:30 a. m.
Between Omaha and Denver
;: No. 15 - f
4:10 p. m............Lv. Omaha
&:00 a. m..... Ar. Denver
No. 16
. . . . Ar. ........ 4 :00 p. m.
..........Lvi.... ...10:00 p. m.
No. 19-13 r : ; ; , V i . No. 12-4; j
1:20 a. m............Lv. Omaha ....Ar...... 7:05 a. m.
9:35 a. m. (C. T.).....Ar. North Platta Lv. . . , . 11":40 p. m. (C T.)
8:C8 a. m. (M. T.).... Lv North Platta Ar 10:30 p. m. (M. T.)
6:00 p. m... ...Ar. Denver ....Lv 1:80 p. m.
City Paasenger and Ticket Offices
1324 Farnam St Phone Doug. 4000
Home Furnishers to Omaha and the Great West.
Service - Giving Values in
Depe ndable Home furnishings
Every article in our IMMENSE stocks of HIGH
QUALITY Home-furnishings is a splendid un
matchable VALUE; so that when you purchase
here you ABSOLUTELY know that you are buy
"g home-furnishings of a DEPENDABLE qual
ity the kind that wil? give you LONG service
and LASTING satisfaction. And the prices are
made so much LOWER because of our INEX
PENSIVE location, combined with LOW operat
ing expense and IMMENSE buying powerand
as usual you make your own terms.
Home Outfits
Three rooms
furnished complete
Home Outfits
Four rooms
furnished complete
Gurney and Northland
Ice Boxes and
Refrigerators .
The value of an ice box or refrigera
tor to you is contained in its service
giving and economy. These splendid
lines represent the height of econ
omy, because they pay for them
selves in a few seasons in the cost of
the ice they save you. They are
made of selected hardwood, mineral
wool interlined and have a pat
ented cold air circulation. Priced
from 87.50 to 842.50 J
For Lawn, Porch or Sun Room.
The greater part of our large
first floor is devoted to the dis
play of beautiful summer fur
niture for Lawn, Porch or Sun
Room. Many beautiful rockers,
chairs and settees in Fumed,
Baronial Brown. Tvorw nnd
Natural Finsihes. Rocker and
Chair, like illustration, m ivory,
Unholstered in French cretnrmo-
removable cushions, spring
seats, your Q 1 Q 7 C
choice J)xJ0
Porch Swings
Like illustration and constructed
of solid oak, with slat seat and
back. Fumed finish. Complete
with chains. Our 11 QC
price pl.i7
From our big daylight
Rug Department.
Wool Fiber Rugs in
choice patterns. Suitable
for bedrooms or dining
rooms. Size 6x9 ft. Our
Tapestry Rugs, suitable
for living room or dining
room. A quality rug in
?12ft $14.95
Our price v .
Velvet .Rugs. A very
pretty rug in choice pat
terns. Size 9x11 ft. Our
ST. $19-85
9x12 ft.
Axminster Rugs
a desirable rue.
price!: .u.r $29.85
Seamless Axminster Rug.
An extra high quality rug
in 9x12 ft. sizes, worcn
$55. Our
II vi fit
Reed Baby Carriages
Extra large and roomy, with
strong, resilient springs. Finishes
are fumed, ivory, natural. Prices
e $17.50 S24.50 S27.50
Child's .
Lawn Swings
Just like illustration. Made of
hardwood, strongly braced and
bolted. Our d QP
Fiber Rockers
Just like illustration and suitable
for porch, lawn or sun room. Fin
ished in a beautiful brown and
has full roll. Our (JJO
price ........ ...... VJ"0
Ice cream
Freezers. Just
like cut 2-qt.
size. Our price
Handsome Complete Dining Room Suites
Why not turn in your old dining room suite to our Exchange pept.
and replace it with one of our handsome Dining Room Suites?
Many styles to select from, including the period reproductions.
Prices are. ..$56.50 ?67.50 $82.50 897.50 8117.50
( Every Day Household Values
This Genuine
Columbia I
only ........... piU.UU
Curtain Stretchers, adjustable
frames 79d
Aluminum Percolators, 7-cups
size . . . 81.19
Electric Irons, fully guaran
teed $2.95 84.95
Lawn Mowers, good quality.
Our price .$3.95
Folding Step Ladder Stools.
Our price 79
Hammocks, 81.69 81.98
White Enamel Cretonned cov
ered Folding Tables. Our
price' .".......$2.25
Large Wagon Umbrellas. Our
price .95
25-ft. guaranteed Garden
Hose, complete with couplings.
Our price ...-83.95
50-ft lengths, same as above.
Our price 86.95
Folding Porch or Lawn Set
tees. Our price. ..... .95
The People's Store.
Opposite Hotel Rome