Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 28, 1918, Image 1

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On TnlM. it Httill.
Nwi SUatfi. lt., t.
The Omaha Daily. Bee-
President Induces Congress to
Remain in Session and Pro
vide Revenue for Carry
! ing on War.
Washington, May 27. President
Wilson today ended discussion over
whether congress shall remain in ses
sion this summer to enact new revenue
legislation by appearing before the
house and senate in joint session and
calling upon members to put aside
politics and all other considerations,
to provide money for growing war
expenses and to advise the country in
advance of the tax burdens it must
As President Wilson was leaving
for the capitol today word came that
the German drive against the west
front had been renewed. He gave his
visit a dramatic touch by announcing
this news as lie concluded his pre
pared speech, saying it strengthened
the purpose he had tried to express.
-The demand that with the war at its
"peak and crisis," congress do its
duty, "at home as the soldiers are do
ing their duty in the trenches over
seas" brought instant acquiescence.
No Summer Adjournment.
There still was reluctance in some
quarters to believe immediate legisla
tion imperative, but plans for mid
summer adjournment were abandoned
and both democratic and republican
leaders expressed their determination
to go at the task of passing a revenue
A suggestion by the president that
most of the new taxes probably would
fall upon increment, excess profits and
luxuries and that profiteers could be
reached in this way was greeted with,
cheers. ' Congressmen said later that
'the money needed would come from
those sources.
To initiate the bill it, was an
nounced that public hearings would be
begun early in June by the house
ways and means committee, to be fol
lowed by co-operation in its drafting
with the senate finance committee.
Presentation of the measure to the
house in July was regarded as as
sured. Problems to be Worked Out.
One of the problems to be worked
out first is the proportion of new
taxes to bond issue authorizations.
About $20,000,000,000 must be provid
ed to meet expenses of the coming
year. In a memorandum recently
given Jo members of congress, the
president suggested that 40 per cent
should be raised by taxation. This
would mean bond issues for some
$12,000,000,000, and doubling of the
approximately $4,000,000,000 levied in
taxes this year.
Representative Kitchin,. chairman
of the ways and means committee,
the entire membership of which will
participate in the framing of the bill,
said the increases from the income
and excess and profits taxes will be
effected by readjusting excess prof
its and income surtaxes and that the
bill woull double the aggregate re-
' ceived from these sources without
doubling the rates. He said there is
little room to lower the $1,000 and
$2,000 incomes now allowed single and
married persons, respectively. Those
who have made large profits as the
result of the war, he declared, will
be especially aimed at.
Public Hearings Planned.
At least weeks of public hear-
. ings are planned, and Mr. Kitchin
said he did not see how the bill could
be a law until November 1.
Speaker Clark said that if there
were joint sessions of the house and
senate committees, congress could
get away by October. Committee
members said no joint sessions were
Acting Republican Leader Cillet
' announced that republicans of the
house had no idea of attempting par
tisan tactics.
"I have no idea," he said, "that lie
N republicans will caucus on the bill or
attempt any partisan action. I wish
I could feel that democrats will "
as nonpartisan as the republicans will
be. I am sure we would have a fairer
bill if we passed it after ejection, be
jctfse, now, inevitably, there will be
a desire to avoid unpopular taxes
and the action of members will be
.influenced by the thought of their
re-elction campaigns. I am fully in
Kcord with what the president said."
Appeal to Patriotism.
"An intense and pitiless light beats
upon every man and every action in
the tragic part of war that is now
jpon the stage," said the president.
The president concluded with an
ippeal to congress to do its work
ungrudgingly and said he could not
guarantee a proper administration of
the treasury unless the question were
settled at once.
When he had finished his address
the present unexpectedly made a brief
xtemporaneous statement, in which
he said that just as he was leaving
fhe White House for the capitol he
tad heard that the new German drive
apparently had just begun, and that
it added to the solemnity of his con
tention of the country's duty,
Washington, May 27. The Amer
ican people answered Germany's
renewal of the offensive on the
western front todav with an out
pouring of more "than 32,000,000
mercy dollars, swelling the Amer
ican Red Cross second war fund to
$144,000,000. Repprts still were com
ing in from some districts at mid
night and the final total of the drive,
which ended today, will not be
known until tomorrow.
The over-subscription was much
larger than to the first $100,000,000
fund last year and was believed1 by
officials to have reflected the deter
mination of the people of the nation
to see that the Red Cross work, not
alone among the American troops,
but among the civilians of France,
should be extended.
Every Red Cross division except
the central and every state in the
union except Illinois, went over its
quota. The central division lacked
$,500,000 of reaching its $13,800,000.
Over-subscriptions in Nebraska,
Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan
could not offset the $2,800,000 by -which
Illinois failed to achieve its
$8,000,000 goal.
The foreign division rolled up the
greatest percentage against its
quota, reporting four times its
$300,000 minimum. The Gulf divi
sion continued to lead home divi
sions in percentage, with some
thing over 200. It was the only divi
sion to double its quota.
Average Increase to Be More
Than 25 Per Cent When
Changes Have All Been
Worked Out;
(By Associated Frrsf.)
Washington, May 27. Examination
today of Director General McAdoo's
order raising freight rates on a basis
3 cents a mile, and abolishing all
lower intrastate freight and passen
ger rates.-indicated that the average,
increase will be higher than 25 per
Many changes and readjustments
will be made by the railroad admin
istration, either on its own initiative
after receiving suggestons from sup
porters and state or local authorities,
or by order of the Interstate Com
merce commission, which has power
to review and modify the schedules.
This will not prevent the new rates
from going into effect, however, pas
senger fares June 10 and freight tar
iffs, June 25, for the commission to
day gave its approval tn the rate or
der without hearings. This action was
perfunctory and is not intended to
cut off later complaints and hearings
on them.
State railroad or rate commissions
have no authority to change the rates,
the railroad administration holds,
even though many provisions of the
new order more than double the
charges for short hauls within states.
Will Welcome Suggestions.
The director general explained in
a telegram to chairmen of state com
missions, however, that he will wel
come suggestions for readjustment of
rates on intrastate traffic, and these
will be referred to the Interstate Com
merce commission for its considera
tion in passing on specific complaints.
State commissions may also enter
formal protest direct to the Interstate
Commerce commissions.
These complaints are expected to
result in hundreds of modifications
affecting specific commodities or
classes, and rates between certain
communities, but probably will not
reduce to any great extent the total
revenue to be derived from the sweep
ing incrass, which is stimated at from
$800,000,000 to $900,000,000.
The additional charges eventually
must be absorbed in higher prices of
commodities, it was asserted today by
shippers interests and this effect may
be noticed particularly for coal, brick,
lumber, meats and grain, and for ma
terials shipped only a short distance.
Analysis of the new schedules showed
that for hauls of from five to 50 miles,
particularly in states which have their
own intrastate classifications, rates
will be raised by varying amounts
ranging from 25 to 100 per cent.
, Higher Excursion Rates.
Local excursion fares to summer re
sorts will be raised generally about
(Continued on Page Two, Column ThreeT)
Men and Women of Allied Countries Make
Sacrifices and Up to Americans to Do Part
Washington, May 27. Greater food
conservation so that the allied people
and armies may be fed is urged upon
the American nation in a statement by
the American Labor mission, ap
pointed by President Wilson to make
a comprehensive study of conditions
in England and France. The state
ment, which was cabled to the food
administration and announced tonight,
was made just before the mission
started back to America.
"We feel it is our duty to impress
Washington Hear Reports and Many Officers Believe
That Offensive Is Simply Move Preparatory to At
tack On Center Sectors of the Western Front,
Where Americans Are Stationed.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington. May 27. Germany apparently has launched
a desperate attempt to smash her way through the allied
armies to victory before American troops can reach the battle
fields of France and Flanders in force.
Associated Press reports from the British and French
fronts, telling of the new assaults, which may mean that the
supreme test of power is at hand, were conveyed to President
Wilson just as he was leaving the White House for the capitol
to ask congress for legislation to provide more money for the
Army Men Study Battle.
No official information had come
tonight to supplement press dis
patches from the front. General
Pershing's daily communique made
no reference to the strong drives
against the British and French, as the
communique deals only with the ac
tivity of the American army.
Army officials studied the press ac
counts closely for signs of the Ger
man purpose. The fact that one
blow was launched at the southern
end of the Picardy-Flanders battle
theater and the other a t almost the
extreme north end of the 200-mile
battle front was taken as direct evi
dence that today's attacks were only
preliminary moves in the German
strategic designs. - .". ;.
. Extension of the battle' front to the
Aisne sector to the southward, means
the adding-erf 50 miles to the fighting:
line at a time when the German army
needs every unit it can get together
in centralized position within the
wide salient driven into the allies'
line by the first rush. Officials here
agree with French critics that the
most probable place for the real re
newal of the drive to develop will be
in the Albert sector of the Amiens
front.' An advance there would
menace both Paris and the channel
One explanation of the long delay
of the Germans in renewing the of
fensive has been found in the 40-mile
stretch of shell-torn roads over which
they had to move up guns and muni
tions before they could resume the
pressure at the Amiens line with
lliassed power.
Many officers believe an extension
of the offensive to the Aisne theater
was merely a feint preparatory to a
later attack in the Albert region or
near Amiens, the point of maximum
penetration, and where American
units now block the road with their
British and French comrades.
Menace to German Position.
It was pointed out that the long
sweep of the French line from Mont
didier, southeast to Pinon, the north
ern flank of the new German thrust,
has consitutcd a great menace to the
whole German positions in the
Picardy sector. Some officers thought
the real purpose of the Germans was
to crush in that French line by break
ing through behind it and forcing a
withdrawal. Others contended that
the new blow was struck directly at
Paris and the long range gun brought
into action against that city again in
order to force General Foch to mass
reserves on that side.
From the French point of view the
road to Paris must be defended at all
costs. The British attach supreme
importance to the channel ports nd
the German thrusts appear to be cun
ningly planned to exert the greatest
popular pressure on the allied leaders
to draw their reserve strength tQ
south and north, gradually weaken
ing the line in the center.
Some observers are convinced that
if the blows to the north and south
prove effective for a few days, com
pelling reinforcement of both lines,
the situation will change overnight
at the psychological moment and the
real weight of the German might be
hurled at the weakened center, north
of Amiens, near Albert.
upon the American people the fact that
they should endeavor to conserve food
in a larger measure that we may sup
ply the people ot the allied countries
with the things necessary to their sub
sistence, the mission s cable said.
"There is ifo doubt but the people
of great Britain and of the allied coun
tries are making untold sacrifices
more than America realizes. Not
withstanding these sacrifices, no mem
ber of the mission has heard from
them a single word of, complaint."
Differences Adjusted by Pay
ment of One-Half the In
crease Asked by the Work
ers of Four Companies.
of "striking
workers and heads of local beverage
companies were adjusted late yester-
day atternoon ai a meeting or repre
sentatives of both sides and Federal
Mediator Fred L. Feick. The, meeting
was held in Major Smith's office and
the compromise was effected after two
hours' deliberation.'
The beverage workers, stationary
firemen, engineers and coopers all re
ceived increases approxithating 15 per
cent of their former wages and ex
pressed satisfaction with the new con
tracts, which were ' prepared and
signed under the eye of the govern
ment mediator.
Mediator Pleased With Conference.
"I am very much pleased with the
attitude of both sides in this contro
versy," declared Mr. Feick. "They
were not slow to submit their case to
arbitration and I think both sides arc
satisfied with the result of the con
fierence." F. D. Walden, C. L. Shamp, Wil
liam Chase and Albert Miller, repre
senting the four striking organiza
tions, expressed themselves as very
much pleased with the compromise
and promised to live up to the agree
ments, as signed by both parties.
Similar expressions were heard
from Tom Reynolds of the State
Council of Defense and Mayor Smith,
who said: "My time and my office al
ways are open to things of this kind."
Jake Krug expressed himself as
well satisfied with the settlement ef
fected by Mr. Feick, and Gottleib
Storz admitted he had not expected
much better. Martin Jetter refused to
say anything for publication whatso
ever. Money to Red Cross.
When Mediator Feick cut the dif
ference in the firemen's present wage
and that asked in two the amount
came to $26.19."We'lt call it $26.15,"
said Feick.
"Oh, no, wc can't give'up those 4
cents," protested Secretary Shamp.
"Why not make it $26.20?" '
"What will you do with the other
cent?" asked Feick.
"Give it to the Red Cross, answered
The figure was set at $26.20.
University -of Omaba
Commencement Tonight
Commencement exercises at the
University of Omaha will be held in
the John Jacobs Memorial gym
nasium at 8 o'clock tonight. Eleven
students will be graduated from the
Liberal Arts and Science college and
two from the law college. Seven first
grade state teachers' certificates will
be granted.
John L. Kennedy will deliver the
commencement address.
Pioneer Brick Maker
Of Omaha Is Dead
William H. Gatewood, a pioneer
brick manufacturer of Omaha, died at
the home of his daughter, Mrs. Rich
ard Hoye, 3042 Spring street. Mon
day morning. He was past 80 years
of age. He had been a resident of
Omaha more than 60 years. About 12
years ago he retired from active work.
Harry Lauder's Own Story of War
Zon Experiences Will Be Found
on Page 12.
From Marshal Haig.
(By Aorltd Trrtt.)
London, May 27. The official state
ment reads:
"Strong hostile attacks, preceded
by a bombardment of great intens
ity, developed early this morning on
a wide front against the British and
French troops on the line between
LRheims and Soissons, and against
French troops between Locre and
Voormezccle. j
"There was considerable hostile ar
tillery activity yesterday and last
night on the British front."
"On the Locre-Yoomezecle front,
the French troops repulsed the ene
my with great loss."
This announcement was contained
in Held Marshal Haig's official re
1 port tonight.
British Heavily Attacked.
The attack against the sector of
ficrry-au-Kac, held by the British, was
partly successful by reason of the in
tense bombardment of gas shells and
the use of tanks, and after heavy fight-
ing the Hritisli on the
pressed back to prepared
constituting the second line.
lett were
The text
of the statement reads:
"At i:M o'clock this morning the
British divisions holding a sector of
the French front astride the Aisne
at Berry-au-Bac, between Bermeri
court and Craonnelle, were heavily at
tacked. "At the same time, hostile attacks
in great .strength were made against
the French troops immediately on the
right and F'rench divisions on the left
along the high ground traversed by
the Chcmin Des Dames.
in tne British sector the enemy s
attack was supported by tanks and
accompanied by an intense bombard
ment with gas shells.
"On our right our troops maintain,,?!
their battle positions and. are in close
toC;b..,witlt4hB , French. On our left
theenemy succeeded afters hetVt
fighting, In pressing our troops back
to the-second line of prepared posir
(ions.. Severe" fighting Ira's 'tken pUc
along the front and is continuing.
"In the Lys battle front-strong at
tacks ma"de by the enemy this morn
ing on the Locre-Voormezeele front
have been repulsed by the French
troops after fierce fighting, with great
loss to the enemy."
Huns Pay Dearly.
Tan's, May 27. A battle was fought
from the region of Vauxaillon to the
outskirts of Brimont 'Rheitns sector),
says the official report from the war
office tonight- '
The enemy at the end of the day
had reached the region of Pont Arcy.
The . Franco-British troops retired
methodically . and in perfect liaison,
making the enemy pay dearly for his
futile success. The text of the state
ment reads:
"The battle continued throughout
the day with extreme violence on a
front of more than 40 kilometers from
the region of Vauxaillon to the out
skirts of Brilont. Masses of the en
emy attacked our troops in the first
line and pushed ahead without regard
for their losses into the valley of the
Aisne. Certain of their elements
reached at the end of the day the re
gion of Pont Arcy.
"The French and British troops,
co-operating magnificently, retired
methodically and in perfect liaison,
making the enemy pay dearly for his
first successes, which were inevitable,
and assured that foot by foot resist
ance would prove efficacious.
"The activity 0f the opposing artil
leries was maintained on both banks
of the Meuse, in the region of St.
Mihiel and on the Lorraine front."
German Report.
Berlin, via London, May 27. The
battle for possession of Chemin Des
Dames has been raging since early
morning. Troops of the German
crown prince have taken the ridge by
storm along the whole of its exten
sion and now are fighting on the
Aisne, according to, the official state
ment issued by the war office tonight.
The text of the statement reads:
"Iiv the battle regions of Flanders,
on thei Lys battlefield and on both
sides of the Soinme and the Avre,
artillery fighting has become intense.
"South of Laon the battle for pos
session of the Chemin Des Dames has
been raging since early morning. The
troops of the crown prince have tak
en the ridge by stofm along the whole
of its extension and now are fighting
on the Aisne.
State Republicans
May Take Action
Lincc, May "27. (Special Tele
gram). Republicans are beginning to
arrive this evening in large numbers
for the big loyalty meeting tomorrow.
There appears to be a general feel
ing that the convention should take
some action backing the regents of
the University of Nebraska in their
efforts to dig out pro-German profes
sors and teachers connected with the
state university. The regents will hold
their meeting tomorrow at the same
time as the convention and if Clark
Perkins, chairman of the resolutions
committee, has his way, resolutions
. - . . . . . -
After Artillery Preparation Two Blows Struck One South
west of Ypres and Other in Aisne Sector Prob-
able That American Troops Are Fight- I r
ing In Both Battles.
With the British in France, May 27. Von Hindenburg'g
troops thus far have met with failure virtually at all points in
their attack against the French in th,e Locre sector. v
In the early stages the enemy succeeded in driving in the
positions at some points, but counter attacks threw , the
Germans back at nibst of these places, and the French virtually
reestablished their entire line. '
(By Associated Press) V
Germany's greatest offensive on the western front has been
resumed. With only brief artillery preparation, two blows
have been struck by the Teuton armies, which have been ic
organzed since disastrous losses were inflicted on them by the
French and British during the Picardy and Flandets battles in
March and April. , , ; . V . " -
One attack was on the line from Voormezeele to Locre;
southwest of Ypres; the1 other on a 35-mile front, from Pinon,
north of Soissons, to Rheims. This is known as the Aisne sector. ' '
.., t.;x . ..yrf ,
Detached. From Command of
Eighty-Ninth Army Division
and Will Not Go With
Men- Overseas.
(By Aorlat(l PrM.)
Washington, May 27. Saying that
it .was "not the custom of the depart
ment 10 explain orders to officers,"
Secretary Baker tonight refused to
comment on the order issued today
detaching Major General Leonard
Wood from command of the 89th na
tional army division.
Major General Wood is senior offi
cer in the regular army and the order
means that he will not lead to France
the division stationed at Camp Funs
ton. It was learned that General
Wood is slated to command the
Western army department, with head
quarters in San Francisco, but no of
ficial announcement was made.
Up to a day or two ago there was
nothing to indicate that the depart
ment had any other purpose than to
send General Wood to the front when
his division went. On the Contrary,
there is every reason to believe that
he was fully expected to go over
when that tunc came. He submitted
to a physical examination on his re
turn from France, where he was
wounded by the bursting of a French
gun. , He passed all tejts and it was
believed that the only obstacle to his
being sent to the front in command of
his division" had been removed.
General Wood's close association
with former President Roosevelt,
among the most unsparing critics of
the administration and particularly
of the War department, has led to as
sertions with regard to his assign
ments before.
The Red Cross drive in Omaha will
bring in nearly $500,000, according
to ' latest figures from headquarters.
Nearly $415,000 is in sight, which
means that Omaha has more . than
doubled its quota of $200,000. Actual
rash receipts in banks are $223,477.75.
Pledges now tabulated amount to
This makes a total of $3.18,090.56,
with many other sources to be heard
in Lincoln
Backing Regents
strongly backing the regents will be
Congressman Charles Sloan, candi
date for the republican nomination for
the United States senate, was here
this morning, but left for his home
in Geneva to bid good-bye to his son,
Blaine Sloan, who leaves tomorrow
for Camp Funston. This is the sec
ond son of the congressman to enter
the service.
There is some talk tonight that E.
M. Pollard may become a candidate
for the republican nomination for
an, muuti 3 Minus naif
gained virtually nothing, but further
south, the Berlin official statement ,
claims that the German crown prince's
troops have carried the whole -ridge
of the Chemin des Dames and now
are fighting on the Aisne river.- ,
V th sttscV; in Flanders is'sgahist
positions taken by the French May
20,, when- they captured Bttrlffose and -Locre
ahJ strengthened their lini on
acli ,s!de of ffill. 44,' which they hid
rttih- '-tmti"'Aark'hUfnrtf .; '' " ' . ' ,
', ' tteeijlf, Former . FightinfV 1 "
On the Aisne front the present battle '
recalls the fearful fighting - of last .,
summer along the Chemin dei Dames,' for weeks the German crown .
prince hurled his men agsinst the
F'rench positions, only to see .them
crushed and beaten. Last year?75 '
divisions were engaged in the German' '
attacks along this line." ' ; v ; .
The attack here is really in the nsV
ture of a line-straightening opervv
tion. It is being launched from Laon' V
at a center and is aimed at the elbow ;
in the line formed during the fighting-
in Picardy in March and April. Htre
however, the Germans must tace per ;
matifnt works, which have beep oe 3
cupied by the French for long periods
and which can be defended easily.' ;
Evidence that the allied supreme
command was forewarned of the at-;
tack may be found in the fact that .
the British troops are fighting there,"'
It has been bejieved that the British "
forces did notlhold positions, much
south of the Somme, east' of Amiens,
; Crown Prne in Command.'' ,
The German crown prince is . fn ;
ccrnmand in this aector, and this may
indicate a serious effort to break the
allied line. '
Crown Prince Rupprecht of Ba
varia is the nominal commander in
ArtoiS and Picardy, and the German
crown prince for dynastic reasons will
strive to outdo whatever success was
attained by his colleague further
rorth. '
It is probable that American troops .
are engaged in the righting in both .
the battles on the French front ' It '
is known that American, troops ire .
close behind, the allied lines in Flaiv;
dcrs, while some time' ago it was re
ported that they were near. Rheims,'
Americans in the Fighting.;
The late official reports note severe
fighting in the Apremont .forest,
where Americans are known to be
holding positions. The , reports say ;
that the Germans werrepulsed.
It is officially reported from Wash
ington that American positions in
the Picardy sector near Cantigny and -Montdidier,
have been subjected to
attacks and that at places the Ger?.'
mans penetrated them. The enemy,
however, was driven out later.
Almost coincident with the new
German assault, the Italians launched
a blow a't the Austrian lines in the
mountain region to the northwest of ,
Lake Garda. According to reports, '
thev have carried Monticello Pass,:
the village of Presena, Montseiglon
and the mountain spur to the east,
and taken 800 Austrian prisoners. T
Before them lie parallel streams lead
ing down into, the Lagarina valley,
.and. if they successfully carry out
their attack there, it is possible for
them to outflank the entire Austrian
position in the north of Italy.
The long-range bombardment of
Paris has been resumed. . '",""
Guiou Elected on Board . ' :j
Of Ak-Sar-Ben Governors .
Arthur Guiou. member of the lum-"
ber firm of Guiou & Ledwich and
prominent Omaha booster, was electi -ed
a member of the board of govern
ors of Ak-Sar-Ben at a meeting of
the board Monday night. Mr. Guiou .
succeeds Charles Beaton, who has ' je.
signed on account pi in nealtn,