THE XSLtj: UJHAriA, J iUVAl, WAl aaio. nuns pouhce on PARIS IN DEADLY IJIGIIUSSAULT French Planes Tike Air to ( Combat German Attack on Capital; Many Bombs ' Dropped.; - .:- Paris, iay 23. German aviators made another attack on Pari lait night, and this time succeeded in reaching the city. : Bombs were dropped .at various places, an official statement reports. The official announcement says: "Several bodies of enemy aircraft successively tnade (or Paris. Our lookout posts opened a very violent curtain of fire. Our airplanes took the air. ,: , "A certain" number of bomb were thrown on Paris and in the Paris dis trict The 'all clear signal was given at J:30 o'clock." The casualties, so far as reported, are on dead and 12 injured.. About 30 German airplanes , at tempted to reach ParU. ' ' Tuesday night the German aviator attempted to , raid Paris, but were kept away from the . city by the French defenses One of the raiders was brought down. .Three persons -were killed and segtral wounded in the outskirts of the city.-' JURORS WEEP AS . GRACE LUSK TELLS k STORY OF SHAME i . . (CwllMis tnm tf Om.) . tell her if be did not want to. He aid that he wdlild tell her,, that it was better to be honest".". t - Shaken by Bob. -' At this point Miss Lusk paused and hid her eyes under the brim of her hat, her shoulders shaking, with sobs. , Two jurymen openly wiped tit tears front their eyes while score ofn women i were weeping in the hushed courtroom., Although it was 1) minutes . before the usual time, Judgi Lueck ordered en immediate adjournment and the defendant stag gered to her feet only to almost fall into her father's arm. - Tomorrow she will continue her story end later in the day will face a. aevere cross examination. 'Friend t -1 -. 'i i . i j . i Kir mar ene win orca aown unaer tie straitv-'-A.'- 1 ' ' - ' "! " " ' Mist Lusk began her testimony this doming by telling of her first meet ir j with Dr. Roberts, of how he tele phoned to ask her to come to hi o'act to help him with om menu script and of how, instead, ah had invited him to meet her at her office at the-Y.:W tv,--How Intiniecy Began, 5 r - M '. later meeting in her office s.e said that fie leaned over her deck tii Mted her and when the re f or4 him; kissed ner , again and i;ied if the cared for him. She said tiat he replied thai he was mirried tti that be id: "There i no happiness or love In t!ie heart of either myself or wife. I should like to be free but that is im rpiible, as in the-eyes of the law I r. Roberts )s a model wife. told of their growing intimacy tti of how he confided his buiiness it! family trouble to her while they vrke4 together on the manuscript cf hit book . Later she described vlu to Chicago where she aid that tier mistered several time a man iJ wi;t, Dr. Roberts at least in tjre instances, buying her railway tUtt from Milwaukee to Chicago ixi paying the hotel bill. Contradict! Dr. Roberts. Then the' related instances of his kalously. of bow oace he had forced her to obtain a receipt from a Chi ef to hotel to prove the ttory the told hLa of her visit there. She denied Crt there was ever any reason for t . ' jealousy. At many point the ily contradicted the ttory Dr. 1 -Herts tfiliL v t " ' 'Regarding a meeting it which Dr. Roberts had testified that she straw him in the face when he refused to swear that he cared more for her Cn nyone else in the world, she -"The lituation had become un bearable, t was unhappy. Mrs. Rob ert wat unhappy. I told him that if ri did not care that would end it all. l,s said he cared at much at. ever. I raid that then he must go home and tell Mrs. Roberts. He said this was impossible and when he - became ensive, I struck him. ' A"::. Tonnas3 Wins Race ' With srmsh. Submarines 'London, Msy 25. The enemy it de stroying British, allied and neutral teanage at the rate of about.3.S00,000 ttat yearly, while ureet Britain and us allies and the neutral countries will very soon be producing tonnage at a rate of about 4,000,000 tons yearly, write Archibald Kurd, the naval ex pert, In the Daily Telegraph. , That favorable situation, he de clares, should be reached in a few week and thenceforward the upward curve In favor of the allies thould proceed, in a manner to convince the oermant of their failure.' - f tny Jews Wounded v In Posroms in Gaiicia Stockholm, May 23.--Porroms have f.'tn Place atVieliata. Gaiicia and i Jews have been wounded teri- c according to a report received iy the Jewish pre bureau here. L.:r were plundered and window r -'Sed, the dames o property ex c jzx 1,000,000 kroner, The local ' : made no effort to protect the )it and military ttsistanc wat t irawed from Cracow. Gusrd and Germans , Execute VJ52 ft Rnland tieadon, Msy t3.-Under . the ' it Guard and German regime in 'in A, 152 persons were executed nar , according to a rmnisn . A who escaped to Sweden and - interview ... with the Fofkets is transmitted, from Copen yj ise exenange leiegrapb BELGIAN GUESTS LEAVE AFTER BIG OMAHA GREETING (CoftMaM Trom Tt Oh.) noncommissioned officers and soldiers for the warm-hearted reception you have given us in your city. "This Belgian armored motor corps left the west front in Belgium the lat ter part of 1915 and proceeded, via Archangel, to the Galician front, where they covered themselves with glory. - The Defense of Liete. "I have been asked to tell you what I consider the most important mili tary operations in which the Belgian army has taken part since the begin ning of the war. I thould say the fol io wins; arc uie moi ouuianaing; "First, the defense of Liege, where we barred the Germans, thus giving the French time 'to get ready. You all know the aplendid work done there by our Third division, under the command of our heroic General Le- man, and the stoic resistance of the forts, which gave way only when they had been absolutely destroyed by the powerful German guns. The second important engage ment was at Haelen, where the First cavalry division threw back, with very heavy losses, two of the best German cavalry divisions, supported by pow erful artillery and infantry. More than 3,000 Germans were left dead on the battlefield. "After several smaller engagements the Belgian army retired under the protection of the torts of Antwerp. Here they performed a third service of extreme importance. The Belgian army, in conjunction with the trench army, attacked the tupply communi cation lines of the German army, and a statement by a German staff officer pays a tribute to the effective partici pation of the Belgian army in the victory of the Marne. Retreat Prom Antwerp.. "The fourth military operation to which I would call your attention is the retreat of the Belgian army from Antwerp. The Germans felt confident, not only of capturing Antwerp, but also ot capturing the whole Belgian army at the same time. Thanks to a very clever strategic movement and the heroic stand of our forces at TeM monde, the entire Belgian army re tired safely along the coast to a new position along the river Yser. Ant werp surrendered, but was handed over by civilians, to the great aston ishment of the German general In command, who had already wired the kaiser that he had captured nearly the entire Belgian army. Even the stores of supplies of the army had been de stroyed or removed by. the Belgians before the town wat given unp. The fifth operation wat the most tioriout of all. and w can av with legitimate pride that the .battle of the Yter, after the fall of Antwerp, saved a most critical situation and forever barred the Germans from Calais. Dunkirk and Boulogne. The invasion of those ports by the enemy wouia nav ocen a, serious letDacK to the British military preparations. Although the Belgian army was tired and its equipment weakened and only 42,000 rifles left on (he firing line, the French general-lnhier promised King Albert to send a fresh army, to relieve our men if we could hold out forty-eight hour. We held out forty eight hours and continued to hold out for eight days before the first French reinforcements were able to arrive. We did this in spite of the superior numbers of the enemy, about 300.000 fresh picked troops, who were in high spirits after jutt capturing Antwerp, and who were supported ' by more than 500 gunt. " j "In thit battle our army had been reduced to 20,000 men, nearly all of our country wat in the hands of the enemy, and only a small part of our army remained intact- We had no munitions, no ammunition, and our artillery had been reduced to a few field batteries. "We can ay that the present Bet S m vwiiyviww vi sftA utTinviifli one cavalry corps, a very powerful aruuery et an cauore and flying corps, t stroneer than ever and im patiently await the order to advance. ine sixth episode that I want to mention to you prove this fact clear ly. , "Besides all this the Belgian have been fighting in conjunction with the French in Cameroon, and with the British in East Africa where we now occupy a territory ten time the size of Belgium." Za Tour of City. The day' program for the war rior wat without cessation. The Party arrived in South Side shortly after 9 o'clock in the morning, proceeded on LATE WAR BULLETINS - London, May 23. Heavy artillery fighting in the Ancre valley southeast of Lens and in the Flanders salient is reported in today's officii! state ment British Fir Barracks. Washington, May 23. British avia tors, who bombarded the Austrian aerial station and the submarine bate at Cattaro'on May 20, fired one build near the jetty and also set fire to the barracks, taid a dispatch today from Rome. "Notwithstanding the intense ar tillery fire and the attack of enemy destroyers," slid the dispatch, "the British, airplanes ail re-entered their base safely." German Raid Fails. Paris, May 23. There was intermit tent shelling south of the River Am, on the Amiens front, the War office announced today. A German raid on French positions in the Bois Mongival failed. French detachments petroling in the Champagne brought in a num ber of prisoners and some war material. BEST Of TO SAVE IS 10 CAT POSTTBiOTIES a tour of the stock yards and pack ing houses, was entertained at lunch eon at the Exchange building at noon and at 2 o clock arrived in Umana, proper.' , i ' Following their arrival at the Union station, the party, escorted by a mili tary body from Fort Crook and Creighton university and Omaha high school . cadets, marched, despite the rain which was then falling, north in Tenth street -to Farriam,.and then went to the court house. They were met there by great crowds of Oma hans, who packed the building. Red Cross women were on hand and fur; nished a light luncheon. '( Following the luncheon the various members of the party were taken in automobiles for a short sight-seeing tour of the city, including Fort Oma ha. Following this trip, many of the men repaired to the Young Men's Christian association and to a wel come dip in the big tank. The din ner at the Chamber of Commerce fol lowed. The 336 Belgian officers and troops, guests of Omaha Thursday, now being transported from San Francisco, to an Atlantic port, are what is left of a regiment of .automobile cannon and automobile machine gun troops that joined M Russian troops by way of Archangel late in 1915. They are fine examples of the soldiers of the Bel gian army, many of the most promi nent families of that stricken country being represented, not only among the officers, but the enlisted men as well. They fought with the Russian armies against the central powers for some .time before Czar Nicholas was overthrown, and then with the revolu tionary? troops until the Russians signed a uerman peace, now wen they fought and with what credit to the fair name of Belgium, is shown by the decoratons they wear. One of the most gallant deeds was that of Jacques de Becker-Remy, a private in the First battery, a brave soldier be loved by all. In action with his ar mored automobile, in the midst of enemy fire he left his car to attach a cable to a Belgian automobile . ren dered helpless by reason of damage to its forward deck. He was. killed in the course of this operation, during which he performed an act of sub lime heroism. In memory of his gallant service his name remains on the roll of his battery, and when his name is called, his comrades respond: "Killed on the field of honor at Vero bievka." After the betrayal of the Russian people through the agents of Ger many the usefulness of these Bel gians in Russia was at an end and they made their way through many dangers and in spite of 4he hindrance of the bolsheviki and the plots of Ger; man spies through Russia and Siberia to Vladivostok, where they embarked for San Francisco, arriving at the Golden Gate May 12. From Omaha the party went to Des Moines, where they will be enter tained today. From Des Moines they go to Chicago and thence to several cities in the east. Government Will Reduce Price of Coal to Public Washington, Msy, 23 Government fixed prices of coal to the public will be reduced soon as a result of an agreement reached to day between the fuel and railroad administration under which the railroads will pay more for fuel than they have paid in the past. House Votes for Nation-Wide I Prohibition During the War Washington, May 23. Dry forces in the house today won a second skirmish in favor of national prohi bition during the war when by a vote of 178: to 137 an amendment was adopted refusing any of the $11,346,400 appropriation, in the food production bilk unttt ' President Wilson issues a proclamatioTrprohibithig'the use of food in the manufacture of intoxi cants. ' -7- Colonel Hodges "Awarded Highest Honor in Britain American - Headquarters on the British Front, ', May 23.-r-Colonel J. N. Hodges, of the American engineer corpsf has, been awarded the British distinguished serviqe order in recog nition of his L: services durins: the period from March 27. to April 3, i ' i . i n j ' ( . ; .i wnue me cruisa were stemming ine tide of the German offensive begun March ZI. . Presbyterians' to Meet . In St. Louis Next Year Columbus, O., May 23. The gen eral assembly of the Presbyterian church in the United States of America today voted to hold its 1919 convention in at. Louis. May Form Irish Army. London, May 23. Part of the filan for voluntary recruiting in Ire and, the Dublin correspondent of the Daily News says he learns, prob ably will involve formation of Irish brigades or Irish divisions. " r t mm an asjasaai m , . . . J n i a unn War-time Responsibility Yours and Ours National necessity has put a new respon sibility on every motorist. "Utmost service is demanded-the highest usefulness of yourself and your car. Service and economy are your only con siderations. Our responsibility goes hand in hand with yours. . ' .. . As the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, it is our duty to supply you with tires of unfailing reliability and extreme mileage. United States Tires are more than making good in this time of stress. They are setting new mileage records establishing new standards of continuous service etfecting greater economy by reducing tire cost per mile. There is a United States Tire for every car passenger or commercial and every condition of motoring. u The nearest United States Sales and Serv ice Depot dealer will cheerfully aid you in fitting the right tire to your needs, r ace Good TMs Tires OMAHA BRANCH 9tli and Doifiau Sts: Phone Tyler 840 ft ;Thompson,beii)en &Cq e Cfhe fashion Cerder fir Wbmet3- DON'T BELAY YOUR BED CROSS SUBSCRIPTION 1 i . ' Interesting Summer Frocks Many. new rrfodels in gingham, voile, organdy, foulard and (Georg ette crepe." Real summery affairs; cool and very attractive. Prices are sensible. - Private ; display rooms for your convenience. ' . - No, extra charge for alterations. The Blouse Store . Nothing seems to meet with greater favor than voile in Summer Blouses.' . A fine vari 'ety of distinctive styles for $2.50, $3.50 and $5. i 1 in Sun and rain proof " WindoW siHa and casing exposed to the sun -ud occasional leakages of nun. Offer annnuaially severe test of the durability ; of the finish. The one varnish that makes good under these condi tions is Liauid Granite,4 the Waterproof and . water resisting varnish for floors and other wood work exposed to hard wear. Use Luxeberry Wood Finish for the general interior trim. It enhances the natural beauties of all woods and makes a lasting and beautiful finish. Thete finithet are mads by Berry Brother $, the world? s largest varnish maker. DISTRIBUTED BY " NELSON-ZARP PAINT CO. Manufacturer, of SUNLIGHT PAINT. Tat. Dout. 9049. OMAHA. . 209-11 S. lllh St BI1 Use Your Head Answer This . Question If we can show! to your entire satisfaction that by buying $30 quarter-acre tracts of our t wonderful High Island property, that you would be able to make a great deal of money, would you be willing to back your judgment by purchasing tracts? ' Every one to whom we have explained , our plan admits that we are making the fairest, squarest offer they have ever seen. y -' You owe it to yourself to send immedi ately for our illustrated bulletin, giving com plete details. . Gulf Coast Development Co. 740 First Nat'l Bank Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Telephone Tyler 398. Bee WanrAdAre Busmess Boosters: ; Z 5 :