"1 ' BEST OF ALL COLORED COMICS FOR YOUNG AND OLD WITH THE SUNDAY BEE VOL. XLVII NO. 292. t; . OMAHA, FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 24, 1918 12fAGES TWO CENTS. rn WW uwuu 1' - ' " ' " -! '- ' "" ' ' ; : : : ; : 1 ; ': ' " v ' ' ;-v' t i 4i v. 7 i V A BELGIAN GUESTS LEAVE AFTER BIG OMAHA GREETING Farewell Banquet Tendered Heroes by Chamber of Com merce Following a Day of Hospitality, Parade and i Inspiring Speeches; Major Osterrieth Tells of Valorous Deeds of Tourists. Omaha last nighj at 8 o'clock bid a hearty farewell to 336 Belgian officers and troops who had been the guests of the city during 11 hours of the day. It was a fitting climax Jo a day of entertainment, sight-seeing tours, parade, luncheons and din ner, all of which they shared in. That Omaha again came to the front as a hospitable city that knows how to entertain visitors was confirmed by each and every one in the big party. The visitors left with a smile and a "thank you" that fully repaid for the elaborate plans that had been made for their day's visit. , ' The visitors were entertained at dinner at 6 o'clock Thursday night by the Chamber of CommerceAmong the speakers were Major Osterrieth, Mayor Smith and Howard Baldrige, who was toastmaster. Address by Mr. Baldrige. : In the opening address Mr. Baldrige said :.. , - ''My only wish is that every man here codld understand the English language that he might know our feelings toward you. We have heard of Thermopylol, of Waterloo and of Gettysburg, but none of these are of greater moment than the battle of Liege, Natnur and others where you so bravely fought to stem the onrush of the Huns. ' "The world is prone to pay homage to you and will never cease to be praise the bravery of the men who ' fought not for Belgium alone, but for the whple world. "We Americans have made a vow that whatever comes we will spend. every dollar and shed our last drop of blood, if necessary, in order that Belgium shall be redeemed and re- made. I J!" . Vf f 'v- ' " Mayor Smith 'Talks; 1 V "You are welcome on this soil. Whatever we have is yours. We pray you Godspeed in your home-going and in.the victory which shall come to your arms." Mr. Baldrige then called upon Mavor Smith, who responded with an address of welcome and good fellow ship that expressed the feelings of the city for which he spoke. Dr. E. De lanney of Fort. Crook then spoke in French. Preceding the dinner. E. S. Siebert . and Misses Alegra Fuller, Ruth Gor .don, Eleanor Lockie, Florence Ells worth, accompanied on the piano by Mrs.- Athea Hill, all pupils of the Millie Ryan studio, sang "America" and the "Marseillaise," and also sang during the dinner at frequent inter vals. Major Leon Osterrieth, chief of the Belgian military mission in the United States and in charge of the party, in his address expressed the gracious manner in which Omaha's efforts toward the entertainment of the party was received. His address was one of the big features of the day. - Speaks for Belgian Mission. Major Osterrieth said in part: "I thank you from my heart for your kind invitation to visit your city and for the cordial welcome you have given us. I thank you on-behalf of the British, French and Italian offi cers as well as on behalf of the four "Blue Devils," all of whom have crossed the great American continent to greef and welcome our troops re turning from Russia. I also thank you in the name of the Belgian officers, (Continued on race Two, Column Two.) The Weather For Nebraska Clearing and some what cooler in west; showers in east portion Friday; Saturday fair, cooler in east. . ' Hour. ; " CompanttTO. Local Board, v 1911. 1917. 19H. 1915. Hfghest yesterday ....63 tf 79 72 : Lowest yesterday ....t3 44 61 57 Mean temperature ...6S 6 .64 64 Precipitation 12 .00 .00 .04 ' Temperature and precipitation departures , from the normal: Normal temperature 65 Deficiency for the day ...7 Total excess since March 1, 1&18-. . . . . 3.76 Normal precipitation 13 inch Deficiency for. the day.......... .01 Inch Total rainfall since March 1....3.01 inches pendency since Mareh 1, 1118.. 4. 61 Inches Excess for cor. period. HIT.... .31 Inch . Deficiency for cor. period, 1916.. 2 IS inches j Beporte From Stations at 7 P. M. Station. ' State of Temp. High- JUtn . Weather 7 p.m. est fall. Cheyenne, cloudy 72 74 .00 Davenport, cloudy ....... 64 " 70 . .00 Denver, cloudy ...... .'.76 " 7 ' .00 Des Moines," cloudy ....60 ..66. " .06 Dodge City,' cloudy ....86 , ' . .02 Lander, pt. cloudy ....74 76 .00 North Platte, pt. cloudy 72 . 74 .01 Omaha, cloudy 63 . 6V " .12 Ra-tild City, rain 74 7 T- 8anta F. cloudy .76 76 .00 ' MieiMdan. "ctoudy "74 74 ' ". .00 Sioux City, cloudy 60 62 .16 Valentine, cloudy ' ..64 ". 66 '.66 iVT" Indicates tree of precipitation . A. WELSH. .Meteorologist, Den. jj'tl:;::::::.! RED CROSS GOAL OF OMAHA MOVED UP TO $300,000 ASK MORE FUNDS State Chairman Judson received a telegram from Bernard E. Sunny, chairman of the central division of the Red Cross war fund drive, urg ing the biggest possible oversub scription to the fund. The.' tele gram was as follows: "Great battle is now raging in France with certain heavy casual ties among our boys, and rapid ex pansion of our forces at home are making larger demands on Red Cross than the War Council could foresee last winter when it was de cided .to ask for $100,000,000 war fund. Chairman Davidson : asks all divisions to urge states and chapters to greater exertions to oversubscribe their quotas as much; as possible in order that the Red Cross may meet its (Mw ob ligation. People will readily seel; the necesityifor more '-than the amount first asked top Please get this before all your chapters by telegraph, and add your strongest endorsement; I assure 'you it is unrently necessary." The telegram was sent Thursday ,night from Omaha to all the. Red Cross chapters in the state. ' t Chairman Buckingham Fore casts $200,000 Mark Will Be ; Passed Friday, and. Reports $165,000 Thursday. Today will undoubtedly e the Omaha quota of the Red Cross drive oversubscribed, said Chairman Buck ingham late last night. "We will not slow up the pace we have set until the drive is over. If we double our quota it will be none too much for the cause for which it is subscribed." More than $165,000 has already been subscribed in cash and pledges. More than two-thirds of this amount is cash. Indicatibns now are that $300,000 will be raised instead of the quota of $200,000. Banks and many large business houses have not subscribed and it is believed that their subscriptions will easily total $100,000. A telegram from Washington to the state committee gives the informatioin that National banks may now subscribe to the Red Cross. An Appeal to the Banks. Theinessage said: , "President has signed bill permit ting national banks to- contribute to the Red Cross and is now a law. Bill strongly recommended by comptrol ler currency in annual report to con gress, when he urged that national banks be permitted to make such con tributions. The Corporation commit tee of New York secured $5,000,000, contributions under the law -permitting banks to make direct con tributions to. the Red Cross. Banks (Continued oa Page Four, Column Six.) PRESIDENT SENDS GREETING AND GODSPEED TO ITALIANS Washington, May 23. A message from President' Wilson extending fraternal greetings to the Italian people and bidding them' Godspeed, was read by Secretary Lansing at a mats meetjngriere tonight -celebrating the third anniversary of Italy's entrance into the war. The message, which has been cabled to Ambassador Page at Rome and wilt be read through out Italy tomorrow at celebrations commemorating the day when Italy again unfurled her battleflag against the Huns, follows: : ' "I am sure I am speaking for the people of the United States in send ing to the Italian people warm fraternal greetings upon this,, the anniver sary of the entrance of Italy intQ this great war, in which there is being fought out once for all the irrepressible conflict between self-government and the dictation of force. A ' , , .-V' -,'V' -? i ' "The people of the United States have looked with profound interest and sympathy upon the efforts and sacrifices of the Italian people; are deeply and sincerely interested in the present and future "security of Italy and are glad to find themselves associated with a people to whom they are bound by so many personal' and intimate ties in a struggle whose object is liberation, freedom, the. rights of men and nations to live their own lives and determine their own fortunes, the rights of the weak as well as the strong and the maintenance of justice by the irresistible force of free nations leagued together in the defense of mankind. With ever increasing resolution and force we shall continue to stand together in this sacred common cause.. . , t . ,: " "America salutes the gallant kingdom of Italy and bids her Godspeed." All Eyes Centered Upon Four. Dashing French "Blue Devils" with Belgians Here Four of the most famous warriors in the Belgian party whicn visited Omaha Thursday, and who drew the admiring eyes of all, were the renowned French chausseurs, or "Blue Devils" as they are more frequently called. Their blue uniforms and dashing air made them conspicuous. In ihe group above the four "Blue Devils," Francdis Warembourg, Rene Wadoux, Andre Vanhove and Louis Benoit, are shown with a group of their Belgian comrades, their headgear here distinguishing them. They are the four with the caps which resemble greatly the popular "Tarn O'Shanter," and stand in line, from right to left, second, fourth, fifth and sixth. JURORS WEEP AS GRACE LUSK TELLS STORY OF HER SHAME Spectators Moved to Tears When Slayer. Sobs and Sways in Witness Chair at Her Trial. (By Associated Press.) ... Waukesha,- Wis., May - 23.-With xnauc conclusion u toaay ner own i Wory of hef "lit Almost up to the ! slaying of Mrs. Mary Newman Rob erts for which she is now on trial. : Swaying; in the witness chair ; at times, as if 6ii the verge of collapse, often lowering her voice until it was almost inaudible,1 she denied that she had ever pursued Dr. David Roberts and charged that he first appealed for her help in the preparation of a book and finally won her sympathy by telling of his unhappy life: , ' After describing many meetings in Chicago and other places during two years, Miss Lusk told of arranging a conference with Dr. Roberts in a Milwaukee hotel in May, 1917, about a month before the tragedy. It was to this meeting which-she carried the fistol with which she later shot Mrs. loberts. HER LIFE RUINED. "I had decided that the situation q naa to oe straigntenea out, she testi fied, "and that if Dr. Roberts did not care for me I would take my own life. I told him how sincere I had been in my affections, how I would never have allowed it to start if he had not assured me that Mrs. Roberts did not. care for him. Things now were beyond my control. My repu tation was gone and my life ruined. Mrs. Roberts also was hopelessly wronged. If this had been a game on his part, and if I had been so simple as not to have understood it, I would take the consequences. SWEARS TO CONFESS. . "Then he said he cared ten thous and times more for me. I asked him to tell her. He said it was impossi ble. I again , asked him if he cared for me. He assured me that he did. I then took the pistol, made him put his right hand on a bible and asked him to swear that he would go home and Jell the truth. He said that it was impossible at that time. I said I would give, him until the 15th of June and he then . swore that . he would tell Mrs. Roberts that we cared for each other. I told him to ask for his freedom, and he said, 'Do you think that will be necessary if I tell the truth?' Then I put down the gun and; told him that he need not (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) GRACE LUSK. MRS. RUTH STOKES FOUND GUILTY OF DISLOYALTY TO U.S. , Kansas City, May 23. Mrs. Rose Pastor Stokes, charged with violation of the espionage act, was convicted by a jury in federal court tonight upon all three counts in the indictment against her. After conferring with Francis M. Wilson, U. S. district attorney, and Seymour Stednian of Chicago, Mrs. Stoke's counsel, Judge Van Valken burgh announced that he would defer sentence pending a motion for a new trial. He set June 1 as the date for hearing the motion. The offense for which Mrs. Stokes was convicted carries with it a pos sible penalty of a fine of $10,000 or imprisonment for 20 years or both on each count. The special act for which she was indicted was the writing to the Kan sas City Star of a signed communica tion in which she said she was not for the government and did not be lieve the United States should have the unqualified support of every citi zen in its war aims. 20,000 "Smokes" Set-Up 4 ' Of Omaha Belgians to Visiting Countrymen An incident in the reception of- -fered the Belgian military mission Thursday that was warmly received was the distribution of 2,500 cigars and 17,500 cigarets by the Belgian people of Qmaha, represented by a committee composed of Albert Van Houtte, Adolph Bogard, Joe Van Rycheghen ant Gus Ginst. The "smokes" were distributed im mediately upon the arrival of the big party at the court house and were consumed with a relish. r Harry Lauder's Own Story of War Zone Experiences Will Be Found On Page 5. TEUTON LEGIONS AWAIT COMMAND ' TO BEGIN ATTACK Artillery and Aerial Forces L Showing Great Activity Pre liminary to Battle Which . May ProvDwlsive.w Br AMolatd free,) TT-.f German preparation! for i ' re sumption of the great offensive along the western front are reported to have been completed and the Teuton legions are awaiting the command once more to launch themselves "at the lines from which they recoiled in the first two major operations of the drive. Allied leaders believe the German blow will be struck in a, few days and are awaiting with supreme confidence the trial of strength which may prove decisive. The German official report men tions frequent French infantry, at tacks on the western bank of the Avre, but these probably were local operations for gaining better de fensive positions or disturbing the enemy in his preparations for the great battle. Artillery is active every where. Three U. S. Airplanes Brought Down. In the air, however, the fighting has seemed to grow in intensity. From every sector along the front, aerial squadrons have been engaged in combats in which heavy losses have been inflicted. American airmen have made their appearance on the Lys battlefield, according to the German official re port, which says that three American machines were brought down Wed nesday. This is the first time that American aviators have been re ported on this part of the front and it is probable that they are attached to the large.' body of men which reached positions on the British front recently. Thirty-seven German airplanes were destroyed, 60 others forced to land badly damaged within their own line and eight captive balloons destroyed by French aviators in 105 aerial combats between May 15 and May 18. - Germans have been on V raiding forays behind the allied lines. Wed nesday night a determined effort was made by a German aerial 'squadron to reach Paris, but most of .the ma chines were driven off, and dropped their bombs in the suburbs. One or two machines penetrated the de fenses, but the damage was negligi ble. ..'' An attack on a large allied hos pital was made Sunday night by the Germans, who dropped many bombs on the buildings and tents shelter ing sufferers. , BELGIAN SOLDIER GUESTS TELL 1 ; "How Many Boches Did You Kill?" "Count Blades a Scythe Will Cut." OF "MOWING THROUGH" HUNS Fernand Traupeau and Arthur i Warrnaut, Belgian soldiers, were sur rounded 'by a croud of persons at Seventeenth . and Farnam ; streets Thursday afternoon and were unwill ing guests at an informal reception. Persons who can speak French acted as' interpreters . and .they were kept busy asking questions for the scores of persons who" crowded about the soldiers. " ' ' "How many Germans did you' kill?" The men shrugged their broad shoulders, and , explained in French: ".We mowed right through .them.- Can , . " - . f .,. f! , , . " ' 1 ... . . s- . -v 4 .fit- W . l MAY CALL ALL MEN OF DRAFT AGE IN U. S. TO ARMY SERVICE House Military Committee Incorporates in New Bill Pro vision Repealing Limit to Number That May be Taken and Assuring Steady Flow of . Troopi Until War Is Won. (By Associated Press.) 1 , Washington, May 23. Two important slaps were taken today toward perfecting the task of putting the nation on a war basis. - - ; Soon after Provost' Marshal General Crowder had pro mulgated a drastic amendment to the selective service regula tions requiring every man of draft age to work or fight, Secre tary Baker appeared before the house military committee and asked that President Wilson be authorized to call to the colors all men of draft age who can be equipped and trained. The house committee promptly voted the authority into the army ,' appropriation bill about to be reported to the house. -' "WORK OR FIGHT," NEW SLOGAN. Under existing law power is given to draft 1,000,000 fight ing, men, in addition to special units. This limit soon will be reached with men constantly going into camp to replace' those sailing for France as fast as ships can be provided to take them. With the law changed as the president desires, the man power, of the country will be drawn upon for whatever force may be necessary to win the war. . . ! , ' General Crowder's regulation is far-rea'ehing in scope; and touches riot only habitual idlers but also requires that the draft registrants how in oc cupations held to be nonaseful seek new jobs or tike their places in ths annyv Clerks in stores, waiters, bartenders, employes at places of amusement, pas senger elevator men and other employes around hotels, clubs and business buildings, as well as gamblers, fortune '.tellers and race track and bucket shop attendants all fall among those clsssf as non-usefully engaged. En forcement of the rule is expected to add some men to the army and to do wore important service in improving the labor situation in essential industries. STRIKERS AGREE TO ARBITRATE IN BEVERAGE CASE Return to Work Following Con ference With Mayor, , Who Will Call for Mediator From Washington. Following conferences last night between Mayor Ed P. Smith and rep resentatives of the employers and bev erage workers, the night shifts at the beverage plants involved in a two days' strike all returned to work. Day workers will return this morning. Representatives of the employers met with the mayor at the city halt last night following his request for a conference. They agreed to abide by the decision of an arbitrator, appoint ed by the Department of Commerce Land Labor, if the employes would enter into a like agreement. -, The beverage workers' representa tives were then called into conference and readily agreed to the terms on consideration the mayor' obtain the arbitrator from Washington., ' "I will wire the department the first thing this morning to send a man at once," said Mayor Smith. "I am con fident a satisfactory agreement will be reached and the strike adjusted peaceably, and honorably." One hundred employees of four bev erage companies in Omaha were af fected by the strike according to figures given out by union officers. Police were called out to assist in moving trucks from one part of the city to another at the request of the employer but no violence was offered. The companies affected by the strike were Fred Krug Products company, Willow Springs Beverage company, Storz Beverage and Ice company and Omaha Beverage company. Fairbanks Improved. Indianapolis, Ind., May 23. The condition of Charles W. Fairbanks, who is ill at his home here, was con sidered more satisfactory this morn ing by the attending physicians. you tell how many blades a scythe cuts down?" "Were you wounded?". . ,, v "Oui, oui," they answered, as though being wounded is a matter, of course. How many times?" insisted a the crowd. ;' f ! An interpreter repeated the quev tion ,and Traupeau . said, "Twice." while Warrnaut held up four fingers. They are husky soldiers with iron muscles and steady nerve, pink cheeks and curly hair. They explained that the armored cars are wonderful fac tors in the .war, and they are anxious to be in the. fight agahv ;,, V Py Provided for 3,500,060, 1 Tl.. 1. - 8t!i-. - iic nuuse mmiery comnuuee S ac tion, -after testing Seeretsry Baker, completed the army bill, with provi sion or, the pa of J.pOOOOO men and with ordninee' appr'oflrlations' on ths base of , In srmy of 4,000,000. Th measure will be laid before the house carrying a . iota! of $9,591129,000 Of , actual abfirobrfatl&ris. and'-authorlza- ' tion for contract! amounting to $2, 464,416,000 more.'. V '.:,; v, 7 . ff n,t-. i a , .1.1 ; ,At. .Bin-t IUIU 1116 VUUIUIIllGV III executive session the 'president's rea sons for asking that no limit be placed upon the nuinber:of draft men, to be called. Members said later it was es timated that, an , army of - 5,000,000 could be raised without changing the draft ages. .. f This amendment to the existing law was adopted, by the committee:, "Provided, tfjat the authority con ferred upon the president by the act approved May 18, 1917. entitfed :'An act to authorize the president to in- ; crease temporarily the military estaj)-'' lishment of the Unjted States,', is hereby extended so1 as to authorise -him during each fiscal year to raise by, draft as provided in said act and acts amendatory thereof the maximum ' number of men which may be organ-, ized, equipped, trained and used diir- ing auch year for the prosecution of the present war until the same shall have been brought to a successful con clusion." , 4 K . , i , - Katherine Stinson Betters ; ' Two Records for Flight ' Binghamton, N. : Y., May 23.- Katherine Stinson, the aviatrix, who ' left Chicago this morning to fly .to T New York, carrying government ; mail, damaged her. airplane while attempting a landing two miles north ! of this city at 6:40 p. m. The ma-, chine overturned Just as it reached the ground, smashing the propeller , and damaging one of the wings. Miss Stinson was uninjured. ' " Having covered,;, 783 miles - from Chicago to this city in 10 hours,' Miss Stinson bettered by about nine .miles the distance' made by Ruth Law in-, her record-breaking flight' in the' ' fall of, 1916. ;. Lack of easoline forced , the lahdiitg and Miss Stinson broke' two American records, one for dis- tance and another, held by herself, for . endurance., She ;will resume her jour-' ney to New York at 8 o'clock" a. m. tomorrow; ', , Custodian Seizes Concerns ' Buying Cotton for Germany i New :York,' May 23.-A Mitchell , Palmer, alien property custodian, an nounced 'here tonight that he . had seized ' seven corporations, mostly . located in Massachusetts, 'which he " said were among "the principal rep resentatives in America " of the in dustry' planned to supply? cotton j to the German; government. vs S;V Five ot the corporations, the i New-' England Waist company.the . Ameri- -can - Linters ,t0mpany tb,e rAmerican' . Products company, the Overseas Trading company and Wolf and Sons t are said by Ut Palmetto be owned by Wolfe - and t Soehus:. one of the. . largest cotton, houses in the , world. -They represent holdings' .amounting to nearly $4,000,000. r Land Survey 'ked.tvi . Washington, May 23. A deficiency appropriation of .$36,253 fdr reiurvey ing public, lands m Colorado and the classification of larids involved in the Oregon and ' California railroad for ' f eiture suit has .' been : asked of ceo r gress' by- the Interior departnttr , ' Wj'f. ' '..' :- -It