THE BEE: OMAHA. r 0 H i III1 Ml M iffi ' 'j'1 't 'SOI ! N'P M M Sfel 'cum ?Sr THE SPLENDID INTEREST SHOWN BY CONSERVATIVE FARMERS, BANKERS, STOCKMEN AND BUSI- NESS MEN IN THEIR ACTUAL PURCHASES OF LARGE BLOCKS OF THE STOCK OF THE SKINNER PACKING COMPANY Omaha's Daylight, Snow-White Independent Packing Plant Proves beyond a question of a doubt that the heads of this company are not alone in the opinion that this is a wonderful ground floor oppor tunity to participate in the profits of the packing industry. MORRIS & CO. EARNED OVER 180 ON THEIR CAPITAL STOCK IN 1917 WILSON & CO. EARNED 62 on PREFERRED and 29 on COMMON STOCK in 1917 The 8 Guaranteed Preferred Participating Stock now offered fully PARTICIPATES IN THE ENTIRE PROFITS OF THE COM PANY, and can be bought for a short time at $100.00 per share. ACT AT ONCE. In the past sixty days over $1,000,000 HAS BEEN PURCHASED GRADING AND EXCAVATING FOR THE NEW SKINNER INDEPENDENT PAC KING PLANT, The above photograph was taken on May 10, showing a portion of Phelan & Shirley's excavating and grading equipment, who are rushing this class of work for the new plant of the Skinner Packing Company on their thirty -three-acre tract just south and west of the pres ent Swift Plant on the South Side. This also shows members of the new packing house committee of the Live Stock Exchange, representa tives of the Union Stock Yards, who came out to the grounds to see the starting of actual work on the new plant. Some of the men inter ested in the industry present were: W. B. Tags, President Omaha Live Stock Exchange and National Lire Stock Exchange. - A. P. Stryker, Secretary and Traffic Manager Omaha Live Stock Exchange. G. C. George, President xOmaha Commercial Club. Everett Buckingham, Vice President and General Manager Union Stock Yardi Company. William Schellburg, Superintendent Union Stock Yards Company. Arthur C. Thomas, Publicity Manager Omaha Commercial Club. John Gillan, Industrial Manager Omaha Commercial Club. Lloyd M. Skinner, President and Treasurer, Skinner Packing Company. Michael Shirley, Vice President Shirley & Phelan Company. Paul F. Skinner, Chairman of the Board, Skinner Packing Company. V1 John Fitz Roberts, Roberts Brothers A Rose. Robert Gilmore, Secretary Skinner Packing Company. F. W. Thomas, Cashier, First National Bank of Omaha, G. J. Ingweraen, Manager Ingwersen & Rosenbaum Bros. C. A. Mallory, Manager Bowles Live Stock Commission. Frank Anderson, Frank Anderson & Son, feeder buyers. John Murphy, James Murphy, Hog Order buyers. Bruce McCulloch, Editor Journal-Stockman Company. Arthur E. Rogers, President Omaha Live Stock Commission Company. Arthur W. Tagg, Cattle Salesman, Tagg Bros. & Moorhead. , ' John Thomas, Live Stock Editor Alliance (Neb.) Herald. xPtt Frank Chittenden, Inspector Union Stock Yards Company. r'! THE SELLING OF OUR SECURITIES IS NOT IN THE HANDS OF PROMOTERS BUT IS BEING HANDLED BY THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS OF THE COMPANY THERJE IS NO PROMOTION STOCK. packing house industry from the ground up, is a man of the right age who has mature and splendid judgment, and who will leave a splendid connection and invests a large sum of money in the stock of this Company at par $100 per share because he knows that the stock will be an excellent dividend payer. An announcement of the operat ing head will be made in due course of time. Third: Our cost system and operating end has been estimated by the highest and most efficient authorities in the United .States, and while our plans call for an estimated daily killing capacity of 1,500 hogs we have figured in our operation only 1,000 capacity. Also our estimate is based on only 55 of the average yield of cattle and 78 of the average yield of hogs and covers only 300 days running through out the year. We have a fixed charge in our costs of 6 on $2,500,000 outside of liberal estimates for depreciation in equipment of plant, ma chinery, insurance, etc. Every item is conservatively estimated and in cluded in the cost estimate, and on thisirst unit of our plant The Net Profit Is Conservatively Estimated at $828,000 Per Annum, or More Than 30 on Our Entire Capital A STRICTLY SANITARY PLANT. The Skinner Packing Company will be known as OMAHA'S DAY LIGHT SNOW WHITE INDEPENDENT PACKING PLANT, and the first unit 'of our operation is designed and equipped to handle a, daily killing capacity of 250 cattle, 1,500 hogs and 500 sheep and to handle all of our by-products from raw material to finished commercial prod ucts. We will manufacture an extensive line of Food Specialties, which will be marketed through the National Sales Organization of the Skinner Manufacturing Company. CONSIDER THESE POINTS. First: The organization of this Company is not in the hands of promoters. The stock is being sold by the officers and directors of the Company at a minimum expense, The acreage and plant will be owned by the Company at its actual cash value and no real estate will be turned into the Company in lieu of stock. In other words, this Com pany is being organized on a strictly high grade business basis. Second: The actual operating end .of this business will be in charge of an official who will be vice president and general manager of the Co'mpahy, who has had years of successful experience in the LLUYU M. President and Ireasurer. PAUL F. SKINNER, Chairman of the Board. ' ROBERT GILMORE, Secretary. Reference: Any Bank or Business Man of Omaha or Council Bluffs. SKIMMER IB) AGO MG COMPANY Omaha's Daylight, Snow-White Independent Packing Plant Financial Department, Suite 912, First National Bank BIdg., Omaha Executive Offices, Suite 1400 First National Bank BIdg., Omaha. Omaha is the world's second largest live stock market; $192,000,000 of meat products were packed here last year, which represents but 60 of the live stock shipped to this market There is a great opening for a packing plant at Omaha operated under the right management and conducted along business lines. The operation by the Skinner Packing Company of Omaha' Daylight Snow White Independent Packing Plant, will retard the trans-shipment of live stock at this point, which will mean a great economic saving and a better market for shippers and producers. The SKINNER PACKING COMPANY will market its Specialty food products through the present nationally organized sales forces of the Skinner Manufacturing Company. SEND FOR FURTHER INFORMATION SKINNER PACKING COMPANY, Suite 912, First National Bank Building, OMAHA, U. S.'A. I have $ to invest and without obligation on my part, would like to have you send me detailed information on your company. Name Address r. i i in TlHle Ot'tNGf NtB M