THE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1918. S WARRIOR POLES TO BE OMAHA'S GUESTS TODAY Maj. Kozlowski and Lieut. Poniatowski Here on Re cruiting Mission Are French Veterans Major J. Kozlowski and Lieutenant, the prince, Stanislaus Poniatowski, mvuiuvii ui iuc j. uiisii recruiujig commission, arrive in Omaha at 5:30 this morning. They wiJ be met by the Central Tolish committee of Nebraska, the entertainment committee and a mili tary escort, composed of Majotv D. IV. Crockett and Lieutenant Philip B. Chase, Fort Omaha, and escorted to their headquarters at the Hotel Fon tcnelle. ' Both of the Polish officers are vet eran soldiers. Major Kozlowski has " been decorated many times for bravery and his gallantry under fire earned him his name. "Chevalier of the Legion of Honor." V Lieutenant Poniatowski served as a courier between the enemy lines and Paris and was decorated with the service. cross by the French gov ernment. . He was wounded four limes. Luncheon Honor Guests. At noon the distinguished military men will be guests of honor at luncheon at the Chamber of Com merce and Lieutenant Poniatowski will deliver a short address. At 2 .o'clock the commission will attend a public reception in the rotunda of the city hall. A public meeting will be held at the municipal auditorium at 8 o'clock. John L. Kennedy will preside. The Fort Crook band will play patriotic music and the audience will sing "America." Rev. Thebald Kalamja vill give the opening address and Rev. Michael Gluba will give the in vocation. - Major Kozlowski will deliver an address in the Polish language and Lieutenant Poniatowski will speak in English, Lieutenant Governor How ard, Miss Anna Stodolna. Archbishop Harty and Mayor Smith will each give a short talk. Hundreds Enlist Here. ; Tiliere are thousands of Polish per sons ill Omaha and many hundred men have enlisted here for service in the Polish army. The men fight under the flag of Poland a white double-eagle on a field of red, and, hen the time comes,. they intend to rirsh into Poland and reclaim it from German domination. The Polish peo ple of Omaha have exceeded their quota in every war drive and, in ad dition, have given thousands of dol lars to the Polish war fund. ' The local members of the Ne braska Polish committee are: Thomas Koziol, president ; Frank Madura, secretary; E. P. Wozniak, treasurer, and George Lapka, financial secre tary. The following men were also mem bers of the committee in charge of entertainment for the Polish officers: xciuicuy, jicnara Metcait, H. O. Baldrige. Clement Chase, Leo Hoffman, Dr. F. J. Despecher, and Louis L. PiattU . i Matthew, Luke, John, Peter and James Join Marines Against Kaiser San Francisco. CaL May 13. (Special.) -The "Saints be praised t" For the "Saints preserve us" after all. At the marine barracks, Mare Is land, five men with saints' names for cognomens are bearing arms and present five good reasons why the kaiser is in the wrong. They are Arthur G. St. James, Denver; Edward St. Luke, Cheyenne; Or ville St. John, Seattle; Henry F. St. Peter, Kansas City, and Ar thur T. St. Matthew, Spokane. Each is considered a "lucky buck" in the marine corps, owing to their names. - Two Ohio Men on Western Trip Are Detained by Omaha Police The law intervened in the adven tures of two young mtn from Akron, O., who stopped in Omaha Sunday night on a cross-country trio by au tomobile. They were arrested, Mon day and booked for investigation in connection with the theft of an auto mobile at Akron. They gave their names as L. Wilk inson and William Davies. Their ar rest followed the recovery of an auto mobile from which the license and motor numbers had been filed off. Detectives found the car near Eight eenth and Davenport streets and held it for the owner. When -Wilkinson and Davies reported their loss to the police they were taken into custody. They are held pending advice from Akron authorities. Asks America to Cut Sugar .Consumption 15 Per Cent If the United States is to meet the demands for sugar during 1918, con sumption will have to be reduced 15 per cent from 1917. In making this statement Gurdon W. Wattles, federal food administra tor for Nebraska, points out the im perative necessity of complying with the sugar regulations, which are pro mulgated to meet necessary require ments. "The total demands, based on 1917 consumption, aggregate 7,945,423 tons, with available supplies of '6,759,453 tons, or a deficit of 1,185,455 tons," says Mr. Wattles. Wheat Products Placed Upon New Differential Price Basis The food administration has made a ruling establishing a differential charge for wheat by-products. The price at the Nebraska mills per ton is to be $2 over the bran price. This applies to shorts, standard mid dlings, gray shorts, gray middlings, flour middlings and red log. The price "for mixed feeds, contain ing all the wheat, except flour, is fixed at $1.25 over the bran basis per ton. The bran basis is 38 per cent of the actual cost of the wheat which goes into it. This ruling is to eliminate the differ ent grading of wheat mill products. Two Truck Loads Onion Sets Are Distributed by The Bee War gardeners of Omaha eagerly accepted the invitation of The Bee to visit the various Sub-stations of The Bee and secure onion sets free of charge. So great was the demand that the two large truck loads were all gone before noon today and The uee has no more. i BIRKNER FACES CHARGE UNDER ESPIONAGE ACT Former Nebraska Major on Trial in Santa Fe for dis- loyalty; Three Counts Are Quashed. One-Minute Store Talk It is widely recognized that the Greater Nebraska is not only the largest, but also the fastest growing clothing store in the west! The reasons Leadership in value giving. Leadership in tre mendous selections. Leadership in correct 1 fashions. Leadership in effi cient service. Leadership in satis faction giving. It alt means more for YOUR clothes money. a i Hii mm iii i The Finest Expression of the Season's Style IS PRESENTED IN THE SUPERBLY TAILORED MODELS .WE OFFER IN BrandegeeKincaid Clothes p HERE'S a vast difference in , the way the style subject is handled by clothes designers. Brandegee - Kincaid designers have the happy faculty of com bining style and practical de signmodels that are full of in dividuality but useful clothes first of all clothes with 'true balance. The New Spring Suits, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, $45 Every model has a distinctive effect Every fabric stands out from the crowd. There's a suit in just the model best suited to your requirements in our vast spring selection of America's best clothes selection five to fifteen times larger than you'll see in any other west ern store. i ' . ...$15 NEBRASKA SPECIAL' SUITS ARE FAMOUS FOR VALUES AT. CoDYriAted sll917 Bfan-KincaiJ.aor Visit Our Greater Men's ClotMnf Section BO Per Cent Larger Than Heretofore. SEE OUR WINDOWS TODAY nUMUMaM CORRECT APPAREL FOR MEN AND WOMEN- COMPABE' OUR VALUES ALWAYS Santa Fe. N. M.. May 13. Follow ing three hours of argument. Tucke Colin D. Neblett in federal court here today, sustained three counts of the demurrer filed in ehalf of former Major John F. Birkner of Lincoln, Neb., and ordered that the defendant go to trial tomorrow morning on the fourth count of the indictment, which charges he made false statements tending to interfere with ooerations and success of the military and naval torces ot the United states. The argument centered about the necessity of the indictment including wiltuily, the defense arguing that with this word omitted the indictment would not hold. The government con tended the word "feloniously" was j sufficient. Birkner was arrested at Camo Cody, N. M., a few weeks ago for al leged seditious utterances. He was in the medical corps with the Ne braska troops. He is charted with havinor stated at Camp Cody that "peace was desir able, that the allies could not make a big dent in the enemy lines on the western front," that the "Dutch can- jiot be beat," and "the Germans could sink every American transport if fcy wanted to. Officers To Testify. Camp Cody, N. M May 13. (Spe cial Telegram). The following , offi cers have gone to Santa Fe, N. M., to testify in the trial of Major John M. Birkner: Major H. M. Nelly, Thirty-fourth division; Adjutant Major ti. K. mtzing, division judge advo cate: Lieutenant Colonel H. F. Ell- sasser, Major R. G. Douglas. First Lieutenant and Chaplain Frank Ma jor, jr.: Lieutenant F, G. Tracy, First Lieutenant H. L. Karrir and Lieuten ant R. E. Stewart, all of the 127th regiment, and Colonel W. E. Baehr. Lost Roll Found by Man Who said He Was Robbed Jake Hinchek, 121 X Woolworth avenue, who reported the loss of $395 and caused th arrest of Andy Ba toska, 116 Hickory street, on suspi cion or having stfllen the money, found the money, wrapped in paper, and tied to the door knob in the front door of his home, following his return from police court Monday morning, when the charge against Ba- toska was heard. Hinchek notified the authorities and Batoska will be discharged. Hinchek testified that he was robbed of his roll while Batoska was olavinr the role of a good Samaritan and taking mm nome. C. J. Smyth Congratulate His Former Law Partner "The whole Smith familv reioices." wired C. J. Smyth, from Washington, D. C, to his former law oartner. Mayor smith. Mr. Smyth is now ch ef justice oi me circuit court or appeals. We Specialize In These Extra Sizes .s. Trying to make Suits and Skirts fit stout women after they have been sized incorrectly is the im-. possible4ask that some stores have set for them selves, and because of the difficulty in getting, properly fitted with ready-made garments 'many women above the average size have been compelled to have their clothes made to order. We Saw the Opportunity to Specialize On Suits and Skirts Made to Fit Perfectly and a while ago opened this Specialty Shop for stylish stouts, -where garments from expert tailors who make a feature of SUITS AND SKIRTS ABOVE THE AVERAGE SIZE, assure the stout women of perfects fit and excellent style IN MANY INSTANCES WITHOUT THE SLIGHTEST ALTERATION. Last week we had women from Lincoln and points as far as 100 miles out in the state, who were delighted with this new service, and with but two exceptions, we fitted them without a single alteration. For Hot Weather We Are Prepared With Silk Skirts for fetout Women. Waist measure 30 to 40 inches, in all lengths, made of fine quality Taffeta Silk, in black or navy blue; full shirred around the" belt and extra wide belt, trimmed with large silk covered buttons, also have two pockets trimmed with buttons, $8.50 a cool Skirt; special, at Wash Skirts for Stout Women. The season opens for Wash Shirts, and we are taking excellent care of women above the average figure. In all the smart new models, in splendid unshrinkable wash ma- terials at $3.95, $4.95, $5.95 uPwards- - Second Floor Tailored Suits for Stylish Stouts Showing a great variety of models, embodying all the charming lines of up-to-the-minute styles. Fine Serges, Poplins. Poiret Twills, . Tricotines and Garbardines. Made up in light weight for present.wear, nicely silk lined. Some plain tailored, some neatly trimmed with braid, tailor stitching and buttons. The skirts are made to harmonize. . In Black, Navy Blue, some of the lighter shade and the ever favored pencil stripes. $22.50, $32.50, $35, $39, $45, " $59 up. Ladies' Hosiery Out Sizes Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery, with double garter tops, high spliced heels and toes, double soles, full fashioned and pure thread silk, out sizes - at a pair ......$1.50 Women's Lisle Thread Hosiery, double garter tops, full fashioned, dou ble heels, toes and soles, black and white", out sizes i special, at a pair 75 Women's Lisle Seamless Hose, with double garter tops, heels, toes and soles, brown, champagne, gray and black, a pair . .59d Main Floor Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets INSURE REDUCTION by the continuous massage of Self -Reducing Straps. , COMFORT by the firm, healthful support of Self-Reducing Straps and other devices. ULTRA-STYLE by their' rood lines, perfect fit and the extraordinary service they perform in remoulding, controlling and reducing flesh. ; ; Models for every type of full figure, . from the average to the extremely stout All made of the highest grade mater ials, well-boned, expertly designed, and extremely durable. Nemo Self-Reducing Corsets itmm a m. mm Ma f It I DUCINfi I he world Standard tor atom woman i moderately rricao -o.uu io o.uu Third Floor. oELf'RE Ladies' Underwear Extra Sizes We specialize also in the .'selling of stylish stout sizes in Underwear for women, and you will find a complete stock in the best makes here, at prices which are extreme ly modest. ' . . Women's Union Suits silk tops and all lisle, sizes 40 to 44, special at a suit ........ . S1.39 Women's Lisle Union Suits, band top and cro chet neck bands, umbrella and tight kneeM sizes 40 to 44, special at . .. :69 Third Floor Extraordinary Sale of Dress Forms and Notions No Mail or Telephone Orders and We Reserve the Right to Limit the Quantity to Each Customer. Black Jersey Covered Dress Form on a stand ; all sizes, 32 to 44 bust; all perfect in proportion; can also be made to any height; for one day only, at. $2.98 Adjustable Dress Forms; all sizes. "Better Way" are the best made; the adjustments are at the neck, bust, waist and hips; also 4o any height; sizes are 33 to 49 bust; special, at. ,$6.98 Fast Colored Wash Edg ing, 7 bolts at 25c King's Machine Thread, 11 spools for 25c Girls' and Women's Hair Barrettes, "Best Hold Brand,". each at. .... .25c 9-Yard Bolt of Bias Tape, a bolt at 7c Emery Bags, to sharpen i needles, each, at lc Beit Steel Scissors, a pair at 69c Rust-Proof Hooks and Eyes, 9 cards at 2Se Dressmaker's Chalk, large pieces, a piece at lc Sewing Machine Needles, a tube at 10c Extra Heay Skirt Markers, , each at ....10c Leather Belts for Sewing Machines, each, at v25c Extra Strong Fine Combs, each at Be Stocking Feet for fine hose, a pair at 5c 200 Yard Spools of Basting Thread, 11 spools at ....... . 25c Rust-Proof Dress Clasps, 9 cards for 25c Elastic Sanitary Belts, all sizes, each at 15c Shell Hair Pins, 6 in a box, a box at 3c Carmen Hair Nets, 7 for . . . 25c Good Steel Safety Pins, 9 cards , for ...25c San Silk, all colors, a jspool at 5c Inside Skirt Belting, black and white,-a yard 7c Black Cambric Sleeve Pro tectors, ar pair at . ,10c O. N. T. and American Maid Crochet Cotton, a spool at .7c Mending Tissue, patches any thing to wear, large pieces, , each piece at ., .....5c Button Molds, all sizes, a dozen at 4c Black and White Hat Lin-, ings, each at .'. ..25c Steel Knitting Needles, a set at 10c Skirt Waist Shields, best ' quality, a pair at 15c Rick-Rack, all colors, 7 bolts at 25c Kahki Colored Tape, best grade, a yard at 5c West Electric Hair Curlers, large card at 19c Large Tomato Pin Cushions, each at 10c Kazoo Suspenders for boys and girls, regular 60c value, special, a pair at .......... 49c (Limit of 2 to a customer) Fancy Round Garters, all colors, a pair 25c Ladies' Sew-on Hose Sup porters, pair at 10c "Naiad" Sanitary Aprons, spe cial each at 50c1 J. & P. Coats Best 6-cord Thread, 9 spools for. ,25c Moth Proof Bags to store heavy clothing- away, all sizes, each at. . . . .50c U..'i rll. all sized. tARMi each at , 34ic Ocean Pearl Buttons, best grade, a card at 3t Fast Colored Darning Cotton, 3 spools for 5c Mercerized Darning Cotton, 2 spools for Ba Ladies' and Children's Hose Supporters, a pair at 10c Large Puces of Elastic, each piece at ..5c One Big Lot of Belting Rem nants, each piece at 2c "Red Seal" Hair Nets of Human Hair, 4 for 25c One Lot of Kid Curlers, to close out at 10c Large Packages of Wire Hair Pins, 2 packages for ........ .5c Auto Face Veils, 3 for 25c Boys' Pant Bands, all sizes, each at 7)c Wooden Coat Hangers, Cc value, tvfb for 5c Bow Holders for girl's hair, each at ....5c 5. flfl j3 '"-1 5 liifli! ' '' '2 " IRQ s " iiir r hem ft 1 GUIDE rTniTi rtmm Diandeis Stores Fancy Hat Pins, all styles, a pair at '..25c Sanitary Napkins, large size,. a box at 30c Hat Wire, black and white, large bolts, a bolt, at. .10c. Main Floor, Rear