6 ' ' ' THE BEE: OMAHA, -MONDAY, MAY -13, 1918. ' ' . ' mc -- rwsreRBflvEjtws Tcf cotjcu''WE If vocrk. Wl?" Wc-wyScTI is THIS nwe if ipW' t touhto on YoO. 1 , dlgi -. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD :; Want Ad Rates (Cah With Order.) l'io per word .....each Insertion 8c per word for three consecutive Insertions 10 per word for each additional Insertion t'- .-. , No ad taken for lea than a total of 20c or less than loo per day. T CHARGE. fo par Una (count t worda to Una) on time .-As) per Una each time, I conaecutlv tlmea Jo per line each time, SO ronncuUv tlmea SITUATION WANTED. I5a per line per week f v CARIWt Or THANKS AXU rCKEKAL NOTICES. tta per Hne each Inaertlon (Minimum Charge, t Cents. ii ' ' Contract Bate Oa Application. v 'Tor convenience of advertlaera want ada t will be accented at the following offlcea: MAIN OF-FICB Amea Office .. 4110 North I4th St ak Office ,......2fil North t4ih Bt. Vinton Office 1407 South 16th m Tark Office .........2(11 Leavenworth Ht. 'Walnut Office .811 North 40th St South Side 2.H N St, Council Bluffa 14 Main Bt.. North THE BEK will not be reaponalbte for more ' than one incorrect Inaertlon of an advertlae - inent ordered for more than en time. ' I'ae THK TELEPHONE If yon cannot con ? fenlentlx brin or aend your ad to any of v the above officer Aik for a want Ad Taker and you will receive the lam good ervlce aa when delivering your ad In t pereon. ( PHONC TYI.ER 1,(MM. Want Ad C'olurana Cloaa Kvenlnt Kdittona ..1t.1t M. 4 Moraine- Kdltlon .....10:00 P. M. l!inrty Rdltlnna 10 P. M. Haturday Kvfnlng MOVIE PROGRAM North. 4 ALilAMIJRA. , I4TH AND PARKER JANE? AND KATHERINE LEE 5 in "TROUBLEMAKERS" p CjvAKD, 1TH AND H1NNBY MARY PICKFORD, in STELLA MARIS. In . ':AWP!AvrATTr ARI"-:f'KLB COMEOT tKIPI'UDROMB. iSTil AND CVMINU L BABY MARIE OSBORNE, in "THE LITTLE PATRIOT" South. . t APOLLO, XTH AND LEAVENWORTH TUI? VAICITP- THE BEAST OF BERLIN" ISBAL, UTH AND DORCAS CLARA KIMBALL YOUNG, in "THB HOU8B OF OLA8" A CHARLIB CHAPLIN COMBDT UHOLFF, . K&t LEAVEN WORTH ALL STAR CAST, in "CHEATING THE PUBLIC" - " Wet. ' DUNDEE, .1ST AND UNDERWOOD F.rNA OOODRICH, In ' "HER SECOND HUSBAND" . NO. 4) "THB HOUSE OF HATK" C!TATHS FUNERAL NOTICES. SiRKE alary L., age 10 year. Beloved wire of Ueorg Surka, lately of Lo 1 Anreiea, 1 . Funeral Sunday afternoon from John A. , Funeral Jionday morning from rldnce, HOt tlherman Ave., at J:80 a. m. to Sacred Koart church at I o'clock. Interment Holy Snulcher cemetery. ;Lb.VEUAND Mra. Annie C. aged 71 Vra, S304 Davenport atreet Mra. Cleve land la aurvlvd by three (randeona, Ben, Quy and Kenneth Miller. . Funeral aervloea Sunday, 1:30 p. m., from Ballcy A Dorrance chapel. Inter ment Fort Lawn cemetery. FLORISTS. LEE L. LARMON a uniontile . Florlata, ! 114 Douglaa St. Dnuglaa 1214. XArvUEKT aaaortment of treah flower. JI ENDER SON. 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FL5wBR SHOP. 411 S. 16. D. I102. I miERH. Flortat. Ill 8. Hth. X. 1400. t KTH Katlonal Florlt, 18Q4 Farnam St. A.DONAGHUE U&A. : Flower ahlpped everywhere. Kp. prepaid, FUNERAL 'DIRECTORS. LuDERTAKERS and Ilceneed emblamera; . aleo private ambulance. Call Webater 47. Willi C. Croaby. 11 N. 84th Bt. J OHN A. OKNT LEMAN. undertaker and embatmer, 1411 Farnam St Harney l2. I. vLBB A R1PBN, undertaker and ra , t aimer. T01 S, Hth. Dougla 12i. STACK & FALCONER rependent TJnderUkera. 4th Har. D. nf. J L" DODDER CO.. Funeral DlreotoriT . V. U Fero. Mgr., I3d and Cuming Sta. rnnne Douglaa 7T. Auto ambulance. I'ONUMENT CEMETERIES. 'in largeat dleplay In the United State. - FRANK 8VOBODA, 1SU-M g. Uth. Phone Dougla H71-ttU. "WF-S LAWN offer (ympathetlo aervic In i . aoddea aorrowt lerpetual care; no aasesa- ment: lota on eaay term. Phone Wal. 130, LC5T-FOUND-REWARDS C-AHA et COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. Penona having lost aotn article would d well to call up the ottloa of the Omaha V Council Bluff Street Railway company ' ' ( aaoertala whether they left It In the ' ; street car, - .-i, , Many article each day are turned In .. and the company la anxlou to restore thsra to the rightful owner. TOU lo anything and will advertlae It her you will aurely recover it If found ' by ao honeet pereon. If you find any thing of value the honeat way la to ad vertle for the owner. A'ILL party finding gray pure with watch and keys, return to Ml Kennedy, Hotel , Caxtie, and there will be no further trouble. - ' V-'HT Black leather pocketbook. In Audi torium, Sunday, containing key and money. Reward. Walnut 711.-- LotiT A pair of uoee glaeses.. between 24th and Parker and 14th and Cuming. Finder call weiwier bits Reward. For Sale MiaceI)aneous rniitur and Hcusehold Goods. I -.L'SANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF , 1 uRNITL'RE. HUGH, OAS STOVES. ETC. v of Survlua Stock. WW BE SOLD RBUARDLKS3 OF COST. Buy Now and Oet First Choice. The choleeat home furnlahlnir that money can buy. We make a pec la. ' of Tuiupleta, ham ootflta, aleo hotels and teeming bouses. Railroad far tree to all t-of-town buyers within 10 miles of irftaha on purchaees of 120 or mora. STATE FURNITURE CO.. TjL Doug. 1217. Cor. 14th and Dodg fits., . - umana. "Ton Can Buy It for Lets at the State." FOR SALE : High grade furniture, ruf , etc., ' in rosy 1-ruom apartment, j .-Prefer to aell t party wiahlng to rent apartment. Pea. wion glco and apartment for rent June i AC dealer. , APT. l CHCLA VISTA, V lth Av and Poppleton. , PB CO., lilt DougtaaThave piasoa ' . rent , I1.S0 per month, or will evil on ! y Urmk . .. ., , i . . i . . ... - , : : - f -v v , For Sale Miscellaneoeut Furniture and Household Goods. VURNITURE A HARDWARE BARUAiNa Ileda, iprlngi, mattreawa, dreuera, chif fonier, tablf, chalra, china and kitchen cabinet, j-uitb and linoleum, trunk ana suit caf, gaa atovea and Ice boxea, fall line acreen wire, poultry nttlnr, garden tool. H3-47 North Z4tb Bt. Tel. Web. 1H7. Opfn till 0 p. )m HAKUAIN LOT OF NICE FURNITUKB FOR HAf.B, PIKCK AT A TIME, . UOOD AS NEW, ANI OOINO FAST; CAI.l. AT 14T VICTOR AVK HKFORE DARK AND'OBT TOUB PICK WHILE CHOICE PIECES ARK AVAILABLE. HAROAINS IN STOVES AND FURNITURE. Bed, spring, mUre", bedding f all klr.de, table, chulra, china and kitchen 1 cabinets, riiR and llneoleum, 1830-1147 84th St. 7eliter HOT. Open till I p. tn. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, ga and coal oil itovrs. ruga, baby carriage, trunk, etc. Loyal rum, Co., 123 N. ltn. Pianos and Musical Instruments. WE have aeveral Vlctrola that we took In on trarit. for aale; In good condition. Hour Phonograph Parlors, Cor, 20th and Farnam Rt. Sewing Machines. SEWING MACHINES Wa rent, repair, ell needles and parta of all towing machines. MICKEWal NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., .Uth and Harney St. Doug. I2. Manchinery and Engines. CONCRETE! MIXER for ale"chcap. running order. Harney 1510. Oood Hardware and Tools. FOR bargain In new and allghtiy used tool see us. Jefferson Hsrdware Co., 411 N. lth. Pg. 4520. Open to p. m. Typewriters and Supplies KOR RENT - Remington, Monanh and Smith Premier typewriter. Sent anywhere, Rental appllea on purchase. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and pouglas street. x TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Kent an Oliver 1 months for ID. Central Typewriter Esehenge 1101 Farnam, WB buy, ,aell or exchange typewr'tera; guar, typewriter 110 and up. Writ tor list. Midland Typewriter Co.. 1404 D.idge. "Nurseries, Seeds and Plants. VEGETABLE PLANTS, all, variety. In any quantity. Early tomatoea our specialty. Colfax fill, Fsrgucon Bros., Station D, Omaha. w. FOR SALE 10.000 new Stone tomato plant. 7o per dosen; mango pepper, cabbage and egg plants. 2617 Franklin Ht. Telephone Webster 112. Store and Office Fixtures. Wa have moved to new location. Wa buy, sell and maka desks safes, showcases, shelving, etc, Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., B. W. Co. 11th and Douglas. D. 2714. Printing and Supplies. ADDINO machines, all makes, bought, sold and rented. Central Typewriter Exchange, U0S Farnam, Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathera ateamed, renovated and made up In new feather. proof ticking. 1907 Cuming. Pong. 2407, WANTED TO BUY H. GERBER IS KNOWN TO PAT THB HIGHEST PRICB FOR CLOTHING AND FURNI TURE. I. 1444. Desks desks desks New desk, uaed deaka bought, aold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1101 Farnam. D. 4144. PRIVATE party want to purchaaa reaaon. aoiy zor caan aoiuaira aiamona; give par ticular and phone; no dealer. Box 7261, Omaha Bee. THB NEBRASKA FURNITURE CO. WILL PAT TOU THB HIGHEST PRICB FOR FURN., STOVE8, CARPETS. Doug. J712. WE DON'T ARUUKBUT PAY TOUR OWN PRICB FOR TOUR CLOTHES, DO. 14. CASH paid for diamonds, estate appralaedl Reese Jewelry Co., 401 8. 14th. SWAPPERS COLUMN ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIM a Trad thoas article of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, etc., that you lftv no need of. Oct something you can use. Special rate for ad In Swapper Column llo tor l-lln adv. I days and to par answer for all letter received, ''Business ads regular rates. ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, side, knife, aunburat, box pleating, covered buttona, all elxes and style; bemitltvhlng, plcot edging, aye let cut work, button holes, pennant. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 100-101 Brown Bldg. Phon Doug. 111. HEMSTITCHING, PLKATtNO. BUTTONS Q. U. VanArnam Pleating Co., 114-7 Paxton Block. Phon Doug. 110. Awnings. AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE. Auto touring tent and camping supplies, SCOTT-OMAHA TENT At AWNING CO. Billiard Parlors. PRIVATE tables for parties at Holmes'. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC will haul AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY everything for you. Packagea less than 20 lbs.. 11 cents. Douglaa 461. THE ONLY WAY W. O. W. Bldg. Douglaa Dai THB OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Brass and Iron Founderies. PAXTON MITCHELL CO. 27th and Martha St Omaha. Neb. Brass, bronse, aluminum and machine gray Iron castings. Chimney Cleaning. CHIMNEYS and furnaces cleaned. No" muss made. Rlcnards, Tyler :242-J. jChiropractors. Dr J. C. Lawrence, Balrd Biitg. a). 1461, Costumes. FULL dress suits for rent Opp. P. O. John Fcldmsn. His N. lth 8t. Douglas 111. Hat Cleaning. ALL klndsoF Ha'ts Remodeled 1610 Harney. Dentists. D- Bradbury. No pain. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tvtt s Deut. Rms., 101 Ruee Bldg. D7ll Dreismaking. M188 STURPT. dremaklngr Doug. fill. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 111 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all . Tyler 1111. Express Transfer. WEST SUTTON. Piano, household moving; live atock Jiauled. D. 1721. 1106 Cass St - Film Developing. FILMb developed; rolls, 10c; packs, llo; cne-day service. Kas Studio. Neville Blk, developed; rolls, 10c; packs. xn ana iiarney. ' ; Fiittures and Wiring. - riTTPTirtM Bloctrlc washing rascbines. AUXVXVlit electric Iron and reading lamps, l::i Cuming Bt Douglas 2611. , ANNOUNCEMENTS Jewejry. niAMAMnCVH psy best price with Uin.l1iJlMJiJ privilege to buy back at small profit. GROSS, 403 N. 16th St. Live Stock Hauling. WE v.lll haul your live stock. LIVE STOCK TRANSFER CO.. ?;o Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 2S0S Medical. FILE, fistula and other rectal dis eases cured without surgical oper - ation. Cure guaranteed. Write for bock on rectal diseases with testi monials. , DR. R. TARRY, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON, 114 Brandel Hliig. T. 260. Re 4741, Piano Tuning and Repairing. W. R. Dellwy piano tuner. Dougles 0S97. Patent Attorneys. STl'ROES & STUHCirS. U. S. and foreign petent ana traaemnrk. 830 wee Wing. Patents. PATENTS procured, bouitht and aold. Inter. national Patent Co., 688 Brandels. P. 6401, Printing and Office Supplies. Watere-Hernhart Ttg. Co., 624 8. 13th St. Rug Cleaning. QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Scientific Olive Oil Washing. Persian Rug Cleaning Co., 2267 Farnam, II. 1H42. SafesT QAt?t7Ci BARGAINS, 1212 Farnam. UAf UltJ j, j perlght Safe Co Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L 216 8. 80th. Tailor. D. 2482. Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. P. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. The W. Q." Cleveland Co., 1410-12 Harney Bt, Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcement and printing. Douglas Printing Co., Tel. Douglas 644, BUSINESS CHANCES ARE you looking for an opportunity to en ter Into a profitable business In Omaha, If so It will pay you to Investigate our proposition. We are manufacturers and distributors of extracts, cldera, fruit Juices, etc., used by the leading cafes, soda foun tains and drug stores In Omaha and sur rounding territories. The present prohi bition wave throughout the country and this territory particularly hold forth for this line of business a very bright future, Most of our business Is being dona by mall and is growing rapidly as our books will show. This Is a rara opportunity for the right party or partlea. I have good reasons for selling. This proposition will stand the most rigid investigation. Must bs old within the next- 20 day. Address 404 Bromley Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' FOR SALE Dry cleaning and steam press ing plant, doing rug cleaning and hat blocking; positively best In town of Grand Island; all machinery up to date; fine location; better look this upi a splendid opportunity In this growing town. Address Box 417, Grand Island, Neb. j V REAL chance to make good money. County agenta wanted In Nebraska and Colorado for the fastest selling Ford accessory made. Live salesman ran make a much aa 1100 per week. Ford car required. Investigate quickly. Countlea going rap Idly. Call or address G. H. Liversage, Hotel Keen. FOR SALE Clean, up-to-date hardware & Queensware stork, doing fin business. Lo. cated In the Great Winter Wheat Belt, Northwest Kansas. Cleanest and best lo cated atock in the country. Address Box 214, Norton, Kansas. FOR SALE Blacksmith and auto repair business, with tools and stock, also prop erty, both residence and shop. Fin lo cation on main auto road, doing tin business. O. M. Basseen. Unadllla, Neb, OLD established cream station, In one of best cresm town's In Colo. Man with I960 can handle. Will teach business. Sickness reason. A (Id reus Box T 141, Omaha Bee. MUST SELL AT ONCE SUBURBAN PIC TURB 8HOW DOINO OOOD BUSINESS; BEST REASON FOR SELLING; INVES TIGATE THJS QUICK. BOX 6024, OMA HA BEE. PHONE WEB. 2711. WANT an experienced grocery and meat man with soma cash to Invest In on of the beat paying grocery and meat mar kets, to taka full charge of things. Will atand closest Investigation. Box 6074 Bee, CLOTHING Wanted. up-to-date" men's clothing and furnishings; no fixtures. Give full description and lowest cash price tn first letter. Box Y 621, Omaha Bee. MILLINERY Stock and fixtures for sale in rood Nebraska town. Shop well estab lished; 1400 will buy It taken at once. Write Bertha aisson. St. Edward, Neb. MERCHANDISE WANTED A tew pieces of choice eastern Colorado land to exchange for stocks of Dry Good or Hardware. Box 148, Burlington, Colo, GUARANTY locate you; any Una buslneaa; any state. Guarantee aell your business. F. V. Knleet. Bee Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SMALL Ladles-Gents' furnishing store for sale. F. V, Knlest, Bee Bldg., Omaha. AUTOMOBILES , i HUPSON SIX Perfect condition, new tlrea, and two bodies, one I passenger and one town car body. Both like new, bargain at 1776. FORD Car with express delivery body, tin condition, 1260. ANDREW MURPHY & SON, 14th and Jackaon Sts RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large atock need radiators on hand. Mashed fenders and lamps repaired like new. Highest prices paid for Junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE A AUTO - WORKS, lilt Cuming ,St. Omaha, Neb, LISTEN We will save fox 60 per cent on your ttr bill. Trade your old tlrea for new one. Tubes vulcanised 1 cents cas ings 10 cents up. - Rebuilt, 2 In 1 caalnga for sale, 11 up. U. a' machines tor sale. U. a Vulcaniser Co., Branch 16. 121 S. 11th St.. Omaha. KEL8EY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. floL 8. Goldstrom Ca., distributor, ' 21ST Farnam street Telephone Harney 6646. Forda aold for cash or time pay ments. BARGAIN'S IN USED. CARS All makes. With and without starters, 21 to pick from. Phon D. 2114 or call at 1611 Da-enport BOTLAN AUTO CO.. Molina 1-pasa. car. aplendld family car. 2360. Maxwell, a dandy small car, 1460. - BARNUM-SMITH CO SIM Cuming 6uV - AUTOMOBILES ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords, 10c per mile. Douglaa 7390, Ne brsska Service Garage. NEW Maxwell cars, 1112 models, for sale, 1100 cash, balance monthly payments as desired. Answers strictly confidential. Box 6082, Bee. CUMING GAR AGE, 2416 Cuming St. D. - 2832. Storage, day and night service, . csrbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-Wilson, Inc., i W have the best bargain. See us at once. Harney 171, Farnam and 26th Ave. BARGAINS IN US E D-FORDC A BS. McCaffrey Motor Co. 18th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Doug. 3600. WANTED FOR SPOTCASH. 100 USfcD cars; quick action; no delay. Auto Ki change Co., 2051 Farnam Bt. Pom;. 6036. MEEKS AUTO CAR. USED CAR BARGAINS. S021 FARNAM ST. POUGLAS 6290. WE ARE THE USED CAR MEN. , TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 1070. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2401 LEAVENWORTH ST. USEO CARS AND TRUCKS. AT BARGAIN PRICES. 2020 Fsrnam St., Omaha, Neb. , 10 FORDS WANTED. AUTO PARTS CO., 2105 FARNAM ST. GOOir USED.CARS. . guy l. smith, 26th and Farnam Sts. Douglas 1970. OAKLAND, Sensible Six. MARSH OAKLAND CO.,. 2200 Farnam St. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414. TELL & BINKLEY. Commercial body builders, 2318 Harney St., V. 1640. CHALMERS 1915 Caboulet or Roadster, in first-class condition. Chesp, Hsrney 2557, BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED. Ever Ready Battery Station. 1201 Farnam. NEW 1011 - model 4-cyllnder Studebaker is is rraii. l ouax euvs. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 116 8. 19th Stt Dougla 1481. Auto Livery and Garages. R3NT A FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c a mile, 35c per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO., Douglaa 2622. 1114 Howard St Auto Painting and Repairing. EDWARDS, E. S., 2611 19th St Web- ter 1102. For th best results with repair work consult us. Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ' ONE HALF PRICE. 3,000 Miles Ousranteed. 30x3, 27.75; 20x8i, 18.76; 82x3U, 110.25; 33x4, 312.35; 14x4. 113.25; 25x4tt, 111.60. Writ us todsy for particulars. , AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tiro Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1516 Davenport St Omaha, P. 2914. FORD TIRES. 20x2 ...310.10 30x3H 12.71 ' 3,000-Mile Guarantee. THE TIRB SHOP. 2312 Farnam St. Douglas 4871. NEW TIRES AT PRICE. ALL SIZES. NK w 30x3 Firestone, 18.60; Ford tubes, 13 NEW lOxltt LEE TIRES 113 NEW 13x4 Flsk Non-Hkld 120.76 KAIMAN'S TIRB JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. INSIST on O. & G. quality retread and save 50 per cent on your tires. Bargains in new and slightly used tires. O. A G. Tire Co.( 2416 Leavenworth St. Tyler 1261-W. TIRE price wreckers, This Is no 2-ln-l tire. COMBINATION TIRB FACTORY. 422 8. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and eliminate your tiro troubles. Powell Sup ply Co., 2051 Farnam St FOUR almost new Goodyear 34x4 tires and tubes, less than half price, Barnum-Smtth Co., 2122 Cuming. Motorcycles and Bicycles H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES. Bargains In ussd machines. Victor H. Rooa, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. 1914 electrically equipped Harley motor. cycle. Cheap tor cash, or terms. Har ney 1057. a PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horns so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4126 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Inst Electric, steam or tub batns, massages of al lklnds. 221 Neville Blk. Pouglas 7381. 16th and Harney Sts. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths and massage, IiO Bran. Then. Bldg. P. 156. MASSAGE, baths, manicuring physical cult Miss Walker, 224 Neville Blk. MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and scalp treatment- 1802 Farnam St, Room 1. MAB BRUGMAN, aclentlflo masseuse and baths. 202 Karbach Blk. Red 3727. OTTO ANDERSON, Njaker. pleas answer, Joe Steak, Carroll, la. Mechano-Therapy massage, Mlaa Hal ran. 222-3 Neville Blk. Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 19. SCIENTIFIC mass. 611 Paxton Blk. P. 1372. MISS WEST, manicure, mass. 310 N. 17th. E. BROTT. massage, 702 S. 18th. D. 9626. MEDICAL s WHY SUFFER I .Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Plseases. Dr. Charles Barnes. 613-22 Securities Bldg. Examina tion and Consultation Free. He la reliev ing thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Pelaya are dangerous. If you can't call, write. Hours: la tn. It ( p. m., 7:39 to 1:20 venlngs, Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. ' t RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Or. Frank H. Wray, 104 Be Bldg. y SITUATIONS WANTED Male. 5 - EXPERIENCED FARMER, MARRIED. WANTS FARM WORK BY YEAR. STATU WAOE8 AND TERMS. BOX 117. LOGAN, IOWA. ' ' PAINT, carpet and paper cleaning, the Na tional cleaning and service company, 2709 Leavenworth St Harney 4911. HOUSECLEANING. window washing and rug cleaning. Webster 191. FOR house cleaning call Webster 1746; ex perienced cleaner. CARPENTERING, repairing, Pouglas 1660. , remodeling. Female. WANTED Plain and fancy aewlng by re- It sble colored 1 dr. Te I. Wbtr 13 J. GUARANTEED dressmaking. Call evenings. Tyler 2M4-W. WOMAN wants offices to eleeiK Har. 4274. PLAIN Sewing" neatly done CaUWaiT207t SITUATIONS WANTED Laundry and Day Work. WASHING Rough dry or finished: blank' ets and curtains specialty; aoft water. Walnut 433. WANTED Bundle washing. Call Webster 5796, after i o'clock. FIRST CLASS colored laundress with refer ence. Pouglss 8712. COLORED lady wants cleaning by the day Telephone Webster 1841. LAUNDRY work called for and delivered. Webster 3351. BUNDLE washing, rough, dry and finished. Red 60.73. WOMjiN wants day work, refi Webster 2221. BUNDLE washing- to taks home. Webster 6894. LAUNDRESS Washing by tho hour. Web. 3017. CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. PAY work wanted. Webster 1499. PAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. WANTED Day work and cleaning Web.2058 Hotels and Restaurants. EXPERIENCED LADY desires to take charge of rooming or boarding bouse. References 'urnlshed. Mrs. Alice Stevens Columbus, Neb. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and th difference In return will surprise you. , The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement, ' MALB stenographer wanted tor bank posi tion that will quickly develop Into as sistant cashlership. Good salary, ex cellent future, county seat town of 2.000. central Nebraska. THB CHARLES B. WALTERS CO. i "The Bank Position Specialists." 1424-30. First Nat Bank Bldg.. Omaha. UNUSUAL opportunity for bright, clean-cut young man between 17 and 20 years of age, for general office work. Splendid chance to learn accounting. Good wages and chance for advancement FARMERS' UNION STATE EXCHANGE 1023 Harney St. CLERK (UP TO 40 YRS) 175 2 OFFICE BOYS 135-245 ELECTRICAL SALESMAN. HOTEL CLERK, (OUT OF TOWN) , 235, Board and Room. THB CANO AGENCY, 600 BEB- BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, 190-1110. THE MARTI SERVICE, - 915-16 W. O. W. Bldg. PEPENDABLE service. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. First National Bank Bldg. BOOKKEEPER good future, 2100. WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY, - 1338 First National Bank. EXPERIENCED grooery clerk wanted at one by Carsten, Clegf & Co., St Edward. 11 1! U. ACCOUNTANT, 1175. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Professions and Trades. WE NEED CONDUCTORS AND MOTORMEN. Apply in peson to the superintendent of trans portation, second floor, Merchants' National Bank Bldg., Omaha, OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED. Intelligent active man An a ra for delivery work; good wages and rapid advancement, must nave Liberty bond or war saving stamps. ' j ' . 2605 LEAVENWORTH ST. WANTED J FRAME 8HAVERS ON niuco. wiLJj FAY PIECE WORK OR DAY WORK. OOOD WAGES. WILL runmarl FARE. STEADY WORK. ADDRESS NO. STAR FUR DRESSING AND DYEING WORKS, 127 FRONT ST.. ST. PAUL. MINN. WANTED FIRST-CLA8S UPHOLSTERERS AND TRIMMERS. ' APPLY 2539 FARNAM ST.. MONDAY, IN PERSON; GOOD WAGES. PATTERN makers, machinists, tool makers, .......;, vuiiiyvicni men, oy a large, long established concern In Denver. Good shop. Ideal climate and living conditions. Good pay. Apply W. A. Kunkle, Henshaw hotel, Sunday, Monday or Tuesday afternoons or evenings. WANTED Shoemaker, good workman ca- i.mi yi running ijinais stitcher ana im teher. Stea.ly work with good pay toi the right party. Schaekel Shot Co., Be atrice, Neb WANTED Expert auto mechanic; good on welding and lathe work; ateady work and good salary. THE CORNISH GARAGE, Lyons. Neb. WANTED A man with pump drilling out- flt to go to Kimball county. Neb. Several wells over 200 feet to be drilled this summer Apply to Box 643. Blair. Neb. EXPERIENCED tire repair man. Hlgheat wages paid. Omaha Radiator and Tira Works. 1819 flimlnir lr. LEARN barber trade, low- rates bow. Call -.. twrurr , nilse. IIS unwiil AN all around experienced candymaker; eteaoy work. Box 7104. Omaha Bee. WANTED Upholsterer lor furniture depart- m-nr. box 41401 Be TRIMMER for automobile top work. Thora- " r. r.nlln Top Co.. 2311 Harney. Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED REAL SALESMAN. One only. If you have real ability call cn Guy P. Wallace at Paxton hotel, who can Bhow 2500 per month and expenses tor your time selling a staple article on a ruaranteed basis. WE have a wonderful opportunity for an experienced stock medicine or stock food salesman We have an entirely new angle of attack. Tho best printed matter ever put out Clever advertising -and a wide awake organization. Look Into this at once. N. W. Mfg. A Mill Co.. Aberdeen. 8. P. STOCK SALESMEN WANTED. OIL PROPOSITION SELLING UNDER NE BRASKA LAWS APPLY F. O. SCHROE DER, FONTENELLE HOTfft- - VHELP WANTED MALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED AT ONCE. An Experienced Bond and Investment Security Salesman. Applicant should be acquainted with Middle West, although .In the - case of high-grade salesman, thla will not be- ab solutely essential. Only applications considered will be those which name first-class references and show that record of past accomplish ments justifies a personal Interview. This la an excellent opportunity for a high-class man to form a permanent con nectlon with a long established Invest ment house of high standing. BOX 7185, OMAHA BEE. HARDWARE salesman, experienced, 1126. WESTKKN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N, Agents and Canvassers. INCREASE YOU INCOME. A large, conservative, well managed llfj insurance company with 313,100,000 ol assets, 14,000,000 of surplus, lower rater than eastern companies, dividends ttu greatest of any company in America, nearly a third of a century old, has a proposition To offer a wide awake, ener ; getlo salesman that will pay from th' atart Communications confidential. Ad dress Box Y 633, Omaha Bee. Boys. WANTED One husky young lad for work in The Bee press room. Ap ply Supt. BOYSI Must be over 11 years of age; good pay to atart with. GORDON-LAWLESS CO., EIGHTH AND DODGB STS. Teamsters and Chauffeurs! WANTED DRIVEVRS AND WAGON HELPERS. ALSO FREIGHT HANDLERS. AMERICAN EXPRESS CO. APPLY N UNION STATION. Miscellaneous. MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO 50, FOR GENERAL YARD WORK; STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, TJiUON STOCK YARDS CO., , SOUTH OMAHA. JANITOR WANTED, Apply 1114 Dodge St. Mr. W. Whitman. Tyler 1700. WANTED LIVELY YOUNG MAN For auto, filling station attendant. Ap ply to Charles Moore, 12th and Harney. L. V. NICHOLAS OIL COMPANY. WANTED Warehouse men and truckers good chance for advancement. Car penter Paper Co. FREE JOB No offioe fee. Apply 10th St !Vi S. HELP WANTED. Male and Female. OMAHA government clerk examinations May 25th. Thousands wanted Immediately; siuv montn. sample questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept 232 E, Rochester, WANTED Men. ladles and boys, learn barber trade; big demands wages while learning; strictly modern. Call or writ 1402 Dodge St Trl-Clty Barber College. Phone P. 2147. MOLER Barber College wants young .men and isdles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 a 14tb St.. Omaha. Neb WANTED Maids, housemen, porters and j&im;ubu ueipi mgu wages paio. Apply at the Henshaw. ' HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. BII.LER TYFIST, OLIVER STATEMENT SALESWOMEN, (25-40.) 60-70 360 $45-150 THE CANO AGENCY. 600 BEE BLDG. GOVERNMENT wants thousands clerks at Washington immediately; 1100 month; lull Information free. Box Y-534, Omaha Bee. STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, 1100. WESTERN REFERENCE BOND ASS'N. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED Lady collector (single) expert lence not necessary, ambitious qualities required, 21 Arlington Block. Red 2471. Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladies to ban. telephone operating. Good wages paid while barning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Apply to C F. LAMBERT, , 1807 Douglas St. WANTED Tt bright capable women to iravei, aemonsiraio ana sen aeeiers. sza to 151. per week. Railroad fare 'paid. Weekly advance for traveling expenses. Address at once. Goodrich Drug Company, Dept 114, Omaha, Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED. EXPERIENCED. GIRLS, ALSO INEX PERIENCED GfttLS. FOR THE PACK ING DEPARTMENT IN MODERN FACH TORY. OOOD WORKING CONDITIONS AND GOOD WAGES. APPLY ITEN BISCUIT CO. 12th and Capitol Ave. ' -t Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED Head waitress and one side wait ress; high wages; ticket advanced. Pad dock hotel. Beatrice, Neb. 'Household and Domestic. GENERAL housework Hi small family, grown people; to giriwishlng to co-operate and have permanent position advance ment in wages worth inquiring about Some, but not years of experience re quired. Harney 4355. ' v COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; SMALL FAMILY; GOOD WAGES. 115 SOUTH THIRTY-FOURTH STREET. HARNEY 62L WANTED. Girl to do cooking and downstairs work, good wsges. No laundry.. Phone Har ney si3. m ss. 3iin Bt. j '. jr. COMPETENT girl for general housework; two in family; good cook; no washing; references. Mrs. Warren. 411 S. 40th St., Tel. Harney 320, COMPETENT girl for general housework; no wanning ana good wages. Mrs. Clark Powell, Telephone Walnut 82. WANTED Girl to assist with housework and car of small child. Phone Walnut 31, Apt. 11, The Blrchwood. WANTED Girl for general housework; good home and good wages. Telephone Harney 1433. WANTED A good girl for aecond work; good wages. Mrs, J. A. Sunderland. Wal nut 292. WANTED White girl for general house- worit; no cooxing nor washing. Harney 4572. 1335 8. 36th Ave. CAPABLE girl for general housework In small family; grown people. 504 S. 26th St. Harney 4355. YOUNG white girl to assist with child and light housework. Good home. Tel. Wal nut 1621. COMPETENT white woman cook wanted. uougias uounty Hospital, call Harney 652. WANTED Woman for general housework. Good home and good wages. Colfax 110. WANTED Girl for general housework; gooa wages, us a. sist Ave. Walnut 222. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. r Every day 1 enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit' Ing, telegraphy, civil ervlce all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Ponglaa 1565. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Bant School of Business. Day and Evening School. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas (810. Omaha Real Estate is the best in vestment you could make. Read The Bee's Teal estate columns. -' FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. It you fall to find the room yon desire among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rooms In all parts of the city. - New lists Issued every week. FOUR large, pleasant, completely furnished rooms. A regular home, but in flat Also suite of two or three for light housekeep ing. Walking distance. 2680 Harney St. TO RESPECTABLB business man, large, cool, newly furnished front parlor clean, quiet place; only 212; smaller room, 19; must see to appreciate. 713 N. 22d. TWO nicely furnished rooms, with an east frott Prices reasonable. Close in. 712 8. 17th Ave. THE NORTON Pleasant well furnished voom, newly decorated, suitable for two, 2213 Dodge street. FURNISHED rooms with veranda, facing north. Garage can, be rented next door. Webster 4971. MODERN furnished rooma for men only at the Sunshine, 601 North 17th St Reason able rent. TWO choice rooms, close In, to persona with reference. 2526 Dodge St 118 8. 19TH ST., walking distance, nicely lurmsnea large iront room. FURNISHED room in private family; mod ern. 1821 Grace St Tel. Webster 5893. 3116 CALIFORNIA Nice, clean, pleasant tlecplng room, modern, private. Red 8661. FURNISHED ROOMS 1612 Dorcas St Housekeeping Rooms. NICE, clean housekeeping rooms, strictly irioa-rrn; uiro enure iirsi lioor Tint. 4JOUg las 7790. Or call 41S & 24th 8t Don't call Sunday. ROOM with kitchenette In modern home on car line. Price reasonable to employed people. 1520 8. 24th St. Douglas 7558. - SUITE of clean, neatly furnished rooma oa second floor; no children; laundry priv ileges. Garage room. 2902 Podgs. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms and single sleeping, new clean ana pleasant . 2580 Harney. 1711 BURT, modern furnished sleeping rooms or ngnt nousexeeping rooms, pri vate family. LARGE beautifully furnished three-room euiia wim Bitrcpin- purcu, aiso garage, pe children. 3026 Davenport LARGE room, with kitchenette, modern; launary privileges; no cnuaren. 2420 Cass. THREE, four or five modern housekeeping rooms, neierences. Harney zisi. 2621 CAPITOL AVE. One lar and tw -mall rnnmi'1 Co . r. c - NICELY furnished two-room apartment. Harney 6145. NICE clean honsekeep'g rms., 1611 Howard. Board and Rooms. LARGE front south room with board; pri vate residence. Gentleman preferred. Web ster 4809. Hotels. COOL rooms, 12 week; also s part ments with kitchenettes, Ogden hotel. Co. Bluffs. Unfurnished Rooms., THREE unfum shed rooms. 110. J1J 11th St . Phone Douglaa 4598. FOR RENT FURNISHED SALESLADIES Steady work, commission and salary. Position worth 12 IT per day to canvass for old established house. See Mr. Fowler, Edwards Hotel. . Apartments. DUNDEE The lower floor, or kitchenette upstairs, deatrableT' Walnnt 1252. Phon) mornings or evenings, , ' ' ' ' a.-