SOFT CITY PLUMS FACE DIRE DOOM; AX TOFALL SOON Incoming Officials Agree on Smith as Mayor and Indi cate That Economy Will Be Watchword. Ed P. Smith, mayor. f W. G. Ure, accounts and finance. J. Dean Ringer, police, sanitation and public safety. Roy N. Towl, . public improve ments. , '; Harry B. Zimman, fire. -Thomas Falconer, parks and bou levards. Dan B. . Butler, street mainte " nance., The foregoing assignments of city departments were adopted Friday at a conference of the commissioners elect in the office of Ed P. Smith. Frank L. Weaver of the law firm of Weaver & Giller will be city at torney, succeeding John A. Rine. Mr. Weaver for many years has been identified with the Jacksonian camp of democracy, as "opposed to the Dahlmanites. W. C. Lambert, corporation coun sel, will be retained until important pending litigation shall have been dis posed of. A case against the electric light company is set ,for hearing in the United States district court of appeals, St. Paul, May 21, and Mr. Lambert is familiar with that suit. A new corporation counsel will be appointed within a few weeks. Appointments of two city prose cutors for legal department stafi have not been considered. The legal de partment Wil have four attorneys in stead of six as at present. H. B. Fleharty and L. J. TePoel will auto matically be removed. The new mayor and commissioners will meet in the city council cham ber Monday morning and organize by adopting resolutions, ratifying the selection of Mr. Smith for mayor ana assigning tne departments as agreed upon. One of the policies of the new city council will be reduce the number of small departments, which have been established with the years. Con solidation will be practiced, consist ent with efficiency, is one of the an nouncements made by the commissioners-elect. Economy Is Watchword. Next Monday the new council will prepare an abstract of all of the city departments and divisions of depart ments, with lists of .employes and their salaries. Then the lopping off will be started. Mr. Smith will go to Lincoln to night in connection with, an applica tion qf the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company, before the State railway commission, asking for authority to increase street car fare, to 6 cents. J "We will get in shape to resist this from the very first," stated the mayor-elect. Higby is Mentioned. Beecher Higby, former city clerk, is being mentioned for the same posi tion under the new order of municipal government. He worked for the allied candidates during the campaign and has been a frequent visitor in the city hall during recent weeks. Henry F. Meyers and Joe Sherry also are in the race. Frank Honza is among the possibil Uies for city comptroller, a position vhich will fall to Commissioner-Elect Jre to make. Honza was with Ure in the , court house when the latter was treasurer. Commissioner Butler, who will have the street maintenance department, under the new regime, will also have the muny coal department which he started a year ago in connection with the accounts and finance department. "I was not called into conference Jtail! Bliiiui!iiiiiiiii)iniiiiiiiTiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiniimiiiiini"!iLi F. L. WEAVER. with the other candidates. I believed that I was re-elected on my record as superintendent of the accounts and finance department and rightfully should have had that" department," Mr. Butler stated. Mr. Ringer, the new superintendent of police, made his campaign for that office and frequently announced in public meetings that he would reor ganize the police department and take it out of "gang control," As superintendent of the depart ment of public improvements, Mr. Towl will have the benefit of a wide experience as a practical engineer. Mr. Ure, who will take over ac counts and finance, served as county and city treasurer, and understands the new work upon which he will enter. Mr. Falconer, slated for superin tendent of parks and boulevards, has been in the plumbing business for 25 years. The new superintendent of the fire OMAHA SENDS TWO MEN TO DETENTION CAMP INJJE0R6IA United States Marshal Tom Flynn left Omaha for Chicago Friday to deliver two federal prisoners to authorities there. The men, Chris Cook, Aberdeen, S. D., and Walter Siebert. ScottsblutT, will be taken to Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., to be interned for the duration of the war. A special train carrying interned alien "enemies to the Georgia camp will leave Chicago at 8 o'clock Satur day morning. "Sure, to hell mit der kaiser," re i . ..... . puca ook, wnen asked it he spoke English. Cook was a missionary in Africa before he came to the United States Walter Siebert is a young man He was a banker in Scottsbluff and owns several farms near there. Fed eral men say he came to the United States four years ago under orders from the German staff and reported to the German consul in Chicago after ne nad applied tor hrst papers. Federal men say that he worked in Omaha for a short time shortly after his arrival in this country and that he was employed by a piano company. Sues for $10,000 Damages for Death of Son While Coasting John W. Sund, sr., whose son, John W. Sund, jr., was killed at Twenty fifth and K streets, when the sled upon which he was coasting on Feb ruary 11, 1916, collided with an auto truck belonging to Smisek & Hrdlicka. grocers, is suing the grocers for $10,- UOU. I he trial is being heard :n qis trict court. department, Mr. Zimman, is a lawyer who has had nine years experience as city councilman, having served two years of that time as acting mayor. Ed. P. Smith and City Attorney Rine agreed on the proposition that the first Monday after election is the legal time for the new city officials to take their seats. Tendency to Constipation? USE THIS LAXATIVE! Dietitians advise a "careful diet," but that ia troubU some to most people; physical cuiturista advise "certain exercises," which ia good if one has both the time and the inclination. Doctors advise diet and exercise and medicine. The question is, shall it be a cathartic or purgative med icine? Or a mild, gentle laxative? - Thousands have decided the question to their ewn satis faction by using a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin known to druggists as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup' Pepsin. A small dose gives a free, easy movement or the bowels. It is the best substitute for nature herself. In fact, since the ingredients are wholly from the' vegetable kingdom it may truthfully be said it is a natural laxative. Its positive but gentle action on the bowels males it an ideal remedy for constipation. The dose is small, and it may be taken with perfect safety until the bowels are regulated and act again of their own accord. -;;: The dru&tist will rotund your money it it alia to do at promised. NO INCREASE Id (pita of anorraous ineraaaea laboratory . coats dus to tha War ' tha manufacturers al -Dr. CalcSraU'a Syrup Pepaia ara aacrificinf their profits and abaorb ins tha war taxea. so that this family laxativa may remain at tha pra war pries of 50c and $1 a largo bottle. So sold by 4rutfita fot 26 years SDr. Caldwell's YRUP DEPSIN The Perfect 1 Laxative FREE SAMPLES Dr. CaldwaO's Syrap . Papal a is the largest sailing liquid laaatm ia Aowrica. If you hare never asad it, send your address for a free trial bottle to Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 464 Weehinftoa St.. Montieello. , III. If you have babies in the family asad for a copy of "The Care of the Baby." Howard Street. Dining Room Attractions CENTRAL Value Between tttb and 18th. that Will Appeal to DImm Rmm . , . . ,, i , . .. I-, -..ii. i-., ,. ,.,., ,. Suite, as illustrated, "William and Mary . style, in old English oak. 60-inch Buffet and 54-inch Table and 6 leather seat Chairs .$149.00 The Table. $35.00 The Buffet $35.00 Same Buffet, walnut $42.50 Buffets in golden oak, 45 to 48-inch tops $17.75 to $26.50 Buffets, same size, fumed oak, from $16.50 to $28.00 Fumed Oak Buffet, 66 inches in length, solid oak, price , $42.50 Odd China Cabinets, from broken suites, sharply underpriced, from $14.75 to $30 I I I ey&EIIlk I fl .ii BvVT WrsT- sSMtaa. . yam's"- "W'swii -H. R. EOWEfT, Presideat- STORE HOURS: 8:30 a. m. to 6 p. m. HOURS: 6 p. rrfj "EVERYBODY STORE" Friday, May 10, 191S- -Store News for Saturday- - Phone D. 137' Our M 0 aTH Ha. A i R Ala w w en s uotninff urbanization Has Been Enlisted for Your Service WE want you to reap the benefits of this splendid organization, whose every effort in the selection of the merchandise, the styles, the materials, the colors, etc., is that they may be of the greatest possible service to you. To prove that service we of fer Remarkable Selection of Suits Men's $25.00 Featuring the best in fabrics, patterns, styles and colorings, styles that appeal to the young men who give a great deal of atten tion to their dress as well as the more conservative. Men's Suits Priced at $20, $22.50, $25 to $40 Suits that are designed and tailored by the best artists pos sible to secure styles in a variety that will appeal to you, no mat ter what your ideas may be, correct in model, best and most fa vored materials, all sizes for regulars, stubs, slims and stouts. Burisss-Nash Co. Fourth Floor Here's Another Opportunity to Buy Men's Shirts Saturday at Less Than Present Cost at $1.15 THEY are neckband, soft turn back and laundered cuffs, coat style, and some collars attached which were used on the road as samples. Made of crystal and rep cloth, fine percales, corded madras, soisette and ducetine striped silk effect patterns. Latest designs, mostly fresh laundered, new, crisp merchandise ready to put right on and wear. Sale price, $1.15. Men's Pajamas and Night Shirts Recent shipment of men's pajamas and night shirts. Bought months ago and at prices much below present qualifications, enables us to make some very attractive prices. Pajamas, $2.00 and Up. j Night Shirts, $1.00 and Up ' ) Men's Lisle Union Suits, $2.50 Ask for 620 or 621 A ventilated honey-comb mesh union suit in pink or blue colors, sleeves, inseam, closed crotch; a most comfortable garment for this season; price, $2.50. Men's Split Sole Vs Hose, 19c Sole ecru, black tops, black fast dye, special, 19c a pair. Men's Sample Handkerchiefs at 10c Soiled and mussed but extra quality, 6 to a customer, 10c Delpark Wash Ties, 75c Straight four-in-hands and diagonal flowing end four-in-hands, the best wash neckwear made, 75c ana $i.oo. Men's Gauntlet Auto Gloves, $3.00 Lisle backs, gray, black leather palms; cool and comfortable for summer driving. . Price, $3.00. Men's Four-In-Hand Neckwear, $1.00 Cut straight, with the cloth satin slip band, large, full shape, exquisite patterns. $1.00 each. Burftss-Nash Co. Main Floor Boys' Clothing and Furnishings Special values that will inter est parents with boys to clothe. Boys' Wash Hats White, tan, rose and khaki colors, 65c, 75c and $1.00. ' Boys' Straw Hats ' White straw in all ths new shapes and sizes, 65c to fs.00. Black straw in all the new shapes and sizes, $1.50 to $4.00. v Boys Suits With two pair of pants,, big selection of styles, materials nd patterns, at $8.95. Boys' Blouses Splendid selections of pat terns, at 75c to $5.00, Boys' Pants Washable, good materials and patterns, 75c to $2.50. , Boys' Wash Suits Newest styles, , guaranteed colors, ages 2 to 8 years, for $1.50 to $6.95. Burtsss-Nash Co. Fourth Floor . Initial Showing Saturday of Men's Straw Hats $1.50 to $10.00 OPENING the season with a very complete line of the new shapes and straws, including Sennets, split braids, Panamas, Bangkoks, plain and fancy weaves, at $1.50 to $10.00. f Men's Soft Hats Standard makes, newest shapes and shades, at $3.00, $3.50 and $4.00. Special New shipment of caps for conductors and motormen, specially priced at $2.00. Burgess-Naah Co. Main Floor Sporting Goods of All Kinds JUST the sort of things that will set your blood a-tingle, and make you feel like answering the "call" of the wild. ' Fishing Outfit at $1.95 Including steel casting rod, reel, line and bait. Tennis balls, at 35c and 50c. Tennis Racquets, Eureka, at $1.50. Tennis Racquets, Phoenix, at $2.00. . , Tennis racquet cases, at 75c to $1.75. Union roller skates, a high grade skate, at $2.25. , , Burfsas-Na.h Co. Fourth Floor Automobile Accessories-Specially Priced-Fourth Floor GLANCE over this list of special values, compare the price with that you. have been paying elsewhere, then realize what saving advantages this section of our store holds for you. Rose f rictionless pumps, special, $1.48. Columbia high-test dry cell for ignition purposes, 3 7 J each. Ford 22-inch heavy gauge steel tool box, at $1.75. Summer driving dust robes, $6.98. Champion plugs, ex tra special, 45c. Limit of four to a customer Ford headlight bulbs, 9-18 Cp., double con tact, special, 22c each. Marvel Jr. vulcaniz ers, complete with fi patches and heating units. The outfit, 93c. Gorilla self-vulcanizing patch, the right patch in an emergency. Can, complete with cement and emery paper, 39c. MY Veedol, the heat- resist i n g lubri cant. The United Kfatea Cinv. ernment uses it for its trucks and aeroplanes. You can afford to give it a fair trial. Special, gallon cans, 50c each, Monitor hand horns and effici ent warning signal, $2.15 Ford shock absorbers, S. & S., $10.98 set. John Manville and Stewart Cowel type speedometers with all attachments necessary for in stalling. Special at $9.50 each. Auto luneh kits a necessity for the man who takes frequent short trips to the country; spe cially priced for Saturday: Set for two persons, $3.98. Set for four persons, $7.35, $3.75 and $12.50. . Auto lunch kits of higher quality for four, six and seven persons, $10.98, $15.00, $21.50 and $33.98. Burftess-Naah Co. Fourth Floor Good Serviceable Suits ForMenin the Down Stairs Store Saturday at $14.95 $17.50 MEDIUM and summer weight ma terials, including: Serges, gray and fancy mixtures, Pepper and Salt worsteds, neat striped worsteds,' etcfor men and young men, splendidly tailored in the latest styles. Men's Everv Dav Work . . . . . , ranis ai y.VD Fine striped worsteds in a good se lection of shades. Very special at $2.95. A Base Ball and Bat or Field Glove Free with Every Boys' Suit , As a special feature for Saturday in the Down Stairs Store with the purchase of a boy's suit at $4.95 or more we will give absolutely free a base ball and bat or. field glove. Our line of boys' suits is very extensive the kind you should have for that robust, growing boy the serviceable kind. Big selection of material and patterns. Burtais-Nasb Co. Down Stairs Stors 7 . 1 1