"8 THE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1918. BRINGING UP FATHER . COPJTlthl. . AM, International Nr , Ssrrlc. Drawn for The Bee by , George McManus ; , r i i -- - - ' -' ' - i flll ROURKES POUND DRESSEN AND VIN FROM BOOSTERS i. - Opposing Hurler Receives Poor Support From His Team Mates, Who Help Lose Ragged Game. Des Moinfs, Ia., Mav 7. (Special Telegram.) -Omaha won the final - game of the series from Des Moines ; today,.8 to 4 in a sloppy game of 10 errors and Zo hits, good for li base. The Boosters trailed all the way as . the visitors hit Drcssen hard so long is he remained m the box. A pass to Bashang, Jackson's in Seld hit. Hanford's double and De- ate's single, together with errors by Jouval and Breen, account for the Jmaha runs in the open inning. Boosters Take One Back. The. Boosters took one of thenj Jack in tt: second on a pass to Murphy and singles by Coffey, Breen ind Dressen. Each team scored twice In the iourth, errors helping them in each instance. Callahan, singled, Mart ford booted Pratt's grounder and Kopp beat out a bunt, filling : the bases. Jackion drove the first two named homo with a single. In the local half Dcfate made a two-base wild throw of Breen's grounder, Cass tripled , and Jackson dropped Dehte's throw of Hartford's roller, two- iuns resulting. , Dressen Chased From Game. Hanford floiihli and aino-lr hv Dcfate and Holderman added one I run to the Omaha total in the fifth. The visitors chased Dressen from the j game in the following frame, which was opened by .Coffey's poor throw of ' Kopp's grounder. Singles by Bashang ar.d Jackson filled the bags iiu uujcu , jicsscn , to retire m favor of Phillips, Donicka's single scoring the last two alien runs , of the contest, for Phillips was invinci ble after that. The champions could not get to Kopp again until the ninth when Hartford, ' Shanley and Murphy collaborated for one run each, gettmg a sizzling hit. Donica's fielding and the hitting of Hanford, Jackson and uemt teatured the Omaha victory. Rashanf, rf Standing of Teams AMERICAN. " 1 W. L. Pet. Boston ....11 T .632 Cleveland ..10 T .688 fhlcago .... T 7 .600 New Tork.. t .600 Detroit .... S T .4a WaihlnictOQ S 6 .471 St. Loud... 1 An NATIONAL. W. L. Pet. New Tork. ..16 1 .141 Chicago ....11 S .486 Pittsburgh., t T .663 Philadelphia S S .(29 Cincinnati... I II .400 St. Louia ... 711 .36 Brooklyn .. U .656 Philadelphia I IS .375Boston 411 .176 WESTERN. W.L.Pct.L- De Moines ..4 1 .8(7 Wichita .....6 1 .714 Topeka ......6 S .714 Omaha ..1..4 S J171 Hutchlaon ...I I .S6 AMERICAN ASS'N. W. L.rct. Louisville ...II ,633 Milwaukee ...I 1 .633 Kansas City 4 S .667 Indianapolis ..4 S .571 Columbus ....6 4 .333 Sioux City ..2 I .2St. Paul 1 4 .633 Joplln . 3 & .286jToledo 3 8 .28(5 St. Joaeph ..2 S .286Mlnnctpolli ..1 S .167 Yesterday' Game. - WESTERN LKAOUE 8t. Joseph, 3; Hloux City. 0. Hutchinson, 3; Topeka, 4. .loplln. 6; Wichita, J. Des Moines, 4; Omaha, 6. American association Indlanapolla, 4; Toledo, 6. Loulavllle, Columbus, rain. Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Kansas City, St. raul, not scheduled. AMERICAN LEAGUE. St. Louie, 6: Detroit, 6. Cleveland, 7: C'hlcno, 1. Boston, 2: Washington, 7. New York, ; Phlladelphja, 1. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Clnclnnattl. 1: St. Louis, 6. Chicago, 1; Pittsburgh, 2. Brooklyn, 0; Boston, 16. Philadelphia, 3; New York, 7. Games Today. WESTERN LEAGUE. Sioux City at Omaha. JDe 1 Molne at St. Joseph. Topeka at Joplln. I Wichita at Hutchinson. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Cleveland at Chicago. Boaton at Washington, I St. Louis at Detroit. , 1 New York at Philadelphia. ; 'v NATIONAL LEAGUE Philadelphia at New York. Chicago at Pittsburg. Cincinnati at St. Louia. Brooklyn at Ii. mU.h. LOVE GOES WILD, BUT ATHLETICS CAN'T TOUCH HIM Philadelphia's Only Run in Game With Giants Scored . on a Base on Balls.' Philadelphia, May 7. Love was wild, but efi'ective against Philadel phia toda and it was not until two were out in the seventh inning that the Athletics secured a base hit. Meanwhile New York hammered Myers out of the box, a home run by Hannah in the six'n with a man on second being the final blow. The score was 9 to 1. Philadelphia's run was scored on a base on balls a wild pitch and (jiiuooley s muff. Score: NEW TOKK. AB.H.O.A.E. Glhly.rf 3 1 3 Hknpgh.as 3 0 4 Raker,2b 4 1 0 Pratt.Jb 4 2 2 Pipp.lh 4 1 6 xKodie,lf 4 2 2 'Mlllor.cf 3 0 2 Itannah.o 3 17 Love.p 4 10 PHILADELPHIA. (AB.H.O.A.E. 0 Umlson.rf 4 0 2 1 0 OKopp.lf 10 2 10 2 OWalknr.rt 2 14 0 0 2 OBums.lb 3 0 14 1 1 1 0Grdnr.3b 3 0 0 4 0 0 0Shanon,2b 3 0 0 4 3 0 ODugan.ss 4 116 0 3 OPerlttns.o 4 14 2 0 0 0 Myers. p 2 0 0 6 0 Artsms.p 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 32 6 27 11 I'M'Voy 1 0 0 0 0 Fahny.p 0 0 0 0 0 rGMAHA STARTS WESTERN SEASON AT HOME TODAY Opening Day and Military Day Combined Into One; Game Called at 3:15 This Afternoon. . Jackson, lb..,,,,, ttanlca. lb Hanford, H.t...... Delate, as Holderman. tt..,. Callahan, ib , rratt, ... Kopp, p.. . OMAHA AB. B. BIT. TO. A, 111 1 S 4 S s s 4 ...... 4 Totals t'aa. If..'.. Hartford, aa. Hhanley, lb.. Hunter, rf... Murphy, ef. . IS 27 19 8 AB. R. ISH. ro. A, .ail i e ...5 114 S 1 ... 5 S o ..I8 0 0 S00 ...4 11-1.1-8 ... i 4 a i ...-4L 1 1 4 t 1 ...4,6) 1 1 1 J ... a i o i ... 10 1 ..41 4 U 27 14 "i Breen, e Kiva(, Sb........ Draasani p.. ....... Phllllpa, p , TaUta .......... Omaha, t ..8 8 .0 ill 8 0-5 ;Utm Molaca.. .8 iVeV'll 8 0 8 ll-t " aa. Two-baa hltsj Hartford, Shanley, Hanford, S. Ntolen baee: BMbana-. lft on baaosi .Omaha, 7i Ies Molaes. It Htmek out I By Phillips, 4i by Kopp. L Baes on balls I Off Dressen, It off Phillips, I ? off Kopp. 1. Passed baU: Broeo. Jiarned rins and hltat Off Dreaaea, 4 runsi IS hits In five innings (none out In sixth i) off PhtUps, ao runst S bits In tour Innings; off Kopp. I runs, 11 hits la t In nings. Charg defeat to Dreween. Double pliysi Ooffey to Hartford to Shanley. Um pire i Daly. Tlmei 1 boor S3 minutes. Topeka Takes Last of leries Away From Salt Packers Topeka, Kan., May 7.Topeka took the last game of the series , from nutenmson here todav. 4 to 3. Score HUTCHINSON. TOPEKA. . AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. J-ms.lT 4 3 4 OWufflLss 6 0 i a e ONee.Sb 4 12 19 19 4 OBrdly.lb 4 170 114 Meyer. If S 1 S 9 0 1SS OClvlnd.Sb 21994 4 4 4 IHa'ger.cf t t 9 9 9 9 1 OTralner.rf t 9 9 9. 9 9 11 OManlon.o -8 1 r rt 19 8 gjaynes.p 2 19 8 9 9 9 4 SSaisby.p 9 9 9 9 9 Omaha opens the 1918 Western league season at home at Rourke park at 3:15 this afternoon. ' Today not only will be Opening day, but as an added attraction it will be Military day. All of the soldiers stationed at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook will attend the game as guests ofW. A. Rourke, president of the Omaha club. Ceremonies will be comparatively simple. There will be no parade, this ancient method of celebration having oeen abandoned m Omaha several years ago. 'Colonel Pickering, com mander at Fort Crook, has promised to pitch the first ball. Major Maher pi tne umana quartermaster's depot yivunaca iu laicn jr. it possiDie. Emerson Dickerson, president of the Western league who will be in Omaha for the opening event, will be assigned v ..iv L-nim a iJusiuuii. nc win at tempt to slam the colonel's pitch out oi me lot. Band Concert. - This hurling of the first ball con stitutcs the ceremonies except for the music by the 41st infantry regimental ona, wnicn win piay Detore, during and after the game. , The band prom ises to Bive an extensive rnnrert W fote the game for the entertainment or tne tans who arrive early. Major Maher has contributed a fea ture which will be something of a novelty to the civilian audience. He will provide a trumpet corps of seven strong-lunged buglers who will blow the series of army bugle calls on their instruments. Then hostilities between Bill John son's Rourkes arid Ducky Holmes' Sioux will begin. . . Men to Pitch. Otto Merz, Jackson's pitching ace, will do mound duty for the Rourkes. Mack Allison, one-time Rourke, prob- Rrlfl... 1.1... aOIV Will ODDOSf. flttn "m&it: remain i Omaha muits udy. All limn atart at ..n The teams will line up a? follows: OJIAHA. SIOUX QITT. i"""1 IbJb '.Hunter Smith Callahan ...!b ,b3b Strlgel DeFat u . Jonea "f0 ......r.Thomaao" Holderman cfbf Rl:hl. F.rrell ?fi. 'cfe Robrer t , p Allison OToolo p McQranor Kopp ...nb iri-tAv.. 9' Pk Mv.r. Nolte.cf - 2 DilU.rf 3 ralk.s ' 3 Benson. 2b 4 Conroy.Sb S Brleb'k.lb 4 Banner.o , 8 Tedesehl.p 8 McCIel'd 1 ToUlo 29 4 2414 1 'Total 26 8 27 8 9 , 'Batted for Tedescht la ninth.' Hutchinson .99919114 92 Topeka .... 9 9 9 9 liS 9 9' 4 Left on baave: Topeka, 4; Mutchlnaon. 6. i . ns. two base hits m , jsenson, i eaescni. Dlltx, Talk. Double pUy; Calk to Brle beck to Conroy. Stolen bases: Hauger. Bases on balls: Off Jaynes. 4; Tedeschl, 2 Struck out: By Jaynea, 6; Salisbury, 1; Te deschl, 2. Wild pitch: Tedescht. Time" 1 hour 4 ininutea. Umpire: Mullen. -,. Oilier Crack Captures i ; Grand Island Trap Event Grand Island, Neb., May 7. (Spe cial.) At a trap shooting tournament C. L. Waggoner of Diller, Neb., drew high money for the Class A trophy by breaking 122 out of the 125 tar gets; Class B trophy went to George Harding of Doniphan and Class C to Carlos Morehouse of Fremont In the professional class D.' D. Cross of Kansas City was high with 121 out of Us. Phil R. Miller of St Louis was second with 120 out of 125 and George L. Carter of Lincoln was tl.'rd In the amateur class C L. Waggoner of Diller was. first,. John a.elsoa of Boeltis, second, and L Bun ny of Orleans, third. About 80 f .ooteri participated. Totals 27 3 27 20 4 Battetd for Adams In cvinth. rBptled (or AOams In .seven;!). New Tork .,..1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 19 Philadelphia .0 0 0 0. 0 1 0 0 01 Two-base hits: Tratt, Walker, Home run: Hannah. Sacrifice hits: I'ecklnpauKh, I'lpp. Sacrifice fllos: Pratt and Baker. Double plays: I'lpp, Pecklnpaugh to Plpp; Myers, Iugan, Burns, Oardnor and Perkins. Left on bases: Now York, 6; Philadelphia, 7. First base on errors: New York, 2; Phila delphia, 1. Bases on balls: Off Love, 7; Myers, 2; Fshey, 2. Hits: Off Myers, 7 In six Innings; off Adams, none In one Inning: Pahey, 2 In two Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By I.ove (Burns), by Myera (Hannah). Struck out: By Love, i; by Myers, 2; bv Fancy, 1. Wild pitch. Love. Losing pitcher: Myera. Chicago Held to Three Hit. Chicago, May 7. .Ilin Ilagby, backed up l.y flue fielding by Speaker and Wood, held Chicago to three hits while Cleveland bunched hits behind C. Williams' wlldnoss and won, 7 to 1. Doubles by McMotlln and .1. Collins saved the locals from a shutout. Score: CLEVELAND. CHICAGO. Ab.lf.O.AB. AB.H.O.A.E, Jhapmn.es 6 2 2 2 OLelbold.rf 4 0 2 0 Turner.Sb 3 0 0 6 1 Weavers 4 0 17 Roth.rt 6 2 1 0 0Klsberg,2b 4 113 Speaker.cf 2 0 4 0 OJackson.K 3 0 3 0 Wmbni.ib 6 3 10 UFelSch.cf 3 0 2 1 A.Wlms.lb 4 0 13 0 OQandil.lb 2 0 13 0 Wood, If 410 OMcMln.Sb 2103 O'NsllI.e IM 2 1 OSchalk.o 2 0 6 2 Uagby.p 4 0 0 1 OC.WIlms.p 0 0 0 1 'Murphy 10 0 0 Totals. .36 10 27 16 IBens.p 0 0 0 1 J. Collin 110 9 Husscll.p 0 0 0 1 Totals.. 27 3 27 18 Batted for C. Williams lei sixth. Batted for Bena In eighth. Cleveland 0 1 8 9 2 0 t 1 17 Chicago ( 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0- Two-bsse hits: O'Neill Roth (5). McMuI- nn, ,i, I'ouins. Three-base hit: Chapman. Sacrlflc hits: Turner. Kelsch, C. Williams, O'Neill. Sacrifice fly: Wood. Double nlav: Felsch to Schalk. Left on bases: Cleveland, iu: inicago, . First bsse on erroTa: Cleve land, 3; Chicago, S. Bases on halls: Off Wil liams, 6; Bngby. 2. Hits: Off Williams, in six innings;' off Bens, 2 In two Innings; off Russell. 2 In on Innlna- off RatrhiT a in nine innings, ntruck out: By Williams, 2 ny Mens, 1. Wild pitch: Bens: Winning pucner: oagoy. Losing pitcher: C. Williams. Boston Saved From Shutout, Washington, May 7. Ruth aaved Boston from a shutout at th hands of Walter Johnson her today by a horn run over the right field wall In the alxth Inning, with a man on base. Washington hit Leonard hard and won easily, 7 to 2. Score: BOSTON. WASHINGTON, i AB.H O.A K. AB.H.O.A.E. Hooper.rf 4 9 10' IShotton.rf 6 9 2 0 0 S OLavan.ss 4 1110 0 OMIIan.cf 4 2 4 0 0 0 OShanks.lf 4 9 2 0 0 0 OJudge.lb 4 2 14 0 0 9 0Mrgan,3b 4 2 0 6 9 3 0Foster.3b 3 10 11 1 OAlsmtth.e 4 3 2 3 0 3 OJohnson.p 3 3 9 3 9 Hhean.Sb 4 9 3 Btrunk.cf 3 10 Ruth, lb 3 1 10 Mclnls,3b 3 9 1 Seftang.K 3 0 8 Scott, is 4 0 2 Agnew.o 4 13 Lonard.p 3 11 Pk .... Fuhr ......pP Van Glider .ip Today's Sport Calendar B Ban International league opens with RorhMter at Jerey city, SyrMna at BuJo at Baltimore, nod Toronto 6 Bingham ton. Snooting North Carolina ateto trapshaot. ln tournament open at Charlotte. WmtrbKart Caddoek ngaliut Wtedek Zbysak. at Cbioagv, Totals. 21 42210 1 Totals. 86 14 27 14 1 Shotton out, hit by batted ball. Boston 0 9 9 9 9 2 9 9 92 Washington ..9 9 1 4 1 1 9 9 7 Two-hase hit MnDn lln.mtlk IT n n. . run: Ruth. Stolen bases: Judge, Foster. Sacrifice hits: Mclnnls. Leonard. Sacrifice fly Lavan. Left on bases: Boaton, 8: Washington, 7. Bases on balls: Oft John son. ; off Leonard, 1. Hlts: Off Leonard. 14 In eight innings: off Johnson. 4 In nln Innings. Hit by pitched ball: By Leonard (Foster). Struck out:- Bv Leonard. 5: hv Jonnson, 3. Wild pitch: Leonard. , Error Aid St. Louia. Detroit. May 7. Errors bv Treen ! Toung enabled St. Louis to win from De troit, 6 to 3, this afternoon. After Detroit bad tied the score In th seventh Inning on hit by Bush, -Cobb. VeaclT and Vltt. the vltlsors scored two run In th eighth with out th aid of a bit. Score: 8T. LOUIS. DETROIT. AB.H.O.A E. AB.H O.A R Tobln.cf 4 3 3 0 ODressn.lb 3 9 12 9 1 OBush.sa 2 2 1(0 OCobb.cf 2 1 0Veach.lf 4 1 OHellmn.rt 4 9 OVItt.Sb 4 1 9Toung.2b ITelle.c lKalllo.p Austin, !b 6 11 Staler, lb 6 116 Smlth.lf 3 9 J Demitt.rf 3 10 Gedeon.lb 3 9 2 Nunmkr.o 4 16 Gerber.ss 2 19 Galila.p 3 0 0 Jones. p Totals . 33 7 27 16 SBoland.p . 'Spencer Walker 4 0 4 0 1 9 9 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 9 2 1 2 9 3 2 2 -8 3 2 9 1 0 9 0 9 9 9 0 0 Wielding' C? 4UTT By FRED S. HUNTER. A SOCIETY reporter heralding to day's largest event, probably would proceed something like this: "Omaha will very quietly open the Western league season at home to day." . x In previous years the start of the Western league season in Omaha has been the occasion for much excite ment and enthusiasm. Civic organiza tions held rousing rallies, silver- tongued orators made eloquent I speeches, business houses announced they would close part of the day so their employes could see the game, and the business of the city was wide ly threatened. Then some of tfie fans went to the ball game. This year, however, evervthine has been comparatively quiet. It is just as well. These are war imes. Too mucn cresendo nas a baa ertect. in addition, judging from the success of the crashing of the cymbols in the past, there is a chance that a record breaking crowd will turn out The team has been playing pretty good base ball. J. tie hitting has been good and so has the fielding. The pitching has been only fair, but that is to be expected the first week or so of the season. It will improve. We re peat it is a good team and it deserves the support of the Omaha fans. The Western league also deserves the sup port ot the tans. 1'rpspects for a prosperous season are anything but rosy, lhe club owners have exhibited true courage in deciding to temot fate which offers little and threatens much, Other leagues have thrown up the sponge without a fight. The West ern league is one of half a dozen that is fighting. A good fighter deserves encouragement. One Blessing. THERE will be no base ball parade today. For which, we confess, we are thankful. The indisputable stamp of the hick, town is the base hall parade led by somebody's silver cornet Dana on opening day. Visions of Delight. TT is with keen anticipation that wc await the spectacle of Colonel Pickering throwing the first ball today ana Major Aianer catching it. We trust that we will not be disappointed in the hope that the colonel's control is not too eood for we have deliehtful visions of the, courageous major going aiier a wine one. OUTHIT GIANTS, PHILLIES LOSE SEVEN STRAIGHT Bancroft's Poor Work and Ragged -Fielding Results in -Defeat of Philadelphia' Pitcher. Eller. 2 In on Inning; Doak, 7 In elghjt innings; Horstimn, 1 In one Inning. Struck out: By Bressler, 2; Doak, 1; Horstman, 1. Wild pitch: Horstman. Winning pitcher: Doak. Losing pitcher; Eller. American Asoclatlon. 1 Score: R. H. E. Indianapolis 4 11 0 Tfltdo , , 6 7 1 Batteries: Northrop and Gossctt; Brady and Devlne. Louisville-Columbus game postponed. No others scheduled. "Spider!' Kelly Engaged To Train Jess Willard Chicago, 'May 7. "Spider Kelfy" of San Fr3i.cisco, formerly a clever light-weight fighter, and more widely known as a second and trainer of boxers, was engaged today by Jess Willard to act as trainer, adviser and chief second' for the champion. "PHOTO PIAY- OFFERINGS FOR. TODAY' Important Announcement. iy E wish to announce that a new ' pop corn machine has been in stalled in the concession stand at Rourke park. The reason for the an nouncement is that you don't have to eat Brother Dave's peanuts unless you want to. Tailenders Play Great Ball, Joetown Blanking Indians Sioux City. Ia.. Mav 7. St. Toseoh broke even on their series with Sioux City by winning today's 11-inning game, j to u. lhe game was a pitch ing duel between Luschen and Meyers. The Backers were held hit- less until the ninth inning, when Thomason made a double over, the short richt field fence. The Saint's made but three hits up until the ninth inning, buV made one in the 10th and four in the 11th, which gave them the onlv three runs of the irame. Sioux City made four double plays. Score: ST. JOSEPH. SIOUX CITT. New York, May 7. New York Ka-i tionals celebrated their return to the home grounds by defeating Philadel-i phia here today, 7 to 3. It was Phila-1 delphia's seventh straight defeat.! Philadelphia outhit the Giants, but ragged fielding behind Sogg, especial ly by Bancroft, resulted in the visiting pitcher's defeat. Umpire Rigler ordered Third Base man Zimmerman of New York-off the field in the fourth inning for kicking after he had been called out on strikes. Score: PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Hancr't.ss 6 1 2 2 5To'g.rf-2b 3 2 12 0 S IKauff.cf 2 1 2 0 01 2 lO. B'ns.ir 6 0 2 0 0 0 OZIm'e'n.Sb 2 10 10 0 OWIlho't.rf 2 110 01 0 0Ro-z,2b-3b 4 0 2 3 0 0 OFletc'r.es 4 16 2 0 0 IHolke.lb 3 1 11 2 0 j 0 OM'Carty.c 2 0 2 2 01 0 OBarnes.p 3 2 12 0 0 0 M'Oa'nb 4 11 Stock, 3b 4 12 Ca'h.rf-lf 4 2 1 W'd.lf-lb 4 12 Luder's.lb 4 2 10 Tlncup.rf 0 Mouse, cf 4 K. Burns, c 3 Pearc 0 Adams 1 Hogg-.p 2 Fltzgel'd 1 Maln.p 0 Dtlhoe'r 1 Totals 30 9 27 14 0 Total 37 12 24 10 S Ran for E. Burns In seventh. Batted for Hogg In seventh. Batted for Main In ninth. Philadelphia ..10020000 03 New Tork 0 0 0 1 3 1 0 2 7 Twe-base hits: Holke. Stolen bases: Mc Gafflgan, Meusel, Q. Burns. Sacrifice hits: Barnes, McCarty. Sacrlflc fly: Kauff. Double plays: Hogg, Bancroft. Luderus: Stock to Whltted. Left on bases: New York, 8; Philadelphia, 8. First Base on er rors: New Tork, 3. Bases on balls: Off Barnes. 1; Hogg, 4; Main, 1. Hits: Off Hogg, 6 In six innings; Main, 8 In two in nings. Hit by pitched ball: By Hogg (Mc Carty), Struck out: By Hogg, 4. Losing pitcher, Hogg. Pirate Take Another. Pittsburgh, May 7. Pittsburgh again won frbm Chicago today, 2 to 1. Miller. pitching for tlio home team, was steady and kept the visitors hits scattered, the only Chicago run being due to an error by Caton. Th latter, while charged with three mleplays. played a brilliant game. Th fielding cl Second Baseman Kilduff of Chicago wca the best seen at Forbes' field In several seasons. After the first Inning th PIrte could do llttl with the pitching of Weaver. Score: CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.E. Holchr.ss 4 10 8 OCaton.ss 3 0 12 3 It si Pfr."M,fr Pic- ? Jmi ture, This "TARZAN OF THE APES" Lions in combat with men. Leopards and jaguars attacking human beings. Apes and gorillas in fierce and primeval strug gles. Raiding cannibal villages with an elephant or two leading the attack. And interwoven are three romances. Three contrasting love stories which are flashed back to and fro with remarkable frequency, yet which dovetail into the story with picturesque intensity Owing to length of feature, no comedy is shown, picture starting right after Strand Pathe News. 9. , r AMISKMENTS. Flack.rf 4 Mann.lf 4 Pskert.cf 4 Merkle.lb 2 Kilduf,2b 4 Deal. 3b Kllllfer.o Barber, Elliott. o Weaver.p Tyler, Walker.p 0 0 OMlwtz.lb 2 1 13 3 0 2 0 OCarey.cf 2 0 8 0 0 2 0 OStengel.rf 2 2 110 1 0ctshw,2b 8 12 6 0 S 3 OKlng.lf 3 0 2 0 0 0 6 n.McKne.3b 2 8 0 3 1 1 2Archer.o 4 0 6 1 0 0 0 OMlller.p 8 0 0 7 0 10 0 0 8 0 Totals 27 7 27 32 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 33 8 24 16 2 Batted for Klllifer In seventh. Batted for Weaver In seventh. Chicago 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh- ...2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Two-base hlfc: Deal, Mollwlts. base hit: McKechnte. Sacrifice hits: ) 01 2 Three-Moll- AB.H.O.A.E. ABB.n.llt. Cooney.as 2 0 2 2 lFarrell.rf 2 0 0 0 0 0 OSmlth.Jb 2 0 7 7 0 0 OThmson.lf 118 0 0 0 ORotchle.cf 8 0 0 0 0 0 OHunter.lb 4 01T 2 0 3 OJones.ss 8 0 16 0 4 OStrlegelJb 4 118 0 3 ORohrer.o 4 0 4 1 0 6 OMeyers.p 4 0 14 0 Danlels.cf I 1,1 Watson.rf 4 11 Kkham.lf 4 Meller.lb 4 Rnead.Jb 8 Mard.3b 4 Bachant.o 8 Luschen. p 4 1 1 2 16 1 8 0 3 0 3 3 0 Totals. 33 3 3317 1 Totals. 33 2 33 22 0 Joseph 0 00000000 38 Sioux City 0 000000000 0 0 Left on bases: St. Joseph, I; Sioux City, Two-base hits: Kirkham. Thomason. Sacrifice hits: Snead (3). Smith. Relchle. Strlen bases: Daniels. Bachant. Luschen. Double Plays: Meyer to Smith to Hunter. Jones to Smith to Hunter, Strlegel to Smith in nunter, sinitn to Hunter. Bases on bails: Off Luschen, 7: off Meyers. . Struck out: By Luschen, 8; by Meyers, 2. Wild pitch: Meyers. Hit by Bitched ball: Bv Miyer tuanieis). Tim: 1:66. Un'-tr: Doyle. , wits. King. Sacrifice fly: Tyler. Double plays: Deal. Kilduff and Merkle (2), Weaver, KUltfer and Merkle; Miller. Cutshaw and Mollwlts. Left on bases: Chicago, 6; Pitts burgh, 9. First base on errors: Chicago, 3. Bases on balls: Weaver, 4; Walker, 2; Miller, 1. Hits: Off Weaver, 6 In six In nings; off Walker, 1 In two innings; off Miller, 8 In r.l'ie Innings. Struck out: By Weaver, 2; b Walker. 1; by Miller, 2. Winning pitcher: Miller. Losing pitcher: Weaver. Braves Slaughter Brooklyn. Boston. May 7. Boston slaughtered the pitching of Cheney and Durnlng here today, defeating' Brooklyn. IS to 0, while Began held Brooklyn safe throughout. Rawlings made five hits in as many times at bat. Hickman struck out four times, every time he faced Ragan. Score: BKOOKLTN. BOSTON. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Olsons 6 12 4 lPowell.cf 2 0 2 0 0 0'Mara,3b 4 113 lHerzog,2 5 3 3 0 0 Daubrt.lb 3 1 12 0 0:onway,2b 0 0 2 0 0 H.Myrs.cf 110 0 OECelly.lf 8 3 2 0 0 Z.Whet,cf 3 110 OWcklnd.rf 4 2 2 0 0 Instn.lf-cf 4 2 11 0Smlth.3b 4 2 0 8 0 Hlckmn.rf 4 0 2 2 IKontch.lb 5 000 Schmt,2b 4 0 3 3 Rwlngs.ss 6 5 0 4 0 Krueger.o 3 0 14 OWllson.o 8 1 S 0 0 Cheney.p 2 0 0 2 ORagan.p 4 2 0 3 0 Dunning, p 0 0 0 1 0 Doolan 1 0 0 0 0 Totals . 27 17 27 10 0 O'Rourke 110 0 0 LAST TIMES TODAY ' MARCH IE ' Musical Comedy with Bevy of Beautiful Oiris. N E W K L L & MOST The Two Joy Spots. EDITH & EDDIE ADAIR Comedy Skit, "IN THE BOOT SHOP" LEE STODDARD "The Phonograph Man." BILLY WEST In "THE SCHOLAR," MUTT & JEFF Cartoon. mi. FOX PRESENTS GEO. WALSH IN Brave&Bold Total.. 22 5 27 16 8 Batted for Kallio In alxth. - "Bailed for Jones in eighth. St. Louts .....0 0 1 1 1 0 0 S 06 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 08 Two-bsse hits: Qarber, Austin, Cobb. Stolen bases: Oedeon, Nunsmaker, Buah. Tobln. Sacrifice bits: Gallia. 3; Oedeon. Cobb. Doubt play: Bush to Toung to Dres sen. Left on bases: St. Louis. 7; Detroit, 6. First base on errors: St Louis, 8. Base en balls: Off Kallio. 3; off Jones. S; off Oai 11a, 2. Hits: Off Kallio. I in six Innings; off Jones. 0 tn two inning; off Boland, 1 In on Inning.' Struck out: By Gallia. 4; by Kallio, 1; by Jones. 1. Losing pitcher: Jones. Southern Association. Score, first gam at New Orleans, 8; Memphis, 7. Second gam at New Orleans, 0; Memphis, 3. At Mobil. 1; Llttl Rook, C At Birmingham, 8; Atlanta,'!. . At Chattanooga, 8; NashrUJ. &, - V '' Joplin Takes Last Game Of the Series From Wichita Wichita. Kan.. May Is Wichita failed to bunch their 11 hits and lost the last game of the series with Jop lin by the score of 6 to 3. ''Score: WICHITA. JOPLIN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Wolfe, cf 4 110 0Carsle.lt 3 0 3 0 0 Carey. 3b 6 2 3 8 1 Brand t.s 2 10 2 1 Berger.ss 6 18 4 OUlller.rf 5 3 3 0 0 McBrd.lt 4 8 10 OMetx.lb 3 110 0 Coy.rf 3 0 3 1 0Lamb,!b 4 3 8 2 0 Jonss.lb 4 4 8 0 OBrkw.cf 3 13 0 0 Taryan.o 5 0 ( 3 0Tmpsn.3b 30130 Wshbn.3b 3 0 4 0 lColllns.o 4 0 5 1 0 Kolls.p 1 0 0 1 1 Maple, p 4 10 10 Cottsr.p 0 0 0 0 Lyons.p M H I Total 30 8 27 11 1 Total 35 11 37 14 3 Joplin 1 0 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 Wichita 0 0 0 1 0 11 03 Left on bases: Wichita, 11; Joplln, 8. rirst bass on errors: Brandt. Sacrifice hlta: Wolf, my. Brokaw. Thompson. Two base bits: Caiey, Jonea, Miller. Stolen bases: Brandt. 2; Met. Hits: Off Rolls, 6; Lyons. 3. C-oubl plays: Thompson to Lamb to Met. Struck out: By Koll, 2 Lyon. 2; Maple, 6. Bases on bail: Oft Kolla, 8; Cotter, lj Lyon. 3; Maple. 4. Hit by pitched ball: Brandt, Brokaw, by Kolls; Meta By Lyon. Umplr: Shannon. Tims: 1 hour II mlsutt. 1 Total.. 35 8 24 19 3 Batted for Cheney in. seventh. 'Batted for Doming In ninth-. Brooklyn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boton 2 4 3 0 0 3 6 0 16 Two-base hits: Johnston, Smith. Thre base hits: Wlcklund (3), Kelly (2). Stolen bases: Johnston, H. Myers. - Rawling (2), Smith. Hersog. Sacrifice hits: Conway. Kel ly. Ragan. Left on bases: Brooklyn. 10; Boston, 8. First bsse on error: Boston, 3. Bases on balls: Off Cheney, 4; off Durnlng. 4; off Ragan, 2. Hit: Off Cheney, 14 in six Innings; off Durnlng, ,2 In two Innings. Struck ouU By Cheney, 1; by Ragan. 6. Passed ball: Krueger. Losing -pitcher: Cheney. St. Louis Score Flv Buns. St. Louis, May 7. After holding St. Loufs hitless for seven Innings, Bressler was driv en from the mound in the eighth inning today when the locale. In a batting rally, scored five runs, winning from Cincinnati, 5 to 3. Score: CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.E. Groh.3b 4 1 2 4 0J.Smith.ef 3 110 0 Magee.JbM 3 13 lNlehof.2b 4 0 4 4 0 Roush.cf2 1 3 0 0Batrd.3b 3 0 0 3 0 Magee.lb 3 1 10 0 OHrnsby.s 4 0 0 7 0 Grlfflth.rf 4 0 3 0 ? Cruise.lt 4 110 0 Neale.lt 4 3 8 0 0Paulet,Jb 4 1 16 1 1 Blkbrn.s 3 0 1 3 3BetieI.rf 4 0 3 0 0 Wlngo.o 8 13 0 ISnyder.o 3 1110 Breslr.p 3 0 0 3 0Smyth 0 0 0 0 0 Eller.p 0 0 0 1 ODoak.p 1 0 0 6 0 Doak.p 1 0 0 0 0 Totals 31 8 24 11 4 Gnxls.c 1110 0 Totals 31 5 27 21 1 Ran for Snyder la eighth. Batted for Doak in eighth. Cincinnati .. 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 St. Louts ...00000006 3 ' Two base hilar Vula O.nUtt Sarrf. I hits: Doak. Blackburn. S. Mage. Left on :: Cincinnati, 4; St, Louia, t. First has on error: St Louia, 8, Base on ball: Off Breasler, 3: Doak, 1. Hlta: Oft Bress ler. 3 la seven Innlnjs (non out In lghtb); Last Tim TONIGHT . Pap. Mat. Today Best Seats $1.00 RICHARD BENNETT In the loudest, longest Iauih In life, "THE VERY IDEA" Nights SOc to $1.50 Last Attraction SUNDAY AND' MONDAY, May 12, rf. Seats Thuridsy for Meiirt. Shuberti' Senutleasl New York SucoeM. "Th Last Word la Frills and Thrills" OVER THE TOPv 8 Start, 20 Headllntrt, 00 OWr ths Te GIRLS, Seats Thsrtoay Mall Orders Now. Mm SJEP IIVELY GIRLS Bi.!l "Omaha' Fun Center" Dally Mttt.. 15-25-50 E'ns. 25-50-75e-5l The Ston' Flnlin: Clollns Friday Nit ARTHUR PEARSON'S Ths Fsihloa RsviM Show et ths Circuit Rich (Shorty) McAlliitar, Hsrry Shannon and Adeauats Cait Iscludln DOTSON. "The Mldnlte Stepper" Soathlssd's Sunburnid So Snowies Scads l Sys eoeattd Steiis. 61 Beauty CKorui. LADIES' DIME MATINEE WEEK DAYS Sat Mst. and All Summer "The Dsrk Secret" "bInn SUN. MAY 12th JAMES W. GERARD'S MY FOUR YEARS IN GERMANY' An Image of German Life Startling Diplomatic Disclosures SEATS THURS. ' Evenings, 25c, SOc, 75c, $1.00 BOYD FIRST TIME Tomorrow for Thre Day, at 1, 3 5, 7 and 9 p, m. at ALL SEATS 25 The Picture Beautiful wu.n,F.. A DAUGHTER Fr.nt. OF THE GODS With ANNETTE - KELLERMAN. A MUllon Dollar Picture Cecil Lean Cleo Mayfield SCARPI0FF4 VARVARA; J. C NUGENT; Kerr Weston; Basil A Allen; Davis & P e 1 1 c; Kitamura Trio; Orphtum Travel Weekly. 1 BASE BALL OMAHA VS. SIOUX CITY MAY 8-9-10 ROURKE PARK Friday, May 10, Ladies' Day. Box Seat ea Sal Barkalow Bros. Cam Called 3:15. photcAplays. LOTHROP l4Xd Today WILLIAM S. HART in "THE BARGAIN" ' Today and Thursday , TAYLOR HOLMES "Ruggles of Red Gap" Friday "MASKS AND FACES" MS iTheda Barai I in-- h "DUBARRY,, Last Time Today alice Joyce in 'The Business of Life" SUBURBAN 24 tb and Ames tColfaa 2841 Today ALICE BRADY in "THE SILENT SACRIFICE" HAMILTON Hot Today DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS ia "A MODERN MUSKETEER," I