HELP WANTEDFEMALE Professions and Trades. WANTED Young Ladiei to "x learn ( telephone operating. Good wages paid while harning, rapid advance ment, permanent positions. Applv to C. F. LAMBERT, 1807 Douglas St, - .v WANTED. .' . EXPERIENCED GIRLS, ALSO INEX PERIENCED GIRLS, FOR THE PACK INO DEPARTMENT IN MODERN FAC TORT." GOOD: WORKING CONDITIONS AND GOOD. WAGES. APPLY ,;- .-- riTEN BISCUIT CO. : 12th and Capitol Ave. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS REPAIR LADY ON MENS' CLOTHES. INQUIRE 1908 HARNEY ST. ANTED Two experienced office girl. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas t Household and Domestic. WHITE girl tor general housework; must be experienced cook; no laundry worn ana best : Wage. - 1616 wooJwortn avenue Harney 5661. W A i.KJjj ftliaaie-aseu woiiiuu uuuw keeper In city; good wages and goed home to right woman. Telephone Douglas 8145, RELIABLE girl to care for 4-year-old girl ana assise wun nousewom. jura. r. Wead so S. 1,0th St. Harnev 171. hnMPOTEKT Klrl for aeneral housework two In family; good cook; . a washing References. Telephone Harney 820, WANTED Competent, girl - for general housework. References required. Apply 4160 Cass St., Mrs.1 J. P. O'Keefe. GIRL For gitral housework; no wash Ing or upstairs work. 6207 Cass street '"elenhone Wmut 1411. ?:7HP 1 ' nnretent second girl, city ref- ruc- ..Irs F. H. Davis. 62' S. ZOtb St Tel. Douglas 286. WANTED Competent maid for general housework;- no- wcshlng; three In family good wares. Harney 6429. WANTED An experienced second girl; city references required. Mrs. Frank T. Ham tlton, 210 South 8 2d Ave. WANTED White girl for general house work? no choking nor washing. Harney 4672, 1838 8. 35tn Ave. WANTED An experienced white second maid. Apply Mrs. G. C. Wharton. 604 S. 17th St Harney 258. YOUNG, white girl to assist with child and light housework. Good home. Telephon Walnut 1621. WANTED A competent second girl, good wages. Mrs. G. Storx, 8708 Farnam. Tel. A MAID for general housework. References required. Mrs. Tom Mcwnane. jnarney am ' .WANTED A second maid; references. Apply Mrs. J. E. Davidson, 201 S. 83d St. WHITE girl for housework; no cooking Webster 4961. 2026 worm. mm. GOOD dining room girl at Wise Memorial hospital. Call Tyler 1671. Miscellaneous. ' ; WANTED, ' . GIRLS, COLORED PREFERRED. OMAHA PAPER STOCK CO. 18TH AND MARCY STS, EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day is enrollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, stenotypy. typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service ail commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free, BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglas 15CS. 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douelaa 6890 FOR RENT-BROOMS Furnished Rooms. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you' fall to find the room you f desire. among these ads call at The Bee office for a Room List Gives . complete description of vacant rooms In all parts', of ..the city. New lists Issued every week. " TO RESPECTABLE " business man, large, cool, newly furnished front parlor; clean, quiet place; only 812; smaller room, 89; must see to appreciate. 712 N. 22(1. MODERN furnished rooms for men only at the Sunshine. 608 North 17th St Reason able, rent ... LARGE, clean, coo) beautifully furnished south room, near . car line; walking dis tance. Harney 191.3. ' LARGE, -alw nicely furnished room, Hans com Parle district, on car line; breakfast optional;' rent reasonable. Call Harney 1208 CORNER of Locust and Sherman Ave. Mod era sleeping room. Phone Webster 4780. ELEGANT furnished room, West Farnam district - Douglas 4812 or Harna 1746, WELL furnished front room In, private home. 1881 California.' Harney 4084, ONE," two or three . llgnt "housekeeping rooms; bath floor.. 2678 Harney, ORAYBTONE. 25th and Cast. Nlosly fur- nlshsd room. Douglas- 7994, eholoe rooms, close In, to persons with reference. 1686 Dodge St WRTflSHED front room for one or two. . Harney 4128.' - ' - KICELT furnished sleeping room. 1111 Cass t Trier 8J4S. - Housekeepirlg Roomi. THREE . modern unfurnished rooms, with kitchenette, private' bath, for light house keeping. 281T-'Poppletom.-Harney 83J1. ROOM with kitchenette in modern home on ear line. Price reasonable to employed people. iov a. ou SrjlTE of clean, neatly fWrn rnlshed rooms on second floor; no children;- laundry prlvt leges. - 2902 Dodge. " - r . . LARGE, Cool and-nearly, furnished, three room suiter. Private-home; also garage. ' 8026 Davenport vHKEE furnished, modern rooms. 8121 California. Harney 4001. SUITE of rooms; . private family. 3003 Dodge. Harney 794. Board and Room. 2561 DODGE--AUractlve room for two or ; three; good board; walking distance. Har ney. 4443. Unfurnished Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, 810. 19th S Phone Douglas 4698. 911 N. THREE - unfurnished rooms.---89 a month. 2676 Plerc? Ft. Call Hsrney 7003. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. -- A CLASSY 3-room and bath apartment, near 24th and Harney. . furnished complete, for 845.56-per month. A high class proposi tion for high class people.- Bedford-John-ston Co. D. 8140. MY - Courtroom completely furnished, mod rw apartment, 'till October 1. 6-room accomodations, excellent condition; refer- ......, itunru. out oma yjuiH tin eee, BEAUTIFULLY furnished 6-re'dm apart ment with sun porch, to soblet; best lo vatKm and Janitor 'service. 8208 Harney. lewpnone Harney 6813, S;v17-noo.l , ruiaMint. . furnished, for two" months only,, beginning May 10th or . 15th. Thh Webster 1991. " FOR RENT HOUSES West 114 No. 84th St, 18 rms., mod. (10 So. 24th St, rms., mod. . F. D. WEAD, 310 So. 15th St ...140.00 ... 17.(0 D. 171. 101 8. 36TH 4 rooms and garaga, ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1538. 339 Securities Bldg. MODERN house, seven rooms and sleeping porch; garage. (29 North 40th. Wat I87J North, PARTIES having houses for rent or sale In . th neighborhood of a Basket Store will do well to mention advantage to the pros pectlve renter or buyer. POUR rooms ar.d bath, second floor, nice rooms, 810. 2639 Sewsrd St. Red 682. THREE-ROOM house. 2529 Wirt St rear) city water and gas, 89. For colored. South. I-ROOM modern ' cottage, large yard, close in. 806 So. J2d ( ROOMS and bath upstairs. 1016 William. Call evenings. Doug. 4557. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT 1816 Corby St., 7-r. part mod. house. 117.60 2018 Grace St., S-c, mod. house.... 26.00 ALFRED C. KENNEDY CO. REALTORS. ' 106 South 18th Street. Dogglaa 721, HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SONS & CO., BEB BLDG. LIST your property for rent or sale with FIRST TRUST COMPANY. Realtors. Tyler , 729. GARDEN, 4128 N. J 8th, ( rooms. .. .115.00 3019 Marcy St., T rms.. modern.... 15.00 JOHN N. FRENZER DOUGLAS 654, Shopew Co.. Rentals. Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. HAMILTON APTS.. fireproof; fine lawn an flowers during summer: best location, 24th and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. ' North. CORONADO APARTMENTS 22D & CAPITOL AVENUE. 2-room apartment with S-room accom' modatlons. Built-in bed and dresser, gas stove, refrigerator, etc. Everything first class. Just west of the High School, minute walk to 16th and Farnam streets. Rent 233.60. BENSON & MYERS CO., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. FOUR-Room new apt., modern; corner; very light, 125; vacant May 1. Maple Court, 1811 Maple St. Red 682. INQUIRE upstairs, residence; 3 large rooms and bath. Modern except beat 812. 2611 Corby St. Webster 6766. . ONE pleasant 4-room ground floor apart ment. Tel. Wehster 932 or Webster 4328 Miscellaneous. PETERS TRUCT CO. Speclaltista In Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty Stores. STORE FOR RENT 16th and Douglas, 20x 60, steam heat, rent 1115 per month. WORLD REALTY CO. Douglas 6342. Sun Theater Bldg. MODERN store, 16th near P. O.- Low rent. O. P. Stebblns. 1610 Chicago. Office and Desk Rooms. BUSINESS Men demand the best office location. The Bee Building supplies this demand. Keystone Inv. Co., Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central uurni ture store; offlcs on Howard St. between 15th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our daily rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. x OMAHA VAN AND 8TORAGE CO., 806 8. 16th. Douglas 4168. FREE RENTAL SERVICE FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. J. C. REED Express Co., Moving, Packing and Storage. Web. 2748. Dnurr. 6146 1207 Farnam St. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM. Six rooms, modern, near 34th and Dav enport Sts., corner lot, paving paid; price $2,950; house alone worth the money. J. L. HIATT CO., 900 Mirst National Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. TOSTFAMAllT$5T750. Price reduced for quick sale; nearly new; S-room modern house, with den. and sun room first floor; four bed rooms and sleeping porch; oak finish; all In very good repair; corner lot; 1760 cash will handle. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 919-20 City National. FOR RENT OF SALE. Five-room brick cottage, all modern. A-l condition, very desirable location. Field Club-District. Call Doug. 3811 or Harney 6675. ELEGANT 9-room brick near high school, furnace, laundry, gas and fire places, all ready to move Into. Tel. Harney 6664. Keys 2601 Capitol Ave., adjoining. North. OWNER LEAVING CITY WILL SACRIFICE Just llstsd two full two-story houses on Cuming street between 14th and. 85th, each has seven rooms, oak floors arid oak finish throughout; three rooms en first floor and four on second; large lots; paved street paving paid fori one could be handled for 16,100 and the other for $8,760. If yo are looking for a good horn It win pay to Investigate these. Payne Investment Company, . REALTORS. (IT Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. 'D. 1711. HAVE THREE brand new b-room homes that can be sold at bargain prices. Small payment down and balance easy monthly payments. One has furnaco and others have not Ocherwlse modern, with screens and light fixtures Installed. East fron'. and close to car, schools and churches Fin neighbor hooX WALNUT 789. MILLER PARK MlNNE LUSA. A peach; eight rooms and bath, in cludes a dandy sun room and sleeping oorch, fireplaces, bookcases, buffet, etc.; full brick foundation; laundry tubs and fruit cellar; all oak finish on first floor; white enamel and mahncranlzed doors on second: oak floor throuehout. This is a real buy for only $5,500. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nt. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. TEN-ROOM BARGAIN. PRICE ONLY $3,750.' Strictly modern; space lot 60x124; par ing and all specials paid; can be handled with $500 down, 12.60 a msjnth; located in Kountze Place; convenient to all churches, eto. A real sacrifice. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. HERE YOU .ARE $3,450. For "fine all modern house, I rooms and hath, oak finish, elegantly decorated and newly painted exterior, large lot, paving paid, near Kountze Park, on easy terms. Phone P. J. Tebbens. Douglas 2182. -R. modern house at 2509 North 19th St., ioi svxiiv wun a barn for only 12,500. W. It. GATES, 647 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. D. 1194. INNE I. USA homes and lots ift, r tbe b'i opportunity Phone Tyler 1(1. to Invest your money THE BEE: REAL ESTATE IMPROVED North. Wi, bi.LU, Kent Insure and make Loans on city property, Nnefh. mitcheLi investment ccC 14th and Ames Avs. Cot nf. NEW OAK BUNGALOW. (150 oash, 110 per month. All modern, nice location. snap at S3,iau. xew p!.TO re ecaxce. can aaj at doukIrs 3140. neany new, mod. oak finish, on Flnkney St., 13,500; 1250 cash will do. RASP BROS.. 110 Keellne Bltlg TylerJJl, tOUN'fZK PLACE Modern t-room house, full basement large lot, close to car. Price 11.180. Norris A Norrls.D. 4178. South BEAUTIFUL FIELD CLUB , BUNGALOW, $7,000. Brick and frame, seven rooms and bath; sun room, sleeping porch, fireplace, book rases, buffet, everything in fact that goes to make a real home; dandy gar age to match house; nice shade and shrubbery; paving all paid. OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 496. ' NEW 5-P.OOM BUNGAIOWST" TWENTY FIRST AND ARBOR. Look at these today, Just being com pleted, new and modern including oak floors, fixtures, screens, sodding, walks, eto. Price 13.450. 1350 cash and monthly payments to suit. THE BYRON REED CO. Phone D3Ugftii 297. 312 South 17tb. Miscellaneous. DON'T BE A SLACKER Be sure to vote early Tuesday for the seven best men on the list. Then let us show you the sven best house bargains on the list. I uises range from five to eight rooms and prices from 12.600 to 16,500. Benson & Carmichael, 642 Paxton Block. Douglas 1711. BUNGALOW! I New. (-room stucco; oak finish; nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price, 14,000. Terms. 1600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, 642 Paxton Blk. FOR RENT AND SALE. HOUSES, COTTAGES AND APARTMENTS. PORTER & 6HOTWELL, 203 8 17th St. Douglas 6011 OWNER will aM high-class bunralow at bargain to party able to make first psy ment of 11,500; balance easy payments. Tel. Colf.-.x 1324. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. Real Estate and Insurance. 1329 Farnam 8t Doug 1064 REAL ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A. WOLF CO.. Elsctrlo Bldg. Tyler 85. BUSINESS property and Investments. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and. Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodce Ste Douglas 415. REAL ESTATE TRACKAGE TWO AND ONE-HALF ACRES. 24 a. B. & M. trackage, at Gibson. In quire. W. L. Solby & Sons. Phone D. 1610. TRACKAGE Fine site on B. & B. R. R., size 95x165. Can be bought cheap. Call owner evenlnps. Phone Wal. 70. REAL ESTATE To Exchange GOOD Omaha residence property to ex change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease. 211 Brsn. Th. Bldg. 80 ACRES in Arkansas, 103 acres In Colo rado, for rooming house or hotel, 1116 South 22d St. Paul Sydon. REAL ESTATE Unimproved West. ELMWOOD GARDEN LOTS. 11 DOWN, 11 A WEEK. PAYNE & SLATER CO REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Benson. 2 ACRES BENSON, 4 ROOMS $2,800. GROUND IN CROPS. Four-room cottage, built 8 years, full basement, bnrn, poultry house, 1 cherry n:i:l one apple tree; one acre planted to liotatoes and other plowed ready for crops; reasonable terms. Call Tyler 60 and ask for Mr. Manvllle. HASTINGS A HEYDEN, 1614 HaVney St, Dundee. DUNDEE PROPERTIES. GEORGE & COMPANY, 902 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 766. South Side. SIX well located lots In Bellevue; might exchange for light automobile. Phone Walnut 1141. REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT STOCKED RANCH Ok FARM. Widow has 6 five-room houses, one T- rrom, modern house, one 8-room modern house and 2 modern store buildings; ail well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also 120,000 first mortgages; prices sre right and property In first class condition. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY, 21.7 City National Bank Building- VK HAVE BUYERS CASH OR TERMS For $2,500 to $4,500 desirable homes. Also for snaps in Rental Property. List wlthTis for quick results, we advertise and sell. Regular commission. , D. IS. BUCK A CO., 442 Omaha Nat. Bk. Doug. 2006. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with 1300 to IC0O down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 49G. 701 Om. Nat. Bank Bldg. 5 OR 6 ROOM house. Give location In full, Lowest price f.nd what amount of money to handle. No real estate agents. Box 6583, Omaha Bee, LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 300 Brandeis ThPgter Bldg. Phone D. It WANTED Modern flat, value $40,000. Address P. O. Box 472, $30,000 to Onawa, la. MEET me at F D Weed's Office. FINANCIAL , Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages, STCCK9 FOR SALE. 101 shares Hoffman Oil Refining fo.-$140.- 100 Crow-lL'khart Motors for $400. 100 Buffalo Oil A Refining for 1206. ... A. L. DIEBEL, Little Rock, Ark. 7 V, PER CENT INTEREST. First farm debenture amply secured Denomination 8100, 'f 500, 11,000 and HARLEY J. HOOKER, First National Bank Bldg. UP WE want 100 mortgage on Omaha resi dences' funds on hand for quick closing. E. H. LOUGEE, INCM 638-40 Keelln Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts n account. OMAHA LOAN A BLDG ASSOCIATION. 5Vo FARM LOANS. r-i m 10 PAUL PF.TERSON . ? 79 O 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER. Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFE REAL. ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Bank ldg. Doug. 1711. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6, iV, aifS 6 Per Cent J. H. DTJMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg. 52 H ARRISON MORTON. 5J 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. 1100 to 110,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms snd ranches. Kloke Investmei.t Co.. Omaha. Private Money. - RHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 4228. LOANS ON CIT1T PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. TEN TO 20 VEAK3. LOW COST, easy nsv ments. W. O. TEMPLKTON, 514 Bee Bldg." LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG. 212 Bran delo Thf-alcr Bldg. D 686 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. M A V 7TH. xt excursion to MeGehee, Ark FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. . put I w. s. OMAHA, TUESDAY, MAY FARM AND RANCH LANDS Colorado Lands. One to twelve sections eastern Colorado twelve ranch. Artesian walls, good ranch build. lngs, railroad station oa land; eleotrlo power line through land: five miles from large city. Will sell U tracts of 166 acres or more. Price 135 per acre. Terms, 16 per acre essh, balance tea annual pay ments t per cent Will eonslder part cash and trade. Also (,600 acres of dry farming land In Crowley county, Colorado, IK per acre; also New Mexico 60,000-aere ranch, with water rights for 1.0 to acres. Address B. H. Tallmadne, Pueblo, Colo.. COLORADO offer great opportunities tor farmer et moderate means to eecur farm home off very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For tree ,book and map and special railroad rate write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonisation Agent Kans-'Colo. By Co., First National Bank Bldg., Pueblo, Coo, Iowa Land 640-ACRS IMPROVED FARM, tlOt great bargain. G. P, Stebblns, Chicago. aore; 1(10 Minnesota Lands. 40. 80 OR 160 ACRES; GOOD HEAVY soli; well settled part of Todd county, Minn.; good roads, schools and churches. Prlo 111 to (31.(0 per acre; terms II an acre casb. balance II an acre a year; 6,000 acres to select from. Tor actual est tiers who w.ll put up building and improve land we will give deed and take mort gage back for full purchase price for I or 10 years, psr cent Interest Sehwab Bros., 1018 Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Nebraska Lands. 160 ACRES JUST FIVE MILES FROM ORELLA. 14 miles north of Crawford and ( miles from Orella I have 160 acres. This place has a small set of improvements, good well, live water, all fenced and cross fenced, considerable of It cuts good hay, a good hsavy sott that will raise alfalfa and alfalfa ssed or small grains of all kinds. Here s a piece you ean buy cheap only two miles from a loading Ration called Joder, so you can ship your grain right to the Omaha market dlrsot and save the middle man's profit. You can also run stock and be a shipper each tall to the South Omaha markets. A small Investment now will put you In possession of this place and make you an lnde pendent farmer and stock grower. Only 111 per acre takes It. A reastinabls cash payment and the balance back at 6 per cent Write me for descriptions, pic turss and prices of other places. Arah L. Hungerfotd, Crawford, Dawea County, Neb. THREE SNAPS. . 960 acres, well Improved, Cherry county. Close to town; 166 acre good wheat or corn land. 100 acres, Antllope Co., Neb. Offered for less than half price. No impLsv ments. (40 acres. Holt Co., running water. A splendid grazing section. Thousand seres more can be had adjoining If wanted Will take good car on this section, GATE CITY LAND COMPANY, 601-3 Securities Building, Douglas (360. ONE 80 acres, one 40 acres, one 40 acres of fins farming land, Improvements on every piece; on Santee Reservation, Ne. braska; patented. Buyers take Immedi, ate possession ; all adjoining, t Informa, Ion. STEPHEN S. JONES, Flandreau, 8. D. I HAVE 640 acres In the good wheat country, well improved, 160 acres In cul tivation; six miles of Kimball, In Kim ball county, Neb. Price 136 per acre, Write F. C. Chew, Kimball, Neb, NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo. Antlll, Blair, Neb. RANCHES of ail sites and kinds, easy terms. A K. fatzman. soi Kamaon bik CHOICE FARMS. Nllsson. 432 Rose Bldg. South Dakota Lands. FOR SALE On account of tHS war own era are forced to sacrifice on two Im proved farms in eastern South Dakota. Good Improvements, heavy soli, choice land. Easy terms. One-half of crop Kors to buyer If sold at once. Investi gate this. Address, Box Y 632, Omaha Hem Wisconsin Lands. OWN a farm. Me have some of the choicest land In the heart of the very best sec tion of the Clovar Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John 8. Owen Lumber Co., Owen, Clark County. Wis. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, 150 per a Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi A C. M. Rvlander. 854 Omaha Nat'l FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep It. E. P. SNOWDEN A SON, 421 8. .16th. Douglas 1171. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball snd Banner county land. Must be first-class farm land. Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Box Y 467. Omaha Be. Horses Live Stock Vehicle For Sale. ON ACCOUNT of my advanced age and al most blind, will sacrifice my 2,700 pound team, 6,year-old colts, unable to care for them. 817 S. 23d street, Vi block south Leavenworth. BARGAIN for cash, honest tjjam farm horse and mare, 2,800 lbs., 7 years old. Must sell, unable to care for them In town-. Mrs. C. Throp, 2408 Jones street. Block north 24th and Leavpnworth. POULTRY AND PET STOCK 1,000 STANDARD bred baby chicks; rendy for delivery. Webster 1706. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40. 6 mo., II. goods, total, $3.(0. Smaller, larger am'ts proportlonats rate. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY, 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th, Farnam. Ty. 661. LOANS OR DIAMONDS iAND JEWELRY. 1 Cf SMALLER LOANS. O Of A O W. C. FLATATJ, EST. 1891.- O 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDG. TY. 160. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS.. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Malashock. 1614 Dodge. D. 6619 Est 1891. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Elmer J. Hart and wife to H. C. Hansen, Fortieth avenue, 1(0 feet fonth of Fowler avsnus, west side, (0x117 11,001 John A. Henry and wife to John R. Oppfelt Forty-seventh street 101 leet south of Miami street west aids, ' ' 60x126 1,101 Stanislas BIga and wife to John Dwor nlskl and wife, Thirty-eighth street, 10 feet north of L street, west side, 10x120 1.400 Frank O. Seward and wife te Elmer J5. Butler, Sahler street, 171 feet east of Twentieth street, north side, 40x116 4.50 Fi-ank G. Seward and wife to Elmer E. Butler, Sahlct atrst 842 feet west of Seventeenth street, north side, 40x115.. 4,1(0 Frank A. Smith and wife to Orlo C. Rosborough, Brown street 101 feet west of Twenty-fourth street, south side, 40x162 1,150 looses Campbell and wlfs to Jesse O. Betterton, southwest corner . Thirty second and?! Hamilton, 42x120 1,1(0 Anna Jullen and husband to Elbert A. Holslngton, Newport street, 169.1 feet west of Twenty-eighth avenue, north side, 42x120 4,200 Elizabeth Davis to Wesley M. Kurtz ct al.. Brown street, 200 feet eest of Twenty-fifth avenue, south slds, 40x 142 4,300 Hattle N. Osborne and husband to Anna C. Marsh, northesst corner Twenty-fifth and Pinkney streets, 46x109.9 M70 Nebraska CropaReports Show Spring Grain 100 Per Cent The Nebraska crop report of the Burlington road, for the week ending last Saturday night, indicates that the spil of the grain raising area"of the state is in fine condition, and that vegetation is making satisfactory progress. - Dealing with winter wheat, thefol lowing estimates, relative to condition. is made, 100 'per cent forming the basis for a pertect crop: Last Previous Omaha . 80 76 Lincoln 88 81 Wymore 90 81 McCook : 19 7 7, 1918. OMAHA UYE STOCK Cattle Market Active on Heavy Supply; Hog Prices Higher; Sheep Trade Opens ' Slow. Omaha, May I, 1111. Iteeelpta werei Official laturdiy ', Estimate Monday Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 4T7 7.191 881 ... 16.306 10,600 1600 Sam days last week. 1.(61 1,110 7,121 Same day I wks. ago. 11,101 13,(96 1,190 same day 1 wks. ego. 11,701 16,430 1.687 Same day year ago.... 4,111 8,(77 (.511 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock yarde, Omaha, Neb., tor 14 hours ending at 1 o'clock p. m., yester day: RECEIPTS CARLOADS, Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'r's. v. m. m Bt. r io Missouri Psclfle ,, .. Union Psclflo ....106 C A N. W., east ... 11 C. A N. W west... 79 C, St. P., M. A O.. 41 C B. A Q eaat .. 1 C. B. A Q, west. (4 C . R. I. A P., east 14 C. R. I. P., west 17 Illinois Central ... 14 Chicago Gt. West.. 11 I 1 II I 1 (7 11 11 J. i :: i s I I 111 It I Total receipts ..411 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs Sheep. (19 1.011 294 424 Morris A Co 895 Swift A Co 1,109 1,117 1.806 2,492 1,439 1.422 921 CudaliyTacklnf Co, 1,668 Armour A Co. ...... 1,6 1 4 Hchwarta A Co J. W. Murphy Lincoln Packing Co.. 11 Wilson Packing Co... 110 Cudahy, from K. C. 14 W. B. Vanaant Co.. 141 Benton, VansantALush 87 F. U. Lewis 136 J. B. Root A Co, ... 47 Rosenstock Bros. ... 61 F. Q. Kellogg (6 Wsrthmeler A Degen IM Ellis A Co 101 Sullivan Bros 48 Rothschild A Kreb.. 11 M. A K. Calf Co. ... 67 Christ! 140 Hlgglns I Huffman 43 Roth 42 Meysrs 12 Baker, Jones A Smith 18 Banner Bros Ill John Harvey 716 Dennis A Francis .. 11 Jensen A Lungren .. 1(1 Pat O'Day 7 Other Buyers 797 161 1.614 Totals .1,641 10,111 Cattle Today's receelpts of cattle 409 cars or 10,100 head. Including 45 cars going through, rsoalpts wsre larger than a week ago 8,861 head were yarded and considerable larger than a year ago, when offerings amounted to 48,011 head. The market opened on the rather heavy supply In fairly active fashion, with outside buyers holding good orders and with pack ers generally holding apparently good or ders. The market was generally steady to strong, with th desirable heavy beeves In good demand arid at prices a little strongsr than last Week's close. Best heavy bseves made a new high top of $17.60, breaking the record on this market by lOo a hupdred. Fair to good beef was in just fair demand at steady prices. Yearlings were generally steady snd In some quarters quoted higher. Cows and mixed stock were In pretty good supply and sold generally at steady prices. Feeders were strong on today's trade and in good demand for the weighty kind and for the choice veals the market was generally steady a little bit off on oommoner grades. Bulls were generally steady. Quotations on cattle.' Good to oholce beeves, 116.7(017.40; fair to good bseves, $15.6016.60; common to fair beeves, $11.60 016.00; good to choice yearlings, $14,000 15.60; fair to yearlings, (11.00018.(0; com mon to fair yearlings, ll.50O10.60; good to choice heifers, $11.60011.60; good to chotcs cows, I11.00ffil3.25; fair to good cows, $9.71 All. 75; common to fair cows, $7.6009.76; prime feeders, 112.00(913.21; good to choice feeders, 110.26 11. 75; fair to good feeders, $9.0010.00; common to fair feeders, 17.60 9.(0; good to choice stockers, $10,000 12:0,0; stock heifers, $8.6010.6Q; stock rows. I7.6010.00; stock calves, 5.bUW 11.00; veal calves, 11.00012.(0; bulls, stags, etc.. $10.00013.00. Hogs Receipts of hogs this morning were 10 000 head and the market was a trifle higher In opening, with shippers buying few loads from lo to lOo higher, and top of 117.10 was paid early In the morning. Pickers were bidding about steady prices, In some cases a nickel higher. The general market was s teady to (10o higher. Bulk of sales ranged from 116.10 to 117.10. Bheep Sheep receipts this mosnlng were estimated at 1,600. There wr hardly enough sheep here to make much of a mar ket, trade being very alow In opening, but a-eneral conditions were healthy, however, with prospects of steady prices to possibly trifle higher. Quotations on sheept Good to choice lambs, $19.76 20.20; fair to choice lambs, $18.00020.00; fair to choice yearlings, 117.(0 018.75; fair to choice wethers, i.tuw 17.00: fair to choice ewes, (11.(0016.86; feeder lambs, $17.(0011.00; spring lambs, $16.00020.00. St. Louis Live Stock Market St. Louis, May I. Cattle Receipts, 1,200 head; market, steady; natlv beef steers, 111. (0017.60; yearling steers and heifers, $9.60O15.60j cows, $7.50012.50; stockers and feeders, 18.60 1 2.00 ; fair to prime southern beef steers, 810.00016.60; beef cows and heifers, (3.00 4? 1 S.60; southsrn yearling steer and heifers, (7.60010.00; native calves, 7.75O13.(0. - Hogs Receipts, 10.600 head; market, higher; lights, 17.6017.T5; pigs, 116.000 17.26; mixed and butchers, I17.30O17.66; good hsavy,. I17.25O17.40; bulk of sales, $15.31017.68. Sheep, snd Lambs Receipts, 800 head; markelTVeady; lambs, I20.50O21.25; ewes, I16.00O17.00; wethers, . 116.60 17. 00; can ners, $6.6009.60 Kansas City live Stock Market Kansas City, May I. Cattle Receipts. 12,000 head; market steady; prime fed steers, $16.76017.60; dressed beef stsers, 114.26 011. 10; western steers, $16.76017.60; cows, $8.26014.60; heifers, 8.50O14.7(; stockers and feeders, $8.60016.10; bulls, $9.0001100; calves, $8.50013.00 Y r .. TJ.U.,. ,4 AAA l..., v,a-Vt fciA. fcTi Li..' tiTinmii'ji. h.v; packers and butchers, in.lBO-r"" 17.40; light H7.1IO17.40; pigs, 114.009 17.(0. Sheep Receipts, 7.000 head; market, higher; Iamb, (16.(0010 66; yearlings, $16.00017.00; wethers, 114.00 011.00. Chicago Itr Itosk Marckt, Chioago, May (. Cattle KootlpU, 11,000 head; , market firm; native stosrs, 110.100 17.70; stookers and feeders, cows and heifers, $6,10014.10; calves, 11.09 014.11. Hogs nscolpts, 41,001 head; market strong, I to lOo above Saturday's average; bulk, 117.15017.76; light $17.20017.81; mixed,' (17.00017.86; heavy, (; rough, (16.20016.66; pigs, 111.60017.25. Bheep and Lamb Receipts, 10.000 head; market firm; sheep, $12.80016.75; lambs, $16.60021.25. Slonx City live Stock. . " Bloug City. Is., May I. Cattle Receipt, 4,000 head; market strong; beef steers, $11.00 017.26; fat cows and heifers, $9.00015.00; canners, $7.6001.60; stockers and feeders, 110. 00011, 6Q; calves, $8.60013.00; bulls, stags, tc, (. 60011.00; feeding cow and heifers 17.60011.00 Hogs Receipts, 7,(00 head; market Is to 100 higher; light, 81T.00OI7.20; mixea, 017. 00; heavy, $16.75016.90; pigs, $16,000 16.60; bulk of sales, $16.85017.10. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 200 head; market strong. St. Joseph Live Stock.'.. St, .Joseph, Mo., May 4,. Cattle Receipts, 8,000 head; market steady; steers, $12,000 17.10; cows and heifers, $7.0.0016.00; calves, 17.00011.60. Hogs Receipt. 7,000 head; market lower; top, 117.21; bulk of sales, $16.86017.15. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, none; mar ket steady; lambs, 116.00020.20; ewes, $10.00016.76. f Turpentine and Roe In. Savannah. Ga May I. Turpentlne--Flrm, 43c; ealea, 102 barrels; receipts, 6; ship ments, 166; stocks, 23,370. Rosin Firm; sales, 126 barrels; receipts, 4, barrels; shipments, 125; stock, 16,461. Quote: B, D, E, F. O, H, I, $6.00; K, (6.06; M, 1610; N, $6.10; WO, $6.10; WO, $6.70; WYjfc $6.10. - ' Dry Goods Market. New York May 6. Cotton goods market here today was moderately firm. Yarns war firm. Denim manufacturers met to arrange to supply the government without about 85, 000,000 yards of goods to the end ot the year. Press goods wers firmer. Raw silk was firm. rrsTes GRAIN AND PftODUCE Further Decline in Price of Corn and Trading Slow; Oats Lower; Rye Quiet. Omaha, Msy I. 1111. Carlot receipts ot grain today were some- wnat larger tnan tnnse of Saturday, ar rivals consisting ot 11 ears ot wheat, 111 cars ot corn, 13 car ot oat. 1 car of rye and I car of barley. A further decline In earn was shown ariln today, the general run of th offer Inci 'being dlscountsd lo to lo under Sat urilay'i Quotations. Early trading was un usually slow and during the entire essIon no grest amount of buslnosa wa trans acted. Buyer exhibited a particular pref. erence for th choice whit snd yellow corn and these sold readily. Buyers for oats were very few and no sale were reported until a lat hour. illrts were cut ridiculously, the beat one offered being to under Saturday's sale. A few cars sold around th dose of th mar kit brourUt a declln ot te and lo. No. 1 wult snd No. t white sold at 74o and 76c, respectively, and th sampl grade at 750. . Rye and barley wer quiet Clearance were: Wheat and flour equal to 17,000 bushels; corn tp 17,001 bushels; oats io U4.0UV buaneie. r Primary wheat receipts were 481,060 bushels and shipment of 117,060 bushels, against receipts ct 1,(08,000 bushels and shipments of 817,000 bushels last ysar. Primary corn receipt were 1,331,000 bushels and shipments of 676,000 bushels. against receipts of 770,000 bushels and ship mnts ot (41,000 bushels last year, Primary oats receipts were 1,256,100 bushels and shipments of 126,000 bushels, against receipts of 917.000 bushels and ship ments ot 116,000 bushels last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. Wheat Corn, Oats. Chicago , I Minneapolis ,,,,..,,.111 Duluth 4 Omaha 17 It 161 lit HI 101 Kansas City............... It Ht. Lnuls II Wlnntfg .....I Ill Thess sales were reported today: Corn No. 1 white: 1 car. 11,71. No. t white: 1 car, 11.71; 4 ears, 11.10; 1 ear, 11.(9. No. t white: II cars, (1.(7. No. 4 hits: 1 car. 1.6t; I cars. 11,10. N. t whits: 1 car, 11.30; 1 ear, $1.30. Sample white: 1 car, 11.15; l-l car, 11. II. No. 1 yellow: t cars. 11.61; 4 can, 11.41; 4 ears. 11.60. No. t yellow: 7 cars,; 11-1 cars, 11.17. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 11.(6; ( car, (1.(4. No. ( yellow; 1 car, (1,40, sample yellow: l car, 11.11. No. t mixed: No, I mixed: I cars. 11.(0; 1 car. 11.61. I ears, $1.(6. No. I mixed: 1 oar, $1.41; 1 car, $1.10; 3-( car, $1.18, No. I mixed; 4 oars, $1.17; t kara, 11.16. Ota No. 1 whits; I cars, 16 Ue. No. t 1 ear. white: t cars, 76c. Sampls white: 76e. Wheat No. t hard winter: 1 car. No. 1. northern spring: 1 bulkhead, $2.16. Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 1 white. $1.78; No. I white, 11.1(01.71; No. t white. 11.67; No. 4 white, $1.6001. 63; No. I white, $1.80; sample white, ll.1501.25; No. I yel low, $1.1001 62; No. t yellow, $1.(701.(9; No. (yellow, $1.(401.(6: No. I yellow. (1.40: sample yAllnw, 11.11; oN. t mixed, 11.(10 I. (0; No. 1 mixed, 11.(601. (7; No. I mixed, II. 8801 41; No. 1 mixed. $1.2601.10. Oats; No. I white, 76c; sample, 76c. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Be by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 315 south sixteenth strset, Omaha: Art. I Close. High. Low, Close. 8at'y. Corn. May 1 1714 t 17 127 1 17 1174 J.lly 1 480 4 1 4814 14614 t 47 148H Oats. . May 77HOH 17 T44 76SOH HH Jily 680(8 (8 t667VtOfc 68 Pork May 46 71 41 71 41 10 41 It 41 01 July 46 10 46 tl 41 tO 41 It 41 (t Lard May II 40 if 46 II 40 It 40 It II July It 10 21 10 2( 17 tl 71 H 21 17 Ribs. May It 40 It 40 2 40 II 40 It 16 Jcly 14 10 14 26 24 07 14 11H 24 10 CHICAGO LIVESTOCK AND PROVISIONS. Ideal Weather and Peac Talk Bring About Declln in Corn Prices. Chioago, May (.Ideal weather and the bearish Influence df peac gossip mad th value of .corn today average lower. , Prices closed unsettled at net decline to ad vance, with May, 11.17 and July, $1.47 to $1.47. Oats finished X to I Ho down and provisions off II to 7(0, Until th last hour, pronounced weakness formed the rule In corn. Temperatures were above normal. Just the sort to put the soli In condition and there wers rains In th outhwest wher rtiolstur wa desirable to promote growth. Beside, peace talk was too speclflo not t receive general attention. Liberal reoelpt counted alio .a a handicap on th bulls. Toward th end, however, au thoritative denial of peace reports were' current and th market rallied. Th recov ery was apparently due also In some degree' to assertions that much planting nao. oeen put off as a result of fears that the germin ating quality of seed was doubtful. Oats showed lees rallying power tnan corn. One of the reasons was ins ouiiook that the government crop replrt on Wednes- day would prove to beMn favor of th bears. In the provision market tbe wesKnees ot grains more than offset the Influence of higher quotations on hogs, , New York Produce. New York, May I. Butter Market firm; receipts, 4,989 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 48HOc; creamery extras, (12 score), 48c; firsts, 444J47Hct packing stock current make No. I, 810!2o. Ekk Market steady; receipts, 16,1(2 cases; frosh gathered extra, I8 0 88tte; fresh gsthered storage pacKea, rirsis, itiisc! o, regular packed extra rirst. iwjo: o, firsts, 16038C v Cheese Market steady;' receipts. t,411 boxes; state held specials, 14ttC26o; do, average run, 24025c; do. fresh specials, 22f423o; do, average run, 22 W 23c. Live Poultry Warner, rirm; oia roosters, 26o; young roosters, and amnotn legged chickens, t6o; turkeys, 20026c; fowls, 86c. Dressed, market firm;" fthlckens, I7 0 44o; fowls, 29034c turkey, 25038C New York General Market. New York. May (.Flour Quiet; spring patents, 1 0.75 011.26; wlntsf patents, 110.86 011.15: Kansas straignt, Cornmsal Steady; yellow granulated, $1.00; whit granulated, l.(2tt. Corn Spot weak; nun ansa no. ysnow, 11.(0: No. 4 yellow, (1.61. eost and freight iorn, promn .,,........., Data Snot, weak: natural. 16017a Hay Quiet; No. 1, nominal No. I, 11.10; No. t, ll.2O0t.SO; shipping, It Olio. Hop Qulst) state medium to oholos, 1917, H04lo 1111, nomlnsl; Paolflo coast 1117, 1O018OI 1116, 140160 ' Leather rirm; hemlook lole Overweights No. 1, 49; No. I. 47. ... ....... Lard Basy; mlddl weet -Tallow Quick; olty spaolal looss, 17. Rice Firm; fanoy head. t01Oo; blu Omaha Hay Market, Receipts lighter on all grades t pralrl hay alfalfa. Better Inquiry for top grades, and very llttl demand tor "te common grades. Hay Chic upland pralrl, til. 10; No. 1, 114.(0011.(0; No. I, $10.90011.(0; No. I, 16.0001.00. Midland, No. 1, 114.00015.00; No 1, 110. 00O12.00. Lowland, No. 1. $8,000 10.00; No. t. 16.0007.00; No. I, I4.00O6.00. Alfalfa Choice, $21.00; No. 1, 119.00021.00; standard, (15.60018.50; No. I, I12.OO0K.OO; No. t, $10.00 011.50. - Straw Oat $6.0007.00; wheat ft.OOO 6.10. y , Chicago Prodnce. - Chicago, May 6, Butter Market steady; Creamery. !6c041c. .Eers Market steady; receipts, 17.146 cases: firsts. ' I2 08314c: ordinary firsts, 11 012c; at mark, cases Included. 11 O 12 Ut. Potatoes Market lower; receipts, II cars, Wlscinsln, Michigan and Minnesota bulk, lOo Oil. 06; sacks, 11.1601.25. " Poultry Alive, market lower; fowls, I7e; springs, 26c. Minneapolis Grain. Minneapolis, Minn., May (. Corn No. yellow, (l.(2016(. Oats No. t white, T407l0. Flax-r-14. 0004.02. "lour (Oo lower; In carload lots, 'standard flour, $8.06 a barrel, In IS-yound rotton lack. Rye $2.(402.61. Barley 11.67 01.71. Bran $31.14. Kansas City Produce. Kansas City, May 6.-Butter Creamery, 40o; firsts, tta; seconds, !8o; packing. 28c Kggs Firsts. Ilo. - - , Poultry Hons, 2Scf roostsrs, 15o; 1111 broilers, 40o. - Kansas City Grain Market. Kansss City, Mo., May I. Corn No. I mixed, 11.I0O1.6I; No. S white, 11.6101.71; No. t yellow, 11.6201.67; May,. 11.17; July, $1511. Oats No. 1 white, 7879c; Ne, I mixed, 7(0. NEW YORK STOCKS 1111 t --. Impetus Given Market by Sue- cess of Liberty Loan and Re lease of Liquid Capital From Recent Restraints. ; New York, May' I The gratifying sue. cess of the Liberty loan, which auto matically releases liquid capital from many of Its recent restraints, and th more hope ful war bulletin gav a decided lmpetua to today's stock market several, leaders scor ing new high record for th year. ,-, Foremost among these was United States Steel, which made an extreme advance ot m points to par or 100, exceeding Its previous maximum of th year by 1 H points. Steel was confidently absorbed, single lots of 1,000 to 6,000 snares, again contributing enormously to th day's mod erately larg total. Affiliated Industrials and equipments, especially Bethlehem, Crucible and Lack awanna steels, Republla Iron and Great LMorthera ore, retained th better part ot their 1 to !H point gains, General Electrio, New York Airbrake and American Car, shippings tobacco and sugar ware mainly representatives ot a revfval of professional activity, Sumatra tobacco mounted to a new maximum n Its gross gain ot ( points t 10(H. . Coppers, oils and fertilisers derived muck of their strength from pool operations. Ralls lagged conspicuously In th first halt of the session, but became active and stronger later under guidance of trans-continentals, grangers, reading and secondary coaler. ' In general tht best quotations wcr registered at th olos. Salea amounted to (26,000 shares; Bonds, Including th Liberty group, wr firm on a pronounced diminution of offor. Inge, Total sales par valu aggregated $3,360)000. U. S. Bonds (old Issues) war unchanged on call. , ' - , Number ot sale snd quotation! of lead- Ing stocks: Closing Sales. High. Low, Bid. . 1,700 7444 73 7364 1,800 44 to 44 44 4 4.200 784 11 '174, 2,400 664 14H i 1,300 79 78H It 4,600 107 105 H 107 1,700 tl t. 971 k... 1114 1.100 II H 14 65 4 it ii 8ai4 1,400 101 10714 101 1.101 12 H 61 Vi (214 ) 14 Am. Beet Sugar. - Am. Can Am. Car A Fdry,. Am. Locomotive ,, Am. 8. 4k R Am. Sugar R'fg.. Am. Tel. m TO!.... Am. Z., L, A 8..., Anaconda Copper.. Atchison A.O. AW. I. SSL. Baltimore A Oulo.. Butt A Sup. Cop., Cal. Petroleum .... Canadian Pacific, 1.100 14114 146 - 141 Central Leather.,., 1,100 46 1614 '' 4 Che. A Ohio 1,700 171 114 f74l 40 1114 I9sj ti ti n 10V4 H4 4114 41 4114 43 V, 41 ' 41 C, M. A St P.... 1,100 Chicago A N. W., lot C, R. I. A P. etfs. ' 1,(00 Chlno Copper .... Colo. Fuel A Iron Corn Products Itefg Crucible Steel .... 1,000 1,100 1,100 8,100 1,600 tt II . II II 10 HV4 (4 1(44 Cuba Cane Sugar,, Distillers' Seo. .. Erie 11,200 6114 13 6 00 1414 1414 14 General Electrio General Motors . Ot. No. pfd Gt. No. Ore Ctfs 100 14414 14114 11114 1,100 116V4 114 1.11 100 1IV4 81, l 1,101 11 V4 10 30 Illinois Central . Inspiration Copper. 3,100 111 II T 7 It 11 12 n n i" 1(14 12 Int M. M. pfd 10,600 1114 Inter. Nickel 1,700 28 1, Inter. Paper ..... 4,200 40 16 11 K. C. Southsrn. too Kennecott Cop...,, Louis. A Nasn.,.,. Maxwell Motors ,. Mex. Petroleum , , Miami Copper ,,,, Missouri Psclflo ,. Norada Coppsr ,, N. Y. Central .... N. Y., N. H. A H. Norfolk A Westsro Northsrn Pacltlo ,. Paolflo Mall TOO 11114 'too . i(V4 .... 2(V4 IHt. I!L 28 1,100 100 1,100 ' 11 vt It 1014 to lt. n 10 104 14 11 ,.! 70 30 4.300 10 200 104 104 ',14 r-f! 1,400 II 11 H 100 U Pao. Tel A Tel... Pennsylvania , Pittsburgh Cbal ,. IV 41 It t 11 11 K It 11 1,500 44 -41 Ray Con, Cop. too 11,101 1,400 SI ' 11 15 II -It Rsadlng Rsp. Iron A B'eel. Shattuck Arts. Cop Southern Pacific . . Southern Railway.. Studebaker Corp.,, 1,800 11 11 7(0 11 11 1,200 16 16 16 Texas io , Union Pacltlo 1,100 146 141 146 1,100 130 111 111 1,400 114 114 124 V. 8. Ind. Alcohol U, 8. Steel II. & Steel pfl. Utah Copper .. Wabash pfd "B' Wsstern Union 1(4,800 lot 97 11 ' 100 lit 101 101 100 11 II toii 100 11 1I,.11 SOS t4 94 14 West. Electrio .'1,100 41 40t' , 40 '. Total sales (or th day, 121,000 shares. New York Money, New York, Msy I. Mercantile Paper Four and six months, I iter cont. Sterling Sixty-day bills, (4.71; oom. marolal (0-day bills on banks, 14.72; com mercial 60-day bills, 14.71 j demanl, $4.76; cables. 14.71 7-11. ': Silver Bar, lto; Mexican dollar!,' lie. Bonds Government Irregular; railroad, firm. ' - V Time Loans Steady ; 10 days, l0 6 per cent; 10 days, 61405 per cent; six months,. t per cent old. ..r'i Call Money Strong: high. per cent; low, 4 per oent; ruling rate, 4 .per cent; closing bid, ( per osnt; offered at ( per cent; lsst loaa. ( psr cent U. S. Is, reg... (7 Gt No, 1st 4s IT do coupon ... 17. 'III. Con. ref. 4 71 U. 8. Is, rsg int. Ai. at. i 19 K. C. S. ref. ts.i,17 do coupon . U. 8. Lib. !s U. S. 4s. reg. do coupon . 18.81 L. A N. un, 4s. 86 . .101 M.K. A T. lat 4 .11 . . 101 Mo Pao, -gen. . 4s 68 Am. For. Seo. la 1 14 lion. Power,6. ; 4 Am. T. A T. clt.6s 13 N. T. CJ deb. 64 J Anglo-French (s. 90No. Pao. 4a...... 11 Arm. A Co. 4s 14 doSs 11 Atchison gen. 4s 81 0. 8. L. ref. 4s.. 11 B, A O. ov. 4s 80 Pao, T. A T. (s tl Beth. Steel r. (( SI 'Fend. con. 4"tt Cen. Leather Is. 96 'do gen. 4s., 11 Cen. Paclflo 1st. 11 Reading geo,.4a13 C. A O. cv. Is.. I0S. L. AS. F. a. 4s 62 C. B. A Q. j. 4s 13 So. Pao. cv. 6s., 92 CM. A S.P.e.4s 74 So. Railway 6s,.. 93 C. R. I. A P. r. 4s 16 Tex. A-Pao.- 1st (4 C. A S. ref. (s 70 "Union Paoifld 4s (7 D. A R. O. r. 6s 61 U. S. Rubber -6s. ' 79 D. otC. Is (1931) 91 U. 8. Steel Es..'. 99 Erie gen. 4s 63 'Wabash 1st .... 91 Gen. Elsctrlo (s'lT French Qvt Ss 16 '4 London Money. .;.( London, May I, SHysr Bar, 41 d per. ounce. .'..'.-. ..V,' Money I per cent ..' ; ' Discount Rate Short bills, 1 per eentr; three months' bills, 1 1-16 per osnsv ;, 4 ii' - -Coffe Market, - -New York, May I Coffee future wer very Qulst again today. Spot coff, dull; Rio 7s, !; Santos 4s, lie. Shipments from Brasll to th United Stat last week amounted to 147,100 bag and the vtslble supply of this country inoreased 48,000 bags, now amounting to 1,784,001, against l,810 001 last ysar. Th official oablss reported . an adsano at Rio. Santos was 100 rets higher for spots and It to It rats higher foe future. Braalllan port receipts 11,000 bags. Wholesal Beat Frioss. , . Wholesals prices et beet cuts effective May I are a follow: No. 1 lorn, II e; No. 1 loin. !(o; No. t loins, 28c; No. 1 rib, !8e; No. t ribs, Ilc; No... 3 ribs, 14c; No. 1 rounds, 26c; Nov S rounds, !(c; No. t rounds, llc;.No,'l chucks, tlo; No. 1 chucks, 2lc; No...! chucks, 20c; No. 1 plate, 11 o; No. I plates, Ho; No. I plates, llifoi5-" V Metal Market.'" ".. ,';.r., .; New York, May I. Metal exchange flnotei lead dull; spot, $7.0007.11; spelter, firms EaJt St Louis delivery, spot $.877.00. At London: Spot copper and futures, 111; electrolytic, 4125; spot tin and futures, 180; lead, spot, 29 10s; futures, 421 10s; spelter, pot, 54; futures, 50. ' ' , ...j New York Sugar.- ' .: '. , New York, May t. Sugar Raw, steady J centrlfugsl, 1.006c) molasses sugar, nominal; refined sugar, steaedy; crushed, 8.79c j moujer A, 7.95c;, cubes, 1.20c; XXXJC powdered, 7.65c; powdered, T.tOo; fine gran ulated and Diamond A, 7.45o; confectioners ' A. 7.15c; No 1, Lite.- ;'"Y' ' -. ."-'-. S.V i St Lonls Grain. ' 1 ' St. Louis, May I. Corn No," t, ' tflf7 4 1.(8; No. t white, (1.71; July, 148"." -Oats No. 1 White, 77 77 o; My, 78c; July, (7o. . ... -.v. .4 ' 1 j , '. New York Cottoa. - v..-.' New York, May (.Cotton FirtUret opened (teady; July, 25.11o; October, 14.47c December, 24,2lo; January. 14.14a. . j.-.' " : . Duluth IilneiL ;. -"- x z.''' Duluth, Minn., May I. Linseed. 13.980 4.04; arrive, 11.18; May,- 13.98 asked; Julyi 41.01; Ootobr, (3.69 bid. ..v. .t ' Nw York Sogar. :..s! New York, May t. Sugar RawsBa ' unchanged - v : . ..:;. . , 1 '.." I ' A: X v.