THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: IAY 5, 1918. 3-B Conducted by Ella Fleishman- " Jik. " ss ' -Red Cross and French War Benefits .. Occupy Social Calendar This Week EVERYBODY, from the father less children in France to , - the disabled soldiers, will be benefited this week, for we will hardly have time to hurry home and change our bhie sailors and canteen aprons for more civilian at ; 'tire in time to arrive at thelFonte nelle to see the French war films on Thursday. Of course, you all know . Ihat Madame August Borglum- will explain the pictures, and very, won derful they are, too, for they are in color adS were taken by Mon sieur Gervais Courtellemont, famous French explorer and officer of the" Legion Of Honor. We will not only go for the sole purpose of seeing the battlefields of France, but to help the disabled sol diers who have not been pensioned. We are ever so interested in the little campaign the Dundee Woman's Patriotic club has launched. This little group of women do think up the most original things in the bene fit line and now-it is a canteen worker they are .going , to send to France.. Lucky will be the girl who is Spon sored by this energetic group for she will never want for a thing. . Each member has pledged herself to give one benefit affair at her home and Red Cross Workers , , Tell Best Stories - To Gabby Dei ay Is (Continued from Page One.) Westbrook told him, whereupon he continued his nervous pace. But Gabby's story had a sad end ing. When the troop train finally pulled in, it developed that tte nervous-pacing man was the father of one ( of the soldier boys who Jiad been ac cidentally wounded en route and the father had been notified to await the train in order to remove his boyi-who was unable to travel further. fhe boy was given attention by the Red Cross canteen committee, which is planning to have an emergency foom fitted up in each station for just V such cases. , , , TiHIS is a yarn about yarn. It also -L concerns Mrs. Lucien Stephens and the meaning df-the word "lofty" when-'' used in connection with pa . triotic knitting. , As every one knows, Mrs. L. S. is Omaha's very best known publicity Chairman. Right now she is press- agenting-it for the knitting section of .the Red Cross, and though she knows , more about socks than the knitters and the wearers put together, there is one- thing she doesn't know, and, what's more, she can't find out. Just as she was collecting her ma- teria! for the papers the other day from Mrs. A. W. Jefferis, head of the knitting auxiliaries, along came an S. O S. call to rush right out and join the canteen workers to meet a pass ing troop train, and it all happened at the crucial time when Mrs. Jefferis was explaining to Mrs. Stephens what '"lofty wool" meant. Wheit the soldier boys bade goodby to the Gate City, Mrs. Stephens went back Xp find out what Mrs. Jefferis was telling her. The knitting direc tor couldn't be found, and when she did come back, she couldn't remem ber and dufln't know where to find out, and so Mrs. Stephens doesn't know and her,only guess is that "lofty" means, "elastic." Webster says "high, i tall, proud, haughty, puffed up, sub lime or stately." Just which one do you trunk .would seem most reason ? VOLUNTEER ! A LIBERTY BOND QWNER IS A VOLUNTARY SUPPORTER OF OUR GOVERNMENT - Woodmen of the World CERTIFICATE HOLDER IS A VOLUNTARY HOME PROTECTOR EACH IS A PATRIOTIC DUTY 4 HE WHO NEGLECTS EITHER IS A SLACKER WHY NOT JOIN US AND BE PROUD? W. A. FRASER, Sovereign Commander." See The Poisons v In Your Blood Mighty Poisons Accumulated .Through the Winter Month s Mean Disaster and ' - , Disease Say Rid the System With'SuI pherb 'Tablet Easily. Springtime always brings with it joy and distress. The distress is in the form of catarrh, neuralgia, rheu matic pains, constipation, inactive kidneys ancK usually a feverish, slug gish lethargy that is hard to throw off. - Do you remember how grandmoth er fed you sulphur and molasses ev ery spring to purify the blood? It was good, old-fashioned, but nauseous remedy. Now you can take sulphur, cream of tartar' and herbs in tablet form. A better remedy, easy and pleasant to take in Sulpherb Tablets. Sold by all druggists. A laxative, blood purifier of unequalled merit for those who are constipated and suffering in any way from such pent-up poisons. Each package is guaranteed to give wonderfully sat isfactory results. Be sure you get Sulpherb Tablets (not sulphur tab lets). Advertisement. Everybody reads Bee Want Ads. Isf r tassssasr e t , . V on Tuesday Mrs. G. A. Seabury will entertain seven tables of bridge. Mrs. Gus L. Hollo has announced a for tune telling tea to be given the 15th. Doesn't that sound inviting and mys terious? Of course, no one will for get the movie to be given Thursday and Friday evenings at the pretty little theater 'in Dundee. The films were taken at Camp Cody and feature the lucky boys of the 134th Machine Gun company who have been adopted by this little group of women for the "duration of the war." , Trench Hero Speakjfe. . Sergeant Harold Baldwin will speak on his experiences in the trenches Monday evening at the Brandeis for a Red Cross benefit. It promises to be a benefiting week,, does.i't jt? Everyone seems so eager to hear these heroic chaps, for they bring such wonderful messages to'us stay-at-homes. Everybody is going to the dance carnival at the Brandeis Saturday, for the kiddies have been working early and late, and as many mothers have been stitching industriousfy oa pink and blue mull, pasting stars on crowns and stringing beads that they may transform their modern children into Mother Goose characters. We pros aic ones in the audience will be whisked Tight into fairyland and will revel in the color and beautiful danc-, ing of the performers Of 'course, we are all eager to see Miss Eugenie Whitmore, who will give a solo dance. We have been told that shfe makes a charming picture in her huntress cos tume, and as this is her debut in solo dancing, of course we will sit for wattl eagetdy. We will have a pleas urable thrill in attending this affair, for again our entrance fee will be used in an excellent cause,-that of buying warm things and food for the fatherless wais in France. Army Men Hold Social Stage. The army officers still hold the cen ter of the social stage and you have no idea how many, cozy little dinner parties, theater parties 'and suppers at the hotel are being given these week-ends. These officers are so fas cinating, and, as one of our girls said, "the cream of the east." Of course, with the return of Mr. Fritz Bucholz numerous affairs are being planned for Miss Towle and her fiance. Mr. Bucholz has enlisted in the navy and the days are fleeting when Uncle Samtnce has your name on his books. So our young folk are making the best of the days that re main and planning parties galore in , their honor. Miss Helen Ingwersen fiad 20 of her friends at dinner at the Blackstone, Friday, followed by an Orpheum party. Mrs. John Towle en tertained in her daughter's honor Sat urday with ,a dinner party, followed by almost informal but enjoyable dance. Even the Fontenelle couldn't lure, the, guests away from the Towle home that evening, so they stayed and danced the hours away in the spacious living room. NOTHING ELSE LIKE ' IT IN OMAHA There has never been anything in Omaha with the INSTANT action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka. ONE SPOONFUL flushes the ENTIRE bowel tract so completely it relieves ANY CASE sour stomach, gas or con stipation and prevents appendicitis. The INSTANT, pleasant action of Adler-i-ka surprises both doctors and patients. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge; Beaton Drug Co., 15th and Farnam; Yates Drug Co., 16th and Chicago. Adv. OR SLACKER" ? J. T. YATES, s Sovereign Clerk. EASY TO DARKEN YOURGRAY HAIR Try this t Brush Sage Ta and Sulphur Compound through your hair, tak ing on strand at a time. ' When you darken your hair with Sage Tea and Sulphur, no one can tell, because it's done so naturally, so evenly. Preparing this mixture, though, at home is mussy and trouble some. At little cost you can buy at any drug store the ready-to-use prep aration, improvedby the addition of other ingredients called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound.'-' You just Bampen a sponge or soft brush with it and draw this thrpugh your hair, taking one small strand at a time. By morning all gray hair dis appears, and, after another applica tion or two, your hair becomes beau tifully darkened, glossy and luxuri ant. Gray, faded hair, though no dis grace, is a sign of-TW-age, and-as we all desire a Mouthful and attrac tive appearance, get busy at once with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound and look years younger. This ready-to-use preparation is a delight ful toilet requisite and not a medi cine. It is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Advertisement iLeads Huntressesin Dance Carnival 1 I .1 ..-iOL X JSLSSRSSW'' A"? JB'sKaP" 1 u tt 1 r-nn n kfa S-- PHOENIX .and ONYX I s&Sff Iff If V ' i &$r Cv SILK HOSIERY jy Sw A 3tf ' " "N. . I" All Shade to Match f jy Bl WZ3 'lie 1k '- . Our Footwear XlF MISS EUGENIE Mrs. Theresa Arnstein announces the engagement of her daughter, Ruth, to Mr. Ralph M. Rothschild, son of Mrs. Lee Rothschild, of this city. No "date has been set for the wedding. Miss Arnstein has lived in New York a great deal, but this winter Las devoted hec time to studying stenography at a local business col lege. Mr, Rothschild has been in New York for several years, having come to Omaha a year ago to enter busi ness Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Derbyshire of Omaha announce the engagement of their daughter, Ruth, to Rev. J. M. Bloomquist of Dcs Moines, la. The wedding will take place the latter part of May. -There's No Comparison . 1 between the kind of Rug Cleaning we do and that donein the back yard or by the old fashioned rug cleaner. y We remove every particle of dust and grease, brighten the color, raise the nap, and re-size them so they look, lie smoothly andftay clean like a new I rug. - We absolutely guarantee not to injure them in any way. Send us a trial order and if you are not delighted with the work there will be no charge. This sound fair? ' THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers" 1513-17 Jones St. Phone Douglas 963. South Side, 4708 S. 24th St. Phone S. 1283. N. B. We also clean Curtains, Comforts, Blankets, etc. For Tired Feet, Sore Feet, Tender, Aching, Swollen Calloused Feet and Painful Corns- , mm Just take your shoes off and then put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion tortured feet of yours in a '"Tiz" bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy; they'll look up at you and al most talk and then they'll take an other dive in that "Tiz" bath. ' When your feet feel like lumps ofl lead all tired out just try "Tiz." It's grand it's glorious. Your feet will dance with joy; also you will find WHITMORE Ralph T. Wilson, son of Mr. E. H. Wilson, has been awarded a lieuten ant's commission in the balloon serv ice at San Antonio, Tec. I Lieutenant John Caldwell arrived Wednesday morning from Jackson ville, Fla., to Send a few days with Mrs. Caldwell and his mother, Mrs. Victor Caldwell. Lieutenant A. H. Scribner, from Camp Dodge, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Scrib ner. Lieutenant Robert Stout arrived Wednesday from camp at Leon Springs, Tex., and left Sunday eve ning. Mrs. J. R. Riley has returned from t visit with her son, Harold J. Rileyv who is stationed at Camp Johnston, Jacksonville, Fla. Mrs. Riley was Drapes, Stand and Pillow Covers, s AMY MOTES "Can't beat Ttz' for aching, swollen feet. Don't stay footsick !" all pain gone from corns, callouses and bunions. There's nothing like "Tiz." It's the only remedy that draws out all the poisonous exudations which puff up your feet and cause foot torture. Get a 25-cent box of "Tiz" at any drug or department store don't wait. Ah! how clnd voiir fpot crpt? Lhow comfortable your shoes feeL accompanied by Miss Freda Stenner, fiancee of Mr. Riley. Mrs. J. C. Leiscnring of Chariton, la., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. J. Copenharve. Mr. Storrs Bowen, whose husband, Captain Bowen, is in France, is in Washington with her sister. Mrs. G. ESS BOOTS, PUMPS ANfi OXFORDS. Are in a Class by Themselves For over 40 years the name Walk-dver has stood out pre-eminently for . the world's merit shoe. The styles are up to the minute and workman- ship superb. The new low footwear for men and women are popularly priced at from I , - . ....FOUR TO TEN DOLLARS.... IMK 317 So. 16th Street . I I If You Have 1 WMMi ' : root f roubles wJ14ii rwwa " let US show you how mater- . feM ially we can aid you with a ' SmMS 'ty " ' F' i pair of Our Liberty or Moc p- '$MNW. K casin Tread Corrective BSSS&ViW' "A S n Shoes. Just the thing for - S2M V V broken arches, bunions and T (j ; tender feet. , , - You Must Have Plenty of Iron in Your Blood if You Want rthe Power and- Energy tl When th crushing grip of worrjr, trials nf care saps your vitality and keeps you from the full enjoy ment ot home, so-, cial and business life take N mated Iron and watch its strength-giving, up building effect it will increase the strength and endur ance of weak, nerv ous run-down folks in two weeks' time in many Instances. HOUSANDS sre held back in life for want of sufficient Iron in the blocd," sAy ' ' Dr. James Francis Sulli van, lormeriy pnysician of Bellevue Hospital (Out-Door Dept.) New York, and the Westchester County Hospital, in eommentinit on the relation of strong nerves and physical en durance to the attainment of success and power. "A weak body menva weakened brain; weak nerve force means weakened will power, and like the race kfiine beaten by a nose, many a capable man or woman falls juat short of winning because they don't back up their mentality with the phyical strength and energy which come from hav ing plenty of iron in the blood. That irrit able twitch, that fit of despondency, that dizzy, fearful feeling these are the sort of signals nature gives to tired, listless folks when the blood isclamoring for strength giving iron more iron to restore the health by enriching the blood and creating thou sands of new red blood cells. v "In my opinion the greatest curse to the health and strength of American people of today is the alarming deficiency of iron in their blood. Iron is absolutely essential to enable your blood to transform the food you eat into muscular tissue and brain. It is through iron in the red coloring matter of the blood that life-sustaining oxygen enters the body. Without iron there is no strength, vitality and endurance to combat obstacles or withstand severe strains. Lack of suffi cient iron in the blood has ruined many a man's nerves and utterly robbed him of that virile force and stamina which are so neces sary to success and power in every walk of life. "Therefore, I strongly advise those who feel the need of a strength and blood builder to get a physicfan's prescription lor organic iron luxated Iron or if you don't want to go to this trouble, then purchase o'hly Nux ated Iron in its original packages and see that this particular name fNuxated Iron) ap pears on thc package. If you have taken other iron products and failed to get results, remember that such preparations are an en tirely different thing from Nuxated Iron, which has been used and strongly endorsed by msny physicians formerly connected with well know Hospitals, the .Hon. Leslie M Shaw, former Presidential 'Cabinet Officer,, M. Hitchcock, and is devoting her time to Red Cross work. Philip Downs has finished his train ing at the Boston technical school of naval, aeronautics and has been ordered to Pensacela, Fla. To Honoe Soldiers. Mis j Marjorie Cole entertained at dinner" Tuesday evening in honor of I A - OUEEt BOOT Store Open Until 6:30 P. M. Saturday Win, Says Physician former United States Senators William E. Mason and Charles A. Towne.' former mem bers of Congress, distinguished United States Army Generals (retired), Judge Atkinson of the United States Court ot Claims, at Wash ington, and others." ( . y In regard to the value ot Nuxated Iron, Former Health Commissioner of Chicago, William R. Kerr, said: "As Health Commis sioner of the City of Chicsgo, I was impor tuned many times to recommend different medicines, mineral waters, etc. Never yet have I gone on record as favoring any par ticular remedy. Bat, in the ease of Nuxated .Iron, I feel an exception should be made to the rule. From my own experience Vith it, I feet that it is such a valuable remedy that it ought to be used in every hospital and pre scribed by every physician in this c intry, and if my endorsement shall induce" anaemic, nervous, run-down men and women to take Nuxated Tmn, and receive the wonderful tonic benefits which I have received, I shall feel greatly gratified that I made an excep tion to my life-long rule in recommending it" Dr. Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeei of St Elizabeth's Hospital, New York City, medical information or advice for publication, said : "I have never before given .out any M yffiZi" ftaj j-vmjn ssss V JJS Mr. George Ralstift arfti Mr. Jacli Darling, who have joined the colors Tiny red, white and blue flags decc rated the table and covers were laifi for thirty guests. Mr. Ralstin left Wednesday evening for the , Greav Lakes naval training station, and Dr Darling left on the same day for Fort Logan. SHOP ordinarily de not believe in it But 317 So. 16th. Street in the case of Nuxated Iron I feel I would be remiss in my duty not to mention it I have taken it myself and given it to my patients with most surprising results. And those whe wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy," No matter what other tonics or iron reme dies you have used without success it yoa tore not strong or well, you owe it to your sel4p make the following test: See how long you can walk er hew far yon can walk with out becoming tired; next take two five-grain" tablets of Nuxated Iron three times per day ' after meals for two weeks. Then test ybur strength again and sea how much yoa have gained. Nuxated Iron will increase the strength, power and endurance of delicate, nervous, run-down people in two weeks' time in many instances. Vsnufactiirers Note: Tfuinted Iron whlchhsii been used by so msny successful pvntile wltli turn . suriirtsiiig results, and which is prewriljed S'ul iccoin--' meiiUKd shove by physicians ts not a secret reu-crty. but mis which is well known to druftsists everywhere. Unlike the older mnrmtnlo iron product It 1s etsilv sssimlltted sud does not injure the teeth, mike :hi nlfe-'k nor upset tit stomach. The nisnuUcturvri gusrantae successful .snd entirely satisfactory results--to every piirchiysr or they will refund your mone. . ZZi TsAd, TtlS' BrttSvtrtUwlM. it is aisrwiseu in this city hy KUermsn ft Jlcl'onneu . ' V