Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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Scouts Make Four Sales When
They Extend Liberty Loan
Drive to Douglas County
' No. of Bonds. Amount.
Saturday ...176 $ 37,750
Monday '....283 31,100
Tuesday 245 24,700
Wednesday ...212 33.050
Boy Scouts in their "clean-up" drive
for third Liberty bonds visited the
county jail Wednesday and sold four
bonds to the men accused of the dia
mond robbery, which preceded the
killing Detective Rooney. The buyers
were: Burl Kirk, "Big Wally" Mar
tin, Frank Stone'and Thomas McKay.
One took a $100 bond and the others
three $50 bonds. The sales were made
by Franklin Patterson and Herman
Grotte of Troop, 5.
Paul Leussler f Troop 5, son of
R. A. Leussler of the street railway
company sold a $100 bond to Walter
S. Seibert, banker of North Platte,
. held under the alien enemy act. He
drew a check for the amount on his
own bank.
r Boys Pass Up I.' W. W.
The Scouts did not try to sell to the
I. W. W. men in jail because of harsh
rebuffs they met on the second sale,
s. The largest sale of the Scouts was
made by William Nicholas, son of L.
V. Nicholas, who sold $5,450 worth to
the Todd Protectograph company.
This amount represented the net pro
ceeds from sales made by the sales
men. '
The sales for Wednesday were 212
bonds for a total of $33,050.
Only two of the counties of Ne
braska have failed so far to go over
their quota and these two are ex
pected to report within the next two
Rock county has not only gone
over its quota of $70,700, but has made
up tor the dehciency it bad in the
second drive, when it only subscribed
33 ' per cent of its quota. The re
port was wired by H. E. Artus of
Bassett, chairman.
Garfield county with a quota of
(47,700 sent wordthrough S. L, Davis
pf Burwell, chairman, that it has
reached its quota.
Union Pacific Men Will Attend
Convention of Engineers
At the second triennial convention
of the Brotherhood of Locomotive
Engineers, at Cleveland. O., next
week, the engineers of this section of
the central west will be represented
bv Al Knolald, Laramie, Wyo, and
W. L. Richards, North Platte. Both
are Union Pacific men. The former is
general chairman of the brotherhood
organization in the central west and
- the latter vice chairman.
The Cleveland convention convenes
next Mondajr and it expected to con
tinue in session for at least two weeks.
It is expected that there will be some-
thine like 500 delegates from the
United States and Canada. One of the
features of the convention, it is as
serted, will be the detailing of what
United States railroad engineers are
doine in France in the war of operat
ing the roads and pushing troops and
supplies to the front.
Grand Chief Stone, it is said,
be a candidate for re-election.
' Judge Troup Gives Curtain
Lecture to Wives Who Idle
Wives who think it beneath their
dignity to work were roundly scored
Thursday by Judge Troup in the dis-
. tnct court. . .
"They should be willing., to work
their fingers to the bone to assist the
husband to maintain the home," the
.judge declared.
The court it curtain lecture to wives
came in connection with his denial
of a divorce decree to Mrs. Edna
' Miles, who had filed suit against Ray
mond Miles The petition was dis
missed for lack of evidence.
"Allegations of nonsuoport made
in this case have been entirely unsup
ported," the court ruled, "and it ap
pears that Mrs. Miles has felt that she
should enjoy certain pleasure, al-
though her husband has done without
" Commissioner Jardine Wants
Soldiers to Pay Less Fare
City Commissioner Jardine has sent
to congressman Lobeck a letter in
which it is suggested that soldiers
; and sailors in this country should be
granted one-half transportation
' rates when traveling on furloughs.
"It is my earnest wish and desire
that you inaugurate the proper pro
tedure to bring about such legisla-
u'on as will be necessary to afford
Dur soiaiers ana sailors, who will
sacrifice their lives for our future
tafetv. a reduction in tranennrtarinn
rates to not more than one-half the
regular rates while on furlough," the
commissioner told the congressman.
April Live Stock Receipts
ir Were Greatest in History
AH records of receipts of live stock
' st the South Side market for any
month in the hiatorv nt b raA
, were broken during April. It had
jjeen previously announced that the
,, receipts for that month vere the
heaviest for anv Anril on rrenrA 'nut
, a. Jater report indicates that all
- montmy records were eclipsed. The
total number of cars of cattle, hogs,
. sheep and horses for th month was
13,226, as compared with the previous
mommy record ot lZ.WZ cars received
:n January, m.
. Copy of New "Sabotage Act"
Received by Federal Attorney
United States Attorney Allen has
received a copy of the new "Sabotage
Act," approved by congress April 20,
wntcn proviuts tor a fine of not more
r than, $10,000 or imprisonment for not
nore than 30 years, or both, for any
person conv'uted of Snjurying or de
stroying wa. material or war utilities.
The law is planned to provide pun
is'iment for persons who in any way
It ndpr the successful prosecution of
.. -lie arv x " .
Answering the "S. O. S." call sent
out from Union Pacific headquarters,
50 of the off-line agents and general
agents are in Omaha for a conference
with officials of the passenger traffic
department. The men come from
leading cities where the Union Pacific
maintained general agencies prior to
the government taking over operation
ot the railroads.
Director General McAdoo having
ordered solicitation of business dis
continued, taking the railroads out of
the field of competition, passenger
traffic men find themselves in mid
air so far as the performance of their
former duties are concerned.
The meeting of officials and passen
ger men is for the purpose of formu
lating plans by which the latter may
be retained on the company s pay
The understanding prevails that
provision will be made for the re
tention of passenger men and, while
they will not all be assigned to duties
in line with those previously per-
lormea, tney win De given posiuons
at points along the lines of the system.
Nebraska Power Co. Will
Move Offices Saturday
The Nebraska Power company will
move into its new quarters at fif
teenth and Farnam streets Satur
day. This company bought a 99-year
lease on the Ware block from Harry
Wolf and has spent considerable
money in remodeling the building. It
will use four floors for company
business and rent the fifth floor. All
the departments now housed in the i
Union Pacific headquarters building
will be moved to the new quarters, as
will the storage department, which is
now housed in the Young Men's
Christian association.
Funeral Services Held for
Mother Auger at Sacred Heart
Funeral services for Mother Auger,
57 year old, who died Tuesday night
of cancer, were held at the chapel of
the sacred Heart academy, Thirty
sixth and Burt streets, Thursday
morning. Mother Auger was a teacher
of trench in the Sacred Heart acad
emy. She came here a short time
ago from Chicago. Rev. Father
Colaneri officiated at the funeral
Interment was in Holy Sepulcher
Mrs. Hayes Denies Report
Of Campaigning by Teachers
Mrs. C. W. Hayes of the good
government committee of the Wom
an's club boosting the citizens' ticket
tor city commissioners, denies a re
port that Omaha school teachers and
among school children.
principals circulated candidates' cards
inese cards were passed out by a
committee of 100 men and women in
terested in good government and
every worker was stationed outside
the school building," said Mrs. Hayes.
Enjoy life! Liven your liver I
and bowels tonight and
feel great
Wake up with head clear,
stomach sweet, breath
right, tongue clean.
Lemon Juice
For Freckles
Glrlet Make beauty lotion at
home for a few cent. Try ft I
Squeeze the Juice of two lemons
into a bottle containing three ounces
orchard white, shake well, and you
have a quarter pint of the best freckle
ana tan lotion, and complexion beau
tifier. at verv. verv mll
Your STOCer has tha lomnna rA
any drug store or toilet counter will
supply tnree ounces of orchard white
for a few cents. Massage this sweet
ly fragrant lotion into the face, neck,
arms and hands each day and see
now irecKies ana blemishes disap
pear ana now wear, soft and white
me sun oecomes. Yes! It is harmless.
increase trench of delicate, nervous,
run-down people in two weeks' time in
many inntanr TT.J mA hiki ...
I dorsed by former United States Senator!
ana manners ot Congrats, well-known
physicians and former Pnblia Hcaltb of
ficials. Ask your doctor or drugxiat
abont it.
The New Home Treatment
for Ugly, Hairy Growths
(Boudoir Secrets)
Here is a simnle. vet. verv ff ortiiro
- J - w. . w
method lor removing hair and fuzz
from the face, neck and arms: Cover
tne objectionable hairs with a paste
made by mixing some water with a
little powdered delatone. Leave this
on for 2 or 3 minutes, then rub off,
wash the skin and the hairs have
vanished. No pain or inconvenience
attends this treatment, but results I
will be certain if you are sure to 1
get real delatone. Ad i
Store Hours:
8:30 A. M.
to 6 P. M.
Thursday, May 2, 1918-
PECIAL Value Inducements That Should Bring
You To This Store Early Friday Morning
Continuing for Friday
Our Choice
Sale of
U $1.00
Made of enameled cloth,
waterproof, black only. Spe
cially priced for Friday at $1
Burf ata-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
for Embroidery,
Odd lot, including 86-inch
center pieces, scarfs, linen pil
low tops, table covers, etc.,
ready to embroider 25c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
& Novelty Braids,
For crocheting in white or
ecru, six styles for selection.
Very special for Friday at
12Hc bolt
Burf caa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora ,
Remnants of
O HORT lengths of wash goods 1 to 7 yards in
a piece, 27 to 40 inches wide, including voiles
in plain colors, figures, stripes and plaids; Flaxon in
pretty styles; Batiste in neat figures; Poplins,
lining Sateens, etc., at choice 25c yard.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
ATainsook Athletic
Union Suits.
Sleeveless and knee length,
closed crotch, elastic back. All
sizes. Very special for Friday
in men's section at 59c.
Burf.i-Nah Co. Down Staira Stora
Pretty Ginghams or Percale
House Dresses
32-inch Zephyr Gingham 29c
For Women's or Children's Dresses. Stripes, plaids or plain colors.
White with pay, yellow, and green stripe; white ground with
eh66" 29 pinkdstripe; whlte ground with blue, pink or gray stripe.
1 I
of the House
Millinery at
ALTHOUGH the selling was un
precedented at opening of the
sale the assortments and range of
selections was so great that there
is splendid opportunity for choos
ing Friday,
and the values are beyond
question the biggest we've
ever offered.
Not a hat is reserved, every
trimmed hat or untrimmed shape
is included, white hats, black hats,
hats of all colors, styles, shapes,
and kinds, hats suitable for wear
on any occasion, street, dress,
or sports wear, and all are offered
to you Friday at exactly half
price. Co. Second Floor
The Most Remarkable Shoe
Sale of
HOES for every member
reany sensational.
Five big
Children's Shoes
Children's play and
school shoes In tan,
lotus calf and gun
metal, with cloth
tops, pair, at
Wash Goods
MEN'S Fiber Silk
4 Pair, $1.00
In black or white, double
heel and toe, reinforced sole,
full fashioned. Specially
priced for Friday, at, 4 pair
for $1.00
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Dowa Staira Stora
YES! they are really wonderful
values and we are sure you
will say so, too, when you see
The Percales are in
, light colors.
The ginghams are blue, tan or
lavender, plain or checked de
sign, long sleeves, gathered back,
extreme value everyone.
Co. Down Staira Stora
Prof. Geo. W. Hood,
War Garden
for the State Council of
Defense, will talk on the
Needs of War Gardens
What and When to Plant
Care and Cultivation
in assembly room on the
Fourth floor.
Friday at 3 p. m.
Professor Hood, who is a
member of the faculty of the
University of Nebraska, will
tell you about the essentials of
a successful garden.
Professor Hood will be glad
to answer any questions at the
end of his talk. There will be
much of interest and every
body is invited to come. It's
the Entire Season
of the family in a big 'clearaway, affording values that are
Women's Sample Shoes at $3.45
Novelty High Shoes, including:
Gray kid, cloth top lace shoes.
Brown kid, cloth top lace shoes.
Brown Russia calf walking shoes.
. Patent vamp with gray cloth top.
Gray buckskin with gray cloth top.
Women's Pumps and Oxfords
kid pumps and oxfords.
kid pumps and oxfords.
colt pumps.
kid skin pumps.
Boys1 Shoes
Boys' scout shoes
in tan, elk skin and
solid elk soles, Very
Bpecial Friday, at. .
Burgeia-Naih Co. Down Staira Stora
ODD Skeins of
Yarn, at
Including Germantown and
Shetland floss, most all colon.
Some slightly soiled, but other
wise perfect. Very specially
priced for Friday at 19c skein.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
Good Corsets,
Including some of the best
known makes, such as "Warn
ers," "Thompson Glove Fit
ting," "C. B.," "B. N. Special,"
etc. Sizes 19 to 86. Choice
at $1.85 i
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Dowa Staira Stora
"Brassieres, at
Lace or embroidery trimmed,
both back and front, effective
patterns, open front. Sizes 34
to 46. Special at 25c.
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
WOMEN'S Cotton
" Petticoats, at
Made of heatherbloon or
sateen, in black, green, or blue.
The values are most uncommon
Friday at $1.00
BurgM.-Na.h Co. Down Staira Stora
Final Clearaway of .
Short Lengths of 6 Foot
Wide Linoleums at
TO be sure they are short
lengths and. some of them
have slight imperfections, but
the value is most remarkable.
All 6 foot wide in a big range
of patterns, lengths from 1
to' 10 yards.
At this price they are certain
to not last long and we advise an
early selection.
Linoleums Soeciallv Priced
Two groups, heavy cork filled and best quality printed.
6-foot widths, assorted designs, square yard, 65c
12-foot widths, assorted designs, square yard, 75c
Men's Shoes
Men's good shoes,
genuine calf skin
with oak tan and
rinex soles, a
ample lot, pair, at.
Remnant Lengths of Silk
T NCLUDING such wanted weaves as Foulards in
A neat figures, 88-inch plain silk popliiis, 36-inch
canton crepe, fancy messalines and taffetas, plain
messalines and many other weaves suitable for
waists, skirts, linings and trimmings. 1H to 5
yards long, 27 to 36 Inches wide. 89c yard.
pIRLS' Wash
Dresses for
Made of good quality ging
hams or chambray, in combina
tions of various colors. Sizes
2 to 6 years, at 69c.
Burg aaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora
Another Big Group of
Men's Shirts
Greatly Reduced to '
WONDERFUL values dressy
negligee coat styles in the
latest patterns and most favored O
There are all sizes v from
14 to 17 neck band.
You can't afford to let this
opportunity slip by, for the
values arereally most unusual.
Every man will buy by the num
ber for the summer season is ak
most here.
Come Friday and buy a season's
supply and save generously.
Burfaaa-Naah Ca. Down Staira Stora
Stora Hours i
8:30 A. M.
to 6 P. M.
-Phone D. 137
Edges, bands and galloons,
to 9 inches wide, fine Swiss,
batiste and convent embroid
ery. Special at ISc yard.
BurgMi-Nuo Ca. Daw Staira Stora
Laces and Em
broideries, 10c
Lengths Vfc to 1 yards
long. Sample pieces, variety
of styles and patterns. Special
for Friday at lOe each.
BurgMa-Naah Ca. Down Stairs Star
fast Sets for
2-piece consisting of jacket
and bloomers. Made of good
quality gingham, neat patterns
and colors, $1.35.
BurgaasNaah Co. 4)owa Staira Stora
Co. Down Staira Stora
GIRLS' Middies,
Sizes 6 to 18Yrs.
Made of Indian Head linon
ette or galatea cloth, colored
collar and cuffs. 'Special at
95c. ,
Burfaaa-Naah Co. Down Staira Stora