Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 28, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 18

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    ': - ' t L TOT! rtUlUi CTTMnAV PTTW. APPTT. 98 1015- '
V eaaaBBaaaaaeBaaaaaaeam
- II I I 1
Liberty loiredl
.... A a . J - M J...
VJniy two more nays unui pn hubs
of The Bee's Liberty loan contest for
the beit fifty-word paragraph writ
ten by school children, explaining
why third Liberty loan bonds are a
rood investment.
Nine pries four of them, $50, $25,
$15 and $10, offered by T. C.
Byrne, state chairman of the Liberty
.loan committee, and five additional
: prices offered by The Bee will be
" Following are some Nebraska
school children's contributions;
Good Investment.
Bjr r.vrlt TOompson, sg it yesra.
Primrose, Neb,
We should -purchase third Liberty
bonds, first to help win the war. We
cannot hope to win without money
i to supply the needs. .
' It takes money to feed so many
' soldiers and buy equipments. f While
we are fighting the kaiser with our
money, we make a good investment
for ourselves.
Not For Personal Gain '
B Karl Scbraitt, jr., 1 years.
; Why we should buy Liberty bonds.
Every truly patriotic American
citizen should own a Liberty bond.
Not for personal beneht, but to help
our country, our government, and
allies as well.
This is a serious proposition we are
.facing; we must do our best, espec
ially now, to free the world of auto
cracy and make it a democratic
place for all. i ,
i Everywhere we go we find a patri
otic spirit and hear the talk of Liberty
bonds, War Saving Stamps and Red
'Cross work. I do hope to own a
third Liberty bond soon. ,
' -. Unci Sam Needs Money.
,Bjr James Pavlik, Aged 11 Teara, Jung.
mans 8chool, Bovsftth A( MlM
' ;. i Utcksr, Tsachsr.
' We should U bay Liberty bendi Meant
iVhIi Bam DMda our money to win th war.
,Tht la th third time that ha ha aaked
w to buy Liberty bond, whethr wa bought
-ne alraady or sot W ihould how our
-,praldnt that w ar patrlotlo and that
w ar standing behind him. All of u
ean't fo acrou th water to hlp fight th
kaiser, but w o hlp by buying Liberty
; bond. J V ' ... . . . -
We Must Buy Bonds.
By Caroline Hrbek, Aged 14 Tear. Jung
mann School, Eighth B; Mlaa Hlckey,
If you'r aa American wake up and a
Oaraaany's barbarlo work. Help atop It by
buying a third Liberty bond. Her you aava
Old Olory'a lira; our Sammies' Uvea, (allora'
lira, and our own Uvea. Bay a bond or you
bre a traitor! Buy a bond and aava a from
being the kaiser's ilavea.
Third Liberty Loan.
By Roe Vojtech, Aged 14 Tear, Jungmann
School, Seventh B; Mlaa Hlckey, Teacher.
Th bll la ringing one more for a "third
Liberty loan. Home people lay, "Oh, 1 have
Sona my bit. I've bought th tint and aeo
and Liberty bonda." But don't lltten to
them i buy until you tacrine your Iat
penny. Uncle Sam don't want to call you
a alaer. Do your bit and lick th kalitr.
v:;; lZ Help Our Boys) i " -
By franco Xubat, Aged It Tears. Jung
anaaa School. Sixth B; Ula Hlckey, .
?;;;r , ....,. ; .t-, Teacher,
Every on ihould buy a Liberty bond to
1 )lp ur boya "ovr there'' who ar fighting
- lor humanity, democracy and liberty. Buy
I Liberty bond; help to put down the
kalseip the beaat of Berlin. Bo a true pa
triot to your country and help Uncle Sam,
Just Loan It.
ty Louis Xorlsko, Aged 1) Tear, Jung
mann School, Seventh A; Mlaa Hlckay,
i- v . Tiachr.
Americana, wak up! Tou know w ar
ow engaged In great world war. ' If you
want our country to win, buy bond of th
third Liberty loan of llt. Don't be itlngy,
but loan your money to your government.
Tou don't have to give It. Juit loan It. So
pleaie buy a bond right away.
Helps Democracy. "
By. Olga Rlha, Agrd 11 Team. Jungmann
School, Seventh A; Mlaa Hlckey,
. , i Teacher.
Oood ueeaa t th third Liberty loin I
Hay It do Ita thart and b auoceagful. What
toe th third Liberty loan itand fort We
know how tha money help th nation. It
alao halpa th aoldltrt In . tha cauaa for
democracy. . May It play Ita part In winning
tha war.
Xeep Old Glory.
By Qenewlev ttruthera, Age 11 Teara,
. Seventh Qrads. Craig, Neb., Mlaa
Harriet Lockheed. Turkir
Tha Pilgrim same to America for lib
arty. They had to fight a long hard war
wttk England for eight year for. th
freedom they have given to ua. And bow
if wa wleh to pereerve thla freedom and
keep Old Glory floating above ua, we mutt
hvr -Liberty bond.
Save Sammies.
By August. Stephen, Aged 14 Tear. 4111
South Twanty-alxth Street, South Sid.
. South Lincoln School. Eighth A Grade,
, Mlaa Agnea Walah, Teacher,
elp aava our Sammlei . that ar en
dangering their Uvea oa the fighting linea
for your country and aura. Help your county.
If you eaa't fight over there, fight with
youraelf here to glva p dalntlea and pleaa
urea that ar beblte and are unnacuaary.
: Buy a bond. ' .
PORDIAL, old time hospitality,
parlors and always the highest qiiality of food these
are features of the Grana Pacific Hotel that have given
it such wide-spread popularitywith the traveling public
Rooms With Private Bath
- $2 and Up Per Day
The Grand Pacific Hotel is ideally located for merchants
and buyers, and for the tourist. The wholesale district
:: Will Promote Children's Horse
Show for the Red Star Benefit :;
t" ? i J Vl V ) 'i V -
m 6'm ib.
. fttiri w.
Omaha attracted so much attention by its work for the Red Star animal
relief and by its big Liberty parade that the National Red Star Magazine is
issuing a regular Omaha edition.
The above picture of Miss Gertrude Kountre, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Luther Kountie, mounted on her pony, formed the Red Star feature of the
parade. The official Red Star poster, picturing Uncle Sam with his arm about
old Dobbins, was placed on the side of the white blanket, and red stars orna
mented the corners. , ' ;.'.
Little Miss Kountie is planning a children's Horse show, to be given in
the near future, the proceeds to go, of course, to the Red Star.
i vH-H-i f :--i"' i - i"r -
Women Write New Words to Tune 1
Of "Marching Through Georgia" i
Three women are among those who
responded to the call of a Fort Oma
ha soldier, issued through The Bee,
for new patriotic verses to be sung
to the tune of "Marching Through
Mrs. W. G. Smith of Doniphan,
Neb., wrote the following;
Marching to Germany.
Bring tho good old bugle, boya, and glva a
mighty call
Glv It with a spirit that will route u,
one and all.
Give It to 'twill cauta great fear on Kalr
Bill to fall
', While wa ar marching to Qarmany.
, Ui' chorus. ' ' "
Hurrah I Hurrah! Wt'r marching to Berlin.
Hurrah I Hurrabl We ll fight until w win.
Our aoldlar boy are ready now to tight on
land and tea
To help aava tha world for de-moo-racy.
Hlndenburg'a vait army muat never win th
W hav to prove to them that right la
alwaya might.
W will try to glv to them a bit of Fr-
dom't light
While wa go marching to German.
Parthlng'a dathlng Yankee boyt ar going
o er tn top.
When they one get ctartcd nothing muat
their advance atop.
They'll tela the hatter's colon and with
them th dutt they'll mop
While w go marching to Germany.
To their dear old Uncle 8am they'll be aa
true aa aieei.
And for our glorious principles we'll make
Oermant honor feel
Upon tha kalirr' eherlshtd dream we're
While wa go marching to Germany. '
Mrs. Harriett M. Myers of Logan,
la., submitted this: ' -
Marching Through Germany. .
Put on a ault of khaki, boys. It's up to you
and ma,
T help uncrown old Xalaer BUI and act
thoaa people free!
Wt'r going to spread Democracy o'er lands
acroaa th tea
When wa go marching through Germany!
Hurrah! Hurrah! We're after William's
crown I ,
Hurrah! Hurrah t Autocracy we'll down I
We'll at th Start and Strip afloat o'er
vary bloomtn' town '
Whan wa go marching through Germany!
Th thing we'll do to Kaiser Bill will vex
hla eldeet son.
We'll make him to Old Glory bow and hand
to ua hla gun!
He'll march to "Tank Doodl. boya, along
with every Hun '
When w go marching through Germany!
Old BUI won't sees aur Unole, boys, when
wo some from Berlin,1
For we're free men from every race and
wa ara going to win!
rooms, richlv aooointed lobbv and
is ciose Dy, ana uie great reian stores,
theatres, art galleries, Municipal Buildings and prin
cipal railroad stations are within a few minutes walk.
Write today for reservation or further particulars to
Boulwward and Cteirfc
- ''fr'4 - '''i - 't'' - ''
He a going to find tha biggest fuse that ha
waa aver In
Whan wa go maroblng through Germany!
' Mrs. John Baldozier of Hastings,
la., wrote the third:
1 Marching Through Berlin.
''Perehlng'a Khaki Bammle boya will never
reach Berlin,"
So the German .booster says, "To think ao
ia a aln."
Had ha not forgot, alas, to reckon on oqr
-vim, ! ;.
While wa art marching to Berlin.
"Coma over liar and help ua, It la our on
. , - laat bat,- ., - ; . . . . '
Com over her and help us, forget not
Lafaytt -For
old time sake, ' oom ever, wa ara
your brothera yet,
While we ara marching to Berlin.
Then Johnnie Bull Invites, All ya Sammies
coma to ua
Now help ua down thes monster Into th
very dust, , .
Says Poisons Cause
Headache Dizziness
Coated Tongue and Myriad Ail
, monts in the Spring.
Grandma's Remedy Now Sold ia
Tablet Sulpherb Tablet.
tanw man ' wrniMi and children
v. t, . .. , -
ul a SntHno- Rlnnrl Purifier. The
blood becomes thick with poisons
through the winter monins. wnen
spring comes serious ailments like
typhoid, scarlet fever, coughs, colds,
catarrh, neuralgia, rheumatic pains,
loss of appetite and a sluggish all-in
feeling prevails. .
The bowels, the liver and the kid-
naira , noed tiailn. Th hlood needs
thinning and purifying if pimples and
boils are present, suipnero aDieu
nnlrV-lw raliAv eonstination and kid
ney inactivity and elimination of poi
sons takes place and y6u are made
strong and fit for spring and summer.
Grandma gave sulphur and cream of
tartar in molasses. Now yon take
them in tablets witn laxative puniy-
fnv harha a hattpr mariifirte. eaiv
and pleasant to take. Druggists sell
them in 50c sealed tuoes. tvery pacx
age guaranteed satisfactory or money
back. Get Sulpherb Tablets (not sul
phur tablets). Advertisement
Robert Loomis and William H.
Livermore left Fort Omaha last Sat
urday for Columbus, O., to take a
course in aeronautics at the university.
ItPrs. J. F. Coad has gone to Hamp
ton, Va., toyvisit her son, Lieutenant
Ralph Coadwho is at Langley field.
Lieutenant, Francis Gaines, who has
been at the engineering department
at Rich field, at Waco, Tex., is now
adjutant at the headquarters there.
Major and Mrs. E. L. Bridges left
Friday morning for Fort Des Moines
to join the Nebraska base hospital
unit No. 49, with which Major
Bridges goes as chief medical officer
Major C. A. Hull arrived Friday
morning from Fort Riley on his way
to Fort Des Moines, where he was or
dered to join the base hospital unit
of which he is chief surgeon. Major
Hull has been in training at Fort
Riley for five weeks. ,
Captain Voyle Rector and Mrs.
Rector spend the week-end here with
his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Rec
tor, on their way from Fort Sill. They
have spent this week in Lincoln and
will return to Omaha Sunday before
Captain Rector goes back to Camp
Dix, N. J.
Ray Millard has just completed his
training at the Cornell ground school
and has been in Chicago on a five
days leave before being sent to some
flying field for final training to be
come an aviator.
Mr. Frank W. Smith of New York
arrived in Omaha today before re
porting for service at Fort'Slocum,
where he will be locomotive instructor
in the 50th engineering corps.
Mr. and Mrs. John Ross leave this
evening for Camp Quantico, Va., to
see their son, George, off for France.
He has been stationed for the last
eight months at the naval training
station at San Francisco. Mr. and
We'r) fot to down these vultures, or they'll
- abolish us, i
While wa ara marching to Berlin."
Then Italy, toe country that lives In a
boot, ;
Baya "Came, help us quick, else Bill puta In
hla foot, :
He'll crush ua to atoma In Just about
So wa can never march "Into Berlin."
So lata avence Belgium, Oh help to right
that wrong.
And tha Lusltanla victims, tho' they've
been lost so long.
Then we will J.nt again Liberty's old aong,
While w are marching to Berlin,
So help them, Oh ya Bammle, ye, help
. j them with a might,
SsnA them wheat and tater, and do th
I thing up right
Always do your duty with liberty In. sight,
Whll wc ara marching to Berlin. '
Hurrah, Hurrah, tha Star and Stripe I see,
Hurrah, Hurrah, the flag that made us free,
Never will It fall In our fight Xor De
mocracy While wa are marching to Berlin.
The Beverage of Finer
srf)) LZZ
yv SE li Is T ""IM"""" a -
-r-HE DAY'S OUTING will be
V more enjoyable if you add a case
" of Luxut to complete the lunch
eon. Every member of the family will
like this pure, wholesome soft drink
f for it$ finer delight in taste and invig
orating refreshment.
Get Luzns in original 12-ounce
Brown Bottles at Fountains, Cafei and
'- Restaurant. Order a case today.
' , .:. ' ' v
Made Only by
Omaha, U.SA.
Dm Moines.
. Slonx City.
RYAN A VIELE CO., Des Moines.
. DYE.YAUS CO., Det Moinea.
DR. E. R. TARRY - 240
Werrobe distress
For War Benefit
Sk Sat" a
J 0
Although Mrs. T. M. Finney will do
her share for the fatherless children if
France behind the scenes, the dance
carnival to be given May 11 at the
Brandeis would hardly be a success
without her. Mrs. Finney ia ward-
robe mistress and the filmy frocks of
the fairies will be kept in order by
this capable little woman.
Mrs. Ross will visit in Washington,
D. C. and also in New York City,
where they will be the guests of their
daughter, Mrs. W. R. Edson and Mr.
Military Ball
A military ball and entertainment
will be given by the 64th balloon
company, stationed at Fort Omaha,
Wednesday evening, May IS, in the
Auditorium. Captain Henry C.
White, Lieutenants O'Leary and
Christian and First Sergeant Cross
are promoting the affair, proceeds of
which will go into the company fund.
T lie UUI
k JO! CVfftV MCM
'V hi (
Rectal Diseases Cured without severe ur
gical operation. No Chloroform or Ether used.
Cur guaranteed. PAY WHEN CURED. Writ for
illustrated book en Rectal Disease, with namea
and testimonials of more than 1,000 prominent
peopl who hav been permanently cured.
Bee Buildin;, Omaha Ne
'Not What We Give,
But What We Share"
American soldiers are to "adopt"
French war orphans and children of
families made destitute by the war,
through a plan proposed by "The
Stars and Stripes," the soldiers' news
paper over there, and approved by the
American Red Cross.'
While full details of the plan are
not available, it is interesting as a
sidelight on the fine spirit of our army
and undoubtedly will have a most
profound effect upon French public
opinion. The men will find the money
they put into this service the sweet?
est sacrifice of the military careers,
for they are now where they can see
the full measure of suffering France
has borne.
Generations hence some French
man or woman, eminent in art, liter
ature, commerce, religion, politics or
other lines, will publicly testify that
he or she was sustained back in
1918 as a child by the generous action
of some American soldier.
Thus the United States is welding
indissoluble links of friendship, not
only in France, but in Italy, Great
Britain, Russia, Serbia, Greece, Rou
mania, Belgium and all other allied
If our soldiers and sailors, already
pledged to f give their lives for their
country, are willing also to share
their small pay with the needy civil
Dress Well and Wisely
On Our Liberal Credit Plan
Two Splendid Coat
For Women and Misses
Black Satin Coats, with fancy collars
and in all sizes. C 7 9 O E
Monday, only Vi a67v
Beautiful Coats in Silk Taffetas,
Poplin, Wool Velours and
Every one of them a splendid value,
in the very latest styles and in all the
leading shades. Your (fnf Gfl
choice, Monday ..... Oil
Instant Relief for Sorejired, Tender Feet; for Aching
Swollen, Calloused Feet and Corns
Xm Tull Johnny. PuDl
WL ""a My sore, tired, swollen y
feet just ache for To."
You're footsick. ,Your feet feel
tired, puffed up, chafed, aching,
sweaty, and they need "Tiz."
"Tii" makes feet remarkably fresh
and sore-proof. "Tiz" taks the pain
and burn right out of corns, callouses
and bunions. "Tiz" is the grandest
ians of France, Belgium and "ttafv,
the people safe at home will amply
support the next Red Cross war fund
campaign tor Jiuu.uw.uuu in Aiay.
Mrs. W. A. Yoder, chairman of the
woman's committee for Florence, has
turned in a total of $6,400, represent
ing 66- bonds sold in her district.
W ti a A ft A inn n4 T : 1
Steyer each subscribed for a $500
bond. ' .
Home Wrinkle Recipe :
Astonishing Results
Such startling, sensational results come
from a very simple, harmless - home-made
wrinkle-remover, there' no excuse now for
anyone wearing thoaa hateful marfca of age,
illness or worry. No Bead fooling with worth
less pastas, creams, nor "skin foods" which
don't feed th akin. No need rubbing, mas
saging, steaming stmeleis methods which
expand and loosen skin and underlying tissue,
aggravating a wrinkled, flabby condition.
Better, saner, surer, is tha acientifio ssxolita
formula. Thousands have successfully tried
it thousands freed of wrinkles, enlarged
pares, saggy cheeks, double chin thousands
younger looking, happier I
All jron need do is to dissolve one ounce
of powdered saxollte in one-half pint witch :
haxel, and bath your fact la this: The
effect ia almoat magical. Uvea deepest
crow's feet completely, quickly vanish. Skin
becomes firm, smooth, fresh looking beara
no trace of treatment except that of - en
hanced beauty. . Get these inexpensive ingre
dients at your druggist's and try .this mar
velous saxolit lotion today. Advi
All the Bet Styles in Quality
Clothing For Men and Women
and You Pay Only .
One Dollar or So a Week
Women's and Misses'
Serge Suits
Monday we place on sale a-spe-cial
purchase of beautiful new
Serge Suits for .Women .and
Misses. Mon
day, your
choice. ......
Women's and Misses'
In Serges, Fancy Worsted, Pop
lin and Silk Poplin. These suits
will instantly appeal to the
woman or miss seeking; a gar
ment of splendid quality at a
moderate price. Full-flare and
tailored models. Every one
an exceptional Aa
your choice . , . .
Special Sale of Beau
tiful Silk Dresses
Monday Only
These handsome and stylish dressts
come in silk taffetas, crepe de chine
and silk ginghams. Some of them
have georgette sleeves. Every one of
them an exceptional value. Worth up
to $32.50 Mon- n T?
day, at IZf.fD
foot-gladdener the world
Get a 25-crtt box of "Tiz" at any
drag store and end foot torture for a
whole year. Never have tired, aching,
sweaty, smelly feet; your shoes will
fit fine and you'll only wish you hd
tried "Tiz" sooner. Accept no substituteAdvertisement