N - 1" THE BEE: OMAHA 17 TWO SEAPLANES IN'BULIDOG FIGHT . BRING DOWN FIVE British Airman Tells Thrilling '? Story of Engagement in I North Sea in Which Huns Were Badly Worsted. LONDON CHRONICLE. Thrilling stories are now at hand of the engagement between two British (eaplanes and five enemy aircraft, which was briefly Teported in an Admiralty communique. The fight took place in the southern part of the North sea, and in half an hour one enemy machine had been shot down and destroyed, the observer of an other killed, and a -third seaplane driven down on the water. t The. encounter was a sequel to an Jhgagement which had taken place A' feist before 9 o'clock that morning be- I ftveen three ol our seaplanes ana hve I if the enemy near the North Hinder. This fight, during which our men also I stacked a U boat, ended by the Ger f Bans making a bolt for home. i lhree hours later two British sea- Sanes, the crews of which included en who had taken part in the earlier feht, discovered while on' patrol duty )4 hostile formation resting on the Jrater. " Gaining rapidly on the Germans in lheir swift descent, our two machines poured in such rapid fire that the wemy formation at once broke up tod their machines maneuvred in cir tles, apparently to gain a greater Altitude. Still our airmen pursued ihem relentlessly, ,diving again and Igain on the formation, and riddling the machines with bllets, until at last the five enemy airmen- formed up in lingle file and fled. i;The result was that one of the en rmy twin seaters was sent crashing down on the water. I'', Meanwhile, the sister British sea- lane had been busy with another 'Jtwin-seater. One of the pilots shot the German gunner, who was ob served to tumble over the side of the fusilage, while the machine nose dived to the water and was unable to take any further part in the engage ment. ; Overtaking another German, one of fltir machines poured such rapid fire ato her that her observer was shot, Kid she was driven down. !,"We had orders to keep our bombs, to run from nothing (no matter what he odds were against us), and to show Jhe Hun that we could fight," re marked one of the crew responsible I$r this success. "A nice start for a tiartyl We simply riddled them and hey did the same for us. The first one we bought down tried to cross our bow to ram us, but misjudged, and as we held on he had to go be Vw us. - Gunners Face to Face. was using the bow gun and was leaning: over when he came out right under me with the gunner, who sat ift, looking at me and pointing his fun in my face. I shot him, and the Biachine went up on its end and into a ' ioia dive, it levelled out just at the .rater and withdrew. I don't know hw much damage was done,, for we Hadn't time to look." ' t"They saw me crawling fn and ade it quite hot," said another of our men. "Luckily for me I slipped in the operator's blood and missed a very good burst that was meant for my ;iad. My own gun had got so hot that the sights rolled off, and I had tken with me what ammunition I iad left to use his gun for a bit j'We used 2,p0 rounds between the jrwo machines. Most of the action was at about 200 feet. It was a regular Viilldoe fieht and verv dirtv work." Y ;rAs an instance of the coolness of W C Zt. i- m.: j pur men ii may uc inciuioiicu inai in the height of the action the wireless operator of the second machine was shot through the neck and collapsed, t. One of the pilots and the engineer left tHeir seats at once, climbed along the rnachine to the operator's seat and ad ministered first aid, returning after wards to their guns. Ohio Youth Lives Through :r 11,000 Volts of Electricity th 11,000 volts of electricity pass ing through his body, Peter McKin n,ey, 18, of 'Cleveland, O., clung for 20 'mmutes at the top of a pole to a Wheeling & Lake Erie railroad high voltage wire until rescued by mem bers of the fire- department. police emergency rushed McKin ney to St. Alexis hospital, where he was attended for burns about the head, 'face and arms. At the hos pital it was said he woul4 recover. "As the result of a wager made with a;ompanion,' McKinney climbed an iron pole used by the railroad to sup port high voltage wires. To the top of the pole is a distance of SO feet. A number of spectators gathered to ivJlnesS the ascent. As McKinney - reached the cross bars at the top, con eluding his hazardous performance, a cheer went up from the crowd. vfciKnney waved to his friends and was about to descend when he was sefin to stiffen. He cried loudly foi help. his right hand had involun tarily gripped the high powered wire. friends 'attempted to rescue him with ropes but none could be found thit would reach the top of the pole. Words of encouragement were called totMcKinney when he was informed tht the fire department had been summoned. Simultaneously with the arrival of hoftk and ladder - company No. 11, 20. minutes after McKinney's body 'atfte in contact with the wire, the power was shut orr. Kieutenant- TerrenceKelly of the fir department found that the use of ladders in making the rescue would prjfve too dangerous. A line wAs thrown over the wire and block and tackle hoisted. McKinney was low ered to the ground. Carnival of Robbery One of . Prussia's Wartime Evils (Cerrctpondenc of th Associated P-ress ) Amsterdam, April 14. A statement I in Jhe Prussian Diet by the minister fj"; of .railways shows that thefts from l i ircm Hants m 1 1 U3d iciai jcar ag- . pregated a total of mere than $14,000. V 000. " In the last pre-war year the y thefts of the same character were less I t'ian $1,000,000. The minister declares 't'jat, although 4,000 railway employes vere punished for theft, there seems to be no way of stopping this "carni ai;of robbery," which he is compelled ja regard as a "war-time eviL" American Sammies Clean Trench Motar in France y jiim ui hi 1 1 uu iwu. i m fmmmm k w3Sf ' X ii fiyq f ij -, Mltf ,l;iiiiri-niviiiiMiiiiin' " i " American soldiers in France cleaiyO ing out a trench mortar aiter nring. (Readers of this newspaper who wish a photographic copy of this picture may obtain it by sending 10 cents to the Division SI Pictures, Committee on Public Information, Washington, P. C. Enclose this clipping.) Sent Back by Salt Lake. The Salt Lake club has decided to send First Baseman Bill Feuerborn and Pitcher Allen Conkright to Port land of the Pacific Coast International league, with a promise to recall them if they make good. HUN MONEY TRUST SEEKS CONTROL OF WORLD'S FINANCES (CorTMpondmc of Th Auoclated Frtaa.) London, April 14. Warning that a German "money trust," under gov ernment guidance, would endeavor after the war to control the world's finance was given by the chairman of the London County and Westminister Bank at an annual meeting of bankera here this week. The speaker said that apparently tliis German financial com bine would be controlled by three great German banks, the Deutscher, Dresdner and Disconte-Gesellschaft working together. The money trust, he said, must be mt by an organization on British lines and for that reason he defended the recent amalgamation of leading British banks The chairman assert ed that the banks of England were not tending toward a trust but toward a series of large competing banks which would be ready to consult with the governmtnt and act in harmony in cases where the national interests wereoncen.ed. Germans Voice Reverence For British Master Writer (CorrMpondenc of The Associated Press.) Amsterdam, April 14. The Ger man Shakespeare .society in its an nual year book says that "No enmity toward England can weaken the reverence of Germans for the great world-poet." The magnificent trans lation of the poet, made by Schlegel Tieck, has made Shakespeare an actual fellow-citizen of ours. More than a generation ago Lesslng pro claimed him as one of our citizens. He is today one of our German leaders." When, the Baby Needs a Laxative No one knows better than the ever-w tchful mother the natural doctor of the faihily In 11 the mall ill that when the baby i out of sorts it is usually dus to Indigestion or eons tips tion. I It is always w!L In any of Its illnesses; to look for this cause. The diet may have to be changed, but before food can result from it; the bowels mast be moved. ' The mother has th choice of many medi cinescathartics, purgatives, bitter-waters, pills, physics, ste. But the little body doesn't need such harsh remedies for they wrench the system and do only temporary good, so often followed by an unpleasant reaction. A better plan Is to employ a nuld, gentle laxative of which only a little is required. There is a combination of simple laxative herbs with pepsin sold by druggists under the name of Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin that thousands of mothers have used successfully for baby's constipation and its accompany ing ills, such as belching, wind colic, rest lessness, sleeplessness, eta. The nursing mother will also find it ideal for herself, and It is especially important that she be free from constipation. Syrup Pepsin Is guaranteed to do as prom ised or the druggist will refund the money. Thousands of cautious families have it in the house, secure against the little ilia. SDr. Caldwell m YRUP PEPSIN The Perfect ii Laxative NO INCREASE fa mhv. af imiuwiua tnni wA laboratoi ttam to th Wu thm manufacturers ol Dt. Caldwell' Srrap Pepsin ara saerlhcin lhr profits and absorbing th war tax so that this family laiativ may remain t th pra-war prio ol 50c and II larg bettl. Sa old by dniffUu far 26 ysan. FREE SAMPLES Dr. Caldweir Syrup Papain Is th laifaat tftn liquid laiativ in Amirka. If TOU kae nmr SM ii . and would lik to sampl it bfora buyinf. sand roar address for a frm trial bottla to Dr. W. B. CaldwaU. 4b6 WajhinttonSt.. Montkcllo, 1 1L Ifyouhavababssaia ti family ssad for a oopy of "Th Cars of th Baby," Theresa and Kawn This Austrian Empress, born some 200 years ago, was a great woman. She argued against signing the decree for the partition of Poland, but the pressure of her Minister Kaunitz and her son Joseph was too great for her to withstand. She did, however, in the mar ginal notes, show that she realized that after her death, the decree would, nay could not be justified and like Banquo's ghost would rise to 'trouble her people. n Just so surely as right will prevail in the long run, just so surely will the Kaiser and his advisers get theirs and the tearing up of the treaty to respect Belgian neutrality prove the most costly "Scrap of Paper" that the war lords ever handled. In the end justice will be done to even Poland AMERICA WILL EARN SOME OF THE GLORY, TOO. Keep this thought everlastingly in mind: Nothing else matters much just now except WINNING THE WAR. .We must sacrifice! Suffer I Produce to the utmost, save to the utmost, give to the utmost. Liberty Bonds! Thrift Stamps! Red Cross! Every war demand must he met and met cheerfully, nay gladly. This Must Seep In and Become an Obsession Being in thorough accord with Governmental policy, but appreciating the numerous demands on the people's purse, we have decided to help out by making marked reductions in the prices of Womeis Suits on Saturday No bizarre styles. This is not the time for tomfoolery. Made by best tailors, practical and suited to the times, DIVISION ONE Excellent materials, sold dCA AA from $65.00 to $85.00, at. . tPJVMJU Navies, Rookie, Gray and Copen. DIVISION TWO The useful kind. Best"of plain fabrics and a few checks. Formerly $50.00, $36 75 BLOUSES. Every woman who wears blouses will be in terested in the display of new ones, at, tf0 AC each tpj.HJ DRESSES of Serge, Jersey and Silk, gathered together, marked to sell Saturday, at $17.75, S23.75 and $25.75 THE ARISTOCRATIC GINGHAM. Never did fashion decree a more sensible or practical fabric. Springtime is Gingham time. Saturday, a variety of styles, at ....... $2.50 to $4.50 An early purchase of Checks and Stripes enables us to offer a very special bargain for these times, at $2.19 For, the Red Cross worker Aprons and caps. Cambric Aprons, at $1.75, "1 Lawn Aprons, at $2.00. , Official. Caps and Veils, 50. J Exclusive with us Canteen workers' aprons. A Millinery War-Time Sale Here again we appreciate the calls oh your purse, and have gotten together an even 100 Hats to sell Sat urday. Blacks and colors. Close fitting and broad brim, In flowers, wings and fancy feathers. Made to sell as high as $10.00 and $12.00 get those 5 words "made to sell as high" and you will ap- r An preciate the BARGAIN you will get, at PJ.U.U Sale Opens at 8:30 A. M. Likely to be over before noon. Every pattern Hat (except the white), will be offered at away down prices. Unless you come in the morning you cannot expect either best selection or best service. Concentrated Energy in Delicious Form That's "Cobbs" For the soldier boy always welcome in trench or camp. Loved by children and welcomed by their elders, the fame of COBB'S CANDY is now INTERNATIONAL. We have enough letters of appreciation from "Ovei There" to prove its popularity, and the Poilu knows, for the French have led the world as confectioners. Saturday, as always, the busiest of -days In this busy section. Give us your Sunday orders for Creams and Ices in the ynorning, please. Several specials in Bon Bons, likely to be sold by noon. Kilpatrick's for Silks ANXIOUSLY AWAITED SALE OF REMNANTS Starts at 8 :30 A. M. Big silk business enables us to stage this Spring Sale of short lengths from regular stock earlier than usual. The variety is large, quality superb, styles latest. $1.19 PER YARD, formerly in our own stock $1.50 up to $2.25. We never have to coax folks to a SILK SALE Kilpatrick quality at reduced prices is al ways bait enough. Every Saturday is peculiarly Glove Day in this store. Lots of New Silk and Fabrics just in. Scarce colors such as Tan, Khaki, Navy, Sand, White with colored stitch ing, in all sizes. A summer weight silk at 85 per pair. Of course, we have Kids for all occasions. Dressed and Undressed. .Women-of refinemert are exceedingly particular about their undergarments. We cater specially to this class. From the Philippine islands comes garments of soft Nainsook, finest quality, embroidered on the islands by Nuns and their pupils. Were we to buy now, cost would be much greater. Night Gowns and Envelope Chemise, at $1.95 and $2.98 One-piece Pajamas catch at once the eye of particular people. The "Billie Burke" night suit is another favor ite. Crepe de Chine Envelope Chemise, flesh color, trim med daintily with lace, at . . . . . . .$2.95 Children's Section Summer hats for girls of every age. A nobblness, a nattiness, a chicness that makes them irresistible. Middies, popular as ver. Every time we fill In we have to pay more. If you understood fully the advances you would lay In a summer supply. We are not urging this, however. Possibly our close contact with the French Is what makes Smocks so fashionable for girls and young misses' cute and correct. Cleanup of a lot of Sweaters for ages 4 to 10 years. Quantities small, prices $1.98 and $2.98. Yarn would cost more. v :; Tailored Suits for bigger glrla and littler women., Two very interesting lots, at ... . .$25.00 and. $39.00 The Season for Silly Selling of Toilet Articles Is now in full blast. We accept the challenge and here are the prices: Pebeco Tooth Paste, 34d. Hind's Cream, 36. Wood bury's Facial Soap, 19$. Colgates' Cashmere Boquet, 10. 25c size Mentholatum, 17. Cuticura Soap, 19. Physicians' and Surgeons' Soap, 8 cake. Colgates' Tooth Paste, 235. Solid back Hair Brushes, 49. Tooth Brushes, 12,2. 50c Listerine, 39. And on anything else that we have we will match the foolish prices made by others. ; We would like to forget a very unpleasant page In the history of the early closing movement in Omaha.' We know who the pioneers were, and many of those who worked .for shorter hours have good memories. We gladly welcome all to join the movement, but some of the claims made by late converts are so far from being cor rect that we hereby challenge them. Stick to facts, gen .tlemen, and we'll have no quarrel, persist in your unwar ranted claims and we'll tell the story if the -press ot our city will pubish it. Honor to whom honor is due! itzl Cut Glass Sugar and Creamer, Vases, Mayonnaise Dishes, Cov ered Butter or Jelly Dishes, Handled Nappies and Syrup Pitchers, pick at . 81.00 S P J . J S7 II "" V I ' . . , ,1., - 1 ' "' 1 "'" 1 1 J-" . .