Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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    IHK BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, AFK1L 19. 1918.
More Than 720 Cars of Stock
Arrive Thursday, Greatest
Number Ever for. That
Day; Prices Higher.
" Seven hundred and twenty-one cars
of cattle, hogs, sheep and horses were
received at 'the, stock yards Thursday,
the greatest number ever receivd on
a Thursday in the history of the yards.
Cattle prices are $4 per 100 pounds
higher, hogs are $2 higher and sheep
are- $6 higher than they were a year
ago today.
The first four days of this week 2,822
cars of stock were received and with
the receipts of Friday and Saturday
added, the heaviest for any week in
the history of the market are ex
pected. The heaviest week prior to
this was that ending September 29,
1917, with a record of 3,267 cars.
The-' total receipts for the present
month are expected to eclipse all
April records by a wide margin, ac
cording to stock yards officials.
Bhej Oily News
Officer Shean Dismissed
From Police Department
, J. W- Shean was discharged from
the police department by the city
council, after hearing of evidence in
support , of charges of conduct unbe
coming an onicer.
Henry Rothholz, 4815 South Twen
ty-fourth street; Paul and Miss Henni,
4506 South Twenty-fourth street;
Captain Bnggs and Patrolman Jack
man of South Side police station tes
tified against Shean.
Substance of the testimony was
that the officer, driving a small au
tomobile on the night of April 2, ran
into the Rothholz machine at Twenty
fourth and J streets, caught Miss
Henni by the arm, threatened Roth
holz, fired two shots at Henni and
was intoxicated.
Sshean denied that he hred at
Henni or that he was intoxicated, but
admitted firing two shots to scare
Mayor Dahlman expressed surprise
that Shean should have faced a hear
ing against such evidence as was of
Patrolman V. R. Hiatt was sus
pended 30 days without pay. He was
found guilty of neglect of duty, when
assigned to patrol the wholesale dis
trict on the night of the recent large Kansas City.
Entertainment at South .
High Auditoriunf Tonight
A program will be given at the
South Side school auditorium tonight
at 8 o'clock. No admission will ,be
charged. Children will not be admit
ted. The entertainment is as follows
"National Spirit," overture - "
national spirit, overture, or
chestra: violin solo, Jean Farrell;
reading, Hel;n Hoffman; "Dance of
the Goblins, orchestra; 'Flow
Gently, Sweet Afton," boys' glee
club; string trio, orchestra members;
reading, Alta Davis; song, girls'
chorus; piano solo, Mildred Maberry;
song, F. Bason; reading, Eva Yerian;
songs;- ukelele girls; talk, Principal
Edward Huwaldt; "Keep the Home
i hires curnmg, orchestra; Red Cross
drill, gymnasium girls; "Buster
'., Brown and Tige," Irving Ulmer;
"America", and "Star-Spangled Ban
I ner," audience.
Skinner Company Buys Big
' ; Tract; Will Build at Once
The Skinner Packing company, now
being'organized, has completed a deal
for a 33-acre tract of. land situated a
. shorty distance south of the Swift
plant, and building operations will
: begin immediately.
The title to the land was held by
I T. J. O'Neil, Omaha real estate dealer,
his wife and G. F. Beavers, South
1 Side business man. The price paid
was announced as $m)0 an acre.
'', By, the addition of this new inde
pendent plant, Omaha is expected to
. rank at the top of the live stock mar-
kets of the world.
' Drafted Men Who Failed to
t Report to Be "Brought Up"
The names of 171 registered men
who have failed to return their ques
tionnaires to1 local exemption board
No; 2 have been turned over to the
government officials at Lincoln. As
ast as the men are located they will
, be placed in Class A-l by the board.
Walks From Norfolk to
Omaha to Enlist in Army
Gerry Luttrell, 18 years old. walked
all the way from Norfolk, Neb., to
mana, arriving nere eany inursday
morning, after a two-day hike, to join
Uncle Sam's navy.
Luttrell, whose home Is at Dallas,
S. u., was robbed at Norfolk, and, un
aware that there is a recruiting office
at Norfolk, luaded eastward for the
long journey. He is an orphan. His
nearest relative is an" aunt, living in
Luttrell was cold and. hungry when
recruiting officers found him. He had
not tasted food for 24 hours.
, ,- He passed the physical examination
with-flying colors, the only defect -discovered
being a case of second degree
flat-footedness, which army men say
: may have been caused by hrs stren
uous drive across the prairits.
Tow I, engineer,' for commissioner.
Ht ftoot Print It New Bmcoo Preea,
Lighting Fiitures, Burgess-Gradan
Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re
moved to &06 Security Bide o. JSJ7.
Might As Well Save 5c -Buy your
Butter-Nut Coffee in one handy 1 S-
pound can, J1.00 each.
Rabbi Cotm's Subject "Jewish
Theology" will be Rabbi Frederick
Conn's subject at Temple Israel to
night at 8 o'clock.
Rev. Titus Lowe to Speak The
Liberty Loan committee has arranged
with Rev. Titus Lowe to speak at the
Auditorium nest Monday. The public
is invited.
"How Many Liberty Bonds Should
I Buy?" is the subject of a pamphlet
Burns, Brinker & Co., Omaha Na
tional Bank building are distributing
free on request.
Sell ISO Farms The E. A. Shont
Agency, incorporated, represented by
the A, C. Kennedy company, at 205
South Eighteenth street, has sold 159
farms in the last four weeks.
Prudent saving in war times Is a
hostage ror opportunities or peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211
S. 18th St SI to $5,000 received.
IT. S. Rubber Company Subscription
The sum of $15,000 was subscribed
toward the Omaha quota of the third
Liberty loan through William Mc
Adam of the United States Rubber
Order on Dried Fruit Licensed
firms may not offer for sale this year's
crop of dried peaches and prunes be
fore May 1. It is also ordered that
this year's crop must be packed in
containers of 10 pounds or less.
Lorenzo Crounse Here Sergeant
Lorenzo Crounse, grandson of the
former governor of Nebraska of the
same name, now stationed with Com
pany 109 M. P. at Camp Deming, is
home for the week, visiting his
mother at 2116 Cass street.
Lectures Before Eagles Prof. Raa-
gorshek is giving a series of lectures
to members of Omaha aerie No. 88,
Fraternal Order of Eagles. His sub
ject is physical culture. The first lec
ture was on Thursday night and the
others will follow on Thursday nights.
Alibi Is Perfect "I haven't been
in the Third ward for three months,
judKe!" exclaimed Charlotte Taylor,
egress, arrested for vagrancy. "What's
that got to do with the charge against
you?" asked Judge Madden. "Why,
judge, that's where they all fall from
grace," was her response. She was
Burglars Busy Again Burglars
entered the branch office of Morris
& Co., packers, 1502 Cuming street,
Wednesday night through a rear
door. They became frightened before
they could make away with any
thing, of value. Two weeks ago the
sarrns office was entered by yeggmen,
who blew the safe and got away with
about $6.
Bruniicr Funeral Services Funeral
services for Gladys H. Brunner of
Portland, Ore., daughter of Mrs. W.
McDonald. 421 North Eighteenth
street, will "be held at 10 o'clock Fri
day morning at the Stack & Fal
coner chapel. She is survived by
her mother. The body arrived from
Portland today. Interment will be
in West Lawn cemetery.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
Recommends Scavenger Sate City
and county treasurer has recommend
ed to city council that a scavenger sale
of property shall be . ordered when
the necessary formalities can be exe
cuted. He explained that since the
general scavenger sale in 1904 an ac
cumulation of $60,000 unpaid taxes
appears o.i the books. The city legal
department was directed to give the
proposition consideration and report
back to the council.
Obituary Notes
EDWARD WHITE, SR., 2929 North
.Forty-seventh avenue, died at the
university hospital Tuesday night fol
lowing an illness of six months' dura
n' -Joh. He was 62 years old, and dur
ing active business life was a pat
tern maker and carpenter. He Is sur
ived by one daughter, Mrs. Ethel
IVilson, Omaha, and six sons, Frank
nd Harry White, Logansport, Ind.;
leorge White, Lawton, Okl.; fcharles.
Garl and Edward White, Jr., Omaha.
The body will remain at Hoffmann;
jmrlors until after the funeral serv
ices, which will be held Friday after
notn at 3:30 o'clock. Interment will
be in Forest Lawn cemetery,'
Darken Vour
A regular 50 cent
the world's cleanest
safest most sani
tary hair restora
tive Id delicately
Tablet Form
Easily dissolved in
a little water as
used. Gradual!?
A a rlr Ana uww tiala. trJ anw
SsV shade desired ramorea dandruff
makes hairsoxtand fluffy. Pod-
lively will not stain the most
kk delicate skin. Endorsed by
t ' eminent chemists and
stti thousands of delighted
L3 users everywhere.
Irtfa Coupon Today I
Never-Tel laboratories) Co !
Ham 04Q " rM.. mm I
IhaveneverosedNsTTETO-Tlutratlwoald I
Wee to try it. Send me the 60c package
fRU as per year special 10 day offer, J
MnTW" ' I
0Sva w
i u, - a aces. 4
Cascarets liven liver and bow
els and straighten you
right up.
Don't7 be bilious, constipated,
sick, with breath bad
and stomach sour.
increase! strnth of delicate, nervous,
run-down people in two weeks' time in
many instances. Used and htghiy en
dorsed by former United State Senator
and Members of Convene, well-known
physicians and former Public Health of- j
, vj.i.. nan iwur uucior or aruffzii i w
H. . - , j 1
v Bar All the
You Can
s-lta taw
8.30 A.M. to P.M.
Every Day
Thurselay, April 18. 1918-
-Phon Douglas 137
Here Are Special Values That'll
A "Humdinger" of a Sale Day
Make Friday
in the--
A special purchase of women's
two-piece breakfast sets, and
aprons. Made of ginghams, per
cales and madras cloth in neat
colors and patterns, sizes 36 to 44,
at $1.35.
Little Girls' Dresses tt
Ginghams and madras dresses
in striking plaids, neat stripes and
checks with solid colored collars,
cuffs, belts and pockets. Hundreds
of pretty styles, ages 2 to 6 years,
at 69c.
Women's Gowns, Special
Good quality muslin or fine
heer nainsook, high neck, long
sleeves or V neck, short sleeves,
beautifully trimmed with lace and
embroidery, special at 95c.
BurfMa-Naih Co. Down Stair Store
We Doubt If You Ever Shared
in Greater Values Than These
a i liyAal
fy lilts
At $9.95
THAT a suit need not be without smartness and individuality,
even though a small amount is expended, is proved in this
extraordinary sale of spring suits Friday, at $9.95.
Made of good grade serge, coat has pleated flounce with
belt and skirt has gathered back, finished with belt: Colors are:
Copen, navy, tan, brown, black and gray. Sizes are 16 to 44.
Porch and House Dresses, With Slight Imperfections,
For Friday, at
All latest models of French and Anderson ginghams, chambrays
and percales, figures and stripes, belted and lloverall styles. Prettily
trimmed with organdie and pique collars and large pockets. The manu
facturer said they are 6lightly imperfect, but it's so slight we doubt
if you can find the imperfection. Wonderful values, at $1.85.
Burgess-Nh Co. Down-Stairs Store.
Women's Vests
Friday at
Odd lots of women's cotton
vests, with low neck and sleeve
less. Wonderful values Friday, at
10c each.
Women's and Boys
Underwear ' " :
Union suits for women, all light
summer weights; women's art with
cuff or lace trimmed knee; boys'
are in porisknit, rib balbriggan
and nainsooks, mostly samples, at
Women's Union Suits
Special j
White cotton with low neck and
sleeveless, cuff or lace trimmed
knee. Very special Friday at 39c.
Bur(ess-Ntsh Co. Down-Stalra Star,
REMNANTS of Outing Flannel,
length to 2 Yards, at
A nice soft heavy quality outing flannel
in lengths from to 2 yards long and 36
inches wide.
White grounds with pretty colored
stripes. These are wonderful values at this
special price 'of 15c a yard.
Burfess-Nasb Co. -Down Stalra Store
OMEN'S and
Children's Hose,
A large assortment of
odd lots, soiled and mussed,
not all sizes, but every pair
a wonderful value, at 10c
each. ,
Burgess-Nash Co. Down-Staira Store.
REMNANTS of Wool, Flannels
in the Sale for Friday at
A large assortment, including gray and
Khaki color. Suitable for men's shirts, boys' C
suits, waists, children's dresses, etc. From JiiL
V- to 2 yards in a piece. Extra wide, 54 inches .
wide. Very specially priced at 35c a yard.i 1 I WO
Burgesa-Nash Co. Down Stairs Star
Children's overalls,
35d solid blue, gray and
stripe trench cloth.
i 35c.
Children's combina
tions, waist and draw-
49 c ers or wait nd
skirt, embroidery or
lace trimmed, 49c.
i Girls middies of In
QC Jdia head hnonette or
i galatea cloth, colored
! collars and cuffs, 95c.
fSpading fork, 4-
prongs, strapped, D
handle, special, 79c.
Garden rakes, 12-
prong, malleable iron
long handle, spe
cial, 29c. .
Garden hoes, steel
blade, assorted sizes,
long handle, special,
f Curtain stretcher, ad-
oo jjustable to several
OOC .?,,. fi
ww? etAof opt"
cial, 88c.
8 for
Garden hose, 50-foot
length, fully guaran
teed, H-inch sixe, at
$4.45. j
Hardwood hose reels,
will hold 100 feet of
hose, very special, at
Crepe tissue toilet
paper, good size roll,
very special, Friday,
at 8 for 25c.
Cedar oil polish, pint
can, for furniture,
mops, floors, etc, for
Every shirt a wonder
ful value. Made with neck
band or collar attached,
stiff or soft cuffs. The
materials are percales,
Imadras, crepes and soi
settes, in a very extensive
selection of colors and pat
terns. There are all sizes in
the lot and we claim for
them the biggest shirt
values offered in the city
at the price, 79c.
Burfees-Naah C. Down-Staira Store
The Newest Ideas in Trimmed
Hats, Special for Friday, at
THERE'S a great variety
from which to choose all
new shapes. Light hats, dress
hats, white hats, all tastily
trimmed with pretty flowers
and wings. Some have turtle
brim extensions, soft and airy
looking newest summer ef
fects, at $2.98.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stalra Store
Extraordinary Clearaway of Womens
Novelty Boots and Pumps Friday
TN either instance the reduction amounts to nearly a half of the original price.
A big groups like this
Women's Novelty Boots
Gray kid lace boots
Patent with gray cloth top
Brown kid lace boots
Brown kid cloth tops
Patent vamp white buck top
Red ii
Women's New Pumps
TMP.T JTriTNfi 1 Reduced
Patent kid pumps . .
Black kid pumps. .
Gray kid pumps. . .
Gray kid oxfords.
White kid pumps . .
Burgess-Nash Co. Down-Staira Store.
'2 l (
Sale of Soaps and Cleaners
T these prices we reserve the right to limit quantities, accept no mail or phone orders and make
no deliveries except when sentwith other goods bought on a transfer.
ToUikleen, 1 . .
pi Sani F 1 u s h,
Diamond C " k
Soap, 10
Swift's Pride
soap, (-1
cake.. J12C
Ivory Soap,
small size cakes,
10 cn -
size cake,
Rub No
cake at.
White Borax
Naptha Soap,
White Russian
soap, nn
cake... OC
for . . .
Pearl White
nk, 48c
Star Naptha
Powder, small
Fels Naptha
Laundry Soap,
Electric Spark
soap. . .
Old Dutch
Cleanser, spe
cial, per Q-!
can 7 2'
Borax 20 Mule
Team brand
Star Naptha
Powder, large
at. . .
Sal Soda, large
ft'... 12c
Gold' Dust
small size pack-
Ammonia Pow
der, Ql
package O 2 v
Golden Rod,
Washing P o w
der . C
package. .
Gold Dust, large
Golden Rod
Washing Pow
d e r, fa r g e
Lux, special, 2
pack- 07
aees. ,. v
Bnrye-Nh To Down Stairs Stor
Llg h t h o U SC
Cleaner, C
package .. UC
S u n b r i t e
b p e c ia 1 1 y
p r i c ed a
age, at. .
Crochet bed spreads,
full size, marseilles
designs, scalloped
edge and cut corners,
$3.25. '
Bleached T u r k i s h
towels of heavy
weight and good ab
sorbent quality, 17z
39 inches, 20c. .
' ..
White voile, 36 inches
wide, sheer quality,
stripes, checks and
(dots, 25c a yard.
Remnants of table
damask, lengths 1
tor 2 yards, heavy
weight, good designs,
' 85c to $1.95.
j Boys' pants, dark de
.q ! sirable mixtures, ages
"C 6 to 16 years, special,
at 79c.
j Boys' caps, all sizes,
plain and fancy col
ors, all sizes, special,
!at 39c.
i Boys' waists, small
sizes, 4 to 6 years,
every one a special
value, at 39c.
Men's summer union
j suits, samples, fine
corded cottons, lisle
and athletic styles, at
; 89c.
j Men's and boys' soft
collars, odd styles
and sizes, all white,
special, at 5c.
! Men's neckwear, full
I flowing ends, stitch
led . back, standard
cut, latest colors, 39c.