Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 19, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    xlIE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1918.
Frequent Violations of Law
ProhibitingSale of Liquor
to Men in Uniform Report
ed in Omaha.
Frequent violations in Omaha of
Uncle Sam's orders prohibiting the
sale of liquor to soldiers, coupled
with an increase in disease among the
men at Fort Omaha and Fort Crook,
have resulted in redoubled efforts to
eliminate these two dangers. For
this purpose a body of military po-
lirp ha hrni stahlicVifH tn natrnl the
' . i i , .1 i c ,i
cuy ana iook aiicr ine weuarc vi uic
men absent from their post on pass.
A number of arrests of bootleggers
and immoral women have been made
by the military police. Last week
tight bootleggers wers held under
bonds ranging from $500 to $1,500,
tnd seven women have been arrested.
Of these, two have been sent to the
county hospital for treatment.
When released they face another
trial in federal court for improper
conduct and misuse of their living
quarters in violation of the president's
order setting aside a 5-mile district
surrounding each military post where
men are in training.
Captain in Charge.
Captain J. J. Kingsbury of Fori
Omaha is in command of the military
police and he has a sufficient force of
men under his command to patrol he
entire city. '
"Conditions here in Omaha have not
been of the best," said the captain,
"and we are doing everything in our
power to protect the men. The men
who have been selling this so-called
booze should be prosecuted for ob
taining money under false pretenses
after conviction on the bootlegging
charge, for the stuff is rank poison.
,We are not planning any wholesale
raids or arrests but will keep on the
Colonel Hersey stated that condi
tions here are not noticeably worse
than in other cities, but that he is tak
ing every precaution for the protec
tion of the men. "Omaha is classed
as a clean - city from the military
standpoint," he said, "but we have to
look out. In cantonments where the
men have to take a car line for a long
interurban ride before reaching the
city a patrol at the car line is all that
is necessary to keep men from leav
ing the post without a pass, but here
it is different. A man who goes over
the fence is right in Omaha.
Omaha Police Co-operate.
"The police are co-operating with
us in every way and we expect to
stop this leaving the post without a
Federal officers are working with
the military police.
"We pass our days building up the
men," said a Fort Omaha officer,
"and these bootleggers and women
devote their nights to tearing them
down and taking their money away
from them. It should be, and is go
ing to be, stopped."
General Boucher Talks at
UniClub; Leaves for West
General Arthur Boucher, hero of
Verdun, in his talk at the University
club this noon, spoke on the situa
tion in Europe and the results of
the recent drive. The spirit of co
operation between the French and
American soldiers was landed.
General Boucher gave an account
of the battle of Verdun, illustrated
by stereopticon slides, at the Hotel
Fontenelle .Wednesday night, when
l i. uc .1.. i c u
L'Alliance Francaise.
The general left this afternoon for
Colorado Springs.
Hoover Forgets Nebraska
Underwent Change Last May
Although malt is no longer used in
Nebraska for the manufacture of
liquors, State Food Administrator
Wattles has received instructions
from the national food administration
as to how it should be handled. Manu
facturers of malt flour, yeast and vine
gar may only have 60 days' supply on
hand and brokerage firms may only
'charge 2 cents per hundred for
handling it.
W M Daohlac PrnmntaH in
Captaincy at Camp Dix, N. J.
W. W. Peebles, a former Omaha
dentist, has been promoted from lieu
tenant to captain, according to word
received by his wife, who lives at 2416
Binney street. Captain Peebles is
with the 349th field artillery, sta
tioned at Camp Dix, N. J.
$8,000 Damages Awarded 1
Woman Kit by Motor Car
Mary E. Bargelt was awarded
$8,000 damages by a jury in Judge
Sear's court for injuries alleged to
have been suffered) when a buggy in
which she was riding was struck by
an automobile driven by George F.
Any woman can make up this
creamy beauty lotion for
- a few cents
The juice of two fresh lemons
strained into a bottle containing three
ounces of orchard white makes a
whole quarter pint of the most re
markable lemon skin beautifier at
about the cost one must pay for a
email jar of the ordinary cold creams.
Care should be taken to strain the
lemon juice through a fine cloth so
no lemon palp gets in, then this lo
tion will keep fresh for months. Ev
ery woman knows that lemon juice
is used to bleach a darkened skin
and remove such blemishes as
freckles, sallowness and tan and is
the ideal skin softener, whitener and
Just try it! Get three ounces of
orchard white at any drug store and
two lemons from the grocer and
make up a quarter pint of this sweet
ly fragrant lemon lotion and massage
it daily into - the face, neck, arms
and hands. -Advertisement.
"Tha Allies" May B Campaign
Nam ei Anti-AdmlnUtrattoo Croup
They're off I
The anti-administration group of
candidates for the election on May
7 has adopted a platform which will
be submitted to the voters within a
day or so over the signatures of Ed.
P. Smith, W. G. Ure, Roy N. Towl,
J. Dean Ringer, Henry F. Wulf and
Harry B. Zimman. This group has
not selected a campaign name, but Mr.
Smith jokingly suggested, "The Al
lies. An executive committee is
being formed and a location sought
for headquarters. A public meeting
committee will arrange for speaking
The "Allies," mentioned above,
Thursday afternoon decided to make
the run with a slate containing only
the six names adopted in the plat
form. The six men have had "their
heads together" for several days try
ing to figure out who the seventh
candidate would be, but have now
agreed that none others are wanted.
Mayor Dahlman has returned from
Excelsior Springs, where he rejuven
ated himself for the campaign. "I
don't know what the city hall situation
is or will be insofar as a lineup is con
cerned," he said. I will probably have
something to say Friday." He would
not commit himself as to whether he
would make the race alone or on an
administration ticket. He will invite
the city commissioners into a con
ference to discuss the situation.
W. F. Baxter has decided "to ac
cept the chairmanship of the cam
paign committee of the anti-administration
"We wish to deny rumors that we
are for blue laws," remarked4one of
the anti-administration combination
of candidates. "We have no desire to
interfere with the present mode of liv
ing, particularly with reference to
Sunday activities and reports to the
contrary have been circulated only
for the purpose of discrediting our
"I wish to announce that I will un
der no circumstances be alligned with
the city hal. ticket," stated Commis
sioner Butler. Rumors have been fre
quent that he would be on the admin
stration ticket. "How could 1 con
sistently be on this ticket when you
consider my official record of recent
years?" he asked. Whether Butler
will be on the slate of the antis, is
still uncertain. He said he may go it
alone, which seems to be probable.
Ed. T. Smith and several of his as
sociated candidates spoke on Q street,
in the packing house district at noon.
Candidates are being quizzed and
examined on all sorts of matters. They
have been asked to go on record as
to their views on vaccination, gar
bage and many other subjects.
Have you registered? The election
commissioner's .office is open every
day for revision of the registration
and the books for the election on May
7 will be closed on Saturday, April 27.
Those who have changed their resi
dences since the last election must
have their registrations revised to be
eligible to vote on May 7.
Motor Supply Train Man
Passes Furlough in Omaha
Frank Rossiter. formerly an Oma
ha salesman, who enlisted in the
quartermaster corps last January, ar
rived here Wednesday on a seven
day furlough. He was with the motor
supply train that drove 80 "Trucks
for Pershing" from Detroit, Mich., to
the sea. The trip took nine days, and
was full of interest and excitement.
Rossitcr said. Rossiter lived with
his parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Ros
sitcr, W North Twenty-second
street. He will leave in a few days
for Detroit, whence he will accom
pany his division on another over
land trip "somewhere in the United
jpainfe Sate
. - -
Libarty iimds ar tb
t ws si n fer Victor
We have made a start on the
long hard road to Victory.
Our men are fighting at the
front in France.
Our American industries
have accomplished prodigious
results in building up a war
machine to furnish munitions
and supplies.
But we have only begun.
We must do more and more.
This is not a war of armies
but of nations in which every
citizen must do his part.
Every worker in our indus
tries is truly fighting in this
war. Every man, woman and
child who gives, of substance
and savings is adding to the
national power.
The foundation of all our
vast war-making machine is
the Liberty Loan.
Money is needed to build
more and more ships; to fur
nish food and guns and powder
and transport and airplanes; to
raise and equip new armies.
We must oversubscribe this
Third Liberty Loan and do it
We must show the courage
that is in us.
We must show a cheerful
willingness to make sacrifices
for our boys in the trenches.
Buy lib arty
United States Tires
are Good Tires
m iii i i
egg u-w "
The most sensational sale of
men's and young men's Pants
known in recent years. Over 9,000 pairs to
choosC from. Get your share now.
Men's $2 Pants
Hundreds of strong, medium-weight
Work Pants in the wanted light pat
terns sizes 28 to 46 Friday
$2.50 Pants
You men who want great durability
at a low price should investigate this
big group sizes 28 to 46 Friday,
$3.00 Pants
These strong, well-made Cassimere
and Worsted Pant come in all sizes,
28 to 50, and every one is a bargain
Men's $4 Pants
Carefully tailored, of splendid cassi
mere and worsted fabric, that will
give many months of hard wear 28
to 50 Friday
Men's $5 Pants
Good quality Worsted Pants that will
go with most any coat stripes or
fancy mixtures in sizes up to 60
Friday at.
$135 fl
$165 A k
is I
Men's and Young Men's $20
Snrinc Suits
Cassimcres, homespuns or worsteds In scores of the $4 I 50
very newest patterns and colors every one cut on
the most aDnrovcd lines and thoroughly well fin- I
i ished Friday at,
ill "' . a
For Your Stomach's Sake
Buy the First Box
On My Advice .
If Eatonic Fails to Remove
Indigestion, Dyspepsia, etc.,
I Will Refund the Price
strongly urge every man and woman
with a weak-, ailing stomach to try
EATONIO Tablets at onoa on my
eay-so. I state positively with all the
force of which words are capable, that
it ia now absolutely unnecessary for any
one to endure the discomfort and dan
gers of indigestion, dyspepsia, heart--burn
or sour, gassy stomach.
Stomach Miseries
Originator of Eatonic
I certainly ought to know better form or another dyspepsia, todl
than any man living what EATON gestion, heartburn, bloat, flatulence,
10 will dol My eay-so should mean sour stomach, etc., stomach trou
everything in this matter. When ble has millions in ita vise-like
I advise you to try EATONIO grip. The man or woman, who baa
Tablets, you have all to gain noth- not suffered from gassy stomach,
tag to lose by doing what I tell yon, and the dull, heavy, painful feeling
for I will make good to you if that results from hearty eating, is the
EATONIO fails to give you imme- ra.e exception,
diet stomach relief. Here is my Realizing the wide-spread preval
personal often Buy a large 60o box ence of this condition, my desire for
of EATONIO from your druggist years has been directed to the dia
today. Use it according to direc- covery of a modern, scientific relief
tions, and if you are dissatisfied for stomach weakness, and my efforts
for any or no reaion with results, have been fruitful, for in EATON
just moil me the empty carton, and IO Tablets, I have found the answer
1 will personally, at once, send yon to every question that can be asked
the money you paid; literally, you of a perfect anti-dyspeptic prepar
Can't lose on this offer! ' ation.
If I did not positively KNOW what Now I ask you to take my word
EATONIO Tablets would do-if I for EATON 10 belie ve all that I
were not absolutely convinced of say about it have no donbts do
their power to afford swift and sure not hesitate to try EATONIO Tab
stomach relief could I afford to lets on my say-so. Go right now
stand right behind EATONIO in to your Druggist, get a box , of
this personal, open way. using the EATONIO and use It as directed,
pubho prints to state my inmost con- If you are not more than pleased
victions as to its remarkable power? with the stomach relief, ease and
Surely not! It is only because I comfort it brings yousend me the
DO so strongly realize the beneficial empty box addressed, H. L. Kramer,
effects of EATONIO that I would 1018 8.WabaahAve.,ChicagO,and you
consent to sign my name to a public willgetyour money ba byfirstmaiJ.
statement in behalf of EATONIC, You will find EATONIO Tablets
which I earnestly believe is the posi for sale in every drug store; also a
tive and final solution of the book that I wrote called UELJc.
"GREAT AMERICAN MISERY," There's a Free Copy for yon. Read
Indigestion and Dyspepsia. it! And remember that every word.
Yes StomachTroubleisthe"Great every syllable in this remarkable book
American Misery!" The world calla breathes my earnest conviction
us a nation of dyspeptics, and we can- there's vital truth m every line rare
not in fairness amy it. In soma common sense from cover to cover.
-v: i
tfi: '
v r
. f-,;i
'!.( '
,-i '
", J
Relief from Eczema
Dont worry about eczema or other
skin troubles. You can have a clear,
healthy skin by using a little zemo,
obtained at any drug store for 35c, or
extra large bottle at $1.00.
Zemo generally removes pimples, black-
leads, blotches, eczema, and ringworm
tnd makes the skin clear and healthy.
!cmo ia a clean, penetrating, antiseptic
liquid, neither sticky nor greasy and stains
lothing. It is easily applied and costs a
nere trifle for each application. It ia
Iways dependable.
rii v. W Rose Co. . Cleveland, a
Washing Won't Rid
Head of Dandruff
tth and Douglas Sts.
Phone Tyler 840
a a a a a
Use Cuticura Soap
AH foacflKta : Soav , CHntnwnt SO , Taleoip 35.
SampU moo fne of "Catuan, Itesl I. BwMa."
The only sure way to get rid of
dandruff is to dissolve it, thenou,
destroy it entirely. To do this, get
about four ounces of ordinary liquid '-v;.
arvon; apply it at night when retir '-
ing; use enough to moisten the scalpiK
and rub it in gently with the finger1
tips- , ;:'!
Do this tonight, and by morning,;.
most if not all, of your dandruff will",
be gone, and three or four more ap-jp
plications will completely dissolve and v
entirely destroy every single sign and :
trace of it, no matter how much dan-.,; .
druff you may have. -. " v
You will find, too, that all itching J ,
and digging of the scalp will stop at,-,..;
once, and your hair will be fluffy,' ' i -lustrous,
glossy, silky and soft, ana .
look and feel a hundred times better. '
You can get liquid arvon at any
drug store. It is inexpensive and , ,
never fails to do the work. Adv. ...
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