Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 16, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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Briej City News
Crap Game Players, Bootleg
gers and Drunks Are Round
ed Up by the Officers.
An epidemic of alleged law viola
tions kept the police busy Saturday
night and Sunday breaking up crap
games, hunting down bootleggers and
rounding up drunken men.
Officers raided a place at 2601 N
street, where they said a crap game
was in progress, and arrested Tom
lirca on a charge of keeping a dis
orderly house, and the following as
inmates: Tom Gedish, 2601 N street;
Jim Erca, 2601 N street; John Darlas,
?019 West Q street; John Kuch. Ex
:hange building; Eddie Papas, King's
hotel; George Samorso, Pete Corstas
and Pete Klipas, no addresses; Joe
Mike, Twenty-sixth and M streets;
Frank Latesco, Twenty-sixth (and M
streets; A. Trico, Twenty-sixth and
O streets, and Nick Gaags, Twenty
sixth and 0 streets.
John Baughman, 2019 North Seven
teenth street, and William Dougher
ty, 5026 South Twenty-ninth street,
were arrested on a charge of in
toxication and shooting craps. F. L.
Ford was charged with being a plain
Sunday morning officers with a
search warrant went to the home of
John Dombrowski, 4614 South Thirty
first street, on suspicion that liquor
was being sold there. After getting
no response at the rear door, they
started around the house and saw
several bottles being pitched out of
a window into the yard next door.
They obtained the liquoi, one bottle
of which was broken, and arrested
Dombrowski on a charge of illegal
possession of liquor. Police say
Dombrowski has been arrested on a
similar charge before. He was re
leased on a $500 cash bond.
Frank Pipipowicz, 4429 South
Twenty-sixth street, was arrested
Sunday morning on a charge of il
legal possession of liquor, after police
had searched his premises and found
46 pint bottles of whisky hidden in
an air shaft under a dresser. .
South Side Man Confers
With Federal Officials
J. F. McAnany, president and man
ager of the Grain Belt Supply com
pany, returned Sunday from a two
weeks' business trip through the east
and south. He visited Washington to
confer with officials of the biological
department of the bureau of animal
industry with reference to obtaining
pigs for virus purposes.
"The results of the trip were en
' tirely satisfactory," said Mr. McAn
any. "We did not quite understand
certain actions of the government in
connection with our business,
was all explained to us, and we see
Bow that the government is right
about it, and we are satisfied.
Audley B. Schmidt Dies
At Home in South Side
Audley B. Schmidt. 55 years old
died Sunday at his residence, 3609 R
atreet. Plana for the funeral will be
announced later. He had been a resi
dent of South Omaha 32 years, and is
aurvived by a wife and three children.
John, the 15 year old son of Mr
and Mrs. John Getrost died at the
family home, Twenty-first and Sidney
atreeti Saturday afternoon, after
laving heen sick one week with pneu
monia. The funeral iwill be from the
Grace Baptist church at 3:30 o'clock
this afternoon, with burial in Grace-
land cemetery.
Lithuanians Take
Over Liberty Bonds
Lithuanians on the South Side Sun
day subscribed for $3,000 worth of
Liberty bonds. Of this $518 was paid
In cash and the rest will be paid
through th Stock Yards National
bank. The committee which took the
subscriptions consisted of Father
Tonaitis, Joseph Vick and Franck
South Side Brevities
Telephone South 900 and order a case of
Oma or Lactonade, the healthful, refreshing
Home Beverage, delivered to your residence.
Omaha Beverage Co.
Ellen Electa Kelly, 2 Vt -year-old daughter
f Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kelly, 2518 A
treet, died Monday morning following a
three weeks' Illness with pneumonia.
Funeral services for Audley B. Schmldtt,
15 yeare old, who died at his home. 3609 R
treet, Sunday, will bo held at St. Mary's
ehurch, Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. In
terment in St. Mary's cemetery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Iy. Shalnholtz, 4730 South
Nineteenth street, roceived a cablegram Sun
day from their son, Harold, announcing his
safe arrival in France. He is with a medical
corps which he joined last December.
Appears with Miss Lots Wilson in "The
Turn of a Card," a picture extraordinary
In 8 acts.
The plot to dynamite the Ansonia hotel
In New York while the naval baH was in
progress will be shown in the ''Eagle's Eye,"
t the Besse tonight.
J. H. Sutton, 2319 South Seventeenth
street, was shot three times Sunday
night by E.1 H. Bioger, 1938 South
Twentieth street, and was taken to
St Joseph hospital.
One bullet entered below the right
houlder and lodged in the body, one
passed through the right forearm and
the third inflicted a flesh wound in the
Bioger gave himself up at the police
station immediately after the shooting.
He said that he had a controversy
with Sutton a few weeks ago and that
Sutton called at his house last night
nd began breaking the windows with
the warning, "I am here to get you."
Ilrs. Bioger substantiated the state-
Towl, engineer, for commissioner.
Hare Root Print It New Beaces Press.
Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden.
Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re
moved to 506 Security Bid. D. 3837.
Savs you 5c; saves the grocer on
delivery, and saves us on tin. Butter
nut Coffee in the handy 3-pound can,
$1 each.
Fire in Cuff" An overheated range
in the kitchen of the Kward cafe, Six
teenth and Davenport streets, unused
a small blaze Monday morning.
Prudent saving in war times Is a
hostage for opportunities of peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211
& 18th St $1 to $5,000 received.
To Purchase- Bond At a meeting
of the Married Indies' Sodality ofSt
Cecilia's cathedral Sunday afternoon
it was unanimously decided to snend
Ithe funds in the treasury for the pur
chase of Liberty bonds. Officers were
Xoliraskan ow Sergeant Lewis
W. Anderson of Lyons, Neb., stationed
at Kelly field. South San Antonio, Tex.,
the largest aviation training camp in
the world, has been appointed ser
geant, first class, of the 507th aero
Chancre In Grain Office The office
of Huiburg, Warren & Chandler in the
Grain exchange building, under the
management of W. G. Fuller, has been
taken over by Ware & Leland. They
continue the commercial business with
Mr. Fuller remaining in charge.
Seek Thomas B. Holmes Chief of
Police Dempsey has received a letter,
requesting Thomas B. Holmes, Jr., for
meiiy of Trenton, N. J., to write to hie
mother. The elder Holmes, who was
editor or a Trenton newspaper, recent
ly died. The son left home two years
ago and the last information received
by his family was his discharge from
a marine hospital at Tacoma last
Sues for Divorce Ina B. Curyea
suing John B. Curyea for divorce, al
leges that because of the difference in
ages between herself and husband.
he refuses to associate with her
friends or attend social gatherings
with her, and has failed to provide
herself and their 11-year-old daugh
ter, Doris, with suitable clothing,
thereby destroying the domestic peace
and happiness of their home. The
couple were married January 15, 1906
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
Omaha Man is Instructor of
Flyers at Kelly Field
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Greer, of the
Flatiron hotel, have received a letter
from Lieutenant Thomas H. Highley,
who is flying high at Kelly field No
2, San "Antonio, Tex. 'Lieutenant
Highley was manager of an Omaha
manufacturing company. He enlisted
several months ago and won his
commission in "January of this year,
He writes:
"I am engaged in the most etevat
ing work of instructing cadets how to.
fly. I take them up for their hrst
ride and teach them until they can
go alone. S6 far I tvned 20 cadets
loose. It is a great life. It gets rath
er monotonous and a trial on my pa-
tience, yet it is very interesting work
and full of thrills, tar the gray hairs
are cropping out on my temples now,
"The work requires me to be flying
from five to seven hours a day and
the rest of the time I am at leisure
and that is the way it goes."
Union Pacific Loan Bond
Drive Reaches $450,000
Siilisrrinfinns nf tin inn Pacific offi
cials and employes to the third Lib
erty loan total 4iU,uuu. A drive to
pass the $1,000,000 mark is under way
and it is hoped to raise this sum De
fore the end of the present week.
Union Pacific officials estimate that
there will be at least 23,000 company
subscribers to tne loan.
Clay M. Bush Funeral Will
Be Held Tuesday Afternoon
Funeral services for Clay M. Bush,
531 South -Twenty-fifth avenue, who
died Friday, will be held Tuesday aft
ernoon at 2 o'clock at the Jackson
parlors. Services will be held accord
ing to the rites of the Christian
Science church. Interment will be in
Forest Lawn cemetery.
Barken Your j
A regular 60 cent
SL box of Nevbr-Tel-
V j w safest most sani-
Hr ' tary hair restore-
yU Tablet Form
$P$f Easily dissolved in
a little water as
used. Gradually
darkens crrav hair to any
shade desired removes dandruff
makes hair soft and fluffy. Posi
tively will not Btaia the most
-y delicate akin. Endorsed by
j. a eminent cnemiscs ana
fytt everywhere.
flail Coupon Today!
! Vever-Tel Laboratories Co,
J Dept. 249 Kansas City, Md.
I I have never used Nbveb-Tel, but I would I
j lilcn to try it. Send me the 60c package I
I FREt as per your special 1U day oner. I
I Name..... - I
J Address J
A Circulating Water
Is a Necessity
and Not a
Installed Complete.
Terms If Desired.
Oaiaha Gas Co.
1509 Howard St,
4520 So. 24th.
Tel. Doug las 60S.
Tel. South 247.
rr Prescription
M 11 for
lor 15 years Jhe standard remedy for all
kin diseases. A tiquid used externally.
Instant relief from itch. S0e, 0e and
tlM. Your money buck if the first bot
tle does not bring you rrtief, Alsoaek
about D.IXD. Soap. Do it today. i
Sunday was a lucky day for Bernice
and Olive Na'tly, 11 and 12 years old
respectively, 2215 Webster street, and
Miss Frances Boyle, 407 North
Twenty-seventh street. They are
thanking Providence for their good
fortune of not, having gone automo
bile riding with Alfred Catania, when
they were asked to go.
The baptismal ceremonies of the in
fant child of Sam Rabiolo were to oc
cur and the three little girls were
asked to ride to Saint Anne's Catholic
church in the automobile with Mr,
Catania. However, on account of the
crowded condition of the automobile,
they declined, saying they would take
a s-treet car to the church.
After the baptism the party of nine
went automobile riding north of
Florence and were on their way home
when the accident occurred at the
railroad crossing.
Rev. Mr. Mackay Preaches
To the Rotarians of Omaha
Omaha Rotarians to the number of
500, in a body attended All Saints'
Episcopal church Sunday morning,
where they were given a section of
seats in the central portion of the
The sermon by Rev. Mr. Mackay,
rector of the church, was especially
for the Rotarians, many of whom
are members of All Saints.
Anti-Militarist Uprising
Spreads Through Norway
Stockholm, April IS. Anti-military
demonstrations which began in the
Sulitelma mining district recently
where bolshevism found excellent
ground for propaganda, now have
spread over the whole of northern
Norway. The anti-militarists are
armed and the situation facing the
government is considered serious.
Italian Societies to
Buy More Liberty Bonds
The Italian Benevolent association
at a meeting last-Wednesday, decided
to buy $100 worth of Liberty bonds.
They h ave already bought $200 in
Liberty bonds at previous issues.
The Dal Cenisio All Etna meeting
this afternoon decided bv acclamation
to purchase $200 in Liberty bonds
wnich will be obtained Monday.
American Steamer Burned
Off Nova Scotian Coast
Sydney, N. S. W., April lS.-The
agent of the Marine department here
was notified today that an American
Me?mer was burned off the Nova
Scotia coast Saturday night and that
the crew had been transferred to a
United States warship, which came to
its assistance. The name of the vessel
was not mentioned.
nrjmMi;Br VU - J! , ....
1ii a aiamona i as essence oi vaiue
is genuineness, lake the tamed
Kohinoor upon its genuineness
rests all the romance and fascinat
ing tradition. Whatever is genuine
possesses Qualities of excellence
nevet found in imitations.
The Bayer Cross is an unfailing means ,ot identifying
genuine ,
Insist upon the geruine every package
and every tablet is invariably marked with
Bayer Crota - Vf.
Yom CuarontM
of Purity"
Tli. trads-nsrk "Aspirin" IR TJ S. ft Oft I Is
tuarsnlM thst ths nonoscMlHeidMter of swlicyliomeid la
tnws mows m w 10s niwus.Dsysr naaaiMrara
Burgess-Nash Coiipany
These Are Extreme Values in Our
Sale of IRugs
The Prices Are Fully
a TJiird Under Regular
A TIMELY offering,
when most every
housewife is planning a
rejuvenation of her
home. The savings are
most remarkable.
Body Brussels Rugs,
2 7x5 4-inch size, patterns
that have been discontinued,
offered to you, at $2.50.
Royal Wilton Rugs, $5.75
27x54-inch size, all new patterns in an almost endless variety
of colorings; Persian, Orientals and Chinese designs, at $5.75.
Linoleums Specially Priced
Two groups, heavy cork filled and best quality printed.
6-foot widths, assorted designs, square yard, 65c.
12-foot widths, assorted designs, square yard, 75c.
Crex Herringbone
Weave Rugs
At prices less than the whole
sale cost at the mill
8x10 feet Crex Rugs,
priced at $6.50.
9x12 feet Crex Rugs,
priced at $8.00.
Third Floor
Axminster Rugs,
36x72 Inch at $4.50
Fully a third under today's
market, size 36x72 inches,
heavy, closely woven, long
nap, wool surface. The kind
that will stand hard wear,
every one perfect and offer
ed at the very low price of
$4.50 each.
Burt ass-Nash Co.-
i rn
Wex Will Make Window Over
Curtains For You Without Charge
AS a special feature of our drapery section for the
next two days only, Tuesday and Wednesday, we
will make window over-curtains for you free of charge.
There are seven styles
from which to make your
selections, including cre
tonnes, plain repps, dam
asks and sunfast colors.
All materials must be
bought in our drapery sec
tion. We will deliver curtains
and should you want us to
hang them for you, we will
do so at a charge of 50c a
Bring Measurements'
Extreme casings widths across window.
Height from sill to top of casing.
Top of casing to bottom of apron.
Width of casing.
Let us assist you in the selection of your draperies and furniture
coverings. Competent salespeople at your service. '
Burf aaa-Naab Cv Third FJoor
Burgess-wash Company
Monday, April 15, 1918. STORE NEWS FOR TUESDAY
Phone Douglas 2100
For Tuesday in the
Wednesday-Hammer, Rake and Spade Day
In the City's Clean-Up Campaign
A DAY set aside when everybody is requested to clean up their yards, swat the tin
cans, spade the flower beds, make garden, plant shrubs, flower and garden
seeds to beautify the outdoor surroundings.
Here are a few helps:
Four-tine spad
ing fork, good
quality, D
handle. Special,
Spading fork,
five-tine, bronre
finish. Best
quality, V handle, at $1.95.
4-ply garden hose, guaranteed,
50-foot length, with coupling,
Heavy corrugated black cover
moiaea on first quality heavy
uuc. on Kins guaranteed
-inch size,
per foot, 14c
inch size,
per foot, 17c.
Hose nozzle, made of solid
brass, can be reculntri t in
different sized streams, 59c.
Hose reel, made of hard wood,
natural finish. hnM mn
hose, $1.15. ww
Garden hoes,
polished steel,
riveted blade,
blued finish, long
handles, assorted
Bizes, 32c.
Garden hoes, one-
piece solid steel blade with
socket, long handle, 75c.
Garbage cans,
made of cral-
vanized cover,
12-gaIlon size,
Garden spades,
solid back, best
quality, D handle,
special, $1.45.
Wheel bar
rows, pat
ent stave
tray. Well
bolted and braced, special. $3.19.
nanuie, ac,
The fountain
lawn sprinkler
throws, special
at 85c.
Turf edgcr, best quality, steel
blade, wood handle, 85c.
G a r d e n
trowel, irni
handle, 10c
best qual
ity steel
blades, 15c.
Pitcairn water spar, for outside
use; M-pint can, 45c
Patton's "Sun Proof house
paints full range of colors. Best
for outside use. Gallon, at $3.50.
Screen paint, pint cans, 29c
Sapolin porch furniture enamels,
small can, 35c; large can, 60c.
II I I I-"
Poultry netting, 2-inch mesh.
1 to, 6 feet high, in rolls of 150
running feet, square foot, 1c.
Wood window boxes, made of
heavy stock, painted green, 24-
mch size, 50c
Lawn mower, 8-inch wheel,
three cutting blades, $3.95.
Trash burners, made
of heavy galvanized
wire, with cover. Large
size, $3.50.
Mole trap, self
setting, at 85c
Galvanized iron
water pail. 10
quart size, 35c.
Hammer, steel head; spe
cial, 69c
Hand saw, 22-inch size,
75c .
Hand cultivators, with 24-inch
steel wheel, hard wood handles.
Special, $4.25.
Cultivators with five adjust
able blades. Made of spring steel,
oil tempered, long handle, 98c.
After Your Back Yards and Lawns Are
Cleaned Up Plant Shrubs and Sow Seeds
For as you plant andjSow, shall you reap beautiful flowers, shrub
bery and pretty lawns. Here are special values for Tuesday.
will thrive in most any fertile soil. Used ex
tensively for hedge, , screens and also for
planting among other shrubs for the beauty
of the flowers. Plants, 2 for 5c.
Mulberry Plants, lc
Mulberry plants 2 years old, for filling up
the open place in your hedge. Special, at lc
Privet, for Hedges, 2 far 5c
Good size plants, hardy and vigorous, and
Blue. Grast Seed, special, 26c
, Best quality pure blue grass seed. Fresh stock, 26c lb.
White clover seed. Fresh stock, at 69c lb.
Assortment of Home-Grown Shrubbery, 5c Each
2 to 3-year-old plants, well rooted, good hardy bushes. Including:
?.r,-n.. r CHOICE
Artemisia i
Forsythia J
SP'r . v I EACH
Special Note No mail or phone orders
will be accepted for these shrubs or plants
and none will be delivered.
Bridal Wreath , ,
Pakro Bulk Flower and
Vegetable Seeds, 10c 1
Fresh stock, large selec
tion of varieties, large pack
ages, 10c each.
D. M. Ferry Seeds ,
Flower and vegetable, all
fresh stock, at 5c and 10c a
Several Thousand Yards of "IKp
Wash Goods, Featured at - -
New wash goods., including silk
mulls, 27-inch organdies, batistes, etc.,
with white or dark grounds in a wide
range of pretty patterns. The collection
is an exceptional one and the values are
really extreme.
Burfas-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Pretty New Wash Goods, Spe- ofi
daily Priced Tuesday, at - tOC
36-inch materials, including new de
signs in voiles, organdies, etc., with
dotted, striped, ring and floral designs,
also silk mull, plain color, self-stripe of
dot brocaded effects, also some silk
shirtings. Special, at 25c.
( Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Special !
36-inch Curtain Goods, 1 C
Specially Price Tuesday, at -
Consisting of scrims, voiles, etc., in
plain white or cream with fancy hem
stitched border or with plain edge or
cream white and ecru with fancy bor
ders. Very special, at 15c yard.
Burfess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Special !
27 to 40-inch White Goods, ir
Featured for Tuesday, at - -
Included are striped voile, checked
mull and check dimity. Fine quality and
very desirable for making children's
dresses. Wide or narrow stripes, as well
as large or small checks, $15c yard.
Burress-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Special !
Lace Trimmed Dresser
Scarfs, for Tuesday - - -
Good quality butchers' linon, size
17x50 inches, trimmed with 2-inch lace
edge and one row of lace insertion. An
unusual value, at 39c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Speeial !
Bleached Table Damask,
64 inches Wide. Tuesdav
Extra heavy weight, satin finish, a
quality that will give "splendid service.
Four good designs from which to make
your selection, at 59c yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Special !
Women's and Children's
Auto Hat
Auto or garden hats for women and
children, big selection of styles and
colorings, special, at 25c.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Shirs Store
Special !
Embroidered Dresi
Flouncings, at -
Fine quality voile embroidered in
white and colors. 36 inches wide, spe
cial, at 39c yard.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Embroidery, 10c
Nainsook, Swiss and cambric,
embroidery bands and edges,
also headings and beading tops,
to 9 inches wide, at lOe yard.
Burgess-Nash Ca. Down Stairs Store
Handkerchiefs, 5c
Plain white, colored edges
and embroidered corners, for
women and children. Special, at
5c each.
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
Women's Neckwear, 5c
Consisting "X collars, also
collar and cuff sets. Slightly
soiled but very special, Tues
day, at, choice 5c. '
Burgess-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store