jTHE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: APRIL 14, 1918. of the guest. 1 tha mldt of tha cele bration Mr. MacTavifh rose up and m4a the round of the company, bidding each profound farewell. "But, Sandy, man," objected the boat, 'ye' re not goin' yet, with the evenln' Juat started ?" "Nay." eaid the prudent IacTalh, "i!m no goln' yet. But I'm tellln' j good night while I know yet all." Chicago Herald. FAMOUS CHICAGO TRIANGLE GOES REDS RULE WITH ' one is not troubled with such for malities. The old General Silverhelm was murdered because his nephew was in the White Guard; the chief customs officer at Mantyluoto be cause he had denounced a Russian soldier for theft. Eighty youths were murdered outside Tammerfore with a brutality passing all bounds." War Department Defends Appointment of Meyer Washington, April 13. In a report to the house today Acting Secretary of War Crowell defended the appoint ment of Herbert Ar Meyer, formerly secretary to Secretary Lane, as as captain in the signal corns. The re port, which was in response to a house resolution of inquiry, said Meyer was appointed March 21, 1917, and at no time, therefore, bad he been subject to the draft. Representative Anthony again to day declared the appointment was dut to political influence. He pointed out that Meyer was within the draft age and said Ithe country had been scandalized by publication of a list of hundreds of young men of rich and influential families who had been appointed as officers .and assigned to noncombatant service. . Fomight. Mr. MacTvlah ttendd a Chriteniiig chare the hospitality of the host knew no bound except the veral capacltte TERROR IN FINLAND Murders and Outrages by TO MORALS COURT Red Guards in First Days of the Revolu tion. mm 6 A Warrant Charging Statutory ; Offense Filed Against Dr. Thomas; Case Before Mu ; . nicipa! Authorities. '. Chicago, April 13. A warrant charging a statutory offense was taken out today for Dr. William Isaac Thomas, University of Chicago pro fessor, who vas apprehended Thurs day night for registering at a local hotel with Mrs. R. M. Granger, who is the wife of an army officer now in France, as his own wife under an assumed name. The case will be heard in the morals court, i Dean Angel!, in the absence of President Judson of the University of Chicago, called a meeting of the faculty today to consider the case. A reporter who called at the Thomas home shortly after sunrise found the, distinguished sociologist tnd authority on sex relations pacing ttp tnd down the veranda, 1 Girl is Protected. ? "Ii Mrs. Granger with Mrs. Thomas?" the professor was asked. f"Yes," he replied. "Mrs. Thomas has taken her in to protect her from the knocks and buffets of the world. She wis alone and helpless and Mrs. Thomas has provided a harbor for Her here." ! "Did she promise the federal au thorities that she would not, see you again?" t "She did nothing of the sort, so tar is I know." Dr. Thomas, said that in due course he would issue a formal tatement of his position. The conversation was terminated by a fight between Henry Thomas, 22 , year-old son of. the professor, and half a dozen photographers who were preparing to photograph Dr. Thomas. Young Thomas smashed one or two of the cameras and received some blows in return. He retired when his father got out of focus by return ing indoors. I Hunband in France. Mrs. Granger is the daughter of Mrs. Willis Kainef Chowning of Fort Smith, Ark. Her maiden name was Raines. She married Granger more than three years ago when he was a telegraph operator. He became an of ftcer in the signal corps and sailed fpr France last winter. It wis then that his wife and the mother of his baby, through her sister, Delia, met Dr. Thomas. Her hope now is that her husband will not hear of the af fair. ' "If he doei I'm afraid he will desert Mid do some killing that has nothing io do with the war," she said yester day. '; Taken In Thomag Home. ' 'H Mrs. Granger passed last night at p the south side home of the University of Chicago professor of sociology.! She was there by invitation of the professor's wife, who is known , na-i tionally as a pacifist .and an advocate of woman suffrage. Mrs. Thomas met Mrs. Granger d6wntown by appoint ment and took the pretty wife of the soldier home with her, accompanied by Mrs. Granger's sister, Miss Delia Raines, a motion picture, actress and an art student. ' Sorry for Girl. ; "I am terribly, terribly sorry for you," Mrs. Thomas said to Mrs. Granger. "The only thing I can't for give is the utter stupidity and the ab surd childishness of the professor do ing inch a thing. He ought to have known better." Mrs. Thomas has bertofore rallied to the defense of her husband when , criticised for some of his writings and utterances on (ex questions.' She is the daughter of the late Rey. James Park, a Presbyterian minister of Knoxyille, Tenn., is president of the Chicago Peace society, and accom panied the Henry Ford peace party to Stockholm. ' :i .Declares He Loves Her. When arrested with Mrs. Granger, Dr. Thomas said: "I love her and I doA't care if the whole world knows it. My arrest is a tremendous injus tice." Dr. Thomas for suir: was much in demand for his L on sociology and the relation of sex thereunto. Among his teachings were: , f "Women are better off for having had their fling as men do. Dissipated women often make excellent wives. "Chivalry is the persistence of the old race habit of contempt for women. . . ' "Any girl, mentally mature, has the right to have children and the right to limit their number. J " V "The morality of women is an ex pediency rather than an inate virtue. , Marriage as it exists today is rapidly approaching a form of im morality. k "Matrimony is often an arrange ment by which the woman trades her irrepoachable conduct for trreproach able gowns. I "Children are not the result of mar riage', but marriage is the result of children." ' j , University to Act. " I Dean Albion Small, head of the de partment of sociology of the Univer sity of Chicago, of which Prof, gliomas is a member, said today that . something probably would be done by '.he university authorities. "Th tnartar rt( fMij4i...A .lf1 ...i with President Judson, who is out of th city. It is probable that a com- oittee will be appointed to investigate the actions of Prof. Thomas." i . Death Sentence Imoosed on Deweese, ','Kirig of Burglars" : bait Lake City. April 13. Howard H. Deweese, self-styled king of bur- ffl&r. lav a a tnrnjasl Am k udge Louis Brown in the district court iouay, ana oraerea to pe exe ruted May 24. - Deweese several jionths ago was found gnilty of the murder of his wife, formerly the wife if W. H. FiaW. Vmv VnrV fc.h.r- dasher. The convicted man appealed io me supreme court, which denied new' trial and sent the case back to the district court for sentence to 3e pronounced. , . NethlBi But Bill. "I wlafc ts Inform you," raid the tawrer. "tjiat your wife ha filed a bill for divorce.' "Oh. of cour." m ponded th busy bank. r; "11 1 nothtnr but bllis. bills, bill. How Copenhagen, April 1. The terror inspired among the defenseless people ot Helsmglora by tne murners ana outrages committed by the Red guard in the first days ot tne revolution in Finland is sranliicall v described in a diary written on the spot by a Swedish refuge. I he account received nere mentions that one of the victims of the massacres in the Finnish capital was Virkunen, a well known Finnish athlete. The diary reads in part: Sunday. This afternoon the Red Guards took possession of the Hel singfors railway station. Soon after ward they seized all printing estab lishments, newspaper offices and banks. The revolution was carried through with a rapidity and energy which comoletelv overpowered the existing authorities. "Mondav: The morning was com- rn ra iv iv nuipf hut earlv in the afternoon serious disturbances began. Shots were fired against the Hotel Kaemf, and immediately afterward . i 1 1 . j i ' i- ksnnr. Vc. .vskirHincy ine ICU vjuaius uvko" iuiipu..M...a Gronquist's stone house on the pre text that shots had been fired from there. The leader of the Red Guards, a tall man in oil skins, stood in the market place and directed the firing. Four thousand shots were fired in half an hour, without reply, the object apparently being to spread terror, in which respect it succeeded completely. Perfect Nonentities. "Tuesday: The new government was proclaimed today. The minis ters, except for three well-known Reds, are perfect nonentities. The Diet has been swepfaway, and the Soviet formed, consisting of 35 mem bers. A proclamation decrees the seizure of all capital. The hooks of all private banks are taken over, and no person is allowed to draw more than 500 marks a week. All deposits over 10,000 marks are confiscated. Another proclamation states that it js prohibi ted to collect house rent, that nyon found in possession of arms after 24 hours will be shot. ... . "Wednesday? The editor of a local newspaper, A,,R. Frenckell, has been murdered in cold . blood, . as also Virkunen, the Finnish athlete, who was editor of the Finnish Athletic News. The leaders soon found that their followers could not be curbed. ti, .tif nt h Rd Guard consists AII6 VII w. V. ----- , largely of bandits, escaped convicts, criminals, thieves ana assassins, rem tnrmA h ii n t-r m n m! on scum from the Russian fleet. In the police stations, the control is in the hands of rogues. An illiterate postman has been ap pointed director of the postal service and a Russian bakerman is director general of railways. . . .. . "AH control ot tne moD is supping t,nm h hanrl of the leaders. The death standard has been hoisted over what was formerly the officers' ca sino and on all vessels in the port, indicating that further massacres are in store. Diet Members Shot Tl.,ir.,lii Turn mmhers of the Diet, a lawyer named Mikola and a clergyman named Beck, were shot. Five other members ; were taken prisoner and probably have' been killed. Four hundred members of the White Guard have been slain ana Miniea mitrrUr have been com mitted in the houses, where people of all ages have been tortured, ana killed under forms impossible to de scribe. ' "Friday: Senator Stahlberg ar rested and presumably shot. Today was a day devoted to wholesale rob herv. or. as the Red Guards call it, 'dispossession.' j "Among the many purpose s murders, that of the young student Hjelt ,is worthy of mention. His father had died a natural death at Kerava, and he went to the little town to bring his father's body to Helsingfors for burial. At Kerava he was shot, although he explained wny he had come. Later on, some of the Red Guards realized that they had committed an unusually shameful deed, and sent a representative rmmd tn annlncfize to the family, ex plaining that the young man bad been anmnrmrtv lae who should have been killed. Again and again the same ex cuse is made for the murder of un offending persons. Sixteen Corpses. On a railway airliner I noticed a car containing 16 corpses. These 16 persons naa tanen rciuge in a siaDie. The Red Guards had promised them a safe conduct if they would give up their guns, ihey ma so ana were shot one by one as they csjfne out of thii- hiilinff nlace. As ' the shots failed to kill several of them, the wounded men were dragged into tne waiting room of the station, where the Reds murdered them with blows from the butt-ends of their rifles. This station became forthwith the center of a campaign of infamous massacre, the Reds sallying forth from . it for a variety of murders and robberies. "There was no plan to the action of the Reds they robbed, plundered, raped and burned for mere pleasure and lust of destruction. Former revolutions had their tribunals, this Headache-Depression? FROM KIDNEY DISORDERS Headaches and depression may be due to several causes. Perhaps your mystifies you? May be kidney and bladder disorders is the cause? If so, you surely want relief and restora tion. Indiscretions in eating and drink ing bring on such troubles very grad ually, sometimes at other times quickly. will bring the desired benefit if 'such symptoms are present as these: If the secretion that passes is highly colored, strong of odor, insufficient or too copious, followed by pain, burning, irritation, smarting, etc. If chill or fever come and go, if the head aches, the eyea burn and rheu matic pains, general discomfort and nervousness besiege you, Balmwort Ktdney Tabieta ARE NEEDED BY YOU Not secret, not new, just right and V Adam Bedroom Pieces in Antique Ivory. Louis XVI Bedroom Suite in American Walnut. 9 Figure it up ,-. ADAM PERIOD DRESSER An tique ivory finish, 6 drawer baBe, at $18.45 ML ---iliaip 8 LAA the extra furnishings AUU you need for your home: Subtract your home; the small amount necessary to pay for them from your regular inco-n:; Multiply uh;epsleas and comforts of your home life by having a home you can truly be proud of, and the pay ments to suit your own convenience. ft m 1 Dividi jOlL T.OITIS XVI DRESSER 42x21-inch top; 30x24-inch mirror; dust-proof construction; antique metal drawer pulls; at, 35 TRIPLICATE Mirror Dressing Ta ble; swinging side mir- n qq rors; antique Ivory... p 1007 1 I la B i I 3 y i x Newly Arrtvcd Selections' of Particularly Attractive ADAM PERIOD Chiffonier. Base top measures 54x19 in. (t ap Antique ivory, at....J lOeHrO mm. Rugs 1 Wmm0Sfimm TRIPLICATE MIRROR DRESSING TABLE Center mirror 22xl4-lnch; swinging side mirrors, each 20x8 lnch; American tt00 AVt walnut ptOrD Comprising extensive assortments oj fine domestics and cleverly reproduced orientals 9x12 FT. SEAMLESS SAR ANAC BRUSSELS RUQS in splendid color combina tions. For this week, 9x12 FT. SEAMLESS WILTON VELVET RUGS in specialty attractive floral and medallion designa. 28 9x12 FT. SEAMLESS HERMAN AXMINSTER RUGS. Orientals, Persian and small all-over designa. CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED CHIFFORETTE Top., doors con ceal four full-length drawers; 34x 19-Inch top; artistic carving; price. $29.50 "SELLER'S" PORCELAIN TOP KITCHEN CABINET BASE Solid oak; oil-rubbed finish;- drawers fitted with glass knobs. No kitchen complete without this labor saving cabinet, at, dyi j syp only............... .. P 1 O.I O CORRECT QUEEN ANNE PERIOD EX TENSION TABLE with large 54-inch top; selected mahogany or American walnut; splendidly finished; matches buffet shown to left; care- Lful workmanship, only a iwnti u-a nuv a $39.75 9 " r' '"l78 QUEEN ANNE SIDEBOARD 60 inches wide; genuine black walnut construction; mahogany-lined drawers; antique metal drawer-pulls; your choice of brown antique mahogany genuine American walnut, $79.50 FULL SIZE BED Head-end 58 inches high; fitted with sanitary steel side-rails; beautifully or namented, at, CO I only 4Z4OD SOLID OAK CHIFFONIER As il lustrated, with exception of desk compartment; roomy wardrobe; sliding coat and trouser hanger; French plate mirror; 200 IC five drawers; only....$ae'K) 1 AUTISTIC IOI.ID OAK PEDESTAL Stand St inches htgbi tl-tnoh top; flnlahed In g-oldun: thla la apeolally priced for thla week ""$2.75 ESS' AN EXCLUSIVE HIGH GRADE QUEEN ANNE DAVENPORT Guaranteed Karpenesque construc tion. Marshall spring seat cushions; upholstered in blue or rose silk damask; pillows and bolster to match. Antique mahogany $98.50 We are showing an 3 elaborate aelection of i j floor and piano lamp M newly dtalgmd; W shade of every de- suriptlon and color. II They are priced up fjJ rrom AN INEXPENSIVE, EXCEPTION ALLY IMPROVED SOLID OAK KITCHEN CABINET Full roll door front; roomy china compart ment; spice drawers; exactly as illustrated; at, St A Of only pl 4.07 Of $12.98 I SPLENDID QUEEN ANNE PERIOD CEDAR CHEST Genuine Tennes see red cedar; copper-trimmed; strong lock; dnst-proof extra sack cedar clippings in- J1; QC eluded, at only J 1 U.OO 0" - ' WE SHOW A COMPLETE LINE OF THESE CELEBRATED MACHINES IN PRICE RANGING From $18 to $210 MACHINE illustrated is our model No. A, golden oak or mahogany cabinet, non-vibrant motor, f O speed regulator. Easily taken along on ah J. O trips. Drop in and hear it. Only NO MONEY DOWN! If Ton Buy THREE or More Records for Cash. FIBRE REED ROCKER Finished baronial brown; upholstered in fig ured tapestry; detachable cushion In seat over set ot eteel springs; our special price, S11 C only pl 1.00 FULL SIZE FIBRE REED GONDOLA Gray enamel, kl.Atr a natural fflnjah , rnK. ft ber-tired wheels; large hood; comfortable springs; attrac tive upholstering; priced $19.89 48-INCH TOP LIBRARY TABLE Strongly constructed in finished golden in imitation quarter-sawed oak; very massive; C1 9 7C price this week, at. . . J 1 O ( O WHITE EVAMEL-UNED RE FRIGERATOR Wira ahelvea; roomy provision compartment; large alse ' Ice chamber; seasoned ash construction; thoroughly In- aaa AO P'rB.'.di. $20.98 ATTRACUVE WOOD MDE GO-CARTr-AdJustable back; large hood; collapsible rramej 12-inch rubber-tired wheels; comfortable spring construction; only dm PXTlTTiT V TlITTf M n . ' . smunuiun DVIUI Ut,lJJ OAK ttuiKr,K tiiegant mahogany or golden oak finish; upholstered In genuine Spanish leather or attrac tive tapestry; spe- T1 1 rm dal price DX 1.0 $11.50 5-PIECE BRASS BED COMBINA TION 2-inch post bed; satin fin ish; soft top mattress; woven wire top angle-iron frame spring; two sanitary pillows; 0 complete outfit, only. . j0)U "-jsr lav vv 1 , 413 - 415 - 417 SOUTH 16th STREET GENUINE MAHOGANY OR AMERI- u&jn walnut Colonial four poster bed; splendidly finished; full sijre only; an exceptional value at this low 0r Tff Price ipD. O '' 1 ut& la tola aI" Uvalon TraDicrlnt. true. Sold by all druggists. Adv.