THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY. APRIL 12. 1918. 13 n 1 HELP WANTEDFEMALE Piofessions and Tradeg, 25 GIRLS For hand work on army supplies. , No experience necessary., 18c per hour 1st month. 19c per hour 2d month. 20c per hour thereafter. APPLT ALBERT MATHER. FOREMAN. 1ST PL. CCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. 1501 Howard St. GIRLS! GIRLS! Wanted Twenty-five girls to -. ork in icing department, $9 per cek to start. ITEN BISCUIT CO. 12th and Capitol Ave. 25 GIRLS WANTED ON ICINO AND PACKING FLOORS. APPLY LOOSE-WILES BISCUIT CO., 12th arid Davenport Sts. W ANTED 40 girls, experience on power sawing machines. Experienced operators y :in earn from 112 to $15 per week. Light, jean, steady work. Two weeks' guaran tee given new beginners. Omaha Auto Top Co.. 108-11 South loth Street. VHE Nebraska Telephone company offers an exceptional opportunity to young ladies to learn local and long distance telephone operating. Permanent positions, oppor tunities for advancement, good wages. A salary paid while learning. Parents desiring to acquaint themselves with the working conditions or any other detail are specially invited to accompany the applicants. Apply to C. F. Lambert, 1807 Douglas street. ' WANTED GIRLS FOR LABELING AND a LIGHT FACTORY WORK. APPLY AT f OFFICE ON VIADUCT. PAXTON ft QALLAOHER. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADf PRESS ER. APPLY 108 HARNEY ST. WANTED A lady massouso at the LaBelle Bath Institute, 150,6 Ha.ney. Doug. 7046 -TWO LADIES to learn halrdressing. Madams Wilson, 1610 Douglas St. WANTED A FLOOR MAID AT ONCE. AP- Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED at once 3 wida , awake ladles of good character and neat, businesslike appoaranoe, to solicit for an up-to-date Fraternal Insurance Company. Good mony to rlghl persons. Box 6282, Omaha Bee. , Household and Domestic. V ANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD WAGES HARNEY 6536. 2221 S. 32D. AVE. WANTED White girl for general house work In six room rrodern Dundee home, family of . three. No general washing. Wages satisfactory. A good home for the right girl. References necessary. Call Walnnf 1756. WANTED A colored or white girl for gen w eral housework;, small house, small fam- t!y; good wages; good home to the right . party. Call Hanrey 2825 or call at 1333 South Sth St. WANTED Competent second girl. City reference requirea. MRS. F. T. HAMILTON, f( Z1B Q. ajna Avenue. 1 WANTED Housekeeper for two adulis In h family; wages $4 per week; live In town. 210 So. 32nd Avenue. Address P. O. Box 34i. Hooper, nen. WOjfAN-FOR HUOSEWORK No laundry ; go home nights. Thursday and Sunday afternoon off. 3128 Corby. WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Mrs. W. W. Richardson, 31S0 Chicago St. Tel. Harney 6256. COMPETENT maid for general housework; small family; good wages. Telephone Walnut 466. 6106 Chicago 81 WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Mrs. W. W; Plchardson, 2100 Ch Icago Bt. Tel. Harney 6266. iTr-TTtTrc m mmknl housework. Laun- rtress kent. Wages $10 per week. 108 N, 63d Ave. Tel. wamui n;. WANTED Girl smell family. for general housework; 202 8. 37th St. Harney 1622. " - GTRL for geueral housework; 2 In family cnM waees: no washing. Walnut 3303 WHITE maid for general housework; three lp family. 3049 Cass atreei. narney AVTED An experienced aecond maid with city references. Apply 2016 Cass. Hotels and Restaurants. WANTED WAITRESSES. GOOD PAT. SHORT HOURS, EX CHANGE RESTAURANT, UNION STOCK YARDS, SOUTH OMAHA. PHONE SOUTH 10$. EDUCATIONAL BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. Mir.HT SCHOOL, v.vrrv dav Is enrollment day. Book- Uecping. shorthand, stenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil service all f ommer clal and English branches. Catalogue free BOYLES COLLEGE. nouglas 1665; - 18th and Harney Sts. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening Schools. 220 Omaha National Bank Bldf. Douglas 6890. FOR RENT FURNISHED Apartments. MAYWOOD. 2611 Harney: reception room, large living room, disappearing bed kitchenette and bath. Glover ft Spain Douglas 396J, 11 l ; i . iji. i . iul iiidii . ment to new apartment house; within walking distance. CH Tyler 3174. .'URMSHED apartments or unfurnished three-room Call Webster 932 j'OCR rooms In private home, with piano; on first floor. Harney esao FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TM PRIVATP FAMILY One large room, east front, walking distance, jrarnam car line, oppoans pen nan, vqubibm ana. I J L L ,uwiinu. -vviaM " f - . tl.l-. I, wA SR WW. WailWIIlB Ul.'." - - .- - Gentlemen preferred. References. Doug las 608. THE r.OCHTANE. Modern, clean, comfortable, quiet, hot and cola water in rooms. vibui uowutuwn. Rates $3.25 up per week. VERY desirable furnished room for young lady. Hanscom .rant aisiriui. ou car hqq. Harney 1684 l MODERN furnished rooms for men only at f ' the Sunshine. 608 Ndrth 17th St, Reason ' able rent. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms, two blocks from vpostofflce. Douglas 8644. PLEASANT front room. Field Club district. Tel. Harney 472S ,a;, suitable for two. 2818 Harney St. NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms. 1611 Howard St. Housekeeping RoomsT PlANSGOM PARK district, large, pleasant room, with kitchenette, strictly modern, on car line. Harney A Si'lF, m ihr-e rooms on f first floor; laul - - 251 St. Ms Kary s Ave LKHT h.. mk. rooms. remoiuMe, cluke CU. liod ii4 FOR RENT ROOMS Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS. If you; fail to find the room you desire among these ids ell at The Bee office for a Room List Gives complete description of vacant rousns in all parts ot the city. New lista issued every week. 2561 Dodge Large room, good board, two or thre gentlemen; walking distance. Har ney 6143.,, IOUNO man desire breakfast and dipper in private name near 1001. Blnney St. Webster 302S. FOR RENT HOUSES West. VERY DESIRABLE CLOSE IN. 2JS Park avenue, strictly modern 8- ' room houe. in good neighborhood, within i walking distance to business center, 130. PORTER & SHOTWELL, 303 8. 17th St. Doug. 5013, WALKING distance, 26S Dodge street, 8- room moaern nouse. uewiy ucwikv um . in fine shape; want good tenant, not a mover and for such will make a price of 125 per month. W. W. Mitchell, owner. , Phone Webster 4875. j 208 sT 41st., modem 7 rooms.. $25.66 .3019 Marcy St., 7 rooms modern.. 35.00; JOHN N. FKKNZrJK. I'ougias oi. 7-R. mod. house, 2505St. Mary's Ave.. $;!6. . W. 11. GATES. 647 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D.12g . 5-ROO.M and bath on pafc-d street. 4227 Grant. Telephone Walnut 123. "North." 4 LARGE rooms with bath, second floor, $10. Also barn. 2639 Seward St. Tel Red M. South f 20S S. 36th Ave., s-rooin, garage, $45. ARMSTRONG WALSH CO. Tyler 1536 li?.,.,iuIitl!,iL?1?g: ITrOOMT cottage, 2470 S. 18lh St., $12.50 monthly. H. W. Binder, Dougias 1264. Miscellaneous u 2617 CAPITOL AVE.r 8-r. flit 121.00 905 N. Hth, 6-r. apt., mod $'-''52 1S22 Cuming, 4-r. apt., mod $22.50 RASP BROS., 10Jeellne'Bld. TyUr 721. LlST7ou rrilH-rt7 for rent or saldwtth FIRST TRUST COMPANY, Resltors. TJyler 72. "" Z HOUSES " IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIUH SONS CO., BEE BLDG. Shu pen A Co.. Rental Douglas 4228. FOR RENT APARTMENTS JL Yi-- DRAKE COURT 22nd & Jones Sts. TWO-ROOM APARTMENT, with tnree room accommodations; Is large, comforta ble and artistically decorated. The buffet dining nook is a distinct Innovation, equip ment Includes disappearing wall bed, re frigerator and all other modern con veniences; $32.60 summer rate. THREE-ROOM APARTMENT with 5-,-oom accommodations, consisting of large living room, dfmng room, kitchen and a sun porch. Living room aad dining room are separated by artistic French doors. The equipment includes oscillating wall beds In living room and dining room; air, as well as ice-cooled refrigerator, auto matic package receiver and garbage ln , Snerator. Walls finished to please tenant. Summer rates now In effect, ranging from $12.50 to $45. o lease required. Rental ofices may be found In -Build- j fnr No. 7. 'Tyler 201. THE"CORONADO APARTMENTS, 22ND AND CAr ITU L. AV twut. 2 ana s-room. neatea apamneaui. wnu s ana -room hccuihuiwuruuuo, .,,,.-... beds and dressers, $s stove, refrigerator, Incinerator ana everyming sirituy up iv date. Just west of the high school; I mtnute walk to 16th and Farnam; month tv runt summer. $36(0 to $37.60; winter BENSON &' MEYERS, CO., D. 746. 491 i-iT,nhii Nut. Bank Bldg. MONTEREYE Aparimeuta, J46 N. 4.B Bt 6 rooms. j o - w -t rooms, $36.90. KLOKE INVESTMENT CO. HAMILTON APTS., fireproof; fine lawn and flowers during summer; peoi wuuwu, and Farnam. Prices reasonable. Call D. 1472. ST. CLAIRK 24th and Harney;' 3-room furnished apartment. Harney 647 TIZARD PALACE BLOCK Close In, few equal ;- - B-oom apanmeni ; amo ,-iu flat. Apply 220'A N. 23H. Phone Red 4232. North. 2702 MANDERSON 4-roora modern apart ment. First floor, uonai it. South. FOR RENT 1912 Vinton, 8-roora flat In finest of order, looK at tnis nrsi oeioro you locate; with or without garage. Tyler 06. Miscellaneous PETERS TRUST CO. Specialists in Apartment management MODKRN apartments, near P. O. Low rent Q. tr. BteDDins, loiv cniuanu oi. FOR RENT Business Pr'p'ty Stores FINK now store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth sts. titeam neai. iot particulars see Conrad Young, 322 Bran- dels Theater Biag. mus iu FOR RENT Large brick store, fine loca tion for furniture or unaeriaaing, unwo. Tyler soo FINE stora room, 16th St, near P. O. Low rent O. P. Stebblns, loio inicago. Office and Desk Room ATTRACTIVE offices at reasonable rentals In The Bee DUllding, wners service is REAL. Keystone Inv. Co. Tyler 131. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated ny central rurni ture store; office on Howard St between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 3400. Have your moving handled Just as you would .... n .law fn. na-ar furniture. That's the way we do It. Ask to see our dally -eatal lists. i 1 ..1.1 l.V'V-'l II .1...... . - ppparate locked rooms for household goods and planoa; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO., S00 S. 16th. - Dou'-'las 4163. FREE RENTAL SFKVICK FIDELITY Phone Douglas 288 for complete nf vncnnt Onuses snd aDart- ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. - J. C. REED Express Co., Moving, PacVine -And Storage. 1207 Farnam St. Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service in movins. panuiK uu storing can xyier zau or jjuuiuh 1000. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WEST FARNAM HOME $800 Down and Balance $50 Per Month t Seven -room house; four rooms on first floor, finished In oak; three rooms and large sleeping porch on aecond floor; fin ished attic on third floor; double garage; paved streets, paving paid for. Looking for a first-class home In a first-class neighborhood, don'ttfail to see this. Payne Investment -Co. 637 Omaha National Bank. P. 1781. West Farnam Home t Dandy full 2-story home, large attic and splendid deep basement, rooms, oak finish, oak floors throughout, bookcases and seats, bullt-ln. Practically new, neat ly decorated and right up to the minute. , Choice east front corner lot; specials all aid. Price only $5,250. A REAL SNAP. Osborne Realty Co. 701 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. Tyler 496, WEST FARNAM 6-room bungalow, all mrdern, lot 60x128, fine shade trees. Price $3.50(b C A. Grlmmel. Phone D. 1615. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. NEW MONTCLAIR BUNGALOW, 3223 HAMILTON AVE. Six fine rooms and den, oak finis.!; H.OOO down, for 14,600; strictly modern; best construction: very nifty. SEE THIS. Call Tyler 496. OSBORNE R. E.' CO.. 701 Omaha National Bank Bldg. FOR SALE 6-room house with four rooms of furniture. 6038 S. . SSth. North. 2521 HICKORY 5-Room Modern Bungalow $2,900 $300 Cash .This is a very nice 5-r. on first floor; oak floors and finish throughout prin cipal rooms; good cement basement; at tic: all rooms newly decorated, paved street, paving paid. One block to !4th St. car line, close to Hanscom Park school. Possession at once. J. L: HIATT & CO., 900 First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tyler 63. mTllerTark bunCalow. Six largo rooms and bath all on the one floor; oak finish: dandy sun room with French doors; bookcases, sleeping porch, everything you could desire to makt; one of the cosiest bungalows lq the city, and It Is only one block to car the price is certainly right, only $4,000, and handled with $1,000 down and $35 pormonth. This euro won't last. OSBORNE REALTY CO., , 701 Cm. Kat. Bank Blrtg. Tyler 496. NEARLY new house, 6 ruoms, sun room and bath, first floor; 2 rooms and closets, upstairs; vegelble room, stationary tubs, floor drain, furnace; garage; chicken house; shade and fruit trees; 2 lota. 1 block from street cur. Walnut 2769. KOUNTZE fLACE Modern a-room house, full basement, large lot. close to ear. Prlos $3,850 NorrlsA Norrls, Jj41'J; OTVNER-wiiFat'll his J-room house at 2616 Bristol .t. tor $2,400. Terms if desired. Wcboter 4130. M1NNE LUSA homes, and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 18T South FOR SALE 7-room house, wUh full tase ment; strictly modern; 4 rooms and bath; first floor; large lot; chicken house; new paved street. So. 18th.. $.jt0.- Tylyr905. TRCWMliriciTflat, aTl modern except heat. Call lmuglas 1198. 1244 South 13th St. sTrOoJI-houseTtrTetly'- modern ; . large lot; garage. So. 17. $3.15gvTyler 91)5. j ROOMS and bath, "n paved St. 4227 Grant. Tel. Walnut 1723. Miscellaneous. "NEW HOUSE WEST Seven rooms, full two story, oak floors and woodwork, S0xl20 ft. lot. paved street with' paving all paid. This Is west of Central boulevard, between the Far- rmin and Harney car lines and only 20 j blocks' walk to 16th and Farnam Sts.; 1 just completed, ready to move Into: for nuick sale, $5,260. If not sold at once 1 will lease. NEW STUCCO HOME We have just listed ft Dundee home of seven large rooms and sleeping porch; s built a little more fhan a year ago, by . resent owner, who now has a tempting offer In another city. It Is out In th newer district and It has been carefullj planned and well buMt. For quick sale It will go at $7,250 considerably less than the cost to duplicate. Possession at ones. WEST SIDE PARK HOME A fine targe eight or nine-room house, built only a few years, a block from Hanscom Park and the WesfSide Park car. Cost when built about $9,000, might be bought as low as $7,800 because of change In family. HARRISON & MORTON, REALTORS. 91 Omaha Nafl BI&, Douglas 314. 8-ROOM, 2-story home located in a very desirable neighborhood; slate roof, oak finish downstairs, large comfortable else rooms, 2 fireplaces, garage, lots of fruit and shrubbery; two fifty-foot 1otst go with the house, valued at $3,600. We con sider this a bargain at the price we are able to offer it of $6,000. SHULER & CARY SOLE AGENTS. Douglas 6074. Keellne Building. , "1 BUNGALOW. New, t-room stucco; oak finish: nicely decorated; fine location; near car line. Price, $4,000. Terms, $600 cash, balance monthly. BENSON & CARMICHAEL, Brand new oak bungalow, $3,100. All modern and nice location. Only $150 cash. Largo lot. Call day time. Doug. 3140. w 1DH1 SMITH A- CO.. Real Estats and Insurance. 1329 Farnam 8t Doug. 1064, REAL ESTATE Unimproved ELM WOOD GARDEN LOTS. $1 DOWN, $t A WEEK. PAYNH & SLATER CO. North, BUY a lot In Miller home addition, one block to Rosewater school, one block to street car r paving, walks, water, sewer, gas, all laid Into each lot, $600. Easy terms. Tyler 805. C. B. Schleicher, 3146 South 16th. South. FOR SALE I own best lot at Olbson, latge and level at old school house. See ma first. Tyler 905. FOR SALE Two fine large lots, level, black soli, with 2-acre blue grass pacture, cheap; come quick. This is at Gibson school house. Tylerv 905. REAL ESTATE B'nes Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash. H. A, WOLF CO., Electric Bldg. Tyler 85. BUSINESS property and Investments.. A. P. TUKEY and SON, 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist 15th and Dodge Ste. Douglas 41$. DRY GOODS, shoe stock and fixtures for sale; best locAlon In city. 1714 Vinton. REAL ESTATE Investment REAL estate, Investments, house and lots. WORLD REALTY COMPANY, Realtors. Douglas 6343. Sun Theater Bldg. SOUTK SIDE INVESTMENT. $1,700 Business lot, with store and dwell . lng, on 26th, south of N. Rents $330. JOHN W. ROBB1N8. 1802 FARNAM ST, REAL ESTATE To Exchange ONi! high class apartment 'building. Price $18,000; encumbrance $6,600. This is net Ing 6 per cent or better on the Investment. First class In every, particular; want farm land, will assume cm the right kind of a proposition. E. E. Bogan. Terminal Bldg., Lincoln, Neb. 2 ACRES. 6-room mod. hose, 2 blocks to paved road, 10 blocks' to car. Will take $3,000 cottage as first payment Call Mr. Browne. INTER-STATE REALTY CO.. 13-14 City National. Doug. 2810. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE $7,000 stock of drugs and fixtures. Located on good corner. Doing a good business. Good reasons for selling. Ad dress Box 4549 Be. GOOD Omaha reeldenca property to ex ' change for clear western land, or eastern Neb. farm. Mr. Pease, 211 Bran. Th. Bldg. CLEAR 160-A. unimproved Jones Co., 6. D., for clear modern house. Seward Bros., 571 Brandels Bldg. Dou glas 3 8 40; REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Acreage. CHOICE corner acre, 66th and Spring, $560 Fine acre cor. 87th and Hartman, $660 And others at your terms. RASP BROS.. 210 Keeline Bldg. TyUr 721. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW mS Douglas Street This Is a 6-rootn modern bungalow, hav ing large living room, with brick fire place and built-in feaures. riliiln room. 3 bedrooms and bath, all on first floor; stair way to floored attic, which Is well venti lated, with plenty of room to finish large room. Front porch of this propertly is enclosed In glass and can be used for sun room: oak finish and floors throughout; only, one block from car line. If you are locking for something well built. It will pay you to look jlhls over. Owner on prem ises will shqw you through. GEORGE & CO. Doug. 756. DUNDEE BARGAIN $500 DOWN rive-room all modern, quarter oak floors, oak and white enamel finish; Just being completed; south front. A big bar gain and will go quick. SEWARD BROTHERS 578 Brandels Bldg. Doustns SS40. jfl V I i i'K HI I N!f J A I ' 1 W Nearly new 6 room, all modern bunga low, only two blocks from Dundee, car. Oak finish tnitwo rooms. Full lot. Carafe. Tries $4,600. Terms. THE BYRON REED CO., Phone Don. 297. 213 S. 17th. HUiH" aud sightly Dundee lots. $s75 to $1,150. Kaay terms, loans arranged for building purposes. 1'hone D. 6074, Shuler Parv. nenltors . REAL ESTATE WANTED WANT ST OCK I'.D R AXCi I OK FARM. Widow hss flvo-room houses, one 7 r.iom, modern houije, one S-room modern house and 2 modern store buildings: all N well rented, on paved streets, close to car lines In Omaha; also $20,000 first mortgages; prices are right and properly In first class condftlon. S. S. & R. E. MONTGOMERY. 21.1 Citv National Rank Hulldlniu TO PROPERTY OWNERS WK IIAVB PRilSPECTIVK PURCHASERS FOR MODKRN BUNGALOWS A NO COTTAC.ES NORTH OK LAKF: 6TRKKT. WE CAN SKf.L YOURS IF THK PRICK AND TERMS ARK REASONABLE PHONE US, COLFAX 217. MITCH KLL INVKSTMKNT CO.. 24TH AND AMKS. WK HAVE suvvral good reliable buyers for b and (-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $600 down. Call Osborne Realty Co. Tyler 406. 701 Om. Nat. Hank Bldg. LIST your property with JOHN J. MULVIHILL, 200 Brandels Theater Bldg. Phone D. it. MEET ine at F. D. Weads Office. FARM LAND WANTED ARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us If you want to keep H. E. P. SNOWDEN & SON. 423 S. 16th. Douglas 371. WANTED 20,000 acres of Kimball and Banner county land. Must be-- first-class farm land, Improved or unimproved. Ad dress Bo J 467. Omaha Bee. WE have clients who will pay cash for bar gains In western land. Whits & Hoover, Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. ' FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and , Mortgages. WE want 100 mortgages on Omaha real dences funds on hand for quick closing. E. II. LOU GEE, INC., $38-p Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 1'ER CENT OR MORE One dollar starts .- n account. OMAHA LOAN & BLDG ASSOCIATION. i iunn nv iritv prinPF.iiTT. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg, C1 VI FARM LOANS. KJA Of 2 1 PAUL PKTKRSQN. W "2 i 364 BRANDEIS THEATER BLDG. H. W. BINDER. Money An hand for mortgage loans. City National BankBldg. OMAHA HOMKS EAST NEB. f ARMS. O'KEEFK REAL ESTATE CO., 101$ Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug-jmii. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERO, 312 Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. 5-2 HARRISON '"MORTON, 5 y 919 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. CITY AND FARM. LOANS , 6, 5 'A and 6 Per Cent. 3. H. DUMONT Co,, Keellne Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. V. D. Wead, Wead Bldg.. 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY. Douglas 422$. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. APRIL 16TH. Our next excursion to McGehee, Ark. W. S. FRANK, 201 NEVILLE BLK. Colorado Lands. LISTEN Old residents who refused to pay $1.26 acre for Eastern Colorado land 10 veara ago are paying $10 to J2 now; iie braska and Iowa parties buying largely since they found could save commissions by buying direct from W. S. Pershing, ex mayor of Llmon, Colo; $,200 acres sold Ne braska and Iowa parties last weeit COLORADO offers great opportunities for farmers of moderate means to secure farm homes on very easy terms. Inform us location desired. For free book and man and special railroad rates write Floyd C. Tallmadge, Colonization Agent Kans.-Colo. Ry Co.. First national uanit Bldg., Pueblo, Colo. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE. 2S4-A. Union Co., Ia,: blue grass pasture balance good farm land, well Improved: good terms. Address Box Y 496, Omaha Bee. 640 ACRES Improved farm, $100 acre, great bargain. 167-1610 Chicago, G. P, Stebblns, 1610 Chscago. . Nebraska Lands. 40 ACHES! IMMEDIATE SALE. 4d ACRES IMPROVED, 6-r. house, al- niont new, barn for 8 head horses (hay imnv for 5 tons); quite a few acres 'alfalfa entire 40 hog light. Rented for $500 cush in advance; might be able to glva posses alon. For sale and for Immediate sale. Extra good location, only 22 miles out it nil good nuto road the. entire distance. FOR HOME OR INVESTMENT. Can you beat It, and also have land for security. SEE MB AT ONCE. Price only $176 per acre, One-half cash, balance 5 "4 per cent ORIN S. MERRILL COMPANY. Rooms 1217-1218 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. NEBRASKA FARM LANDS ARB SURE INVESTMENTS. For best lands at best prices write Geo. Antill, Blair, Neb. WRITE me for pictures and prices my farms and ranches In good Old Dawes County Arab L. Huiinerford, Crawford, Neb. RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, easy terms. A. . Pafjman, 301 Karbach Blk. CHOICE -r A RMS. Nllsson. 122 Rose Bldg. North Dakota Lands. Own a Farm Cron Payment Plan. 20,000 acres of choice lands In south western North Dakota, selected 15 years ago. Blhee then the coast line of Chicago, Milwaukee railway built through and lands 1k$s Close to a -good town; will sell In 'i -section, 14 -section or section tracts, at $1$ to $20 pes acre; $2 per acrs cash and balance on part of crop payment; no crop, no pay: this year's crop of flax should more (nan pay for the land. Ad dress H. H. Scrltsmler, Long Beach, Cal. 480 ACRES in Dickey County North Dakota, well Improved with telephone and mall route, 60 rods to school, 10 miles to town of I. $00, $63,00 per acre, balance to suit purchaser. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart of the range. Get on the ground floor with 80 acres Irrigated land in connection with open range. You can grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every two weeks. Send for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker, 940 1st National Bank Bldg. Wiiconsin Lands. OWN a farm. We have some of the choicest land In the heart of the very best sec tion of the Clover Belt of Central Wis consin. Low prices. Easy terms. Write for booklet and map. John S. Owen Lumber Co.. Owen. Clark Couuty. Wis. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Choice Beeves Bring Highest Price of the Season Heavy Run of Hogs and Sheep. Omaha. April II. 19W. Receipts were; Cattle. Hons. Sheep. Offlcliil Monday 8.7S8 10.372 9,501 Official Tuesd.iy 9. 371 liUmi 3,76 V Official We.tue.-day .. ! :2 '17.02$ 10.S77 Est'.i.iuto Thursday ... 6,100 l.'.il'O 12.600 Four days this week. .82.501 68.SSO Si.,015 hv- ut week. .32.17!) 7.HiS $0,611 Same days 2 wks. ago.J2.063 68.700 S2,i.i ,luv 1 vku aao.82.2s 63.160 40,ti.'.! Same days 4 -ks. ago.Sb.100 til, 167 60.2SO Same days last y.r. .:.! .-' .n.i .r.sitnNition nf live stock 'at iln. IV.ton slock .inls, Omaha, f'ir 24 hours ending at S p. m. cstcnlay: R KC PITTS C A R LOADS Cattle. Units, riheep. i- . M. & St. P 1$ H Wabash ' Missouri t'aclflo 4 ' I'nl.m Pacific 6 8S 29 AS N. W., cilst 1 1 ('. N. W., -est 63 ! i C, St. P., M. & 0 5- I; i'., B. y.. esst U 7 r. H. U. weal ;,s 4S r., It. 1. & 1'., east t 1 Illinois Central .'!.; iii.i ',stirn ..12 1 Total receipts 300 233 60 DISPOSITION H KAD. Catile. lines. Sheep Moi-ns i'o 71.1 S.SOii SOS Swift a- Co 1.90.1 :;,;i7 3,562 Ciulahv racking Co..1.54 -'.''! 1.292 Armnftr & Co 2,0::.l S,;!J 3. 36$ SollWHrts & Co 1, 323 1. M. Murphy 3.405 Lincoln Packing Co . . M S. O. Packing Co. . . . 33 Wilson Packing Co.. 27 7 Cinlahy. country .... is W. It. Vnnsiint Co. ... r V. H. Lewis ........ 27.. J. 11. Root Co 57 .!. H. Holla UK F. C. Kellogg 4" Wi rth, liner it Degcn .'T. Kills & Co 13 Sullivan Urns .1(1 Rothschild A- KrbN. Ill Mo. Kan. Calf Co.. fiii Christie I : Illgglns S HuffMinn I I Hoth 12 Movers 26 Ranner Bros 7 John Harvey 276 .leisen & Lungren .. M .'. Pat O'Day 4 Other buyers 72S 3,9!2 Totals 8.491 17.048 12,972 Cattle A fairly liberal Thursday's run nf cattle showed up and the four days' supply has been practically the same as a week ago. In general, the quality of the offerings today was hardly as good as on Wednesday, but the deslrabla gruilcs were In the same keen demand and sold rendlly at prices anywhere from 10c to 26c higher. Choice beeves brought $16.76, the highest of the season. Bulk of the fair to good 1.000 to 1,260-pound beeves sell around $14 2616.26. Desirable cows nn heifers were also active and stronger, while tho medium and common steers and cows were not more than steady. Best of tho feeders ruled firm, while common stock cattle were slow and dull. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves. $I6.0016.60; fair to good beeves. $14.0015.00; common to fair beeves, $11.50 df 13.76; good to choice yearlings, $13 76 dip 14.76; fair to good yearlings, $ 10.50 (fr 12.0(1; common to fair yearlings, $9.0010.00; good to choice heifers, $11.00012.60; good to choice rows, $10.00gpil.26; fair to good cows, 19 00 U'10.00; common to fair cows, $7.768.76; prime feeders'. $I1.0012.26; good to choice feeders, $10.0011.00; fair to good feeders, $8.60(9.60; common to fair feeders, $7,008.!6; good to choice stackers,; stock helfnrs, $8.0010.00; stock cows. $7.00(09.60: stock calves, $8.60 Mil. 60; veal calves, $9.0013.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.76 ((' 11.76. Representative sales: lln.a nn tiAnt.v i,,m nf arniinH 1R R00 head, or 221 cars, openings bids by both pack ers and shippers were at around steady prices with yesterdays trade. About one- third of the receipts changed hands at them prices, and later bids oil the part of tho packers wero 1016c lower man ycsieraay s best time. As high a a $17.30 was paid for choice light shipping hogs, and bulk of tho receipts changed hands at prices from $16.16 to $17.06. The later undortone to the mar ket In the face of heavy receipts was weak. and prospects were that killers would be slow. Sheen There was a large run or sneep today consisting largely of good to cholcs lambs, with a snall number of Bhorn lambs and ewes. The market was slow-In start ing, with prospects about steady.. The ony sale to be reported during the early morning was two cars of westcrni shearing lambs at $20.16. There was really not enough done to form a basis for comparison. duolations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $20.2S(f20.76; lambs, fair to good, $l.6020,00; lambs, heavyweights, $1.0019.90; lambs, teeners, iii.duijiis.bii; lambs, shorn, $16.2517.75; lambs, culls. $16.00318.00; spring lambs, $20.00926.00; yearlings, fair to choice, $1G.2517.00: weth ers, fair to rholce, $14. 60B 16.00; ewes, fair to choice, $l4.60ft16.00; ewes, breeders, all ages. $14,3020.75; ewes, culls and canners, $8 0111(12.00. Representative sales) i No. Av. Pr. 266 fed Iambs ' 20 70 Sioux City Live Stock. Sioux City, la., April 11. Cattle Re c.alnts. 2.000 market: market steady to strong; beef steers, $H.O016.00; fat cows and heifers, $9.ooj9is.oo; canners, )i.v 8.60; stockers and feeders, $,0012.00; calves, $8. 00fi13. 00; bulls, stags, etc, $8.00 11.00; feeding cows and heifers, $7.00 10.60. ' Hogs Receipts, 10,000 head; market for shippers 10c to 15c higher; packers, steady; light, 17$.25 17.40; mixed, $17.0017.25; heavy, $16.761617.00; pigs, $16.0017.00; bulk, $17.0017.25. Sheep Receipts, 600 head; market steady. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, $50 per a., including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi C. M. Itylander. 854 OmahsNst"l. POULTRY AND PET STOCK "OLD TRUSTY" incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big catalog free. M. M. Johnson Co., Mfra., Clay Center, Neb. B 1 1 F FO R Pi N G T 6 N eggs, 6 cents each. Fancy stock. Red 6300. i BUFF ROCK eggs for hatching. Phone Tyler 1679. . Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. $310 takes rny chunky team of 2,800 lb. mares. $220 tses my taam of 2,300 lb. clts. Mrs. Stanley, $222 Douglas. $320 BUYS my team of mares, 8.800 lbs. Chunky, dandy for farm; $195 good team of colts, broke, 4 years old, 2,200 lbs. Ar P'y 2 222 Douglas.Mr Stanley. . MONEY TO LOAN Ornanlzed by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianbs and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rate. unnvins-MT intN SOCIETY. 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. 660, LOANS OR DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. Id SMALLER LOANS. O C l JO W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1892. v 6TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. TT. 95U. "iniununi Avh JKWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates, Private loan booths. Harry Malnshock. 1614 Dodgs. D. 661.st189L REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Robert A. Morlson to Charles C. Mori son, southeast corner 20th and Burt streets, 60x132 Guttfred A. Hallgren and wife to Al- fred Mattson, northwest corner 20th and 8 Streets, 45x130 Leo Ostiovich and wife to Marris Lefkowlts, N sttreet, 86 ft west of 22d street, north side, 44x100, undi vided 14 Peter Peterson and wife to Hans Peter Larsen, southeast corner 40th and Bancroft streets, 50x124 I Anna Nlssen to Jens C. Knag, McKln ley street, 200 ft. east of 651 h street, north side. 60x128 2 Peter C. Cramor and wife to Security Land and Improvement Co., Newport street, 127.5 ft. east of 30th street, south side. 60x120 3 Capltola Lou Jaynes Jackson to Frank Richard Madison, Taylor street, 200 ft. west of S6th street, south side. 50x230 10 350 125 6 50 "00 10 GRAIN AND PRODUCE Receipts Show Fair Improve ment; Cash Corn Trading is Active Toward End of Session. f)niah. April 11. lt. Receipts of gritn here today showed a fair Improvement over those of the last two days, with 218 cars, of which 20 cars were of wheat, 167 cars of corn, 71 cars of oats, aiul 6 cars each of rye and barley. Trading in cuh coin was fairly active late In the day. but earlier In the session scarce ly any business whatever was transacted. The range of prices In the different grades were: No. 3 white. $1.86; No. 3 white. $1.3 and $I.S3; No. 4 white. $1.70 and $1.78; No. 6 v. hit. $1.68 and $1.70; No. i yellow, $1.62 and $164: N. 4 yellow. $1.67 and $1.60; No. 6 vellow, $1.47 and $1.63; No. t mixed. $1.62 (t car. near white. $1.72): No. 4 mixed, $1.66; No. 6 mixed, $1 40 and $1.45. The demand for oats was rather light. Spot premiums eased off a full cent, but even at the decline only half of tho arrivals wero disposed of, many being carried over. Standard oats sold at 88,0 and the No. $ white at HSc No. 4 whlto brought 87Vo, while the sample grade went at S6tjc and Site, live ws several rents lower and barley about unchanged. No. 3 and siimple ry sold at $2.40 snd $2 20, respectively, while a part car of No. 3 barley sold at $1.50. Clearances were; Wheat nnd flour equal to 97, vim) buehola; corn, none; outs. 449, 0i)i bushels. Pi-unary wheat roci'lpls were 117,000 bushels and shipments 111,000 bushuls, MKiiinsl receipts of 864.000 bushels and ship ments of S10, 000 bushels last year. Primary corn receipts were 969,000 bushels I and shipments 774,000 bushels, aHHtnst receipts of 484.000 bushels and ship ments of 406,000 bushels last year. Primary ohm receipts were 1,612.000 bushels and shipments 1. 349,000 bushels, annlnst receipts of 728, 00 bushels and ship ments of l.iil 4.000 bushels lust year. CARLOAD ttKCKIl'TS. When. Corn Oats. 131 Chicago . 4 Minneapolis H- lMiliiih 's Omaha '' Kansas City 4 St. Loul '-0 117 157 64 42 Winnipeg 2" These sles were reported today: ,'ni ,o. 4) white, cars, $1.83 tl .83: No 4 white. 2 cars. $1.78; car. car. $1.76: 3 cars. $1.76: 2 cars. $1.74: No. 6 white. I car. $1 70; 1 cur. $1.68; 1 car, $1.66; 1 car, $161; No. 6 V hits. 43 cars. $1.65; No. 3 vellow, 1 car. $1.64: 1 car, $1.64; 7 cars. $1.64; 4 cars. $1.63; 43 cars, $1.62; No. 4 vellow. 1 car, $1 60; 1 car, $1.69; 4 cars. $1SS; I cur, $1.67; No. 6 yellow, 1 cars, l,;,:'; l en $148; No. 3 mixed. 1 car, $1.72; 2 cars, $1.62; No. 4 inlxnl. 6 cars, $1.56: No. 5 mixed, 1 car, $1.46; No. mixed, I cars, $1 40; 1 car, $1.35. Oats Standard, I car, 88';r; No. 3 white, 4 cars. e; No. 4 white. 1 car, sf He: sam ple white, 6 ears 86c; 4 cars, Hi. Ho. ; me No. 3. U car. $2.10; sample, I-S car, '$2.25. I Omaha Cash Prices Corn : No. t while. $1.86; No. 3 white, $1. 82U1 s$: No. 4 white, $1.74ml.78; No. 6 whte, $1.681.70: No. white, $1 66tffl .60; No. 3 yellow, $l.$tfl.4; No. 4 yellow, $1 i. 7 fr 1.60; No. S yellow. $1,47 at' 1.53 No. 6 yellow, $1.66; No. I mixed. $l.62i 1.72; No. 4 mixed, $1.65; No. t mixed, $I.S6tji'l.40: sample mixed. $1.26. Oats: Standard, 88',o; No. 3 while, 8e; No. 4 white, 87Mic; sample 851,4 4( 860. Rye: No. 3, $3.40. Chicago closing prices, furnlhhed The Bee by Logan & Bryan, slock and grain brokers, .118 Hmiih Sixteenth street. Omaha: , Open I HlnliLow I Close Vest. 1 27V127M, 1 57 v.1 1 60 1 ST, 1 67 H SO 868i9 43 It 35 00 26 20 !4 40 24 90 1!7S I 00 8714 f-9 90S, 87 Vi 4$ 40 26 00 26 30 14 63 86 47 86 33 90 26 20 48 40 20 00 26 32 24 60 56 02 24 36' 24.82 135 00 niicAfio ;raiv and provisions. Activity .TlroadVna and Values Ascend with Removal of Corn I'r'.ce Umlt. Chicago, April 11. Swift ascent of corn values and a decided hrosdentng out of activity resulted today from removal of the maximum pries list on the July delivery and by reason of the beginning of business In future- contracts based on setual eom merolal grades. The market closed strong, with Msy Inactive and unchanged, but July, $1.67if 1.6714. an extreme rise of 114 cants compared with the minimum pries at the ouiset, Oata finished icent to H cent down, snd provisions oft 10 to 2$ cents. . Jumps In corn prices far outdid the pre dictions of even sanguine bulls. It had been expected that as high as $1.50 a bushel would be reached , by the July option, but right at the openlnsi somo transactions took place fully 6 cents aoovs ini was nearly 30 nents a bushel hlghor than July commanded at the corresponding time last yesr. Reports that rural consignment notices had Increased, led to a reaction from Initial top prices, but persistent buying on the purt of commission houses, especially near tho end of the session, virtual ex hausted tho offerings. - Prospects thnt the acreage of oats seeded ,. ,. ..... ....... ..i i,. ih. larirest on record, put the oats market on the downgrade. Slowness of snipping nmuirj provisions. . . Chicago, April n.--"""" changed. ... ,,. ,, Kggs Receipts, an,in cases, numn changed. , . Potatoes Higher; receipts, to . Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, $1 00(BH16; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minne sota, sacks, $1. 100130. New VorV General Market. New York, April 11. riour Steady ; springs, $10.7611.25; winters, - $10.86 11.16: Kansas, $10.80 11.26. Corn Spot, steady: kiln dried, No. I yellow, $1.9014; No. 4 yellow, $1.83 Vi! No, 3 white. $2.20 W. c. I. f.. New York, prompt shipment. ., iu oats Spot, firm; natural, $1.03 14 'A. Hay-Easy; No. U $160; No. . UJh 1.36; No. 8, $t.0Il.l0; shipping, 8096c Hops Quiet; state medium to choice, 191", 35443c; 1918, nominal: Pacific coast, 1917, 30l'2;ic; 1916, 14&16C. -' Hides Steady; Bogota, 8133o; Central America 30320. ' Leather Firm; hemlock sole overweights. No. 1, 47c; No. 2. 46c. 4 Provisions Pork, easy; mess. $&-. family, $56.00; short clear, $49.00056.00. Lard, easy; middle west, $28. 30 to 20.40. m.,rfv. citv sueclal loose. Wool Steady; 'domestic fleece, XX Ohio and Pennsylvania, unwasnen, aoinjnoc. Rice Firm; fancy head, iic; blue rose, 14-tc. nutter Firm: receipts, 7,250 tubs; cream ery higher than extras, 43ti43'Ac; extras (92 score), 42W42'lc: firsts, 4 0& 4 1 14c; pack ing stock, current make. No. 2. 3232140. fu.o. itarUot steady: receipts, 37,803 rases! fresh gathered extras, 87'A38c; fresh gathered, regular parked extra firsts, 3614fo36c: ff'nh gathered firsts, '331435e; fresh gathered storage packed firsts, 364? 37c '' c'hctse Market steady; receipts, 1,124 boxes; state whole milk flats, held, spe clnls, 24 ff 25 ",4c; state, average run, 231? I'nnltrv Alive, market strong: young roosters and turkey". 35c; old roosters, 27c. Dressed, market onlel; chickens, 2734c; fowls, 29i&i34c; turkeys, 26&3SC. Kansas City Craln. Kn, Citv. Mo.. April 11. Corn No. ! mixed, $I61W1.66: No. 2 white, $1.81 1.85; No. 2 yellow, ll.66t.J0; May, $1.27; July, $1.68. nt. No. 2 white. $9c; No. 2 mixed, iu Kansas City. Mo., April 11. Butter and Poultry Unchanged. Eggs Firsts, 31140. Minneapolis drain. Minneapolis, Minn.. April 11. Flour Un changed. live $2.08(2.67. Barley $1.8001. 87. Bran $33.14. Corn No. 3 yellow. $1.60 1.70 Oats No. 3, 909lc. Flax $4.1114 4.1314, Metal Market. New York, April 11 Metals Metal ex-i-ad oulet: snot. $7.2507.(0 Spelter, market steadier; East St, Louis, spot, $6.80'7.oo. At London Copper, snot, f 110; futures fl10; electrolytic, f!26. Tin, spot, 332; fu. tores. C322. Lead, spot, t29 10s; futures C28 10s. Spelter, spot, 54; futures, 50. St. Louis Ornln. St. Louis. Mo., April 11. Corn No. I .70; No. 2 white, $1.921.94; June, $1.5 July. $1.67 . Oats No. 2. 8',C: No. 3 white, II 14 Mnv, 87', 4c New York Sugar. New York. April H Sugar Raw. steady; Artlcle Open Corn. May 1 27 H July 1 55 Oats. April M May , 87' Pork. May 48 40 Lard. Msy 26 00 July 26 32 Ribs. May 24 60 July 26 02 ceiitrltugal, 6.05c; fine granulated, 7.43c, I NEW YORK STOCKS Revival of Liquidation Sends Values Downward; Movement. Quickens as Values i Decline. ; New York, April 11. Further substantial depreciation of values was recorded by thl general stork itst today, the mors menacing phases of the German offensive promptinj a moderate revival of liquidation. Standard rails and the better known equipments snd Industrials fel lbacfc 1 to S points. Other stock suffered equal, or larg er losses for mora direct ressons. Oils, for example, broke sharply on the passing of the Sinclair dividend and motors and acres sorles eased Irregularly on rumors of Im pending dividend changes. Hon of the $5.00, dividend on Marine pre lures of the lethargla forenoon, yielding I ' to 214 points. Rallies followed the declara tion of the $5.00. dldvtdend on Marine pre ferred, but these were relinquished later. Sumatra tobacco's overnight dividend In crease to an 8 per rent basis was met by 3 point reversal and allied specialties. In. eluding fertilisers, receded to the. same ex, tent. 3' Lowest quotations wars registered In tho'' last hour, th movement quickening as prices declined. United States Steel at an extreme break of IS and Reading and Union Paclflo at m and 1 recessions were foremost In ths setback, a heavy tone pre vailing at the close. Sales amounted to 350.000 shares. Tho weekly statement of the Bank ol England, showing a loss of about $1.000. 00u In gold holdings, and the war's Increasing demands upon the steel industry oonstltutto the only Important general developments. ? Bonds were Irregular, becoming ,'heav ; toward the end on the reaction In French.' municipals. Total sales (par value) ag--gregatod 8.860,000. United States Js and". 33 (old Issues) gained 14 and Old 4S V per cent on call. List of lesdlng stocks and number of sales yesterday: Closing Sales. High. Low. bid Am. Beet Sugar 700 76 7414 74 U American Can .... $.000 41 40 401, Am. C, & Foundry. 8,600 78 7614 78 Am. Locomotive .. 1,300 6114 60 Is (0 Am. S. & Rfg.. 2.700 77 741, 744 Am. Sugar Refg... 500 100 $9 ii Am. Tel, ft Tel.... 1,500 100S4 8fc 100 Am. Z.. U A S II Anaconda Copper . . 7,900 $4t US 6J AU-hlson 600 82 111 134 A. G.W. T. . S. L. 2,300 110 J97!407m Halt. A Ohte .... 1,400 (114 60 U 60V R. S. Copper ... . 500 19H 1881 181, Cal. Petroleum .... S.300 17', 16V H ton. Paclflo 136H 131 13M, Cen. Leather .... 00 6414 13 IS Ches. ft Ohla .... 1.200 (5 (414 $4",. C. M. ft St. P.... 2,400 38 3714 I7 C. Northwestern.... .... 10 C, R. I. ft P. etfs 181 Chlno Copper .... 860 4t 40M, 40 Colo. F. ft Iron.. 200 S6H 3114 l$H C. P. Refining .... 8.100 36V, 3114 3lt Crucible Steel ... 4,000 618 $0 0 C. Cone Sugar ... 1,300 27D1 37H 2'Ni Distillers' Securities 17.300 43Vj 4$ Erie i 141 (ten. Electric 000 137 13614 136', Oen. Motors S.800 116 1 16'4 11l C.t. NoVth, pfd .... 600 88S IT'S T4 lit. North. Ore clfs 1,000 U !$H I6V4 III. Central 5 Insp. Coppor 8.600 4914 T Int. M. Ma. pfd .. 16,100 9314 9114 I'fc Inter. Nickel .... 1,I0 28 17 T Inter. Paper .. 600 2914 29 2 K. S. Southern .... 400 15 , 1514 154 Ken. Copper 1,200 tl 8014 I01, Lou. ft Nash 400 11314 111 110 Max. Motors 254 Mex. Petroleum ,i 1.300 tt 0'4 0V Miami Copper. 1.400 274 2T Mo. Paclflo 3,600' 81 20 20 Mont, Power ' , .... 65 Nev. Copper 700 1 1884 H'i N. Y. Central .... 00 4'4 H V N. Y. N. II. & II.. 800 271, 27 164, Nor. ft Western .. 800 10184 103H 103 N. Paclflo 1,000 85 818, 14 , Pacific Mall 2,300 1114 3014 30 Pennsylvania 00 431, 434" ; Ray Cons, Copper. . 600 J4 23'4 ,!' Reading $1,900 lt 77 84 ITS Rep. Iron Steel.. 3,000 7814 7114 "'i Shut. Arlg. Copper v 11 S. Paclflo 1,300 I24 I1'4 1314 P. Railway 900 !14 11H Sll Stud. ( Corporation.. 7,700 I84 S74 I7' Texas Co. ' 1,000 14314 14014 H0i IT. Paclflo 3,600 lINld 1t74 1 1 T " U. S. I. Alcohol .. 3,300 11214 121 121 U. S. Steel 48,00 90 8884 88i V, 8. Steel pfd ... 300 109 ',4 10914 109 Utah Copper .... 600 79 781, 18 ", Wabash pfd "Bf 1.. 2! West. Union , ,400 85', ,4t5, . 94 n West. Electric .... 1 800 39'4 39'i .IJ'V-, Total rales for the day. 150,000 shares. ' IT. 8. Is. reg... 97 U. N. 1st 414s. 86 Tf do coupon ... IT 1. C. ref. 4s,,.. 78 ' 'V. 8. 3s, reg... 99 I. M. Marine 6a. t:i do coupon ... 99 K. C, 8. ref. 6s 76 H IT. S. Hb. Is.. 18.64 L. ft. N. un. 4s.. 83', U. S. 4n, reg. 106 M.,K.T, 1st 4s 60', do coupon ...106 M. Paclflo gen. 4s I7'4 A. F. 8. 6.... im'M. Power 5s.... 88'i A. T. ft T, clt. Is 9214 N. Y. C deb. 6a 93 s Agnlo-Fronch 6s 9014N. Paclflo 4s.... 80 A. ft Co. 414s I1HN. Paclflo Is.... 57'i Atch. gen. 4s.. II O. 8. I ref. Is.' II 1, R.,ft ( ov. 4 lis 71 P. T. ft T. Is.... 11 R, 8. ref. 68.... lPa. con. 4"4s.. 16, C. l.eath. 6s.... $414 Pa. fn. 414s.. II) C. Pao. 1st.... 7T14Head. gen. 4s. 81 C, ft O. cv. 6s. 79 14 8.L.8.F.adJ.6s. II, C .B ft.O. Joint 4s 1244 8. Paclflo ov. Is. II C..M.8.P.ov.414s 7414 8. Railway BS. .. . ! C.,R.I.AP.Rref.4s 14 T. ft P. 1st .... I f! ft S. ref. 414s I!4U. Pacific 4s.. 164 D. A R. O. rf. Is 4914tT. 8. Rubber Is T7 84 D. of C. 6s, 1911. 10 94 IT. 8. Steel 6s.... 17 H Erie gen. 4s... 13 Wabash 1st .... s."-t G. Elec. Is .... 15 r. Gov. SV4s .... II Coffee Market, ' New York, April 11. It was reported In coffee trade circles hera today that the cargo of coffee offered on ths government allotment of tonnag had been virtually dis posed of at prices averaging about l.lOo , for Santos 4s, cost and freight Nothing def inite was learned regarding the data of the next government allotment but It was rumored that ths next steamer would gf" ot New Orleans and thera were conflicting reports regarding the extent ot private charters to mors noffea purchased, t. 0. hi Brasll. 1 - Futures opened at a decline of I to 4 points and, sold off several points during ths day under scattered liquidation or tradi selling. July declined to 1.380 and Deosmbei to 1.61e, with the market closing at a net loss of 8 to 11 points. May, 8.13c; July, I.I80; September, 1.44c; October, 1.47c; December, 8.64c; January, 8.60c; March, 1.71c. Spot coffee dull; Rio 7s, 114e; Santos 4s, 1114c; firm offers wsrs not much In evl- donee, but Included Rio 7s at 6.65c to 1.70c. f. o. b., Brazil, London credits. Ths cost and freight situation Is naturally confused and unsettled by ths Irregularities ot ocean freights and scarcity of tonnag. The official cables showed an advance of 71 rels In the Rio market. Santos Spots were unchanged and futures IS rels higher to 15 rels lower. Rio reported a clearance of 1.000 hags and Santos of 13.000 bags for ' New Orleans, hoth by sail. Brazilian port re ceipts, 23,000 bags. fit. Louis Live Stock Market. , St. Louis, Mo., April 11. Cattle Receipts) 3,400 head; market steady; native beef steers, $.75t 15.60; yearling steers and hrlfers, $7.0OQ)13.50; cows. $6.0012.00; stockers and feeders, $7,604(11.25;' fair to prim southern best steersV $9.0014.Ee; beef cows and heifers $8.0011.60; southern yearling steers and heifers, $7.$0j0.00, native calves, 17.76 15.76. ' i Hogs Receipts, 10,200 head, market low er; lights, $17.75017.10; pigs. $14.60 17.60: mixed and butchers, $17.6017.90; goof' heavy, $17.517.60; bulk. $17.3617.80. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 400 hesd market strong: lambs $145020,26: ewes. $12. 005 16.00; weathers, f 1 3.00 ) 14.00 ; can ners and choppers, $6.500.50. Kansas City Live Stock Market. Kansas City, Mo., April 11. Cattle Rt reipts, 4,000 head; market strong; prims fed steers, $15. OOfl. 16.00; dressed beef steers, $13.5016.00; western steers, $12. 76ft 15.85; cows, $7.7613.00; heifers, $9.00(14.00; stockers and feeders, $6.0013.00; bulls, $8.(011.00; calves, $8.0014.00. Hogs Receipts, 9,000 head; market high- ', er; bulk, $17.608417.76; hevay $17.6017.70,, packers and batchers, $17.6517.75; light. 1 $17.6(17.76; figs, $13.T(16.76. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 1,000 head:', mark.t strong; lambs, $20.00 20.85: ya:- lings, $16. 00(9517.60; weathers, $I(.00f 16.50" ewes, $14.00J3.0O.- H Chicago Ilvo Stock Market. Chicago, April 11. Cattle Receipts, 14,000 head; market, strong; native steers, $10.6016.25; stockers and feeders, $8.50? 13.60; cows and heifers, $7.10013.26; calves, $10.0016.00. Hogs Receipts. 32,000 head; market, unsettled; 10c above yesterday's average; bulk. $17.4517.85; light, $17.3fl17.?: mixed, $17.2017.90; heavy. $16.40 16.73; rough, $16.45il6.80; pigs, $13.2617.00. Sheep and L.imhs Receipts. 10,010 head; market firm; sheep, $13.00 17.86; lamb $16.61)0 21.10. Omaha Hay. Choice upland prairie hay, $18.00, .No. 1, $16.fl0ffi17,60. No. 1, $13.0018.0. No. 3, $0 0010 00. No. 1 midland. $16.O017.0O. No 2, $ir.0015.00. No. 1 lowland, $12.00 13 00 No. $, $9.00((fl0.00. No. 1, $7.00$.00. Choice alfalfa. $21.00. No. 1, $18.00 19.00. Standard, $13.00WlT.0O. No. 2. $10.00 11.00. No. 3, $9. 00 (if 10.00. Oat straw, $.00. Wheat straw, $7.008.00,