- V -. BEE: 8 A THE OMAHA SUNDAY APRIL 7, 1918. i :)0OMOREMEtTO COME TO BALLOON ,'. SCHOOLAT ONCE ftrmyi Speeds Up Training and "squad Friday morning when they en tered his home with a search war rant ' Five' quarts of liquor, which were partially hidden in a corner of his room, also attracted the officers' gaie. . James was taken to the police sta tion with the booze and chargedith unlawful possessiorVof Iiauor. Army Order. Waahlnctnn. April . (Special Teltgram.) The following aeeond lieutenant are re HeTed from duty at Camp Dodge and t1 proceed to Fort D. A. Ruaiell, Wyoming. Lorin J. Caba, infantry reserve corps; Erneet. M. Fish, Infantry reserve corpe; Harry' A. 8cull, Infantry reserve aorps; John T. Seldem, Infantry, national army; Fair Omaha Motdt Gar Drivers in Natty.:' Khaki Uniforms Outshine Regulars CHIROPRACTOR DR. FRANK F. BURHORN (Palmer School Graduate) " Corner 16th and Farnam Sts, Fourth Floor ecuritiet.Bldf. Adjustments $1.00." ' Douglas 5347. Residence Phone, Webster 1710. , Herbert F. Btockeley.j infantry reserved corpe; Charlea N. Btrykr, Infantry reserve corps. . ' - : Fort Omaha to Be Utilized try Capacity, From .Now On. 9. rim Hometurnis Sp WW king v-nuhiiisua Hnmi or Tna ; i Omaha B, J3I1 C Street, ; AVashington, April 6 -(Special Tel tgram.) Representatives of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce, who have come td Washington to give a personal boost to' a number of mat rers pending before the department in which the city is vitally interested, ersonUy conducted hy the secre- . tarv to "Senator Hitchcock started on : -:lfeir merry 'round this morning. v; They, had hardly got fairly started Ii the War department when they . jf ere informed by the n signal corps department that 00 additional men would be sent to the balloon school at Fort Omaha this week, being gafh- I rfed from all parts of the country for r balloon instruction, and that Fort sX)niaha would be utilized to its, limit. T'Thisvas encouraging. V Xheji further received assurances from both General Goethals and Colo " e! Grove of the quartermaster's de partment that the orders issued with . -regard to bidding oft supplies for Camp (Dodge by Omaha merchants iiicant that Omaha bidders -should be given anequal opportunity withChi tago aid it there was discrimination , somebody- would have to suffer. As to the reconstruction hospital for .Omaha, wiich has been urged by .Senatofc Hitchcock and Congressman Lobeck for months, the Gate City '"boosters'" learned (hat while a num v ber ' of 'reconstruction hospital sites had been selected, Omaha was still being considered andithat its chances " for securing such a nospital wer- as good trfday as any other interior city. V ' Officials of the surgeon general's office told the Chamber of Commerce .. .committee that' necessarily hospitals . would have to be erdqted-first at im- portant oleau ports to take immediate r care of cases as they debark, but that therCj-would b"need of other hospitals ifar removed from por dities to bring about,complete restoration. . ' , . How They Divide Work. " - Ex-Congressman .- "Dave" Mercer - and R. L. .Metcalfe interested thehi ' selves particularly in the reconstruct ' tion hospital mahcr, while on the general, propositions Dr, I. S. Cutter, 'resident George of the Chamber of Commerce and Senator Hitchcock centered their persuasive eloquence. ; JJebraskans at the Capital. ,: Chaplain H..H. Kline of the 125lh machine gun battalion at',Camp Cody, - was a visitor to1; tne capital today, just (having graduated from the chap lain's school at Fortress Monroe. Chaplain Kline was formerly Ijead chaplain of the ixth Nebraska unit, . .until mustered but. He has the rank ,of a lieutenant, but hopes tp reach a captaincy before long. He is on his - way to Camp Cody via Omaha. '. W. E. Andrews,' ex-auditor of the Treasury departmept , of Hastings, Neb., has started on a sKort tour in behalf of tht thirti Liberty bond sale, , being scheduled to speak at Charles " ton, VV, Va., tomorrow,-, and two i meeting at Newport Nws Sunday. t- After he finishes his dates with the Liberty lcini committee of the Fifth , Federal Reserve district, he will , go ;to Nebraska for work there. v.'-. f W. L Carey of Omaha is a guest of -John W. Towlc now stationed. in , .Washington in connection with th 'Shipping board. - . ?,".- f CENTRAL HIGH PUPILS PRESENT ' PLAY IN 'LATIN Pupils bf the Central High school nrf.-ented ''Roma Non Delcnda Est." . ?av Lalnr play, at the Central High . School auditorium yesterday after- tnootu The cast is as follows:. t ATnrnua Tulllna OlWcra ...Barton Khn .Max FMshrnan Oeorga Jllttausr Praetores: "' Gaius Sulptclus (Oalba'. . a .-. Lucius Valerius Flaecus tfisnatorew . ' Tthgrlus Claudius Nero o- I.uclue Serglus Cato .. Qulntus Tulllus Cicero Ualus lullus Caesar . ., . . .Clyde Jensen ..Daniel Hlrsch , . . Vera Vance Clarenee Bantta ; Qulntua Lutatlua Catulus. . ........ iionam cuingion uldam ... , ...V.. Louis 'Mats '-'Alii Quidara ' Itoniild Jafferaon C- " ................ Robert Jenkins " - i ...4... .James-Holmqulst ?Gomaratl: f '. .,. M v Oalua Cornelius Cethesua ........ i. ' ..,....t........)VlrgU Norlhwsll . I.utlus Serglua CatlllnSy ....Ralph Kharas -.'J'ubllus Oablnlua ......... . !cKee Flak .Publus Cornelius . LentulusV. ...... . Clannre Adams Titus Volturclua Ralph Cohn v. ; Alllbroges . i. . Hnrold Payne . .r... .......... Glbert Evans . x ' i.. ...i.. ........ .Carlton Evans .N... ...... Austin BmHh rConaul teslKnatus: . . .. Lecimus Iunlus, SllanusV. .. Peter Barber -Cantor; : ,: , . i S Galba ;Vxor Clceronlsi Terentla ............ . 'FIHa Clceronls; , , Tullla ....... i..... i Matron: , - . i'V Fulvta .............. Suonsa Tlronts: Donald PiAsbury tangdon llda .. Katherlne North Margaret MaHhews -v Leebta ................ Virginia Leusaler , . Tiro . Wendell Bvrlag Augur Lee Huff Apparitor ..................... Abe Swet 'Srrlba ....... .i... .. . Richard Wagner ' 1'raeca . v-. .............. . Rodman Brown Siinga. .......... . Roger Moore . btrvua . Ronald Uladstone IN Til It STREET SCKNE. v f ilbllopola ' t'AUPO . , . . , Mendlcua Homines . l'uerl .... ...... Walter Armstronc ..........Edgar Mnrsnian ..... Perry Borcheritng Btuart EdgeVly . ....... Oliver Adams ,7. ....... James Adams ....... Donam Plttsour Milton Barlow Mary Ure Mary EMsabeth Graham VI urv Ijtnmla I'erolnae J'uella ....... Pcrothy Jonorf , y.... n. n.un,u7 . Robert Buckingham . S I f Stage Manager Director Aasistedby Alls Husan faison .Miss Kllen Rooney ..Mlsa Jane Fulton An auto ride followed ihe play. "Thirty students of the Latin depart s aient took the Visiting Midwest Gassicat association around .Oma ha's boulevards. . Luncheon vas servt4 the visitor; ; ,,-jo the high school luncheon room. " s 'As part of last night's program at ' the high school, Prof. B. L. D Ooge . ! zpsiianti itate normal gave" an a v 'ustrated lecture on "Ancient and Modern Warfare." x-' '.' Business reoorts will occunv the t greater portioiLof this morning's ses-J - , . .1 .. . a T . non. xne delegates wm ne guests ot i-i-Jh Chamber of Commerce at a noon ,-, luncheon. ,rrv yv r .fcNr 4lx f i A A' f- .. fit VI i rM f hit I t s U IV if H ' ' ' 7t- ' Left to right: Mrs. M. E. Higgins. Miss Mona Co well. Mrs. Harry .ana viarxe, miss a. uiarKe, Mrs. u. DTbok. caotain. Conspicuous in tlie line of march in the big parade Saturday afternoon was the motor division of the Na tional Leagne fotv Woman's Service. In their trim khaki uniforms and avi- PUNISHMENT FOR ALL VHO VIOLATE NLEVV FOOD RULES Adminretratiqn Lays Down Law "That Will Be Applied to (All. Public Eatinn i 1 :Houses..: "Shield no violators. Where public eating places are not observing the Wheat conservation rules and regula tions, hold open hearings to which the press must be invited." ' Thc foregoing drder came to Gur don V. Wattles, federal food admjnis trator for Nebraska yesterday from Washington. , Where violations arc proved, Mr. Wattles is urged to follow immedi ately with punitive measures, the na ture of which will be determined upon advice from Washington. . "Increased necessity for wheat and wheat flour -to maintain the war bread tf the allies prompts -this' strict en forcement (Of . the rules, says " the United " States food administration. "American consumption must be cut in half, which places upon the in dividual the duty of confining weekly consumption to . one and one-half pounds. 't , a.,'-,- Rules and regulations covering pub lic eating "-places, referred to inhe Order include nnlilic eatinor ntarpa Vhall not serve in the aggregate more than two ounces of wheat products to any one person at any one meal. ( Wheat bread shall not be servefTex cept on special request. By Apnl 14, substitutes must amount to 2S per cent in victory breads' , ; Hotels must buy flour on the basil of six pounds, for , each meals served, : '' ' ... 1 , mi , Country Now Beady for, ' . "Corn Ration, Says Hoover - Washington, April 6. The nation now is in a position to be put on a corn ration, if it should become neccs-i sary to totally abstain from wheat, the food administration announced This jtfffitm TiSSwl';' ; ' Lan UGHT OAK, F R E E 'y-8" Will you accept one of our Regular 25c Cans of Chi-Namel Varnish FPFP bnA tocf ife Abcw psC.N application, v on your Fuipiture, Floors and Woodworks DEMONSTRATION c N ' r - On the dates given below a factory demonstrator will exhibit and apply these exquisitely colored, self leveling varnishes and enamels. - Come m and see tne magtnncent ettects produoed at tnn-monev cost. April 8th J U U & SONS CO. v THTS - COT TPON 8 one ZSc Can of Chi llily ViVrAvfil NMelVarnishliponthepurchase of one new 15c brush (merely to insure a fair trial) during our CHI NAMEL DEMONSTRATION. (Dates given above.) - y . 1 ' If larger can is desired.coupon will apply ta 25c against purclase price, Name M Address . o. uooancn, Mrs. u. l,. Knoaaes, tars. anon caps and the military precision of -their step they outshone the1 reg ulars from Fort Crook and the flying cadets from Fort Omaha. , . Mrs. E. S Westbrook was theap- todays through an increase of v200 per cent in the corn milling capacity of in e country over last year. ' r.canvass of the entire country jus completed by the administration shows' that the actual milling output of cdrnmeal increased 100 per cent from 3,000,000 barrels in October to nearly 6,000,000 barrels for Irfarch. The estimated maximum capacity for milling cornmeal in the United States with mills running 24 hours per day, exceeds 9,000,000 batrets per month. The nation's normal consumption of wheat flour Is 8,000,000 barrels per nionth, according t6 the food adminis tration, v ' i ' 150,000 MEN - . THIS MONTH ' (By, Asclate4 J'reai.) ' Washington, April 6. The War de partment is forghig ahead with its efforts to speed adBitional American forces across the water to back ud the beleaguered lines. One element of the speeding up plans was learned author itatively. , The first increment of the second draft, to be summoned this month, will be 150,000 men: instead of 50,000 as previously planned. They will be the first considerable force mobilized of the 800,000 drafted men to be called to the colors this year. The remaining 650,000, will be called put in monthly idcremehts, the size of which will depend to soma extent upon availability of shipping to transport men already in training to the front. There are indications : that troop movements toward the seaboard of unflreual "proportions ' are already in MONDAY AT DERIISTEIfTS v ' HI S. 16th St. V ' ' ' ' , . 200 Samples, Ladies' Suit In t Serge, Poiret Twill, Tricotine, and Gabardine. Value (o $45. : , ) MONDAY $19.75 beauty and brilliancy - ' S to 13th lAil515 HARNEY ST. 1 A Montgomery. Mrs. Harrv Tofdan. Miss j. t. Murphy, and Mrs. E. S. West- tam. When the "motor division passed down the street, passing the men who began their march at Tenth street, many envious comments were made by those westward bound. S iprogress. Railway, passenger and I freight schedules in'some sections ol the country have been set aside tem porarily in order to give the men right of way to embark at some points. Police Arrest Messenger on Charge of Having Bpoze james Losgrove, messenger, North Twenty-first street, met the eyes of two officers of the morals Leg Sore - ' ' A huge sore very jeep full of foul discharge. Agony all day; no rest at night Then just few drops of the fen tie, cooling liquid, D. D. D. Irritation and pain gone. Sweet, refreshing sleep ' at night In due time, complete heal. : fng. Vtt warantei D. D. D. SSc, Mo . and $1.00. AikorD.D. D today. tITie Lictuid. Wash Sherman ft MoConnell Drusr Co. N (Article o. ChiropracticTalks Chiropractic for Constipation Constipation is probably one oflne most common . ailments with which the, American people are troubed,, as some of them' have suffered nearly all their lives with it.jand tried many things with only temporary relief. v Some people confuse Costiveness witlj Constipation, while in reality they are entirely different,, but both are caused from misaligned vertebrae in different regions of the spine. Constipation is caused by impinge ment on a, motor nerve which results in -a dilation off "the 'colon or large bowel due to a relaxation of its mus cular coat losing its toniety or elas ticity,' thereby causing a loss,ofthe peristaltic motion of the bowel, this itrturfl allows the fecal matter to become irhpabt in the bowel instead of keeping it moving and expelling it at the proper time; It is a. well-known fact that when there Is constipation there is an ab7 normal amount of poison in the colon which, if allowed to remain, will af fect the entire system, and -any one troubled with constipation can not be strong arid vigorous and enjoy life to its fullest. I Costiveness is a dryness ft hardness of the fecal matter, due to Jack of cer tain secretions in the body, and is caused by nerve iajpingement in the spinal column, as in constipation, ex oept that it is in another region of ' the spine. 'ir every seerstmg gland or organ in the bofly is allowed to do what Nature Intended them to do, costiveness -would not be a reality. - . , Take,- for instance, a patient With dia betes, which Is 'attended with frequent and excessive urination, sapping the body of Its secretions and Invariably you will find, ttfat patient will complain of constipation, which In reality Is costiveness. To enjoy health the body must be supplied with the neanssary secretions at all times. ' . Constipation and csstlvmess aretwlh the result of abnormal expression of . certain functlona and vertebral subluxattens are the cafflnj of bo'.h. resulting; In lowered vitality. Have your spine adjusted and let Nature casa out the Impurities and build up your resistance to normal, when that Is accom plished, disease or sickness will not domin ate your body, as they can not txipt healthy living tissue... . Any ote suffering- with constipation will have dull headaches; drowsiness, tallownesa and distention of the abdomen. - It would be Impossible for one to be til J i . i . ... 1 1 . . ' i your body. Ori cannot be altogether web) In any case where all the nerves are not free from pressure to permit Nature to course all through your body with health giving and health-sustaining energy. Wher ever there Is a distressing circumstance In the body, the primary cause of It can be located In one or more Joints of the spine, because that It where the spinal nerves are compressed. s If you doubt this, fake Spinal Adjust ments and try to prove It true or untrue. the aches and pains wilt leave after ad Justraenta and that la a powerfulald In helping you believe lii something that vyoa may think la unbelievable. The Chiro practor prove the value of his work by the good results his patients find at his hands. The Science of Chiropractlo has growa phenomenally 'In practice, largely by con verting, doubters through practical bene fits derived from Spinas, Adjustments. Next Sunday. Artlcla No. aSihlronrac. trio for Bronchitis" will be Rrinted In The Soldiers may secure adjustments free of charge from any Chiropractor. . . " NamesNof the prominent Chiropractors to the following listeM cities t- v OMAHA, NEBRASKA. ' Billingham. & U. D. C. Creigllton Bldg. Burhorn, Frank F.. D. C. 414 Securities Bldg. Carpenter, L. N D. C 494 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Edwards, Lee W., D. C 24th- and Farnam. lohnston, Drs. J. P. and "Minnie F 13J5 W. O. W. Bldg. Doug. 529 Lawrence. J. C, D, C. Baird Bldg. ' 1 Purviance, 'W. 409 Pax ton Block, Six teenth and Farnam. Donglas 4941. ' COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA Steen Stecn, D. O. S41H W. Broadway, Wjllis, J. J., O. C 16 North Main St. i . - COLUMBUS. NEBRASKA. , Aernl. Clara. D. C. Telegram Bldg. , FREMONT. NEBRASKA. Berhenke. U.. D. O. 60S North Main St. Embrec, J. S. D. -O, 6th and Main Sts. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA. , Ashworth. S. I., D. C. " FrttenitjrBldf. - WAHOO. NEBRASKA. Dierke A Dierks. D. C, Old Post Office Bldg. -Advertisement. In an Almost Endless Array AtthiUmONOUTF Quality Home There is a teal pleasure in selecting the heeded vTUREf-RUGS and DRAP ERIES from a stock such as , is displayed- on, our SPA CIOUS Sales Floors where the assortment is LARGE, the styles the very LATEST and the quality most DE- PENDABLE and where the SERVICE is MOST helpful! Added to this is' the POSI TIVE savings you obtain through our ability to LES SEN the price, due in great part to our INEXPENSVE location, LOW operating, ex pense andJMMENSE buying . power; and, as usual, you make your own terms. -Luxurious Rockers Every line of which speak of the comfort that you can ob tain from having one in your home. One7"rike illustration' above, upholstered in a spe cial grade of fabricoid leath er in ail-over uphostering, priced, at only $14.95 Library Tables This spring we show an im mense assortiiiehtof depend- able Library Tables in gold en, fumetlioak, mahogany and walnut.Many are in the period designs. Prices, are S7.95, $12.50, x A ?17.50, $24.50 Furnishing Reed )5aby Carriages ' Take the little one out for a ride every day. It is the best tonic that you can possibly give him. Our as sortment is very large and very moderately priced. Splendid values from. .... .817.50 to S42.50 ' " S i f ' Gurney and , Northland Refrigerators Are made of hardwood on scientif ic lines. They are interlined with mineral wool and are so construct-, ed that they consume much less ice than any Mother -make. Prices , range from. -.7.50 to $42.50 iv m THE PEOPLE'S STORE National Campaign Wiek of Kroehler Bed Davenports A Davenport That Saves Rent and Space These beautiful Davenports are the output of on? o the largest and most dependable manufacturers in America. Thev are built bj ex pert craftsmen and only" thefinest of materials enter into their con struction. Every Davenport is critically examined before it leaves the factory. They are madein many styles and in many patterns, in cluding period-designs. They are upholstered in tapestries, velours, damask, fabricoid leather arid genuin'e leather. They save you much space and are most convenient. Priced as low 50 ' Special Purchase Linoleumine 5,000 Yards onSpecial Sale Looks Better, Wea.rt Longer, .'. ' . "... This splendid tloor covermff is guaranteed to give you better service and last longer than the ordinary a smooth surfaced Many different patterns to select from and OQ durins this sale, soecial. ner souarc vard. is onlv. ......... OSJC ' , Handsome Lihrary Sets Likfr-illustration, and consisting of splendid arm chair and a beautiful the arm chair and rocker'are upholstered in fabricoid leather. Library tabre is fitted with drawer and has lower shel for magazine papers. The finish is in a durable fumed oak. A beautiful . d i A QC library set, at only V ; A ........ . .'. . . .V. . P ItwO V v - Let us place-tv wonderful - . I COLJUM3IA GRAFONOLA in. your home. You can pay for it in very easy payments and enjoy the use of it while you are paying for:' it. We show a'complete line in all the different sizes and all the different finishes.' Prices range from . . . t . . , . J : . . . :S18 to $160 . Columbia Double Disc Records Thousands of these wonderful1 recojds to se lect from, including all the patriotic and popu lar pieces. Bend some to the "Boys Over There." j ... The Ne;w Spring Rugs and x ' Draperies' Are nere in a big variety of patterns and designs. , Our daylight show room enables you to select the rug or drap eries with much more satis faction. We quote a few of ourregular values. K Wool Fiber Rugs, of a splen did quality, 6x9 -feet sizes. Our price , . $6.95 " '" -1 ' Seamless Tapestry Rugs, in 7-6x9 feet sizesSA "most de sirable rug. Our price, ?' only : $14.95 Velvet Rugs, in, 9xll feet sizes, in a new, rich pattern. Our price".:: . . . .819.85 Mottled Axminster Rug- in 9x12 feel, sizes. A big serv ice-giving rug.-Our price,' only .f.......).. 826.50 Rag Rugs, 4x36 inches; 'Hit and Miss"jjesign, 59 Rag Rugs, 27x5-f-inch6s, "Hit and Miss" design, 89 Rag" Rugs, 36x12 inches, ','Hit and Miss" design, ' at ; ...,. ..$1,691 v irHI,- of Neq Ideas : and Sale of Coats Lett Than Linoleum. . -. .. linoleum. Has a strong body and a splendid, comfortable rocker.'a library table.-. Seat and back of : t The New Brass Bedr s We want you to see the splendid i: - e i i i new .line ui urass ueu3 . we are showing this (season. The designs are extremely pretty and the val .uea.are most exceptionaL Prices re $7.95, $14.50, $19.50, $27.50 da-. . ' Direct Action Gas Ranges We are sole agents for these won derful gas-saving ranges. Give in stant service and the oven is ready for baking as soon as lighted. AB SOLUTELY GUARANTEED TO CUT YOUR GAS BILL FULLY .ONE r TURD. ' Many different styles7 all moderately prioed. G. OPPOSITE HOTEL ROME CO - r V ....