Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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mum tb
Every item on this page may be ordered by mail
every item has been carefully selected for special
mark of merit and timeliness. This is BRINGING
possible for you to obtain by mail the same careful
attention and the same good service that you would
if you visited the store in person. EVERY ITEM
Don't overlook the fact that we have
the greatest stock of fresh, crisp, new
merchandise styles that come direct
from New York, from the best makers.
April 8th
to 13th
Order 'by
An Extraordinary Announcement
To Women of 44 to 56 Bust
Measure '
We Have Established a "STYL
ISH STOUT" Service that will
be invaluable to the woman wfco
has a figure above the average.
This store is specializing on this
service to stout women and de
votes an 'entire separate section
to this specialty.
Your experience teaches you that
it has been rather difficult for
you to get the proper fit in just
the very garment you want. It
has also been your experience
that you could not possibly get
what you have wanted unless you
had it made to order.
1 It is because you have had these
difficulties, and we recognize
them to the fullest extent, that
we have established this service
to do away with your wearing ap
parel troubles and give you an as
sortment of materials, styles and
earable made by special de
signers and tailors who devote
their' entire time to Stylish Stout
Women's Apparel."
These garments are cut and fitted in such a manner that
they present the most stylish appearance and give all the
appearance of reducing the figure.
They are all cut on the Iorig-waisted, stout lines, so dif
ferent from the -usuaj garments shown you.
F 6201 The Sui Illustrated
is for stout women from 44 to 52 bust measure, cut in pro
portion to fit the stout figure, made of good quality serge or
poplin, in black and navy blue; strictly tailored style,. giv
ing the figure a slim and stylish OC ff
appearance $fa9iUU
Corsets and Brassieres
Very Special Price
CI 7A1 Our Special in Topless Cor
1 1 v 1 sets, made of pink fancy cou-,
til, wide rubber band all around top,
long over hips with two hooks below
front steel; especially adapted for sports
wear; sizes 20 to 26, $1 50
F-1 702 Gossard Front Laced Corset,
in pink and white coutil, low
top, long hip with elastic band at bot
tom of corset in back; pink, sizes 20 to
26; in white, sizes 24 to CO "7C
34; price !& O
F1 TAO-Corsets for Graduate and
" I I Uw Bride, in beautiful pink satin,
low top, long hips, at ,
$3.50, $5, $6.50
Fm 1 7flA-Br'er in front closing
" I I Vt styles, lace or embroidery trim
med, with large reinforcement under
,arms. These are all special values and
cannot be duplicated at this
low price I wC
styles in
and up
Our Cortet Depart
ment offers you the
bet pf style at the
most moderate
prices. We can fit
you by mail.
Of Wash Fabrics, Silks and Dress poods
Of Fabrics Not Advertised on This Page
All fresh, crisp and new fabrics. for Spring, 1918, just
arrived from the best eastern mills. We are showing a
wealth of beautiful weaves and every wanted coloring.
Will gladly send samples upon request. Be sure to
state plainly the color you desire when you order.
The Store
has grown
that wh ,k&n?W
to be MifiiMy
the biggest retail . :.vrra
establishment in (iiVSr )
this Middle West
-Omaha's lllfe'f'
fi ;.m
This Store has grown to be the biggest establish-1
ment m tne miaaie west on tne ruuJNDATiUJN Ur
PERFECT SATISFACTION. Make this your per
sonal store, and when you come to purchase from
this page by mail, remember that prices are lower
than would otherwise prevail, because we go into,
the open market with spot cash and a prestige
second to no other establishment in this vicinity.
We invest our funds wisely and economically so
so that your money may purchase the most for
you when you buy here. NEWNESS, NOVELTY
and'ECONOMY go hand in hand at all times.
Blouses in Best Spring Styles
Very Well Made Moderately Priced
We have illustrated six splendid models from a stock that is
extremely broad and comprehensive all sizes and each and
every. Blouse exceptionally stylish and unusually low priced.
F-1401"Dainty Voile Blouse of
Crossbar tucking, with 'or
gandie collar and cuffs; fastened in
front with dainty pearl CO AO
buttons ...P-yU
F-1 402 Smart Crepe de Chine
Blouses, with roll satin col
lar and fastened in front QC
with one large pearl button.
CI M AO Smart Blouse
" " ,ww de Chine,
of Crepe
in white or
flesh color, square neck with Tuxedo col
lar and cuffs, tucked in cross-bar effect,
finished with hemstitching
and small pearl buttons . . .
F-1 404 Attractive Blouse in
i i tvt white or flesh color Geor
gette Crepe, trimmed with dainty hand
embroidery and steel beads ; white satin
roll collar and CC QC
cuffs . ZpOeJJO
F-1 405 Semi-tailored Blouse of
ifv Crepe de Chine with point
ed roll collar, prettily hemstitched; front
alls in loose plaits; fastened with two ,
pearl buttons; white, flesh color and
pastel shades, t rr
at $5.00
F-1 406 Georgette C r ep e Blouses"
i nww jn pastei shades; eyelet
embroidery in front; white satin
collar and cuffs, rf s pa
at .... $6.50
Underwear iigfsf Weight for ligfitJow
For Women asid Children
, The most compfete assortment of sis and styles to be found in this section of
the country, and the prices are all extremely low. "
Well Known Makes of Women's Knit Underwear
in every way perfect fitting and satisfactory.
F-1 101 Kayser Italian Silk Vest, plain or
,WI daintily embroidered, fl! E Y
pink and white, -all sizes; each. .P""
F 11(19 Kyer Italian Silk Bloomers, cut
r IIW4 full reinforced, , t CA
pink and white; each... . . . .... 2?iJ V
F.I Ifl 3 Silk Top, Cotton Li.le Body, Pink
,,w and White Union Suit for women;
good fitting garments, well made, t 1 C t
all sizes; a suit .9 JL aw w
F 11 AA Women's Union Suits, fine grade im
ported Swiss rib cumfy cut style
cuff knee; regular sizes $1.69;
extra sizes .
F-1 105 Women' Fine Cotton Lisle Suits,
tight knee, lace trimmed umbrella
knee or Teddy Bear style, all "if"
sizes; a suit 9C
P.l 06 Women's Union Suits, cuff knee or
lace trimmed, all sizes; I2t
a suit .n. ...... . vUw
p.1! 07 W"en" ' Fine Lisle Vests, extra
long beading or band tops, 7f"M
pink, and white; each )C
F-1108 WoraenV Fin Cotton . Lisle Vests,
plain band tops or fancy crochet
eachS' rgeular and extra sizes; . 5j)
Children's, Girls' and Boys' Knit Underwear
All ages and styles, a cpmplete assortment of garments that will surely
F-1111 Girls' Union Suits, very fine trade,
aivucu wuttuii uiULl Scat r
F 1 1 Q Children's Fine Ribbed 7Ca
Union Suits, 2 to 4 years..
6 to 10 years , 85c
p.11 Ifl Boys' Good Knit Athlete Union Suits,
w made of fine nainsook, sanitary and
very aurame, z to.itj years;
a suit ' .
style; all sizes
F-1112"M" Knit WaUu for irls and bys.
patent taped seams, bone AP
buttons, all sizes; each sfcOC
tofe Stores
This Page
April 8th
to 13th
Offerings of Excellent Ginghams
At Extremely Low Prices
There are scores of uses for Ginghams right now, and
at these prices you should buy liberally.
Dress Ginghams at 58c yard
F.1Q1 32-inch Foreign and Domestic Dress Gingham, beautiful
w ' plaids, checks, stripes and plain colors. This season's most
popular wash fabric, regular 86c value,
Zephyr Dress Ginghams 27c yard
F-1 02 Genuine Red Seal Zephyr Dress Gingham, pretty plaids,
staple checks and stripes. A splendid fabric for women's
and misses' wash dresses; very m9. .
fecial at ZC yafCl
32 inch Zephyr Dress Gingham at 35c and 23c yard
F-1 0 3 32-'ncn Zephyr Dress Ginghamj made in America; in a
pretty assortment of plaids, checks and stripes; very desir
able for misses' and children's wear. Unusual QCn mm J 00n uil
value in two qualities at .'. Ovv 9I1Q &uv YQ
Tissue Gingham at 35c yard
F-1 04 36-inch Tissue Gingham, a sheer clingy fabric in neat
J checks and stripes, assorted colors, , OS mM m&
I usually 60c, special at '.OwC ydlU
Genuine Everett Classic Dress Gingham at 22c yd
F-1 0 5 enuine Everett Classic Dress Gingham in lieat staple
w" checks, stripes and plain colors. A well known wash fabric
specially adapted for children's wear, etc. 00 tlWtt
Very unusual value at .efitfiC YalU
Genuine York Dress Gingham 25c yard '
F-1 06 -genuine York Dress Gingham; a well known standard wash
v fabric in a grand assortment; beautiful plaids, checks and.
stripes. 10 to 'JO-yaru lengths; regular JC bI
35c value, at .....&OC yatU
Playtime Wear for Soys
Fine weather makes everyone want to get out in the open
and here are two items for little folk that will save mothers
Jots of labor and trouble and at the same time give free
dom in play. 1
p.QKfli Boys' Overalls, sizes 2 to 8 years, c'ome trimmed in red;
sizes 6 to 15 years are plain; at very reasonable prices,
mane oi gooa neavy cneviot ciotn, color Diue, cut
good and full ; ,at .x ..... ,
F-3 5 0 9 yB' Galatea Rompers, $1.50 values; dark blue, light blue,
waive. stripes an(j pinjn colors, button down the front style with
large sailor collars, strictly fast colors; heavyweight tt1!
galatea; sizes 2 to 6 years ;,,;.yJLiUU
Towels and Linens
At Very Low Prices
F-21 01 Turkish Towels, hemmed ends, in fancy plaids,
ivn colors absolutely fast; 50c values; 9Qa
special to mail order patrons, at
F-21 02 Drotny Dresser Sets, consists of 4 doilies and pin cushion
top to match; embroidered in colors of blue and pink;
made of very finest quality & f(Pk M J.
cloth; at i .uu a Set
JTJI AJ 54-inch Luncheon Cloths; these cloths are made of very
finest quality of embroidered cloth, beautifully lace trim
med, with insertion to match; 54 inches round; fA
special at yAiWV
F-21 04 Tt,e clo,n, ma(le from very finest quality damask in the
hemstitched or scalloped edge, an assortment f fC
of very pretty patterns; special to mail order patrons. .-. .p i asfcO
F-2105-Wnile Dre Linen, 36 inches wide, guaranteed absolutely
at... . .f"r?.!itr.t!... ...,79c a Yard
Brandeis Guarantee
If for any reason any article ordered from
this page does not fully meet with your ap
proval return it promptly at our expense
and we will at once refund your money
:Omaha, Nebraska