Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 18

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Adelaide Kennerty
Ella Fleishman,
M I r - - a-tVU f a. AJ. TA eV rm S W
4 B
ctm immNLM? wa m wmt&mr mum mm zmm mm gmm
Omaha Woman's club, political
and social science department,
Metropolitan club house, 2:30
p. m.
Temple Israel Sisterhood, Mrs. C.
S. Elgutter, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Private Peat lecture, Auditorium,
8 p. m; Red Cross and City
Mission benefit,
Tennyson chapter, Chautauqua
' circle, public library, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club, public
speaking department, 10 a. m.;
current topics, 2:30 p. m.; psy
chology, 4 p. m.
.South Omaha Woman's club,
Mrs. F. A. Cressey, hostess, 2:30
p. m.
.Custer Woman's Relief corps,
court house, 2 p. m.
Y. . W. H. A.. Paxton block,
j club rooms, 8 p. m.
Grant Woman's Relief corps,
benefit musicale in Florence
church, 8 p. m.
Sermo club, Mrs. 'J. E. Goodrich,
hostess, 1 p. m.
Business Women's council. Audi
torium, 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m.
Daughters of American Revolu
v tion, Omaha chapter, Fontenelle,
2:30 p. m.
Episcopal Women's auxiliary,
Trinity cathedral, 2 p. in.
Omaha Woman's club, art depart
ment, 10 a. m.; Red Cross aux
iliary, Masonic temple, 9 a. m.
W. C. T. U., Omaha union, Y. W.
C. A., 2 p. m,; Frances Willard
union, Y. M, C. A., 2 p, m.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
story tellers' section, Mrs. G. H.
Rushton. hostess, 4 p. m.
Omaha Woman's Press club,
luncheon at Chamber of Com
merce, 12:45 p. m.
Benson Woman's club, Ijjcnson
city hall, 2:30 p. m.
J. P. W. club luncheon, Mrs. N.
H. Seiler, hostess.
Association of Collegiate Alumnae,
drama tection, Mrs. Roby Max
well, hostess, 4 p.m.
Omaha Woman's club, music de
partment, 2:30 p. m. '
B'nai B'rith Woman's auxiliary,
Lyric hall, 8 p. m. '
Friday ;
Scottish Kite Woman's club, at
cathedral, 2 p. m.
West Omaha Mothers' club, at
First Presbyterian church, 2
p. m . i , .
Omaha Woman' Club,
"The Telephone invJItstory and Its
Importance) in the Present War" will
be the subject of a talk given by F, A.
Secord to the political and social sci
ence department at the meeting Mon
day, Mr. Secord was In charge of ,
the wireless with General Pershing
in Mexico in the recent , campaign
there. After an annual report to be
given by the secretary and treasurer
there will be an election of officers.
The psychology department will
meet Tuesday at 4 o'clock in the club
rooms. Thia will be the last study
period of the year before the election.
Mrs. Avery Lancaster will entertain
the meeting of the art department at
her home, 621 North Fifty-first street,
Wednesday afternoon. This will be a
business and social meeting.
The season's final meeting of the
music department will be held on
Thursday. Mrs. E. A. Thomas will be
leader. Mrs. W. E. Shafer will read
"Folk Songs of AH Nations," A quar.
tet of the members will sing folk
tongs. Mrs. Augusta Mengedoht Dun
bier will give a group of violin num
bers, Swedish folk songs and dances,
nd t group of small girls will present
folk dances. Election of officers will
Business Women's Council.1
The Business Women's council will
meet for luncheon and prayer service
at the Auditorium Tuesday noon. Rev.
R. F, Taylor of Park-vale Presbyte
rian church will speak and luncheon
will be nerved by women of the same
church between 11:30 and 1:30 p. m.
South Omaha Woman's Club.
Mrs. F. A. Creasv wilt be hostes at
the open meeting at 2:30 p. m. Tues
day. Mrs. Mane Lett Caldwell will
tell of her work as head of the Omaha
Social Settlement.
I. P. W. Club.
Mrs, N. H. Seiler will be hostess at
luncheon for the J. F, W. club at her
home Thursday. Mrs. R. J. Southard
will hare charge of the program, the
subject being, "The Ideal in Moving
ftctures." ,
Collegiate Alumnae Notes. -
The story tellers' section of the
Association of Collegiate Alumnae
will meet Wednesday afternoon at the
home of Mrs. C. H. Rushton. Miss
Shake Off That Grip
.When Spring comes, with its changeable weather
and your exposure, it is best to clear away all the symp
tom left after an attack of grip. That evil disease leaves
you weakened, and when its victim attempts to "do his
bit" he exposes himself to the risk of a second attack, for which
lis is less prepared, and which may have graver consequences.
There's Danger in Delay
April and May are pneumonia months. In this time a
weakened system is a constant source of danger, for the
pneumonia and grip infections are in the air, and after a
long winter the body is so clogged with waste it cannot
resist them. Fortify the health, remove the catarrh, and
improve the digestion.
For Quick
This reliable tonic is recommended to remove the
waste from the body, counteract the catarrhal poisons
and allay the inflammation that is catarrh, restore the
regular appetite and tone up the entire system to resist ,
disease. A well man is safe. .
As a tonic after grip it has won many commendations, while its
effectiveness in catarrhal conditions is unquestioned. Take no chances
Take Peruna.
Peraaa Tablet ar always raaJy to take. You may carry a bos
with yea anil ward off colds and chill. Tha liquid medicina in your
horn is a groat safeguard. Protect your family.
. Tha Peruna Company, Columbus, Ohio.
High School Students Give Road
Show to Pay Regimental Debt
Miss Winifred Travis will be the
leading lady of "Romancers," a play
ette by the French writer, Roscomb,
to be given in the high school road
show at the school Friday afternoon
and evening and Saturday evening.
All the acts will represent school
The big headliner will remain a
mystery to the students until the pro
grams are given out at the first per
formance. The headliner was writ
ten by a boy and girl of the senior
class, whose names will not be an
nounced until Friday. The last act
is also a dead secret so far. It is ru
mored that the theme is to be patriotic jr
and that a pretty girl win appear in
the chief role. An unknown comedian
will also appear in the third act. A
question mark alone denotes his witty,
part of the entertainment.
The first act is a military spelldown
between the best drilled cadets from
each company. Miss Dorothy Grey
and Clarence Dantin will take the
leads in the headliner. The fourth
act will be singnig by a quartet, com
posed of Morris, Taynter, Fage and
Maxwell. A farcical scream is
promised when Will Nicholson and
pcare in the fifth act. A jazz band?sold for the evening performances.
will liven the audience up following
this act. Margaret Ilarte and Rud
yard, Norton will play Hawaiian
The show is under the direction of
A. J. Wedeking for the Commissioned
Officers' club. The performances are
always looked forward to by the
whole school, which is generously sup-
porting it. All downstairs seats and
most of the upstairs scats have oeen
Edna Cole and Miss Mary Elliott will
tell Easter stories.
The drama section will be enter
tained at the home of Mrs. Roby Max
well .Thursday afternoon. Miss Mae
Somers will speak on the melodrama,
"The Two Orphans." The Red Cross
unit will meet as usual on Saturday.
Sermo Club,
Mrs. J. E. Goodrich will entertain
the Sermo Literary club at her home
Tuesday. Mrs. G. G. Gearhart will
read a paper on the subject, "Artist
and Sculptor, Frederick McMonies."
Roll call will be answered by current
events. -
Church Societies.
The Episcopal auxiliary of the board
of missions will meet Tuesday at 2
o clock at the parish house of Trinity
Scottish Rite Woman's Club.
The regular business meeting will
be. held at 2 p. m.Friday and the
Red Cross auxiliary all day Wednes
day at the Scottish Rite cathedral.
Benson's Woman's Club,
The Benson Woman's club holds
its last regular meeting before the
annual meeting Thursday afternoon
at the city hall, when important ques
tions will be discussed, in the busi
ness session preceding talk on "Vo
cational Guidance" by Miss Myrtle
Roberts of the Vocatoinal .bureau.
This is an open meeting, : v
: W. C. T. U. Meetings.
Omaha Women's Christian Temper
ance union will hold a business meet
ing Wednesday at 2 o'clock in the
Young Women's Christian associa
tion. Wednesday at 2 o'clock the Frances
Willard Women's Christian, Temper
ance Union society will meet in the
Young Woman's Christian association
assembly room. Mrs. James A. Dal
zell will have charge of the meeting,
Mrs, Edward Johnson will talk on
"Temperance and Missions."
Old People's Home
Dean James A. Tancock and the
choir of Trinity cathedral will con-
This institution is the only one
in the central west with separate
buildings situated in their own
ample grounds, yet entirely dis
tinct, and rendering it possible to
classify cases. The one building
being fitted for and devoted to
the treatment of non-contagious
and non-mental diseases, no others
being admitted; the other Rest
Cottage being designed for and
devoted to the exclusive treat
ment of select mental cases re
quiring for a time watchful care
and special nursing.
1 v
Winifred Travis
The proceeds from the small admis
sion fees will go toward paying off
the regiment's debt. Members of the
faculty say that this year's perform,
ances bids fair to outstrip all previous
efforts of the students in the theatri
cal field. Miss Emily Rough, Miss
Bess Dumont and Miss Anna Lane
are coaching the plays. The high
school orchestra and band will furnish
duct services at the home this after
noon at 3:30 p. m. 1
A tree-planting ceremony 'was held
Saturday before Easter at the Old
People's home on Fontenelle boule
vard when the Woman s Club ot the
Railway Mail Service presented the
old oeoole with an ash tree for the
grounds. It was planned to present
the tree Arbor day, but the old people
were so eager to have the tree that
the club members had the little cere-
mcmey Easter Saturday instead.
"H,H. VrWork
New Activities of
Woman8 Committee
To become an H. H. V. is Dr. Jes
sica Peixotto's advice to the woman
who is looking for a volunteer posi
tion in war work. These initials
mean Home Health Volunteer, and
these volunteers are to be a big
factor 5n the children's year. The
children's year extends from April 6,
1918, to April 16, 1919, and efforts are
to be made to save the lives of 100,
000 children in that time. The pro
gram for the year has been drawn up
by Miss Julia Lathrop, chief of, the
children's bureau. . v J ,
The Home Health Volunteers are
to be divided into three classes. In
the first, which is messenger service,
the wholly untrained will find their
opportunity; the second class calls for
women who have had some expe
rience in medicalf and social service,
care of children, and dietetics; and
third is trained nurse service in which
it is hoped that the Service of women
who have been trained nurses, but
who have retired, may be enlisted for
this patriotic work.
of All
I Mi
Why These World . Famous Athletes and
Strong Men Take Nuxated Iron . As a
Tonic, Strength and Blood Builder. It
Will Increase the Strength of Weak,
Nervous, Run-Down Folks in Two Weeks'
Time in Many Instances.
WHEN Interviewed on the baseball field,
Harry Hooper, famous star of the
Boston "Red Sox," said : "In the
j World's Series Games overy player
Is put on hit mettle. He mutt be able to
play equally well In the ninth and first in
nings, for no score Is elosed while a single
batter has an unpitched ball ahead of him.
Since I have made Nuxated Iron "a part of
my regular training, I have found myself
potiessed ot strength, power and itamina to
meet the moat vert strains."
Jo Jaekson, star batter of the Chicago
"White Sox." Winners of the last World'a
Championship Baseball Series, said: "Nux
ated Iron certainly makes a man a live wire
and gives him the 'never-say-die' strength
and endurance. When I see in the papers
'Jackson's batting was responsible for the
Chicago victory," I feel like adding to it
'Nuxated Iron puts the power behind the bat
and gives the needed punch to every play." "
In tha office of his manager on Broadway,
Freddie Hill when champion endurance racer
of the World, said : "In no teat of endurance
and atamina do men need such tremendous
reserve strength and power as in a six-day
bicycle race. Doctors have always told me,
and I believe I have proven it in my own
case, that the blood must be filled with iron
to stand the terrific strain on mind and
body. People marvel at my great strength
and endurance and wonder how I 'Came
back' so quickly after having had such a
disastrous fall inflicting concussion of the
brain. The secret is Nuxated Iron. It has put
the old-tlmt "pep" and vim in my blood, and
actually made me a stronger and better man
than I was at any previous time in my
whole career." Commenting upon the remark
able results which Nuxated Iron has pro-,
duced for these and other athletes in so
many branches of sport. Dr. James Francis
Sullivan, formerly physician of Bellevue Hos
pital (Outdoor Dept.), New York, and the
Westchester County Hospital, said: "There
are thousands of men and women who need
a strength and blood builder, but do not know
what to take. In my own opinion there is
nothing better than organic iron Nuxated
Ironfor enriching the blood and helping to
inerease the strength and endurance of men
and women who burn up too rapidly their
nervous energy in the strenuous strain of
the groat business connection of the dav.
Nuxated Iron helps give a man the power to
put forth the extra effort necessary to win,
whether it be in athletics or commercial life.
But yen eant make strong, vigorous, suc
cessful, sturdy iron men by feeding them
Install!! Iron, any more than yon can build
ap strength and health by feeding a man on
Women Must Serve
To Release Men
For Army Duty
There have been any number of in
quiries sent by women to Prof. Sarka
Hrbkova, chairman of the woman's
committee of the State Council of De
fense, regarding opportunities for war
work. A large number of new and
useful fields for women's service are
indicated in the bulletin issued today
from the office of Prof. Sarka Hrb
kova. Every woman who is able to
qualify for one of the positions in
dicated will free a man for army serv
ice. So urgent is the government's
need for bookkeepers that'eivil service
examinations to fill positions of this
character will be held throughout the
United States each Tuesday until fur
ther notice. Women as well as men
are eligible.
Two classes of examinations are an
nounced. A grammar school educa
tion or its equivalent is required of all
applicants for either class, with the
further stipulation that those who
wish to take the bookkeepervtypewrit
er examination must have at least six
months' experience in bookkeeping.
The vacancies to be filled from the
register obtained from these exam
inations are in the departmental serv
ice at Washington and offer entrance
salaries of $1,000 a year.
An unusual feature of these exam
inations is that they are thrown open
not only to all citizens of the United
States, but also to the subjects of
countries allied with the United States
and who are otherwise qualified for
the positions offered.
Y. W. C. A. Notes.
Prof. J. K. Carnal and hla choir will glv
an Easter musical program Bunday after
noon at 4:J0 at tb veauer aervlcea. Th
Many Centers club will act as hostesses at
the social hour.
The Business Women's club will hold H
regular meeting Tuesday evening with sup-
per at 8:15. "Carmen," the French opera.
will be the subject ot discussion. Miss Cath
erine Morlson Is leader for the evening.
Tha Athletto club will hold its regular
menttng Wednesday evening. Supper Is at
6:30, following which the evening will be
spent making pillows for the summer camp.
The Lohache club will entertain tha In
dustrial clubs of the association Wednesday
evening at S o'clock In the gymnasium. Ths
following clubs will be entertained: Many
Centers. Wegfaf, Pleasant Hours.
from $1.00 up.
Say Iron Is
Strength Builders
Tell How They Get Power
and Endurance to Win
hay. The old forms
of metallic iron
must go through a
semi-digestive pro
eess to transform
them into organic
iron Nuxated Iron
before they art so
ready to be taken up
and assimilated by
the human system.
But in face of all
that has been said
and written on this
S u b j e c t by well
known physicians,
thousands of people
till insist in dosing
t h e m s e lv es with
metallic iron simply.
I suppose, because
it costs a few cents
less. I strongly ad
vise readers, in all
eases, to get a phy
sician's prescription
for organic iron
Nuxated Iron or if
you don't want to go
to this trouble, then
purchase only Nux
ated Iron in Hs crig
inal packages and
see that this particu
lar name (NUXAT
ED IRON) appears
on the package. If
you have taken prep,
arations such as Nux
and Iron and other
similar iron products
and failed to get re
sults, remember that
such products are
an entirely ' dif
ferent thing from
Nuxatrd Iron.
Dr. A. J. Newman,! formerly House Sur
geon, Jefferson Park Hospital. Chicago, in
commenting on the value of Nuxated Iron,
said: "This remedy has proven through mv
own tests of it to excel anjK, preparation I
have ever used for creating red blood, build,
ing up the nerves, strengthening the muscles
snd correcting digestive disorders. The man.
ufacturers are to be congratulated In having
given to the public a long-felt want, a true
tonie supplying iron in an easily digested
and assimilated form. A true health builder
in every sense of the word." If you are not
strong or well you owe it to yourself to
make the following test: See how long you
can work or bow far yon can walk without
becoming tired. Next take two five-grain
tablets of Nuxated Iron, three times per day
after meals for two weeks. Then ttst your
Housing Plans
In Washington
There are now 2,000 more rooms in
Washington than there are persons to
occupy them. This information comes
from Edwin S. Hege, manager of the
central rooming bureau, working with
the District of Columbia branch of
the Council of National Defense.
"We are laboring hard to have the
supply of rooms exceed the demands
for them," said Mr. Hege, "because
we realize that with the expected in
flux of 20,000 to 23,000 additional
clerks who are expected here by July
1, Washington is going to have great
difficulty to accommodate them. Gov.
ernment dormatories will be the solu
tion of the difficulty and they are, I
think, certain to come later. It will
take between three and four months
to erect them and in the meantime we
must depend on the patriotic house
holders of the city to assist in hous
ing this surplus population.
You cannot enjoy good health
if you have poor teeth. You
cannot feel comfortable or
happy knowing that your teeth
are not in perfect condition.
You're offensive to your friends
(even though they do not men
tion it), if your teeth are de
cayed. Do not neglect this im
portant matter.
We make no charge for ex
aminations and you'll feel bet
ter if your vork is done by us.
Dr U. E. Ludwick
Dentistry of the Better Kind.
606 Bee Bldg., Phone D. 1839.
Charming New
Spring Millinery
Just received a new assortment
of pattern hats. You will like
them. Give us a call before you
A large collection of sprightly
Spring Hats for baby, as well as
the larger girls, specially priced
strength again and see for yourself how
much you have gained. Many an athlete or
prise fighter haa won the day simpiy be
cause he knew the secret of great strength
and endurance, which comes from having
plenty of iron in the blood, while many
another has gone down to inglorious defeat
simply for lack of iron.
afAXCFatTCBKB'S NOTE Xmsted Jttm. which
has bew sn succenfullr uard by some of His World's
Urettest Athletes, snd which Is prvsallied snd rec
ommended by phi'sk'tana, is not s secret remeclj, lut
one which Is well nowa to druMirta eterywlien. I'n
llke the older Inorganic iron products, it Is easily as
aiuiilated. does not injure the teeth, make than
blk nor uiet the stomavh. The rnamifii turers Kur
sntee successful snd entirely satisfactory resuMn to
everv rurchaaer. or they will refund your pwney. It
la dlin.ied In this rWy hr Sherman McCunnell
lttug to. Stern and to aU loud druMMs. Atl?.
& II
f,- y ft i ' . . t tM
A Simple and Remarkable Method
Producing Startling Change
in Your Complexion
and Hr
IT is almost tragic to see women steaming
their faces and pinching the skin in a
ceaseless endeavor to get rid of those
obstinate pests, blackheads. Of course, I
know it is because they do not know how.
Nevertheless, I see aa a result of these
practices thousands of otherwise smooth
skins becoming covered with large pores
which face steaming always causes. And
pinching causes spots which take a long
time to disappear. , Small blackheads are
usually present by the thousands. Now the
remedy for this candition is simple, and it
never fails. A little powdered neroxin
sprinkled on a wet sponge and rubbed over
the blackheads removes them all in pnly a
few moments. It may be difficult to believe,
neverthless it can be proven by anyone.
MRS. C. D. W. There is no excuse for
having hairs on arms or face when you can
free them In only a few minutes, completely
and without Injury, by a new simple means.
Moisten the hairs with sulfo solution, costing
ona dollar at the drug store, and in a few
moments the hairs will be entirely dissolved.
There is nothing else known so remarkable
in its action as this. It leaves na redness
or spot Buch as is invariably caused by the
superfluous "hair-burners" so commonly
sold. The skin, no matter how sensitive, is
always left smooth as though you had never
had superfluous hairs at all.
MISS (!. C. Alkali in the soaps and pre
pared shampoos does much damage to hair.
Your hair will be brittle and the scalp dry
as longi as you use these. That's because
the alkali in soap destroys natural oily se
cretions in hair. Here's a wonderful little
hint for a head-wash. It dissolves every bit
of fatty substance and scale from scalp,
leaves hair and scalp exquisitely clean. A
teaspoonful of eggol in half a cup of water
gives the greatest shampoo imaginable.
Twelve shampoos can be gotten from only
twenty-five cents worth of eggol, secured
from the drug store.
. ,
MISS QUEEN Trust in no one who
guarantees you a bust development. But I
can say that the best thing known, and that
For Tired Feet, Sore Feet, Tender, Aching, Swollen,
Calloused Feet and Painful Corns
Just take your shoes off and then
put those weary, shoe-crinkled, ach
ing, burning, corn-pestered, bunion
tortured feet of yours in a "Tiz"
bath. Your toes will wriggle with joy;
they'll look up at you and almost
talk and then they'll take another
dive in that "Tiz" bath.
When your feet feel like lumps of
lead all tired out just try "Tiz."
It's grand it's glorious. Your feet
When you wake up with backache
and dull misery in the kidney region
it generally means you have beert eat
ing too much meat, says a well
known authority. Meat forms uric
acid which overworks the kidneys in
their effort to filter it from the blood
and they become sort of paralyzed
and loggy. When your kidney3 get
sluggish and clog you must relieve
them, like you relieve your bowels;
removing all the body's urinous
waste, else you have backache sick
headache, dizzy spells; your stomach
sours, tongue is coated, and when
the weather is bad you have rheu
matic twinges. The urine is cloudy,
full of sediment, channels often get
sore, water scalds and you are obliged
most often succeeds in splendid fashion, is
a mixture of two ounces of ruetone. half a
cup of sugar and a half pint of water. Take
two teaspoonfuls of this mixture after each
meal and on retiring.
CORNELIA M. Vou will find it remark
ably easy to remove wrinkles in only a few
days' time by the use of my wrinkle formula.
And the cost is inconsiderable, too. Get two
ounces of eptol from your druggist and mix
with one tablespoonful of glycerine in half
a pint of water. A cream will form at once,
ready to use. This makes over a pint, so you
see it is very economical. By using this
freely every day you will very quickly see
a decided change in your appearance, and
the skin will become plump and vigorous.
MISS A. N. T. There are many com
plaints from thousands, about face-powder
too chalky, SjlM coming off too easily.
You just ought to try the powder which 1
had made after my own formula. It is called
"Valeska Suratt Face Powder," and is sold
at druggists in flesh, white and brunette,
for fifty cents. You'll adore its .extraordinary
fineness, and its "staying on" qualities, it's
the smoothest powder you ever used.
COMING OUT In a very few days your
hair will stop falling and you'll have no
more of those "combfuls" of hairs coming
out if you will use this hair formula. I call
this my jewel, because of its astonishing
results in just forcing hair to grow
abundantly where everything else fails mis
erably. It is very economical. To half a pint of bay j-um and wator, or to one pint
of v;itclil:;ul, add one ounce of beta-quinol.
DELIA X. Heaven knows there are mil
lions who do need a real complexion beauti
fying formula one that will actually and
quickly do the work. This formula produces
startling results on the complexion in a
few days, making it spotless and beautiful,
no matter how "bad" it was before. It is
made by mixing an ounce of lintone with
two tablespoonfuls of glycerine in a pint ot
water. Your freckles, too, will vanish quickly.
Get the zintone at any drug store. Adv.
7 7V"sf
"Can't beat Tiz' for
aching, swollen feet.
Don't stay footsick l"
will dance with joy; also you will
find all pain gone from corns, cal
louses and bunions.
There's nothing like "Tiz." It's the
only remedy that draws out all the
poisonous exudations which puff up
your feet and cause foot torture.
Get a 25-cent box of "Tiss" at an$
drug or department store don't wait
Ah! how glad your feet get; how com
fortable your shoes feel. Adv.
to seek relief two or three times dur
ing the night.
Either consult a good, reliable phy
sician at once or get from your phar
macist about four ounces of Jad
Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass
of water before breakfast for a few
days and your kidneys will then act
fine. This famous salts is made from
the acid of grapes and lemon juice,
combined with lithia, and has been
used for generations to clean and
stimulate sluggish kidneys, alio to
neutralize acids in the urine so it no
longer irritates, thus ending bladder
Jal Salts is a life saver for regular
meat eaters. It is inexpensive, canti
injure and makes a delightful, effer
vescent lithia-water drink
iimnirY?! hi-if i