Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 07, 1918, SOCIETY SECTION, Image 16

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Adelaide Kenncrly
Ella Fleishman:
mbwAm&im'tff raff
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, x . i
.l('', y 1
eiMHwsrerrcH) ever
HERE( comes the bridJ It may
be simple to find a real plati-num-band-on-the-
bride, but we defy you to catch a
bride-to-be! Miss Betty Carr is as
elusive as a firefly, and it is very easy
to . understand, the reason. With
luncheons, teas and dinners Overlap
ping each other clear up to the wed
ding day, this' young woman has no
time . for anyone. We are even
afraid that ine silver-barred bride
groom will be ignored when he ar
tives. : i
Miss Carr has been honoree at
numberless affairs this week and from
a glimpse at the social calendar she
will be feted until the train. pulls out
amid a shower of rice. Monday Mis
Carr will be honor guest at an after
noon tea given by Mr. and Mrs. JSiIe
Booth and in the evetning she and
Lieutenant Byrne will share honors at
a bridge given by Miss Mabel Allen.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Burkett have issued
party for the young couple Tuesday
evening and .Wednesday Mr.'. Harry
Byrne will be host atTa dinner, fof
lowed -y a theater party. O course
Thursday the wedding will take place
at the homVpf the bride's' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. K. t. Larr. It will be an
Informal affair, jn' keeping wfth the
war-time selbon, mst'a few intimate
friends havir.c been myited. '
Miss Hedvwg Roscnstock is another
April brde,"as'herTnarriage, to Mr.
Henry Rosenstein, wil! take place
Wcdisday at .the , home, of her
brother, Mr. Eml Roscnstock, in
Sioux ' City. From there the young
couple will go to California, the ideal
spot for houeymooners. U is whis
pered tht the young couple will make
their home in' the south.-
At Prettiest Mile. s . N
i ,. r
j The Prettiest Mile Ladies' S Golf
club mef Tuesday. afternoon at the
pavilion in Miller park. On account of
the sudden hange in the 'weather the
contemplated game of golf was not
played. However a pleasant afternoon
was spent in discussing plans for the
season's' games; also arrangements
were made fcr the members to march
in the Libert loan parade. Mrs. Mor
rison, chairman of' the Red Cross
work for this club, gave an interesting
report in detail of the work done up
to date. Mrs, McCurdy'i hospitality
was enjoyed when she opened her
apartments, over the pavilion. Refresh
ments were served by the. committee
in charge, Mrs. McCurdy, Mrs. L. J.
Hoover, Mrs. C. B. Roberts and Miss
Lillian Paul , ; "
Future Events.
The Unitarian club will give a sub
scription dance Friday evening at the
church. The proceeds will be used
for the church . fund. ,
Mrs. Louise Jansen Wylie will give
one of her monthly musicale teas Sun
day afternoon from 4. to 6 at tier
home, 3821 Farnam street. Musical
numbers will be given by her pupils
and 5 o'clock tea will be served.
The young women of $e Sacred
Heart church will entertain at a dan
cing party Monday evening at Ly
ceum hall. ,
D?uiA Fitzgerald
T TAKES two to make a wedding,
but only one to make ,a lovely
picture and here are three I The
brides that bloom in the sorine. tra-la.
1iold the center of the stage these days.
especially when they have, a khaki
background for their white satin love
liness. Miss Betty Carr is a Ifride of
the week, as the wedding bells will
sitg for her on Thursday. 1
Lieutenant Walter Byrne;, who
really is important after all, is the
other interested party and with Miss
X Sunday
Musicale-tea given by. Mrs.
t jouise jansen wyue.
Monday , '
Afternoon party forMisi
. Elizabeth Carr, Mrs. Nile
Booth, hostess; evening
,-. t bridge for Miss Carr, Miss
' - Mabel Allen., hostess. "
Luncheon for Mrs. Francis'
Griffin, Mrs. Ross Towle T
ana Mrs. waiter Koberts, J.
.' hogtcsneii dinnr anil tha. 4
.7 ter. party for Mrs. Griffin
t given by Mr. and 'Mrs.
Louis S. Clafke. '
Rockford College club, Mrs.
i ' C. A. Woodland, hostefs.
Daniing party given by
young women of Sacred
' Heart church. ' v '
Theater parties given by Dr.
W. O. Bridges and Judge
and Mrs. W. A. Redick. ,
Tuesday! '
Dinner given for Miss Carr v
iiu bicuicnani nailer
Byrne by Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Burkett.
Luncheon for Miss
Carr and Lieutenant W. .
Byrne given- by Messrs, t
Harry and Arthur Palmer. X
Wednesday i- ; 4
Ainncr ana ineaier party
, given for ' Miss Carr. and
u Lieutenant Byrne by Mr, X
Harry S. Byrne. JL
Rosenstein-Rosenstock wed- 4
ding in Sioux City.
Merry-Makers' club dance at
Keep's academy.
Thursday .
" Byrne-Carr wedding.
Parties for , Frieda Hempel
concert, under auspices oi
, Tuesday Musical club, at
Boyd theater. -Charity
ball at Auditorium
for benefit of Father Flan
nigan's Home for Boys.
Friday x
Amateur Musical club, Mrs!
Harry Nicholson, hostess. Y
9Ruth Fitzgerald as bridesmaid and
Mr. Harry S. Byrne as best man, we
predict the very prettiest military
wedding of the season. Miss Fitz
gerald' is the fiancee of Sergeant
Everett Burke in the quartermaster's1
department at Camp Dodge.
Lieutenant Mount Burns stole a
march on us and didn't even let us
haye a peep at his pretty dark-eyed
bride. Their wedding took plate
Monday at Lexington, Mo., at-the
honte of the bride. She was Miss
Mary. Louise Taylor and the young
couple will be at home , at Coronado
apartments in Des Moines.
'Lieutenant Burns, who is with Com
pany D, 352d infantry, is stationed at
Camp Dodge and so Des Moines will
claim this interesting young couple
for a time. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Burns,
parents of the bridegroom, were
among' the guests at the wedding and
they have whispered to us that it was
a very lovely' affair. ' ,
Joe 'Millard has been transferred
from Dallas, Tex", to Ebcrfls field, at
Lanolte, Ark.
Jabin Caldwell returned from
Wichita Falls,: TexT, last 'week, after
John Reed, son of Harry D.' Reed,
has. been transferred from the Omaha
Ambulance; company to the aviation
section at Urbana, 111. Hart Jenks,
also at Camp Taylor, has been recom
mended for the aviation sei-yice,
Captain James M. Patton, medical
reserve corps!, and Mrs. Patton, left
Friday for Fort Des Moines "to join
the Nebraska base hospital unit. Mrs.
Patton will remain there as long as
the unit is there. .,.
Lieutenant and Mrs. Lawrence
Phipps, jr., and children, are es
tablished at Chevy .Chase near Wash
ington, during Lieutenant Thipps'
period of duty in Washington.--
"Virginia Hollidy, aged 7," were the
words written on a card tucked under
the string that tied a neat little
bundle of 2x2 wipes. Virginia made
these Red Cross supplies, and there
are, thousands of other school chil
dren doiflg the same. Every school
child in Omaha is doing some kind
of Red Cross surgical or garment
supply work!
Wednesday Turner Tark auxiliary
turned in 35 completed pajamas.
IV . .1. . f J" I. I J lJ. '
rnuay me sweaisu lauies, unaer
Mrs. N. P. Swanson," chairman, made
25 pajamas.
A bandage not made in Omaha and
which is an important part of every
soldief's equipment at the front, is
what is called "Front ' Line Trench
Pad." The pad is a 12x12 cotton pad
with an attached 84-inch bandage
securely fastened to pad. Included in
the equipment are two drains and a
half dozen compons. Each soldier in
front line trenches is provided with
one of the pads for emergencies.
The Red Cross auxiliary of the
North Side Christian church meets
every Thursday all day and through
the evening. A luncheon is served at
the church at noon and in the evening
the young people of the church who
are busy during the day "do their
share in the surgical dressings.
A splendid record is held bv Ca-
Miedral auxiliary No. 2, whose mem
bers work at the Good SheDherd
'on vent. There are 64 workers. In J
live days they completed 2,110 sur-
gical dressings.
Mrs. F. X. Despecher is the chair
man and the workers spend five days
a week at work. The supervisors
are Mesdames Frank Bandle and
C. C. Morgan and the Misses Helen
and Nan Murphy, Mae Greene, C.
Taggart, Marion Coad.
Patriotic Organizations.
Omaha chapter of the Daughters of
the American Revolution will hold
its regular meeting Tuesday at the
Fontenelle at 2:30 o'clock. 'Reports
from the state convention, will be
The regular meeting of the Custer
Woman's Relief corps will be held
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock in the
court house. ,
Society Deserts Its Haunts
For War Work
(tontinutd from Page One.)
B. Eddy; Collegiate Alumnae," Miss
Bess Dumont; Vassar college, Airs.
Warren Blackwell; Wellesley college,
Mrs. Ralph Kiewit; Rockford college,
Mrs. . J. R. McDonald; Jewish
Women's clubs, Mrs. J. B. Katz and
Mrs. K. Kuloknfsky; Equal Franchise
society, Miss Mona Cowell; Creche,
Miss Arabel Kimball; Business
Woman's club, Miss Grace Grant;
Woman's club railway mail service,
Mrs. M. H. Blackwell,' Woman's club,
Omaha mail service, Mrs. Thomas
Golden;-Sermo Liberty club, Mrs. J.
J. Hess; Mu Sigma, MrsN. P. Feil;
Catholic Women's clubsf Mrs. Paul
Gallagher and Mrs. W. B. Hosford;
North Side Women's clubs, Mrs. T.
B. Reynolds; Train School Mothers'
club, Mrs. C. E. Parsons; Dundee
Child Conservation "'league, Mrs.
Miles Greenltaf; Dundee Patriotic so
ciety and Omaha chapter, Daughters
of 'American Revolution, Mrs. F. F.
Porter; Major Isaacs Sadler chapter,
Daughters of American Revolution,
Mrs. Earl Standfield; Daughters of
1812, Mrs. J. J. Stubs; Sons and
Daughters of St. George, Belles Let
tres and West Side Woman's Chris
tian lemperance union, Mrs. S.
L. Morris; Comus club, Mrs.
Charles M. Barrie; W. W. club,
Mrs. F. J. Martis; Chautauqua circle,
Mrs. W. B. Howard; National League
Woman's Service, Mrs. William A.
Smith; Bohemian Women's clubs,
Mrs. Julia Stenicka; West Side Moth
ers' clubs, Mrs. T. B. Barber; Omaha,
Wyche , and C. O. Story Tellers'
leagues, Miss Kate Swartzlander;
Dorcas, Mrs. E. J.1. Hatch, and J. F.
W. club, Mrs. Milton Dodds.
possible to be at the church Monday
Dundee Unit Increases.
Dnndee Community auxiliary has
increased its membership to 100 and
Mrs N. F. Harriman, the chairman,
has-named Mrs. A. H. French as her
assistant. The auxiliary, which has
been working Wednesdays in the
Dundee Presbyterian church, will also
work' Thursday evenings from 7 to 9,
beginning this week. Mrs. Pope will
have charge of the. evening work.,The
women are also making knitted sup
plies for the Nebraska base hospital.
Thousands of pieces of clothing,
used garments, collected recently by
the Red Cross for the Belgian and
French refugees, arrived at head
quarters after the carload had been
shipped. These garments have been
laundered and cleaned, and the, sal-,
vage committee will hold a big rum
mage sale of the goods and turn ovei
the proceeds to the Belgian anc
French relief committee. Date wil
be announced later.
"Private Peat," Harold Peat,' Cana
dian army, who is to speak at the
Auditorium April 8, and who refers
to himself as being "in hell two years
and back with a smile," writes Chair
man Dietz that he will not be able to
get to Omaha till the morning of the
8th, as he is expecting "a liberty boy"
in Chicago. Private Peat writes from
Terre Haute, Ind., and says he will,
stop off at Chicago to help out at
their big Liberty bond drive.
"Chairman of auxiliaries wilj yOu
please report at once all work finished
so that it can be collected and cen
sored. This will expedite shipments
a great deal and relieve the working
force of rush spurts when many de
liveries come in from a number of
auxiliaries at the same time," is the
notice Mrs. Arthtfr Mullen, chairman;
hospital garments, wants all auxiliary '
chairmen to heed. ' .
Work Every Day. .
Beginning Monday, work on the
supplies for the Nebraska base hos
pital will be done every day in the
week at the First Presbyterian church,
Miss Jessie Millard, chairman, an
nounces. The Nebraska unit is sched
uled to sail in the near future and the
supplies must be finished in time for
shipment to an eastern port. Miss
Millard urges as many workers , as
H that dirt and grease attract moths. Why not remove m
jj the danger by having your winter garments dry clean- fjj
jjj ed before laying away for the summer? m
U We guarantee no moths will bother garments B
j cleaned by us if left in the box, or bag, in which .they p
.jjj are returned. ; jj
jl ' Say to our driver, "Have these garments -dry, jj
Ip cleaned and returned in a box, or bag, ready to lay; g
jjj . away." ' , jj
j We'll do the rest, and guarantee them to open up . 11
p satisfactorily m the tall.
jj 1515-17 Jones Street. Phorle Douglas 963.
GUY LIGGETT, President.
sm 6 .
.... ' 'jl:
Ladies! Here Is Your Opportumty
to Save on Stylish Summer Apparel! !
'r u After a most successful Easter' business I have decided to hold a series of special sales iri order',
to help every woman to dress well at a moderate expense. Tnis is the You are given the .
opportunity to secure your summer outfit at a handsome saving Every garment ; is made right here
m Omaha and. guaranteed by me to please you m every way. ',
If you do not fidd in this advertisement exactly what you
have, in mind, I will make it for you in 48 hours and do it for
less money than you would expect to pay for such, excellent
service., .
The reason why I can save you money is because I pay a
low rent and the fact that I personally do the designing and
; cv : ; .
J $ ,,nvfl,iV"1
A B nd Farnam, withes to call the I
1 public's attention to the Chiro- i
. . I I! .U .1 .1 ,m- 1 1,1 I -r r .
Many HomeHte Features
insuring Comfort and Pleasure
Commend the Grand Pacific Hotel to Chicago 's visitors,
whether in the citv on business or Dleasure. Its auiet
S location, cozily furnished rooms, high class food, atten
S - tive personal service and fine hospitality are proriiinent
25 factors in popularizing this hotel with the traveling public
' - ' - .
Bright; Cheerful Rooms with Private Bath
Merchants and buyers particularly appreciate the proximity of the wholesale
district And then, the theaters, retail stores and railroad stations are all
within a few minutes walk Write for reservations and farther particulars to
. s .... -. r -
, " Grtod Pdflc Hotel. Jackson Boulevard at Clark Street, Chicago,
1 ill
O. Wi
Mail Orders will be promptly attended to. Please state style number when or
dering. I guarantee every article to be as .represented or refund your money.
Suit Style No. 100
Jacket Madeof guaranteed sat
in; black, navy and white; lined
throughout with satin; trimmed
with white pearl buttons; 2 patch
pockets; white satin vest and col
lar. Can be worn with any skirt.
Skirt Made of white satin, with
two patch pockets, large belt trim
med with ten large pearl buttons.
This suit is on display in satin, 'or
you can nave the jacket made in
dress velvet, black or navy. The
regularvalue of this suit is $39.00
Price of
Price of
Jacket, i
Price of
$14.75 '
Suit Style No. 110 .
Jacket Sleeveless, made ofdress1
velvet, black and navy, lined with
white Belding satin, 2 patch pock
ets, trimmed with white silk braid,
satin collar, pearl buttons, belt" all
around. .
Skirt Made of guaranteed white
satin, cut .full, large ' belt, 2 p.atch
pockets, trimmed with' 8 pearl but
tons. This suit is on display; can
be made either in satfri or dress
velvet. The regular value of this
suit is $39.00.
Price of
Price of
Price of
Skirt. .
All vests and collars are made up ready for Immediate delivery.
No. I TUIi vest 1
made of white pique,
Juet Ilk the llluetra
tlen. It'e the proper
thln to wer with your
prlmreuit. AQt
BpecteJ. at
No. J-Thl prtty cel
lar ii made of heavy
China silk and also
pique, embroidered and
edged wltb fine quality
lace: $3 value. 1
Special, at
No. 3 This collar la
made of very fine
lawn, all embroid
ered in different col
ors; $1.60 val
ue. Special .
No. 4 Mannlub style vest, made
of the beet Belding aatln, guaran
teed to wash, also In white, pink
and gray. On display ready to
wear. Regular 15 value for. .KJSO
This vest also made 'in fine pique,
low or high neck; 1 7C
regular J3.50 value, for ef
No. 5 White pique
collar and cuff set,
all embroidered;
1 EA ...I
Special 75C
No. Satin cellar, to
trim your spring suit
waist or dress, made of
best quality Belding
satin, reversible; Il.TS
Special 13V
. WAHSEEKT- Raines
171. - V!t .
Aim ana xarnam Btreets. :ir
Room 24, Patterson BJock.
Telephone Tyler 3071.
Over Unit-Docekal Drug Store Entrance on Farnam Street.