Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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General Gives Vivid Portrayal
of Huns' Fiendish Glee and
Inhuman .Methods of
Major General E. D. Swinton, in
"entor of the British war tank, spoke
to a crowd which overflowed the
lobby of the Live Stock Excnange
Thursday afternoon. He told in
vivid language of some of his ex
periences on the European battlefield.
and described the inhuman treat
ment of prisoners of war by the Ger
mans. One instance which the General
cited was that of-a young Canadian
aviator who was shot in the arm dur;
ing an air battle with tht Germans
and forced to bring his machine
down. German officers took him to a
3hed and with a pile of straw for a
bed left him five days without med
ical attention with barely enough
food to keep him alive. His arm had
cjrown stiff, gangrene had set in, and
his arm had to be amputated to save
his life.
Another instance of the Germans'
fiendish glee over inhuman methods
of warfare was that of a captured
German officer who was being es
corted to the rear by a British officer,
t recognized courtesy of warfare ex
tended to captives of high rank. They
came upon two British Tommies lying
by the-roadside who were suffering
death agonies from a poison gas at
tack. The German officer pointed to
the dying men, and laughed derisively
at their plight. j"The British officer
had a pistol in his belt, and that Ger
man brute never laughed again," said
General Swinton.
Frank G. Odcll of Omaha, who has
been with General Swinton on a
speaking tour for JLiberty Bonds,
made' a short, stirring address and
introduced the speaker.
Towl, engineer, for commissioner.
Hare Boot Print It Ntw Beacon Praia
Lighting Fixtures, Burgess-Graden.
Attorney Gerald M. Drew has re
moved to 508 Security Bide. D. 3S37.
Might As Well Save oc Buy jour
Butter-Nut Coffee in one handy 3
pound can, $1.00 each.
' Returns from Florida J.. J. O'Con
ndr has returned from Florida, where
he visited during the winter. ,
Gus Miller, well Known probation
officer, favors the nomination of Dean
Klnger forclty commissioner. Adv.
Committee to Meet D.,M. llaverly,
chairman of the Memorial dny com
mittee, has called a meeting for next
Monday night in the Memorial hall at
the court house.
Prudent saving In war times is a
hostage for opportunities of peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n. 211
& 18th St 1 to 15.000 received.
Nothing to It The city building de
partment wishes to refute a rumor
that Omaha is refusing to issue build
ing permits. Chief Clerk Isitt stated
that he heard the rumors from sev
eral sources. A traveling salesman for
a local brick company heard there
portAin Des Moines on Thursday.
- Promotion for Lieutenant Kgcn-
Lothar F. Egen, formerly a first lieu
tenant in the medical reserve corps,
has been promoted to the rank of cap
tain 'and is stationed at Camp Fun
ston, Kan. Captain Egen was grad
uated from the Creighton medical col
lege, 1916, and served a year as in
terne in the St. Joseph's hospital prior
to entering the medical reserve corps
as first lieutenant.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
South Siders Preparing
For Liberty Day Parade
South Side merchants, business and
professional men will form a part of
the sixth section of the second divis
ion in the Liberty parade, Saturday.
This division will be in charge of V.
B. Cheek, head marshal, and his
assistants, "W. B. Tagg, C. A. Smith
and J. B. Watkins.
A standard or marker will be
placed on .Twenty-seventh street be
tween Farnam and St. Mary's av
enue, designating the place of forma
tion for this section. American; flags
will be furnished the marchers by
Captains Coad," Calkin, Yager, Etter
and Krause at the time- and place
i designated. .Merchants entitled to
carry service flags must furnish, .them
themselves. . ,
- Ladies will march with the men if
they desire, or, if members of the Red
Cross prefer to, may report to Mrs. W.
B. Tagg on Twenty-sixth street north
of Farnam and form, a part of the
women's section of the second di
vision. A signal gun will be fired "at
1:30 o'clock, at which time all are
expected to be at their appointed
stations so as to be ready to move
promptly at 2 o'clock, when the start
ing gun will be fired. The arrange
ments will permit each participant to
view the entire parade. All business
places are requested to close during
the parade.
War Savings Heads Boost
Sales of Liberty Bonds
Following out the suggestion of
Secretary of the Treasury W. G.
i McAdoo, in a recent letter to Ward
M. Burgess, state director of war sav.
ings for Nebraska, the Nebraska war
savings committee is devoting itself
now to organization of war savings
societies to be used in promoting the
sale of the third Liberty loan bonds,
and the stimulation of the habit of
thrift and saving throughout Nebraska
and the continued purchase of war
saving stamps by those persons who
are not able to partake of the Liberty
bonds. The Omaha war savings 'com
mitee, headed by Joseph Barker, who
is assisted by Charles T. Kountze,
Harry McCormick, Guy H. Cramer
and Robert H. Manley, has begun a
systematic campaign for the establish,
ment of war savings societies in
Omaha. C. E. Corey has charge of
this work among the industrial and
business bouses and Hugh Wallace
i will assist Superintendent J. H. Beve-
cidge, who will have charge of the
work among the Omaha schools.
County Chairman of the War Savings
W. M. Rainbolt will name a county
director of war savings societies at
once to carry on this work in Douglas
Funeral of Mrs. J. Bonkal
Will Be Held Here Sunday
Funeral services for Mrs. Josephine
Bonkal, 33 years old, who was killed
in an automobile accident at Sheridan,
Wyo., last Sunday, will be held at
Korisko's chapel Sunday afternoon
at Z o'clock. Interment in Graceland
Park cemetery.
Mrs. Bonkal is survived by her
husband, her father, and mother, three
sisters, Mrs. Frank Fredertckson,
sheridan, Wyo.; Mrs. W. B. Weath
er by, San Francisco, and Marie Dra
Toner. Sarpy Mills, and five brothers,
foseph, Los Angeles; John, Camp
.7unston; Frank, Camp Dodge; Harry
md Steve, Sarpy Mills.
Mrs. Bonkal lived in South Omaha
mtil a few years ago. She was a mem-
1 -er of Lodge Vermost No. 62. Fra
crnal Union of America, which will
lave charge of the services.
, Missouri Flood Waters
Are Rapidly Receding
Flood waters of the Missouri river
re rapidly receding and all danger
s( an overflow has passed. Some
af the gardens and farms on the low
lands have been flooded slightly, but
ifj's believed the water; will drain
otf so that the land can be cropped.
Brie) City News ,
Two Pedestrians Injured
By Automobiles Yesterday
Mrs. Catherine A. Newton, 1221
Dr'exel street, was sliehtlv bruised
when she was struck by an automobile
truck at Sixteenth and "arney streets
yesterday afternoon. The machine
was driven by Harp, Sussman, 2231
Leavenworth street. He was arrested
and charged with reckless driving.
C, H. Eyman, 23262 South Fif
teenth street, received a fractured arm
and injuries about the head when he
walked in front of an automobile
driven by Mrs. G. L. Savage, 1617
South Thirty-third street, about 6
o'clock last night. The accident hap.
pened at Fifteenth and Farnam
streets. Eyman was taken home,
where his injuries were attended by
Police Surgeon Nigro. "
1 ii
Farnam Street Is Dark
After Auto Runs Wild
Farnam street was in darkness
about 10 o'clock last night when an
automobile crashed into an electric
light pole at Twentieth and Farnam
streets. Nobody was in the machine
at the time the accident happened.
It was alleged by nassersbv that the
machine was stolen by three hiah
school boys' from the Tames Corr
Electrical company. 207 South Nine
teenth street. They were pursued and
abandoned the car at Twentieth and
Dodge streets, allowing it to run
down Twentieth street with nobody at
the steering wheel. . All of the oc
cupants of the car escaped.
Chamber of Commerce Warns
Against Smallpox Epidemic
The executive committee of the
Chamber of Commf rce has sent a let
ter to members, urging every precau
tion against smallpox. The letter
says 150 new cases of smallpox have
developed in! the city in the last three
weeks and that the situation is par
ticularly grave because of the large
number of soldiers stationed here.
Miss Niel&ei. in Recital.
The, last of the series of concerts
given for the benefit of the Associated
Charities took place last evening at
the Boyd theater, when Miss Alice
Nielsen, soprano, gave a song recital
before a comfortably filled house.
Miss Nielsen charmed her listeners
by the beauty of her lovely lyric voice,
by her skill in using it and by the ex
quisite art of her. interpretations.
Miss Nielsen knows well the charm
of the small song and last night she
brought many of this type of artistic
song into her program, sieging them
as they should be sung, and making
the audience feel their loveliness.
She also knows the type of song
which best suits her voice, and with
contrasts of tone color, with entranc
ing pianissimo and beauty of sus
tained legato, she makes them dis
tinctly hejr own.
Miss Nielsen's program was subject
to change, and to a great deal of it, the
first group being the only, one which
went according to schedule.
This contained two unusual songs
to Omaha audiences the "Weather
cock," by Liza Lehman, and a bril
liant "Under .the Greenwood Tree,"
by Buzzi-Peccia. Of her French song,
"Si mcs vers Avaient des Ailes," was
giveti with excellent effect, also "Le
Papillon," by Fourdrain. Two negro
spirituals arranged by Burleigh were
her next contribution, "Deep River"
and "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot,"
each delightful with its own senti
ment, and the repose of her presenta
tion. "The lark" did not leave its
watery nest, as it was supposed to, at
the beginning of her next group, nor
did she ask, "Why should we fear the
darkness?" even though all Farnam
street was dark when the audience
came out. Instead Miss Nielsen sang
the old Irish, "When Love Is Kind."
and followed it by the "Fairy Pipers."
although I do not at present recall
the composer.
In "But Lately in Dance," by Aren
sky, Miss Nielsen did some of her
very finest work of the entire evening,
singing this highly poetic song with
consummate art.
Mr. Thomas Griselle was thorough
ly enjoyable, both as an accompanist
and as a soloist. His own composi
tion, "Japanese Arabesque." was
unique and fascinating, and his other
piano solos won him deserved recog
nition. Mr. Griselle. responded to an
encore with Chopin's "Butterfly
Etude," and Miss Nielsen responded
to several. She also gsaciously sang at
the close "Qxit Fine Day," from
"Madam Butterfly," by Puccini.
H. M. R.
Annual Meeting of Lowe
Presbyterian Church is Held
The annual meeting of the Lowe
Avenue Presbyterian church was held
Wednesday night. Dinner was served
under the direction of Mrs. A. L.
Pomeroy. Dr. J. M. Patton, W. J.
Mettlen, and George B. Eiseley were
elected to succeed themselves as eld
ers for a term of Jhree years. Paul
F. Bonorden, J. C. Sterling and Wal
ter Yuenger were elected deacons.
H. B. Payne, Dr. J. H. Wallace and
Dr. Blaine Truesdell were chosen to
succeed themselves on the board of
trustees. Reports from the various or
ganizations showed the church to be
in the most prosperous condition in
its history.
Omaha Man Disappears
Mysteriously in Minnesota
Does anyone know of an Omaha
man named Henry A. Meyer, who is
S. D. Warner, secretary of Hermon
lodge No. 41. Ancient. Free and Ac-
Burgess-Nash Company.
iyiryboeyS STORE"
Extra '
Special! '
A Sale of
California Nav
(P Each
Uxtra large, (all 96 size) California,
Navel Oranges,, very juicy. Very spe
cially priced' for Saturday morning in
tha Downstairs Store at 5c each.
No phone, or mail order accepted and
none delivered.
Perpetual War of Germs
In every human body there js continual strife between
the forces of health and disease, while headaches, nervousness
and frequent colds mean weakness and forerun sickness.
In changing seasons your system needs the oil-food in
to increase the red corpuscles of the blood and create that
resistive power which thwarts colds, tonswtis, throat
troubles and rheumatism.
Soott's is high-powered medicinal-food without drags
or alcohoL One bottle now may prevent a sickness.
Tb Imported Norweftan cod llw oil otrd la Sntt't Kmmtthm fa nmr nftnnt ia
our own Americas laboratorie which guarantee it Int from imparities,
Seott Ale a.BloomflltK.J. J7-41
Kect ai Uis eases Curec without a severe sur
gical operation, No Chloroform ot Ethe
used Cure guaranteed PAI WHEN CU1ED
Write tor IHxtiatoet book ae RactsiUlstsMS. witt
came and testimoBiala ot mora ho 0U8 oromi
tenr oeople he have bee oermaneatrt red
E. R. TARRY 240 Bee Olds.. Omaha, Neb.
cepted Masons of Zumbrota, Minn.,
writes to Capitol lodge No. 3 of Oma
ha, as follows:
"Last summer a pian put up at one
of our hottls for a few days, and then
disappeared absolutely. He left valu
able personal baggage, including a
wallet wth manv va!M naper.
These papers indicate he was named
Henry A. Meyer. A business card
reads 'Henry A. Mever. storks and
bonds. Omaha. N'eb.' A dues receipt
indicates he is a memhrr of King
Solomon lodge No. 9, Ancient. Free
and Accepted Masons, Helena, Mont.,
but this receipt is dated in 113. so
ha may not belong ther now.
Farmers Pay Big Interest
On Farm Mortgages
Farmers of the United States pay
$418.56 per minute in interest on
farm mortgages, says R. C Peters
of the Peters Trust company. This is
more than $600,000 per day. Mr.
Peters is vice president of the Farm
Mortgage Bankers' association of
America, which will hold its next an.
nual convention in Kansas City Oc
tober 1 to 3.
The figures compiled by the asso
ciation show that more than $4,000.
000,000 of farm mortgages are in ef
fect in this country. The census of
1910 showed that there are more than
1.350,000 mortgaged farms in the
Lnited States.
''Investigation proves that farm
mortgages are not evidence of
poverty," said Mr. Peters. "They
merely represent borrowed working
capital. Iowa and Wisconsin are con
ceded to be am am or th 1..:n.
" . awvjiug
perous farming states and in both
over 51 per cent of the farms were
mortgaged in 1910. The average
merchant or manufacturer does bus
iness largely on borrowed capital,
carried on short time bank notes. The
fa.mer borrows his working capita!
on long time by using his farm a
security and is not subject to the
same anxieties as the merchant
whose obligations usually mature in
60 or 90 days."
High Art Students Ply
Brushes to Boost Bonds
I Pupils of the art classes of Central
High school have prepared an inter
esting scries of colored pasters pre
senting pictorial arguments in favor
of the $1,000,000 school bonds which
will be submitted to the voters next
The need of a new High School of
Commerce is the chief argument, and
in presentation of that thought one
of the young artists depicted a Com
mercial High pupil traveling on a mo
torcycle to cover the distance be
tween the detached buildings of his
school. 1
Women Find Clear Skin
In Simple Laxative
Elks Quartet Will Sing
At Liberty Bond Meetings
J. R. Gerke. Alex Bengston. C. S.
Haverstock and J. E. McCargar,
known as the Elks' quartet of Coun
cil Bluffs and Omaha, will sing at It
Liberty bond meetings in nearby
Iowa towns during the next week,
beginning tonight in Red Oak. This
quartet 'appeared at 123 Liberty bond
and Red Cross meetings in Nebraska
and Iowa last summer and tall.
A NM8 of faUe modesty oftm prevents women from
admitting tht many of her ilia and disorders are due primarily
to constipation.
But women who know therrwelvaa Kara Wroed that head
ache) remedxtt and beautinan only cover tha trouble but do
not dialodg it.
Fhat is needed ia a remedy to mow the bowel and atir
up tha torpid fiver. An ever-mcreaainf number of aenaible
women take a email doea of a combination of simple laxative
herbe with pepsin known as Dr. Caldwell's Syrup Pepsin and
sold by druggist under that name. ,
It will save a woman from the habitual use of headache
remedies, skin lotions and similar makeshifts. Once the
bowels are emptied end regulated, the headache and the
pimples and blotches disappear. It is the rational, nature!
A bottle of Syrup Pepsin lasts a familya long time, and
all will find uae for it from time to time. Thoughtful people
are never without it in tha house.
Th drvggiit will refund your money if it iilt
to do ma promisee.
la spita ai eaaiiaas
I r.atee laberalery
MB m tha War
the mamifactware at
Dt. CaUweU'a Syi
Pla era menkewl
Ami anata sad aheorb
ia om war twa ea
that Aafuailr hualive
atev wnia at aha an
wanW MaaaeSI
a Ursa Stria. Sa mU
fcy ariie tar 3 year
SDr. Caldwell's
The Perfect JiUx&tke
rtlE SAMPLES -Pesaie
ia tha larsaet
at waawra, II
Dr. CeMwall'e Sy-jo
as; usual laealrna
m he
aar atferaae lot a rrae trial ftottla M Ur. w.
B. CeMwall. 4M Waahiastn St.. MantmUa,
heva hahiM ia the family eras' far
heva aanM ia the t
alnfe Care W the Bhy.
Site) GONMttY
Friday, April 5, 1918-
-Phone D. 137
WHAT a wonderful meaning is expressed in that word yet so few
of us. fully realize that meaning. 4
We are fighting oneof the most absolute autocracies the world has ever
seen. If democracy is toT survive and we to retain our liberty ,Ve must prove
that democracy, is equal to the gigantic task before her. That the voluntary
endeavor of a free people, united in a just and common cause,-is more vital,
more efficient than the iron rule of military masters whose unbridled .will h
Every American must enlist m this war.
Every American must take a definite part
There are many ways in which you can help hasten the day of victory
at home and victory abroad and one way is to
Invest in all the Liberty, Bonds you can.
In order that our employes may be able to take part in the great
Liberty Day Parade,
Our Store will be closed Saturday Afternoon
During the Parade.
Help to Beautify Omaha By Planting
Shrubst Vines, Flowers and Vegetables
EVERYONE with a lawn or garden should join the city-wide movement, promoted Iby the various improvement
clubs to beautify Omaha. It is really wonderful what a few seeds will do in beautifying the lawn and how
much a package or two of vegetable seeds will do in that back yard plot in cutting down the cost of living, and that
we may do our little bit, we offer Saturday :
Mulberry Plants 2 for 5c
Mulberry plants, 2 years old, for filling up the open
place in your hedge. Special at 2 for 5c.
Privet for Hedges 5c
Good size plants, hardy and vigorous, and
will thrive in most any fertile soil. Used exten
sively for hedge, screens and also for planting
among other shrubs for the beauty of the flow
ers. Sc plant.
Blue Grass Seed
Special 26c
Best quality pure Blue
Grass Seed. Fresh stock,
.26c lb.
White Clover Seed. Fresh
stock, at ,
lfl. 3jQh (it ifpw 7j
' STV Rtock'at LiIc J1-00
mL-TM: 69clb' '
An Assortment of Home Grown Shrubbery
at 10c Each
2 to 3-year-old plants, well-rooted, good hardy bushes. Including:
Persian Lilac
Tree Hydrangea
Hydrangen Bush
Honey Suckle
Snow Ball
Special Note No mail or phone orders will be accepted for these
shrubs or plants, and none will be delivered.
Pakro Bulk Flower
and Vegetable Seeds,
Fresh stock, large selection
of varieties, large packages,
10c each.
D. M. Ferry Seeds
Flower and vegetable, all
fresh stock, at Sc and 10 a
Youll Need Some of These Garden Tools, and Here's
a Special Sale for Saturday
Patton Sun
proof paints,
good selection
of colors, at,
gallon, $3.50.
Garden Rakes
Garden rakes, malleable iron,
blued finish, straight teeth.
12-prong, at 29c.
14-prong, at 33c.
Lawn rake,' 24-tooth, tinned
wire, long handle, special, at 55c.
Spading Forks
. Spading forks, 4 tines, mal
leable steel blades, extra special,
at 79c.
Spading fork, five tines, bronze
finish, best quality. O handle,
at $1.95.
With five adjustable blades
made of spring steel, oil tem
pered. Long handle; 98c.
Spading fork handle; D top;
Garden Hoes
Garden hoes, one-piece solid
steel blade with socket, long
handle, special, at 75c.
Women's hoes with steel blade,
4-foot handle, special, 59c.
Warren solid steel hoes with
4 Vt -foot handle, at 95c each.
Polished riveted blade, blued
finish, long handled garden
hoes in assorted sizes, -special,
at 32c.
Garden spades, with solid
I handle, special, $1.49.
Wheel barrow, patent stave
tray, well braced and full bolt
ed, special, $3.19.
Steel garden trowel, iron han
dle, 10c.
Garden Hose
Garden hose,' 4-ply, guaran
teed : .
50-foot length, -inch r size,
50-foot length, -inch size,
Heavy corrugated black cover
molded on first quality duck.
Non-kink. Guaranteed; coup
ling furnished free; H-inch
size, 14c; 94 -inch size, 17c.
Crescent lawn fountain, made
of brass, 69c each.
All-Steel Hose Reel
Electric welded. Galvanized
steel drum. Very strong; $2.69.
Hose reels made of hard wood,
natural finish; holds 100 feet
hose. Special, $1.15.
Netting, lc
Poultry net
ting, 2 inch
l,mesh, 1 to 6
ieet n:gn, m
rolls of 150
running s feet
at lc sq. ft.
Garden Weeders
Tin malleable iron, with 5
bent tines. Enameled handles,
Women's Floral Sets
Heavy steel spade 6-tooth
rake, solid shank steel rake,
bronze finish ; a . very practical
set for the garden, the three
piece set, $1.59.
Children's Garden Sets
3 pieces rake, hoe and shovel,
4-tine manure forks, long han
dle. Strap ferrules? 7Sc.
Turf Edger
Best quality steel. Long han
dle; 85c