Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, April 06, 1918, Page 11, Image 11

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Adelaide Kennerly
Ella Fleishman,
tiiiiTUK xna
a awf a ra
Patriotic Omahans Auation'Bridge
Prizes for Red Cross Benefit
nOUR PATRIOTIC OMAHANS are so anxious not to lose a minute for
war work that the card clubs have adopted a unique plan of raising money
for the Red Cross. A little club,
years, was entertained inursaay evening aime nome or Mr, ana airs. vv.
H. Head. ' - ' , :', ' ' V
After the playing was over and
SuggcSlCU all aucisvil. fv uuuui iuvi&.auur -ra-tt- -, a, muiua muuuicu man,
holding the ladies' prize, a pair of silk hose, in his. hand. He bfgan the regular
auctioneer's jargon: " . "
"How much am I bid, etc." The bidding waxed hotter and higher, until,
the silk hose were sold for $11. Then everyone voted to determine where
the money should be sent and the War Relief society won the most votes.
The gentleman's prize was also silk hose, but instead of an auction the
guests drew numbers from a hat and each one paid the amount of his num
ber. As the clock struck twelve, the one who held the highest number was
given the prize. The Nebraska base hospital benefited by this amount, 5 and
some cents. . .- , . '
The 12 guests then "voted" unanimously that" they had had more fun
that, evening than ever before and they went home with a pleased feeling
that they had helped two worthy causes at4he same time.- The little club
includes: Messrs. and Mesdams James Richards, F. B. Aldous, C. D. Sturte
vant, W. G. Brandt, Dwight Williams, Miss-Mary Hall and Dr. E. M. Barnes.
' Army Wedding.
A quiet home wedding took place
Wednesday afternoon when Miss
Grace Gibson, daughter of Mrs. W.
W. Welsh, became the bride of Lieu
tenant Max Brown of Red Oak, la.,
at the home of Jier mother in the
Clarinda apartments.
Rev. U. G. Brown, district superin
tendent of Methodist churches of Ne:
br'aska, performed the ceremony. The
bride wore a dark blue traveling suit,
with hat to match, and a corsage of
pink sweet peas. .. . ;
The couple left immediately for
Red Oak, where they will be" at home
k , until the " bridegroom is called ' into
service. He is an officer in the dental
reserve. His bride attended the Uni
versity of Nebraska, where she was
a member of the Tri Delta sorority.:
Lieutenant Brown took his' course at
Iowa university and belongs to the
Delta Gamma Delta fraternity.
Family Reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mills enter
:ained at dinner Thursday evening
it their home in honor of their
guests, Mr. Mills' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank M. Mills of Sioux Falls,
S. D., who are spending a few days
here enrolite home from California,
where they spent the winter. The oc
casion was the elder Mr, Mills' 87th
birthday. Another daughter, Mrs. E.
. C. Chase of Des Moines, came to at
tend the birthday dinner.
The guests asked to meet the vis
itors were Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Rus
sell, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Morcdm,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams and
Dean and Mrs. James A. Tancock
and Lieutenant Montague Tancock.
Painting of Archbishop. '
A valuable painting of Archbishop
J. J Harty will be the prize given in
a the popularity contest held .in' con-
" nection with the benefit, Dan to.oe
given at the Auditorium April 11 for
Father Flanagan's Boys', home, '.The
winner will be announced at the ball.
A number of younger girls' ' names
have been entered and votes for them
may ber purchased from members of
the .committees in charge.
Springtime. V
A real springtime tea was given
this afternoon at the home of Mrs.
H. B. Bergquist, for yellow jonquils
and soft gray pussywillows were
used in profusion through the rooms
and a graceful basket adorned the
center of the- tea table. Mrs. Har
land Woods, recently returned from
Turkey, who is the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. Doane Powell, was honored
at the affair. About 25 or 30 guests
called during the afternoon.
For a Bride.
Miss Betty Carr was honored at
two affairs today,
f ' Miss Grace Slabaugh invited a few
friends in for luncheon and the cozy
little party around the rose-trimmed
table included, beside the honoree,
. Mesdames.-Willard Slabaugh, George
hngler, Misses Kuth ritzgerald,
Mabel Allen and Eleanor McGilton.
The bride-to-be had to hurry away
from the luncheon and arrived breath
less at the home of Miss Mae Engler
iust in time to', be showered with
handkerchiefs, for each, of the 18
quests brought a filmy mouchoir for
the hope chest. The rooms were very
attractive with their baskets of dainty
pring flowers and 5 o'clock tea was
?or Latin Teacher.
Miss Anna Lockwood Peterson of
Cincinnati is in the city attending
the Western Classical association's
4 :onvention. Miss Peterson, who was
ormerly a member of the Central
High school faculty, has been honor
?uest at a number of delightful din
' iers during her stay. Madam Chate
'ain and Mrs. Woodward entertained
Vednesday evening and whether
here were any .Latin conjugations
served with the soup we have not
earned, but Miss Jeannette McDon
ld is giving a dinner this evening
or Miss Peterson and you may be
?ure that such dull things as "Gallia
:st omnis" will be forgotten at this
larty. Miss Peterson will return to
Zincinnati Saturday evening.
Mrs. Nicholson lere. .
Informal little foursome and six
;ome parties are being given for Mrs.
Meredith Nicholson of Indianapolis,
who is spending a few days at the
Charles KOuntze home. Mellificia
spied a little box party at the Strand
Thursday evening which was no doubt
areceded by an informal dinner, for
the guests had on their best and din-ner-iest
clothes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Kountze, Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart,
Mrs. Nicholson and Master Lionel
)' Nicholson made up the party. .
Service League Notes.
AH members of the National
League for Woman's Service are
urged by the chairman, Mrs. William
Archibald -Smith, to march with this
contingent in the Liberty loan parade
Saturday, whether they have uni
forms or not. 'A dark suit or dress
and plain hat are all that is required,
, Members of the Red - Star will i
?arch with this section. White caps
ith red stars on them will be pro
vided for all who wish them. The
league's bandage-making for the Red
Ik I
which has been ineeting for the last 10.
.the prixes had Deep, awarded, someone.
Star has already beeft-started in the
rooms in the court house.
Miss Arabell Kimball was elected
treasurer of the league to succeed
Mrs." Howard Baldrige, at a recent
board meeting. Mrs. Edgar Mors
man, jr., and Mrs. T. G. Travis were
elected to the board.
Reception for Pastor.
The Rev. Titus Lowe, who has just
returned from France," will be guest
of honor at a reception given this eve
ning at! the 'First Methodist, church.
The flags of the three allied nations
will be used in profusion in the
church, also palms and ferois. Cut
flowers carrying" out . the red, white
and blue color scheme will also be
used. Mr. Charles Goss will greet
Rev. Mr. Lowe for thechurch. Rev.'
Mr,. Lowe will give an informal talk.
Woman's Club News.
At the election bf officers held bv
the home economic department of the
Omaha Woman's club at its meeting
Wednesday at the Metropolitan club,
Mrs. C. A. Lotz was renamed leader,
Mrs. Isaac Douglas, secretary-treasurer,
and Mrs, Frank Odell. chairman
of courtesy committee, Mrs. Lotz
will appoint her assistants. .
A luncheon 'will be given at the
Prettiest Mile club April 16 by the
departments of the Omaha Woman's
club which meet on Tuesdays, as a
closing affair of the club season. The
departments are parliamentary law,
public speaking, current topics and
phychology. A program will follow
the- luncheon.
At Social Settlement.
The U. S. A. club will . give a
dance this evening at Rusning's hall.
A children's dancing party will be
given Saturday evening at the Set
tlement house from 7 to 8 and from
8;30 to, ll.the -party will be turned
over .to the grown-nps.
Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock the
Russian Progressive ,club will , meet
and.Bt 4 Miss Marion Howe and
Miss Harriet Smith will give a musical-
Future Events. '
. Women of the Holy Family parish
will entertain at cards and dancing
Friday evening. The proceeds will
be given to the school. .
' At the Art Exhibit
Among the notable works of Albert
Phillippe Roll, the noted painter,
whose canvases we now on exhibit
at the Masonic temple, under the aus
pices of the Omaha Society of Fine
Arts, are his portraits of two ex-presidents
of France. One is President
Faure and the other of Falfiers. The
pictnre made by Roll of President
Poincare has been sold ,to one of the'
Parisian art galleries.
' Mrs O.' T, Eastman was hostess
this, morning, Mrs. Charles O'Neil
Rich this afternoon, and Mrs. Milton
Barlow will receive tonight.
Superb Dress Trimmings
Charles A. Stevens & Bros, is one of the finest specialty
shops for women in this country. WE -NEED NOT SAY
MORE. Be sure to read details in Sunday papers.
Buideis Stores
Charming Both
as Teacher and
Return of the springtime has
tempted the athletically inclined to
done their riding togs and take to the
open road for a bit of relaxation from
every day duties and constantly in
creasing war work.
Miss Mae Scotland is orte of the
latest acquisitions to the number of ac
complished horsewomen in Omaha.
She is pictured beside her chestnut
mount, which she was riding this
week on the Fairacres boulevard. She
is a member of the faculty at Brownell
hall, coming here from Denver this
fall. .
Miss Scotland is exceedingly popu
lar with her young pupils, taking part
in all their recreation work, as well as
imparting to thenf her knowledge of
Spanish and expression. Omaha so
ciety has met Miss Scotland through
Miss Frances Nash, who made her
acquaintance while Miss Nash was in
Mrs. Anna Peycke is seriously ill at
her home.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Victor of
Lincoln will motor up to spend the
week-end with Miss Mae Engler.
Mrs". J. L. Carr and daughter, Alice,
have returned from California, where
they spent the winter, most of the
time with Miss Helen Carr in Los
' Lieutenant Montague Tancock is
home from Fort Worth for a few
days' furlough with his parents. Dean
and Mrs. James A. Tancock. Lieutenn
ant Tancock is with the British
royal flying corps.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Craig of
Sioux City, who: will -be among the
out-of-town guests at the reception
given for Rev. Mr. Lowe, will be the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Cam
eron for a few days. Dr. Craig is
the president off the' Morningside
Parade ptotes
Masonic Red Cross auxiliaries meet
at Twenty:s,ixth avenue and Farnani.
The, Association of Collegiate
Alumnae meets at Twenty-sixth and
Douglas. '
George A. Custer Woman's Relief
corps will meet at Twenty-sixth and
Farnafn streets at 1 :30 p. m.
The Scottish " Rite Woman's club
members meet at the cathedral Satur
day at 1 o'clock to form for the
j parade. "
Extraordinary Sale of
Entire Stock of
, "
State Street, Chicago
Bought by Us at
ZTVic on the Dollar
New York ;uul Miss oCoUand was
studying the violin there.
When the hall closes its doors this
summer, not to open again until after
the war, this versatile young woman
will seek a place among the army of
war workers who go to France.
"It is my one desire to beat my
brother to France," says Miss Scot
land. "He is already in the service,
and is now stationed with army troops
in San Francisco."
Last summer, Miss Scotland earned
considerable attention by the estab
lishment of a girls' military camp on
Loretta Heights. The campers lived
for two weeks in "true soldier fash
ion," modeling their day's program
after that of a neighboring army
Liberty Bank on
Court House Lawn
" Saturday Noon
Hobbling about on crutches, Gus
Renze, chief artificer to King Ak-Sar-Ben,
was superintending the erection
of the new Liberty bank which will
adorn the north broad walk to the
Douglas county courthouse until Oma,
ha has subscribed its quota to the
third Liberty loan.
Renze had most of the bank built
at the Den and it was hauled to the
courthouse on huge drays and there
put together. He said that his orders
were to have it up by Saturday morn
ing at 10 o'clock and that it would
be ready at that time.
The Liberty bank will be formally
opened at noon, when Mrs. E. M.
Fairfield, chairman of the woman's
committee, will present President Wil
son's flag to Boy Scout Troop No. 5
of Omaha, which won the flag by
obtaining Liberty bonds to th
amount of $186,000 in the second
The ceremony will take place on
the steps of the .bank. Vincent Has
call is troopmaster for the Scouts.
Bath Robes for Hospital.
An S. O. S. has been sent out by
the Nebraska base hospital unit for
bath robes and the Dundee Woman's
Patriotic club has responded to "the
call. The regular meeting has been
postponed a week and Monday and ;
Tuesday of next week the members
will meet at the home of Mrs. A. V. j
Dresher all day to work on these.
Uniform for Women of
Naval Reserve Force
Woman of the naval reserve force
are to have a uniform. Secretary of
the Navy Daniels has provided, so
that they may look shipshape like
their brothers. The regulations pro
vide for a norfolk coat of navy serge
I of white bleached drill slightly shap-
Other Exquisite Spring
priced-at, up from
New Spring Dresses
in Spring color effects that attract
and delight the eye.
You should not fail to see them if you
wish to be correctly "informed as to the
style which will be most popularly worn.
S15.00. $19.50. SS2.50,
S25.00, $27.50 up to $65.00
Special Blouse Sale I $3.50 Blouses $1.98
A magnificent assortment
dainty effects in Crepe
Chine and Georgettes. $6.50
values; Saturday, your choice,
at v.
All Basket Stores
Will Close for the Liberty
Parade Saturday.
From 12:30 P. M. to 5 P. M.
as we want all our employes to march in the parade.
All Basket Stores will reopen from 5 p. m. to 9:15 p. m.
Shop Friday and Saturday forenoon. Buy the biggest
Liberty Bond you can. Our Service Flag has 18 sters
in, with room for as many more. We'll stand by our U.
S. A. forever. '
44- BASKET ST03ES--44
United Stataa Food AdminiitrtUion Licenaa Numbar C28403.
m mm m mmm aMMBBMBaaBBBMMaiaMMaBBgaBBjMaa
Free Demonstration
In the Down Stair Store
Burgess-Nash Co.
Fruits and
ed to the figure, single breasted, with
four gilt buttons. A skirt of navy blue
serge or white drill, strictly tailor
made, full at the bottom, and to fit
the figure over the hips. A tailored
waist of beach cloth or similar
material and straight-brimmed sailor
hat of navy blue felt or rough flat
straw. Shoes and stockings must be
black for wear with white, and gloves
1621 Farnam St.
Charming New
Styles for Spring
BERG'S WOMEN'S SHOP, 1621 Farnam
Here you will find assembled a truly wonderful array of light,
bright and airy apparel that Springtime always brings. The fashion
centers of the east have been culled with unsparing effort to obtain
only the best and exclusive styles. ' ' .
A glance through our beautiful Spring exhibit will convince you
that we have been euccessful in gathering; a collection of "atylea dif
ferent" not to be equalled in towm .. -
Specially Priced for Saturday Sailing! , , ,
We are offering Saturday, a special shipment of beautiful
Spring Suits of Serge, Gabardine, Checks and Wool Jersey, that at
regular selling prices would be $35.00, $24 50
A Saving of $10.50.
Suit Creations, $29.50,
of a I AC unlimited
de 1t I Hal the8e Blouses
fXf 1 An unlimited
Tiri these Blouses
T Mil I i J, r"U
mW . . All. .
mi m mm
urene ae vnine,
Organdies; offered Saturday at
this special reduction.
Women's Shop
L et us tell you, worthy patrons, in words both brief and plain,
I nterest yourselves today in Liberty Loans again!
B etter for us to loan our cash to good old Uncle Sam,
E nlightening him to the fact, we're doing what we can;
R eady to help In many ways to bring democracy
To all our allied countries far across the sea;
Y ears go by so quickly that we think before we say.
Little things of happenings a year ago today;
0 maha has been "On Top" in every drive that's been,
A splendid record keep it up although Nineteen Eighteen;
N il desperandum is a Latin phrase which means "never despair."
D o your bit, Nebraukans, and the Hun will seek his lair, 1
Remember the Washington Market, the place to do your bit;
1 ncrease your knowledge of substitutes and to new rules submit,
V aluable recipes are sent us day by day. "
E ast or west, we have the best, is all that we can say.
Trade at the Washington Market where all food, are (old as repretented
Heavy Pork Loin Roast, any quantity,
per lb., at 23
Llftht Pig Pork Loin, any Quantity, per
tb., at .....27 Vie
Extra Fancy Beef Tenderloin, lb . . .27'ac
Extra Fancy Pork Tenderloin, lb . .33Vic
Choice Steer Shoulder Roast, per tb.,
at 22 'a c and 20c
Choice Steer Rump Roast, lb 22Vtc
Choice Steer Rib Roast, lb 22',c
Choice Steer Boiling Beef, lb 13',c
Extra Fancy Young Veal Roast, per tb.,
at 20c and 22 Vic
Extra Fancy Young Veal Round Steak,
per lb., at 30c
Extra Fancy Young Veal Chops, lb.. 25c
Extra Fancy Young Veal Breast, with
pocket tar dressing, tb 17 Vic
Fresh Spare Ribs, per lb 15e
On. of tha Largest Mall Order Hous.s In th. Middle Wrat,
United States Food Administration License No. C-27634.
Visit Our Branch Market at McCrory Be and 10c Store, in Basement.
.ne most uo-tATm wysojvmr cMoeaw
ip tar awkst w rwat Atipc wtsr
Miss Mary Radford, granddaughtet
of the late Rear Admiral William
Radford, of civil war fame, has been
selected to christen the United States
destroyer Radford which is exepected
to be launched at an Atlantic port this
$35, $45, $49.50
of white cotton. A regular
neckerchief may be worn.
Spring Top Coats I
The dominating styles for Spring are
thoroughly demonstrated in this eompre-.
honsive display of smart Coats, which have
been gathered from city Fashion sources -and
embrace the popular fabrics of velours,
gabardines, Tricotines, Delhi, Serges and
Silks. Prices Range
$17.50, $19.50. $22.50. i
$25.00, $27.50 to $75.00
assortment 01 U" aTl II U
in all sizes, of M II 0
in all sizes,
Vnilaa and
- . . -
Horn. Made Hamburger or Sausage, ner
tb., st 17Vt
Horn. Mad. Wcinners or Frankfurters,
per lb., at 18c
Compound Lard, per lb...,, 28c
Kosher Salamie 38c
Extra Fancy Strawberries, 2 boxes.. 35c
Extra Fancy Potatoes, peck 20c
Extra Fancy Head Lettuce, 2 bunches 15c
Extra Fancy Leaf Lettuce, bunch.... 4e
Red Globe Onions, 4 lbs ...lOo
Fresh Asparagus, 2 bunches 25c
Strictly Fresh Eggi, per dozen 33c
All Brandt of Creamery Butter, tb..43c
Good Oleomargarine, lb 25c
High Grade Coffee Special for Saturday,
per lb., at .8c
American or Brick Cheese, tb 29c
All Kinds of California Peaches, Apricots
or Plums, in syrup, per can 10c