j . 1Q ,. .- THE BEE; OMAHA, ., . . . ,' - ABIE : f " , x "2S k ! HERSHFELD S'V Rllih " BWL - I - ;':4 V jpllil I ''' . , ' ' Iv T: " ' : ' ' "V I 'i " I I . . .... .....ma.. I iirin tit a ati-v-vx a a t r I UFI D WAMTCn MAIM? S iv Want Ad Kates (Cash With Order.) 1H Pr word ch Imertion l per word for tore consecutive Insertions le per word (or each additional imertion Ne ad taken for lea than total el 20c or laaa than !0a per day. CHARGE e per Jin (count worda to Una) one time f par line each time, i conaecntlve time Jo per line each time, 10 consecutive tiroea SITUATIONS WANTED '.Se par line P week CARDS OF THANKS AND FUNERAL NOTICES 10a per line. each imertion (Minimum Charge. SO Centa.) ( Coo tract Ratea On Appllcatloa For convenience of advertiaera want ad will be accepted at the followinf offices! MAIN OFFICE . . .Bee Building Amea Office ..4110 North 84th St. Lake Office..... 2M North 1 4th 8t Vlnfoa Office 1716 Vinton Bt Park Office MIS Leavenworth St Walnut Office 01 North 40th St Boats Side .'.... 2318 N 8t Dounell Bloffi 14 Main St, North THE BEE will not be reaponiible for rooi a than one incorrect insertion of an ad vertiaement ordered for mora than one time. Cm THE TELEPHONE if yon eanut con. anient bring or tend your ada to anr of the above offieea. Ask for Want Ad Taker and yon will receive the same good service a when delivering your fad in- person, t , ' PHONE TVLER 1000 . Want Ad Columns Close Evening Editions..., , 11:00 M. Morning Edition 10:00 P. M. Sunday Editions.. 10 P. 11. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. VLHAMERA, 14TH AND PARKER WILLIAM FOX'S PICTURE. "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK" 3RA.ND. 1STH AND BINNET . WILLIAM DUNCAN, in "DEAD SHOT BAKERS alPPODROME, 2&TH AND CUMING f THE PICTURE OF THE TEAR, "EMPTY POCKETS" South. . i - Lpollo, " 1TH AND LE AVE VN WORTH J. WARREN KERRIGAN, in A MAN a MAN TtOHLFF, 26TH AND LEAVEN WORTH JACK RICHARDSON, in "THE MAN ABOVE THE LAW" JVejit Dundee, ist and underwood GEORGE WALSH, in "THIS IS THE LIFE" DEATH AND' FUNERAL NOTICE T.ELLEY James, aged ( years, ' Funeral Wednesday morning, April I, at 1:10 a. m., from family residence, 1711 Van Camp Ave., to 8t. Patrlok'a ctrurch at 0 a. m. Interment Holy Sepulcher cem etery. There are left te mourn his losa 'a widow and two sons, Thomas C. and ' Harry. Two brothers, Joseph M. and Thom as; his mother, Mrs. Mary Kelley, and on sister, Mrs, W. B. Carville. Friends are welcome. - TSjEN Riobard C, age 03 years; March 11; services at Hodman Funeral Home Tues day, 19 a. m. Interment Forest Laws N cemetery. Services and Interment private. Pleaae omit flowers. Deceased Is aurvlved by hie wife, Mm. Ellen Egen, and by three children, Mrs. Walter F. Draney, Dr. Sotbar 9. Egen and Henry Bolls Egen. ' , DREFOLD Oscar F., March 11, 1111, aged 31 yeara, at Tbermopolla, Wyo. Funeral Tuesday afternoon at 1:10 from Kountae . Momorial Lutheran church, Twenty-sixth and Farnam atreeta, - Inter- ment at Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends are welcome. slREBS Miaa Anna, died auddenly early Sunday morning at bar home,. 11(0 8. 11th St of heart failure. Funeral will be bald ' from family residence 1:10 a. m. Tuesday to St Wenceslaua church, 14th and Pine St. Interment St. Mary cemetery. . Frlenda Invited. - , TTURRAN Daniel, aged 33 years, died Sun day. March 31, 1318, at his residence. He Is survived by hla wife and two children. Funeral services Tuesday, April 3, at t p. r.i., from realdenee, 101 South Thir ty-first street Interment . West Lawn cemetery. ALL members of Ruth Rebeckah lodge No, are requested to attend funeral of Slater Jennie Fllber, from Bralley 4k Dorrance's chapel, Tuesday at 1:30. Vera. Smiley, . n. o.; Rose uomen, secretary. a i i M i i FUNERAL DIRECTORS. STACK & FALCONER Independent Undertaken. 14 4k Har. D. 317, B. L.1 DODDER CO.. Funeral Directors, P. L, Fero. Mgr., 33d and Cuming Sta. Phone Douglas 77. Auto ambulance. HULSS 4k R1EFEN. undertakers and em- bslmera, 701 8. 16th. Douglas 1114. ' JOHN A. GENTLEMAN, undertaker and mebaimer. 3411 Farnanf8L Harney 133. CEMETERIES WEST LAWN offers sympathetic service in audden sorrow; perpetual care; no aaeess- menu: lota on easy terms. Phone Wat 110. FLORISTS. 1FE' LEE L. LARMON 1814 Donglsa St. Doug Is s 1114. LARGEST assortment of fresh flowers. HENDERSON, 1519 FARNAM. RKEK FLOWER SHOP. 411 8. It. D. 1101 ROGERS. Florist. 31 & lth. D. 3400. BATH. National Florist. 1304 Farnam Bt A. DONAGHUE Est 186 1(23 HARNET, Flower (hipped everywhere. Exp. prepaid. LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA at COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COM PANT. Persona having lost some article would do well to call u the office of the Omaba 4k Council Bluffe Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It in the atreet ear. Mnv articles jiek dsv are turned In and the company la anxious to reetore them to the rightful owners. LOST Wednesday Ladles' black tin seat gold mounted, leather back. Seven or eight Inches . square, containing paper money, also'owner'a card. Finder la weU come to money If bag la returned by mall to 6111 Dodge Bt If YOU loee anything and will advertise it her yon will surely recover It If bund by an honest person. It yon fli.OJ any thing of value the honeat way la t ad- vertla Cor the own.r. - IOST Lava Her. plaUnum et with die monda, Thursday between ltth and Cbarle Sts. and the Burlington station. . Reward. Walnut 1186. ITOLB.V Six-cylinder Bulck; engine num ber 331117. Reward. Call Colfax 143. LOUT Phi Rho Sigma frat pin Thursday. BewaaiL H. V, VanUlver. JX SUA For Sale Miscellaneoeus IF you want full value for your walnut toga in the tree, can in aavence, no worn, no risk, first get estimate an.l price from H. O. Meade. Pacific Junction la. Bluffs phone 11773. Furniture and Household Goodo. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FURNITURE!, HUGS. STOVES ETC. Our Surolus Stock. MUST BB SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST. Buy Now and Get First Choice. The choicest home furnishings 'bat money can buy. Wa make a apec.alty of complete home outfits, also hotela and rooming houses. Railroad tare free to all out-of-town buyera within 80 miles of Omaba on purchases of 130 or more. 8TATB FUHfNITURE CO.. Tel. Doug. 1317. Cor 14tb and Dodge Sts.. Omaha. Ton Can Buy It for Leaa at the State.' FURNITURE A HARDWARE BARGAINS Beds, springs, mattresses, aressers, cni fonters, tables, chairs, china and kitchen cabinets, ruga and linoleum, trunks and ault eaaea, gas stoves and toe boxes, full line acreen wire, poultry .netting, garden tools, 1830-47 North 14th St Tele. Web. 1607. Open till i p. m. BARGAINS IN STOVES AND FURNiTURB. Beds, sprints, mattresses, bedding of au kinds, f tables, cbalra, china and kitchen eablneta, rugs and linoleum, 18I9-U4T N. 14th St Webster 1C07. Open till 0 p. m. ACTUAL TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Full line of furniture, gaa and coal oil a to yea, ruga, baby carrlagea, trunks, etc Loyal Furn. Co., 121 N. lth. FRlVAtB aala furniture, pictures, rugs, dishes and brlc-a-brao, atartlng Tuesday morning. Mrs. Fred Co, 407 N. !th St. fcmair4kh Anvtn anil rt vane har of all Kinas 0. rurniiure at a aacrmce tm n. iim FOR SALE Complete furnishings for four- room aparimen, lei. iougiae may. Pianos and Musical Instruments. . HOSPE CO., 1611 Douglas, have pianos to rent at It.iO per month, or will sell on easy terms. ' Sewing Machines. ' SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, sell needle and part Of all sewing machine. v MICKEL'8 -' NEBRASKA CTCLS CO., 11th and Harney Sta. Doug. 1(7. Nurseries, Seeds and Plant. GATE CITT NURSERT AND SALES GROUND at list and Burdstte, full line of fine stock. Open Sundays. Phone office, Doug. 30SO; residence, Wal. 1341. J. H. Marnstte, manager. SEND 13 AND WB WILL SEND YOU 850 Senator . Dunlap and 100 Progres sive Everbearing strawberry plant (poet age prepaid). Catalog free. Welch Nursery, Shenandoah, la. PRETTY Rocky Mountain Perennial Flow- era. Columbines, etc., 30 planta, i; it lor 33. Postpaid. D. Clcret, Husted. Colo. SEED POTATOES. RED RIVER VARIETY. CALL HARNEY 6787. Store and Office Fixtures. WB have moved to new location. We buy. ell and make deaks, safes, showcase, helving, etc Omaha Fixture A Supply Co., 8. W. Cor. 17th and Douglaa. D. 3734. FOR SALE A National Fireproof Caah Register Credit File, 180 account also, flood as new. Lamborn Drug Co., Denlson, la. '..,...-- Typewriters and Supplies. FOR RENT Remington, . Monarch and Smith Premier typewriter. Sent anywhere. Rental supplies on purchases. Rsmington Typewriter Company, , Nineteenth and Douglas tret. TYPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. Rent an Oliver 3 months for I J. central Typewriter Exchange, 1306 Farnam. v WB buv. aell and exchange typewriters: guar, typewriters 310 and up, , write (or list. MidlanC Typewriter Co., 14Q poage. Miscellaneous. ma lot of "O. G. SDsldlns" sporting goods. Mlts. gloves, balls, bate ana suits, win ell small or all parts. Display at 431 Pax ton Blk. Phone Doug. 4110, or appy;121 South lth St. J. Vlnnlck. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed, renovated and made up In new feather- proof ticking, 1307 Cuming. Doug. 3487, WHISKY and wine barrela (empty for sale. Nevlns A Schwlen, 411 Felix street St. Joseph, Mo. - ' ; t FT. showcase, wallcase, shelving, steam table, restaurant tames, ziia turning oi. SWAPPERS' COLUMN l ECONOMIZE IN WAR TIME. v Trade those arttclea of furniture, cloth ing, personal belongings, eta, that you have ne need ot Get something yea can use. BDsclal rate for ads In Swappers' Column ICo for 1-llne adv. 1 daya and So per answer for a., letters received. Business ada regular ratea. DIAMONDS, Jewelry, for rifles, shotguns, clothing. Friedman, 1211 Dougiaa. T WANTED TO BUY, DESKS DESKS ; DESKS New desks, used desk bought sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnam. D. 3144. SAFE wanted. On small sets or a cabinet safe. Must be cheap for caah. Bute sis and price. Box 4648. Omaha Bee. - JUNK and second-hand furniture. Epstein and Wlahlstt Web. 130 ANNOUNCEMENTS Accordeon Pleating. ACCORDEON, aide, knife, sunburst bo pleating, covered buttons, all sixes end styles; hemstitching, plcot edging, eye let cut work, buttonholes, pennants. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING CO.. 300-308 Brown Bldg. - Douglas 1834 HEMSTITCHING PLEAT1NO, BUTTONS. a. Ti. VanArnam Pleating Co. 1M-T Paxton Block. Phone Doug. 1100, Awnings, AWNINGS AND PORCH FURNITURE, Auto touring tent and camping supplies. SCOTT-OMAHA TENT 4k AWNING CO, Baths. LaBELLE Bath Institute; eleotrloand plain baths; massage of all kinds; expert at' tendant. 1600 Harney. Douglaa me. MASSEUSE, hatha, manicuring, physical cult Mis Walker, 124 Neville Blk. Brass and Iron Foundries." Paxton-Mltchell Co., 17th and Martha Sta. Baggage and Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANT wttl haul everything for yon. Packagee leae than 20 lbs., 16 cents. Doug. 4tl. THE ONLY WAY;?,' THE OMAHA TRANSFER CO. Billiard Parlors. Private tablea for partlea at Holmes'. Carpenters and Contractors. LESSARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. Ty. 1433. Chiropractors. Dr. J. C Lawrence, Balrd Bldg. D. 8411. Dentists. Taft'e Dent Rms.. 308 Rose Bldg. D. 1!36. Dr. Bradbury. No paU 321 W. O. W.Ttldg. Detectives. JAMES ALLAN, 113 Neville Blk. Evidence secured In all ease. Tyler 1111 ANNOUNCEMENTS . AU lUMUDlLU- JUUrtHUnj aia-fai nnnihw mn ...... --y- i Dressmaking. DRESSMAKING By day; work guaranteed. Tyler lOOi-W. , DRESSMAKING, Miss Sturdy. Douglss !. COMPETENT dressmaker by day. Har. 44. Express Transfer. WEST a BUTTON. Piano, household moving; live hauled. D. 72. 1606 Cass tit. stock mjgrand Building Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 1H84. Fum Developing. FILMS developed; rolls, 10c; packs, 16c; orle-day service. Kase Studio, Neville Blk. Hth and Farnam. Fixtures and Wiring. nTTPTTM Electric washing machU.es, D UrvlVlli ,ctrlo Irons and reading tamp. 1321 Cuming Bt Doug. Hit Furniture and Repairing. PIANO and furniture repairing and retlnlsh Ing. The Stanford Co., 1113 Har. D. 8641. Insurance. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILB INSURANCE COMPANT. 113-14 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug, lilt. Towel Supplies. Omaha Tqwal Supply. 307 8. 11th. P. 128. Si Jewelry. rvT A Vf rWrrvCi We pay best price with LXlXUWiAvO,,rlvllege to buy back at email profit, GROSS, 401 N. lth Bt Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal diseases cured without surgical opsratlon. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal dis eases with fWlmonlala. DR. E. R. TARRY, 140 Bee Bldg., Omaha. Osteopaths. DR. MABLE WESSON Tyler 23(0, 414 Brandela Bldg. Res. Phone. 4741. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. EXPERT WELDING OF ALL METAL. H. W. LEVERING, 103 8. 12th 8t. P. 8671. Patent Attorneys. STURGES 4k STURGES, U. S. and foreign patents and trademarks. 880 Bee Blag. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and sold. Inter national Patent Co.. m. Branaeia, v. eovi. Printing and Office Supplies. Watere-Barnhart Ptis Co.. 624 8. 13th Bt Plumbing and Heating. TOPP A CO., 1710 Vinton street, Plumbing and heating; general repair worn our specialty, oil burner experte. Tyler 1113, Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER, CHAS. H., 1303 Harney, Doug. 1011. Expert tuning ana repairing, nanos rebuilt and ref'nlshed. Estimates free. W. R. Dalbey, piano tuner. Douglaa 8237. Rug Cleaning. T QUALITY RUO CLEANERS. Bclenttfle Olive Oil Washing. Persian Rug Cleaning Co. 1267 Farnam. H. 1842. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 1212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tai'.ors. Dledrlck. P. L 116 B. 20th. Tailor. D. 2432. Trusses. CLECO COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted Perfectly by Experts, . The W. O. Cleveland Co., 1410-11 Harney Bt Wedding Stationery. WEDDING announcements and printing. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 64. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR SALE First class and up-to-date atock ofhardware In good live town; aoing good business and making money. Will be ,old at Invoice price, which le about $7,600. For further particular call on or address F. A. Klmbrough, Shelton. Neb. FOR BALE GARAGE AND REPAIR BUSINESS,, Excellent location; doing good business; snap If sold at once. Box 4460, Omaha Bee. " ' ' ' - RESTAURANT, confectionery, and soda fountain, doing good bualnesa; only eat lng plaoa In town; good reason for sell' Ing. F. R. Baker, Treynor. Ia. MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt fully guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. IPS South 14th Bt DRUG store tor sale. Pari. cash. Salea 118,000 year. HecRer rnarmacy, iium phrey, nab. WANTED to buy pool hall or confeotlonery -In Nebraska town. Lock Box (S3, vvayne. Neb. FOR RENT or aale, atore building, aoda fountain fixtures. Fred Hugeon, Blair Neb. . RESTAURANT Soft drinks for sale. Una business. O. Romstedt 803 8. IJtn, omapa. GUARANTY wcate you any line business any stated F. V. Knlest, nee Hia., umana, BARBER shop, pool, soft drink .tor sale. T. Sullivan. 4827 8. 34th. ha. AUTOMOBILES 1 Forda with Smith one-ton attach ment all In good shape, f 100 to 1400 each 1 1-ton Avery truck, good condition 1600. 1 1-ton Studebaker truck, nearly new, fine condition, 1500, with express body. 1 1-ton Repubilo truck, used only nine months, fine condition, $676. Several panel bodies for K-ton trucks at bargain prices. Andrew Murphy & Son, 14th and Jacksofi Sts. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiator repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radiator on hand. Maahed fender and lampa re paired like new. Highest price paid tor junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE A AUTO ' WORKS, 1810 Cumins St. Omsha. Neb. BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED Ever Ready Battery Station. 1206 arnm. FINE ASSORTMENT. Forda, Maxwells. Overlands, Bulcks, Chevrolata and Saxon. All In A-l condl. tlon. Meeka Auto So., new location, Mid dle State Garage, 2023 Farnam St, Doug laa 6280. - TODAY'S BEST- BUY 1817 BUICIC SIX AUTO PARTS CO.. 1105 Farnam. SOME REAL USED CARS AND TRUCK BARGAINS. STANDARD MOTOR CO., 2020 Farnam St Carl Changstrom, Manager. BARGAINS IN USED CARS. All makes. With and without starter. 11 to pick from. Phono D. 2814 or call at 161$ Davenport BOYLAN AUTO CO. QUALITY USED CARS, Btudebaker-Wllson, Inc. W have the beet bargains. Bee n at once. Harney 171. Famam and 13th Ave. ALL klnde ot care for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the boor. Forda. 10a per mile. Douglaa 7110. Na- braskfe Bervlce Garage. ONE 181$ Ford touring car, good condition, 3373 TELL & BINKLEY. 2318 Harn St GQOD USED CARS. GUT L. 8MITH. 16th and Farnam Sts. Douglaa 1373, KELSET "Streamline" body makee old Ford new. Sol S. Goldstrom Co.. distributor, '2867 Farnam street Telephone Harney 6646. CUMING GARAGE, 2416 Cuming St. D. 283X Storage, day and night -ervlce, carbon burning, welding, general auto re pairing. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO., 2406 LEAVENWORTH BT. WE ARE THE USED AR MEN. TRAWVER AUTO CO.. 1910 Farnam St. Douglas 1070. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co., 15th and Jackson. Ford Agents. Dong 600 f6r8ALE by owner. Cash only. Chand ler Chummy Roadster, driven 8,200 miles. 3850. Phone Douglas 4101. e FOR BALE New Stearna-Knlght Clover Lf&f Roadster. A bargain. Can be aeen at 3413 Dodge St FOR SALE Light delivery car in good run ning order, for sale cheap. Phone, Harney 8676 after 6 p. m. BARGAINS in used cars. -t ORR MOTOR SALES CO., 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; no delay. Acto Ex change Co., 2053 Farnam St. Doug. 6086. NEW Ford care for aale, monthly payment If desired Answer strictly confidential Box No. 8636 Bee Publishing Co Oakland, sensible six. MARSH OAKI ND CO., . . 2300 Farnam 8t. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNET 2807 for auto repairing. DELAY A BEAL, W. Farnam Garage. 1627 Farnam. Now open. Give u a trial. EDWARDS, E. S.. 2611 ltth Bt Web ster 1102. For best result with, repair work consult us. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC SERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 11 S. 18th Bt. Douglaa 6483. We repair any storsge battery, guaran- teeing earns for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., 1211 Hsmey St Tyler 1384. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT a FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c a mile, 86o per hour minimum charge. (EXCEPT 8unday and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO.. Douglas 8623. 1814 Howard Bt Tires and Supplies. LISTEN.' We will save you 60 per cent cn your tire bill. Tube vulcanized. 6e; casings, 50o up. Trade your old tires for new one. New second-hand, rebuilt rellned, retread and double tread tires, vulcanized and stitched, and Two-ln-Ona tire for sale. U. 8. Vulcanlzer for salek U. 8. Vulcantzer Co., Branch No. 16. 120 Bo. 13th St., Omaha. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1000 Milea Guaranteed. 30x1 37.76; 10x3 88.71; 32x3 Mi' 110 25; 13x4 311.15; 14x4 $13.16; 36x4 $16.60 Write us today for particular. AGENTS WANTED, Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 1610 Davenport St Omaha. P- 1814. FORD TLRE8. 10x1 f $4$ SOxlU 11.80 8,000-Mile Guarantee. . THE TIRE SHOP. I V 1513 Farnam St Douglaa 4871. ' TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL BIZES NEW 10x1 Firestone, 36.00; rora tuoe. 82: NEW 30xS Non-Skid Flrestones. $18. KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. TIRE price wreckers. This Is nd 2-ln-l tire. PflMRIN ATIOM T1RB FACTUM. 422 S. 13th. Agtawanted. Omaha. Neb. have so PER CENT GSM YOUR TIRE3 O. A O. Tire and .Vulcanizing Co., $41$ Leavenworth. Tyler iasi-w. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatlo tires, and eliminate your tire trouble, x-oweu supply Co.. 2051 Farnam St , . Motorcycles and BIcycIei H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargain In used machines, victor tx. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 17th and Leav enworth. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Home so licits your old clothing, furniture, maga slnes. We collect We distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St LA BELLE BATH INSTITUTE, eleotrlo and plain baths; massage of all Kinas; new expert attendants,. 1506 Harney Bt Doug laa 7046. OMAHA Bath Inst Electric eteam or tub baths, massagea of ail kinds, zzs nevuie Blk. Doug. 7381. 16th' and Harney Sts. MISS ALLEN, massage, facial and acalp treatments. 1802 Farnam St., Room 1. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths -and massage. 373 Bran. Thea. Bldg. v. i&m. MAE BRUOMAN. acientlfio masseuse and battle. 203 Karbach Blk. Bed 1727. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appmt. call Har. 6225. 3512 Harney. PRIVATE llceneed maternity home. 4416 N. 38th tS. Phone Colfa $043. BATH and maasugo. 1802 Farnam St, Room , 2. Phone Douglae 8761. MECHANO-THERAPY massage, ran, 223 Neville Block. M las Hal- Manicuring and mass. 1623 Farnam. R. 13, MISS WEST, manicure, mass., 810 N. 17th. E. BROTT, massage. 703 S. 18th. D. 8526. SCIENTIFIC man. 618 Paxton Blk. D. 6373. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER1 Latest and -most Scientific Treatment for All -Diseases. Dr. Charlea Barnes, 613-22 Securtles Bldg. Examine vtlon and Consultation free. He la relleW lng thousands WHY NOT TOUT Delay are dangerous, If you can't call, write. Hours: 3 a. m. to $ p. m.. 7:30 to S40 evenings. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. RUPTURE successfully, treated without a surgical operation. Call or write. Dr. Frank H. Wrav. 304 Bee Bldg. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. HAVE you an opening for a young married man with a good record, good ability and good reference, experienced In general , office work; would go out of town If the situation made it worth while. Box 4113, Omaha Bee. y LINOTYPE OPERATOR wlahea a poeltlon In up-to-date ahop; prefer office with .model 6; please etate wagea expect to give. W. H. Adams. Grlswold. In. SITUATION wanted as coffin plat engraver and assistant In office. M. C Pierce. 230$ 1 Michigan Ave.. Chicago, 111. WANTED A poeltlon as engineer for aT Diesel oil engine. Address Box X47, Omaha Bee. ELECTRIC carpet cleaning; window and paper cleaning. Best references. Ty. 1700. YOUNG man wanta Job as chauffeur; 1 yrs. exp.; good ref. Dg. $76.' Ask for No. 1. MAN wants housecleanlng. Phone Webster 6l4. 211$ Seward St Female. WANTED Housekeeping by reepeciable aplnster, 65, a nurse tor elderly roan; ob ject home, more than wages. Address Nurse, Mil Chsiry St. Jvsnport, la. Female. irotessions ana i raaes. - miMuan- . v AN experienced cook wishes position; have had aeveral years' experience aa railroad cook. Address 4638, Omaha Bee. ' DRESSMAKING Kelster Sewing echool graduate wishes to sew with dressmaker. Write to Box 63, Roscoe, Neb. TYPEWRITING at home. Exp. 1385-W. typist Ty. Laundry and general houaework. Tyler 3167. Laundry and Day Work. WASHINGRough, dry or finished; blankets and curtains specialty; soft water. Wal. 432. FAMILY washing, rough or finished blankets and curtain specialty. Walnut 2765. COLORED lady with ref, wants place 1 or 4 days each week. Webster 4521. BUNDLE raining to take home; work guaranteed. Webster 4308. RELIABLE colored woman for day work of any kind. Webater 1203 RELIABLE colored woman want day work. Lula Moody. Web. 638. HOME LAUNDERED, Walnut 3765. rough, guaranteed. Exp. lady want houaecleanlnfand laundry. Doug. 8671. BUNDLE waahlng, rough dry and finished. Red 5678. - BUNDLE wsshlnir w-nted Walnut 1263, CURTAINS laundered; w'k guar. Har. 1130. Colored glr' wanta work In store. H. 6405. EXP. laundress for day work. Web. 1867. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. TOU MEN WHO HIRE AND FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way yon advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference In returns will surprise you. The next time you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad- taker will assist you In preparing your advertisement WANTED Your.g man below draft age for assistant cashier, and bookkeeper In Ne braska bank, small town, experience not necessary, Salary $50 to $60 to atart Also male stenographer with banking ex perience for Iowa bank. , Good salary. THE CHARLES E. WALTERS COMPANY. THE BANK POSITION SPECIALISTS. 1424 First National Bank Bldg., Omaha. WANTED A young man, about 18 or 20 f- yeara of age, neat appearance and pleas ing personality; experience not tieces sary but must not be afraid to talk. If you are looking for an opening with, a splendid future, here I your chance; If you are in the habit of jumping from one place to another,, don't answer this ad. We have this opening, but we must have a sticker. If you think you can deliver the goods, address Box 4647, Oma ha, Bee. - OFFICE MANAGER, must have executive ability and come Highly recommended $160. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. STENOGRAPHER. , $65 V CASHIER $90 TYPIST .J $70 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDO. WE want you to call and Investigate our up-to-date method of placing high-grade offloe help. Co-Operatlve Ref.' Co., 101$ City Nat . YOUNG man, general office assistant, $86. $100. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. ' BOOKKEEPERS, $126, $100, $30, $80. Office clerks, $80, $76, $66, $50. WATTS REF CO., 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. GENERAL merchandise clerk, $75. WESTERN REFERENCE ft BOND ASS'N. Professions and Trades. . WANTED We can use , a limited nun ber of men between : 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND - MOTORMEN". . Steady, healthful em ployment Must be 'physically sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. Apply in person at of- fice of superintendent of 'transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. WANTED First-class wagon blacksmiths and finishers, also automobile painters. Andrew "Murphy &; Son. 1 or $ steady married men who live in Omaha. OMAHA BOX CO., . EAST OMAHA. WANTED Experienced cooks for boarding outfit work on Union Pacific. Good conditions and ateady work for competent men. Wife can accompany cook; no children. Apply to office of Mr. 'P. O. Ellis, supervisor boarding outfits. Room 1, U. P. Com' mlssary, 11th and Leavenworth St. WANTED Engineer In a central station slant of T.000 K. W. capacity. O. E. tur bines, Corliss engines, Stirling boilers, ty- !."( a,Alrr. nv ant mnilffrn: S- hour shift; good wage; located In a mod- era town. v THE OHIO SERVICE COMPANT, Coehocton, unio. EXPERIENCED furniture upsitter. Apply Orchard A Wllhelm Co., 414-18 South 16th St. j caum u-fVihr trmnm. low ratea now. call r writ Barber College. 1114 Douglaa St WANTED A gas fitter, one who can read .meters, set stove and appliances, ana do piping, etc. Salary $100' per month. Give, age, nationality and experience first lettec Cheyenne Light Fuel & Power Co., Chey enne. Wyoming. ' WANTED Automobile painter. Must be good finisher. ' Address : John Klnqulst-I Sioux City, la. WANTED A registered druggist . to work In prescription department. . Beaton Drug Co. - ' - ' ' EXPERIENCED automobile shop men Ap ply to foreman. Pelton's Garage. 2216 Far nam St. - GRANITE LETTERER, . at once, air tools. Address Cherokee Mon. WK, Cherokee, la. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment. - Box 41405 Bee. - Salesmen and Solicitors. EXPERIENCED specialty aaleamen to cover part of Nebraska for established manufac turer; patriotic article selling to banks and larger bualnesa Interest. Sells on one call. Repeat orders follow; perma nent dignified and profitable occupation. We want only men capable of financing themselves. Commissions very liberal and paid at once upon acceptance of order. This 1 a proposition for live wires. s,Box T-477, Omaha Bee. ' WANTED A HIGH-GRADE SALESMAN- For north central - Iowa, to sell a high grade apecialty manufactured by million dollar corporation the oldest largest and highest grade line of Its kind in the world. Personal interview may be. arranged by telephoning Saturday morning,. April 6, to J. W. Burrows. Fontenelle Hotel.- Omaha. Salesmen and Solicitors. CAN use several good snappy salesmen In piano department good contract to right patties. A. HOSPE COMPANY. 1513 Douglas. WANTED Piano salesman; must produce results: use Ford car for country; good proposition for the right man; references. Address J. A. Watt Piano ' Company, Cedar Rapids'. Iowa. Agents and Canvassers. -4- WANTED' Good live selling organization of agents to handle state or county selling rights on THERMO-CEL. the LIQUID HEAT BOT TLE, which, will replace the old obsolete leaky, unsagltary' rubber -hot water bottle. 1 ' . i THERMO-CTL retain heat six hours and never needa to be' recharged. It la non-poisonous and non-explosive; guaran teed to produce heat for five year. Indispensable In and sanitariums. the home, hospitals Replies solicited from only high class parties who are financially able to suc cessfully handle this proposition. Send $3.75 for' (ample and full par ticular' at the aame time advise what territory la preferable. , THE WOLF MFG. CO., Quincy, 111. Boy. WANTED, BOYS. Five boys over 14 for machine and con veyor; good chance for advancement SKINNER MFG. CO., 14th and Jackson. t or t strong boy who Hvs at home, $1.7$ per day. OMAHA BOX CO, EAST OMAHA; .Trade Scaools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber trade. Special rate. Call or writ. 1401 Dodge. j TRI-CITY BARBER COLLEGE. Miscellaneous.: WANTED 23 FREIGHT HANDLERS; STEADY WORK; CAN USE IS COLORED MEN. CHICAGO A NORTHWESTERN RAIL WAY, 14TH AND DAVENPORT STS. LABORERS BY OUT OF TOWN PACKER TQ HANDLE MEATS. STEADY WORK, GOOD WAGES AND LIVING CONDI TIONS. EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY, BUT PRE FERRED. CAR , FARE RE FUNDED AFTER SIX WEEKS' EMPLOYMENT. J. E. DECKER & SONS, MASQN CITY, IA. WANTED ' FREIGHT HANDLERS, ' ' .APPLY AMERICAN EXPRESS CO., UNION STATION. WANTED. FREIGHT HANDLERS. APPLY . ADAMS EXPRESS CO., BURLINGTON STATION. WANTED. FOUR MEN FOR DAT LABOR IN WESTERN NEBRASKA FACTORY. FARE FURNISHED FROM OMAHA. STEADY EMPLOYMENT.' APPLY IM MEDIATELY IN PERSON AT ROOM $10 FARNAM BLDG. - MEN WANTED. AGE 21 TO 60. FOR .GENERAL YARD WORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPI.T TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION 8TOCK YARD8 CO.. , . SOUTH OMAHA.. ... WANTED Married man, to work on farm: separate house. ,.. ... . , , .A J. LUTZ. PAPlLtlON, NEB. . Telephone Chestnut 134X. WANTED Married man for farm worn, and wife to assist with housework. Write. G. A. Sweet, Valley, Neb WANTED Men to fill warehouse positions. Apply to superintendent Carpenter Paper Co., 8th and Harney. GOOD houseman wanted at WISE MEMOR IAL HOSPITAL. Call Tyler 1571. FREE. JOB No office fee. Apply at 322 S, 10th St. . HELP WANTED Male and Female. THOUSANDS government war positions open. Men and women wanted. $100 month. Write for list. Franklin Insti tute. Dept. 232 C. Rochester. N. Y. MOLER Barber College wants young men and ladlea to. learn the barber trade. Call or write for free catalogue, 110 S. 14lb Bt. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTED FEMALE Stores and Offices. WANTED .1 EXPERIENCED HELP FOR ALTERATION DEPARTMENT. ' . . APPLY BENSON-THORNE CO. STENOGRAPHERS $40-$60-$M 2 TYPISTS $10-363 OFFICE GIRL $3 THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED Girl to bill, must be good writer and good at figures. The Omaha News Co., 15th and Davenport Sts. STENOGRAPHERS, $85, $75, $65, $50, Typist, $75. Steno. and clerk, $65. WATTS REF CO.. 1138 1st Nat'l Bank. STENOGRAPHER, beginner, $50. WESTERN REFERENCE & BOND ASS'N. LADY for of flue: good penman; work light; salary small. Lock Box 253, Omaha. ALL KINDS of stenographic positions open. THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. O. W. Bldg. WANTED An experienced cashier. Apply Washington Market. 1407 PoukIss. Professions and Trader. THE Nebraska Telephone company offer an exceptional opportunity to young ladles la learn local and innt;.dlstance telepUt.ne operating. Permanent positions, oppor tuniTlea for advancement, good wagei A aalary paid while learning. Parerta desiring to acquaint themse' .fs with the working ccndltinns or any oihi-r details are specially Invited to sccmnonrv the applicants. Apply to C. F.' Lambert. p 7 Douglas street. it WANTED Fifteen girls experienced ' m power sewing machines: nice, clean u'nrty work; experienced operators earn $12 tn $15 a week; guarantee given. Omaha Au;n Top Co., 709-11 a 15th t. WANTED Young or middle-aged woririu for assistant order clerk at warehouse. Ap ply general office, 2d floor, 19th and Far nam Sts. , SHERMAN ft McCONNELL DRUG CO Household and Domestic. - V WANTED EXPERIENCED WHITE GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, GOOD WAGES, HARNEY 6536. 2221 S. 32D. AVE. WANTED An experienced girl for general housework on the'' farm. $10 per week. Lock Box 151. Oakland, Neb. WANTED Young white girl, not attending school, to care for email child; no ex perience necessary; good home to right party. Call Harney 2825. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; no laundry or upstairs work; best wages. F. 8. Keogh, 127 N. tld Ave Phone Harney 667a. ! WANTED Housekeeper by ' widower with one boy 13 yeara old, good home for right party. Call (41$ N. 13d Ave. Phone CoU fax 2370. ' . EXPERIENCED girl for general house work, three In family; no laundry work and the best -wages. Tel. Harney $73. WANTED Middle aged lady for house keeper,; good wages to right party; ref erence. Webster 4780. COMPETENT general girl, must be good cook, two In family; best wage. Harney 611. . BEFINED young girl between the age ef 16 and 20 to care for child S year eld. can Harney 78. OIRL FOR general housework, small family, good wages; ' reference. Mr, Robert Anson, Humphrey, Neb., Bt S. ' WANTED A girl for general housework, mall family; good wage. Telephone Harney 6720. WANTED First-class cook; good refer ences. Apply Mrs. W. H. McCord, $201' Davenport St. ' WANTED Experienced second girl. Mray M. G. Colpetzer, 402 S, 18th Bt Harney $4. ... GIRL tor general housework; laundress i kept; wages $9 a week. Tel. Walnut 772 WHITE girl for general housework. T. H. Fonda. Jr. Walnut $586. Hotels and Restaurants. TWO women to help In kitchen, one expe rienced In cooking. Flatlron Cafe, 1720 Bt Mary's Ave. NEAT i.irl to wait on table. Flatlron Cafei 1720 St Mary's. Trade Schools. LEARN barber trade. 1403 Dodge 8t Miscellaneous. WANTED GIRLS FOR WRAPPING AND INSPECTION SERVICE. GOOD SALARY; FINE WORKINf CONDITIONS; EXCELLENT CHANCH FOR ADVANCEMENT. APPLY TO MR. COHN. BRANDEI3 STORES. A STRONG woman for work, good wages. cleaning, steady A. HOSPE COMPANY, 1513 Douglas. A. HOSPE COMPANY. 1513 Douglas. DINING room girl wanted at Douglas County hospital, $25 room, board and wsshlng. Telephone Harnev 6S. GIRL to operate electric elevator. A. HOSPE COMPANY, " 1513Douglas. EDUCATIONAL1 BOYLES COLLEGE. ". DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL. ' Every 4ay la enrollment day. Rook, keeping, shorthand, atenotypy. ty-iewiit-lng telegraphy, civil service sll commer cial and English branchee. Catalogue fee n v BOYLES COLLEGE. Douglaa 1566. nth and Hrn. a,. I4an Saul School ot Buetnets. V'y and Evening Schools. 120 Omaba National Bank Bldg Douglas 1930.