Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 26, 1918, Page 9, Image 9

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    1HU KEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, MARCH 26. 1918.
v ,- .... . ii- .. y ' n
By MELLIFICIA, March 25.
Campfire Girls Are Bluebird Guardians
Omahans Anxiously Await :
News from Relatives in Paris
"PaVis Bombarded by i ong Distance j
Guns." How the huge black letters in
the headline stared at us on batur
day when wc snatched an extra from
a newsie's grimy hand. Even while
we were reading the dire news our
thoughts turned to the Omahans in
the French oapital. Where are they
and how are they faring." was the
uppermost question in many minds.
Many of our Omaha girls who are
doing their bit in the war zone are
stationed in Paris, and the days will
be anxious cnes until the letters be
gin to come telling of their safety.
Miss Louise Dinning, who has been
in Paris for some time, has joined the
Hollingiworth hospital unit,stationed
at La Panne in Belgium. Mrs. Turner,
however, is still in the city. Mrs.
Irving Stern, who was formerly Miss
Ruth Brandcis, has made her home
in Paris for a number of years, and
has been doing a wonderful work in
war relief activities.
In the vanguard of relief' workers
will probably be found a Council
Rlnff ai'rl Miss (Irace Zorbaueh. who
Organ Recital for Red Cross.
' Several hundred people were
turned away Sunday afternoon, when
Clarepce Eddy, the famous organist,
gave his recital at the First Presbyte
rian church. A feature of the pro
gram was a solo sung by Miss Eugenie
Whitmore. "The Angel's Message"
was chosen by Miss Whitmore, as this
beautiful Easter song seemed espe
cially fitting at this time. Both Mr.
Eddy and Miss Whitmore gave their
services for the Red Cross and over
$200 was collected following the re
cital. Mr. Eddy has been a guest at
the Whitmore home during his"stay
and left Sunday evening for his home
in San Francisco.
. e .1. Tt ' i : -1.
American Young Women's Christian
association in Paris. Miss Zorbaugh
has done magnificent relict work
among the Belgium refugees since
the opening of the war. While in
Omaha on a furlough, two years ago.
she enlisted the aid of prominent
Omaha women in sending funds and
materials. Miss Elizabeth Stewart,
too, who is a worker in the Young
Men's Christian association canteen,
is numbered among the patriotic wom
en on Omaha's honor roll.
Numbers of our Omaha men are in
sound of the big guns, many of them
perilously near them. Lieutenant Ken
neth Norton, of whom we are all
justly proud, is .making" a wonderful
name for himself as an aviator, lieu
tenant Robe1- Connell was said to be
in Paris not many weeks ago. Lieu
tenants Morton Rhoades, Kendall
Hammond, Newman Benson, Drexel
Sibbernsen and many more are now in
France, and there are none finer in
the land than these men who cal!
For Miss Van Dusen.
Miss Elsie Storz entertained infor
' mally at luncheon at her home today
in compliment to Miss Helen Van
Dusen, who will be an Easter bride.
A basket of yellow jonquils, the han
dle tied with yellow tulle, was used
as a centerpiece for the table, and "the
place carda decorated with a miniature
bride marke-' the places for Miss Van
Dusen, Miss Mildred Todd and Miss
Mary Fuller. Following the luncheon
the guests were entertained at the
Miss Mabel Allen and her cousin,
Allpn ' will entertain at
luncheon in Miss Van Dusen's honor
it the Blackstone Tuesday.
Hospital Unit Farewell.
The public farewell to be given for n( th Ilniversitv of Ne
braska, base hospital unit, No. 4!, at
th Rnvd thpater. will taketjlace
Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The
men will entrain at 4 p. m. at tne
Union station for Fort Des M-:nes,
where they have been ordered for
temporary duty.
Press Club Luncheon.
fis Marv Bovle O'Reillv. noted
newspaper woman, was honor guest
at a luncheon given Dy tne uraana
Woman's Press club at the Fonte-
nelle today, preceding Miss U Keiiiy s
lecture before the Fine Arts " society.
Frieda Hempel Concert.
' Members' tickets to the Frieda
Hempel concert to be given under
the auspices of the Tuesday Musical
club, April 11. at the Boyd, may be
exchanged for reserved seats on
April 8 and 9, or mailed at any time
before those dates to the Boyd. Pub-
' lie sale will open April 10.
Editorial Staff's Party.
Former numbers of the Twentieth
Century Farmer staff held a farewell
I ' party Thursday evening at the 'home
of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Sturgess. Miss
Elizabeth Kauffman and Mr. Fred
Oliver sang taring the evening and a
buffet supper was served. Eighteen
guests attended the affair.
Birthday Party.
Mrs. R. C. Peters entertained a
matinee party at the Orpheum today
in honor of her daughter, Miss Cathe
rine, the occasion being her birthday.
The 10 small guests included some
of. Miss Catherine's schoolmates at
the Holyoke school.
A loiierhtffr ni horn Saturdav to
Mr. and Mrs. William P. Egan at the
Lord Lister, hospital, f-
Mice Marcaret O'Keefe left Friday
eveping for Chicago to visit her niece,
Mrs. J. Jb. AiacAianon.
Mrs. Ed P. Smith and daughter,
Miss Ida, are expected home this
week from Indianapolis.
T tenant P. P' Swiler. ir.. has
arrived from Kelly Field to spend a
ten days furlough with his father, C.
P. Swiler.
Lieutenant C. R. Carlson arrived
Qimrliv frntn San Antonio. Tex..
where he is stationed at the aviation
camp, to spend a ten days turlougn
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Schroeder.
jr., announce the birth of a daughter
Wednesday at Birchmont hospital.
Mrs. Schoeder was formerly Miss
Viola Rase.
Mrs. G. W. Noble left today for
Richmond, Va., to be with Lieutenant
and Mrs. Will Noble until Lieutenant
Noble sails for France. Lieutenant
Noble is with the Motor Supply
Train company, and has been station
ed at Jacksonville, Fla.
Women Telephone
Operators and Ship
' ; . Draftsmen Wanted
Women with a fluent knowledge of
French are wanted to go to France
as telephone operators. Prof. Sarka
Hrbkova ot tne woman s committee,
State Council of Defense, will be glad
to make arrangements for women to
train as telephone operators.
No wives of enlisted men or officers
will be accepted. Applicants must
cnt hnth French and Enelish per
fectly, must be in good physical con
dition and preferably between the
yert ? anH 35.
Positions are also open for women
as ship draftsmen and deputy shipping
commissioners. Women with diplo
mas from technical schools or ex
perienced in drafting work of build
ings, including steel work, are being
sought after to fill positions in ship
drafting. i
Address inquiries to Miss Hrbkova,
Woman's committee headquarters,
War Relief Notes
The exhibition of Pennell litho
graphs at the Keeline building for
the benefit of the war re)ief 'csed
Saturday. Women of the diffc ent
ar relipf rirr.les took turns Sc"V V
tea every afternoon and about $175
will be realized for the war reiiei 'una
for purchasing materials for surreal
dressings. ,
The month of March will surpass
-all previous records made at the war
relief, 44,000 dressings having ben
turned nut to Hate, and with one jriore
week the 50,000 mark will douV.css
be reached. The best month hereto
fore was 36,000, in February.
W vx JA M0Mm
I . I. 1 II
should live by themselves and pro
vision should be made for their social
Fourth It has been found that it
is more successful to house the non
English speaking foreign k1
small groups until they learn English
and become used to American cus
toms. A social worker, should be em
ployed to work with them
linildinr units should not bp for
more than fifteen girls, wit
mum number, in a group, seventy
live. The houses should be complete
ly self-supporting.
All the plans are made with a view
to using the houses for permanent
family groups, should a time come
when they would not be needed by
If o rmirry my daughter whore II
you live 7"
"Well, tr. f don't finl that T am cl
Annuel! ' in inmlut.'il with you yet u ufC
the mini- my t lee."-- I-oul tilolio-Democn.t.
41 - W"
Bluebird guardians, most of them
Campfire girls, who have undertaken
to sponsor wouldbe campfires, under
the age of 12, held an organization
meeting Thursday afternoon at the
home of their advisor, Mrs. Harold
D. Jolley, in the Mason apartments.
Frances Schwalenberg was named
chairman; Ruth Hatteroth, guardian-at-large,
and Anna Porter, press re
porter. The new organization will
hold meetings the hrst luesoay oi
each month.
The Bluebird guardians plan to give
a play for the benefit of the South
Side Social Settlement Bluebirds, of
which there are oO working under Mrs.
Tollev and Miss Doris Johnson. The
girls themselves will appear in the
1 Plans for war work will be dis
cussed at the next meeting. Another
group of 10 Bluebirds, under the lead
ership of Miss Porter, will be ad
mitted. Ruth Hatteroth haj designed a sil
ver ring for the girls. It is a circle
to denote union and three paralle
lines, representing love, health and
happiness, running through the"1-
Among the guardians are: Ilda
Langdon, Gertrude Koening, Herberta
Barker, Polly Robbins, Gladys Mickel,
Beatrice Wliitelaw, Eleanor Stallard,
Ann Axtell. Florence Shaw, Katherme
Goss, Dorothy Darlow and Winifred
All we average persons are important and
workers for eternity. '
ever OCCUrrcU IU JUU UIC dVi-ia pwouu mat ty v ,v an .yviivvi j
for eternity? ... , ,
Trivial seems the tasks we complete each day compared to the
magnitude of the world's possibilities.
Ah, yes. Trivial because we understand our little part. But the big ,
part is 'also trivial because that, too, is understood by someone.
Art, to the clod, means the expression of a superior mind the artist
a superior person. - .... , , .
Engineering is the feat of a super-mind in the eyes of a theologian,
perhaps. To him an engineer is the cream from the milk of life.
Music! Is it a divine gift from heaven? Is the musician inspired by a
higher power? Wre respect him.
But never does it occur to us that the clerk, or the dressmaker, or the
manufacturer of woodenware, the boilermaker, or the telephone operator,
or the elevator man, or the office boy is just as important in his business
of life as the artist, or musician, or the engineer.
Master minds? Surely there are a few, for they do the thing which
many others are trying to do, in a superior, masterful way.
But the king and the clown are more or less alike. Each fills his place
among people; each as necessary as the other.
A pause iij this busy life!
And we see that the magnificent scheme fits us to its need. We. cannot
carry on this business of life without the great executives neither can
we go on without the office boy and all the workers between.
Are you giving to Life the best there is in you?
If you are just shuffling through you are a cheat, no matter how im
portant your position may seem to the world. But if you give the best
there is in you even to the most menial work, then you arc an important
person. . .... .u-
We arc all workers for eternity and every little task means something,
though we may not understand it Our duty is not alone to our earthly
employers, but to ourselves and the great business of life then employers
cannot help but benefit, and the world shall reap the reward.
be shared with three or four others,
and used in shifts.
As a demonstration of satisfactory
housing, the Y. W. C. A. is erect
ing at its expense a model home for
girls at Charleston, S. C, where the
government navy uniform factory is
located, and where the housing prob
lem is especially acute.
Under a heading "How Girls
Should Be Grouped," the booklet goes
on to say:
First Young girls should live in
groups where they can have social
life and opportunity to entertain their
friends, but still be under some of
the restrictions of the home.
Second Older women want inde
pendence o." living. Many of them ob
ject to living in large groups be
cause of the noise and confusion and
ensuing fatigue.
third In every case colored girls
In a
fg-ful Frocks
for Eastertide
Never, it socms, were the dresses so
delightful to view, so charming lo wear.
Modes especially fashioned for most every
type of figure. Special attention given. Ev
ery garment must be a "living model" for
this distliiBulKlied dress section, and listen,1
we're- clipping $5.00, $10.00 and on the beat
dresses even $15.00 oft the "usual" price. It'
the war-timo spirit.
Embroidered and beaded frlmmed frocks
Crepe, Georgette, Taffetas, Foulards, Crepe
Meteor, Crepe de Chine In softly draped and
straight lino effects.
$25.00 Dresses
Clipping the cost to ...
$30 Dresses COA K(
Clipping the cost to IJX.OU
$40.00 Dresses
Clipping the cost to
$50.00 Dresses '
Clipping the cost to
When you find things "going up" faster than yon like,
try "cash buying" at the war-time fashion shop.
Store Closes at six Every Day.
Rousing Bill for Women Who Work
in Munitions is Before Congress
Monday Bridge Club.
Mrs. H. L. Arnold entertained the
Monday Bridge club at her home to
day. Two tables were set for the
Party Postponed.
Mrs. George Lamoreaux has post
poned the matinee party which she
was to have given in honor of Mrs.
J. L. Longworth, owing to the illness
of a number of the invited guests.
Peat Benefit Lecture.
Private Peat, : Canadian soldier and
author of war stories, will be brought
to Omaha April 8 by Gould Dietz, di
rector of Omaha Red Crpss chapter.
He will speak at the Municipal Au
ditorium on his experiences in the war.
The proceeds will be given to Red
Cross and local charities. Mr. Dietz
is trying to make arrangements to
have Private Peat in Omaha April 6
to lead the big Liberty Loan parade.
Where are the women and girls
going to live who are flocking to the
ever-growing munition and uniform
As an answer to this question a
booklet of definite suggestions is be
ing distributed to 7,000 manufacturers
in this country by the housing com
mittee of the War Work council of
tho V. W. C: A., of which Mrs. John
D. Rockefeller, jr., is chairman. The
book is a summary of suggestions
that the committee has made to Sec
retary of ,War Baker and Otto Eid
litz, chairman of the housing com
mittee of the Council of National Defense.
A bill is to come before congress
soon 'for' an appropriation of many
millions for emergency housing in
connection with the war 'industries.
The Y. W. C. A.'s such
a bill is to see that part of such an
appropriation be spent , on housing
provision for the unattached woman
and girl working in the war indus-
The floor and roof space of these
factories is being extended to nouse
tti increased machinery and eauio-
ment. But no provision is being made
to house the workers, the Y. W. C. A.
points out.
For the single girl -or woman
worker, the situation is particularly
bad. A bed has come to be the only
home these girls know. Often it must
Society Women Soldierettes
Drill in County Court House
Right about face! Attention!
Omaha has just suffered a surp.ise
attack. While every one has.uten
thinking that it is only men of aft
age who are busy at drills, setting up
exercises and learning line formation,
a whole army of little soldieretes
has been organized 1'
They are drilling every Monday
night on the second floor of the coun
ty court house. Lieutenant WLr n's
from Fort Crook is commanding offi
cer. The women are members jt 'he
National League for Woman Sv ice.
They have enlisted for the du'ation
of the war.
There are about 40 of the women
who present themselves. This in
includes the motor driving division,
the board of directors and those who
expect to enter the next class for
motor driving to open in about two
The dri'.t. according to Mrs. William
Archibald Smith, is intended to keep
the league members fit for the stren
uous work they are undertaking. The
result of their practice work will be
.iDparent when the women march in
: is Lilxrtv loan parade. April 6.
H-I Secret Service.
1Terp' anuiiier deeD secret. Mrs.
going to work for this division of the
. .. Tf .1. . ,
government, ir mar isn t going to De
pvritincrl Dri'vincr nprmti. sritnnil at
high speed, who have all sorts of im
portant secrets up their sleeves!
The question of uniforms is upper
most. Many of the members are al
ready fitted out with the new war hat.
It's of rough blue straw in plain sailor
shape with a service league pin in
front. Mrs. Westbrook has sent to
New York for a sample suit for the
motor division. This is of rookie
color made with short skirt blooin
m Norfolk coat and worn with
leather nuttees. The others wear dark
blue suit of the same style. No silk
stockings and no pearl necklaces are
part of the instructions.
Red Star Relief.
Frnm thp fund taken at the GavCtV
theater last week, H. S. Mann, direc-
lub Youngsters' Colds Away
With "Outside" Vapor Treatment
Local Druggists Have Imported the Invention of
a Worth Carolina Druggist That Relieves Croup
and Cold Troubles by External Application.
V.rorr mother breathes a steh ot
infrpr iisr wppk ri. .t. .vidiui. um-v- i " j -
tor of the Red Star animal relief so-i JeUef whn she first tries the North
W estbrook had a consultation . linkers They an-
--! .-ervicc officials this im.. r. , : :ruc' iui.s : cv
Aiior a u.iui tlic nini..r!i ire i oirminu thu uulk.-
ffr line unhleached cot
ton'which he will give to the league
members who are going to begin
bandage making for wounded war
Whit head hands ornamented with
a red star and white aprons also bear
ing the star at the neck line is- the
irostume to he worn by (.he bandage
waiting iof m
Vuik before Le-
You Can Try a 25c Jar on 30
Days' Trial and Your Druggist
Will Eef and the Purchase Price
if You Are Not Delighted with
the Test
Carolina treatment, VIck's VapoRub,
and finds that It is no longer neces
sary to "dose" the children with nau
seous medicines for croup or cold
troubles. VapoRub comes In ealve
form and when applied over the throat
end chest the body heat releases the
Ingredients in th form of vapors.
These vapors. Inhaled with each
breath, all night long, carry the mdi
catlpn direct to the air passages and
Iudjh. At the samo time YwoRub
is absorbed through and stimulates
the skin taking out that tightness and
soreness in the chest
VapoRub has a hundred uses In the
home for deep chest colds, sore
throat, broachltla or Incipient pneu
monia just apply well over the throat
and chest and cover with a warm,
flannel cloth For head colds, hay
fever, asthma or catarrhal troubles
VapoRub can either he applied up the
nostrils or a little melted In a spoon
and the vapors inhaled. Croup Is usu
ally relieved within fifteen minutes
and an application at bedtime pre
vents a night attack.
All mothers are urged to take ad
vantage of the SO-day trial offer now
being made by the local druggist and
see for themselves lust what VapoSub
will do,
, ... i 1
B IKv Wts 'f MB m& m Helps 3
n i ii ii i iinwy w vr tin iw yu r..yr
"Give it to me, g
Please, Grand- ftalP
" yE&BSeteX;:
8B H. JtmJC-StnA fl
in i urn ."" ' ii t i ni i , , i in. i ii ,m . mmuZJL '
Why Bobby, if
you wait a bit for
it you'll have it
to enjoy longer!0
Poo-poo! That's
no argument with
'cause the flavor
lasts, anyway !
-After every meal