THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH 2-1, 4 A STATE BUREAU PREPARING FOR SOLDIER VOTE Information Is Obtained From Canada Regarding Method of Conducting Election Among TrooDs at Front. (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 23. (Special.) The Nebraska legislative reference bureau has continued to gather infor mation regarding provisions made for soldier voting by the United States and Canada, especially the voting of soldiers overseas. The experience of Canada is especially valuable since Canadian soldiers in Europe were called upon to participate in a general election held during the last year. Besides complete copies of the Cana dian law and instructions for the elec tion and returning officers contained in the Canadian documents the fol lowing letter to Director Sheldon from the Canadian officers having en tire charpe of the conduct of elections among Canadian soldiers is perti nent: "The department of militia and de fense have asked me to deal with the last sentence of your letter of Janu ary 22, whereby you state that you wish to know how the vote of men scattered in different military units is secured. 1 really think that the mili tary voters act, which is now in your hands, will have answered this ques tion. . . "The voting rovers a period of ttme. In France it covered actually 17 days. Tolls were established and maintained for a sufficient length of time in the vicinity of all places where men were anticipated to be. Portable Polli. "For instance, perambulating polls .proceeded from hospital to hospital. In Canada the same system was es tablished, only that the polling was held all on one day. The whole oper ation within Canada and overseas was directed and controlled from my desk. "The personnel employed in taking the military vote in North America and overseas was approximately 3,000 persons. The number employed in Canada was relatively larger than overseas because in Canada the whole operation had to be carried out on one day. Not a single civilian was employed in the operation of polling the vote. The whole matter was under military control." The following condensed abstract of the Canadian, New York and North Dakota soldier voting laws has been made by Miss Edna Bullock, librarian of the legislative reference bureau: Canadian. The assistant clerk of the crown in chancery serves as chief election officer, with general and special re turning officers, military presiding of ficers, clerks and scrutineers in vari ous places to assist in conducting the election. Information concerning candidates is telegraphed to the military presid ing officers in all places where sol diers are to vote, and then placed on battalion and camp bulletin boards. Elections are held any day or c'iyi after the date of primary elections up to the close of election day, wh-h is the 28th day after the nominations are made. The ballots are delivered to the mili tary presiding officer. The polh are taken in camps or other places on a sufficient number of days, according to military exigencies, and facilities for taking the poll and for voting are given the soldiers. If an elector can not remain in camp until the poll ii taken, his immediate vote may be given to presiding officer. Envelope containing the bal'ots are placed in sealed boxes, and tnese boxes are sent to designated offners in London, Paris, or Canada, at the case may be. On the outside of the envelope is the name of the elector and his election district. SpeciaJ re turning officers tort envelope accotd ing to electoral district, write uo poll books, open envelope and male the count, and telegraph the resu'.t to chief election officer In Canada, at the same time forwarding the ballot soxes. New York. A register of all qualified ehi'.or absent in military or naval service is kept, and poll books prepared there from by the secretary of state. The ballots contain the titles of all officers for which voters may vote in their respective districts, and name of candidates where practicable. Poll books, ballots and envelopes are de livered to commanding officer of every command including 10 or more New York elector In time for use at the election in uch manner as the secretary of state may direct. Ti No vember elections, 1917, representative appointed by the secretary of state were sent, to three of the campi and to France to conduct the elections. The elections are held at the quar ter of the commanding officer on election day, or on any secular day within 10 dayi next prior threto. Voter scattered in detachment! con taining let than 10 elector may vote where it is most convenient. Quali fied electors upon opening of the polls select four of their number to set as inspector. These inspectors compare poll book and certify the number of vote cast and forward the sarre to the secretary of state at Albany, who, m turn, compare poll book an i en velopes, and transmit the earn to county election boards, who prcv'de for the counting of the ballot r-v a board of inspectors. The court is then cerified fn the several election districts and finally canvassed bv the county board of inspector on the sixth Tuesday after election day. North Dakota. County auditors prepare and n; in tan register of voter in militirv or naval service. Ballot are sent by countv auditor, 5 days before any general elf c:?on, not a primary, to each voter inciivi dually, with return postage included, voter makes affidavit before his mv mediate commanding officer anl ttr ward ballot to county auditor who distribute the ballot to proper election district for counting. De layed ballot are counted at regular or adjourned meetings of county lan vassing boards. ' . ' Seize Dutch Ships. San i Juan, Porto Rico, March 22 The American flat; was run up today on four Dutch .teamer lyinr Pprto Rican port. ng to Switzerland. ALLIED RESERVE ARMY READY FOR ! PART IN BATTLE (By tworlated Pr.) No reports have been received from Paris as to whether the French forces have become involved in the terrific battle, now in progress on the west front. From th: nearness of the point of German penetration to their lines, however, it would seem probable that they soon will be found taking part in the struggle. There is another factor to be con sidered also, should the (lerman thrust develop more seriously. There wa . created last winter by the supreme war council at Versailles an entente "army of manouevre," un derstood to be made up of troops of all allies, which was designated to be available for action at any point on the wide front from the North sea to the Adriatic, wherever it should be needed. It has doubtless not been the en tente intention to throw this army into action hastily, but it unquestion ably stands ready for use in any emer gency and might easily prove the vital factor in any general engagement which the western front fighting should develop. Steamboat "Elk" Makes First River Trip of the Season The steamboat "Elk" has arrived in Omaha v aters. The "Elk" has been lying at Decatur all winter, and has just made its initial trip down the river for the spring. Only a small cargo was brought on the first trip, as the captain desired to feel out the spring channel before loading heavily. The boat is being loaded with a cargo of merchandise for Decatur. Burt County Reaches Stamp Quota Before Count Is Made Tekama, Neb., March 23. (Special.) Chairman J. F. Nesbit. in charpe of the war savings campaign In Burt county, and County Superintendent Poucher are jubilant over the ou'cxme in Burt county. With 23 oat of th 72 school districts in the county rtill iinrnoripd the nuota has been reached. The county quota was $2.r2.-. 000. Craig is in the unreported i.s and Mr. Nesbit anticipates that Burt countv will overpledge itself at least $50,000. Benkelman "Goes Over" in War Savings Stamp Drive Benkelman, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial Telegram.) Benkelman school district No. 16 subscribed for $17,000 saving stamp Friday. Benkclman's quota was $1 6,600, Oldest Mason in Nebraska Will Join Eastern Star Beatrice, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial.) Dr. Ferd Brother, believed to be the oldest Mason in the state, will be initiated into the Order of the Eastern Star next Tuesday even ng. A banquet for the Masons and the Eastern Star will be held at the Con gregational church, at which patriotic talks will be given. The busine ses sion for the initiatory services will follow in Masonic hall, where here will be speaking and music. A service flag containing the names of 24 members of the Masonic lodge of thi city who have gone to war will be unfurled at the conclusion of the exercises. Fred Marquardt, 28 years old. died Wednesday night at his home at Wy more. Ffi was a son of Mr. and Mr. I. W. Marquardt and had resided at Wymore ince boybood. Fire of unknown origin dest.-oyed the residence of L. N. Adkin at wy more Thursday. The loss is placed at $2,000, partially covered by insur ance. R. N. Balster, who ,was reccrtly "Tell Melow"" To he Beautiful" Get Rid of All Pimplea, Blackhead and Skin Eruptions, Purify the Blood With Stuart's Cal cium Wafers. TRIAL FACKACE MAILED FREE. (if ' JM Stuartt Calcium Waftre Sural? oe Civ t Lovttjr Complexion. The reason why Stuart's Calcium oral tendency to seek the surface. Wafers beautiful the akin is their nat- The wonderful calcium sulfide is one of the natural constitents of the human body. You must have it to be healthy. It enriches the blood, invig orates skin health, dries up the pim ples nd boiles eczema and blothchcs, enables new skin of fine texture to form and become clear, pinkish, smooth as velvet and refined to the point of loveliness and beauty. This is "how to be beautiful." Stop using creams, lotions, powders and bleaches which merely hide for the moment Get a 50-cent box of Stuart's Calcium Wafers at any drug store today. And if you wish to give them a trial send the coupon below. Free Trial Coupon . F-.A- Stuart Co.. 610 Stuart Bldf., Marshall, Mieh. Send ma at once, by re turn mall, a frea trial paekag of Stuart's Calcium Waftrs. Nam. Street. City.., .gut. appointed assistant county agent, ar rived from Utica to begin his dut;es. An automobile, which has been "at the Holt-Kelso garage in this c'y lor the last few months, and il owned by a Kearney resident, is be lieved by the officers here to :ave been stolen, as the number 01 the engine has been filed otf. The uvef of police of Kearney has wired that he would send an officer here after the car, which will be taken there for investigation. There are seven members o' the Board of Education to be elected and just seven candidates have filed for the office. They are F. A. Millc Dr. C. A. Spcllman, John Coonley, Mrs. T. E. Adams, H. M. Garrett, W P. McCIannahan and Dr. E. W. Fellers. Funeral services for the Mrs D. V. Copeland were held Friday rom the family home at Elue Springs. Mrs. Copeland was a sister of Dr. Silas C. Swallow of Itarrisburg, Pa., who was a candidate for president on the pro hibition ticket in 1904 . Doane Ladies' Glee Club Give Home Concert Friday Crete, Neb., March 23 (SpecV.) The Doane college Ladies' Glee c'ub and Octette company gave its concert in Sokol theater Frday night. Miss Edris Smith is preident of the organization; Miss Ruby Ven- num, vice president; Miss Ruth Dun can, secretary, and Miss Roine Pierce, librarian. The clubs go on a trip this year the latter part of April and May 1. Their itinerary includes Clay Center, Hil dreth, Franklin, Edgar, Carldon, Odell and Liberty, Neb. Three Weeks' Quarantine Ends in Kearney Sunday Kearney, Neb., March 23. (Spe cial.) The quarantine is to be lifted in Kearney Sunday morning, thus making it possible for all churches of the city to carry out their Palm Sun day program. The schools will open Monday morning, after a three-weeks' forced vacation. Theaters and public meetings will be in full swing again Monday. The board of health states that there are a few cases of small pox in the city, and that all families afflicted are quarantined. None of the cases are considered serious. Rev. W. H. J. Willby, pastor of th PnntTrprratinnnl rhnrrh nf thi? ritv. has resigned and enlisted in the United j States navy as a seaman. His action was a surprise to the congregation and friends. On the exemption list by virtue of his being a minister, Rev. Mr. Willby failed to avail himself of this excuse from service. He has been pastor of the Congregational church for a year. BUY A HOG Snd for a free booklet that tells how, foil can actually own a bog,; have if carefl for and itill make 20 per cent aniroal!j. Address MIDWEST HOG CO., 607 Dtnhara B4g., Denver, Colo. Dr. Lee W. Edwards, 24th and Farnam, wishes to call the public' attention to the Chiro practic talk on Page 8-A. tfmJftmfy 1 .w.rww Store Hours 8;30 A. M. to 6 P. M. i V K Select Your Lamp with due regard for color, contour, size, illumination and the style of your Fur niture, because all these things matter. Our new stock of individ ual Lamps will make it pos sible for you to be particular. Styles from the Italian Renaissance, Gothic, Mediev al Spanish, Wrought Iron types, Chinese, Jacobean, Empire and Adam, as well as many modern styles in both mahogany and hand painted finishes. The shades are many and various, from the brilliant colored silks to the hand dec orated parchments that are finning favor. J) ff The Decoration of the Home in all ftn hranches and to IU rnnalleat detail is undertaken and executed by our department of Interior decoration. The exeluslveness of every fchome Is carefully guarded, so that annoying duplications are avoided. A staff of expert decorators is continually at your service for the purpose of consultation, etc. Th employment of this means of furnishinir and decorating your horn dots not mean a dispropor tionate expns quit frequently it means a saving and although we are in a position to undertake large contracts, the decoration of a slnttle room receives our most painstaking! effort. PLEASE COMMAND US I -J CoS fOne of Many of the New Straight Line Buffet; Superior in construction, de sign and finish. All oak in. terior construction, divided plush lined silver compart ment, storage compartment with center finish and num erous minor details that you can only fully appreciate by seeing. The piece pictured, 00 Jf'ffiySaOTr?S?X f Si IllilN 1 1 A New Jacobean Dining Suite In English Brown Mahogany The simplicity of this Dining Suite adds to its charm; the finely selected woods in the panels and drawer fronts are particularly pleasing; the heavily moulded panels and carved nulling on the frieze and aprons are taken from late Elizabethan motifs that were so strongly in evidence during the Stuart period. 66-inch Buffet. Extension Table China Closet. . . Side Table Chairs '.. Arm Chair $80.00 S62.00 .$62-00 $38.00 $12.00 $18.00 This instrument plays All Records Victor. Pathe. ALL and plays each and everyone with the sweet tone of a fine violin. . Permit us to place this BRUNSWICK in your home on FREE TRIAL So that you may test its many merits. The only Standard $7rOO machine on the 3 market for Sold On Terms "Victor or Pathe Records." J y $105.00 v 0 $49.00 y : $50.00 Fine Overstuffed Living Room Suite Upholstered in a Handsome Tapestry that is interesting and refined, that avoids being "too busy" and at the same time retains all the life and color necessary to its attractiveness. The frames are especially well built and dependable. All three pieces invite repose and speak of hospitality. Every Woman Nowadays Should Have a HO OSIER KITCHEN CABINET Our Club Plan Points the Way Noted kitchen science experts, who have spent years in finding ways to lighten your kitchen laborsnow transmit their ideas to you, Some of them are built right into the Hoosier Cabinets, others come to you in the form of practical suggestions. The Hoosier embodies the most valuable short-cuts that are known. Its forty work-reducing features save you miles of steps and hours of work. Hoosier prices range from $25.50 to $43.00 made possible by quantity production. These low prices put a Hoosier within the means of every woman. And You Can Par for Your Cabinet A You Uae It. --, J A True to Type Windsor Arm Chair or Rocker Exactly Like Cut. In Chromewald Birch, the new impregnated finish of wonderful new, rich brown color, the subdued effect of which has that rare charm one never tires of. You may clean this finish with clean soap and water. These chairs have full spring seats, upholstered in Mulberry Velour. Price for chair or rocker, each $27-00 j) (T J V. A New Pattern In Cretonne Used in a modish window treatment and slip cover . , , v only one of many patterns. Cretonne is used more and more each season, this year it is in high favor and the patterns are suitable for ev. ery room in the home. At this time of the year we can think of nothing more suitable for refreshing your res idence than cretonne. 'From 60 to S1.50 Choosing Rugs Everyone can remember the time when the most popular Rugs were medallions or large geometric patterns. Today they are passe and the Persian designs that you find in their place are daintier and less busy; Ispahans, Karmanshahs and the like. Today the public asks for calmer effects, excessive ornateness has passed; the value of quiet spaces and the charm of texture is recognized. The emblems of a design are accorded breathing space and just as a woman prefers a single jewel of merit to a display of much jewelry, so she picks out a rug that sets off her furniture and in point of design and ornament, supplements the draperies and decorations of the room. The Rugs indicated below will please the woman who has these things at heart, and because they are fabrics that will give lifetime service. They're NOT EXPENSIVE. Prices below are for 9x12 size Other size in proportion. r "Century" Refrigerators at less than prevailing prices An offer that is only good while this stock lasts The Century Refrigerator is a most economical icer. Case is built of solid ash, white enamel and galvan iied lined, fitted with pure tinned wire shelves. On account of its compact arrangement it is particularly suited for the small apartment. Spetial Prices Below 30-lb. ice capacity. .$ 9.50 50-lb. ice capacity. .$13.75 75-lb. ice capacity. .$16.00 100-lb. ice capacity. .$21.75 Golden Star Dust Mops complete with 1-cjt. can of polishing: oil, 98c Anglo-Indian, $75.00. French Wilton, $89.00. Hartford Saxony, $85.00. Anglo-Periian, $89.00. R..Jk.. t70 no Standard Wilton, $59.50. am- mmsm : 41 St m WW t OUTff i6-$ Phone Tyler 3000 ,aWtr-Wl 1 m ii VWtt