Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 24, 1918, Page 2, Image 2

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2 A
ouiftAi dxuxu: makuh Zi, Wis.
Late Returns in War Savings
Drives Show That State
Pledged More Than
Nebraska has pledged more than
430,000,000 in war livings stamps,
inougn trie quota tor tne state was
only 126,00000. The 130,000,000 is
carefully estimated by State Director
Ward M. Burgess from the reports
that have cone in from all but about
IS counties. These reports showed
early that all counties averaged 20 per
cent in eiceis of their quotas.
Omaha's pledges for 1918 are now
estimated by the Omaha committee
as $J,548,000, which is $48,000 more
than the quota for this tity.
The windup campaign in the 57
school houses of Jmaha Friday night
brought in pledges totaling $300,000
in round numbers. At JJundee school
$25,000 was raised. Saunders school
raud $18,732. 1 he patrons of Far
Dam school pledged $18,000. Loth
rop school patrons pledged $16,531.
: Pledge $300,000 at Schools.
Th SJO0.0OO rAnAarA at th. artinnl
house meetings in Omaha, committee
members say, totaled about what was
The"amount sold and pledged in
Omaha up to March 1 was $2,400,000.
In the state the school house drive
wis conducted is a single effort,
whereas in Omaha It was merely sup
plementary to the established machin
ery of (tamp selling which was In
augurated in January, when stamps
totaling $1,250,000 were sold pr
Insurance Men Score.
In the intensive drico in March the
Insurance men of Omaha sold $125,000
worth' of stamps. The Boy Scouts
irive ii estimated at $35,000. The r
men's activity la estimated at $98,000,
l he , Metropolitan Life Insurance
rompany drive is estimated at $50,000.
The city schools have uncollected
pledget amounting to $40,000, which
nave not been included In other totals.
The quota fixed for the 25f war
savings societies already eataMUhed
In Omaha totals $500,000, whl.l the
societies are expected to reach be' ore
, November 1.
After reviewing the returns from
Omaha and the state, Ward Burgess,
stall director, said: "I expei tew
that we will sell a total of $40,000 000
in stamps beforeX the close of the
year. The sales, even before the
school house campaigns, have syer
aged $1,000,000 week in Nebraska
for thi lest several weeks."
Counties: Swell Totala.
Some of the counties out lr the
state went as much as $100,000 ever
nJSot. Cass county'i quota was
f "SP Cuming county's quota was
f5 ,nd U "P"d ; of
The amounts subscribed In the 57
school house meetings in Omaha fri-
day night, totaling 5300,000 in frvnd
numbers, were as follows:
Pledges in Schools.
CoStral HIsU ...A f I.OJI
Hifh 8nool of Commarc...... 1.J74
Mouth lllsb , J.0IT
liancrolt 1,111
tioala Mil
lietvlder 1 ?
H.nion Central I,1J
Knaon Wt i.Ut
Brawn rrk 1,(04
(' , 1.160
fu.tcUr 4,l
Central .H
(antral Park S. ( 1
Clifton Hill - Ul
Columbian W
Comnnlua fill
CorrlKan ........................... 1,711
LMinrfre SMM
DruldMllll 1,101
llUp.rllt ... tlH
KdaraM Hoarwattr S.009
Far nam , , in. 000
Flnrrnc 1,100
Fort 301
Franklin M3
Garfield ,.,,.,.,.... S.C00
Mlirliland , MOO
Howard Kennedy 1,100
JunKinann , 1,00
Kllnn , ; I14
jk ,too
.Inwiln , Ml
in ... 7,(00
Uithrop 14 KS I
Mad I mm ,
on (.000
Miliar I'ark (.000
Monmouth I'ark . ...i,.... 1,UA
Sir John Foster Fraser,
Omaha' to Lecture, Com
ments on Present West
. Front Struggle.
U. S. Euehes Word
To Pershing to
Hasten News
(Comli94 Ttvm Fc On.)
opportunities for cotmter blows on a
major scale.
In seeking the strategic purpose of
here noted
Hoa Hill
Houth Cantral
Houth Lincoln
Walnut Hill
Wobil.r fid
WinflAr , a, 009
Klald S.10I
CHfion Hill Annas 41)
School dlalrlat No, (1 J 1,363
Hchool dlitflr No, 41 , 1.00K
...... .y.f
d. IT
King Range of
German Guns Is
Cause to Manrel
(CaaUnind From faa-a Om.)
on reflection concluded that even had
the German troops suddenly rushed
forward, it would have been impossi
ble to bring up and emplace heavy
ong range guns in such a short time,
Avert German Shells.
American officers here recti1 that
wnen tne uermans produced the sun
that would throw a shell 22 mile into
uunkirK, tne French 'soon Jojnd a
way to meet the attack, partialis at
ICBSl. , t
A French wireless station, it L said
is located at point in the ground
not far from the gun emplacement,
ana at ts position the concussion can
ie recorder wnen the shell -leaves
the gun. It takes something li'ce 60
seconds tor the shell to travel to
Dunkirk, but a wireless . signal is
recorded in .the city, a warnirg Is
sounded, and the inhabitants take to
dugouts, generally ' reaching slither
before the shell strikes.
Mayor Harm Addresses
Polk Patriotic Meeting
Tolk, Neb., March 22. (Special.)
Mayor Harm of Bloomfield addreiied
a patriotic mass meeting held in the
auditorium Thursday night, After
the address a' telegram was sent to
President Wilson, assuring him of
the loyalty and support of this com
munitv. .- -
In the war savings' drive,' Pplk sub
scribed ' -
' Looktne for work? Turn in rha
Help Wanted Columns now.
a comment of Sir John Foster Fraser,
K. G. $,, chairman of the national
war lecturers committee or Great
Britain, on the great battle now be
ing waged on the 'Western front.
Sir Fraser will speak tonrght at
Universit) club on "The Checker
board of Europe." He is familiar
with the ground on which the cen
tral powers and the allies are now
"The German army has been de
creasing in quality and the British
has been increasing all of the while
and we will be at the top of ouri
strength this summer. We are past
the Hag-waving v and band-playing
stage and are down to grim deter
tfiiAation." he stated.
Three times last year he was in
the first line and was in the Hin
denburg trench, which the bodies
gave up at the time of the HirdenA
burg "stragctic retreat."
Optimistic Over Outcome.
The liritish visitor attaches siKnifi
cance to the fact that the German em
peror and Hindenburg were reported
as being at the front. He is optimistic
over the ultimate outcome and would
think of nothing but an allied victory.
lie stared that Great Uritam is en
thusiastic over what the United
States will do.
You will grow serious and realize
tne stern realities ot war when your
casualty lists come in." he added.
"Just think that during time of com
parative quiet alone the front our
death list funs into thousands evejy
day and at this time in all probability
we are losing from iu.uuu to zu.uuu
day." y
' ' . i in I,
(CentUuae From Tt Om.)
develop to two of the governor's
specified subfecta for
the German drive officials
that the British press had already
suggested a 'possible solution. A
rupture of th British lines in the vi
cinity of St. Quentin, it' has been said.
might leave the French left en the
Aisne front unsupported. Retirement
there would bring the battle lines
closer to Paris.
Thousands Taken Prisoner.
German reports that 25,000 prison
ers had been taken were regarded aa
not at all improbable. The capture
of certain points on the first defensive
system probably was what made the
sector of the line abandoned by the
British tyite&able. and started the
withdrawal Presumably the 16.000
men said by the Germans to have
fallen into their hands yesterday are
included in their new figure of 25,000
prisoners. The first captures un
doubtedly were made when the front
lines were breached. The remainder
probably is composed of rear guard
units leftin position to hcjM off the
enemy until the British withdrawal
under fire bad been accomplished,
then to surrender. '
The Germans themselvea . lost
50,000 or more prisoners to the
KFreneff and British in the withdrawal
on the Somme alone, and a great
number also were taken in the retire
ment from the Marne during the first
year of the war.
Officials were hopeful that tomor
row's retiort would show clearly the
German objective and steps to offset
it. They are beginning to look for
counter blows by the allies on other
Sectors. N)w that the Germans are
so deeply involved in their enterprise
in the at. Quentin region it is thought
they could not spare large
to face attack elsewhere
checking their own advance.
Germans Shell
Paris From New
Battle Front
(CntrnB4 From Pf 0a.)
everyone I saw pretty confident At
first tbey did have a hard job to meet
the masses of Germans who came on
in denser formation than ever before,
yet all reports show that they fppght
Germans 600,000 Strong.
"For example, south of St. Quentin
one of our divisions had to bear up
against the repeated assaults of no
fewer than six German divisions, pos
sibly 90,000 men, and only when the
assaults ceased with darkness did our
troops withdraw to strong positions
behind the canal system between M
Quentin and the Oise.
"It isestimated that altogether
nearly 600,000 Germans participated in
the offensive. The enemy fought well
and his gunners did good service. The
quickness with which the gma were
brought forward -into No Man's land
after the':infantry.Hadaflvanced was
marked. : He had jrunarjy places the
advantage over usjrj positions and he
was at all points largely superior in
Throughout the night the battle
front extended southward and it was
reported this morning that the French
army was now engaged. -
The most intense fighting appears
to have been around Roisel and Trin
court The slaughter in the enemy
ranks was appalling.
Twelve. times every available gun in
the area was concentrated oh solid
massed bodies of enemy troops, when
the airmen grew -weary with emptying
their machine, gun drums and drop
ping their bombs into the dense gra
crowds of troops and returning for
more ammunition.
legislation at the special session the
repeal of the Mocket law and the
constitutional amendment to require
tun naturalization as a Qualification
for suffrage instead of rermittine
aliens as now to vote on first papers
after six months residence is ajso
causing talk. Members of the Doug
las delegation who figured thakthey
might be kept in Lincoln for not to
exceed a' week express fears that they
cannot finish the program in twice
that length of time. This is .particu-
arly disturb ne to two or three, of
them who are running for city com
missioner in the municipal primary
set for April 9, who feel they should
tve every moment tip to that time to
lieir vote-chasing occupation. The
exodus of law-makers to Lincoln will
take place tomorrow night, although
a few of them may go down durins
in aay. j
- Easteir;Showimgs of Pariicalar Ghafm ifl
emergency rg i .
The New Hudson Super-Six Phaeton
Developed by 50,000 Owners
THE performance of every Hudson Superix is watched so tha t '
later models may be better and more enduring.
Th$ mm Huittn
Sttptr,$ia ttttu
fiuupr aWM sr
, e tW mhm Sum
tit auWavCr, mlitk
dun mi mm in ttr.
kl Ihm any ttKirjiiu
' Hrltttjft.
( Fifty thousand Super-Sixea are in service. They helped show
the way to make the present series more satisfying and more
enduring. - So also has the experience gained in establishing many
of the best known records for treed and long, hard driving been
helpful in building thi new car, that was learnedon the speed
wav in establishing new long distance racing records and in road
, racing, mountain climbing and transcontinental touring has
marked its influence. ' .
Even the first Super-Sixes, introduced two years agb, set a new
mwk'for power, acceleration, smoothness and reliability. But
each subsequent series, has shown a marked improvement over
. earlier can, for whenever experience revealed away to makeHudsons"
better and more reliable, that experience has not been overlooked.
Because of Its new aad ciduslre typ motor, tjt Superii at once wtabllshcd
Itself with the moat exacting tnotorista. Thea we peuKed stock cars to the very
limiti of endurance that had Utn known even for the mMtexpcrvairdy, specially
built cars. All motordom knows how new records were made. And buyers found
that their cars were capable of a pcrformaace unknown to other cars.
Now we hare again added to Hudson quality and dependability. Owners can
knowanevengreattrconfidenccintheircars. The aim haj been to build the Super-
Six so well that its owner would hardly ever be aware that it is piece of machinery.
Motor satisfaction can never be realized if the passenger is made conscious of
the least mechanical effort. We think a pointHear the ideal of that condition
has. been reached in the new Hudson Super-Six.
,.' And In the matter of body design, comfort and richness of complete detail, any
cm of the ten new types is self-revealing. .
2563-6S67 Farnam St, Omaha, Neb. Douglas 1970.
To exercise the art of self expression a wider latitude
must be afforded than is Presented in the usual hack
neyed types that have become commonplace through
constant repetition.
Thompson - Belden fi? Go. offer milady who is well
J i x.. i . . i i 1 l i. - s i rtV i
aressea ano cruicai maiviauanzea moaei in i aq
leurs, Frocks, Dresses, Coats, Blouses and':Access6ries
that appeal to a finer sense of discrimination and
that accentuate personality instead of submerging it.
, . ' . ;
The variations of Fashion constitute her fascination for
she never ' ' j ;her, . followers v-to : b$c6mc bored,
but is alwa : I J king' new surprises and the chaftlef-
v mg styles retiect her every mood.
There are m?my tanrible reasons for the superiority
y of Thompson Belden Fashions and at Easter dis
criminating women find this of decided advantage.
You are invited to vfew:..ur
Easter Displays which present
y unusual originality and charm, ,
, !Pi8.s "Air CoiMtrtehtly Mdeirat;
Alterations are made without extra charge.
GTAe fashion Center Jor IJUomQifi
Six Yart
t 1324
MM m M
We Please
You pr
Yew Money
t wWe are always ready to taka care of you. we have
the force and equipment to jrive you the finest aervice' on
the day you wish it.
MItfal ervicel-the kind the busy man or woman
desires."1 .. ." ' .
e J "rll. ta " V
r .
Step in end Talk U Over.
B..t $Ut 7CM I Bst taa ' tl I Haarkat Bri4f
FilliBf ..... OC I C.ld Crtwa.. Werk, Mr letlt,
rt!rf.".'!7'"V.,r!. ........ $8 ..j $io
Hmmf. BtM A.
Wei 3afiis?ips)r
TUI f si
14 th and Farnam
13J4 Femem Street
mow oovoLAa am.
ritOTICCOil-tav (MtNM M
swt flat. Crv. BrMae M F81.
1 I
- m
: tH
j. i
V ""d Jk&P1
- . 1 1 i ,
?1 r.londay Dollar Sale $1
Late arrival of season eooda forces us to make the
followinjf sacrifices : r ,r
Gold-filled, guaranteed Knife, 2 blades, " MONDAY
plain or engraved, regular price 12.50. ... 1 J 1 ,00
Gold-filled, guaranteed, WtJde
. each link soldered, regular price $2 25, .L ' f00
Gold-filled guaranteed Stick Pin, 'green rMONDAY
gold, -with reconstructed Ruby or Turma- -line
set, regular price $2.50. K tl .UO
Gold-filled guaranteed Cuff Buttons, plainj" : MONDAY
or engraved, -regular price $2.00. . . .'-i Q0
v Fountain-pen, guaranteed, with solid goldp!??NDAY
pen; regular price250. T . .V. . $ 00
Solid gold Baby Set 1 Ring, extra .heavf.M0AY
regular price $2.00. ,.vr, . L $X,()0
15-K. gold-filled DaTallieres, with- Buby,T MONDAY
Emerald, Sapphire pr other sets; - regular 1 i i
- price ? 2.50 . a - j . t-. v . . a
I M MapollaSijjSl I
tMt Mtwl t ONE