Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 23, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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II HHlDilt fa
died. For
alesman's Saqriples--The Newest Niftiest Suits for Young Men
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It is just putting it mildly to say that we were fortunate in being able to obtain these new,
fresh, Bright, super-stylish Suits for Young Men at such a concession that we are able to quote
$29.50 for Saturday. Our personal representative happened to be in the factory when this
lot was being shown, and he snapped them up in a jiffy, and because of this advantageous
buy, you can purchase here Suits that would be priced many, many dollars higher if it were
not for this fact. Right before Easter this is a very extraordinary offer for you. Buy Now.
Copyright Hart Schaf fner & Mars
We want all the young men's trade that we can get-and we are trying to deserve it by offer
ing the best Clothing that money will buy-we are not satisfied with anything but the best-,
and so this announcement assumes extraordinary proportions when you consider the fact
that it concerns-Suits that are so distinctive and super-stylish that every young man would
belad to pay full prices in a jiffy ordinarily. Duplicates of Suits thatwe have sold just, a
few days back at muh higher prices. , '
v Don't overlook the fact that the price of woolens will not be lower for per
haps many years-arid that means that clothes-the right sort of clothes x
-are going to be higher and higher in price-a few words to the wise is
sufficient. You will buy more than one suit when you see them.
The New Military Five Seam Back and Welt W aisled Models
are just two from a score or more of new stijles that are here.
JMf B 91 K
WIS 1 1 I fT 'HL. JM
' - m m i ,:-v.
CopyriglitIIarchIocr &Maa
Omaha Headquarters for
Golf Suits
Golf Trousers,' v
$3.00 to $7.50 a Pair
Second Floor, Men's Building
Newest Style Spring Top Coats
$15, $20, $25, $30, $35 and $40
All that commends itself in style, quality and value in Top Coats
for Spring for men of ultra or sedate tendencies, will be found here
in every good texture and pattern. Top Coats, and Slip-Ons for
men and young men-1918 models.
Kingly Trousers--Hundredsof
pairs to choose from, evry ;
C one 4excellentvaluey -
$5.00, $7.50 and $10.00
Ride, Up On Moving Stairs '
vzxmx i m. x . ii ii iiiif Hnn r.stttMr
I VI, 'I Milk l-ZZm knas) r- 0
VjlCVCi OllCiS,
ywM fty rrxs lvinuera Ltr r rices
TE DIFFICULTY that confronts many men when they, come to
buy a hat is minimized here, because we are extremely careful in
our selection of models, and also because we show the broadest
and most comprehensive stock anywhere hereabouts.
STETSON HATS-you know them-dozens of different styles for
Spring and Easter $4.50, $5.00, $6.00 and $10.00
MAYO HATS For quality plus style, you'll not find any other
Hats at this price quoted so interesting. The new Mayo Hats sold
and shown here exclusively in Omaha ". .v $3.50
The Famous Gilleandeau Hats, at '. . , $3.00
Borsalino Hats The genuine famous make $4.50 and $5.00
Alfredo Sebelle Co.'s Famous Italian Hats, Sold here exclusively v
by this store in 'Omaha ' $5.00
Brandeis Special, and high grade sample lines,, special for this
Saturday, at ; $2.00
Main Floor, Arcade
Ycm Spring m
Men's Shoes and Oxfords, $4.50 a Pair
Several Hundred Pairs--$6.50 Values
YOU'LL WANT a new pair Or two of
Shoes right now and you have. the oppor
tunity to buy them at a very low price here
on Saturday. Don't fail to get your share.
Tan and Black Calfskin, with tops of Nu-Buck,
English last, lace style, and all sizes, a pair. . .:.
Men's Shoes, $8 and $9.50
. Formerly priced at $10.00 an
$11.00. - All leathers, tans and black;
several styles of toe shapes and all
Main Floor, Men' Building
Boys' Shoes, $3.95 to $5
"Plain Tan Calf Dull Calf and Gil
Grain, lace, button and blucfier styles,
broad, medium and narrow toe
shapes; every size from 1 to 6.
Are Here
Mr; Mah-
Moderately Priced.
completely we have
stocked up with ' care and
foresight, and now, when it
comes time to fill your needs,
you will find that we have
the things you need at much
lower prices than you antici
pated payingThis is partic
ularly true of the items of
fered here for Saturday.
-Shirts at'$1.50
Our Men's Shirt Department
always had the reputation of
giving the best Shirt values
at this price obtainable and
to keep up this record we
will give our shirt customers
about 75 dozen real $1.50
shirt values for Easter wear
made of the best materials
obtainable. To put in shirts
at this- price, orders placed
months ago enables us to of
fer these wonderful values?
in new Spring, shirts; all
sizes in endless variety of
patterns $1.50
Men's Shirts at $2.00
About 100 Dozen Shirts in this lot dhd in a regular way
are worth up to $3.00, but just to stimulate Easter buying
we are offering these Silk Fiber, genuine Jap Crepe, Silk
Striped Pongee and Corded Madras Shirts all made of
fast colored materials in neck band style, with soft
French cuff in patterns that are absolutely new; every
shirt perfect in fit and make. Priced at. $2.00
Silk Shirts at $6.50
One lot assembled together, for Easter offering made of
the very best Crepe Silks, Silk broadcloth and Jersey Silks
in patterns that harmonize with their quality. We con
sider these values very exceptional, at .$6.50
Shirts at $1.00
For the man who does not
feel like paying more than
$1.00 for his shirt, we are
offering about 200 dozen
shirts for Spring and Sum
mer 'wear; all new patterns
in neck band style; collar at
tached style; , laundered
puffs or soft turn over cuff;
made of materials which to-
day would cost more than
the price we are asking for
the shirt, heat patterns; col
ors are absolutely fast; well
made and perfect fitting;
all sizes from 14 to 18. Very
special at ...... . ... .$1.00
) .
Easter Neckwear, 75c to $1
We have. never before offered a better
assortment or better materials in silk neck
wear than we are offering you in this special
lot; large, open-end 4-in-hands, made of im
ported and domestic Silk; beautiful patterns
in new stripes and figured designs; when you
see these ties you will woiyier how we can sell
tem at these 'prices; worth up to $1.50. On
sale, Saturday, at. 75c and $1.00
Easter -Neckwear, 55c
300 dozen fine Silk 4-in-hand Ties, made
up in the regular $1.00 shape, of all silk ma
terials, in hundreds of patterns; all new; this
lot consists of the entire 'floor stock of one
of New York's largest neckwear manufactur
ers and not a tie in this lot was made to sell
for less than 75c; some even more; Easter
sale price, each, at 55c
Look at These-You Golf Enthusiasts
Brandeis Special Golf Irons, at $2.00
Brandeis Special Golf Wood Clubs ...s ...$2.50
I Full line of medium and light weight Golf Balls.
Main Floor, Men's Building. f
Main Floor,