Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 22, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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    IHrJ BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1918.
Dr. J. R. Conkling Succumbs
at Dunedin, Fla., Where He
and Wife Were Passing
Dr. Justus R. Conkling, one of the
first three doctors to practice in Oma
ha, died Wednesday at Dunedin, Fla.,
where he and his wife were passing
the winter. Death was due to apo
plexy. Dr. Riggs Conkling resided in Oma
ha from the pioneer days of 1859. His
old home was at Seventeenth street
and Capitol avenue. For a number
of years he made yearly visits to
Florida to pass the winter.
Born in Tompkins county. New
York, October S, 1835, he went with
his parents in 1844 to Illinois passing
through Chicago, then a small town,
He worked on his father's farm and
received his education at Salem acad
emy, near Kenosha, Wis. He taught
school to get funds for his medical
education and v;s graduated from
Rush Medical college in 1859.
Stopped in Bluffs.
Then, with several companions, he
set out for Pike's Peak, lured by re
ports of go'd and the desire for ad
venture. In four wagons, drawn by
oxen, they crossed the plains. At
Council Bluffs, Dr. Conkling decided
to stop. He left the caravan and on
June 8, 1859 he made his first entry
into Omaha. He remained here a
few weeks and then went to Te
kamah where, in the fall of that year,
he was elected clerk of Burt county
and later was treasurer of the county
for a year.
In 1863 tie was post surgeon at
Fort Kearney. When Omaha was des
ignated as the eastern terminus of
the Union Pacific railway. Dr. Conk
ling came here and had lived here
ever since.
For many years he was physician
at Mercy hospital, the name of which
was changed later to St. Joseph's
He was married July 23, 1867, to
Miss Jennie Hanscom of Detroit,
Mich. She died September 18, 1901.
He was married to the present Mrs.
Conkling a few years later. Mrs. J.
L. Kennedy cf this city is his grand
First Liberty Motor Pulls
Hydroplane Into Capital
Washington. March 21. The first
liberty motor to reach Washington in
actual service has arrived, drivn.g a
navy flying boat from Norfolk and
carrying the pilot and two passengers.
It came in yesterday, but W3 un
hcra'ded and the Navy department
made no announcement until today.
The trip was made in approximately
two hours, despite the fact that the
boat got off the 175-mile co.nse
mapped out, and covered a consider
ably greater , distance. No trouble
whatever was experienced" with the
liberty engine.
Goodall Exonerated of .
Auto .Theft Connection
Arthur Goodall, 2768 California
street, arrested Tuesday night in con
nection with theft of an automobile,
was exonerated from any complicity
in the theft.
Goodall was asked by two other
boys to take a ride with them that
night in the stolen car, but wav un
aware that the automobile did not be
long to the boys.
When the' automobile was recovered
by the police Goodall was taken to the
police station with the others.
Brie) City News
Bars Root Print 1 Nw Buooo Press.
Lighting Ft it area. Burzess-Granden.
Fined $7.50 J. G. McCarthy, 1612
Burt street, was fined $7.50 and costs
in police court Wednesday, charged
with disturbing the peace.
Baby Boy Dies Henry Ford Over
land was the name of a 1-year-old boy
who died on Wednesday at 4008 N'ich
olas street. The mother is Mrs. W. A.
Dog Poisoners BusyDog poisoners
asrain are at work in Omaha. Several
dogs have been poisoned in the neiRh
borhood south of Miller park during
the last few days.
Service for Young Folks Young
people's societies are to be guests of
honor tonight at the union evangelisj
tie services at First Baptist church.
Dr. Dean will preach.
Homo on Leave Sergeant I. P.
Oroesbeck and George W. McLain of
the United States aviation corps are
here on leave. They have been in
training near Indianapolis.
Prudent saving in war times Is a
hostage for opportunities of peace.
Play safe by starting an account with
Nebraska Savings & Loan Ass'n, 211
S. ISth St. il to $5,000 received.
Kirsch Forfeits Bond Fred KlrscU.
a shoemaker at Red Cloud, failed to
appear before the federal court. In
session this week in Hastings, and his
bond of $1,000 was declared forfeited.
He is charged with threatening the
life of the president.
Government Seeks Printer Major
Frith desires to obtain the services
of an experienced printer for work in
the United States recruiting service at
the Army and Navy building. The po
sition will pay $100 per month, cloth
ing and medical attention included.
Cool Out In State Cool, with light
to brisk northwest wind, is the report
to the railroads from out in the state.
Reports show that over the state Wed
nesday night there were light and
scattered showers, but nothing like a
general rain. Reports indicate that
the ground is in prime condition ann
that everywhere the farmers are busy
in the fields, sowing small grain and
preparing for corn planting.
Home on Furlough William J. Bur
nell, 22 years old, son of Richard Bur
nell, Benson, is home on a week's fur
lough from the Great 'Lakes naval
training station, where he is a member
of the mechanical division cf the avia
tion corps. Burnell is pleased with
the facilities and says he is gaining
inestimable benefit from the schooling
which this branch affords. Since en
tering the service, he has gained 20
pounds in weight. He was formerly
assistant manager at the Ames ave
nue car barn.
Sues Grocers for Damages Le Roy
Terry brought suit Wednesday in dis
trict court against Tuchman Bros..
grocers, Twenty-fourth and Lake
streets, for $15,000 damages alleged
to have been sustained when his boy,
Raymond, was struck by one of Tuch
man Bros, trucks at Twenty-sixth and
Seward streets, January 18.
Fine fireplace goods at Sunderlands.
with supervisors
for the various
Jerry Howard Make Hit With
Federal Trade Investigation.
. Special registration facilities are
being offered on Thursday 4nd Fri
day of this week for voters at the
old city hall in South Side. This ar
rangement, however, does not prevent
these South Siders from registering
at the election commissioner's office
until Friday. March 29, for the pri
mary on April 9.
The socialist campaign committee
has invited all candidates , for city
commissioner to address a socialist
meeting on Sunday afternoon, April 7,
It is said Dean Ringer, University
of Nebraska foot ball player before
he became an attorney, is going to
hie for city commissioner. He has the
distinction of never having run for
office before.
Police Judge Madden is circulating
a petition to have his name placed
on the ballot for city commissioner.
"I never saw a city campaign in
which so little interest was mani
fested," said Tom O'Connor. At the
special -Florence registration only 88
voters registered out of 600. And
most of them had to be pulled in. It
may be the war. Or I don't know
what it is. It's certain that no real
big new timber has been put into the
race yet. No real strong men have
filed for commissioner to give the
present incumbents any apprehension."
Roy N. Towl, John Van Wie and L.
B. Johnson have filed as primary ian
didates for city commissioners. Mr.
Johnson served as city councilman
before the city commission rJlan of
government was adopted.
High Heels Cause Sprain.
Extraordinary high hejcls on her J
shoes caused Mrs. Anna Debruiyn,
1616 South Tenth street, to suffer a
sprained ankle when she alighted
from a street car at Tenth and
Pierce streets yesterday afternoon.
Persistent Advertising Is the Road
to Success.
Jerry Howard made a hit with
Francis J. Heney, counsel for the
Federal Trade commission. "Good
by, Jerry," said Heney Wednesday
night. "Good luck to ye," replied
Howard. During a street-corner meet
ing Jerry remarked that the Omaha
Chamber of Commerce usually in
vites prominent visitor to address its
members, but failed to take cogni
zance of Heney, which, in the opinion
of Jerry, was an egregious mistake.
City hall folks are amused at a
recent political advertisement of Ed
P. Smith, wherein he states: "The
city must have social centers for
young people in winter time as well
as recreation centers in summer time."
"Doesn't he know," asked a city hall
man, "that 12 community centers are
being maintained under the direction
of the Board of Recreation during
the winter season in school houses,
Schmoller & Mueller's
Bargain Sale
of Pedigreed
Used Pianos
Used, but not abused, instru
ments which were taken in ex
change on the celebrated Stein
way, Emerson, Hardman, Steg
er & Sons and, Schmoller &
Mueller Pianos and Aeolian
Pianola Pianos. Every one
thoroughly gone over by our
factory experts and put in pos
itively first class condition.
Fully guaranteed.
A Wonderful Assortment of
High Grade makes to choose
from. Look over this list and
see how much you can save by
buying now.
$250 Gilbert, upright. ... $ 60
$250 Story & Clark, up. I 65
$275 Brlggs, upright.... $ g$
$300 Richmond, upright.. 150'
$300 Starr, upright 175
$375 Wegman, upright. .$180
$3bi j. & c. jnscner, up.i
$350 Price & Teeple, up.i
$450 Steger & Son, up.i
$1,000 Steinway, grand.
Terms, $5.00 per month
up. Pianos for rent, $3.50 per
month. Rent allowed on pur
chase price. Player Rolls to
fit all players.
15c 25c and up.
Small Instruments, sheet
music and teachers' supplies at
special prices.
st. Piano Co.
D. 13
I! nn """ t?
A Sale of Notions Friday
Including Every Requisite for the Woman Who Sews
HERE is a big force of women at work doing their "bit" with the needle and
thread. We fully realize the importance of this great work and we're help
ing all we can.
Everything we've chosen for this great sale of notions down to the smallest
item, has been priced at the very . lowest prices possible.
Just an idea:
J. P. Coates 6-cord
thread, all sizes,
white or black, a
spool, 4c.
Hair pins, assorted, a
package, 4c.
Tracing wheels, each,
Gros grain skirt belt
ing, black or white,
1, 2, 2Vt and 3 inch,
yard, 10c.
Sew on hose support
ers, pair, 15c.
Darning cotton, black
or tan, S for 5c.
Pearl buttons, fish eye,
assorted sizes, card, 5c.
Tape measures, 4c and
Bias Tape, specially
priced, bolt, at 5c.
Slipper trees, pair 10c.
Hair bow fasteners,
each 5c.
Nickel plated safety
pins, assorted sizes,
dozen, 5c.
Coat and skirt hang
ers, each 10c and
Curling irons, each 10c.
Snap Fasteners, Dozen, Sc.
Ironing board 'pads, each 60c.
Picot edging, 3 yards, 12 He
Dress maker's pins, 4 pound,
Corset laces, 254 yards, 3 for 5c
Stocking and glove darners,
each 4c.
Dress Shields, Nos. 2 and 3,
Pair, 10c.
Sanitary aprons, each 23c.
Girdelin, 2-inch to 3 Vt -inch
width, white only, yard, 10c.
Burnasco real hair nets, cap or
fringe style, 2 for 25c.
Ribbon wire, 3 yards, 5c.
Stickerei edging, ' 4 yard bolt,
Satin covered hat wire, 3 yards
Rick rack braid.white only, bolt,
Barf tsi-Nuh Co. Main Floor
Thimbles, nickel plated, each 2c.
Pins, 400 in package, 5c.
Silk finish crochet cotton,
white and colors, spool, 7Jc
Ironing board covers, 35c.
Rustless corset clasps, pair, 15c.
Lingerie tape, 6 yards, 5c.
Hair pin cabinets, each 5c.
Sanitary Napkins, Dozen,
Store Hours
Every Day:
8:30 A. M.
to 6 P. M.
everybody store"
Thursday, March 21, 1918-
-Phont Doug-. 137
Friday Will Be a Day of Wonderful
Saving Advantages in the
Children's Hose,
Children's black cotton,
seamless. Splendid quality.
Extra special, at 15c a pair.
Sample Union Suits, 50c.
An assortment of sample
Union suits of cotton for wo
men and children at 50c a suit,
for Friday.
Women's Hose, 25c.
Black cotton hose for women
and children, seamless. Special,
at 25c a pair.
Women's Underwear, 39c.
Union suits, low neck and
sleeveless, fine white cotton,
knee length. Special, for Fri
day, at 39c. each.
Burfoss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store
A Big Stock Reduction Sale of Women's,
Men's, Boys' and Girls' Shoes
Friday in the Down Stairs Store
OUR stock of shoes in the Down Stairs Store section is entirely
too large, aiid in order to clear out pur stock, every style shoe
for men, women and children has been reduced to a price that will
produce the desired result.
. Women s High Shoes,
Pumps and Oxfords, $1.00
Women's pumps and oxfords in
a 'variety of styles, small sizes
only, but if you wear a small size
you will find these wonderful
Children's Shoes, at $2.65
School shoes in gun metal, kid
patent and tan Russia calf, for
Friday, $2.65. Also infants' soft
shoes, at 49c.
A large assortment of high
grade shoes, including black
kid, gun metal and patent. Very
specially priced for Friday, at
High Lace Shoes, $4.85
Women's smart pew spring
high cut lace boot in brown,
gray and combinations. Priced
at abdut half the regular price.
BurfCM-Nsih Co. Down Stairs Store
Boys' Shoes, at $2.65
Good quality school shoes for
boys, of black velour calf skin,
solid leather soles. Priced at
$2.95 and $2.65.
Men's Shoes, $4.65
A big lot of sample shoes of
genuine calf skin. Every pair
guaranteed perfect and reduced
to $4.65 the pair.'
A Timely Easter Sale
of New Spring Suits
A COLLECTION of serge suits
that you cannot judge by the
price, for they are made of splen
did quality serge in blue and black.
The jackets are tailored or pleated
over the hips with self or silk, col
lars, belted. The skirts are gath
ered in back with separate belt.
These are extreme values at $12.95.
New Silk Skirts, $6.50
Plaids, checks, fancy stripes, in
fact all the new up-to-date designs,
black and navy, pleated, gathered,
wide belt, button trimmed and
pocket. Very special at $6.50.
Silk Dresses, at $12.50
Made of good quality taffeta in
fancy stripes and plain colors, trim
med with white collars and buttons.
Very special before Easter sale
price at $12.50.
Burgeta-Naih Co. Down Stairs Stor
Don't Miss This Sale
of Men's Sample Shirts
at 88c
WE have purchased the entire sample line and sur
plus stock of a big jobber at a great price reduc
tion, and we offer them to you the same way. The offer
ing includes negligee shirts made of percale, sosiette and
madras with flat or military collar attached, in a variety
of patterns and colors. Friday, choice, 88c.
Men's Union Suits, 59c
Spring and summer weight, flat
mesh, athletic, nainsook and some
balbriggans. Mostly samples,
and for this reason, the price has
been reduced to 59c each.
Tvrwplece Underwear, 45c
f wo-piece, Spring weight
br i, shirts arid drawers,
we. e and cut full; Friday,
at, 4i a garment.
Men's Work Shirts, 79c
Blue and gray chambray, khaki
linene, panama cloth work shirts ;
splendidly made and priced spe
cial, at 79c each.
Burfeis-Naih Co. Down Stairs Store
Curtain Nets, 19c.
36x40-inch filet curtain nets
with small neat designs, choice
of cream, white and beige. Spe
cial, for Friday, at 19c a yard.
Cretonne Remnants, 49c.
An assortment of fancy cre
tonne remnants in lengths from
to 2 yards long. Special, at
49c a yard.
Children's Dresses, 25c.
Ready to wear dresses
stamped on fine quality cham
bray, in dainty designs for
hand embroidery. Pink, tan
and delft blue are the colors.
Sizes 2 to 4 years. Each, 25c.
Odd lot of Yarn, 19c.
A special offering of yarns
including Germantown, Saxony
and Shetland floss, in red,
?reen, purple, brown, pink, blue,
etc. Some skeins are slightly
soiled but are splendid for af
gans, squares, Red Cross work,
tying comforts, sweaters, etc.
Friday, 19c a skein.
Artificial Flowers, 10c.
A beautiful assortment of ar
tificial flowers that have been
very specially priced. Carna
tions, roses, poppies, daisies,
etc., choice, 10c.
Silk Remnants
A big lot of silk remnants,
consisting of plain and fancy
silks, suitable for waists, skirts
and dresses. 1 to 6 yards in
a piece of 98c a yard.
BiinrM-ab Co.
Down Rtalra Store
Wool Remnants
Wool dress goods remnants
in plaids, stripes, mixtures and
plain colors. Also black and
white check. 36 to 50 inches
wide, 1 4 to 6-yard lengths, at
59c and 98c a yard.
niirs-esii-Nwih Co.
Down Htn Store
Friday-Soap and Cleaners-Special
7 cakes Diamond "C" Soap, 25c
Beat 'Em All Laundry Soap,
Electric Snark Soan. 6Mc.
Golden Kod wash
ing Powder, small,
Golden Rod
ing Powder,
Gold Dyst,
Fels Nantha. at 7c
Gold Dust, large, 29c.
Ivory Soap, small, 7c
Sunbrite Cleanser, at 5c.
large, small,
20 Mule Team Borax, package,
Crystal White Soap, 6c.
Old Dutch Cleanser, at 9tfc
P. & G. Naptha soap
at 7c.
White Borax Nap
tha soap, at Sc.
Pearl White soap,
at 5c
Sal Soda, package,
at 12c 1
Toilikleen, at 19c.
Sani Flush, can, 20c.
Softone. 8Uc.
No phone orders.or deliveries accepted except when bought
with other goods on a transfer.
Burfeas-Nash Co. Down Stairs Stor
Gingham Dresses, 75c.
Children's slip-overs and
rompers In an assortment of
percales, ginghams and madras
cloth. Plaids, stripes and solid
colors, trimmed with collars,,
cuffs and belt. Sizes 2 to 0
years. 75c
Girl's Middies, 49c
A big lot of middie blouses,
made of heavy drill and Stan
dard muslin. Plain white with
colored collar and cuffs. Also
beautiful sport stripes, at 49c.
Dressing Sacques, 75c
Women's Dressing Sacques,
made of Amoskeag ginghams,
percale and chambray in
plaids, sport stripe and neat
check, also solid color, with
long or short sleeves. Sizes
36 to 44, at 75c each.
Children' Overalls, 25c.
Overall slip-overs, made of a
good quality gingham in solid
color blue, also neat stripes in
blue and gray. Ages 2 to 6
years, Friday, at 25c each.
Children's Underwear, 19c
Muslin skirts and pants that
are slightly mussed, trimmed
with lace or embroidery and
tucked hem. Sizes 2 to 6 years.
Specially priced to close at 19c
Spring Time Has Arrived So Has Garden Time and Friday
and Saturday We Offer a Sale of Garden Tools
Spading Forks
Spading forks, 4 tines, malleable steel blades,
extra special, at 79c.
Spading' forks, five tines, bronze finish, best
quality. D handle, at $1.95.
Garden Hoes
Polished riveted blade, blued finish, long
handled garden hoes in assorted sizes, special, at
Garden hoes, one-piece solid steel blade with
socket, long handle, special, at 75c
Women's hoes with steel blade, 4 foot handle,
special, 59c.
Warren solid steel hoes with 4 -foot handle,
at 95c each.
Garden Hose
Garden hose, 4-ply, guaranteed:
50-foot length, -inch size,
50-foot length, -inch size,
Molded 'garden hose, guaran
teed :
. 4-inch size, foot, 14c
?i-inch size, foot, 17c
Garden Rakes
Garden rakes, malleable iron, blued finish,
straight teeth.
12-prong, at 29c
14-prong ,at 33c.
Lawn rake, 24-tooth, tinned wire, long handle,
special, at 55c
Cultivator hoe, made of crucible spring steel,
oil tempered with five adjustable blades, 4 -foot
handle, at 98c.
Pruning shears, California pattern, at 48c.
Hedge shears, long handle, polished notched 9
Wade, at $1.95.
D. M. Ferry's Seeds
Flower and vegetable seeds, all fresh stock, at 5c package,
Blue grass lawn seed, fresh stock, per pound, 26c.
White clover seed fresh stock, pound at 69c
BurfM.Naah Co. Down Stairs Store
Garden spades, with solid
Dack, D handle, special, $1.49.
Wheel barrow, patent stave
tray, well braced and full bolted,
special, $3.19.