r 17 M PT a .... cndelaide IVennerly kgaElla Fleishman, SSUUl 1 UK ASS'T EOITOIR. THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 16. 1913. J3l Spring Vegetables Here From Louisiana Gardens Spring vegetables are on the Omaha markets from the gardens of Louisi ana. Nice fresh radishes, turnips, beets, carrots and onions are among them. String beans are another lux ury that have appeared for the first time this spring. They also come from the gardens of Louisiana and at present sell for 35 cents a pound. Cel ery from Florida sells for 10 cents a stalk. Strawberries are 60 cents a box. Extra fine spinach is now here at 40 cents a peck. Cucumbers bring 20 cents each. New cabbage from the south, extra sound, fine heads, sells around 7 cents a pound. Cauliflower also is extra fine. It is down in price now, selling at IS to 25 cents a head. California asparagus also is some what cheaper, 50 cents a pound. Rhu barb, raised in hothouses and even in cellars, right around Omahfc, sells at 15 cents a bunch. Tomatoes from the south are 40 cents a pound, which also is somewhat cheaper than they were a week ago. Orangeshave soared in price in the last few weeks and the dealers have no good reason to offer. The crop was abundant and the oranges are plenti ful. Yet some of them have gone up to $1.20 a dozen. They are large and fine, but large and fine oranges a few weeks ago sold at just half that price. Apples are still plentiful, from the Pa cific northwest, and the prices by the box or dozen have not advanced. A Victory Dinner in One Dish What a relief it would bf once or twice in the week to have your whole dinner in one dish! Would it satisfy? Try these suggested by the United States food administration and see: dinner r. (Any Day but Tuesday.) Potted Hominy and Beef. DINNER II. Any Day, but Epecially on Friday.) Fish Chowder With Cornmeal Bread. DINNER III. (Any Day.) .ried Peas with Rice and Tomatoes. Date Custard Cornstarch Pudding. POTTED HOMINY AND BEEF. f T. fat. 2 T. flour. 2 o. milk. 4 potatoes. 5 c. carrots. 34 pound dried beef. 6 c. cooked hominy. 1 t. salt. Melt the fat, stir in the flour, add the cold milk, and mix well. Cook until it thickens. Cut the potatoes and carrots in dice, mix all the ma terials in a baking dish, and bake for one hour. t FISH CHOWDER, t pound fish. lquart sliced 4 T. drlppltifte. po tatoes. 1 medium onion, i c. hot milk, chopped fine. . Skin and! bone the fish, and cut into inch cubes. Cover the bone and trimmings with cold water and let simmer for one-half hour. Cook the onion in the fat for five minutes, in stew pan. Parboil the sliced po tatoes for 5 minutes, then drain and add layers of fish and potatoes to the fat and onion in the stew pan. Season each layer with salt and pepper. Strain the liquor in which the, fish bones have been cooking over all, and cook about 20 minutes until fish and po tatoes are tender. Then add the scalded milk. If desired thicker, sprinkle a little cornmeal between each layer of fish and potatoes. Mrs. Wiltard Straight Gets Camp Appointment ' WIS V Mrs. Willard D. Straight, New York social and suffrage leader, has been appointed a member of the com mittee on the employment of women in military training camps. Mrs. Straight has been engaged in war work since the outbreak of hostili ties and has been active in thq Red Cross and Young Men's Christian as sociation fund-raising campaigns. She will assist in investigating socio logical conditions arising from the ejnployment of women in the training ramps. SATURDAY SPECIALS AT EMPRESS MARKET The Market Where Quality Prevails. Seed Onions, per quart 12Vjc Apples, size 175, per box $1.69 Elkhorn, 'Cottage, Pet or Carnation Milk,' 2 for 25c Tall Salmon, per can 15c Nebraska Potatoes, peek, 18 lbs., 22Vie Red Globe Onions, per peck. . ..... .,35c Grapefruit, large ones, cash 4c Cauliflower, per lb 7 Vic Leaf Lettuce, S bunches 10c Head Lettuce, each .T'jC PIG PORK LOINS, PER LB. 22 Steer Sirloin Steaks, lb 21l2c Steer Shoulder Steak, lb 18'?c Steer Boiling Beef, lb 13Vjc Steer Pot Roast, lb 17ac Home Made Hamburger or Pork Sausage Meat Department -per lb., at .18c Extra Lean Skinned Hams, lb 27 'je Sugar Cured Hams, rb 22V3c Extra Lean Bacon, lb 41V2c Sugar Cured Bacon, lb 34'ac Pork Neck Bone Spare Ribs, tb...7'C EMPRESS MARKET 113 South Sixteenth Street. Phone Douglas 2307. Scores of Happy Cjiildren Watch these weekly announcements to learn what Sunday Dessert will be. This week it's St. Patrick's Special Pistachio Ice Cream with Pistachio Nuts and Green Maraschino Cherries another popular combination of U se substitutes when cooking, and let us save the wheat, 3 ubstantial dishes can be made fit for all to eat; E nthuse all those around you to learn to cook anew. S aving food for our allies, and our Sammies, too ; United we shall win this war, let's hope it soon will be, B ringing joy to all our hearts, both here and over the sea. S omewhere in France there is fightingour boys firm and brave, 'T is for us to make a sacrifice, for the situation is grave ; I nstead of knocking, and kicking, let us all dig in and be true T o our own Stars and Stripes waving o'er us, the Red, the White and the Blue. Unparalled chances for saving you "will find if with us you trade, The Washington Market still handles the finest goods ever made. E very customer is satisfied, that the bargains they purchase are large, S o follow the crowd and come with them; this is no camouflage. Shoulder Roast, per lb 17'Ac, 20e Rump Roast, per lb 20c Prime Rib Roast of Beef, lb 20c Pork Tenderloin, per lb 33 Vic Spar Ribs, per lb 15c Home Made Hamburger or Sausage, per lb., at 17V2e Pure Lard, per lb , .30c Compound Lard, per lb , 25e Sugar Cured Skinned Hams, half or whole per lb., at 284c Sugar Cored Breakfast Bacon, lb..341ac Boiling Beef, per lb 12Vic Tomatoes, per can...... ...,10c Extra Fancy Potatoes, peck 20c Leaf Lettuce, 8 bunches 10c Extra Fancy Head Lettuee, 2 bunches 15c Red Globe Onions, 8 lbs 10c Extra Fancy Celery, stalk.... 8c and 10c Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen 35c All Brands Creamery Butter, lb 46c Good Oleomargarine, lb 25c Extra Fancy Peaches or Plums, in syrup, 2 cans for 25c Eamo Soup, all flavors, 8 eans 28c Del Monte Ketchup, large' bottles, per bottle, at 23c Ground Bone, for chickens, 6 lbs.... 23c "Visit Our Branch Market at the McCrory 5c and 10c Store in the Basement. Same Goods. Same Prices. Same Honest Weight." '140? DOTJGLlAS ne exrr um -TO -x ATM AMD 1VT UKr in Market TEL.TYLUR 470 rue Anpfeis wist - One of the Largest Miil Order Houses in the Middle West. United States Food Administration License No. G-27634. Of Interest to Women There's a tremendous intrrent in Paris models that are arriving. The olu-fashioned polonaise comes back alonft with the Watteau plait. Manteaux of varied-colored chiffons have no warmth, but much beauty. First hats are small and turbanish; later hats will be large and floppish. Fitted bodice and a skirt banded with ruchings form a pretty costume. Grandmother's grenadine has re turned to favor; bengaline is also good style. The number of women automobile drivers in the United States is be- livede to have more than doubled the past year. Baronette satin comes in exquisite paste tones and is queen of the satin weaves. New Hindu turbans are composed of straw, jersey drawn through bone or ivory rings. Novel peplums appear on new blouses; many are uneven and some are trimmed with fringes. Women employed as chief operators with the United States army telephone unit in France will receive a salary of $125 a month, together with the ra tions and quarters accorded to army nurses. HKas r r Csvv .rvK vwotvITS G-O-O-D every day G-O-O-D every way How the men from Canada's prairies won Immortal fame in Flanders when, outgunned nnd outnumbered, they, by sheer pluck and tenacity, threw back Germany's magnificently equipped hordes and saved the world. "Holding the Line By SERGEANT HAROLD BALDWIN this story of tKe war asV fight ing man saw it is one to stir the blood; no effort of the novelist's imagmatioh was ever so fasci nating. It gives giant word pic tures of battles and battlefields.. It reveals modern army life in all its phases. It's the hist personal narrative of the, war yet wr:"ii Price, $1.50 AT ALL BOOKSTORES 4 A. C. McCLURG & CO, Publishers, CHICAGO Saturday Specials at the New Public Market DELIVERIES ON $8.00 AND OVER PAY CASH CARRY YOUR OWN PACKAGES AND HELP WIN THE WAR Strictly Fresh Eggs, guaranteed, dox. 34c No. 1 Creamery Butter, ft 41 Vic Fancy Head Lettuee, per bunch. .5c, 7 Vic Sunkist Naval Oranges, doten.. 30c Campbell's Assorted Soups, can 10c J ello, assorted flavors, 8 pkgs 25c Choice Medium Red Salmon, tall cans, per can 17 Vic Sunshine x American Mixed Cookies, per pound, at 12'ie PIC PORK LOINS, PER LB S24c Wisconsin Cream Cheese, D 30c American Cream Cheese, ft 30c Goocb's Macaroni or Spaghetti, I pkgs., for ....35c Oil Sardines, 4 for..... 2Se Bumam and Morrell's Pork and Beans, per can, at 15c 15c quality Corn, Peas or Tomatoes per can, at lie Carnation, Pet or Wilson's Milk, tall cans, 2 for 25c Fancy Celery, per bunch 5c Fancy Cauliflower, per lb 7 Vie Fancy Grapefruit, large ones, each.... 4c MEAT DEPARTMENT Steer Sirloin Steak, ft 32 Vie Steer Porterhouse, ft...... 24'ic Steer Pot Roast, ft,..., ISVic Steer Rib Roast, ft 15 Vic Young Veal Roast, ft 17 Vic Young Veal Stew, ft 12 Vic Choice Lamb Stew, ft ISVic Extra Lean Pig Pork Butts, ft . . . .24 Vic Extra Lean Skinned Hams, ft 27Vi Swift's Premium Regular Hams, ft . ,31c Extra Lean Bacon, ft 41 Vie Sugar Cured Bacon, ft .'. .34'ie Sugar Cured Hams, ft 32 Vic Pork Neck Spare Ribs, ft 7,c CANDY DEPARTMENT Main Floor Just Inside the Door High Grade Assorted Chocolates; regular 60c value, Saturday, per pound . 39c AT OUR SANITARY SODA FOUNTAIN Will be found a complete menu covering dainty sandwiches, salads, hot and cold drinks, made doub ly attractive by a quick, courteous, efficient service. SEED DEPARTMENT The Nebraska Seed Company Another latch of big rose buds, each 4c Get a copy of our War Garden Plan It's Free. COFFEE DEPARTMENT Highest Quality Old Crop Coffee Hotel Blend, 35c per pound or 3 pounds for $1.00 i i U PHONE D0U&2793 Mara Floor First Nail, ank Bunding. ITEN VICTORY SODA CRACECERS mall, dainty squares of tasty, flavory goodness made of 40 wheat-saving flours At your grocer's 0c PER LiB. your &rocer,s With plain tops for serving with milk or cream or half-and-half for serving with fruit salads, cheese, etc. For use in puddings and other baked desserts. With salted tops for serving with soups, sews, vegetable sal ads, cheese, etc and for general soda cracker use. For crumbling and using in place of bread crumbs. OTHER ITEN QUALITY WHEAT-SAVERS For serving morning, noon or evening- Iten Corn Crackers ( 1 884 calories to lb. ) Iten Oatmeal Biscuit (1928 calories to lb.) Iten Graham Biscuit (1980 calories to lb.) Iten Scotch Bannocks (2833 calories to lb.) No sugar required in serving any of these Iten Wheat-Savers, as they are sufficiently sweetened in baking. For serving with soups, stews, etc.- Iten Corn Dodgers ( 1 830 calories to lb. ) small, square, salty. Iten Liberty Wafers ( 1 901 calories to lb. ) ' long, double, corn wafers, salty also for serving with salads. You can serve Iten Wheat-Savers at any meal, including all wheatless meals. MOTHER 1WAR SAVINGS J Your Grocer can supply you with I-ten Wheat-Savers Be sure to get the genuine I-ten Quality Products BAKED AND GUARANTEED BY Iten Biscuit Co. Snow White Bakeries (REG. U. S, PAT. OFF.) Unltejl Slates Food Administration License No. B-M14 I MOTHER 1WAB SAVIXGSI I Made from the delicious juice of cocoa nuts, churned in pasteurized milk. Contains no cow's butter or animal fats It cuts your butter bill almost in two! SSBSBSSMMBSBBSBSl SM ( SHSmSMSS' If you could see the names of the people who are using this appetizing, wholesome spread for bread, the list would surprise you. YouH be surprised, too, and PLEASED when you try it It means economy and satisfaction. Put FarreU's A-l NUT MARGARINE on your table today. Save butter money. Please be sure to ask for H m U hiUY MARGARINE JH Made from Cocoanuts i At all dealers. look out for imitations. HARDING CREAM COMPANY Distributor. Omaha Bee Want Ads Are Business Boosters For Business