Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 15, 1918, Page 4, Image 4

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Outcome of Agreement Be
tween Representatives of Live
Stock Producers ar.J Feed
ers With Food Dictator.
(By Associated Prwi.)
Washington, March 14. UndV an
agreement announced today between
the food administration and repre
sentatives of the live stock producers
and feeders of the western corn belt,
the administration will add to the
staff of its meat division a practical
production man to be selected from
a list submitted by the corn belt men
and will undertake to relieve th- di
fictilties surrounding the cattle feed
ine industry bv increasing the pro
portion of government purchases of
the higher grades of beet.
The administration records its rec
ognition of the principle that pro
ducers of necessary food should have
a fair and reasonable profit in rddi
tion to cost of production and sug
gests that for the guidance of th
government an independent tribunal
should determine the cost of produo
in meat.
. The corn belt representatives have
been here for several days conferring
with officials. They complained par
ticularly that the food administra
tion's meat division was in the hards
of men unfamiliar with the produc;ng
end of the business. Missouri, Ne
braska, Illinois and Iowa associations
were represented in the conferences.
The representatives of the live
stock interests in Nebraska, appoint
ed by Governor Neville to represent
the state were: Messrs. Z. T. Left
mich of St. Paul: A. N. Mathers. Ger
ing; Ed Hickey. Gretna: W. J. Farley,
Aurora; H. Hord, Central City; Bert
Richfield and W. A. Dunlavy, Bloom
Governor May Not Fill
: : Vacancies in Legislature
(From a Staff Corespondent.)
Lincoln, March 14. (Special.)
The official song of the special session
of the legislature will be We shall
meet, but we shall miss him; there
will be a vacant chair," for it has been
searching the statutes that, vacancies
now appearing in the legislature can
not be filled by the executive, con
sequently those chairs will stand as
silent sentinels and reminder of those
who have "gone up higher" to other
political offices.
The stautes read that "if any va
cancy occurs during any session of
the legislature, the governor thai
fill the same by appointment."
If the vacancy occurs before a ses
ion is held a special election thai!
be called to fill the same.
It has been determined that mem
bers 1 who are holding government
positions which do not carry a salary
may continue as members of the
(. . - v .
Lancaster Commissioner
. Strikes Murphy in Face
. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
. Lincoln, March 14. (Special Tele'
gram.)John Murphy, an Omaha
tractor salesman, received a blow on
the nose and few marks at the hands
of County Commissioner C J.
Mitcneii today.
Murphy had called at the court
house to get witness fees for his an
pearance before the grand jury, which
naa indicted two Lancaster county
commissioners for misappropriation of
. iunds, and evidence given there was
not liked by Mitchell, who followed
Murphy out of the commissioner's
An epithet hurled at the coaimis
sioner as Murphy slid out the door,
caused Mitchell to rush out and strike
the Omaha man two or three times.
Murphy made no attempt to retaliate,
Omaha Women Check 1
Anti-Suff Petitions
(from a staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 14. (Special.)
i.necKing up names on petitions filed
in the office of the secretary of state
for the purpose of recalling the law
giving women partial suffrage is
ceing tnorougniy done by Mrs. H. C.
Stumney and Mrs. James Richardson
of Omaha.
They say the work is interesting
and at times amusing. They have
called attention to The Bee to peti
tions which appear to have been writ
ten bv the same party. The charac
ter of the writing is similar, while it
would seem that people in Omaha
must have adopted the unique plan of
ftipnaoeiicaj residence. Many times
the petitions show residence of certain
localities ,m alphabetical form.
0. N. Magee of Lincoln
V Dead; III Three Weeks
Lincoln, March 14. (Special Tele
gram.) 0. N. Magee, head of the
Magee chain of stores covering Lin
, coin, Aurora and also several towns
m jowa, died this afternoon at a lo-
cal hospital after a three weeks' ill
ness Three operations were per
formed in an effort to save his life.
Mr. Magee was a native of Ne
braska, born on a farm near Val
paraiso. He is survived by a wife
and six children.
Skinners Get Permission '
To Issue Two Million Stock
Lincoln, March 14. (Special Tele
gramsThe Skinner Packing com
pany of Omaha has been granted per
mission to issue $2,000,000 in stock to
establish a packing company in that
city. The company is incorporated
under the laws of another state and
desired to se" non-voting stock.
Will Begin billing or
Oil in Table Rock District
Table Rock, Neb March 14.-tSpe-
worn win soon Degin on the
new oil well three miles southwest of
Table Rock. The machinery is bt;ng
moved to the new location from the
old well. ,
Several new leases have been ob-rtinecM-Hhe
vicinity of the new rell
S:ased on the old on
(From ft Staff Correspondent.)
Lincoln, March 14. (Special.)-
the Mate Kailway commission re
ceived notice today that it will be im
possible to get cars to ship grain, as
there is such a congestion in eastern
terminals that the cars cannot be
moved in time to save the Nebraska
corn lying on the ground.
However, in an attempt to relieve
the situation the information is given
from Chicago headquarters that !,
000 cars are on the way from Texas
to be distributed in Nebraska and
Kansas and this is expected to relieve
the situation a little. More will be
forthcoming as soon as they can be
Saving of More Than $25,000
a Year Would Be Made by
Combining City Ticket
In the interest of economy, Direc
tor General McAdoo has ordered the
merging of the railroad ticket offices
in a number of cities east ot the Mis
sissippi river, is information from
Washington. Although the order of
the director general has not hit Oma
ha, railroad men would not be sur
prised to receive a similar one any
While the city ticket offices of the
nine railroads operating in and out of
Umaha may not become one office,
operated under the direction of one
Has Been Accepted by Military "?an- mst. of .the officials expect that
. they will be brought undei one roof
aii airs vommiuee ana oirong
Effort Made to Secure
Washington, March 14. A compro
mise plan to base the army draft
quota on registration and liability to
service, instead of the present basis
of state population or of Frovost Mar
shal Crowder's plan to base it on class
one. has been formed by Representa
tive Shallenbercer of Nebraska and is
acceptable to Chairman Dent of the pies rooms in the Cohn block and its
house military committee, and will be rent is $400 a month. The lease ex-
and taken into a building where there
will be a considerable saving in rent.
At the present time the Burlington
ticket office is in the United States
National building and the comoanv is
paying a rental of $900 a mcnth on a
lease that has seven years to run.
Five-Year Lease.
The Northwestern is in the Paxton
hotel block. Its lease extend? over a
period of five years and is at $450 a
The Union Pacific ticket office occu
Eressed in the house and an effort will
e made to secure President Wilson's
Meantime Chairman Dent Announced
today that he would not unnecessar
ily delay the quota bill, but would
pires in one year and a half
Ihe Illinois Central is in the Citv
National bank building and pays $300
a month. Expiration of the lease is
June 1, this year.
Ihe Missouri Pacific ha recently
hold up the army appropriation bill entered into a five-year lease with the
..: C....1 n .1 i I I?:.... xt.i.v i i i. : rm ..
The compromise proposes the fol
lowing plan:
"Quotas shall hereafter be
determined in proportion to the total
number of persons registered and lia
Die tor military service (in a
state) and credit shall be given
for the number of men who have en
tered the military service of the
United States from any such state,
territory, district or subdivision there
of since April, 1917.
John Trindle, Crushed on
Endless Chain, Is Recovering
Kearney, Neb., March 14. (Sne
cial ) John Trindle, former chief of
police, is able to be out again after
his narrow escape. While engaged
at the Lake Kearney ice plant he
was caught in an endless chain, at the
summit of which is a large knife
which shaves the ice blocks of frozen
snow. Trindle was carried up to
this blade, the machinery being stop
ped just as the knife descended. One
nrsc muonai oariK. paying 5ou a
The Wabash pays $135 for an allev
room in the Woodmen of the World
building. Its lease has but two months
to run.
The Milwaukee, the Great Western
and the Rock Island offices are in the
Railway Exchange buildinjr. and there
the rent is $100 a month for each or
the roads,
Thus, at this time, six of the Omaha
lines are paying a monthly rental of
for their city ticket offices,
while three other lines are oavine $100
each, or a total of $300 a month.
Banish High Rents.
Railroad men argue that if Mr. Mc
Adoo does not order a merger of the
city offices, he is very likely to issue
an order to cut out some of the high
priced locations. They assert that
with the government practically oper
ating the roads, all competition has
been removed and that as the proceeds
of the business are to be pooled it
makes little difference whet line is
used by the public.
1 here are a good many things that
of his teeth was- knocked out by the 00?"c ZnZ J :
blade That he did not have hi.Vad ?, VuVto Ralay
cut off nothing short of miraculous. x;u-- ru.. 'ri
His legs, caught inthe belt, were bad- floor fof at, the oflkes gd ,t J
j ga d that ther an nnt nn fnr 1
..j- " v. aniwi the space at $800 a month, if taken by
shows, by its statement just issued, the railroads. This would mean a
ha it carries a deposit greater than savjng of $2,23S a month or $26,820 a
that of any other national bank in vr
Nebraska, other then those of
ha and Lincoln. Deposits at the time what would be the plan of operating
this statement was made totaled th ;
$2,575,007.29 and placed the Kearney should be ordered. However, they are
me iiwu yi iiic iiur large ot the opinion that some one of the
national banks of interior Nebraska,
the First National of Grand Island
with $2,443,000.27; the First National
of Hastings, with $2,168,203.08. and
the Commercial National of Fremont
with $1,885,287.19,
city ticket men would be put at the
head of' the department and that a
sufficient number of men to carry on
the business would be selected from
the forces of the nine offices. While
it is admitted that this merger would
All of the banks In this countv of necessity release a number of mn
snow steaoy gams, tnus retiecting the it is said that it is more Itkely employ
prosperity of this locality.
Frank Stockdale Talks
To York County Merchants
ment would be found for them in
other lines of railroad work in the
event they desired to accept the posi'
a passing freight en
gine started a fire which destroved
the Wilson elevator at Murray Mon
York, Neb.. March 14. (Special - Fire DeStfOVS Elevator
LThinst . And Grain at Murray
wve a lecture to the business . at voc.a- Neb., March, 14.-(Special.)
12:30. Fridav niaht his talk will he
of special interest to clerks and busi
.."a J.. .fi Tt. i inn t..t.
Mr. Stockdale is retailing counsel "? "Jl"V" "V5 0,c'T?usn; TI..K. I c,a " weal mu ousneis 01
corn, and the building, will total
about $1J,000. The grain was fully
insured, and a partial insurance on
the building.
Henry Albers. Avoca. and Alma
Seimers, Dunbar, were married this
for the Associated Advertising Clubs
ot the world. .
The following candidates have filed
for office: Perry Reed. Hamilton
county, state senate, Seventeenth sen
atorial district; Oden S. Gilmore,
county attorney; J. C. Miller, sheriff;
H. L. Propst, county treasurer; John
Muir, county clerk.
week at the home of the bride's par
A marriage license was trranted
Charles Freide and Nora A. Bremer,
Doth ot Dunbar
Beatrice Man Injured in
Corn Shredder on Farm
i Beatrice, Neb., March 14. iSpe
The right hand of Arthur
Two More Men Pay Fines
For Having Liquor on Hand
(From t BUff Correspondent)
Lincoln. Neb.. Mar. 14. (Special
The governor's prohibition sleuths
are making: the wav of the trantrre. I ii
sor hard, according to reports from Menke of this city was mangle-t in
the special agents. ch.... ...h;u . .
Delbert Rudy at Sidney paid $100 near here Wednesday. He was taken
aim vwsis mr naving m nis possession to a hospital.
n nun oi wnisKy wnue jacK
Benedict of the same place paid a
similar fine.
Council of Defense Is .
Reorganizes at Imperial
Imperial. Neb.. March. 12 fSne.
iai.i a meeiintr was lie d in Im
perial March 12 to reorganize the
bounty Council of Defense. W. C.
mil was elected chairman, S. D. Kil-
patrick, vice chairman; O. E. Mc
Callum, secretary, and Allen Grant. I
treasurer. --Following the reorganiia-
non Kicnard L. Metcalfe, Omaha,
acnverea an address.
Special rccittutioa bu htm pro.
lded for South Omaha. March 2 lit
and 22d. afternoon and arming, at
Sooth Bid City HalL Tor Bemon.
March 20th. 9 A. M. tl 840 P. M.
Tha office at Court Hoaia ii optn
tvary day from S A. M. till t P. M.
On Saturdays, March ISth and !8d.
till 9 P. M., and on every evening
from March 25th till 29th. lncluie.
till P. M. March 29th ii the laet
day of registration before Primary
Election on April 9th.
Eery one who haa moved hit resi
dence since his last registration mast
re-register in order to be qualified to
vote. There are several thousand vot
er in Omaha who moat re-register
Do it today.
Election Commissioner.
When that sensitive instru
ment, the backbone, with its
twenty-four movable parts,
becomes out of alignment at
a point in the small of the
back, kidney trouble follows.
The slipping of the Joints
of the spine from normal
condition, causes pressure on
the spinal nerve at its point
of exit between the joints.
This nerve pressure destroys
the natural vigor of the kid
neys and they fail to filter
the blood of Impurities.
Kidney weakness causes
skin eruptions, boils, iheu
matism, diabetes and
Bright's disease. All of these
troubles disappear under ad
justments. FREE Get an analysis of
your spine. It is free and
does not obligate you.
S Established as a CER0PRACT0R imW.
RW.Cor,i2fiiXx!as its
oma novo
orwr-eoMu.s ti
r.r-Mu.ivr toe
German Sub Attacks
British ILspital Ship
London, March 14.The hos
pital ship, Guilford Castle, was
attacked unsuccessfully by a fub
marine in the Bristol chanpv on
arch 10, it was announced of
ficially today.
This is the second submarine at
tack on British hospital shi.s re
cently. A fortnight ago the G'
Castle was sunk in the Bristol
channel, about 150 lives being
lost The sinking, an official an
nouncement said, was a violation
of the German pledge as t? the
immunity of hospital ships in that
The Guilford Castle is a steam
ship of 8,036 tons gross. ihe
Bristol channel, in which the at
tack was made, is an arm ot the
Atlantic, extending into the south
western part of Great Britain be
tween Wales and England.
Sheridan Assists Potash
Highway Construction
Ellsworth, Neb., March 14. (Spe
cial.) Sheridan county commission
ers met in special session at Antioch
Wednesday to consider the Potash
highway construction. It was de
cided to furnish grading machinery
and equipment as soon as the county
engineer makes survey.
The commissioners appropriated
$5,000 for preliminary work, to be
used by the committee assisting in
locating the most advantageous
Walter Siebert Arrested on
Presidential Warrant and Held
Without Bail; May Be In
terned During War.
Walter Siebert, cashier of a bank at
bcottsbluff. reb.. was brought to
Omaha yesterday and placed in the
Uoustlas county laii.
He is one of the leading citizens of
Scottsbluff and his arrest and trans
portation to Omaha was surrounded
with great secrecy.
Federal officials here say he was ar
rested on a presidential warrant on
the charge of making disloyal utterances.
Several prominent Omaha bankers
tried to have him released on bond,
but this was refused, as a person ar
rested on a warrant of this kind can
not be bailed out.
It is presumed that the government
will order Siebert interned.
Marsh-Moore. '
Miss Ruby H. Moore and Wi'';am
t. Marsh were married by Rev.
Charles W. Savidge Wednesday.
Every package ewy tablet of Genuine
Aspirin bears
"Th Gayer
There b
has been
Only One
Tree Aspirin
.Xjttatt j
, . itaasg mj 1
'The tre-marli
fat Off.) it a guar
antee that the mono,
aceticacideater of
alicylicacid in these
tablets and capsules
M of the reliable,
Bayer manufacture.
GUND'S Beverage is the selling sensation
among soft drinks. Everywhere people
remark how remarkably fine it is then demand it
They're not satisfied with a substitute for
Possesses exceptional excellence a delidousness a smoothness
of body a zest of flavor that cannot be duplicated. Today you
try the beverage that is so good all agree it ii best Then order a
case for home use. A
To be had wherever soft drinks are sold and that's everywhere.
' Katske Brokerage Co., Omaha.. Neb.. Distributors.
Fourteenth and Leavenworth. Phone Douglas 4625.
House Cleaning Time
When you clean house this Spring it is likely
your floors may need brightening up. If so try
liquid Granite. This produces a smooth lustre
that not only pleases the eye, but is waterproof,
wear resisting and no more trouble to keep
fresh and clean than oilcloth.. Because of its
durability Liquid Granite is a perfect general
purpose finish. You will need no other varnish
. for your woodwork.;
If you should decide to have any white interiors
Luxeberry White Enamel will satisfy you com
pletely. It makes a rich, permanent, snow white
finish in either dull or gloss effects that will not
crack or chip. A gentle washing with soap and
water when necessary keeps the finish spotless.
Color can be modified to shades of ivory and
gray when desired.
For the front door nse Luxeberry Spar; made
.especially for durability under outside exposure.
Manufacturers of
11th St.
$ Pure Chewing Gum $
a Stick a dav
Hers! Here's Something New
For Group and Cold Troubles
An External Treatment That Renlaces Internal
"Dosing." You Can Let the Children Run Out- j
doors In All Weathers and Get Their Needed
Fresh Air and Exercise.
8 B
Growls,; Children need plenty of
rresn air ana outdoor exercise and
this exposure la bound to cause some
colds. These colds should not be neg
lected, and yet. .mothers know that
constant "dosing" Is bad for the deli
cate stomachs of children.
The best protection is plenty of
fresh air in the bedroom, and at the
first signs of trouble a prompt appli
cation of the Southern external
"rapor treatment, Vlck's VapoRub,
Tou Bimply rub it well over the throat
and chest, and corer with a warm
flannel cloth.
Leave the coverlnr Ioom amund
the neck, as the body heat releases
medicated vapors that are inhaled all
night long, loosening the phlegm and
opening the air passages. In addition,
VapoRub is absorbed through and
stimulates the skin, taking out that
tightness and soreness in the chest
Usually croup is relieved within IS
minutes and colds over night
The local druggists realize the
value of an external treatment es
pecially in the case of small children.
and in toe interest of their customers,
are offering VapoRub in any of the
three sties 25c, 50c or $1.00 on 80
days' trial If yon are not delighted
with the results, the purchase price
wux do reiunaed,
us Miisiraie
lPi)Iifical CamDfikn
A Representative
il nxf?
uom our inee
will be cjlad io talk
ii over with You,
2 II