THE BEE; 'PMHA, r .n -is ABIE THE AGENT 12 1 i i i i - to h 'til Wi " sll 1 Tl' sp fe: HI Re . M Atl Hll Ka 1 'I. V thi 1 -i b i tst H a f: al "V if '"3 k! ei h . Copyright IMS, International Nwa Service. DRAWN FOR THE BEE BY HERSCHFIELD Want Ad Rates (Cash With Order.) IVis per word.... each Insertion Jc per word Tor three consecutive iasertions la per word for each additional insertion No ad taken for teat than total of 20a or Use than lOo per da jr. CHARGE. e per Una (count 6 words to line) one time L' . i: I. .i . .1... .1 . tvt iuiv cava HlWi ewii.wui-i UJ 1 per line each time. SO consecutive times CfTMATlAMa lUAWTrn 15e per line..... per week CARDS OF THANKS AND . FUNERAL NOTICES lOe per line each Insertion (Minimum marge, on ints.j ' Contract Rate Co Application' For convenience of advertisers want ads Will ba secantad at tha fallowing off lees i MAIN OFFICE.... 4.. Bee Building 'Ames utiles. ......... .sua nonn ztta at. Lake Office .....2511 North Z4th St. Vinton Of floe... llli Vinton St. Park Office .....2(11 Leavenworth St. rraioui umce. ...... nonn sum tsu Couth Side 2818 N St. Council Bluffs 14 Main 6t North THE SEE will not be responsible for ante man one incorrect insertion of an ad vertisement ordered for mora than one time. TJea THE TELEPHONE If yon cannot eon- Tenienuy onng or send your ads to any of the above offices. Ask for Want Ad Taker ana xau wm receive me same food servlca as von oeiivonng pour aa in person. PHONE TYLER 1000 u.M a j r.t - nu. Kvenln Edition ....11:08 M MARlillV RftltlAnH. 1A.AA B V Sunday Editions. .10 P. If. Saturday Evening MOVIE PROGRAM North. ALHMBRA 54111 AND PARKER PAULINE FREDERICK in "HER BETTER SELF." GRAND, - lTH AND BINNBY nuuAi:i! nf.IU and KATHERINK WILLIAMS In "BIG TIMBEJR." South APOLLO, JITH AND LEAVENWORTH MONROE! SALISBURY and KU1-; CLIFFORD In "HANDS DOWN." ROHCrr, 1651 LEAVENWORTH "JACK AND THE BEANSTALK." C ITAIirtf w t . w vi mam. ... jivjwin HCKt, 1UUAY Wet.. CTNDEE, J1ST AND UNDERWOOD NO SHOW TODAT. TOMORROW. BABY MARIE OSBORNE. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Georse and Tolfle Kurmal, 4TI South Thlrty-ainth, boy; Alfred and Hattte Lambert, Forty.elehth and O, boy; John W. and Emma A. Salyards, Hit Emmet, boy; John C. aal Mary A. Lee, 70 North Twenty-fourth, boy; Carl H. and Irene Jralnetd, 73l Pratt, girt: Flladelfo and Roaa Contarvl. 1641 North Sixteenth, boy; Salvatore and Cerenlna Micell, iio Popple- ton avenue, ooy; Albert and Agnes Dudlk. , 4411 South Thlrty-thlrd, boy; Frank and Stanlelave Verstaokae, till South Thirty, third, boy; Michael and Katarlna Rosaveskl. 441 South Thlrty-thlrd, girl. Deaths Edith Clark, 4, hospital; Mrs. Brneet Hlnse, II, hospital j Vfn. Armak Holmqulet, It. nil North Thlrty-elxth: Daniel Bummers, It. Ill North Nineteenth eorga Bolden, 6, 103J South Twenty. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following couples were Issued mar ' rlage licenses: Name and Reatdenee. William H. Dietelburst, Omaha.. Harriet E. Hamer, Sterling, Colo.. Chriatlan F. Chrlatiansen, Omaha. Mary K. Jetparsen, Florence, Neb Age, .. 41 .. 91 .. 14 .. 32 Walter Rowley, Omaha..... Loulae Rocho, Omaha ...over tl ...over 11 BUILDING PERMITS. ' William Pfeiffer, 133k Leavenworth street! ahow window, &00. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICE KRUSB Mr. Doris, March TriTlTaT family residence, five miles northwest of Floreuee, age 0 years. Funeral Friday at 1 p. m. from rest denoe. , Interment Calhoun cemetery. Auto aervlce. ' . , ' ffirim''' Brbr. ! ari: Funeral Thursday at I p. m. from John on Swanson'a chapel, H04 Cuming SL tAiT Ul-.Adm Movti daughterof Ura. Mary Ellen Brown. : .-rf "St1 ,rom ollv BPst church. Thlr. ty-elghth street and Grand avenue, Thurs- day at i p. m. STACK & FALCONER" Independent L'ndertakers, t4 A Her D IIT m Ut 2DDJ?, CO- Fun" Directors! ?tn: Mer" 2,4 n1 Cuming sta. Phone Douglas til. Auto ambulance. HwL,SB J".1811' undertakers and em! .. . -wn pwmetery, . ,i p. mtn. namiii Hit. SOHN A. nRVTI.VUlu . , ' . m ... .. , unuariaKer ana naebalmer. 1411 Farnam St. Harney lit FLORISTS. iontenelle Kloriata. iiitl L. LARMON 1814 Douglas Et Douglaa 1214. LARO KST .,,,ini..i . u nNUt.KUN, 1519 FARNAM. PARKER FLOWER SHOP. 411 8. 1S.-D17(; P.OOER8. Florist. Ill 8. lh. pTlioB BATH. National Florist. 1804 Fe'rnam 8t. SPECIAL NOTICES C. F. CONNOLLY has moved hie law offici LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET JIAlljlTAI LVarAKI, ' - Persons having lost eome article would do well to call n tha office of the Omaha A (Vnnll H1..e. SIm.1 U . 1 1 - . - . to ascertain whether they left It In the eirwi car. . Many axtlclea each day ara turned In and tbe company is anxloua to reatore mem to ine ngniini owners. :. IF YOU lose anything and will advertiae It J ; her you will surely recover It If Anind .f by an honest person. If yoa find any j thing cf value tbe honest way la to ad- vertlso for the owner. i I JifcWARD Lost, one red cow we'gh'ng 1.004 pounds. TeL 8. 13). South Omaha .j Packing Co. i jLC'ST 1 cuff link made of Gorman money, 1 ... Ittreward. Finder plesss call Harney A UAb V' LIA UUIN ,,ll VJ vv. Kent it through a Bee Want Ad. ( shop iwn& -www- i , UortyoW r irJUlJ & tSwffil (cSf&-oN ) vJ- CoUUDH'Y v!Uv 7 0n cShaj- : x ? SWAPPERS' COLUMN s:r;nMnui7K im wad tiui- Trade those articles of furniture, cloth ing, personal belonging", etc., that you have no need of. Oet aomethlng you can Bpeclaf rate for ads In Bwappere' ColumnJ .mb iur s-un iar, oaja ,ana ia per answer for a.i letters received. Hueineee arte regular rates. BAS8 viol and "outfit worth 1100, for dia mond, violin or kodak with astigmatic lense. or, wnatT aox g07. Omaha Bee. FOR SALE! or trade, 6-panaenger car, for a . mm, namesa ana wagon. Address A, Bee Office, South Omaha. DIAMONDS Jewelry for rifles, ehot guns, clothing. Friedman, 1311 Douglas. WANTED TO BUY WAND Old false teeth, crowns end bridges. Ws pay .from It to 120 per set Send by parcel post and we send check by return mall subject to your approval. jacaaon-s ucmai Depot, Davenport, Iowa DESKS DESKS DESKS New decks, used desks bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed, 1201 Farnera, D. 4146. Canoe Wanted" Must ba In good condition and reason oie. box j, iouo umatia Bee WANTED to buy a good uaed piano; ill pay apoi caen. omana Bee, Bo Ignj. WANTED TO BUT Secondhand flat top JUNK and aecond-hand furniture. Epstelo ana wisniatt,- Web. 1180.- BOOKS bought. Kleser, Loyal Hotel Bldg, For Salfri-Miscellaneoeus Furniture and Household Goods. THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTHf"OF lunnuunn, UUS, BTOVES ETC ftlip Snmtii. fit nnU MUST BB SOLD REGARDLESS OF COST, uuy now ana Get Fir.t rhni. The cholrRt hnm. fn.nt.hi... h money can buy. We make a specialty of vuiniuaio nome ouiriu, also notela and rooming houses. Railroad fare free to all out-of-town buyers within to miles df umana on purchases of 120 or mora. 8TAT1S FlTRNiTMnm r-n Tel. Doug. ltn. Cor 14th and Dodge Bts., umana. -"Ton Can Buy It for t Ik. ai.t. BARGAINS IN fiTOVKS in n iriioMi-rrfT Beas. annnas. miitrni.i h.i.. -11 - . w.t.ii.unu, kinds, tablea, chairs, china and kitchen cKomeie, rogs ana linoleum, 1I3J-1J47 N. ptr ivvi. upen tin p. m, ACTUAL' TRUTH FOR BARGAINS Fuji una ol rurnuure, gas ana coal otl atores. rugs, baby carrlagea, trunks, etc Loyal urn, yo III D. IBin. RUSH riaht down .nrf ..... .' ,. m - - . .ii.i wi il ninoe 01 rurnuure at a sacrifice 101 N. 16th Pianos and Musical Instruments. A. UOBPB Mi . Kit ...' i L 10 reni at i.t per month, or will sell on Seveinv Marhina "SEWING MACHINES" wt. repair, aell needles and pgrts v. i, mring macnines. MICKEL' NEBRASKA CTCLB CO.. leth and Harney Bts. Doug, ltlf Store and Office Fixtures. WS have moved to new location. Wa buy. aeii ana make desks, safes, showcases, shelving, etc Omaha Fixture Supply Co., o. t. vor. mn ana uouglaa. D. 1724, JTypewriters and Supplies. FUR RENT Remlnaton. Monarch n4 Smith Premier typewriters. Sent anywhere. i auppiips on purcnaaea. Remington Typewriter Company, Nineteenth and fuuKiss sireeia. TTPEWRITERS sold, rented and repaired. xin an uuver a months for II. Central typewriter Ktcnango. ItOO Farnam WE buV. HAll ant ,tfh,na lir.,..!t . guar, typewriters 110 and up; Write for ' .J " l tlDI . . nau Mimanq Typewriter Co., 1404 Dodge. OLD Dutch line ribbon and carbon. Tou try ii oeiore you Duy It from Hlatt. 1120 1st National Bank.. Tyler I4J. Miscellaneous. OMAHA PILLOW CO. Feathers steamed! renavatea ana made up in new feather- proof ticking. 1107 Cuming. Doug. 1447. WHISKY and wine barrela (empty) for eaie. Nevina a Bchwlen, 411 Felix atreet, St. Jnaeph, Mo. FOOT SHOWCASE and 10 opallta ice cream tablea. IJff Cumlnv Rt ORIENTAL rugs bargain; must be sold this ween, an n, mm ei. KINDLING load. Lumber cheap. Call Web. iit. ANNOUNCEMENTS SILK shrt hand laundry. For Information can d, ArrArrlenn Platinor ACCORDEoV. aide, knife, eunburet, box pieawng, coverea DUttons, all aixea ana styles; hemstitching, ' plcot edging, ye let cut work, buttonholes, pennante. IDEAL BUTTON AND PLEATING COtt 100-101 Brown Bldg. Douglas 1114 VAN ARMAN ,Dreea Pleating and Button vo.. ae-i i-iion am. Douglas 1101 Baths. La BELLE Bath Inatitute; electric and plain wins; massage 01 jail Kinds; expert at tendants. U04 IlaAiey. Douglas T04I. MASSEUSE, bathe, manicuring, physical cult Mine Walker, 224 Neville Blk. Brass and Iron Foundries. Paxton-Mltchell Co.. 27th and Martha Sta. Billiard Parlors, Private tablea for parties at Holmes'. Baggage jmd Express. REPUBLIC AUTO EXPRESS COMPANY win naui everything for you. Packages ess man 10 lbs., II cents. Doug. THE ONLY WAYASi-" 1 Mis UMAHfr TRANSFER CO. Carpenters and Contractors. LE8SARD A SON. 2021 Cuming. Tr.' H52 Chiropractors. Dr. J. C. Lawrence. Baird Bedg. D. Itll Dentists. raft's Dent. Rms.. $68 Rose Bldg. D. 2186. Dr Bradbury. No paU. Ill W. O. W. Bldg. Tessmaking, DRESSMAKING, Mlaa 8tu7dy. 'bougies AiV. TERRY Dreanmaklng Co.. 20th and Farnam, COMPETENT (dressmaker by day. Har. 44l" Detectives. JAMES ALLAN. 113 Neville Blk. Evidence '""n in an cases. Tyler 1131, Lumber and Building- Material SAVE HALF on beams, columns, brick. H. Gross Lumber and Wreck Co. Web. 1414. Fixtures and Wiring. DURKIN E'! washing Ictrli Im.. . . . lamps. ' eiectrio 1223 Cuming St. Doug, fill , Insurance. 1 ut. NATIONAL AUTOMOBILE ets tl I.SU'l.ANCK COMPANY. 111-14 City Nat Bk. Bldg. Doua. aJentAttojrjwyg STURGES A STURGESTTrjl .H , lit Stent! and trademark. -.n u.. n,.,- I " - - V, OlUg. ANNOUNCEMENTS Jewelry. DIAMONDS py be,t prlc wltn AVXXIUWI'MLOprivllege to buy back at email profit. OROS8. 402 N. 18th St. 1 Kodak Finishing. FILMS developed, 10c a roll; one-day serv ice. Kaae Kodak Studio, Neville Blk., join inn nerney. Medical. PILES, fistula and other rectal dlseaaea curea witnoui aurgicai operation. Cure guaranteed. Write for book on rectal die- nines witn lestimoniaia. DR. E. R. TARRT, 240 Bee Bldg., Omaha. OatetpatsT OSTEOPATHY for rh.nm. tu.r, lnn.ilin. arippa, pneumonia, aisesses or women, young women suffering from anaemia, chlorosis, dysmenorrhea. Dr. Mabel Wes son, fi4 Brandels Bldg. Res. phone, H ii; oinco, 1. 2v40. Oxy-Acetylene Welding. EXPERT WEt.niNn rm nr. - - . v m auu "k n m f 4 sa H. W. LEVERING. 100 8. 11th St. D. ItU. Patents. PATENTS procured, bought and aold. Inter- i.uunmi rsieni up., t!3 Brandels. D. 6691 Printinar and Offir - Waters-UVrnhart Ptg. Co., 624 8. 18th St. Plumbing snd Heating. TOPP A CO.. 1716 Vinton atreet. Plumbing ana neaiing; general repair work our peciany. uu oorner experta. Tyler 1111. Piano Tuning and Repairing. THATCHER. CHAS. tr . una u.,. r. 1011. Expert tuning and repairing. Planoe r.num ma renniened. Eatlmates free. W. R. Dalbey. piano tuner. Douglaa 1217. Safes. SAFES BARGAINS. 4212 Farnam. J. J. Derlght Safe Co. Tailors. Dledrlck, P. L.. 216 S. 20th. Tailor. D. 2423 Towel Supplies. Omaha Towel Supply, 207 8. 11th. D. 121, Trusses. CLEC0 COMFORT TRUSSES. Fitted PftrfnoMv ti ir.n.,1. The W. O. Cleveland Cn . u..... at Voice Culture. Albert Haberstro Basao cantahte, teacher 01 singing, tecnnique and repertoire. Btu- ..,v., ocguriufi jaing. Tyler Ife7-J, Wedding Sutionery. WEDDING announcements and crlntlnr. Douglas Printing Co.. Tel. Douglaa 144. AUTOMOBILES Rfcal Used Car Bargains 1111 Bulck Sis lata n. i at. 11,000 '" ............ . 400 HIT Maxwell roadater 1111 Overland touring 1114 Oakland touring 300 iris rord touring 4S0 1111 Ford touring, starter and lights 1117 Ford roadater t 471 71 111! Ford count '"f ... '1111 Smith Form-a-Truck boo HIT Ford truck , 400 1111 one-ton Republlo truck 400 All Ann Vat ran ar in Atgtf1aa shape and sold with a money back guarantee. AUTO PARTS CO., II BS Farnam St. Douglas 4500. We Are the Used Car Men 17 Max. Tour.. 4S0 17 Max. Tour. ISO Brand New II IT Ford Tour. .1400 . 350 . 375 . 150 . 371 IT Bulck 4.... 150 II Chev 100 17 Rde.... II Rde.... 14 Rds.... N4v rum jQur,, zdu 14 e 400 IT Tour.. IT Ford Tour In; Ford .Truck, 1917 engine $225 Every car sold on a 24 hour trial. Money back if not satisfied. TRAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. . Done. 90;f. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large stock used radlatora on hand. Maahed fenders and lampa re paired Ilka new. Highest prlcea paid for junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR. TIRE AUTO WORKS, . 111! Cumin, St Omaha. Neb. NEW light Mitchell sis sedan. 11.250; Stu- aeoaaer aii, seven-pasaenger, 1250; Allen two-pasaenger, 1500. Several used trucks at bargain prlcea. One 1117 Ford touring, 1350. - , STANDARD MOTOR CO.. 2010 Farnam tit. Carl Changstrom, Manager. ONE 15-horae-power Surlntfleld eraaollna stationary engine for eale cheap. Carter Car parts of all kinds. Northway Motor Parta Co. Dunn It Auto Repair and Sal- vage otoca: 1.0. Douglas 1621 WE HAVE Fords. Maxwells, Bulcks, 8tude- Daaers, uaxianas in ootn touring and roadater models. MEEKS AUTO CO, OMAHA OARAGE, sum ana Harney. Tyler 665. ALL kinds of care for hire, with or with out anver, py tne mile or by tha hour. Fords, lOo per mile. Douglas 7310. Ne braaka Servlca Garage. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-WUaon, Inc. Wa have the best bargains. Sea na at once. Harney 171. . Farnam and 26th Ave. KEL9EY "Streamline" body makes old Ford new. cei a. uoiasirom uo distributor, 2867 Farnam street. Telephone Harney 6646. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CARS McCaffrey Motor Co.. 16th and Jackson. Ford Agenta. Doug. 4600 BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. , 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH. 100 USED uak3, quick action; no delay. Ac to Fx change Co.. 1107 Farnam St Pong. IQIE OAKLAND Kcnallil,. Kli MARSH OAKI ND CO.. 2300 Farnam St, 1916 SMITH Form-a-Truck. thoroughly overhauled, in fine shape. Anto Parta Co., 3105 Farnam St. Douglaa 4560. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. - D. mi: A FEW 1111 Ford touring cars. One uaed 1117 Ford touring. 4001 & 24th St. bo. 4360. 117 MAXWELL, lota of extras; run 2,600 miles, reueci condition. .. rrana Smith. Reoy3176. . UAL1TYUSED CARS! VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. FORD DELIVERY TRUCK for sale, 1017 model good condition. Price 1275, Box Sf6 pmaha Bee. WE BUY, SELL. REPAIR FORDS. ii?ii g BinKfy, t-ioua. loiv. af 19 nsrn ft. HRAXD NEW PA1UE At a bargain.. Call Douglas 3867. BATTERIES CHARGED'AND REPAIRED .ver iteaay nailery station, lzusrarnam. MITCH KM, iviidster. eleutrln atarter, lights sic., Jiv. ivi rarnam ou .,' -; " AUTOMOBILES Auto Bodies. now is the time to paint tour Auto. wm. pkeiffer auto1 a car- RIAQHJ WK3., 2525 Leavenworth. Ty. iol. Wanted. WANTED To buy 1917 Ford RuLabout. Address P. O. Box 274. Arcadia. Neb. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2907 for-auto DELAY A BEAL, W. Farnam Garage, 1527 Farnam. Now open. Give us a. trlafT EDWARDS. B. S.. 2510 IJth St. Web ater 1102. For beat results with repslr work consult us. Auto Livery andGarages. RENT a FOlfo DRIVE IT YOURSELF. lOo a mile. 35c f!er hour minimum charge. (Expect Sundays and holidays.) EYIRn T.TUl'OV rn Poujrlaa 8022. 1314 Howard St. Auto Tires and Supplies. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 1000 Miles Guaranteed. 10x1 17.76; 10x3 18.76; 12x1 110.25; 13x4 112.36; 14a) 111.26; 35x4 115.60 Wrlta us today for particulars. AGENTS WANTED. Vxpert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO., 111! Davenport St Omaha, D- 2014. FORD TIRES. SOxl I 1.41 10x114 11.10 1.000-Mlle Guarantee. TUB TIRE SHOP, 2511 Farnam St. Douglas 4S7I. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL SIZES NEW 30x3 Flreatone, 18.00; Ford tubea, 13: NRW SflTSU Mm-GlrlA !...,-.. Ill KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS. 1721 CUMING! SAVE 10 PER ritKT nM voun TrTSi"-. G. 4 G. Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 2416 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-W. TIRE price wreckers. This la no 2-in-l tire. 421 3. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. 'Neb, t .1 I n I A A I 1 1 I IW Tl K HI MBI "I" I I U V BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tires and nminais your lire irouDies. Powell Supply Co., 2051 Farnam St. 1 Starters and Generators Repaired. 4 AUTO ELECTRIC! fiKBVirm rn Anything electrical about your auto. Ill B. 19th St Douglas 6483. We repair any atom- .Mltery, guaran teeing aame for six 1 h. OMAHA BATTERY A.w SERVieE.CO.. 2211 Harney St Tyler Sm. Motorcvclea unrl Rirvrloa H A R L E Y-DAVIDSiBi MOTORCYCLES, Bargains in used macnines. Victor H. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 37 th and Leav enworth. , BUSINESS CHANCES. STEPHEN, WYO. Investors, buy lota at the new town of Wyoming. Lots are Increasing faat In this great OIL DISTRICT. Stephen, Wyo., Is on ths Burlington Route, be tween Douglas and Glenrock. ; These lots are ao! on either a cash or easy payment plan. Do not let thla opportunity paas by yon, once gone alwayj gone. Oil rigs are now drilling In this section. Ha,ve all kinds of Investments for the In vestor. Write to , S. S. CALIs Gen.. Agent, Bos 601, Douglas, Wyo. FOR SALE I Meaf market and grocery store combined, in good west ern town, located in an oil center with producing weHs and many more drilling; do insr a $25,000 business. Rent $15 per mo .This is snap at $2,500. Address Box Y-443, Umaha Bee. Wa TAN START vmT iv TiiiaiKiiraa With the help and backing of one of the largest snoe corporations in tne world 13,000 to 15,000 capital required. Our plan is successfully working all over the U. 8. This Is a great chance to become inde pendent. This proposition is strictly busl neas proposition. No idlers wanted. Per sonal Interview It Interested. Box Y 442, Omaha Bee. TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS with pow.- of attorney, to locate government mineral lands, will make Independent fortune; giving each Investor a twenty-acrj mln-eraL-clalm. Opportunity to acqul- gov ernment mineral lands will soon be come a thing of the psst. Use your r'ght now. Circular free. Write Unjerwr'ters Trust Company, (Atlas Block, Kilt, Utah. WOULD you buy a flrat-class grocery and meal maricet, consisting of a clean stock about 13,000, and most staple fixtures, amounting to 11,500, located on a main thoroughfare In Omaha, ddfng a cash business of 12,500 a month, and will sell at a fair discount, but must ba caeh. If Interested apply Box 3766. Omaha Bee, MOORE 4k MOORE tailoring establishment. locatea in jsugone, ore., going to highest bidder: must sell Immediately on account of draft. For further information addreaa Moore & Moore, tailors. Eugene. On. EXCEPTIONAL opening for physician, large office with reception room In connection, all modern, located at 24th and N streets. Live Stock National Bank Bldg. Phone South 760. Ask for No. 13. FOR RENT General merchandiae store; best place In weatern Iowa for a live man; atore is vacant; will rent atonce; come and see me. It Is money for you. E. Mathe aon, Weaton. I a. s FOR SALE Seventy pairs assorted sires Richardson roller bearing roller ekatta, fine condition. Bargain, II pair tor the lot, inanee fiorria, wanning. Ia. FOR SALE 6100,000 garage bualncaa. Ford agency covering 184 townships In the oil fields of Wyoming. 16,000 cash. Address box X44, oiiiette. Wyo MOTION picture machine bargains, new and rebuilt, fully guaranteed. All supplies. Omaha Film Exchange. 108 South 14th 8t. FOR SALE ONLY V A R IET YSTOR B IN WYOMING TOWN, ,6,000. CLEAN STOCK. AUUHKSS JJOA X43T. OMAHA BEE. FOR SALE State rights on paten', good thing, quick seller. For particulars write or phone N. H. Nenens, Fierce. Neb. FOR SALE: A good two-chair barber chop, with bath room doing good bustneea. Address C. Hogle, Rising City, Neb. FOR SALE Dandy little cash grocery; good business; cheap rent. J. K. Kerr, Central City. Neb. BLACKSMITH shop and tools for rent or sale reasonable at Nora, Neb. Write Chris Sorenson, Nora, Neb. , BUSINESSES furnished and sold. Ml states. V, V. Knieat, Bee Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE Business building and general mdse., 18,000. Box 372, Coxad, Neb. L Rooming vfiouses For Sale ROOMING houae, I rooms, .completely fur nished. 2604 Davenport ft. Phone Red 5047, MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated' without a aurgicai operation. i.aii or write. or, rrnnn 11. rT, iv nee mag. HY SUFFER! latest and moat Scientific Treatment for All Dlaeasea. Dr. Charlee Barnes, 613-23 Securtles Bldg. Examlna- ' tlon and Ubnaultatlon free. 'Me Is reliev ing thousadda. WHY NOT YOU T Delays are dangerous. ' If you can't call, write. Hours: F a. m. to I p. ro.. 7:30 to 1:30 evenings. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Induatrlai Home so llclta your old clothing, furniture, maga sines. We collect Ws distribute. Phone Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St OMAHA Bath Inst. Electric, steam or tub batba, massages of all kinds. 221 Neville Blk. Doug. 7311. 18th and Harney Sts. YOUNG man wishes a violin instructor to teach him evenings at his home. Haa taken i yearg. Box 3S43, Omaha Bee. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. For appointment call Ty. 1038. 702 8. 24th. MISS FISHER, aulphur, steam baths and masaage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 1551. MAE BRUGMAN. scientlfio inasseuee and bathe. 203 Karbach B)k. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub baths'. Massages of all ninaa. urn, a. mu Harney. Doug. 7041 PRIVATE IlcensWd maternity home. 4411 N 38th tS. Phone Colfax 2042. lUtlNNIE NAGLE at LaBelle Bath Inatitute I 1 EAA u-m. n , BATH and maaaage. 1802 Farnam St., Room x-none uouaisa S7&1. Manicuring and mass. 1023 Farnam. R. 1 MIS8 WEST, manicure, mass., 210 N. 17th, E-BRQTT. maaeage. 702 8. 18th. D. 1521 SCIENTIFIC mass. Ill Paxton Blk. D. 6373, SITUATIONS WANTED Male. MR. FARME& Have Just decided to atay with the farm. Married man, 34; three children; a'.ways on a farm. Capable of , taking full charge, If necessary, of farm, ranch or da'ry. Can operate gas engines, tractors and mechanical milkers. Would begin workht once. Best of referencea. No bad habl's. State full particulate and h..l a " " cu oi3, umana nee. EXPERIENCED colored chauffeur driver, ateady position, in private family; can do ipfH. rvjx jeae.umana Bee EXPERIENCED HOUSEMAN, good on pol ish floors, carpets, window screens. Doug las 1467. Wm. Delanev. .', W4n?s P'e on farm or position with firm t learn good trade. Webeter 3881. 2011 Charles St WHITEWASHING, windows washed, rugs' Walnut Wxed ,nd Wished. Call MARRIED man wanta work on farm by April 1. H. L. M., 666 8. 26th Ave. Har- ney 2311. IW ANTED A position In garnge as helper ... i,s nam no ooject. Partly experienced. South 3678. EXPERIENCED Douglas 6660. carpenter wanta work. Female. WANTED Situation aa housekeeper by re- n.uuCT ior reiinea gentleman. Can give beat of referencea as to reapectablllty and ability. Address Mrs. Meda Black- weu, jnucnen. inqiana. WANTED A position aa houaekeen.r with a email family, by a young woman with J-year-oia boy; city references. Col. , 2870j 6411 North 33d Ave. LADY of experience and ability, wishes position. Housekeeper, capable of taking uu cuing. 001 anoa umina Bee. COLORED lady wanta to clean offices. Can iv reierences. zzii seward. Phone Web ster 4621. POSITION wanted as cook on farm i ranch; experienced. Box 3563 Omaha Bee. POSITION as housekeeper for widower with xmuy oy renneq iaay. box 2806, Bee. EXPERIENCED atenosrranhAr riealt-M nn-i . tion vvainui zifls. Laundry and general housework. Tyler 2057, Laundry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundresi, washing. Ironing -in uranwofi ojr aay. Bauarectlon given. PLAIN and fancy clothes carefully lmin. dered. Called for and delivered. Web. 4283. COLORED woman with references wanta ' day work. Ask fi Elisabeth. Harney WASHING Rourh. rtrv nr flnl.h. nkets and curtaina specialty; soft water. 432. Wal. WOULD like bundle washing to take home; work guaranteed. Men's washing pre ferred. Webster 4309. RELIABLE colored woman wants day work. juuik juooay. wen. eyg HOME LAUNDERED, rough, guaranteed. Walnut 2765. BUNDLE waahlng, rough dry and finished. Red 6673. COLORED woman wanta day work. Web. 608. WASHING and ironing for Tuesday and weaneauay. weDBter Exp. lady wanta housecleaning and laundry, . . - a k'VUg. DIMS. DAY work and bundle washing. Web. 1088. COLORED wanta day work. Webster 2327. EXP. - laundress for day wor. Web. 1867. BUNDLE washing w-nted. Walnut 216. 4 DAY work of any kind. Harney 6021. Colored lady wanta day work. Har. 6405. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. HELP WANTED MALE Stores and Offices. YOU MEN WHO HIRE AND .FIRE Advertise for "help" the same way you advertise to sell merchandise, and the difference la returns will surprise you. The next tima you need help call Tyler 1000. A trained and experienced ad-, taker will assist you In preparing your -advert T SALES MANAGER Omaha teritory. ' A live nustnng nuamtss man can make thla a splendid permanent opportunity. Guar anteed drawing account 150 per wtek and commissions. Total good for 1 3 ooj to 17,000 per annum. Requires invett ment 11,500. General manager will s.ay with you In territory until branch la organized. If you have confidence In your own ability we will back you 6"3-f0. Address with references. Box Y 434. Omaha Bee. " CIVIL service examinations In Omaha soon. Men desiring government positions, de- J parimcntai, posiomce, railway mall, cus toms, write for free particulara to J. C. Leonard, former government examiner. 624 tienois Biag., Washington WE WANT STENOGRAPHERS, BOOK KEEPERS AND OFFICE HELP OF ALL KINDS. SEE CS QUICK FOR A GOOD POSITION. THE CANO AGENCY. 800 BEE BLDG. STENOGRAPHER, A-l future J?6 Bookkeepers .125-100-SO-S5-17S Office clerks 80-75-I60-I50-HO WATTS REFERENCE COMPANY BILLER-TVPIST .....170-175 3 BOOKKEEPERS 160-175 3 CLERKS. R. R tj0-70 inn vaii gun hKB BLDO. WANTED Of'icu clerk; must be competent at figures; good opportunity for advance ment. Apply CUDAHY PKG.. CO., 14th no uonea Dis. y THREE BOOKKEEPERS, 190-1125. aix i.KnnKR ei vnta ten -c THE MARTI SERVICE, 1317 W. 6. W. Bid. RTKvni-jn iPHKR nH ' i--t L-m- .nn . r: 1 nnoir.nn nur itillSAUB POND ASS N I 731 First National Bank Rnlldlnx. ! WANTED Young men for very responsible position. Appiy at Taylor-Jenluna 'Opti- cal Co., Ill Brandela Thea. Bldg. WANTED Young man for stock ,-1 oin work. Apply R. C. Phelps, Pompelan awvil. I alllUVII OltjrV). FLORIST WANTED at Henderson FiorUW 1S1 tuatm. SL . Ths HELP WANTED MALE Professions and Trades. WANTED We can use a limited r.utr.ber of men between 21 and 40 years of age as CONDUCTORS AND MOtORMEX. Steady, healthful em ployment. Must be physically ., sound, of good character and habits and come well recommended. 1 Apply in person at of fice of superintendent of transportation, Room 205, second floor Merchants National Bank building. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY CO. T 25 MEN AND BOYS OVER 16 YEARS OF AGE, WANTED AT ONCE. APPLY AT OFFICE SCOTT-OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO.. 1501 HOWARD ST: AUTO PAINTERS. Wanted at once, two second men and varnish rubbers, ateady Job, good wages Write, giving qualifications and refer ences. HESSE CARRIAGE COMPANY. U E. 17th St., Kansas City. Mo. FURNITURE UPSETTER. APPLY MAN AGER FURNITURE DEPARTMENT, HAYDEN BRpS. WANTED A reliable married man to work on farm with separate house, will fur nlsh wood, milk and garden spot and suit able wages. Independent phone number 0033. H. A. Haack. Blair. N.h WANTED Flrst-clasa radiator repair man, one competent to take charge of depart. ,Yl" or apply, in person at MAN- unu nuiu imt-AlK uj eioux City, Ia, WANTED Unregistered drug clerk with ona or two yeara' experience ; good salary; reference; state all In application. Pres. uru o., uxrorq, Keo. WANTED Head Janitor for general office, good chance for a live man, atate ex perience ad salary wanted. Address Box 3622 Omaha Bee. DRUG clerk, registered, one not subject to Immediate draft. References. C. R. Wood- WANTED-in experienced bottler and bottle- washer. Call at Nafl Bottling Works. 2656 Cumin St MALE BAKER First class all round, nU Goad wages. T. r. Naughtln Co." lis South 13th. WANTED Upholsterer for furniture depart ment. Box ,41405 Bee. LEARN barber trade, low rates now. puroer college, 1 124 Douglas 8t. WANTED Freight handlers. Apply Amer- .v.ii jAprCTE yo.t union station PAPER HANGER wanted at once. Ellassen, Blair, Neb. Geo. Salesmen and Solicitors. SALESMEN WANTED BIG OPPORTUNITY FOR A FEW GOOD SALESMEN WITH CLEAN REC ORDS AND CREDENTIALS; EXPERI ENCED IN SELLING STOCK, INSURANCE- AND ADVERTISING. OUR PROPOSITION IS BACKED BY MOST PROMINENT BUSINESS MEN IN IOWA IF YOU ARB A 15.000 MAN YOU CAN MAKE 110,000 ON TTIIS PROPOSITION CONDITIONS HERE ARB MOST PROS PEROUS. ADVANCE ARTISTS ARE NOT WANTED. FOR FURTHER INFORM A TION WRITE OR COMB AT ONCE BE F,RETERRITORY 13 ALI ASSIGNED. W. E. LEVEY. SALES DIRECTOR. 710-711 SECURITIES BLDG. DES MOINES. I A. SALES' MANAGER. Brokerage firm, handling stocks snd bonds will onon nfff in n.k. --j ... desirous 'of associating with theniselvea a cumpsient local man as manager. We are exclusive flsc agents for large coal company whose market lies in Nebraska and the northwest. .. will complete tale of securities -and handle output of mine in this territory from this office. Diaw Ing account 150 per week and eommla slons, total worth from 15,000 to 110 000 per year. Investment 11,600 required. Address with references. Box Y 435 Omahu Be. SALESMEN wanted- wa h,. - r,.i .tion that will interest any high grade oiiirsiiiaiooKing to oetter himself by taking Up a high grade specialty line In en exclusive and guaranteed -territory. Men with some knowledge, of groceries, meat products, confectionery or hardware lines preferred, and men u-hft r- ....hi. V of earning from 13,000 to 15,000 per year ioro. otraignt commission Bond re quired. Detroit Automatic Scale Co.. De trolt, Mich. i MANAGER If . you are capable of or- ganlzlng and managing a sales force of from 10 to 20 mm. rnt In tnnnh llh - I will convince you that my proposition Is iisni ana your income will not be less than 15.000 Tier vear. - NVi ninrtr in.,,,. or real estate proposition, but a "war van or write tl, E. Christian, ruom e, inira rioor, oaa Fellows Bldg., uum-ii j3iuiis, ia. none 620. SALESMEN WANTED 13 sell .stabliph 11110 01 siapie goons to lumber and hard ware trade, on commissi nn h..i, iM Ply, give territory you cover and clncs m irauo you are calling on. pox Y 440, viii.ii. , pro, SALESMEN Jlen of ability and character wuu cm quauiy on a real proposition. The demand for our commodity Is created by the government -under the War Income 1 ax ijaw. uucmen are all sstisfled with their Inenmi. A r .-n,, r-n t, E. Christian, Room I, thrrd floor. "Odd "" -Biug.. council .Biutrs, Ia. Phone WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMAN , FOR GROCERY DEPARTMENT. APrLY SUPERINTENDENT HAYDEN BROS. SALESMEN In Omaha aud every county eastern Xehraskn tn hmitt. ti.. -,i 4 easiest oil proposition ever offered: will enow you now; permanent Income to the iii men. aox 09ov. umR na uee SALESMAN to call on professional men. Established trade. Steady, permanent In come, aiso one tor outside city. St ta age, experience, delphia. Pa. P. .O. Box 121. Phila- WANTED At once, man with car to write insurance, experience unneceaaaiy. We teach you how. Omaha Health Accident v-ii. o umana iNationai liana mng WANTED Colli-tor not subject to draft must be bustler and able to travel. Apply F. D. Browning, 313 Baird Bldg. SAI.KSMKM fftSTRn COMBINATION TIRE MFG. 4:: SOUTH 13TH 6T. CO., HELP WANTEDMALE Salesmen and Solicitors. WANTED Stock salesmen. Best selling proposition, good commission. Box 46, Denver, III. Agents and Canvassers. MAKING 12.500 A YEAR out of men wit;: much smaller incomes. Don't allow yourself to get into a rut. Regard your present position only as a stepping stone to greater income. There ate plenty of men In jour employ making 12,500 a year-gnd up knd there Is plenty of more places for energetic fellows who can do the same. We can teach you how and In a very short time and our serv ices are free. The proposition wllDcome from a large -conservative, weU-managed lite insurance company with a splendid history of nearly a third of a century back of it Its divi dends are higher and rates are loweithan others. It is a., easy proposition to sell, as there is more demand for lite insur ance today than ever before. Communl. cations confidential. If Interested ad dress Bog Y 441, Omaha Bee. THE largest manufacturer of reoordlng and - protecting devlcea for atore, office and factory use will market their product through district agents commencing April 1st. If you are able to properly finance a local or state sales agency, address the D. A. M. & T. L. Co., Dayton, O. TWENTY-FIVE subscription sgents wanted Mwn, hpwcsi comoination; collect II cents. Goes like wildfire. Sherlock Agency, Des Moines, Iowa. TEN picture men; sells In, every home that , m tne army; exclusive territory. International Sales association, Des Moines, Iowa. , Trade Schools. BOTH men and women to learn the barber irauo. opeciai rates. Call or write. 140J Dodge. TRI-CITY BAR3ER COLLEGE. AUTOMORIT P ?rHnnr" Learn In alx weeka. no books; easy to learn; free catalogue. National Auto School. 2814 N. 20th St.. Omaha. Neb. Boys. oBLVER 18 130-I35-J40 ina AtiMUf, 600 BEE BLDG. WANTED A boy In envelope department .v. a, ,11 uhh-e, carpenter 1'nper Co. Miscellaneous WANTED Husky young man for general work around machinery. Apply to G. V. Chandler, Bee Annex. MEN WANTED, rJJE 81 T0 60' FOR GENERAL YARD WORK, STEADY JOB FOR GOOD MEN. APPLY TO TIMEKEEPER, UNION STOCK YARDS CO.. SOUTH OMAHA. WANTED-Boy or middle aged man. dm? " rectory, 1345 s. 20th St. FREE JOB No office fee. Apply at 322 V help wanted Male and Female. liiuusAN-DS government war positions open Men and women wanted. 1100 month. Write for list Franklin Instl tute. Dept. 232 C. Rochester. N. Y. M?nLit-.Bart.'" Collee yung men and ladles to learn the barber trade. Call or write for freo catalogue. 110 S. 1 14th Bt.. Omaha. Neb.- i . W,A?,T?PTPhotosraPh coupon aolicitor: . imuil 01. Ut. 3605. helpwanted--female Stores and Offices. bln. 1 ,"?R vVaDled '" Colora"de bank; located- about 100 miles west of S,nwri "alan: 75: "oma ": i banking experience not required if com petent stenographer. ifC,IiA?I'ES B- WALTERS COMPANY. 1434-30 First Nat. Bank Blog.. OmVha. STENfM I H1PUVDC ..T. i.-.,.. 1,r 1. r . ""J "Ml 1UJV ! tL Wl"., Place a" Bte"ographera until ZZ "0t,lce at 10 per c1 of theH- first month s salary. It Is impossible for us to meet MlP nprnanrl THE MARTI-SER'VICE. 1.7 BM. CIkerviee examinations in Omaha soon ,v.rm.r,"S clerkships, postoffice, wrul "1 ' rrlme- stenographers, ... viucuiars to J. Leonard, former government examiner, 6 24 """v ug-.. wasnington KEEPERS AND OFFICE HELP OP Air posmoN8EE us QL'ICK for aFgood THE CANO AGENCY, 600 BEE BLDG. a-.M (stenographic antf Typist positiona Jhl' Q00D SALARIES. Co-Oper" ?Jerence Co.. 1015-Ki City National 3 3STPAlJilLKS V $5MM.T5 3 office girls"::::::::: l't -HISA0 AGENCY. 600 Bee' BLPO AfPI?-""8 '-!"-S5.75-65 Asst. Bkkpr.. fi5: Bkkpr.. 175- TvnUt no WATTS kKPCBLv' v0' . ...... v. 1 uj'rA V. t rnn j . .... . . .j . mm i.i.iuiK c-ierK.. tR f WESTERN REFERENCE "ft BOND 'ass . no!. .iiunai uank Building OFFICE CLERK and TYPIST iV; THE MARTI SERVICE, mgg., "y Ba Professions and Trades. AMERICAN TELEPHONE An TELEGRAPH COMPAXY" offers an exceptional opportuniiy to sev eral bright, well-educated young la dies between ages of 18 and 22 to pvp0NG,DISTAE TELE PJOfcEwork Those with gram mar school education preferred. In. teresting work, congenial surround ings, liberal salary paidawhile learn- " ing. Apply to MISS'CARLSOX, 656 Brandcis Theater Building. WANTED-louiig ,dles for eoti-l oi'.ti, ,i rn"1 ?- nbu'"- Tayior-Jenkins OptUal Co.. Brandels Theat.r TtMg- N . t,u experienced pantTy ,.,. r Room SJ: vfH app" c-a m anuria otorga. W1RI.S WANTElT7opress ladle, clothi; Bteady work good w MfJgfJtSt -