THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, MARCH 11. 1918. EAL ESTATEIMPROVED West i ROOM house hardwood finish, A-l plumbing. storm windows and full screens, large porches; lot 50x110: 14 blocks from two car lines, at 42S7 Grant St Have to sea to appreciate, or phone Walnut IT'S. North. Kountze Place Bargain Owner Leaving City Just listed, a S-room, strictly modern bungalow, oak floors and oak finlsn; Just , west of Kouhtse Park, facing Komtie 4 Park; quarter sawed oak finish and floors; all built-in features; garage": paved street; east front. Owner is compelled to leave city tor the west on account of 111 -health and has a very attractivs price on this property for strictly cash. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. REALTORS. 637 Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. D. 17S1. CLOSE-IN, NEAR 27th and Leavenworth S rooms and garage, practically new. Owner leaving city. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oak finish and floors, .first floor; three bedrooms, bath and open sleeping porch on 2d floor. Full lot Pav- '"'GLOVER & SPAIN, x Douglas 396!. 819-20 City Nat Bank. FOR SALE OR RENT 3474 Grant St., l-roora house with t full else lota, vacant land adjoining for gardening purposes. M1TCHEL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames 8t Cot' 111. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern s-room bouse, full basement, ,arge lot. close to car. Price tl.9(0. Norrts at Norrls. D. 4270. SflNNE LUSA homes and lota offer the best opportunity to invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. S-R. house, strictly mod., with oaji floors and many pleasing features, may be bought for 1100 rash and 130 mo. I. 36ZS days. South. S-ROOM house. 2 lots, hog and chicken houses. CU'.ern. Furnace and- electric light. Price $2,400. Part cash. 4725 R St. Tel. 163$ Miscellaneous. A CLASSY PLACE. New, two-story frame and stucco house. Six rooms besides'sun parlor and glassed in sleeping porch. Fireplace, large attic. Price is. 950. Reasonable terms. BENSON & CARMICHAEL. s (Realtors.) (43 Paxton Block. Douglas 1722. FOR SALE1 Beautiful new 6-room modern white stucco residence on Council Bluffs , car line. Handy location for anyone working In Omaha. Very easy terms. A. H. Becker, 3206 Ave. A. Council Bluffs. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO , Real Estate and Insurance. 1J29 Fsrnam St. Dong 1064. REAL ESTATE B'nest Pr'pty WE WILL buy your home or business property and pay cash.- H. A. WOLF CO.. -Electric Bldg. Tyler 88 BUSINESS properties and Investments. , A. P. TUKEY and SON, (Z0 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAQUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackage Specialist. 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT DUNDEE HOME & INVESTM'NT. Double house In Dundee, one blojtc from 50th and Underwood; arranged for two families' live in one flat and -rent the other. The best buy In the best part of Dundee.- Price reduced for quick sale to 12,600; $500 cash will handle; reasonable terms on balance. ' N. P. DODGE & CO., Realtors, 15th and Harney Sts. REAL ESTATE To Exchange North. t .. VACANT NORTH. , . . Have- full lota on Plnkney street, otith frnnt at ISth Ave., amon a beautiful , new homes. Priced to sell, can glv terms. T-RAVER BROS CO.. - . Douglas 6886. 1 First Nat Bk. Bldg. Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car line, paved street, 1125 to 1195. U down. Doug. 5074. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE SPECIAL, $5,000 Right in the best part of this high grade residence district we have a 7 room, practically new, modern semi-bungalow, consisting of living. room, di ilng room, den and kitchen on the 1st floor and three nice bedrooms and bath on the 2d floor. Located one block from car and adjacent to the Happy Hollow Circle district. Owner lias purchased larger property. Phone for appointment. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 3962. 8.1S-20 City Nat. Bank. DUNDEE BARGAIN. .. Elegant 5-room modern bungalow. Oak floors, oak and white enamel finish: just being compretedr a steal at $3,260; 11,100 cash, balance terms. D. 3840. Col. 4193 lJUNDEE lots and properties GEORGE & COMPANY, M City Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Phone D. 756. Council Bluffs. , JX)R SALE i-roora modern house near Madson Ave. school, heated garage, barn, cistern, lot 12414x218. Ask for owner at Black 71i; Council Bluffs, la. Acreage. 20 ACRES IMPROVED NEAR BENSON Has 5-room house (new), hot water heat, barn. About 5 acres In grapes, 60 full bearing large apple trees, 160 cherry .trees, 4 years old, balance good farm land. Located - on high ground three miles northwest of Benson. Possession can be given at once. Wilt make very easy terms. Here Is a chance to get one of the best 20-acre tracts in Douglas county. m, HASTINGS & HEYDEN, 1614 ITarney St. Phone Tyler SO 12 1-3 ACRES, highly improved, on paved road, close o Benson; a beautiful coun try home; old people own, wish to ex change for S3.50 clear home in city; will glva long time on part Call Walnut 1629. Can snow toasy. wonaay, uougiag im. 20 ACRES west of Omaha, just outside city limits, mile to car line with 6c ' fare to city. Land lays fine and soil is good. Will divide if desired. Price is low and terms can be given. Phone Har ney 4283. OWNER leaving city, four-fifths of acre of ground; strictly modern 6-room and bath; chicken house, 12x73 feet Ions; all kinds of fruit and berries; sidewalks to car line; tee this and you will buy. Call Benson 656-J. 1 LARGE suburban tract of gronnd outside city limits, near carline. Ideal place to rats poultry or garden. This la a 26t-ft frontage for 2510; will sell on easy terms. Telephone Walnut 2466. ICREAGE Imp. 1 to 40 a., well located, reasonably priced; terms or cash; some for trade. 211 Brandeis Thea. Mr. Pease. REAL ESTATE WANTED For Sale or Exchange FCR FARM OR RANCH. $50,000 Press brick, close-tn business ' block; Income $5,000 year, on lease; also $1,000 first mortgages, stora buildings and residence properties. Want land. S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, 213 City National Bank Bldg. Omaha. Neb. IF YOU want cash and will aell cheap, I will buy your cottage, bungalow, house, flat or store -that you do not want; tired of holding or about to lose for want of quick money. Give full particulars in first letter and best prices. P. O. Box 456. WE HAVE sevsral good reliable buyers tor i S and (-room houses and bungalows with ' (300 to $500 down. Call Osborne Realty . - ma. a . . rt i mi- Co. ryier eve., it jm. i. i. pmn piug. WANT snort, residence; about 16.000. Will psy one-hsif cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Bos 1792. Omaha Bee. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages. 64 and 6 per cent mortgages secured by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E. H. LOUCEE, INC.. 638 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF PEE CENT OR MOKE. One dollar starts an account OMAHA LOAN BLDO. ASSOCIATION. H. W. BINDER, Money on hand for mortgage loans. City National Bank Bldg. OMAHA HOMES EAST NEB. FARMS. O'KEKFE REAL ESTATE CO., 101 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 271S. LOW RATES C. O. CARLBERQ, Sit Bran dels Theater Bldg. D. 8S. HARRISON & MORTON. (II Omaha Nat Bk. Bldg. CITY AND FARM LOANS 6. SV and ( Per Cent. J. H. DUMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg. LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son. Keeline Bldg. $100 to 110.000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead. Wead Bldg., 18th and Farnam Sts. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co.. Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN ft CpMPANY, PouaMssjm FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 19. Our next excursion to McGehee. Ark. W. 8. FRANK. tOl NEVILLE BLK, Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers" excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-aeekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our lands at ( per cent THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 136 First Nat'l Bldg.. Omaha. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado; $12.60 to $1$ per acre. We control 26 choice quarters. Send for booklet Klok Investment Co.. Omaha. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE, NO TRADE CONSIDERED 50-acre farm Joining the corporation of Creston. Ia. Fair improvements, plenty of water, good fencing, fruit and grove, paved street to the farm. Some rolling, but very productive. Can give five years' time on $5,80C. Price $210 per acre. E. GOODMAN, CRESTON, IA. FOR SALE OR RENT 80 acre imp. farm 8 miles N. W. Extra, Ia. Can give pos session at once. Paul Peterson, 364 Bran dels Theater Bldg., Omaha .Tel. D. 1(06 or Walnut 8106. Minnesota Lands. 160 ACRES, good timber land, in Beltrami County, Minnesota; $8 per acre, reserving all mineral rights at that price. House 24x16, barn 24x14, about 6 acres broken. 16 to 20 that can be easily broken; (5 In meadow, '40 in pasture, fenced with two wires, a good well with pump and other small improvements. Address Gus Wal berg, 1818 Lothrop St., Omaha. Neb. Nebraska Lands. POSSESSION 40 ACRES. 40 ACRES UPLANDS Choice location; Improved with small but neat 5-room house, good new barn (stone foundation, room for 6 head of horses, granary and hay mow for 6 tons), small orchard, lawn, shade trees, etc; a homelike place; good productive land, quite a few acres good stand of alfalfa and entire farm hog tight besides hog-tight cross fences, 22 miles of Omaha and good automobile route the entire distance; quite handy to Kood market town and other good features. Price oly $165 per acre FOR 8HORT TIME ONLY; cash or H cash, balance 5 per cent. Possession If taken at once. Considering the location, buildings and fertility of the soil, this Is by far the best 411-acre bargain In Douglas or Sarpy counties. Orln S. Merrill Co., 1217-121$ City National Bank Bldg. A REAL RANCH BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA. (.112 acres . Sheridan county, Nebraska, only one milt, from Ellsworth, railroad town, has three five-room houses and sta blea for. from 200 to (00 cattle, 3 wells, .fenced and cross fenced, has 6 Potaab " lakes, wt! cut 1,000 ton of bay., Possession May 1st. Price $14 per acre. Owner to j retain ownership to 10 per cent off all minerals, any other Information, write or call S. O. Nordqulst, $22 Neville Bldlc. Omaha, Neb. (0 ACRES, Morrill Co.. Neb.,. 8 miles north Bayard; 30 acres alfalfa, balance . under the plow; 4-room house, barn, well, fenced, all under government ditch. Price $12,000; only ( miles beet dump. Land paid the owner his share rent 1917 over $1,300. Will take $5,000 cash,- balance trade. S. O. Nordqulst. 322 Neville BIk, Omaha, Neb. 1,280-ACRE ranch in Keya Paha county, 8 -room, two-story, full basement dwelling, with furnace; large barn, double corn crib and granary, cattle shed, extra good hen house, two wells and mill, scale and fence. All Improvement ! new In 1917 and worth about $10,000. An Ideal ranch. Must be seen to be appreciated. Price, $20.00 per acre for quick sale, O. H. Johnson. Norfolk. Neb.. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 320-acre improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.: $60 per acre. C. K. DAVIES. KEARNEY. ltt ACRES, good seven-room house, beside State Normal; 50 bearing trees. Bargain at $3,000. Easy terms. Might rent. Ira Wilson, Peru, Neb. FOR SALE Best lsrge body nigh-grade, medium-priced land In Nebraska. Very little money required. C. Bradley. Wol bach. Neb. 640 ACRES western Iowa, $104 per acre; great bargain. O. P. STEBBINS, 1610 Chicago St RANCHES of all sizes and kinds, eass terms. A. A. Patzmen. (01 Karbach BIk. Oklahoma Lands. O. W. WEBSTER ft SON, REAL ESTATE, 1026 O ST.. LINCOLN, NEB. OKLAHOMA LAND BARGAINS. No. 1. 160 acres, ranch and timber land, located In Tuskahoma on Frisco R. R. Very promising tract, free from lease or reservation. $5.00 per acre cash. No. 2. 450 acres, ranch and timber land, located in Pittsburg Co., southeast of Blanco, en C R. I. & P. No timber has been soi l, and oil has been found on both sides. This tract leased for oil and gas and renta. due in May, 1918. $5.00 per . acre cash. No. 3. 40 seres, about 80 per cent good bottom farming land, balance rough pas ture and iiuit land. Located In Pitts burg Co., southeast of Blanco on the C, R. I. &'P. Good water supply. $10.00 , per acre, on terms of $220 cash, balance In 1 and 2 years at 6 per cent. No. 4 150 acres, 'about 55 per cent good tillable land, and the balance suit able for grazing purposes. This tract lies in probable oil and gas territory. Located in Latimore Co., about 3 miles from Hughes, on the Rock Island. $800 per acre, on terms of $637.50 cash, balance In 1, 2 and S years at 6 per cent. No. 6. 200 acres, ranch and farming land. In Pushmataha Co., about 2 miles from Clayton, on the Frisco R. R. ; 60 acres of this tract good farming land, balance suitable for ranch and fruit pur poses. This tract carries valuable pine and hardwood timber. A bargain at $7.00 per acre. T'-rms of $500 cash and bal ance In 1, 2 end : years at 6 per cent No. 6. 160 acres, ranch and Umber land In Le Flore Co., located southeast of Albion on the Frisco R. R. This land is located In line gas, oil and other develop ments. $3.75 per acre. The sum of $91.20 payable !a 1 an! 2 years at 6 per cent and due the government can be as sumed, which would make the land non taxable until fully paid. Any one of the above properties will make a good Investment, even laying aside the possibility of possible mineral de velopment. O. W. WEBSTER A SON, REAL ESTATE, 102 O tT., LINCOLN. NEB. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan "alley Project Heart of the range. Get on thi ground floor with (0 acrea irrigated land In eonnectloa with open range. You c.n grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tv weeks. Send for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker. (40 1st National Bank Bldg. Wyoming Lands. WHEATLAND Wyoming farms, (60 per a.. Including paid-up water rights. Henry Levi ACM. Rylsnder. (64 Omaha Nat'L Miscellaneous FINE southeastern Nebraska farms, per sonally Inspected best western Nebraska, eastern Colorado, Kansss bargains, Im proved fine section South Dakota land; also business investments. Take Liberty bonds. Schowalter Land Agency, Cook, Neb. CHOICE FARM. Nielsoo. 422 Rose Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with ua it you want to keep It E. P. 8NOWDEN SON. 42$ 8. 16th. Douglas (3T1. WANTED Unimproved land western Neb. or K. Colo. Must be priced right. White 4 Hoover. Omaha Nafl Bank Bldg. MEDICAL RUPTURE successfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or writ. Dr. Frank H. Wray. 306 Bee Bldg. WHY SUFFER! Latest and most Scientific Treatment for All Diseases. Dr. Charles Barnes. 613-23 Securtles Bldg. Examine tlnn and Consultation free. He la reliev , lng thousands. WHY NOT TOUT Delays are dangerous. If you can t call, write. : Hours: I a. m. to 5 p. m., 7:30 to I: JO evenings. Sunday, 11 a. m. to 1 p. m. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE One new ton master truck never been ured; no war tax, no freight, 16 per cent discount, taken In on trade for a 2-ton White truck. One used l-tor Bulck truck. One Franklin roadster cheap, or will trade for Ford sedan. Will sell any of the above machines on part saving rian, or will trade for prop- arty. See them at cur new location, 1407-01-11 13-15-17-19-11 Capitol Ave. The Nebraska White Co., Dealers in White trucks and White pleasure cars. Fred C. Rogers, manager. Our motto Dependable After Sales Service Tyler 1767. ?407-0-11-13 15-17-19-21 ''apltol Ave. GUARANTEED TIRES ONE HALF PRICE. 3000 Miles Guaranteed. 30x3 $7.75; S0x3ft $8.75; 32x3 $10.35; 33x4 $12.(5; $4x4 $11.26; 85x4 $16.60 Write us today for particulars. ' AGENTS WANTED. Expert Radiator and Tire Repairing "2 IN 1" VULCANIZING CO.. 1516 Davenport St Omaha, D. 2(14. RADIATORS Wrecked and leaky radiators repaired and rebuilt; large slock used radiators on band. Mashed fenders and lamps re paired like new. Highest prices paid for junk radiators. OMAHA RADIATOR, TIRE AUTO WORKS, 1819 Cumlnt 8t. Omaha. Neb. WE HAVE Fords. Maxwells, Bulcks, Stuoe bakers, Oaklands In both touring and roadster models. ' MEEKS AUTO CO., OMAHA GARAGE. 20th and Harney. Tyler 666 CADILLAC, four-cylinder touring qar, guar anteed good as new. New tlrea. $650 cash, worth double. No trade. Phone Harney 3926 Sunday or call at Room $01, Security Bldg., week days. Standard Motor Co. Used Allen touring car, good condition. Bargain. 2020 Farnam St Carl Chang- strom. ALL kinds of cars for hire, with or with out driver, by the mile or by the hour. Fords. lOo per mile. Douglas 7390. Ne braska Service Garage. QUALITY USED CARS. Studebaker-Wilson, Ino. We have the best bargains. See us at once. Harney 871. Farnam and 26th Ave. BARGAINS IN USED FORD CABS McCaffrey Motor Co., 10th and Howard. Ford Agents. Doug. (508. BARGAINS In used cars. ORR MOTOR SALES CO.. 40th and Farnam. Harney 414 WANTED FOR SPOT CASH, 100 USED CARS; quick action; so delay. Auto Fx change Co., 2107 Farnam St. Doug. (035. OAKLAND Sensible .Six. MARSH OAKI ' ND CO.. 2300 Farnam St. A FEW 1918 Ford touring cars. One used 1(17 Ford touring. 4001 8. 24tb St bo. 4360. QUALITY USED CARS. VAN BRUNT AUTOMOBILE CO.. 50th and Harney. D. 3290. GOOD USED CARS. GUY L. SMITH, 26th and Farnam. D. 1970. 1916 SMITH Form-a-Truck, thoroughly ov erhauled, in fine shape. Auto Parts Co., 2106 Farnam St. Douglas 4560. WE ARE the used car men. ThAWVER AUTO CO., 1910 Farnam St. Doug.. (070. WE BUY, SELL, REPAIR FORDS. Tell ft Blnkly, Doug. 1640. 2S18 Ham .y St BATTERIES CHARGED AND REPAIRED Ever Ready Battery Station. 1206 Farnam. Auto Bodies. NOW IS THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR AUTO. WM. PFEIFFER AUTO CAR RIAGE WK8., 2625 Leavenworth. Ty. Ml. Wanted. WILL TRA.DE vlctrola and records for Ford Car; will pay cash difference. H. Heyil Mlckel Bre. Co., Douglss 1662: NEW 1918 Paige at a price. Call Douglas 3857. very low MITCHELL romlnler. electric starter, lighta etc., $270. ?026 Farnam 8t. Auto Repairing and Painting. PHONE HARNEY 2(07 for auto repairing. DELAY & BEAL, W. Farnam Garage, $627 Farnam. Now open. Give us a trial. EDWARDS, E. S.. 2616 19th St. Web ster 1103. For best results with repair work consult us. Auto Livery and Garages. RENT a FORD DRIVE IT YOURSELF. 10c a mile, 35o per hour minimum charge. ' (Expect Sundays and holidays.) FORD LIVERY CO., - Douglas 3622. 1314 Howard 8t. FORD TIRES. 30x8 $ 9.45 30x3 11.(0 3,000-Mile Guarantee. . . THE TIRE SHOP. 251 Farnam St Douglas 4(7$. TIRES AT HALF PRICE, ALL SIZES NEW 30x8 Firestone, $8.00; Ford tubes, $2; NEW 20x3 Non-Skid Ftreatones, $13. KAIMAN'S TIRE JOBBERS, 1721 CUMING. SAVE 60 PER CENT ON YOUR TIRES O. ft G. Tire and Vulcanizing Co., 2415 Leavenworth. Tyler 1261-w. TIRE price wreckers. This Is no 2-ln-l tirs. mnrM a TrriM ttrw FACTORY. 422 S. 13th. Agts wanted. Omaha. Neb. BUY Lee puncture-proof pneumatic tlree and eliminate your tire trouoies. roweu ouppi? Co., 3051 Farnam bi. Starters and Generators Repaired. AUTO ELECTRIC 8ERVICE CO. Anything electrical about your auto. 816 8. 19th St Douglas 6488. v r.nnlr nv atoraae battery, guaran teeing same for six months. OMAHA BATTERY AND SERVICE CO., 2313 Harney St. Tyler 3394. Motorcycle and Bicycle H A R L E Y-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Bargains in usea macnines. vicwr n. Roos, the Motorcycle Man, 27th and Leav enworth. ' Horses Live Stock Vehiclei For Sale. SETTLING the estate of the late O. H. Jackson. Our own raised horses, mares and mules; ( young 6-year-old matched mares, 2,600 to 2,800 lbs., 4 geldings. 2,600 to 2,800 lbs., also 2 spans of 6-year-old mules. 2,400 to 2,600 lbs. Mrs. G. H. Jackson, 21( S. 7th St., Council Bluffs. FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness. (160; one aappiegray team jtn uiu. $350. Call Webster s THREE fresh milk cows, 2721 Fowler ave. Colfax 1812. POULTRY AND PET STOCK EGGS for hatching. White Rocks, W. R. Flshel strain direct Single Comb Anco nss, Sheppard strain. Great winter layers. W. D. Croman. Bedford Ave. at 60th. Phone Walnut 1643. FOR SALE Young unmated Carreaux PlgeonsT 75o apiece: Plymouth Rock strain. E. F. Salisbury. Fans city, weo. "OLD TRUSTY" Incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big catalog ires. m. M. Johnson Co., Mfra., Clay Center, Neb. MONEY TO LOAN Organized by the Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes ss security. $40, ( mo., H. goods, total, $$.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rats. PROVIDENT LOAN SOCIETY. 433 Securities Bldg.. 16th, Farnam. Ty. 666. LOANS ON DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY. SCJ 8MALI.ER LOANS. OCT A O W. C. FLATAU, EST. 18(2. fO (TH FLR. SECURITIES BLDO. T . (60. DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY LOANS. Lowest rates. Private loan booths. Harry Mlashock, 1614 Dodge. D. 5619. Eat 1891. GERMAN MENACE ALARMS CECIL; DEMANDS ACTION Says Teuton People Afford No Hope of Rising Against Mas ters; Urges Japan Inter vene in Siberia. (By Associated Press.) London, March 10. Directing attention to the seriousness of the German menace in Siberia and in southern Asia, urging Japanese inter vention and insisting that the German people afford no hope of rising against their imperialistic masters. Lord Rob' ert Cecil, minister of blockade, point ed out in a statement to The Asso ciated Press, what already had been accomplished by the Germans in the east. Spreading a large map on the table, Lord Robert said: "Look at what Germany has al ready done toward a scheme of world conquest. On the north she has taken rich Baltic provinces over which she purposes to install a German prince. bhe sent troops to r inland and con eluded an agreement which put the whole foreign policy of Finland at her disposal. These steps in the north have practically cut off Russia from access to the sea. Capture Important Port. "Looking further south we find that Germany is in the course of occupy ing Odessa, the greatest Black Sea port, and that she has insisted that Russia cede to Turkey all ports at the east end of the Black Sea. Her evident design is to substitute for the Berlin to Bagdad railroad a new ave nue to the east of trans-Caucasia and northern Persia. In the execution of this design, German moreover, has had, consciously or unconsciously, the assistance and co-operation of the bolsheviki. "Look at the plight of Armenia. Both Great Britain and America have al ways taken a deep interest and sym pathy in this unhappy people. Ar menian refugees who fled into Trans- Caucasia are now under the Russian- German treaty, to be handed back to the lurks. Take AH Means. "You have only to look at the map to see what a tremendous scheme of conquest Germany has undertaken. Having been thwarted in herplan to conquer France, ' this is the second string to her bow and for the mo menthe whole German people seem to be backing the new imperialistic scheme. The military control of Ger many is paramount and unshaken. German democracy is docile and ser vile. The allies must adopt every means in their power to frustrate Germany's designs in the east." Given Choice of Going to Jail or Work; Chooses Latter Fred Anderson, 18 yearj old, 2507 K street, was given his choice of going to work or spending 60 days in jail by Judge Madden in South Side police court Saturday morning. Anderson, who was arrested on a charge of laziness, leaned against the desk and reluctantly chose the former. "Are you lazy?" asked Judge Mad den, after officers had testified that Anderson would not work and that he is a general nuisance to his parents, who have a large family of younger children, to support. "Yes, I am kind of lazy," admitted the young man. When the court learned that he could earn $16 a week Anderson was ordered to go to work and to give his mother $7 a week. Cost of Education Varies In Counties of Nebraska Lincaln, March 10. (Special.) It costs on an average of $50 per pupil to educate the children of Grant county, while in McPherson bounty it costs but $1.10, according to a table prepared by Secretary O. A. Bern ecker of the State Board of Assess ment. 'Grant county raises $25,357 for educational purposes and McPherson but $2,586. Douglas county raises $1,222,989, with a $27.20 cost for the school chil dren each, while Lancaster county comes next with $880,922, with a cost of $40.50 each. Custer county stands third in the cost of education, the amount being $243,931 at $29 each. Senator McAllister Back Home in Good Health (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 10. (Special.) Sen ator W. L. McAllister ot Neligh has returned to Nebraska in good health. Senator McAllister was compelled to undergo a serious operation. He was taken to Santa Barbara and in that sunny climate has been able fully to regain his health. He was in Lin coln today en his way home from the coast to fin.l out the chances for a special session. He is for a session and the incorporation in the call of a repeal of the Mockett law requiring teaching of German in public schools. Jefferson County Land Brings High Price at Sale Fairbury, Neb., March 10. (Spe cialsThe le of 470 acres of Jcf-1 C 1 I .' t 7CC . . 1 l iciauu iduu ,ui wets indue a matter of record today. This land is known as part of Peter Jansen farm and was owned by Charles E. Caldwell. Ucnry Wallbaum bought it for a home, paying $136 an acre. It is located four miles east of Jansen and two miles west of Harbine. PERSONAL THE Salvation Army Industrial Horns so licits your old clothing,, furniture, maga sines, Ws collect Ws distribute. Pbons Doug. 4125 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new bom. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. OMAHA Bath Inst. Electric, stesm or tub baths, msssages of all kinds. 228 Neville BIk. Doug. 7381. lth and Harney Sts. Manicuring (Healer) and scalp treatment. for appointment call Ty. 1088. 708 8. 84th. MISS FISHER, sulphur, steam baths snd massage. 379 Bran. Thea. Bldg. D. 155 MAI BRUGMAN. scientific) masseuse and baths. 20! Karbach BIk. Red 2727. VAPOR and tub baths. Massages of all kinds. Rm. t, 1606 Harney Doug. 7048. PRIVATE licensed maternity horns. 441S N. J8th tS. Phone Colfax 2042. MINNIE NAOLE at La Belle Bath Institute. not Harney. Douglas 7048. BATH and massage. 1802 Farnam St., Room 2. Phone Douglas 8761. Manicuring and mass. 1823 Farnam. R. 18. MISS WEST, manicure, mass., 210 N. 17th. E.BROTT. massage 7028 SCIENTIFIC mass7618'raxton BIk. D. 6272 Secretdry Pool Says Convention Has No Right to Endorse Men (From a S,tff Correspondent. I Lincoln, March 10. (Special.) Sec retary of State Pool believes the state committee of any political party has no right to call a state convention that has for its object endorsement of any candidate or in any way to take action against any candidate. He bases his belief on the election law, which specifies that the commit tee of a political party shall call a platform convention, but that con vention cannot recommend or nomi nate candidates for office. . He believes that a state committee has no right therefore to call any BELGIAN HEROISM PRAISED BY KING In Face of Great Odds Allies Hurl German Offensive Back; Ten Men Hold Off 300 Teutons. British Army Headquarters in France, Friday, March 8. Great gal lantry and individual heroism was dis played by the Belgian soldiers in the face of great odds, in the flooded zone northwest of Dixmude, Wednesday. The German attack was futile. This operation has been characterized as a raid, but as in the case of the recent attack on the Portuguese, there is little doubt that the Germans mean to occupy certain posts permanently. They succeeded temporarily in one place, but were driven out with heavy losses after spectacular fighting. King Albert personally congratu lated his troops yesterday on their remarkable work. The Germans began their operations at day break against the Belgian posi tion at Beverdyk and Reigersvelt by putting down a tremendous artillery1 bombardment. For an hour the Ger man artillery continued to pour an avalanche of explosives, among which were many gas shells, against these defenses, and then followed with an infantry attack in force. Infantry Checks Rush, The Belgian artillery replied with a heavy barrage and this, coupled with the fine work of the rifle men and ma chine gunners promptly checked the German advance at Beverdyk and eventually completely repulsed the enemy. At Reigersviet, however, the Germans secured a footing at various points, which was due to the fact that the floods had largely subsided and the enemy was able to cross with comparatively little difficulty. A Belgian commander, at this junc ture, with only nine men and a ma chine gun, occupied a bridge head, where he resisted 300 Germans and 12 machine guns for an hour, before help arrived in the shape of a patrol headed by a lieutenant With this small rein forcement the Belgian commander took the offensive, rushing and re capturing the position taken by the Germans in front of a small bridge head. .Several German prisoners and machine guns were taken in this dar ing assault. Chasseurs Come to Aid. In the meantime the chasseurs had been brought up for a counter at tack, and these troops advanced un der excellent support by the Belgian batteries. In order for the chasseurs to reach the posts held by the Ger mans, it was necessary for them to cross the flooded space on a single board walk, which was dominated by German artillery and machine gun fire. Dismounted horsemen went for ward as if on parade amid the crash ing of great shells and hurled them selves fiercely upon the invaders. Santfumary fighting followed and at 1 o'clock in the afternoon the Bel gians succeeded in retaking the first of seven posts lying in a semi-circle in front of the bndehead. The savage battle continued until 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon, when the last of the posts were regained. The German losses were exceeding ly heavy. Forty bodies were, found lying on the barbed wire alone, while many perished under the gruelling fire of the Belgians. One German officer was decapitated by a shell he was throwing. The Germans claim to have cap tured numerous Belgians and they un doubtedly carried away some prison ers. Although it is impossible to give the Vxact number of Belgian losses, they were light. W. H. Rosenbaum Dies From Attack of Typhoid Fever W. H. Rosenbaum, for many years in the sign painting business in Omaha, died Friday night at his home, 1513 Martha street, after a short illness with typhoid fever. Mr. Rosenbaum was 35 years old and is survived by a wife and three children, Walter, Cecelia and Henry. The funeral will be held from the family residence Monday afternoon at J:3l) o'clock, with interment at For est Lawn cemetery. Aquiilas of St. Paul Win Honors at Cinci Tourney Cincinnati, O., March 10. The Aquiilas of St. Paul were returned the winners of the five-men team events of the American Bowling co.igrtss tournament here tonight when the last shift of bowlers failed to over come their total of 3,022, made last week. The Aquiilas not only win the high est honors in bowling circles, but draw down first prize, amounting to $690. New Russ Government Organizing in China Petrograd, March 10,-The Pravda, organ of the bolsheviki, prints a dis patch from Irkutsk, which says: "The ex-president of the council of ministers of revolutionary Rus sia, Prince Lvoff, has constituted in the far east a new Russian govern ment, which at present has its seat at Peking, and which is awaiting the landing of Japanese troops at Vladivostok in order to enter Si berian territory, with them. "Telegraphic communication be tween Vladivostok and Irkutsk is interrupted. The soviet of Vladivos tok is mobilizing its forces for re sistance and is forming a red aVm' " 1 ! other convention in the same manner as is provided for the platform con vention which would have ior its ob ject the very things which are forbid den in the platform convention and that had the republican state commit tee taken action this week for the calling; of a convention which had for its object the recommendation of one or more candidates for effice and those candidates should be nominated at the primary, opponents tvould have the right to enjoin the secretary of state from placing their names on the election ballot. OMAHA MEN APPLY TO JM STOCK Appear Before State Railway Commission to Get Right to Organize Packing Com pany in Omaha. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) ' Lincoln, March 10. (Special.) An informal heaiing was had before the state railway commission yesterday on application of Lloyd and Paul Skin ner, Dr. Gilniore and others of Omaha for authority to issue $2,000,000 in stock for the establishment of a pack ing plant at Omaha. All three men were present, repre sented by J. A. C. Kennedy. Mr Kennedy told the board that while they were given authority un der the blue sky law to protect the public, their authority did not extend to the point that they had the right to decide whether the business to be entered upon would be paying. Their duty was simply to protect the public from fraud and from fraudulent or ganizations reeking no other object but to defraud buyers of stock. Where a business proposition was above board and one which called fot the judgment of the investor, the com mission had no right to go beyond protecting the public from fraud. CONVICT HURT WHEN TVRtilNE . ENGINE BURSTS Lincoln, March 10. (Special Tele gramsFrank Mclnerny, serving a j term in the state penitentiary, was seriously hurt yesterday when a tur bine engine blew up at the institution. Flying pieces hit the man. tearing his flesh and breaking his left leg. The accident happened when the power was being shifted from one en gine to another. Mclnerny was in charge of this work. Three other men near him escaped harm. Mclnerny was sent up from Omaha four months ago for breaking and en tering. His mother, Mrs. Mary Mc lnerny of Omaha, was notified of the. accident and he was taken to the prison hospital and a surgeon from Lincoln attended him.. It "is believed that he will recover. Country Editor Scorns Payment for Liberty Ad O. T. Eastman, treasurer of the Ne biask'a Liberty loan comnvttee, no ticed that the Upland (Neb.) Eagle had not submitted a bill for a second Liberty loan advertisement and wrote the publisher, J. W. Robinson, for a statement, nc received we jouowing reply: "I may have quoted you a price on Liberty loan advertising, but I must have had an attack of mental aberra tion. "I wonder what my fourth great grandfather, who was preacher for the Mayflower bunch when they landed at Plymouth Rock, would think if he be came aware that I had offered to even quote rates for Liberty loat. advertis ing. "If I ever quoted you rates destroy all evidence of it and state on your books that the editor of the Upland Eagle is giving his time and money and support in every way to help keep Uncle Sam fighting for all that is worth living for. Nebraska Savings Stamp Sales 27 Per Cent of Quota Compilation of figures made at the office of the state director of War Savings, Ward M. Burgess, Saturday shows that on March 1 the total sales of war saving stamps in the United States had reached $92,000,000, and that of this sum $7,010,000 have been sold in the state of Nebraska. Ne braska's quota of war saving stamps is 13-10 per cent of the entire issue for the United States, or $26,000,000, and on March 1 Nebraska's sales were 76-10 per cent of the total sold in the nation, and 27 per cent of Ne braska's quota. There are 13 counties in Nebraska, which have sold more than SO per cent of their quota. They are: Grant, Platte, Fillmore, Adams, Thayer, Saunders, Madison, Phelps, Johnson, saline, Nuckolls, Box Butte and Jet ferson. Delegates Named to Go To Stock Feeders' Conference (From a Staff Correspondent.) Lincoln, March 10. (Special.) The following named men have been ap pointed by Governor Neville as dele gates to represent Nebraska at the stock feeders conference, to be held in Washington March 12, to confer with food Administrator Hoover on the stock feeding situation: Ed Hickey, Gr'.tna; Z. T. Lef twitch, St. Paul; A. N. Mathers, Gertng; W. J. Farley, Aurora; Heber Hord, Central City; Bert Cockerill, Richfield; W. A. Dunlavy, Blocmington. The delegation will meet at the Paxton hottl. Omaha, Sunday and leave that night for the east. Annapolis Wrestlers Close Successful Season Annapolis, Md., March 10. Navy's wrestlers closed a most successful sea son yesterday by blanking grapplers from Cornell, winning all six bouts and pilling up a point score of 30 to 0. Having met some of the best of the 'varsity aggregation of the east, the sailors' colors were trailed just once. That was last Saturday, when the mat men from Penn State took their number by one point. KOLCHAK TO HEAD NEW GOVERNMENT TO RULE SIBERIA New Russian Organization Now Enlisting Followers of Former Black Sea Commander; Ammunition Forwarded. (Bf Associated Press.) Peking, March 10. Plans for the restoration ot popular government in Siberia, undo.- Admiral Kolchak, for mer commander of the Russian Black Sea fleet, through the organization o. the army to co-operate with General Semenoff, the leader of the anti-boi-sheviki government in Siberia? are now in preparation it is learned here. Already a newly formed organiza tion of Russians has begun enlisting men for the support of General Sem enoff and yesterday four field guns and fifteen machine guns were for-' warded to him on the Manchurian railway. The new organization Is under the leadership ot Prince Nicholas Kou dacheff, Russian minister to China, Lieutenant General Horvath, Russian military commander at HarDin, and former chief of the Russian railway administration there; M. Rusanoff. provisional commissioner for the province of Amur, and M. Lavoroff, provisional commissioner for the province of Irkutsk. Prominent War Figure. Admiral Kolchak, who is a veteran of the Russu-Japanese war and was the head of the Russian naval com mission that visited the United States last year, is now at Shanghai. . ,! It is proposed that General Sem enoff shall advance from the town of Manchuria, on the Manchurian. Transbaikal border, where he is now. fighting as iar east as Irkutsk, some 800 miles distant on the trans-Si berian railroad. There he is to await Japanese support in money and men which it is declared have already been aiij o) sinjj uiojj) tint pssiuiojd Ural mounta.ns on the border of Eu ropean Rusiia is a distance of about 1,800 miles.) . The latest telegrams from General Semenoff iliow that he is fighting along the railway west of the town of Manchuria. All westbound trains, he reports, are being, held at that point. Joe Cannon Buys $40,000 : . ' Of Omaha Land Bank Bonds Three weeks ago Joseph G. Can-" non, former speaker of the house of representatives, bought $10,000 of the bonds of the Federal Land bank of. Omaha. ' The bank Saturday received an addi tional subscription from Mr. Cannon for $30,000 of bonds. Mr. Cannon is the owner of exten sive land holdings in the Trans-Mississippi valley and appreciates the high class character of the securities, which the Omaha bank i selling. Funeral Services for v Mrs. George Marble Monday Funeral services for Mr. George Marble, 46 years old, who died Friday morning, will be held at the home. 5062 South Thirty-first street, at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. Rev. C. C. Wilson' of .Grace Methodist church will officiate. The body will be taken to Missouri Valley for burial. Mrs. Marble had lived in South Omaha for the last 18 years and was prominent in church and lodge circles. She is survived by a husband and a son, Albert. ' . . -,' Hibernians Will Hold. St. Patrick Celebration The Ancient Order of Hibernian will hold its annual St. Patrick's daj celebration March 17. The celebration will start with sol emn high mass at St. Patrick's church. Archbishop Harty will officiate. At night an entertainment will be staged at the Workmen temple, Twenty-fifth and M streets. John M. Galoin will deliver the principal address. Choirs from St. Agnes', St. Bridget's and St. Mary's churches wilt sing. Big Divorce Scandal. Rumor has it that our beloved Francis X. Bushman is being sued for divorce, Mrs. Bushman claiming custody of the children and the beau tiful country home, Bushwood Manor, Looks like things have gone to the Bow Wows with tWs old Bird. Adv. Ohio Rims Wolverines. Ann Arbor, Mich., March 10. Ohio state defeated Michigan, 34 to 27, in a western conference basket ball game here last night. Bee Want Ads Bring Results. Share in Royalty Profit from Largest Oil Well in the U. S." Ths Shumwajr leas. ISO crs. N. E. quarter of U-8S-4 In Butler county. Kan., owned and operated by the Gypsy Oil Co., has produced over 22,000 barrels of oil dally for the last flva months. No. S well on this Shumway lease produces 1S.000 barrels daily and is the largest well in the U. 8. A. There are 14 wells now producing- and 14 more deep wells being drilled today. The owners of the land ret royalty ol one-eighth of all the oil produced on this wonderful 160 acres. The oil has been 'sell ing' for $2 per barrel and one-eighth of S44.00O is 15,600 per day in royalties, which goes to the owners or the land. You can bt a part owner of this land. We can sell you an interest In this land and thereby participate in Shumway royalty. You do not buy stock, but get a deed to the land itself. A 1-2, 400th interest, termed one unit, costs less than S 1,600. Each unit since October IS, 1917. has brought back in royalties an average ol 138.05 twice month. This is at the rate of 1913.20 per annum, or SO per cent, figuring the price of a unit at $1,600. With more favorable weather and new wells the royalty may increase. YOUR OPPORTUNITY Is here and you can share in these enormous profits. Earnings of C per cent monthly on your money right now, and your checks are mailed to you twice every month. In vestigate this proposition today. It ia the best oil opportunity of the age. You don't buy stock and depend upon company man agement, bat you receive a deed to land, and and your checks begin coming twe weeks after you purchase. Look this up Bow. Start your investigation today. Write or wire and we will mail yon full particulars. map, blue print, etc. , Stacy, Orr & Company IT E. Third St Tulsa, Okie.