If Ella Fleishmart Adelaide Kennerly it . XA1 I UK CLUBBOl Monday Omaha Woman's club, political and social science department. Metropolitan club, 2:30 p. m. All Saints' Red Cross , auxiliary, parish house, 9 a. m. - ' Equal Franchise society, Y. W. C A., 3:30 p.m. t Tuesday Omaha Woman's club, public speaking department, 10 a. m.; current topics, 2 p. m.; psy chology department, 4 p. m. Business Woman's council. Audi torium, 11:30 a, m. to 1:30 p. m. South Omaha Woman'i club, Mrs. S. G. Shrigley, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Business Woman'i dub, Y. W. C A 6:15 p. m. Wednesday W.'C T, U, Francis Willard un ion, Mrs. Charles Bauer, host ess, 2 p. in. " Omaha woman's club, Red Cross auxiliary, Baird building, 9 a. m.; art department, 10 a. m. Miller Park Mothers circle, Red Cross auxiliary, 10 a. m. Y. W. C A. Athletic club, dinner party, Miss Dora Alexander, hostess, 6:30 p. .-', Begabmis club, Y W. C. A 6:15 p. m. ' Mrs.' St Clair Stobart, lecture for Serbian relief, Fontenelle, 8 p. m. Trinity Parish Aid, parish house, 10 p. m. 1 W. C. T. U.. Omaha union, Y, W. C A., 2:15 p. m. Thursday . Omaha Woman's club, music de partment, 2:30 p. m. ' ... J. F. W. club, luncheon, Mrs. Roger Holman, ' hostess, 1 p. m. Association o( Collegiate Alumnae, drama section, Mrs. Stephen Davies, hostess, 4 p. m. Wyche Story Tellers' league, pub lic library, 4:15 p. ttu Friday j t Trinity Cathedral auxiliary of Episcopal church, parish house, 2 p. m, : , ' . Lowe Avenue church, missionary society, Mrs. A. R. Wells, host ess, 11 a. m. -Association of Collegiate Alumnae, executive meeting, Fontenelle, 4 p. m. of Collegiate Alumnae, general meeting, Fontenelle, 2:30 p.. in,' ;' : ,! Omaha Woman'i Club. ; ; ' Mrs. Williahi C Burleson of Web ter City, la., will speak at the meet ing of the political and social science department Monday at 2:30 p.m. in Metropolitan club. The speaker is one of the chairmen of the conserva tion' committee of the Iowa Federa tion of Women's clubs. She is one of the organizer and first vice president of the Red Cross chapter of Hamilton eounty,, Iow3 i She will speak on her war work. Mr. and Mrs. Burleson are the guests while in Omaha of Mr. and Mrs. Bert' Biker.' .:.'" ..-., :r.--C.- Dr. Selig Hecht, professor pf chem istry at Crjighton Medical college, will address the members and T. E. Brady will, talk on exemption work, and will answer questions relative to this tubjecO'-" i v - 1 A study of Nebraska will be the feature or the meeting of the current topics meeting at 2 p. m. Tuesday. The Bible study will consist of chap ter 4 in the book of Mark. A test of hearing will be given by Dr. D. E. Jenkins at the meeting of the physchology department at 4 p. m. Tuesday; -; .;. ; ' .v . The Red Cross auxiliary, will meet Wednesday all day at the new Ma sonic temple, There is now room for 50 more women, Mrs. M. E. Miller is instructor. i ' . . ' . . , . A program of Indian music will be given Thursday at 2:30 p. m. by the music department Mrs, Ray J. Ab bott'has the afternoon in charge. Miss ' Nelle Ryan, Camp Fire Girlsr guard- ' Advance Showing of 7 NEW, SPRING MILLINERY You are sure to find a hat that suits your ideas in these new spring styles. Your inspection invited. F M. SCHADELL 1522 DOUGLAS STREET. "TIZ" GLADDENS SORE, TIRED FEET No puffed-up, burning, tender, aching ftetno corns . " or callouses. "Kapprl ' - H.pprt I Vm TIT" "Tis" makes sore, burning, tired feet fairly dance with delight. Away go the aches and pains, the corns, callouses, blisters, unions and chil- blains. ! " vV' "Tiz" draws out the acids and poi sons that puff up your feet. No mat. ter how hard you work, how long J'ou dance, how far you walk, or how ong you remain on your feet, "Tiz" brings restful foot comfort.- "Tit" is magical, ; grand, wonderful for tired, aching, swollen, smarting feet Ahl how comfortable how happy you feeL Your feet Just tingle for joy; shoes sever hurt or seem tight. Get a 2$-ent box of "Tiz" now from any druggist or department atore. End foot torture f forever wear smaller shoes, keep your feet fresh, sweet and happy. Just think I a whole year's foot comfort for only 25 cents Advertisement Women Organize for 4 Liberty Loan Drive r A4 J frs. T. P. Reynolds Largely the same organization as in the last campaign is the women's committee for the third Liberty loan drive. Mrs. E. M. Fairfield is chair man; Mrs. T, P. Reynolds, Mrs. W. S. Blackwell and Mrs. E. M. Syfert, vice chairmen; Mrs. Luther Drake and Mrs. W. A. C. Johnson, treas urers, and the following complete the executive committee: Mesdames George A. Joslyn, John L. Kennedy and Frank W. Judson. fan, will appear in costume. Henry Cox's string orchestra will give Mr. Cox's arrangement of Omaha tribal melodies. 1 he little Misses Janice Jeffries and Lois Finck will give an Indian dance. ' ' The' religious pictures of Guido Rent and the works of Salvator Rosa will jbe studied by the art department Wednesday morning at 10 o clock. "At the puolic speaking department at 10 a. m Tuesdjty there will be readings and speeches made by the members for criticism by other mem bers. Prof. Puis will be in charge. Church Societies. t Trinity Parish Aid society holds its regular meeting Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in i the parish house. Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock the womB meet in the First Presbyte rian rhurch to sew for the Nebraska ase hospital. Trinity cathedral branch of the Episcopal Woman's auxiliary meets Friday; at 2 o'clock in the parish house.' The March meeting of the Mis sionary society of Lowe Avenue Presbyterian church will be held Fri day at the home of Mrs. A. R. Wells, 3629 Lincoln boulevard. Thf hour of the meeting is 11 a. m. and lunch will be served by the committee. In the afternoon study of the text. "An African Trail," will be, continued. The society has decided to do Red Cross work in connection with their meetings. , ., ; A food sale wilt be held Thursday at the David 5 Cole creamery by women of All Saints' church. Mrs. O. B. Williams, Mrs. C. W. Haller and Mrs. J. V. ; Trimble will have charge of the sale. A specialty of home-made doughnuts will be made. South Omaha Woman's Club. The annual meeting and election of officers will be held Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F, C. Shrigley, 3922 South Twenty-third street denson Woman'a Club. The Woman's club meets Thurs day in the city hall assembly room in an open meeting for all women, as the program, consisting of reviews of "War Brides" and- "Mr. Britling Sees WHITE EAGLE'S Indian Oil, Known a RATTLESNAKE. OIL The Aid Indian romcAv tnr th inn of rheumatism, catarrh hay fever, sore and swollen joints. Btiff muscles. all kinds of pain, croup and diph theria, tonsilitis. Used by the Indians ior ounareas or years, ana always been known for its great drawing qualities. Won't blister, perfectly harmless, penetrates without rubbing. This great Oil will limber you up and do awav with Vftiii r)ianm.ftom J 9 ------ J - IWVUMI.WIHU nuu pain. Just one application and your pain is gone. Will penetrate through the thickest of nl Ipnthor in a seconds, and the only medicine of this wna wai nas ever oeen placed in the market. Relief and a cure awaits you. Thoutaadi of peopl will testify how thf hava been relieved and cured by thia won- ucnui new vii. in a new venlon. Every bot tlt ia suaranteed to alve perfect aatiafao tlon or money refunded. Sold by all drug. ft B centa per bottle. DrotgLU aup. phed by Richardion Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Advertuement Wis tlw War By Preparing the Land, Sewing tha Seed and Produc ing Bigger Crops. To get the ery best remits take Dr, Humphreys' "Seventy-seven" at the first soeeu or shiver. ,STentyTen" breaks cp Colds Oat hang on-Crip. All Drug Stores, When Buying Advertised Goods Say You Read of Them in The Bee OH 'P", fF ' : ' V I I V (S0LBS it Through," will be followed by a talk by Miss NellietFarnsworth. Mrs. J. T. Pickard is in charge of the program. i Suffrage Organizations. A general meeting of the Equal Franchise society will be held Mon day at 3:30 o'clock in the Young Men's Christian association. The third lecture in the series being given by Dr. Fred Morrow Fling on "Prob lems of the Peace Settlement," will be given Friday night in the court house on "The Hapsburg Monarchy and the Balkans Collegiate Alumnae Notes. The drama section of the Associa t'tnn nf flnllpciate Alumnae will meet Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Stephen Davies. Miss Helen Kobmson will be leader tor tne atter noon. , The executive committee vll meet Friday at 4 o'clock at the Fontenelle. A general meeting ot the associa tion will be held Saturday at 2:30 in the Fontenelle. Miss Gladys Goodman will btf host ess for the meeting of the Rockford college club Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock. Business Women's Council. t The council will meet in the Audi torium Tuesday noon. Luncheon will be served from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p. m hv the women of the Dundee Pres byterian church. Rev. F. E. Pamp of the Swedish Mission t church will speak. Social Clubs. ' v- Mrs. Roeer Holman will be the hostess at a 1 o'clock luncheon for the J. F. W. dub at her home on Thursday. W. C.'T. U. Meetings. Omaha Women's Christian Tem perance union will hold a business meeting Wednesday at 2:15 o'clock in the Young Women's' Christian asso ciation. union at 2 p. m. Wednesday at the home ot Mrs. Charles , Bauer, sjiu North Twenty-fifth street, Mrs. George Covell will speak on "Fran chise:" Mrs. H. C. Sumney will give a report of the national suffrage con vention held in wasnington mis win ter and the anti-suffrage petition in Nebraska, and Mrs. E. B. Cowle will explain what the ballot has done for Kansas.. x-. ' At the m d-vear executive meeting of "the ' Woman's Christian Temper ance union, which took place at Lin coln February 20. state general offi cers, superintendents and county pres-4 idents from oU counttet in weDraska were present, i Decision was made to hold the state convention in Fremont, the last four days of September. Mrs. Martraret Munns. national treasurer, will be invited to be the speaker. The support of the women will be given to the suffrage association in the effort being made to retain partial suffrage. ' in response from reauest irom na tional officers that prohibition states help sister ; states who are holding campaigns this year, it was decided tnat XNeorasKa give me am oi biicm plans and finances to Nevada. Miller Park Mothers' Circle, v - ,The Red Cross auxiliary meets every Wednesday from 3 to 5 p. m. at th school. Two rooms are now open. Any one interested is invited to help. At Old People's Home. Rev. Jacob Stopford of Hirst Me morial Methodist church will conduct services at the Old People's home, Sunday at 3:30 o'clock. North Side Mothers' club. 1 At the meeting Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Crocker. 2423 Manderson street, the roll call will be answered by facts, about Omaha. Frtl!OwinK is the program: "Omaha Past and Present," Mrs. C. J. Zeibarth; htory telling, Miss Grace Dr., Lee W. Edwards, 24th and Faraam, wishes to call the public's attention to tho Chiro practic talk on Pago 8-A. , CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS Tells How to Get Quick Relief from Head Colds. It's Splendid 1 In one minute your clogged nos trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry ness. No struggling for breath at r:SaItsTine(6r' ii . mg Ach We eat too much meat which clog Kidneys, then v tho Back hurts , Most neoule foreet that the kid neys, like the bowels, get sluggish and clogged and need a flushing occasion ally, else we have backache and dull misery in the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, acid stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. You simply must keep your Kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good drug store nere, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water - before breakfast for a few dava arid vour kidneys will then act j fine. This famous salts is made from Miner; civilian relief work, Mrs. Stu art Johnston, Mrs. A. C. Tennant wili lead current topics discussion; Mrs. J. R. Cain will give a voca' solo. Miss Alice Crocker a piano solo and an in strumental solo will be given by the Misses Mildred Parks and Alice Crockfer. ; Social Settlement Directors tf the Social , Settlement association wilt hold a board meeting at the Young Women's Christian as sociation Wednesday at 10 a. m. ' Wyche Story Tellers' League. Miss Edna Durland will be leader at the meeting in the public library at 4:15 Thursday. The Misses Fannie Brown and Georgia Cline will tell stories. T. W. C. A, Notea. Her. W. O. Anderion of Calvary Baqtlit church will apeak at the veaper aervloea thia afternoon at :0 o'clock. C. C. Lang will alng aolo. The Bualneaa Women'a elub meets Tuea day evening at the Toung Women'a Chrla tlan aMoclation for supper at 1:16. Colonel T. W. McCullough will speak on "Modern Journalism." A aolo will be given by Mies Bess Wataon. Miss Mabel Ksndls Is leader. The Wegfaf olub will hold an Important meeting Friday evening at the Young Wo men's Christian association. New plans will be discussed, supper to ba served at 1:11. The Bagahmls club will hold a regular meeting Wednesday evening. Supper will ba served at The Toung Woman's Christian association has new French classes starting now. New classes In home nursing will begin as soon as snough registrations are In. A certificate from the Red Crosa to those who success fully pass the examination In home nursing entitles the bearer to entrance to some of, the Omaha hospitals, where practical train ing In nursing may be obtained. . The Business Women's auxiliary to the Red Cross meets every Thursday - evening from T to I u'cloek to make surgical dress ings. Come and help. The Pleasant Hour Red Cross auxiliary meets every Thursday afternoon from i to 8 o'clock la the domestic science rooms of the Toung Women's Christian association. All girls and women working In homes are nrged to join. Miss Dora Alexander will entertain the Athletlo olub at supper Wednesday evsnlng at :30 at her home. 111 South Thirty-slxtb street Register at the office by Tuesday. Camp Fire girls have started a movement to "adopt" Red Cross nurses in Europe in the same way that the soldiers have been "adopted." The nurse, many of them stationed hear the firing line and remote from cities and towns, will be supplied with little necessities such as handkerchiefs, towels, toilet articles, jdainties for convalescents or whatever they need. WHEN YOU WAKE UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash the poisons and toxin from system before putting more food Into stomach. Wash yourself on the inside before breakfast like you do on the outside. This is vastly more Important because the skin pores do not aDsorD impuri ties into the blood, causing illness, while the bowel pores do . . Forevery ounce of food and drink taken into the, stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material must be car ried out of the body. . If this waste1 material is not eliminated day by day it quickly ferments and generates poisons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should suck only nourishment to sustain the body. A splendid health measure is, to drink, before breakfast each day, a glass of real hot water with a tea spoonful of limestone phosphate in it, which is a harmless way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins from the stomach, liver kidneys and bowels; thus cleansing, sweetening and freshening the entire alimentary canal before putting more food into the stomach. A quarter pound of limestone phos phate costs but very little at the drug store, but is sufficient to make any one an enthusiast on inside-bathing. Advertisement UP NOSTRILS night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. , , Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils.' It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothes the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. . It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh Relief eomes so quickly. Adv. the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and is harmless to ilush clogged kidneys and stimu late them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer' irritates, thus ending bladder disorders. ' Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithia-water drink which everybody should take now and then to keep their kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious complications. , A well-known local druggist says he sells lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble. Adv. v H A New Wet Tsx ' . Big, official-looking posters on school bulletin boards uniquely an nounced "1 party given by a high ' school to raise money for a Liberty bond, "War Tax on Letters of Your Name I Payable Thursday Evening at High School Auditorium. Three cents per letter's due, my friend. Please put in bag and bring or send." From the committee in charge there was supplied to each member of the school a tiny khaki-colored bag. This, filled according to the instruc tions on the invitation, constituted the admission fee to a little patriotic program one evening and a jolly good time afterward. i , 1 1 1 i i When Mrs. Bridget Quinn-of Con fer, Pa., heard that the American fartnnVs needed human hair for making "some kind of rope," she promptly wrote to tne war department at Washington offering to give her hair and that of her daughter to the government as a patriotic sacrifice. The number of American travelfng saleswomen has already increased since the commencement of the -war. ' Miss Emma Neis has registered at Seattle for employment in Uncle Sam's service as a skilled shipyard worker. - - Suggestion on Eczema , It will take Just! lew moments to iteo In and ask us what our experience bat ' been la the way of grateful customers . with the soothing trash of oils, D. D. D. ' sse, toe and $1.00. Tout montv bach . unless the first bottle relieves you. Ask today. Shsrman A MoConnell Drug Co. Discovered Cure For Asthma A Kansas . Chemist Discovered Simple Horn Remedy for Asthma and ' Makes a Generous Offer. Mr. 3. D. Lane, a chemist, located at 771 r ... tiu at Mn'i. Km., has discovered simple homo remedy for asthma. To test it he sent some to people wno nao men suf fering from asthma for years and I t their delight they state they were easily cured. Mr. Lane Is so proud of hia discovery and has so much confidence In its ability to cur that ha will send a $1 bottle postpaid to any one who will write for it. Hi offer 1 that he ia to be paid for It If H eurea. The on taking it is to be the Judge and report it effect within ten days after using the rem edy. If you suffer from asthma writ for bottle at once. Bend no money, sour nun and address on a postal card will do. Adv. Former United States Senat0Mason, Pioneer in Pure Food and Drag Legislation, Father of Ratal Free Delivery System Increased His Power and so Much, That He Feels It Ought to Be Made Known to Every Nervous, Run-down, Anaemic Man, Woman and Child. , Opinions of, Dr. Ferdinand York Physician ana Meaicai AUinor; Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physician of Bellevue Hospital (Out door Dept.) New York and the West chester County Hospital; Former Health Commissioner Wm. & Kerr, of the City of Chicago, and others. -What Senator Mason CHICAGO. ILL. GENTLEMEN: V , - . I have often said I would never recommend medicine of any kind. I believe that the doctor's place. However, after the hardest political cam paign of my life, without a chance for a vacation, I had been starting to court every morning with that horrible tired feeling one cannot describe. I was advised to try Nuxated Iron. As a pioneer in the pure food and drug legislation, I was at first loath to try an advertised remedy, but after advising with my medical friends, I gave it a test. The results have been so beneficial in my own case, I made up my mind to let my friends know about it. and you are at liberty to publish this statement if ypu so desire. , I am now 65 " years of age and I feel that a remedy which will build up the strength and increase the power of endurance of one at my age should be known to the world. Yours very truly, Senator Mason's statement la retard to its aealth-etvlnt and strength-buildinr ef- Nuxated Iron V shown to eeveral phy- f,et, and In the interest of the public wet- sicisns whs were requested la (toe their (are I feel it my duty to make known the opinion thereon. , . result of it use. 1 am well past my three- i n V . I ' v.w Bk-.i oor years, and I want to aay that I believe, Dr.' Ferdinand Einr, a Nw Vork Physl- t ph ile,, ,etivit, i. largely elan and Medical Author, aaldi "I heartily d M m personal use of Nuxated ton. FrVm i'owTew.riene. with Nux- JTL in 'hi. anaemic mn and women 1 pal: tn iiesn, BJi .. " MmorT tttti?&E2. PrB. U .Boston physician who ha. Uk. nervoui'dpond. and melancholy. 3-,, Dr. Jame Franeis Sullivan, formerly Phy- risht. A I have said a hundred times over, slcian of BsUevu Hospital (Outdoor Dept.). I regard errsnle iron as the greatest ol all New York, and the , Westchester County strength builders. Hoepiuf, said. "Senator Mason is to be com- Iron is absolutely necessary to enable your mended on handing out this statement on blood to change your food Into living tissue. Nuxated Iron tor public print. There are without it. no matter how much or what thousands of men and womea who need a rou oat, your food merely passes through strength and blood builder but do not knew you without doing yon any good. You don't what to take. In my own opinion there ia et the strength out of it, and as a Anse- nothing better than erganle iron Nuxated quenco you become weak, pale and sickly Iron for enriching the blood and helping looking. Just like a plant trying to grow in to Increase the strength and endurance of a. soil deficient in iron " men and women who burn up too rapidly p,. Schuyler C Jaques. Visiting Surgeon their nervous energy in tho strenuous strain 8t EjjMbetb'a Hospital, New York City, ot the great business competition of the ioi nav, never before given out any day." ' medical information or advice for publica- tion, a 1 ordinarily do not believe in it Former Health Commissioner Wm. K. gut the ease of Nuxated Iron I feel I Kerr, of the City of Chicago, aay si "I have wouid ae remiss, in my duty not to men. taken Nuxated Iron myself and experienced tioa jt j naT, taken it myself and given KOTB Nuxsted Iron, hich nts used M Benater Sin "r1"- nijh, trlbed so reoonunfixM sbne b phystetaiie Is net a secret rcaudv. but one "UK ts wll known to drs slSswywhere. Unlike the elder uiorssat Iro product, tt Is essllr s-imll.ted and does not Injur, the Eh. mKe them WscS nor npeet the stomech. The msaufecturers piarantet isueesrJ I end 1 entlrel ( fwt raulu to eery purcfa.mr or the will refund rour awaer. It ts disposed to Shermsa 4 U Cuaosll Orus Co., and aU oad AuMlsU. AdrerUsasMot PE-RU-NA was Me When All Other Efforts Failed Mrs. C. E. Taylor, R. R. No. 1, Box 84, Dillon, S. C, writes: "I suffered twe years with eatarrh of the head, stomach and bowel, and tried two of the best doctors. They gave me up, they could not do me any good. After which 1 tried Peruna, and now I can truthfully y that I am well. When 1 started the use of Peruna I Only weighed one hundred pound, and now I weigh one hundred and fifty' pound. I cannot prize it too high, for I think it i a Godsend to me and I advise all sufferers to take Peruna. When I had taken about ene-half of a bottle I could feel some relief, and by the time I had taken one dosen bottle! I. was well." YOU'RE LOOKING YOUNGER EVERY DAY, MOTH Gray, faded hair turned beautifully dark and lustrous almost over night, is a reality, if you'll take the trouble to mix sage tea and sulphur, 'but what's the use, you get a large bottle of the ready-to-use tonic, called "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Com pound" at drug stores here. Millions of bottles of "Wyeth's" are sold an nually, says a well-known druggist, because it darkens the hair so nat urally and ?venly that no one can tell it has happened. You just dampen a sponge or soft brush with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur and draw it through your hair, taking one small strand at a time. Those whose ham is turning gray, becoming BEE WANT.ADS ARE Says Nuxated (Iron Endurance if . . King, New: V Says- V ( 7 0M$$ a Godsend to 'I Can Truthfully Say That! AM WELL Those who object to liquid medi cines can secure Peruna tablet. faded, dry, scraggly and thin, have a surprise awaiting them, because aftei just one application the gray hair vanishes and your locks become lux uriantly dark and beautiful. ' This is the age of youth, gray haired, unattractive folks aren't want ed around, so get busywith the Sage and Sulphur tonight and youll be amazed, at your youthful appearance , aiui the real beauty and healthy con dition of your hair within a few days. Inquiry at drug stores here shows that they all sell lots of "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur" and the folks using it are enthusiastic. This preparation is a delightful toliet requisite. It Is not intended for the cure, mitigation or prevention of disease. Adv. BUSINESS BOOSTERS. 'Mr ' V --wis: p -i it to my patients with most surprising and satisfactory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and endurance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." From the Congressional Directory nun liahed by the United State Government "Wm. . Mason, Senator from Illinois, was elected to the 50th Conae'S in 1887, to the 1st Congress in 1891 defeated for the S2d Congress, 1892 elected Sena tor to the 5th Congress, 187 to 1B0I." 8enator Mason ia now Congressman -from the State of IUInols.v Senator Mason's championship of Fur Food and Drug legislation, his fight for the rural free 'delivery system and hia strong advocacy of all bills favoring labor and the right of the masse aa against trusts and combine make him a national figure at Washington and endeared him to the hearts of the working men and the great masses of people throughout the United States. Senator Mason haa the distinction ot being one of the really big men of the nation. Hi etrong endorse ment of Nuxated Iron must convince any intelligent thinking reader that It most be preparation of very great merit ana one which the Senator feels is boun to be of great value te the masses of peo ple everywhere, otherwise he could not afford to lend hie name te it, especially after hia strong advocacy ot pure food and drugs legislation. 1 1