THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 9. 1918. rr ID . - i i one kBafe d bit d he :k an? ioned takers ar and 59c n shoe .25 m;- a val if wet 25c Union! lttons I sum-! 39ci Vests, also hi all 59c Thiri rka Hid ooks; i and regu- .98 j " Pais Hand .00 39c tated, .98 a ) lars. 2n col Zo all ded. ; Seeoad at 59c Jiary Offer Hose, also fiber silk, in hk, full fashioned and seam 18, toea and soles; ex- EQ,, .. Children'. Silk Litle Hoe; fine ribbed; fast colors in black, white nd new tan; extra fine CA quality; a pair at OtrC fcoys' ' and Girl' and Infant' Black Cat Brand Hosiery in black and white only; fine ribbed; spliced heels and toes; all Qg sizes, a pair at ........ OC Floor Jndterwear le Bo I j Union Suits for women, in pes; regular sizes, jj gQ AAA tefwr- $1.7 D rr d am m L Women's Fine Cotton Lisle Vests; comfy' cut; hemmed tops; also pretty lace yokes; all sizes; very special values, each at OOC Womcp's Fine Lisle and Cotton Union Suits; perfectly made; nar row shoulder straps; open or tight . knee styles; extra values; sizes 34 to 44 ; special, a 7 E suit at OC Floor lie Sale of Ribbons RibBons at 19c Saturday of this Ribbon offering j Warp Prints, Ay2 inches wide ; a rtment for the price; regardless re will offer at this sale 1 Q :d; Sa turday, a yard at .... ' " Main Floor. welry Offerings - Jewelry Military Wrist Watch, rado ,Ute dial, Kitchener strap; a ,fy fine time- $5 QQ piece; special at. .y'vrv' We also have the genuine Ingersoll Radolite Dial Wrist $4.50 High Grade Military Wrist Watch, Kitchener strap, ra dolite dial, unbreakable crys tal; a high grade time piece, fecial $10.00 Ladies' Solid Gold 10 Karat Wrist Watches; 15 Jewelled Lever Movement; solid gold bracelet and case; a very $20.00 Sterling Silver Lingerie Clasps, special at 25c Main ouses In Broad Variety f Smart Styles pie, yet fascinating charm that Blouses for Spring possess, i selljn c exceptional values, every Dress Blouses, $5 to $8.95 New Georgette Crepe Blouses, in all the new colorings and very beautiful styles. Fascinating in fheir daintiness and extreme charm in a wonderful variety of styles. Floor . The Specialty Shop for Misses and Small Women Make Some Exceptional Offerings for Saturday EVERY WOMAN KNOWS that "youthful" lines are the feature to be desired above alMn garments for spring and the "jeune f ille" idea is car- A "y for Saturday Specials Solid Gold Spot Pins; two small circles; hand engraved; special, aatpa" .$1.00 Baby's Solid Gold Cross and Chain or Locket and Chain; tfjO Aft special at Solid Gold Brooches, $2.50 value, special $1.00 Filled Baby Locket 69c at Finest Gold and Chain; special at v Finest Gold Filled Chain .with Solid Gold Pendant, fl 1 A A special at V JL VSV Floor for Spring one. & ried out so well in every Suit presented here, that this Specialty Shop, in little more than a year has attained a supremacy which it would have taken years and years to build under less inviting conditions. New Serge and Jersey Dresses At $13.75 All new, fascinating spring models, and we , use the term, fascinating advisedly, despite the little price that we quote. They are simple in their lines, but extremely charming the vogue of the hour. New Spring Coats. $16.50 to $29.00 Shown in Covert, Gabardine, Poiret Twill and Velour modest in the prices we quote, but extraordinary in the values you receive. In black and white checks. New Spring Suits, $25.00 to $60.00 From the very simple to the more ornate and elaborately made Suits, we have styles to meet the requirements of all women a showing of suits that is most complete in every way. Shown in Serge, Gabardine, Poiret Twill and Shepherd Plaids. Also the beautiful Velvet Suits that are so rich and handsome. Second Floor 300 Suits for Boy s, t f, 2 Pair Pants $8.50 to $10.00 Values-Saturday, $7.50 HALF OF THIS lot are sample suits from a prominent maker, the balance are short lots from our regular stock, ex cellent materials and finely finished. Some with two pairs of pants and others with single pairs. Smart new styles, in Tweeds, Cassimeres and Worsteds, many pants with double seats and knees; sizes 6 to 17 years. Get one now and save the difference which the increase in price will bring later on. Student's Suits, at $16.50 Special Group for Saturday Suits snappily styled for studentswell tailored and very unusual values at the price we quote. Just the type of Suits young students like plenty of "pep" to them differ ent from the general run and made to wear satisfactorily. TWO PAIR OF TROUSERS INSURES LONG SERVICE. i Materials are Tweeds and Velour fabrics; both absolutely reliable weaves; patterns smart and tasteful. A REAL QUALITY SUIT AT A VERY LOW PRICE. Ask for Two-Trouser Student Suits sizes 32 to 36 waist. Second Floor, Men'. Bldg. Neckwear Ladies' Dres. Sets, in satin, net and Swiss, Tuxedo col lars and caffs in satin, net lace trimmed; very neat col- , lar and cuff sets; special, a set at 696 Pique and Swiss Embroidered Collar and Cuff Sets; also dainty lace trimmed; latest models, a set at 50d Main Floor. Handkerchiefs Women's Excellent White Mer cerized Lawn Handkerchiefs; fancy embroidered corners; many with initials; worth 10c and 12c; special, E each at C Women's Cotton and Sheer Cambric Handkerchiefs; plain and fancy embroidered cor ners; also extra -quality of plain linen handkerchiefs; worth up to 19c; spe- i o 1 cial, each at l-i2C Women's Silk Crepe Handker chiefs; a large assortment of colors; extra good quality; worth 25c; special, 1 C each at vC Men's Excellent Quality o'f Cot ton and Mercerized Handker chiefs; plain and fancy colored borders; worth up to 19c; special, 1 Olr each at SPECIAL Men's .All Pur. Linen Handkerchiefs, neatly hemstitched; extra quality; special, ' IQn each at J.l Main Floor ; - I brandeis Stores Suit, Dress, Coat and Millinery Saturday Offerings Untrirnmed Hats A line of black and colored pol ished strawsin old-fashioned pokes rseal crowned sailors; mushroom hats rolled up in the back'; straight plain sailors in fact, all the new shapes, in black, gray, purple, sand and the new shades of blues. ! Prices $1.50 and $1.98 Flower Trimmings are very well thought of at the present mo ment and especially wreaths; we have a r7Qg QtO EA very fine line of wreaths from I M Trimmed Hats All the new shapes including sailors, mushrooms, pokes, etc., faced with Georgette Crepe trimmed in Cire ribbons, flower wreaths, lac quered quills and burned Ostrich Pom Poms; smart bows of ribbon in all colors and positively the best values we have dE A A shown for a long time ....J.. PJ.W J' In Our Misses' and Children's Section we have just received a large assort ment of hats for girls, 4 to 12 years of age, consisting of colored Milan hemps, liseres both for school and dress wear. The shapes are principally pokes, mush rooms and sailors; a wonderful selection in all the new col-Qf CA CC Aft ors and shapes,' at yl3Uto$v.UV -S.cond Floor : FRENCH MINISTER BARES KAISER'S CONQUEST PLAN. i m. French Foreign Minister Stephen Pichon has made public documents which prove the German govern ment's determination to force war on France, and also that Berlin demand ed the fortresses of Toul and Verdun as a guarantee of French neutrality in the war with Russia. "We have known only recently the authenticity of these documents," said the foreign minister. On July 31, 114, von Schon, German ambas sador to France, was charged in a telegram from Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg, to notify us of a state of danger of war with Russia, and to ask us to remain neutral. What was un known to us was that the telegram from the German chancellor con tained these instructions: , "If the French government declares it will remain neutral your excellency will be good enough to declare that we must, as a guarantee of its neu trality, require the handing over of the fortresses of Toul and Verdun: that we will occupy them, and will restore them after the end of the war with Russia." GERMAN SWORD TO BRING PEACE Kaiser Declares "Complete Victory" Duetto Interven tion of God in Affairs of Teuton People. i Amsterdam, March 8. In reply to congratulations from Philip Heineken, director of the North German Lloyd steamslTip line, Emperor William has sent the following telegram: "The German sword is our best pro tection. With God's help it will also bring us peace in the west, and, in deed, the peace which, after much dis tress and many troubles, the German oeoole need for a hanoy future." The emperor detailed his gratitude at greater length in a message to the vice president of the Keichstag, say "& .. i , "The complete victory fills me with gratitude. It permits us to live again one of those great moments in which we can reverently admire God's hand in history. What turns events have taken is by the disposition of God. Praises Great Generals. "The heroic deeds of our troops, the successes of our great generals and the wonderful achievements of those at home have their roots in moral forces and in the categorical imperative which has been inculcated in our people in a hard school. They will also carry us through in a de cisive and final battle to victory. "In the great tasks upon which the conclusion of peace, reconstruction and the heaiing of the wounds of war will set us, i desire my people to rely on the historical experience that unity means strength. May our people face the new time and its tasks with I strong sense of the realities, with un bending faith in itself and its mission and with strong, patriotic and proud joy in the faiherland bound to me and my house by old and proved bonds of mutual trust. "I do not doubt that a rich, strong and happy people will arise out of the storms and tacnhces of this, time. "Gypsey" Smith to U.S. - On Friendship Mission London, March 8. "Gypsey" Smith, well-known English preacher and evangelist, who made a tour of the United States about 10 years ago. has been asked by the British gov ernment to go to the United States on a special mission to help draw England and America closer to gether. He will go as the represent- auve oi tne cnusu xoung Mens Christian association. New Nevada Food Head. Washington. March 8. H. A. Lem mon of Reno, Nev., today was made food administrator for Nevada, suc ceeding Henry M. Hoyt, resigned on account of illness. ' Mr. Lemmon is secretary of the State Council of De fense. He will give his entire time as a volunteer to war work. cuiicupa Quickly Heals EczemasJIaslies; nchings and Irritations In the treatment of all skin troubles bathe freely with Cuti cura S6ap and hot water,' dry gently, and apply Cuticura Oint ment to the . affected parts. These fragrant super - creamy emollients tend to prevent little skin troubles becoming serious if used for every-day toilet pur poses. ' , For sample of each free by mail ad- Aran post-card: "Cuticura, Dept. 22G, Boston." Sold everywhere. Soap 29c. Ointment 25 and 50c., A S7 1 I i si lit ii SAMMIES ROUT GERMAN PATROL; TAKEJAPTIVES Americans, Outnumbered Two - to One, Turn Teutons in Night Clash in No Man's Land. With the American Army in France, Wednesday, March 6. An American patrol of five men three nights ago outfought an enemy patrol of 10 men. They met in No Man? land and the Americans opened fire. The Germans replied and for three minutes there was a sharp skirmish. The enemy re treated, leaving two dead and two wounded Bavarians, who were made prisoner. The American patrol re turned to its own line without having received a scratch. , Stopped in Tracks. - 1 Officers report that despite the fact that the Germans fired many shells to prepare the way for a raid not a single enemy soldier got into position to carry it out, the American auto matic rifles, machine guns and rifles stopping the Germans in their tracks. A naif dozen bombs were dropped behind the American front in the sector northwest of Toul last night by German airplanes, which were looking for ammunition dumos. They Mid not succeed in hitting any of their objectives, however, and none of the bombs dropped caused any casual ties. ,1 Groups of German bombarding air itanea on the way to cities and towns ar behind the lines are passing over the American front almost continu ally. They are greeted by a hot anti aircraft gun fire from the American batteries. ENEMY PREPARES BOX OF TRICKS FORKS. FORCES. With the American Army in France, March 8. The enemy appar ently has something he is planning against our troops in the sector north west of Toul. His camouflage con structions at certain places have sud denly been doubled in height and much work is going on within the enemY line. Last night an American on patrol who understands German heard this conversation within a German trench: "Come here, Iritr, take this pick and pry hat stone loose and then throw that dirt out. Those over there. We work all night to fix things here and they blow them to hell in the daytime." The men in the American ' patrol who made a sudden dash for the American lines from a shell hole near the German trenches where they had been hiding, have explained why they started out m broad daylight on their backward sprint They had lost their way in the dark in No. Man's land and got into the shell hole atter wander ing ; for several hours. Finally the men got hungry and all of them de cided they would rather take a chance with , German bullets than go any longer without food and water. - The sun came out today, drying out the 'ground and the trenches and tht men a udiui viuiuwg. Rain and Colder Weather On Program for Omaha A sharp turn to colder weather in the northwest frriday morning fore- 6hadows a drop in temperature in Omaha, says the weather bureau re port Rain is expected to accompany the cold. It was 10 below aero in western Canada Friday morning. The ice is moving out of the Mis souri river in satisfactory manner, Colonel Welsh says. It is broken up now at Omaha and about . ready to break as far north as Sioux City. "The situation is better now than it has been at any time this spring.' said Colonel Welsh, lhe snow is melting rapidly and the breaking up of the ice in the Missouri river iB pro ceeding in an orderly manner. . If it continues thus there Will be no se rious floods, although a few weeks ago the situation was extremely serious. Transfers Make February 7 Payroll at Fort Omaha Small Officers and men composing the Kirnson at Fort Omaha and stu dents at the balloon school Were paid Thursday. Major Maher of the quar termaster's cepot was paymasteri-The payroll for February was one of the smallest since the entrance of; the United States into the war. . Recent transfers of a large number of men who have completed training in bal loon work is the reason for the small payroll. No new troops have as yet arrived to replace them, but 1,500 men are under orders to report for "duty at Fort Omaha and it is expected "they will arrive within a week. They will come from San Antonio and Waco, Tex., and Vancouver Barracks, Wash ington. ' . - No Further Danger of Coal onuuayc neie, ueaieis oay Danger of any further coal short age in Omaha this winter is over, de clare Omaha railroad freight traffic officials and coal dealers. Coal arrives in Omaha regularly, with an abun dance of all kinds except anthracite. Dealers says efforts are being made to obtain next winter s stocks at th earliest possible dates. .This is to b done so Omaha will not be caught! short next fall and at a time whe: there will be the great demand for coal shipping cars. Unidentified Man Drops Dead in Billiard Parlor An unidentified man dropped dear at 1 o clock this afternoon in a pool hall at UJi Douglas street. He wa about 60 years old. Heart disease wa the cause of the' death. - Von Meyer Near Death. Boston, March 8. :The condition d George L. Von Meyer, who has bee ill at his home here for several week with a tumor of the liver, was mor serious this morning and physician said there was utile hope his rd .W V V.J. ..