THE BEE: OMAHA, FK1DAY, MAKCH 8, 1918. x 13 HELP WANTED-FEMALE - Professions and Trades. WANTED. HELP IN DOMESTIC DEPT APPLY ,jr 6UPT. BRANEEIS STORES. Saleswomen and Solicitors. WANTED. EXPERIENCED SALESWOMEN IN MILLINERY, , CLOAK. SUIT AND WAIST DEPARTMENTS. APPLY TO ; 8CPT. BRANDEIS STORES. WANTED EXPERIENCED MILLINERY SALESLADIES. APPLY MR. T. F. LIND. HATDEN BROS. (100 A MONTH up, M bright compentent ladle with ability In out-door aollcltlng. exceptional opportunity for advancement. Phone Walnut 2818. WANTED Experienced sales lady. Apply Washington Market, 1407 Douglas St. Household and Domestic. REFINED young widow with a 6-year-old child wishes to hear from a middle aged or elderly lady as companion for the child and housework; reasonable wages will b paid. This Is a rare opportunity for some on who Is deserving and looking for a good home. Box 8410, Omaha Bee. WANTED A girl for general housework; no laundry work; references required. Tel. Walnut 540. i COMPETENT girl for general housework; J no washing. Mrs. R. W. Breckenridge. W 8611 Jackson St. WANTED Girl to" work for board and room; good home to right party. Colfax 2938. WANTED A neat young girl to assist with housewoik. Apply Major Poole's quar ters. ' . MAID for general housework; ne laun dry; good wages; pleasant room on the second floor. Telephone Harney 198. COMPETENT white girl for general house work; four In family; good wages. Call Webster 8841. . EXPERIENCED NURSE Well care for invalid In her own home, also nursing. Web. 2100. . WANTED A reliable girl for general housework, laundress kept; good wages. Harney 6072. WANTED A girl for general housework; none but good girl need apply. 2051 N. 19th St. YOUNO Irish girl for general housework. Harney 2643. 4102 Farnam. MAID for general housework; $7 per week; references. Walnut 802. Hotels. GIRL waitress wanted to work In Douglas Lunch Room, 1206 Douglas St Seven hours a day; IS a week. No experience necessary. EDUCATIONAL ; BOYLES COLLEGE. DAY SCHOOL. NIGHT SCHOOL, Every day ts eprollment day. Book keeping, shorthand, atenotypy, typewrit ing, telegraphy, civil aervlcs all commer cial and English branches. Catalogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, ' Douglas 186. ltb and Harney Sta. Van Sant School of Business. Day and Evening scnooia. 820 Omaha National Bank Bldg. t Douglas 6810. FOR RENT ROOMS Furnished Rooms. TO THE WOMEN WHO HAVE ROOMS TO RENT. Remember that the weather conditions for the next few weeks will probably not permit room hunters making an ax tended hunt for rooms. Tuy will stay v? Inslds and watch ths want-ads. If yon V wish your room rented, phone as your ad NOW. Tyler 1000. If YOU want a nice comfortable room la a private family in the Hanseom Park district, a block to the car and twenty five minutes' walk to business center, call Harney 1461 WARM front room with private family in exclusive home. West Farnam district. Harney 4866. ' TWO furnished rooms tor married c6upls or single men. , References required. 1408 South 16th, LARGE front room suitable for two. 1(07 Wirt. Webster 1172. STEAM-HEATED rooms 12 wk., also apt with kltchenet. Ogden Hotel Co. Bluffs. till SOUTH 81ST STREET Front room, on ear line, modern nome. Harney mi. (PLEASANT sleeping room, private mod ern; reasonable; close In. Red 8651, 2218 DOUGLAS Furnished rooms, by week or day; well heated; good location. FURNISHED room, ladles only or couple. call awer e. uougiaa siag, MODERN room for gentlemen; private home; walking distance. Douglas 6236 2623 CAPITOL South front room In mod rn home. Harney 4164. LOVELY front room, 105 S. 29th Ave. Phone Harney 8407. Hou::keeping Rooms. FARNAM, 2822 Three nice housekeeping rooms; electrto light, steam heat, gas range. FIRST floor, modern, southeast suite, Ideal for couple. 4018 Lafayette Ave. Wa.nut 1903. MODERN, well heated, good location; no children. Harney 8664. Board and Room. ATTENTION ROOM HUNTERS! If you fall to find ths room yon desire among these ads call at Tba Be Africa for a Room List. Gives somplete description of vacant rooms in all parts of ths city. New list Issued very week. LARGE BEAUTIFULLY furnished room with all modern conveniences, first floor, southeast exposure; near several car lines. Gentleman preferred. References. 118 8. 26th Ave. Harney J473. WANTED Board and room in private mod rn home' for tubercalar young man; able to be up; 810 per week. Walnut 8759. a ROOM sUdi board for two gentlemen; f large pleasant southeast room, on car line; private borne, Webster 4ti ROOM and board for two young men in re flned widow's home. Good homo cooking, modern, on car line. Webster 6040. Board and Room Wanted. .WANTED Board and room In private mod- . era home for tubercular young man; able ' to be up; 810 per, week. Walnut 2769. Unfurnished Rooms. HEATED ROOMS, CRriGHTON BLOCK. World Realty Co.. Douglas (141. Sun Theater Bldg. Hotels. CLAREMONT INN, 17th and Jackson, tran sient guests, $1 a day; permanent guests. $6 week. Douglas 2726. FOR RENT HOUSES North. 1-ROOMS, modern, 26th and Caldwell, 814. Turklngton. Miscellaneous. -ROOM, all modern house, close In, $46. JOHN J. MULVIHILL (Realtor). 100 Brsndels Theater Bldg. Phone Doug. 98 HOUSES . IH ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. CREIGH SON8 CO.. BEB BLDO. FOR COLORED. . 7 rooms, $16; T rm. modern $28.00. JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 664. MICE 2-room cottage, city water and electric light. $. Harney 4262. SHOP EN CO.. RENTALS. Douglas 4226 FOR RENT APARTMENTS West I COLLEGE TERRACE. New apartments. Just finished, with all tha latest features and conveniences firs proof throughout, $26 and $40. Located southeast corner 23d and California Sta.. or call OSBORNE REALTY CO., 701 Omaha Nat'l Bank Bldg. Tyler 498. BKAUT1FUL 2-room and bath apartment walking distance, in tins location. i no winter. Douglas 2MB. HAMILTON A PTS - Klr proof . ;tn Fer nm; 1 to 6 rms. with kitchen. D. 1472. FOR RENT APARTMENTS West. APARTMENTS FOR RENT WEST FARNAM DISTRICT ' , A few beautiful apartments, with every modern convenience, in a brand new, tire proof building, located West Farnam dis trict, close to two car lines. Ranging In price from $66 and up. Building has storage space, modern laun dry equipment and room tor servants; steam heated garage at rear. For families who desire nice surroundings and all modern condolence, these apart ments will prove most attractive. Inspection can be arranged by telephoning - MR. A. S. BURR. An.' work day at Douglas 2928, between 8 a. m. and 6 p. m. North. 4-ROOM apt. and sunroom, steam heated, 831.60 and 136. 1816 Maple St Red 682. South. HEATED APARTMENTS. I Rooms, "Ths Hudson." 207 South 26tb Ave., summer, 240; winter, $60. 8 Rooms, 210 South 26th Ave., summer, $40; winter. $46. BENSON ft MEYERS CO., Realtors, 424 Omaha Nat'l. Bsnk Bldg. Doug. 746. Miscellaneous. FLATS ALL MODERN. 1113 N. 23d, rooms $20.00 215 N. 25th, T rooms $32.60 ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 1636. 233 Securities Bldg. PETERS TRUST CO. Specialist in Apartment management. FOR RENT Business Prop'ty FOR RENT Beat location In city for drug store, new brick building, J, J. Cameron. R7 BrandeU Theater Bldg. Tel Doug. . 7980. Stores. FINE new store room and basement at 27th and Leavenworth St. Steam heat. For particulars see Conrad Young, 822 Bran, dels Theater Bldg. Doubles 1671. MODERN store near postofflc. 260; modern tore room on 16th, near pnstoffice, low rent O. P. Stebblns, 1810 Chicago. NEW store for rent at 24th and Farnam, fine location. Call D. 1472. Office and Desk Rooms. CONSIDER the Bee building when choos ing offices. It Is time well spent. Key stone Investment Co. Tyler 121. OFFICES, $20 per month and up. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG., FIRST TRUST CO.. Agta. Tyler 600. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished Apartments and Houses. WHAT HAVE YOU FOR RENT In the way of four, five or Six-room mo ern, up-to-date apartments T Preference will be given to those in better districts of ths city. Want to deal direct with own ers. No sgents. TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 1018. BUNGALOW April 1, West Farnam or Dun dee preferred. Walnut 281. Miscellaneous. WANTED To rent, a stenotype in good condition; not particular about model. Box 3619, Bee. MOVING AND STORAGE METROPOLITAN VAN & STORAGE CO. Owned and operated by Central Furni ture store; office on Howard St. between 16th and 16th. Phone Tyler 2400. Have your movtng handled just as you would an order for new furniture. That's the way we do it Ask to see our daily rental lists. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE. Separate locked rooms for household goods and pianos; moving, packing and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 806 S. 16th. Douglas 4163. FREE service FIDELITY Phons Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apart ments. Also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson Sts. Globe Van and Storage Co. For real service In moving, packing and storing call Tyler 230 or Douglas 4338. JP PPTr'ri Express Co., Moving. . J. SXEjEjL Packing and Storage. 1207 Farnam St Web. 2748. Doug. 6146. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SALE Young unmated Cameaux Pigeons; 75o apiece; Plymouth Rock strain, E. F. Salisbury, Falls City, v,Neb. "OLD TRUSTY" incubators and brooders shipped promptly. Big catalog free. . M. M. Johnson Co., Mfrs., Clay Center, Neb. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. CLOSE-IN, NEAR 27th and Leavenworth 6 rooms and , garage, practically new. Owner leaving city. Living room, dining room, kitchen, oak finish and floors, first floor; three bed rooms, bath and open sleeping porch on 2d floor. Full lot. Pav. paid. GLOVER & SPAIN, Douglas 398?. 919-20 City Nat. Bank. FOR SALE 3 lots N. E. corner 64th and Pacific Sts. Bargain. Inquire J. Wlsler, 4679 Leavenworth St. KOUNTZE PLACE Modern 8-room house, full basement, large lot. close to car. Price $3,350. Norris ft Norrls. D. 4270. MINNE LUSA homes and lots offer the best opportunity to Invest your money. Phone Tyler 187. North. $300 DOWN, $25 PER MO. Just listed, a 4-room, strictly modern bungalow, except beat, only 8 years old. in the north part of town, which can be handled on very easy payments. The price of this bungalow is $2,100 if sold within the next week or ten days. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO. Realtors. 6ST Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. D. 1781. A Real Bargain 6-room modern, $2,350 $600 cash and $25 per month buys a 6-room modern home on 28th avenue, north of Lake St See this at once. J. L. HIATT CO. QflA Fint National Tyler Q 3UU Bank Bldir. VO FOR SALE OR RENT 2.474 Grant St, 8-room house with 2 full size lots, vscant land adjoining for gardening purposes. ' MITCHEL INVESTMENT CO., 24th and Ames St. Col. 217. YOU CAST STEAL THIS. 6-room, fine location; leaving town; come quick. Seward Bros.,, 679 Brandels. D. 8840. A S-R. house, strictly mod., with oak floors and many pleasing features, m&y be bought for $100 cash and $30 mo. D. 3628 days. Miscellaneous. FOR 8ALE Beautiful new 6-room modern white stucco residence on Council Bluffs car line. Handy location for anyone working In Omaha. Very easy 'terms. A. H. Becker, 3206 Ave. A. Council Bluffs. 7-R. HOUSE, close In, lot 60x140, only $2,500; paving paid. W. H. GATES, 847 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. D. 1294. W. FARNAM SMITH ft CO., Real Estate and Insurance. 1320 Farnam 8t Doug, 1064. LET mi show you my brsnd new stucco bungalow: finely finished, excellent loca tion. A real bargain at $3,850. Rea sonable terms. Call Owner. Donglaa 1722 RE 41 ESTATE B'ness Pr'pty H. A. WOLF CO.. RE Ad ESTATE. IN VESTMENTS INSURANCE. ELECTRIC BLDG., TELEPHONE TYLER 85. BUSINESS properties and Investments. . , A. P. TUKET and SON. 620 First National Bank Bldg. M'CAGUE INVESTMENT CO., Income, Business and Trackags Specialist 15th and Dodge Sts. Douglas 416. REAL ESTATE To Exchange FOR EXCHANGE Modern house, I lots and barn,- chicken house; property rents for $36 per month: will put in this prop erty as part pay on good 40 or 80-crs farm. R. B. Shields, Box $68. Vermillion, 8. V.j - . NINE-ROOM. 2 attic. Just finished; 62d and Jonfs St. Price, $13,500. Will take house or lot as part payment Phone Har. 927. REAL ESTATE Unimproved North. VACANT NORTH. Have $ full lots on Plnkney street, south front, at 25th Ave., among beautiful new homes. Priced to sell, can give term. TRAVER BROS. CO.. ' Douglss 6886. 819 First Nat Bk. Bldg, Miscellaneous. LARGE garden lots near car line, paved street. $135 to $195. $1 down. Doug. 6074. REAL ESTATE ACREAGE 5-ACRE TRACT This Is located north of Krug park, having cast frontage on 61d St of 330 ft Improvements consist of new 2-story, T room modern house, having furnace heat, water pressure system, etc., good tiled well with unlimited supply of water, 76 barrel cistern, good chicken house, fine brick arched cave, 1 acres of cherry orchard containing 800 trees, surrounded with 6-foot woven wire fence on red cedar posts, t acres In grapes, acre In young orchard. All fruit three years old, begin ning to bear this year. Land is level, lies high and sightly and Improvements are all new and attractive. This place is clear of all encumbrance and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $8,000. Improve ments alone worth $5,000. $1,000 per acre has been refused for unimproved land ad joining this. Do not fall to look this up If you want something good. GEORGE & CO., Phone Doug. 756. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE Good Acre Three Blocks to Car Line I Price $3,500 This house Is on a fine corner; acre all fenced; has nice young shade trees, 16 fruit trees, currsnts, raspberries, goose berries, strawberries and grapes; also small chicken house; the house is well built, having full cemented basement floor drain, city water, cistern, cesspool and electric lights; all rooms and bath on first floor, newly papered, screens and storm sash for entire house. This can bs bought on terms. Call Tyler 1860 any evening, or Tyler 50 during day, and ask for Mr. Clark. , 20 ACRES just outside city limits on west. mile to car Una with 6o fara to olty. Land lays fins and soil is good. Will di vide if desired. Price Is low and terms can be given, mono Harney sa. A LARGE suburban tract ot ground outside, city limits, near carllna. Ideal place to raise poultry or garden. This Is a 860-ft. frontage for 8510; will sell on easy terms Telephone Walnut 3466. J , ACREAGE Imp. 1 to 40 a,, well located, reasonably priced; terms or cash; some for trade. 211 Brandeta Thea, Mr. Pease. Al ACRE tract; house, garage; well Im proved, $1,250; part cash. Call Doug. 8819. REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN Dundee. DUNDEE BUNGALOW 6-room stucco bungalow, large living room, flreplacs, beamed celling, south front, half block to car; paved street; nice garage; cement drive. Price $4,800. Terms can be arranged. This Is a real bargain. , Benson & Carmichael, , Douglas 1725. (42 Paxton Blk. For Rent Acreage 3 ACRES, with house, near 46th and Har ney, $180 per year. F. D. Wead, 310 S. 18th St , REAL ESTATE WANTED For Sale or Exchange FCR FARM OR RANCH. $60.000 Press brick, close-in business block; Income $5,000 year, on lease; also $9,000 first mortgages, stars buildings and .mtAt.. .Mn..ll. Want lanjf S. S. & R. E. Montgomery, . . . n I . l. .1 1 n.-b OI..m ll wily JtLUUIiai DSIJnY tflUi, Omaha, Neb. IF YOU want cash and will sell cheap, I will buy your cottage, bungalow, house, flat or stores that you do not want; tired of holding or about to lose for want of quick money. Give full particulars In first letter and best prices. P. O. . Box 466. WANT cheap farm land in Neb., S. Dakota or Colorado; have 6-passenger Veils auto in first-class condition (only been used one season) as first payment B. T. Hey den. Phone Walnut 262 or Tyler 60. WE HAVE several good reliable buyers for 5 and 6-room houses and bungalows with $300 to $500 down. Call Osborns Realty Co. Tyler 496. 701 Om. Nat Bank Bldg. HAVE calls fV Dundee homes and would like exclusive listings on a few bungalows and houses from $3,500 to $13,000. C. A. Orlmmel. 849 Om. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. WANT good residence; about 86,000. Will pay one-half cash, balance In good resi dence lots. Box 1792. Omaha Bea. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arkansas Lands. MARCH 19. Our next excursion ' to McGehee. Ark, W. 8. FRANK. 201 NEVILLE BLK. Iowa Lands. FOR SALE, NO TRADE CONSIDERED 50-acrs farm joining the corporation of . Creston, la. Fair Improvements, plenty of water, good fencing, fruit and grove, paved street to the farm. Some rolling, but very productive. Can give five years' time on $5,800. Price $210 per acre. E. GOODMAN, CRESTON, IA. Idaho Lands. FARM for sale, sunny southern Idaho, 8 miles from city ot Boise, 160 acres. , Owner 111. Write for particulars. Hattle E. Young, R. F. D. 8, Boise. Idaho, Canadian Lands. CANADA LANDS. - Any person interested in the purchase of an Improved Canadian farm should see W. A. Smelgrove at the Paxton hotel Thursday, Ilomeseekers' excursion on the 12th. 19th, 26th, or write the Smelgrove Land Co., Reglna, Saskatchewan, for full particulars. Colorado Lands. LOW FARE ROUND TRIP Homeseekers excursion to Colorado points every first and third Tues days. Write for free farm booklet and special land-seekers rates for parties of five or more. Immediate possession and eight years' time on our landa at $ per cent THE TWIN LAKES LAND AND WATER COMPANY. 936 First Nat'l Bldg.. Omaha. WHEAT lands. Kit Carson county, Colorado 812.60 to 813 per acre. Wa control 26 choice quarters. Bend for booklet, cuok Investment Co.. Omaha. Missouri Lands. FARM for sale. 40 acres, 6 miles from railroad, graded road; R. F. D. ; 18 acres in cultivation. Plenty fruit and water. Good house and barn and other outbuild ings. 127 miles south of St Louts. 8800, terms. F. H. Bmlth, Salem, Mo., R. 6, Box 16. GREAT BARGAINS. 65 down, $5 monthly buys 40 acres good fruit snd poultry land, near town, south ern Missouri. Price only $220. Address, Box 282, Springfield, Mo. Michigan Lands. FOR SALE 35,000 acres of Cut-over Hsrdwood Landa LOCATED IN Charlevoix, Antrim, Otsego and Mont morency counties, Michigan. RAILROAD FACILITIES Boyns City, Gaylord ft Alpena, Grand Rapids ft Indiana, and ths Michigan Cen tral railroads. . This land ts so situated that It can be grouped or arranged to suit any pur chaser from a gardener to a cattle ranch. Has good roads, schools, churches and Is accessible to splendid markets both north, south, esst and west. - ONE CATTLE RANCH OF 8,120 ACRES, 608 acres Improved with splendid build ings, well watered. Several hundred head of cattle. All necesssry farm Implements. All the above must be sold soon. - No real estats man connected with this deal or has handling of any of this property. Address sll correspondence to the Mlchl-j gan Truift Company, Receiver for W. H. White Co., Boyne City, Mich. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Nebraska Lands. A REAL RANCH BARGAIN IN NEBRASKA. 8,118 acres Sheridan county, Nebraska, only one mile from Ellsworth, railroad town, has three five-room houses and sta bles for from 200 to 300 cattle, $ walls, fenced and cross fenced, has 6 Potash lakes, wl! cut 1,000 ton of hsy. Possession May 1st. Price $14 per acre. Owner to retain ownership to 10 per cent off all minerals, any other Information, write or call a O. Nordqulst, 322 Novtlla Bldk., Omahs, Neh. k 1.2S0-ACKK ranch In Keys Paha county, 8-room, two-story, full basement dwelling, with furnace: large barn, double corn crib and granary, oattle shed, extra good hen house, two wells and mill, seals and fence. All Improvements new In 191T and worth about 810.000. An Ideal ranch. Must be seen to be appreciated. Pries, $20.00 per acre for quick sale. O. II. Johnson, Norfolk, Neb. 80 ACRES. Morrill Co.. Neb.. 3 miles north Bayard; $0 sores alfalfa, balance under ths plow; 4-room house, barn, wall, fenced, all under government ditch. Pries $12,000; only $ miles beet dump. Land paid tha owner his share rent 1917 ever $1,300. Will take $5,000 cash, balance trad. 8. a Nordqulst $32 Neville Blk.. Omaha. Neb. 68 ACRES Irrigated land, Lincoln county; 6 miles from Hershey; rich Platte val ley land, all undor the ditch: 3-room house, barn and other outbuildings; 9 acres of alfalfa; a bargain at $3,900; cash; possession In March. WHITE HOOVER. A64 Omaha National Bank. CHOICE halt notion eastern Nebraska. Big Improvements, worth $10,000, ;ldeal stock and grain farm, desirable location. A fine tilace to live. Such a farm is seldom of fered for sale. For full Information ad dress Paul Peterson, 364 Brsndels The ater Bldg.. Omaha. Tel. D. 1806. Wal nut 3106. EXCEPTIONALLY good bargain In 820-aore Improved Buffalo county farm, within auto drive of Kearney, Neb.t 860 par acre. C. K. DA VIES, KEARNEY. WRITE me for pictures snd prices my farms and ranches in good Old Dawes County. Arah L. Hungerford. Crawford. Neh. WE HAVE clients who will pay cash for bargains In western lend. Whits Hoover, Omaha National Bank Bldg. KANCHES ot all slses and kinds. ) terms. A. A. Pstsman. 801 Karhach Blk. New York Lands. 120 ACRES GIVEN AWAY 8 miles from village. 14 from school, 1 from store snd cheese factory. Lays well, rich Boil, 10 acres valuable timber, splendidly watered, fine 11 room house, wster In side, splendid barns 20 by 62 and 24 by 36. concrete floors, hip roofs, galvanised siding, nlrj hog house, large hennery, bulldlnga practically new. abundance fruit Including hay, grain, IT cows, bull, 3 yearlings, good team, sow, 60 hens, springtooth harrow, grain drill, cultivator, plow, horse raka, mowing machine, wagons, buggy, cutter, sleighs, harnesses, all small tools. Pries $6,800. Reason poor health. Frea list. Ellis Bros., SprlngvIIle, N. Y. Oregon Lands. NEW Jordan Valley Project Heart ot the range. Get on th ground flobr with 80 acres Irrigated land In connection with open range. You en grow stock success fully and cheaply. Personally conducted excursion every tw- weeks. Send for bul letin. Harley J. Hooker, $40 1st National Bank Bldg. Wyoming Landa. WHEATLAND Wyoming "farms, 860 per a.. Including paid-up water right. Henry Levi ft C M. Rylander. 664 Omaha Nat'l. Miscellaneous. CHOICE FARM. Nielson. 422 Ross Bldg. FARM LAND WANTED FARMS WANTED. Don't list your farm with us It you wsnt to keep It, JB. P. SNOWDEN ft SON. 423 8. 16th. Douglas $371. Horses Live Stock Vehicles For Sale. Harness, Saddles and Trunks We make them ourselves; sen inero direct to consumer. Why pay two profits for Inforlor goods, when you can get high grnda goods at first costT ALFRED CORNISH ft Cp., 1210 Farnam St. umana, nieo. SETTLING the estate of the lata G. H. Jackson. Our own raised horses, mares and mules, 8 young 8ycar-old matohed mares. 2.600 to 2,800 lbs., 4 geldings, 3,600 to 2,800 lbs., also 1 spsns of 6-year-old mules, 2,400 to 2,600 lb. Mrs. G. H. Jackson, 219 North 7th St, Coun cil Bluffs. HORSES off farm: the last and best and of my entire outfit consisting or zs nrao ot Belgian and Perchon mares and geld ings, 4 to 6 years old, weighing 2,600 to 8,000 lbs. per team; 8 mules 8.600 to 8,800 lbs.; one farm wagon; 10 ssta double harness. 2612 Leaven wort n. FOR SALE 1 buggy mars and harness: 3 heavy slngls harnesses, l aouoio ana single wagons.. Cudahy Packing Co., 14th snd Jones Bt. FOR SALE Team, wagon and harness, $160; one dapplegray team 6 years old, $350. Call Webstar 865. Wanted. WANTED Boar; must be year. old. Phons 1985, Council Bluffs. FINANCIAL Real Estate, Loans and Mortgages 6 and 6 per cent mortgagessecured by Omaha residence or Nebraska farms. E. H. LOUGEE, INC., 638 Keellne Bldg. DIVIDENDS OF 6 PER CENT OR MORE. One dollar starts an account. OMAHA LOAN ft BLDG ASSOCIATION. vr iv muriER Money on' hand for mortgage loam. City National nan piog. OMAHA HOMES EA8T NEB. FARMS. O'KEEFB REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg. Doug. 8718. LOW RATES C. G. CARLBERG, 212 Bran- dels Theater Bldg. D. 686. HARRISON & MORTON. 919 Omaha Nat Bk. Bid g. CITY AND FARM LOANS 8. 6 and 6 Per Cent. T H. DTJMONT Co.. Keellne Bldg, LOANS ON CITY PROPERTY. W. H. Thomas & Son, Keeline Bldg. $100 to $10,000 MADE promptly. F. D. Wead, weaa rung., ism ana rroin mo. MONEY to loan on Improved farms and ranches. Kloke Investment Co., Omaha. Private Money. SHOPEN & COMPANY, Douglas 1228. MONEY TO LOAN Organised by ths Business Men of Omaha. FURNITURE, pianos and notes as security. $40, 6 mo., H. goods, total, $3.60. Smaller, larger am'ts proportionate rata. BDAUinrVT 1I1K KfinTICTY. 432 Securities Bldg.. 16th. Farnam. Ty. 666 LOANS ON DJAMOND8 AND JEWELRY. 10 W. C. FLATAU, EST. 1892. fO STTT FT.R. SECURITIES BLDG. T"-. 950. TiTiunvna ixn jewfxrt LOANS. LoVest rates. Private loan booths. Harry . Malashock, 1514 Dodgs. D. 6619. Est 1881. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Raymond F. Krogh and wife to John C. Pease, northeast corner Forty fourth and Dodge streets, 43x100. f 2.630 Fred H. Bristol and wife to Hons C. Damm, northwest corner Thirty fifth and Seward streets, 44x60.... 8,760 Chicago Lumber company to Char lotte A,- Cochran, Thirtieth street, 87 feet north ot T street, east aids, 43x126 t Luther Kountze and wife to Douglas Motors corporation, block bounded by Sprague, Thirtieth and Ruggles streets and Thirty-first avenue.... 12,000 August Swanson and wife to Johr. H. DeJong, northeast corner Thirty-sixth and Drexel streets, 41x128. 826 Ida F., Curtis and husband to Har rison L. Snyder, Chicago street, 60 feet east of Fiftieth street, north slds, 60x135 4.608 David T. Adams and wife to Hugo Rock, block bounded by E, Forty- -second, F and Forty-third streets. ' 4,000 Axel 8. Wsllgren and wife to Abra ham Epstein et al, Blondo street, 160 feet west- of Twenty-sixth street, north slds, 40x100 2.860 Samuel E. Marmoy and wits to Ma bel Shaw, Forty-third avenue, 60 feet touth of Davenport street. " " esst side, 60x126 2.200 Looking for. work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now. You will find hundreds of positions listed there. OMAHA LIVE STOCK Cattle Receipts Drop Off; Prices Higher; Hog Trade Lively; Reaction in Sheep Trade, Omaha. March T. Cattle. Hogs. 1916. Sheep. 19.093 13.443 13,886 18.000 Receipts were: Official Monday ... ....11.263 9.388 Official Tuesday .. Official Wednesday 9.089 6.686 4.600 14.526 18,345 16.500 Estimate Thursday Four days this week. .31.637 68,059 64.421 Same days last week.. 32. 360 77.931 80.080 Sams days 2 weeks ago2,909 48.938 46.145 Same days $ weeks ago21.378 67,115 38,643 Same days 4 wesks ago33.685 78.099 36.697 Sams days last year.. 31. 656 89,831 38,937 Receipts and disposition ot live stork at the Union stock yards, Omaha, for 24 hours ending at 3 p. m. yesterdny: RECEIPTS CARLOADS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.H'r's. C. M. 4 St. P.... 2 6 Wabash 1 $ 1 Missouri Psolflo .. 2 6 4 1 Union Pacific .... 41 31 41 $ C. N. W., east.. 7 17 2 C. N. W., west.. 29 63 4 C. St. P.. M. O.. 26 28 C B. A Q.. esst.. 25 10 4 C, B. Q., west.. 20 J6 23 C, R. I. A P., east 13 !$ 1 C. R. I. P.. west .. 4 Illinois Central 4 3 Chi. Gt West 1 2 Totsl receipts ..187 321 86 4 DISPOSITION HEAD, Cattle. Hois. Sheep. 1,434 2.S20 4.661 3.871 Morris A Co 699 1375 1863 896 1.6(15 3.095 Cudahy Packing Co Swift & Co Armour 'ft Co .1.123 3,558 70 4.179 Schwartx ft Co.. J. W. Murphy .. Lincoln Packing Co.. S. O. Packing Co... 60 13 100 50 199 108 11 72 Wilson ft Co Ronton, Vansant & L. F. B. Lewis J. B. Root ft Co.... .1. H. Bulla Rosenstook Bros F. G. Kellogg 10.1 Werthelmer ft Degsn. 243 Ellis 84 Sullivan Bros 66 Mo. ft Kan. Calf Co.. 81 Christie 80 Huffman 32 Roth 6 Meyere 9 Glassberg 7 Baker, Jones ft S.... 3 John Harvey C4 lennls ft Francis.... 2 Jensen ft Lunberg... 166 Pat ODay 16 Other buyers 69$ 1,816 Totals 7.86$ 16,690 13,491 Cattle Ths run of cattle dropped oft sgain today and only 4,600 head wars reported to arrlvs. This makes 21,600 head for ths tour days, or 1,000 short ot a week ago, but 10,000 mors then a ysar ago. Light re ceipts and soms Improvement In tha csr situation brought about a better feeling in the trade and price for both beet steers and oow stuff were right around 10016a higher than they wera on Wednesdsy, It still takes prime beef to bring 613.00 and the fair to good 660 to 1,260-pound steers are selling largely at a spread of $10,760 12.25. The reaction in prices today was natural after the sharp decline of tha first half of the week and values ara now not more than 16026a lower than they were a week ago. In stocksra and feeders there wss no appreciate Improvement, ths best grsdes selling about like they have been and the ordinary stock cattle selling any where from 26o to 40o lower than a wsek go. Quotations on eattls; Good to choice beeves, $13.25013.00; fair to good heaves, $11,000 12.00; common ta fair beeves. $9.00011 00; good to choice yearlings, $10.76012.26; fair to good yearlings, $9.50010,60; common to fair yearlings, $7.C0O9.60; good to cholcs grsss beeves, $11.0011.26; fair to good grass beeves. t$9.6011.00: common to fair grass beeves, $3.0001 00; good to choice heifers, $. 60 011. 00; t0od to choice oows, $9.25010.60; fair to good oows, $8,26 0$ '6; common to fair cows, $8.5006.00: prim feeders, $10.00011.60; good to cholcs f?td. era, $0.76010.26; fair to good feeders, $4 7$ 08.60; common to fair feeders, 66.6008. CO; good to choice stockera, $9.600 11.00; stock helfen, $7.6009.60; stock cows, 16.6009 00; stock ogives, $7.60010.50; veal calves. $9.00 13.00; bulls, stags, etc., $7.60010.00. Representative gales; BEEF STEERS. No. 8... 11... 3... Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. . 561 $9 06 . 633 9 60 . 760 10 00 841 $8 40 650 16 675 9 75 918 10 25 8.. 19!!! ....1046 10 60 .... 866 10 75 .... 981 It 20 ....1177 11 40 ....1040 11 65 18.. 1061 10 60 15 1075 11 00 18 1016 11 15 14 1137 11 60 $4 1091 1 70 23 1226 11 60 18 1281 11 90 $ 1116 12 00 1$.. .. 6.. 19 IfH 11 (O 18 1166 11 85 8 1400 12 00 6 1892 12 26 8TEERS AND HEIFERS. $ 11 8 12 11 24 6 I 358 8 00 10. 469 $ 00 657 9 75 858 10 60 $04 10 70 798 $ 60 4 877 10 26 18 978 10 66 10 398 11 00 , HEIFERS. 707 1 70 4 491 -8 00 1 945 9 00 732 690 8 00 8 60 COWS. .. 718 .. 921 .. 831 ..1132 ..1111 ..1135 ..1104 ..1068 7 25 7 40 4T . 8S5 . 918 .1000 . 91$ .1134 .1010 .1146 1 38 16.. 7 60 8 60 8 75 9 00 0 35 S 0 8 00 8 60 8 90' 9 25 9 60 9 76 9.. 19.. 21.. J:: 20.. .1244 10 35 BULLS. 7 50 1.. 8 25 1.. 9 26 1., CALVES. 7 00 7,. 8 00 9.. .... 690 ....1340 .... 663 .... 270 .... 278 .... 270 .1320 . 610 .1900 9 60 7 60 8 50 . 836 . C62 9 60 2.. 160 11 60 ... 130 12 00 1 180 12 50 HTOCKEHS AND FEEDERS. 1 650 2 00 . 8 689 9 CO 16 675 7 16 $......, 780 25 732 9 45 6 808 9 60 7 942 10 00 26 821 10 30 19 932 10 66 Hogs Receipts of hogs this morning were moderate, and shippers again opened tha trade buying at prices that wer all ths way from 16026c higher. Packers wer a little slow In ftllowlng, but later In the forenoon commenced at prices that were prooabiy 10025a higher than ths general trade yesterday. Top was 917.00, a top of zdo over yesterday, while tha bulk moved at $16.70016.90. Trade wss rather slow. No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. 8h. Pr 70, .224 40 816 96 71. .261 ...$17 00 78. .191 80.. -216 79. .262 16 66 16 76 82. .200 69. .276 64.. 246 18 70 16 80 16 90 70 880 16 85 Sheep Receipts of sheep and lambs still continue heavy. Trade has been active all week In spite ot the heaviest receipts of the season, but a reaction was apparently 4 Acres Near Benson Located within one mile of West Benson auto bus line and paved road; good level valley land. Price $2,000. Will sell on very easy terms. S AND 44-100 ACRES. ' , Nearly all good level valley land, balance pasture. Has running wa ter. About the same location . as above 4-acre piece. Price, $2,210. Hastings & Heyden, 1614 Harney St. ' : Phone Tyler SO. settlnT in this morning, and packers were only Indifferent bidders on medium and heavy walght stuff. Good light Mexican iambs brought $17.00. and were fully steady with yesterday's figures. Nothing slsa was done on ths early rounds, but It looked like a decline would ba registered on all other grades. Sheep were scares but In good ds mand, with values nominally steady. Choice ewes are quotable up to $12.66. There- were few feeders hers,, tha demand on the whole being good. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, handy weight, $16.600 17.00; lambs, heavy weight. $16.00916.25; lambs, feeders, $16.00 916.76; lambs, shorn, $11.501911.60; lambs, culls, 610.00Q14.0O; yearlings, fair to cholcs, $11.60014.60: yearlings, feeders, $12 000 14.26; wethers, fair to choice, 8U.00O13 00; ewrs, fair to choice, 8U.00O13.60; ewes, breeders, sll ages, $10.60016.60: ewes, "feed ers, $7.50010.60; swes, culls and csnnera, $5.0007.26. No. Av. Pr. 58 fed ewes 109 $12 66 343 fed lambs $7 17 00 416 fed lambs 94 16 26 204 ted lambs 91 16 36 211 fed lambs 36 16 60 811 Idaho feeding lambs 71 16 10 241 Idaho feeding lambs ., 79 15 80 203 Idaho feeding lambs.. 79 14 78 425 fed yearlings 84 14 10 174 fed lambs 77 16 50 922 fed lambs . 92 16 00 922 fed lambs , $5 16 76 68$ fed wethers ..116 18 60 7$ Idaho feeding ewe lambs 66 16 60 NEW YORK STOCKS Dealings Are Lightest on Rec ord for Many Months, With Transactions at Low Ebb. New York, March 7. Dealings on the stock exchange today were almost the lightest and least Important of any full session for many months, transactions barely totalling 235,000 shsres. Price changes were In keep, lug with this exhibition ot lassitude, leader for the mont pert rifting and falling within fractional limits until the laat hour when tha list was at highest levels on a demand for rails and actlv steels. Tha few executions on the serly stagnation Included) General Motors, which reacted three points, all ot which and mors wss Ister recovered, snd Twin City Rapid Tranait. which dropped 7 point on ths reduced dividend. Rail wera at a standstill most of the day but that dividend proved responsive to a moderate demand Inter. Union Pacific and Reading rallied easily. United States Steel, to which traders look- ed for guidance, was unusually apathetic, but mors than retrieved Its fractional set back at the close, Bethlehem Steel, Lackawanna and associated shares also hardening. - Some of ths equipments and war Issues were conslstsntly strong, es pecially shippings. American Can and .Rail way Bteol Springs, the latter gaining over two points on Its excellent annual report, Hurfac developments wer without direct bearing as market factors but the divergent views of prominent financial Interests re specting foreign affairs served to toatratn public Interest. Honda were mainly lower. Interest center ing In Liberty Issues, all at considerable recession from recent levels. Total (ale (par value) aggregated $3,726,000 U, 8. bond (old Issues) wer unchanged on call. Number of sale and quotations on lead ing stocks; Closing Sales. High. Low, Bid. Am. Best Sugar... 200 80 79 ! 80 Vi American Can 600 40 39 39 Am. Car ft Found'y 6,000 78U 76 77 Am. Locomotive ,. 800 66H 66H 66 Am. Smelt, ft Kefg 1,600 80 80H 80 Am. Sugar Ref'g 1 04 Am. Tsi. ft Tel.... 2,600 106 104 104 Am. Z., L. ft 8 , 1IH Anaconda Copper.. 3,300 62 62 62 Atchison 84 1 AOftWXBSlr 3,000 113 110 111 Bait. A Ohio 1,700 (3 $2 6H4, B. ft S. Copper..., 16 Cal. Petroleum..,. 800 16 16 16 Canadian Pacific. 400 145 146 146 Central Leather,... 1,700 70 69 70 Ches. ft Ohio..,1. 65 r M. ft 8. P 1,600 43 41 42 C. ft N. W 92 C. R. I. ft Pao. ctfs 400 ' 80 20 30 Chlno Copper...... 900 48 42 42 Colo. Fuel ft Iron.. 300 39 88 29 Corn Prod. Refinl'g 400 84 84 84 Crucible Steel.... 1,200 68 68 63 Cuba Cans Sugar.. 800 21 31 31 Dlatlller' Seourltle 200 , 39 '88 88 Erie 800 lH 14 14 General Electric 140 General Motors.... 7,400 125 lit 136 Ot. Northern pfd 91 Ot. North. Or ctfs 28 Illinois Central 64 Inspiration Copper.. 1,100 44 44 44 Int. M. M. pfd.... 11.109 37 94 97 Int. Nickel 4.300 29 28 29 Int. Paper 1,800 38 - 61 32 K. C. Southern 200 14 16 16 Kennecott Copper...,,,., ..,.. 82 Loulsvlll ft Nash , 112 Maxwell Motors.... 00 28 26 88 Msg. Petroleum.. 7,600 96 94 96 Miami Copper 300 31 21 81 Missouri Pacific... 1,000 23 22 22 Mont. Power 69 Nevada Copper..... , 600 19 19 19 N. T, Central 71 N. T., N. H. ft H 28 Norfolk ft Westsrn 103 Northern Pacific. 900 85 85 84 Pennsylvania ..... 600 44 44-44 Pltsburgh Coal... 84 Ray Con. Copper.. 1,200 24 24 24 Reading ; 1,600 77 76 77 Rep. Iron ft Steel. . 1,400 80 78 19 Shattuck Arls. Cop ..... 16 Southern Paclflo.. 600 85 $6 $3 Southern Railway.. 2,200 24 23 84 Studebaker Corp... 25,100 46 45 46 Texaa Co 700 161 149 160 Union Pacific 2,300 123 131 128 U. 8. Ind. Alcohol.. 2,100 128 121 121 V. 8. Steel 31,500 $1 90 91 U. 8. Steel pfd t 109 Utah Copper 600 61 81 81 Wabash pfd. "B".. 200 28 23 8$ Western Union... ,. ..... 89 Westlnghouse Elec 41 Total sale for the day 286,000 share Kansas City Mt Stock. Kama City. Mo- March T. Cattle Re ceipts, 6,000 head; market, stsadyi prime fed stsers, $12.75013.75; dressed beef steers, $10.60013.76: western stsers, $9.60 12.75: cows. $7.00011.00; heifers. $7,600 11.60; stockera and feeders, $7.60012.26; bulls, $7.250i.oo; calves, 67.50Wi3.tio. Hogs Receipts, $,000 head; market, higher; bulk, $17.10017.30; heavy, $17,200 17.86; packers and butchers, $17.10017.36; light. $17.10017.36; pigs, $12,50015.60. tiheep and Lambs Receipts, 4,000 head; market, lower; lambs, $16.60017.40; year lings. $13.00014.35; wethers, $12.00013.60; ewes, $11.50012.75. St. Louis Lire Stock. St. Louis, Mo., .March 7. Cattle R. crtpts, 2,800 head; market, strong; native beef steers, $8. 0012. 60; yearling steers and heifers. $7.00013.50: cows. 66.00O11.60: stockers and feeders, $6.00010 60; fair to prime southern beef steers, $9.00012.80; beef cows and helfen, $6.00010.00; south ern yearling steers and heifers, $7.60010.00; natlvs calves, $6.00014.00. Hogs Rscelpts, 13,300 hesd; market higher; lights, $17.16017.85; pigs, $13,860 17.86; mixed and butchers, $17.86017.76; good heavy, $17.36017.70; bulk, $17.40 O 17.85. Wheep and Lambs Rscelpts, 900 head market, steady; lambs, $14.00017,40; awes $l$.60O13.00; wethers, 313.00013.76; can ners and choppers, $6.8009.60, Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, III., March 7. Cattle Receipts, 13,000; marker, steady; native steers, $8.60 14.10; stockers and feeders, $7.70011.25; cows and heifers, $6.60011-76; calves, $8.75 O 14.76. Hogs Rscslpts, 84,000 head; market, strong, 40o above yesterday's average; bulk $16.76017.40; light, $17.00017.66; mixed, $16.65017.65; heavy, $16.00017.20; rough, $16.00016 26; pigs, $12.26017.00. Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 14,000 head; market, steady; sheep, $10.76013.66; lambs, $14.25016.05. Sioux City Live Stock. Bloux City, March 7. Cattle Receipt, 2,500 head; market steady; beef ters, 810.00013.60; tat cows and heifer. 68.2CO 11.00; canner. $7.00 0 8.00; stockers 'and feeders, $9.00011.60; calves, $6.00012.60; bulls, strgs. etc., $8.00010.00; feeding oow and heifers, $7.50 9.50. Hogs Receipts, 9,600 head; market 26o to 60e higher; light, SI0.95O17.10; mixed, $16.90017.00; heavy, 816.8O017.8O pig, $13.00016.00; bulk ot sale. $14.90017.06. 8hsep and Lambs Receipts, 1,200 bea1; market 10c to 150 higher. St. Joseph Live Stock. St. Joseph, March T. Cattle Receipts, 3,600 . nsao; market slow; steers, 19.000 13,76; oows and helftr. $7.00013.80; calves, $6.00012.50. . Hogs Receipts, 7,000 . hesd; market htghsr; top, $17.30; bulk of sale. $17,100 17.36.- ,. . 1 Sheep and Lambs Receipts, 2,000 head; market lghr; lambs, $13.00017.60; ewes. 37.00018.60. : Saw York Cottoa. f New -York, t March T. Cotton Future opened barely steady; March. 12.10c; May, 31.80c: July. 81.34c; October. JO. 16c; De cember, 29.8 , . GRAIN ANDPRODUCE Cash Corn Market Slumps De spite Light Receipts; Prices Unchanged to 8 Cents Lower, Omaha. March 7, 181$. Light receipts of grain war again In evi dence today, arrivals totaling only 197 ears, with 178 corn, 1$ oats, 1 ry and 6 oar of barley. No wheat wa reported In. Ths cash corn market was quit active, trtd being In a small way dus to light receipt. Spot quotations wsre unchanged to 9 cents lower, the bulk selling off con siderably. . A few ear ot choice whit corn brought about yesterday's figures, while tha poorer grsde of yellow and mld sold at the extreme declines. No. 8 whit sold at $1.96 and No. 4 whit at $1.88 and $1.93.. while the 6 grade went at $1.70 and $1.76. No. $ yellow sold at $1.78 and $1.83. and th No. 4 yellow at $1.70 and $1.73. No. 6 yel low brought $1.64 and $1.60. No. 6 mixed corn sold st $1.6$ and $1.66. Oats advanced In spit of ths declin In corn and sold up lc. these offerings being disposed of quits readily. Receipts continue extremely llfht No. 8 whit (old at $3e and a csr of sample with a nttxtura at wheat and ry went at th asm f If urea Ry wss quiet, while barley again scored a new high pries for th crop, advancing 60 to 7o. No. 2 barley sold at th top of $3.26. In a special report Just made public, B. W. Snow, crop expert and statistician, givet th March reserves on farms ia Illinois, Iowa and Nebraska th largest snd esti mates that Illinois has 210.000.000: Iowa, 18,000.000, and Nebraska, 121,000,000. Ths total farm stocks are estimated at 1,464,000. 000 bushel or 44.8 per cent of tsst pear's yield. Of in total, Mr. snow ngure mat 66.8 per cent la of merchantable quality against 84.7 per cent last year and 71.1 par cent so reported for th low quality crop or 11 id. in imouni or vais on in. larmi 1 63I.0O0.00O bushels or 36.4 psr cent of ths . Isst crop. This, too. Is th largest farm " holding ever reported. Wheat reserves ar - 19.4 per cent of last year' orop , or 133, 000.000 bushel. Clearance wer: Wheat and flour equal to 84,009 bushels. - Primary whsat rcipt wr 163.009 buh- mim ins iiiLMnnuia wuoiwiw, receipt ot 717.0.00 bushels and shipments of 633,000 bushel laat year. Primary corn receipt were 1,615,099 bush els and shipments 1,049,000 bushels, against receipts of 870.000 bushel and shipment of 658.000 bushels last year. Primary oats reoelpt wer 786,009 bush- els and shipments 780,000 bushels, against receipt of 996,000 bushel and shipment of 7t,ooo bushels last year. I CARLOT RECEIPTS, " ' Wheat. Corn. Oat. . Chicago 6 $1 136 ' Minneapolis ............. 66 ... ... Duluth 7 ... ... v....,,.. a.,.,...,,........ ,. . , u 1 A.i,u 4am . mm St. Louis 27 173 , $ Winnipeg ..271 ... ... me saie wer reported toaayt - v Corn No. $ whit: 8 can, $1.96; No. 4 wnue: car,; cars, 1 cars. $1.90; 1 ears. $1.88. No. 6 white: 1 car. 1 $1.7$; 1 car. $1.71: T ear. $1.70. No, $ white: 1 car. $1.67: 1 ear. $1.61; 8-1 ear. $1.60. Sample whit! 1 car, $1.40; 1 car, $1.36; 1 car, $1.30. No. 8 yellow: 1 ear, $1.88; 1 car, $1.60; 8 ear, $1.78. No. 4 yellow: 4 car. $1.72fl esr, $1.7$; $ cars, $1.71) T cars. 61.70. no. yellow: 1 car, 61.60 ; 8 csrs. $1.67; 10 ears, $1.66: 10 oars. $1.66: 145 car, $1.64. No. yellow: 8 car, $1.47; 2 car, $1.45; 8 ear,' $1.42. Sample yellow: m r. m 171 rm. Jia x nsi rn. 11 111 na 6 mixed: 2 cars, 61.66; 4 can, $1.66; S can!' $1.64: 2-8 car, $1.6$. No. $ mixed: 1 car. i.eui 1 car,; 1 car, i.x. eampi -mixed: t can. $1.46. 1 car. 81.48: 1 ear. fi.av, t car, fi.dv, 4 car, oat No. 8 whit! i can. $le. Samel white 1 car. 9 80. Barley No. 8: 1 car, $3.26. , Omaha Cash Prices Corn: No. 8 whits. $1.96: No. 4 whits, $1.8801-92; No. $ whit, . $1.7001.78; No. 6 white, $1.6001.67; sam pie white, $1.8001.40; No. $ yellow, $1.7$ vi. si; no. yellow, $1.7001.73; No. 6 yl low, $1.6401.67; No. yellow. 81.4Sft1.47i- sample yellow. $1.3001.50; No. $ mixed, 61.580I.56: No. 6 mixed. 81.41ffil.60: asm. pi mixed.. $1.2$01.45. Oatsi No, 6 whits, sac. uaneyt wo. 3, 13.26, -Chicago closing oncea. Tha n. by Logan ft Bryan, stock and grsln broken. is poutn mxtetnta irt, omshgi Art. I dpsnT High. I LowCiosenTt. orn. Mar.. May 36 ?7 $t 1 28 1 27 t , 60 4$ 75 28 38 i960. 85 87 86 76 137 127 $1 89 1 27 1 87 V 92 TYla 117 i' 39 Osta Mar. May Pork. May K0 90089 48 61 26 82 26 00 2$ 8$ 35 00 4$ 45 4$ 70 24 31 36 46 26 36 26 7$ 48 35 26 83 28 37 25 23 26 60 Lard. May July, 2$ 30 26 45 Rib. I 2$ 80 26 62 May July CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS. Serious Shortage of Seed Com Has Bullish Influence, , Chicago. March 7. Serious shortare of seed corn throughAut Illinois, Iowa, Indiana and Wisconsin had a mora or leas bullish. inriuenc today on th corn market. Price closed firm with futur deliveries o net higher at $1.27 for March and $1.27 foi May. Oat gained o to , and provl Ions, 7o to S60. Assertion that much acreage might hgvi to bs abandoned as a result of lack l seed opsrats'd from tha outset a a handi cap on th bean In corn. Besides than wss Incressed rural complaint ot a tack Of oats and It wa said th country had 30 bushels of corn to ahlp for vry bushed of car spac offered. Th faot that pri mary receipt showed a decided falling oft In quantity a compared with a week (go tended further ta strengthen th market Under such circumstance. March delivery rose to ths maximum prlc allowed, 11.28 a bushel and May scnded to a new high level for th sesson. . Talk ot government buying put strength into ma oats market. Arrival her ant at other leading point wer meager. Provision ascended with th help of lib eral export. Notice wa also taken of a unexpected shrinkage In th ImmedlaU available supplies of hogs. Cash Prices Corn: No. 8 yellow, nominal: No. 2yIIow, $1.86; No. 4 yellow, $1,68 0 1.78. Oatsi No. 8 whit, $4 0 94o; stand ard. 94 096c. Ry; No. 2, $2.96. Barley; $1.8008-40. Seeds: Timothy, 35.0008.00; clovsr, $28,00031.00. Provisions: Pork nom inal; lard, $26.32; ribs. $24.46014.98. New York Coffee Market New York, March 7. Whlla there wss ao N r, a I 1 lmnniv.m,nl In . V. wnlnm. . K,-1. ness, ths market for coffee future wai firmer today on buying In th spot generallj attributed to covering of hedge against business in the spot department. The mark opened unchanged to on point lower under scattsrlng lata month liquidation, but soon firmed p with May selling at 8.660 and September at 8.680 in th lata trading. Th close wa within a point of two of th best, showing a net advanca ot 6 to 9 points. Closing bids: March t.41o; May 6.66c; July 8.63; September 8.68: October 8.71; Decem ber 8.76c Bpot coffe firm J Rio 7' 8c; Santo 4' 10 'Ac There 1 an impression In local circle that coffe can be bought easily snough In Brazil at 7 Ho for 4' f. 0. b. Santos, but the ocean freight situ ation remains firm. On private csbl re ceived today atd that a moderate amount of freight room was available at $3.26 per bag. A few offering of Rio wer reported In ths cost and freight market but were said to bs too high for buslnsss. Th official csbles showed no Changs in Rio, Santos spot wera 60 ret lower and future unchanged to 50 rets lower. Santos cleared 28,000 bags for New York.- Braslllan port receipt 33,000. New York Produce. ' New York, March 7. Butter Easier; re celpts. 6.710 tubs; creamery higher than extras, 48 0 49c; extra (93 (cor), 470 49c; firsts, 46 0 47e; seconds, 46046c. Eggs Irregular; receipts, 33,860 cases; fresh gathered extras, 42c: extra tint, 40 041c; firsts, 89040c; seconds, 37038c Cheese Weak; receipts, 880 boxes; tat whole milk flat, held specials, 26026c; atate, average run, 26026c. Poultry Live Irregular; old roosters, 240 27c; young roosters, 83036c; turkeys, 350 30c. Dressed quiet and unchanged. Chicago, March 7. Butter Market un changed. Eggs Higher; rscelpts, 3.767 esses; tints. 37038c; ordinary first, 35 37c; at mark, case Included, 86 0 870. Potatoes Market higher; receipts, 31 can; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, bulk, 31-10O1-30; Wisconsin, Michigan and Minnesota, . bulk, sack, $1.1601.16. Poultry Roosters, market unchanged. 1 1 . Turpentine and Rosins. ' Savannah. Ga.. March 7. Turpentine, firm, 40o; receipt, 12 bbl.; sales, 6 bbla.; shipments, 34 bbls.; stock, 84,167 bbl. Rosin Firm; receipts, 173 bbla; ahlp ment, 825 bbla.; stock, 90,393 bbla Quote: B, D. E, F, O. H. I, 35.86; K, $8 50; M. $6.76; N. $7.00; WO. $7.38; WW, $U. Kansas City Produce, Kansas City. Mo.. March 7. Butter an Poultry Market unchanged Eggs First, 34