3 B mm Adelaide Kenncrly Bra THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: MARCH ar, 1918. f Ella' Fleishman T4 4 CLUBDOM CLUB CALENDAR. Woman's club. Metro politan club, 2:30 p. m.; fol lowed by open program of puDuc speaking department. Chautauqua circle. Tennvson , 1 " chapter, public library, 2:30 p. m. P. E. O. Sisterhood, chapter B. , . a, Mrs. A. W. rrancis, hoS' tess, 2:30 p. ni. -Neighborhood Bible class lead ers, Young Women's Christian association. 2:30 p. m. Dundee Woman's Patriotic club, Mrs. Miles Oreenleat, hostess, , 2 p. in. Tuesday i Omaha Woman's public speak- i ing department, Metropolitan club, 10 a. m.; parliamentary law, 2 p. m. South Omaha Woman's club, : Mrs. A. W. Francis, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Dundee Child Conservation league, Mrs. Herman Aye, hostess, 2:30 p. m. P. O. E, Sisterhood, chapter B. T., meets 2 p. m, Mrs. J. A. Hawkins, hostess. P. E. O. Sisterhood, chapter B. P., Mrs. K. R. Ogden, hostess, 2 p. m. Woman's Relief corps, U. S. Grant, Memorial hall, 2:30 p. m. Business Woman's club, Y. W. C. A., 6:15 p. m. Belles Lettres Literary club, Mrs. Ed Nelson, hostess, 2 p. m. Wednesday Mu Sigma, Mrs. Waite Squier, hostess, 9:30 a. m. Dundee's Woman's club, Mrs. Charles Leslie, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Association of Collegiate Alumnae, drama section, the Misses Annie and Alice Fry, hostess 4 p. m. , Social Settlement board meeting, 10 a. nx- Omaha Woman's club, Red Cross unit, Baird building, 9 a. m.; literature department, 10 a. m. Thursday tr. fc. U., sisterhood, chapter E., Mrs. N. U. Updike, hos tess. Omaha Woman's club, home economics department, 10 a. ' m.; music; Mrs. John E. Haar man, 2:20 p. m. Omaha Story Tellers' league, Mrs. J. C. Lawrence, hostess, 4 p. m. Friday- Scottish Rite Womans club, Scottish Rite cathedral, 2 p. m. C. O. Story Tellers' league, Mrs. Lorena Beebe, hostess, 7:30 p. m. Dorcas club, luncheon, Mrs. Joseph Kelly, hostess, 1 p. m. Central Park Mothers' league school house, 2:15 p. m. O. C. C. club, luncheon, Mrs. W. A. Shropshire, hostess, 1 p. m. Mothers' club of Train school, Mrs. M. P. Millberg, hostess, 2:30 p. m. Masonic Women's Red Cross meeting, Masonic temple, 2:30 p. m. Saturday- South Omaha Woman s club, music department, Mrs. Charles Root, hostess, 2:30 p. m. t 1 Omaha Woman's Club. After the directors' meeting at 1:30 p. m., Monday, at the Metropolitan club,, there will be a business meeting at which delegates to the 14th bien jnial convention of the General Fed eration of Woman's clubs, will be elected. The convention will be held in Hot Springs, Ark., April 30 to March 8. The public speaking department will have charge of the open day program. There will be a salute to the flag, community singing of the "Star Spangled Banner," a piano solo by Miss Gertrude Anne Miller and a reading, "The Man From Home," Booth- Tarkington's play, by Prof. Edwin Puis. Mrs. Margery Shackel ford Nelson will sing, "The Rose's Cup" and "Vissi D'Arte." Miss Adelyn Wood will accompany her. The parliamentary law department will have a review and practice les son at their meeting Tuesday after noon. Mrs. H. C. Mullin will be leader at the meeting Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. There will be a review of "Ruggles of Red Gap," by Harry Leon Wilson, in which Mrs. Mullin and Mrs. H. E. Sorenson will take part. Mrs. H. C. Sumney will speak be fore the members of the home economics department Thursday at 10 a. m., at the Metropolitan club. The speaker's subject will be "Use and Economy in Food in the Kitchen of h the Middle Class in France, Before the War." Mrs. Sumney spent much time abroad. Mrs. JohnE. Haarman will be hostess at a special meeting of the music department at her home Thurs day at 2:30 p. m. There will be chorus practice and the meeting will open with the singing of the "Star Spangled Banner." A Red Cross unit will be formed at the meeting Friday at 2:15 p. m. There will be radioplical illustrated geography lesson given by the Fifth 1 frade and the Second grade will pre sent the dramatization of three short stories. Jean and Jessie Stirling will play a piano duet. s Dundee Patriotic Club. Mrs. Miles Greenleaf will be hos tess for a special meeting on Mon- JOIN THE Schmoller & Mueller Easter Piano Circle and save $100- or mora on a high grade Piano or Player Plana. Act now! Call or write for complete in formation. Schmoller & Mueller 1S11-13 p.' Cn Omaha, FarnamSt. fianO wO. Neb7 Dr. Lee W. Edwards, 24th and Farnara, wishes to call the public' attention to the Chiro practic talk on Page 8-A. B3 Red Cross Packs Here is a glimpse of one of the de-Q partments of the largest manufactur ing concern jn the world, the Amer ican Red Cross. The, Omaha women in this picture have developed into ex pert packers. They work at the state warehouse in the Haubens' building. When it comes to wrapping, tying and sorting packages their husbands will never more be able to say "Let me do it." " ' They pack each style of hospital garment in separate boxes according to Red Cross directions. Things are just as thoroughly systematized as in the best organized business house in the city. day when the members will finish darning the soldiers' socks. They began this work on Friday, when there were 3,000 pairs of socks to be mended. Solve Housing Problem. The Nebraska Women's Washing ton club, organized from the Ne braska association, met in Senator Norris' office on Tuesday afternoon and arranged the place and hours for the tea to the recently arrived girls from their state, who are here doing war work. It was . given Saturday afternoon in the headquarters of the Young Women's Christian association, corner of Fourteenth and G streets, from 430 to 6:30. The women have tried in every possible way to locate every girl and woman who has come from Nebraska for service during the period of the war, but they have found it very difficult, and would like all who come to communicate with Senator or Mrs. Norris and give their Washington address. It is their pur pose, in the organizatipn, to help the strangers in getting comfortably and properly located here, as the ques tion of a place in which to live is a serious one, owing to the unprece dented crowding of the city. South Omaha Woman's Club. Miss Sadie Fowler, dean of girls in South Side High , school, will lec ture on characters in Barrie's ' "The Little Minister," before the literature department of the South , Omaha Woman's club. Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. A. Cressey, 4204 South Twenty-seventh street. Numbers will be given by members of the music department, in cluding Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Dean Ringer, Mrs. Anna Bratton, Miss Louise Bratton, Miss, Marie Poliau and Mrs. Walter Hill. . Mrs. N. M. Graham was re-elected leader of the department at the last meeting. Music of Great Britain will be the WHITE EAGLE'S Indian Oil, Known at RATTLESNAKE OIL The old Indian remedy for the cure of rheumatism, catarrh, hay fever, sore and swollen joints, stiff muscles, all kinds of pain, croup and diph theria, tonsilitis. Used by the Indians for hundreds of years, and always been known for its great drawing qualities. Won't blister, perfectly harmless, penetrates without rubbing. This great Oil will limber you up and do away with your rheumatism and pain. Just one application and your pain is gone. Will penetrate through the thickest of sole leather in a few seconds, and the only medicine of this kind that has ever been placed in the market. Relief and a cure awaits you. Thousands of people will testify how they have been relieved and eured by this won derful new Oil. Its a new version. Every bot tle is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Sold by all druggists at 60 cents a bottle. 1 .' Druggists supplied by Richardson Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. DRINK A GLASS OF REAL HOT WATER BEFORE BREAKFAST. 8ys we will both look and feel clean, sweet and fresh and avoid Illness, Sanitary science lias of late made rapid strides with results that are of untold blessing to humanity. The lat est application of its untiring research is the recommendation that it is as necessary to attend to internal sanita tion of the drainaga system of the human body as it is to the drains of the house. Those of us who are accustomed to feel dull and heavy when we arise, splitting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul tongue, nasty breath, acid stom ach, can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy by opening the sluices of the system each morning and flushing out the whole of the internal poisonous stagnant matter. Everyone, whether ailing, sick or well, should, each morning before breakfast, drink, a glass of real hot. water with a teas'poonf ul of limestone phosphate in it to wash from the stomach, liver, and bowels the pre vious day's indigestible waste, sour bile and poisonous toxins: thus cleans ing, sweetening and purifying the en tire alimentary canal before "putting more food' into the stomach. The millions of people who are bothered with constipation, bilious spells, stomach trouble, rheumatic stiffness, others who have sallow skins, blood disorders and sickly com plexions are urged to get a quarter pound of limestone phosphate from the drug store. This will cost very little, but is sufficient to make any one a pronounced crank on the sub ject of internal esrion. Adv. Hospital Garments subject of discussion at the meeting of the music department at 2:30 p. m. .Saturday at the home of Mrs. Charles Root, 3906 South Twenty fifth street. Mrs. Anna Bratton and the Misses Althea Fletcher and Bess Wilson will take part in the program. Petition President Wilson. A petition signed by 6,000,000 women has been presented to the president, urging hat the production of. rqalt liquors in the United States be stopped in the interest of the con servation of foodstuffs. Among the signatures are those of 28 presidents of national organiza tions, noted educators, state officials from suffrage states, professional women, wives of prominent men. Among them are: Mrs. Josiah Evans Cowles, Mrs. Ella Flagg Young, Jane Addams, Jeanelte Ran kin, Mrs. Luther Burbank, Gene Stratton Porter, Annetta St. Gaudens and Mrs. Booth Tarkington. Collegiate Alumnae Notes. Spring stories will be told by the Misses Elizabeth Mitchell and Grace Vollman at the meeting at 4 p. m., Wednesday, at the Story Tellers' sec tion at the home of the Misses Annie and Alice Fry. Old . People's Home. Rev. John Talbert, of the Benson Methodist Episcopal church, will have charge of the services at 3:30 today. Belles-Lettres Club. Mrs. Ed Nelson will entertain the Belles-Lettres Literary club at her home Tuesday afternoon. The usual current topics will be given. Mothers' Clubs. Dundee Child Conservation league will meet Tuesday at 2:30 o'clock UMEQH 'nTTTFITTTlMfi CfY Distinctive Clothes for Ladies and Misses A splendid display of the new Spring Styles in all the leading colors and fabrics. Beautiful Coats, Suits and Dresses in pop lins, serges, wool-velour, trico tine, Burella, Bolivia. Colors are tea rose, rookie, Sammy, Pekin blue, sand; green, navy, etc. Mod erately priced at $15, $18.50 and up to $49.50 The Union Will Save you Consider able on Your Cloth ing Purchases. Our Inexpensive L o c a tion En ables Us to Save You Money on Your Clothes. $15.00, THE PEOPLE'S STORE. in State Warehouse (1P IbJ with Mrs. Herman Aye, S012 Capitol avenue. Mrs. Fred Elliott, jr., will be in charge of the program. Food sub stitute recipes will be given instead of current events. x . Mrs. M. P. Millberg and Mrs. E. Christainsen will entertain the Moth ers' club of Train school at a social meeting at the home of the former, Sll William street, at 2 p. m., Friday. The meeting on Friday of the West Omaha Mothers' club will take place at the First Presbyterian . church, where the members will sew for the Nebraska base hospital Story Tellers' Leagues. At the meeting Friday evenirfg of the C. O. Story Tellers' league Mrs. Lorena Beebe will be hostess. Mrs. T. M. Hobden will be leader and the program will consist of current events. Miss Isabelle Graham will . give a Persian epic and there will be a story by Miss Eloise Hillis. Mrs. J. C. Lawrence will be leader DoctorPraises Eczema Remedy The cure of Skin diseaaet (ertema) and dls eases of the scalp is known to be difficult even with the best efforts or intelligent and discrim inating physicians. However there is one rem edy that is entirely dependablein this distress ing and troublesome disease, that is D.D.D. Pre scription, manufactured by the D. D. D. Com pany of Chicago, III. I take much pleasure in recommending it to the entire confidence of all sufferers with any form of skin disease, as a medicine they can rely upon with perfect con fidence. M. L. RANDOLPH. Md. Dec. II, WIT. Oakburst, Texas. Come in and we will tell you something about what D. D. D. Prescription has ac complished in your own neighborhood. Your monty back unless the first bottle relieves you. Sic, 60c and $1.00. ' . Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. " Ladies' and Misses' Blouses The new Spring Blouses are now on dis play. This season we offer a beautiful selection in satin, georgette, silk meteor, crepe de chine all in charming styles; values from $12.50 to $15.00. d7 QC Our price P The Union's Plan of $1.00 or So a Week Will Be a Wonderful Help in Clothing Yourself and Your Family. We Extend to You All Its Services and Its Courtesies. New Spring Millinery In all the latest shapes and designs. Beau tiful hats at prices within your reach.' Splendid values at $5.95, $6.95, $7.95 to $12.00 Spring Suits and Balmarues for, Men and Young Men Placing our order early and buying in large quantities enables us to offer Men and Young Men splendid values in Suits and Balmarues. Many new ideas in the new, garments. Very $18.50, $21.50 to $35.00 OPPOSITE HOTEL ROME. of the meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. W. Axtell. Stories will be told by Mesdames Raymond Hayward, William Dox and P M. Pritchard. P. E. O. Sisterhoods. Mrs. A. W. Francis, 6319 North Sixteenth street, will be hostess at the meeting of B. S. chapter at 3:30 p. m. Monday. Election of officers will take place. B. P. chapter will have an election and installation of officers at the meeting at 2 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. K. R. Ogden, 2031 Fowler avenue. Chapter B. T. will meet Tuesday aftjrnoon at the home of Mrs. J. A. Hawkins, 831 South Thirtieth street. Election and installation of officers will take' place. An election of officers will be held on Thursday at the home of Mrs. N. B. Updike, of Chapter E. Mu Sigma. Mrs. Waite Squier. 124 South Thirty-eighth street, will entertain the club at her home, Wednesday morn ing at 9:30 o'clock. Rabbi Frederick Cohn will speak on "The Soul of Russia." Members may bring gueits. Dundee Woman's Club. Mrs. Charles Leslie will be liostess at the meeting Wednesday at 2:30 p. m. Mrs. E. A. Benson will lead the The Super-Deputy THE WORLD'S NEWEST HAT FOR MEN A strictly high grade Fur Felt Hat, representing the spirit of the hour in sterling worth and sure to appeal to the men of the middle west, for whom the Super-Deputy has been specially designed by; master hatters. by scores of progressive and representative merchants of Nebras . ka, Kansas, Wyoming and adjoining statesJ; ;-: V S The Super-Deputy is constructed for. endurance as well as style and shapeliness, and is available in all popular colors. E.R. Deputy Company Wholesale Distributors. Physicians Explain Why Uomin Iron in their Blood Today than Say Anaemia Lack of Iron is Greatest Curse to the Health, Strength, Vitality and Beauty of 'the M odern American Woman. OR. FERDINAND KING, N.w York Phyaician and Medical author, say physician should preacribe more organic iron Nuxated Iron to supply the iron deficiency. Opin ions of Dr. . Schuyler C. Jaques, Visiting Surgeon, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, New York City; Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Physi cian of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York and the West chester County Hospital, and other physicians who have thoroughly tested the value of Nuxated Iron. Any woman who tires easily. Is nervous or Irritable, or looks pale, hacrgard and worn should at once have her blood examined for iron deficiency administration of simple Nuxated Iron will often increase the strength and enduranca of weak, nervous, eareworn women in from ten to fourteen days' time. "There can be no strong, healthy, beautU ful, rosy-cheeked women without iron," aaya Dr. Ferdinand King, a New York physician and Medical Author. "I have strongly em phasized the 'fact that doctors should pre scribe more organic Iron Nuxated Iron for their nervous, rundown, weak, haggard looking women patients. Pallor means an aemia. The skin of an anaemic woman is pale, the flesh flabby. The muscles lack tone, the brain fags, and the memory fails, and often they become weak, nervous, irritable, des pondent and melancholy. When the iron goes from the blood of women the roses go from their cheeks. "In the most common foods of America, the starches, sugars, table syrups, candies, polished rice, white bread, soda crackers, biscuits, macaroni, spaghetti, tapioca, sago, farina, degerminated eornmeal, no longer is iron to be found. Refining processes have removed the iron of Mother Earth from these impoverished foods, and silly methods of home cookery, by throwing down the waste pipe the water in which our vegetables are cooked, are responsible for another grave iron loss. Therefore, you should supply the iron deficiency in your food by using some form of organic iron, just as you would use salt when your food has not enough salt." ' Dr.' Schuyler C. Jaaues. Visiting Surgeon of St Elisabeth's Hospital. New York City, said: "I have never before given out any medical information or advice for publication, as I ordinarily do not believe in it. But so many American women suffer from iron de ficiency with its attendant tils that I deem tt my duty to advise such to take Nuxated Iron. I have taken it myself and given it to my patients with most surprising and satis factory results. And those who wish quickly to increase their strength, power and en durance will find it a most remarkable and wonderfully effective remedy." Dr. T.- Alphonsns Wallace, a physician of many years' experience in this country and who. has been given many honorary titles in current events program and Mrs. A. L. Green will conduct a discussion of II. G. Wells' book. "Mr. Britling Sees It Through." Church Societies. Trinity Parish Aid members will meet at the First Presbyterian church Tuesday at 10 o'clock to sew for the Nebraska Base hospital unit and Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in the parish house, as usual. Leaders Bible Classes. Miss Mary B. Griffith will lead the lesson at the meeting at 2:30 p. m. Monday at the Young Women's Christian association of leaders of neighborhood Bible classes. Scottish Rite Club. The Scottish Rite Woman's club will meet Friday at 2 p. m. at the Scottish Rite cathedral. A business meeting will be held and new officers for the Red Cross auxiliary elected. Spanish Club. The Spanish club will meet Monday evening at 8:30 o'clock in Room 504. Karbach block. Welsh-American Society. St. David's day, March 1, was cele brated by the society at Jacobs'' hall. G. R. Williams acted as chairman and other speakers were the Rev. E. R. Jones, Blair, Neb., and J. J. Griffith. (Continued on Pate Five, Column One) - , Saturday, March 2 will be open ing day for the SUPER- DEPUTY rhe Child's Appeal What Is Your "Mother, why don't you take NUX ATED IRON and be strong and well and have nice rosy cheeks instead of being so nervous and irritable all the time and looking so haggard and old The doctor gave some to Susie Smith's mother and she was worse off than you are and now she looks years younger and feels just fine." England, says : "I do not make a practice of recommending, advertised medicinal products, but I have found Nuxated Iron so potent in nervous, run-down conditions that I be lieve all should know of it The men and women of today need more iron in their blood than was the esse twenty or thirty years ago. This because of the demineralixed diet which now is served daily in thousands of homes and also because of the demand for greater resistance necessary to offset the greater number of health hazards, to. be met at every turn." Dr. E. Snuer, a Boston 'physician who has studied both in this country and in great European Medical institutions, ssya:"I am a greatjbeliever in Nuxated Iron, If people would only take it when they feel weak or run-downi instead of dosing themselves with habit-forming drugs, stimulants and alcoholic beverages, I am convinced there are thous ands who might readily build up their red blood corpuscles, increase their physical energy, and get themselves into a condition to ward oft the millions of disease germs that are almost continually around us. It is surprising how many people suffer from iron deficiency and do not know of It" Dr. James Francis Sullivan, formerly Phy sician of Bellevue Hospital (Outdoor Dept.), New York and Westchester County Hospital, says 3 "Thousands of persons go on suffer ing year after year, doctoring themselves .Whv': "--A, WW-.;." -1 K.? sT " V TJ.rf aV C Bee Want Ads Are Business The Wise One lays aside the Hammer and uses the knowledge acquired by years of study. My Dental Work is done in a painstaking, thorough wanner. There's no "come-backs." TEETH EXAMINED FREE and it's a good policy to have your teeth, examined every few months. Dr. U. E. Ludwick DENTIST 606 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1839. Persistent Advertising Is the Road to Success. " r Lincoln, Nebraska.',' Deed IVlore Answer? tell the women 20 Years Ago You can v with plenty of iron in their blood beautiful healthy rosy cheeked women full of Life. Vim and Vitality while those who lack iron are often cross, nervous, irritable, weak, tired, complain-, ing creatures whom nobody want to have around forr all kinds of ills, when the real and true cause underlying their condition is simply a lack of sufficient Iron in the red blood! corpuscles to enable Nature to transform the' food they eat into brawn, muscle, tissue and brain. But beware of the old forma of metal lie iron which frequently do more harm than good. "Notwithstanding 'all that has been said and written on this subject by well-known., physicians, thousands of people ' Still insist in dosing themselves with metal ie iron; simply, I suppose, because it costs s W eents less. I strongly advise readers in a'.I, cases to get a physician's prescription for organic iron Nuxated Iron or if yon don't want to go to this trouble then purchase only Nuxated Iron in its original packages and see that this particular name (Nuxated Iron) appears on the package. If yon . have' taken preparations such as Nux and Iron and other similar iron products and failed to get results, remember that such - product are an entirely different thing from Nuxated Iron." . , , NOTE Kuxsted Iron, which is prescribed and ree Mimended above by physicians, is not a secret rem edy, but on. which la well known to dnwiltts. lia- llk. thm Allap ifMw.nt. ( b- i. ssslmlltted, dose not Injure the teeth, nuke thrra black, nor upset the stomseh. The msnnfsctnrers fusrsntee successful and entirely satisfactory aesnlt to ererv purchaser or they will refund It ts dispensed In this cite by Shenaia a UcConnel! Drug Co. and all other druttlsta. i Boosters