Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1918, Page 7, Image 7

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S5f&tVWWVW I .
Semi-Annual Drug Sale
Continues on Saturday
fine! and me
Mali Floor
, t
'rings for Saturday
ality Modest Prices
en and Children
most complete stock of good
h ye quote the most modest
losiejy we are specializing on the
11 buy in each instance.
owery in all shades. Lace stripes,
ncyPlocks and high dl Cf
)rHa pair 1 ,ou
shoe shades; a, new lot in all
reet wear; price, a j 25
,ie,7f thread silk, in colors and
ashioned high spliced heels
Price, a pair
black and white; with
I toVfine quality, a CO c
iery Offerings
rani Hosiery, for boys and girls ;
llsifcs and prices; triple knees,-
A i 25c, 39c Bd 45c
sl Hosiery, fine ribbed and ex
riJaio black and white; (JQc
in 1 lack and white; all sizes;
25c aBd 29c
ffl Bmm' Wm
'day you will see one of the most
nddels ever displayed at this price.
anhattan Wash Suit Co A
Short sleeve styles or long sleeve styles ; long pant,
sailor styles ; short pant, middy styles ; Junior Nor
folk coat styles from the hand embroidered to
the plain suits.
Real Linens, Poplins, Repps, Madras, Fancy Cords,
Imported Chambrays, Crepes and various other
pink, blue,
ns, greens,
triped ef-
Men's Building
Girls' and Flapper Dresses
Fashions for Spring
Girls' Flapper Dresses, fash
ioned for the so-called hard-to-fit
girl, in styles that will im
part to her rightful grace and
charm. Ages 12, 14 and 16
They are Ginghams, Percales,
Repps, Linen, Sport Stripe, Jap
Crepe, in girlish effects that
will be found for the coming
Prices $2.95 to $15.00
Girls' Confirmation and
Graduation Dresses
Very dainty styles for confirmation
gette Crepes, Organdie, Nets; beautiful ribbon sashes trimmed with
dainty lace and embroidery. Mostly high waisted models.
Prices, $5.00 to $20.00.
Wonderful Assortment of Girls' New Spring Coats
in all new shades; classy styles; high waist lines; smartly belted with
large classy pockets. Sizes 6 to 14 years. Also a wonderful selec
tion of Flapper Coats in Velour, Silver Tone, Fancy Checks, Serges,
Poplins, etc.
Prices $5, $12.50, $15 to $35.
Second Floor-
fa Suit
2 to 8 Years J
sm 1
and graduation. Voiles, Geor
Silk Camisoles and Corset Covers
Special Purchase of Splendid Samples
Full Values, at 79c
We were fortunate
50 dozen of these
finished Camisoles
The Samples of a Prominent
New York Maker
This season's styles and make, some with ribbon shoul
der effects, also Corset Cover effects.
In beautiful Crepe de Chines and Wash Satins, trimmed
with fascinating Val and Filet Laces, Straight and point
ed effects, with dainty decorations of ribbon rosebuds.
If we were to go into the market today to purchase
these for regular stock, we could not possibly sell them
for less than $1.25 to $2.00 Saturday, this lot, special,
We have sketched four of these from actual garments.
While you have in mind the assembling of your Spring Ward
robe, it is most fortunate that we are in a position to offer you
these charming undergarments at such an unheard of price.
No woman should permit this opportunity to go by without se
curing at least a half dozen of these camisoles and corset
covers. An offer like this may never be repeated again.
TUrd Floor
Priced, at
Madame Lyra Corsets
for Spring
In a Wide Variety of Models
Corsets for the smart fitting Tailored Suits, also for
Evening, for Sport Wear, and for Morning Wear in the
How are you going to choose your Corset?
The careful woman is particular about her corsets because
the corset is the foundation for your new clothes for Spring.
Fashion and economy can go hand in hand. It is important
that you have your corset fitted. Let one of our corsetieres
select the model adapted for your individual figure and fit
you. It will mean corset comfort and economy for you.
Madame Lyra Corsets are made in handsome pink
and white broches, French coutil and batiste;
IT?: $3.50 to $12.50
Model 3683 A new model that moulds the figure
into fashionable lines. It has the modish girdle top;
bust very low, with front of corset higher to flatten
fullness of diaphragm and prevent top of corset from
pressing into the flesh; lightly boned, dC ((
made in pink brocade, six garters. Price PJJJ
Women's White Doeskin Gloves $1
25 Dozen of the $2.50 Grade
On Saturday, we shall offer SECOND SELEC
TION of the $2.50 grade of White Doeskin Gloves
for Women, at $1.00 a pair. This is such an ex
ceptional offering, that we do not feel the neces
sity of lengthening this statement, but simply call
attention to the $1.00 price and let your own judg
ment decide whether you can afford to miss get
ting your share. Main Floor
enough to obtain just
splendidly made and
and Corset Covers.
New Spring Suits
for Saturday
Tailored Models that show the most effective
best season's models at a very moderate price.
New Navy, Tan, Black, Rookie, Gray and Copen,
Blue Poplins, Serges and Gabardines, varied
with Shepherd plaids. Smartly tailored ef
fectively trimmed in braids, stitchings, buttons
and with contrasting shades in collars of silk,
make these alluring at the moderate prices of
$25.00, $29.00 Wld $35.00
Special attention is directed to the showing of
new navy and black suits for stout figures; very
tailored models and new lines.
$35.00, $37.50 and $39.00
Second Floor
Model 3687 A corset made in pink coutil; low top
with ample fullness to prevent crowding the flesh;
the skirt is long and the back of corset is very
closely boned, to
serviceable corset
Model 2468 A very low top corset with long skirt,
which hooks all the way down in front. Elastic gore
set in over thighs.
in pink coutil
brandeis Stores
give an extreme flat effect. A
for full figures.
This corset is made fljO . C A
Cut Flower
10,000 Finatt Horn Grown
Sweet Peat, in all colors, large
bunches, regularly 50c, special,
at 23
5,000 Fancy, Freth Cut Carna
tion., in all colors, each,2W
Large Bunches of Violet, a
bunch, each 10
Also a large assortment of
Spring Flowers, at special
We specialize on floral designs.
Cut Flower Department.
tTV M4S rW it
Recent announcement made by the
French ministry of the interior are
that Senator Charle Humbert, ac
cuied in the recent Bolo Pasha-Call
aux scandal, has been arrested. He is
the proprietor of the Paris Journal,
through which, it is charged, Bolo
directed his pro-German and pacifist
activities, He sold a big part of his
interest in the Paris Journal to Bolo
for $5,500,000, and, according to his
statement, later returned the money
with the announcement that he had
been deceived by the "peace" plotter,
New Chief of Staff Returning
From Front Gives Ameri
can Soldiers Clean
An Atlantic Port, March 1. Major
General Peyton March, new chief of
staff of the United States army, ar
rived here today after nine months
abroad as chief of artillery of the
American expeditionary force.
Describing the American troops in
France as so well trained in modern
warfare to be able to handle them
selves "with entire credit to the
United States." General March said
the censorship was "lamentable" and
intimated he would advocate that the
regulations in this respect be made
less stringent 10 that the people in
America might learn as much as pos
sible about the activities of the expe
ditionary forces.
"The American forces are remarka
ble for their morale and health, he
declared. "They are keen about the
game. Those on the battle line now
and the reserves, too, are so well
trained in modern warfare that they
can handle themselves with entire
credit to the United States. I in
spected the troops on the line just be
fore I left France, and they are ex
traordinarily cheerful and contented,
notwithstanding the mud and the
German shells.
"Their health is splendid. There Is
no sickness and there is better morale
than there was at the Mexican bor
der, where I was stationed before go
insr abroad. The spirit of the Ameri
cans is splendid and every man is
happy. A great many of the men take
it as a lark, the majority never before
having been outside the United States
and some never even outside their
own states.
"It is a great advantage to the men
that everything is new and interest
ing to them; this serves to keep up
their spirits.
General March was accompanied by
Major Generals S. D. Sturgis and F.
H. French.
Roumania Enters Peace
Negotiations With Germany
Tassy, Roumania. Tuesday, Feb. 26,
(Delayed.) An official note an
nouncing that Roumania has decided
to enter into peace negotiations with
the central powers, declares reports
that Roumania will accept peace at
any price are untrue. The govern
ment, it is added, will only enter into
negotiations if assured that they will
be conducted on a basis acceptable in
every respect.
Conscience Stricken Thief
Returns Stolen Overcoat
An overcoat thief who stole a fur-
lined 'benny" from Phillip's depart
ment Store, South Side, either got a
garment that did not fit or became
conscience-stricken. Three hours
after the coat was stolen a policeman
found it neatly folded in front of the
store. The coat belonged to the
Two Branches of Service
Open to Drafted Men
The artillery was opened to
voluntary enlistment for drafted men
by induction Thursday. This branch
of the service has been filled for some
time and no enlistments taken.
Drafted men desiring to enter serv
ice can now enter but two branches,
coast artillery and infantry.
McGuire Pulls Corks;
Shcehan Samples Goods
Special Prosecutor McGuire dis
tinguished himself before Judge Es
telle in the trial of John Dobrowski
for the Illegal possession of intoxi
cating liquors by his dexterous use
of that instrument commonly
known as a corkscrew.
The evidence, consisting of bot
tles of lucent rose and amber col
ored liquors, created a profound im
pression in the court room, as re
moval of the corks was executed
by McGuire. Sergeant Sheehan of
the South Side police, who raided
Dobrowski's room in the house at
Twenty-sixth and Q streets, was
authorized to identify the fragrant
odors and pronounce upon the
liquids contained therein by actual
sampling! ,
Many French Peasants Will Ba
Patpers if Eusslan Credit Is
Forever Rained by Re
pudiation. Paris, March 1. -The repudiation
by the bolshevik governmeat of Rus
sia's entire bonded debt caused som
anxiety among the French people,
who held at least half of the debt
of the empire outstanding at the be
ginning of the war.
Eighteen billions of francs of Rus
sian bonds, at the price of issue, wer
listed on the Paris Bourse. Twelve
billions, according to the lowest esti
mates, and 15,000,000,000 according to
other calculations, were bought by th
French republic
Servants in white aprons, bare
headed market women, domestics
of all categories and men in the
blouses of the peasant and the laborer
make up the long lines of investors in
front of the wickets whenever Rus
sian loans were offered for sale.
Servants Hold Bonds.
"I haven't a sou invested in Rus
sia," a millionaire Parisian said to
the Associated Press, "but everyone
of my servants has one or more Rus
sian bond. Another millionaire said
the same was true of his household.
"Instead of hitting the counting
houses and the salon, the bolsheviki
are hitting the servants' hall and the
backstairs," was the way he put the
There it no little apprehension in
socialist circles as to the effect of this
heavy blow the extreme revolutionary
element in Russia has delivered at the
extreme liberal element in France. A
peasant or workingman who may
overlook or disbelieve news of bol
sheviki excesses or misconstrue their
effect will ba unable to doubt the evi
dence of his own despoilment
Until now the holders of Russian
bonds have been reassured by the
payment of the January coupons
which tha French treasury assumed.
It doesn't appear yet, however, wheth
er the French government will assume
the burden indefinitely and if th
bankruptcy of the revolution is al
lowed to become effective, the great
er number of the smaller investors
who have been financing the Russian
empire since loos will be ruined.
Monty Did No Good.
A contrast is drawn here betweei
the action of the bolsheviki and that
of the French revolution. The Maxi
malists pretend that the money loaned
to Russia was used to buy arms to
keep the people in subjection. This
was true to a far greater extent of
the money borrowed by the French
monarchy prior to 1789, yet the con
vention made it a point of honor U
take those debts to the account of the
The claims that money furnished by
France brought no benefit to tha neo-
pie of Russia is also contested. It is
possible to trace the money through
the official list of the loans floated
In Paris and it is found that more
than three-fourths of the capital rep
resented was employed to buy rail
roads, to build them, or to develop
industry and agriculture.
jiussia naa unproveu on 17 aooui
a third of its land at the beginning;
of the war and the question is asked
how the peasants to whom the un
improved land is turned over will find
means of improving it if Russian
credit is forever destroyed by the re
pudiation of its debt.
Havre, France, March 1. Baron de
Broqueville, the Belgian foreign min
ister, gives the Associated Press the
following statement concerning the
recent sDeech bv Count von Herding.
the German imperial chancellor:
"The Belgian government's views
are known and are unchanged. It
affirmed them quite recently. In its
answer to the Holy See on December
24 the Belgian government said:
l ne integrity ot ine metropolitan
and colonial territory: political, eco
nomic and military independence
without condition or restriction; rep
aration for damages, and guarantees
against repetition of the aggression
of 1914 are the indispensable condi
tions for a just peace as far as Bel
gium is concerned. " ; t
"The Belgian government hat al
ready declared and repeated that it,
will not discuss peace except In con
cert with the powers who guaranteed
its Independence and who have ful
filled their obligations towaro Bel
Man Sentenced to Pen '
After Pleading Gjbilty
Sheriff R. A. Dunn will leave tomor
row morning for the penitentiary at
Fort Madison with Geoge 1 Baker,
sentenced in the district covft Tues
day by Judge Thomas Arthfir to tha
state prison for an indeterminate pe
riod of not to exceed 10 years.
Baker pleaded guilty to charge of
Wilke Long, Densel Smith and
Charles Robson, Red Oilc boys, con
fessed yesterday to robjbing the Sun
newspaper office here Wednesday
night, and, after being arraigned be
fore Mayor F. A. Smith, were re
leased on appearance, bonds of $$00
About $150 in mony was taken, be
sides several checks and postal sav
ings stamps.
Steel Magnates Meet to
Discuss Price Adjustment
New York. March 1. Leaders of
the steel and irott - industry in the
United States met here today for what
was described as an "important con
ference on prices."
Elbert H. Gary said: "The purpose
of the meeting is to take up the mat
ter of relative prices of various prod
ucts and to get the views of all con
cerned, so we will be able to go to
Washington for general discussion
and consideration of prices.
"The current fixed quotations,
established by President Wilson last
September and reaffirmed on January
1, run unfcil April 1, when the future
policy of the administration is to be
decided ,