Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1918, Page 3, Image 3

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Omaha Macaroni Interests Plan
$2,500,000 Establishment
on South Side; 33-Acre
Site Acquired.
A new $2,500,000 packing plant on
the South Side is in immediate pros
pect. Lloyd and Paul Skinner of the Skin
ner Macaroni Manufacturing company
of Omaha are back of the project.
The prospectus is in the hands of the
printer, and a modern packing plant
combining all the most approved ap
pliances of the best packing houses in
the country is planned.
Thirty-three acres of ground lying
just south of the present plant of the
Swift Packing company, have been
acquired by the Skinners, and it is
here that ground probably will be
broken for the new plant this spring.
Who the principal stockholders
will be, aside from the Skinner broth
ers, is not yet disclosed, but it is un
derstood that one man has agreed to
put in $250,000.
Study Packing Plants.
The ground has been acquired quiet
ly, and the Skinners, without giving
any publicity to the proposition, have
been studying packing plants and
their requirements for months with a
view to assembling in their prospec
tive plant all the best qualities found
in the best establishments of this kind
in the country.
Lloyd Skinner is slated for presi
dent and Paul Skinner for vice presi
dent, according to the present plans.
It is understood that the Skinner
brothers will carry the large blocks
of stock in the new establishment.
The live stock and packing industry
of Omaha has grown steadily and
rapidly in the last 10 years.
Existing packing houses- of the
larger nationally known corporations
have grown to gigantic proportions in
that time. Concerns that started as
small independent packers that long
ago have developed into plants of
first magnitude.
Meantime much gossip has been
heard as to the opportunity for other
packing concerns to develop a big
business in the yards of the South
Side. The Skinner interests have ob
tained what is considered the best
possible location available under the
present stock yard development. They
have excellent available trackage.
The Skinner interests have made an
unusual success of the macaroni man
ufacturing business in Omaha.
Scarcely 10 years ago Paul Skinner, a
mere boy, began the manufacture of
macaroni in a back room on east Har
ney street. In a few years he moved
into larger quarters, where he opened
several years, and then built the new
streets. Within less than two years
after this large plant was built the
growth of the volume of business
made it necessary to double the size
' was that the big new plant was ex
actly duplicated by an addition on
the east. -
The Skinner macaroni plant is now
said to be the largest in the United
States and there is talk of further
New Federal Agent Loses
Father and Brothers in War
Wigand Maunier began work Fri
day as a special agent in the federal
bureau of investigation. His father
and three brothers have been killed
in the French army since the begin
ning of the war.
Wigand came to this country 10
years ago. He lived in Alliance,
Neb., where he worked as laborer,
picking up an education in his spare
time until now he is a skilled stenog
rapher. Technically he is an "alien enemy,"
for in spite of his father and three
brothers who were soldiers of France,
Wigand was born in Bremen, Ger
many, where his parents, who were
French, lived for a few years. Soon
after he was born they moved back to
Toulon in southern France, where he
lived until he came to America.
Traveling Men Will Aid
State Food Administrator
Traveling men. throughout the state
are volunteering to serve the food ad
ministration by reporting to the fe
cal food administrators any viola
tions of the meatless and wheatless
days and meals or violation of the
substitute rules.
Food Administrator Wattles has
i asked for the co-operation ' of all
traveling men in this service and has
already received many replies. The
Western Weighing and Inspection
Bureau of Omaha has alreidy volun
J teered the services of its force to such
1 work, as has also the Travelers' Pro
J tective association of Alliance, Neb.
Railroad Labor Agency
Established by Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam's railroad employment
agency has opened. J. B. Dehsmore
is in charge and railroads have been
-irl trior! tn nrcsptit thpi'r lahnr nrnh-
lems to him. In Omaha, M. A. Coy
kendall will represent the railroad
Omaha railroad men anticipate an
acute shortage of labor this spring
t r e i. j
ana some apprenension is ieu regard
ing the. section hand nroblem. Durine
the winter section gangs were reduced
to not exceed three men, but main
tenance of way officials declare these
panes must be increased to six and
eight this summer.
Patrick Casey Apointed
Chief of County Charities
Patrick H. Casey, 2005 Atwood
avenue, city inspector, was appointed
administrator of county charities by
the board of county commissioners
Thursday, as successor to William T.
Hogan, who has held the office since
February, 1917.
Hogan denied an assertion of
county commissioners that his resig
nation had been made with the ex
pectation of receiving an appoint
ment as city sanitation inspector by
City Commissioner Kugel. , .
Casey will take office as adminis
trator .of county charities. March 1,
Starts Here Saturday Morning
This sale, coming as it does right at the time you are stock
ing up for Spring and Summer, affords you exceptional
opportunities to save. $1.00 is a very low price to pay for.
such good shirts as these Your size is here and the color-,
mgs and patterns you will like also.
2600 Shirts in This Lot-All Sizes
Your Choice
(flfl (jjVjj)
On Saturday
Consisting of Jap Crepes, Corded Madras, Mercerized Soi
settes, Percales, Fiber Mixtures and Fancy Repp Cloth.
Sample shirts and all the high grade shirts left over from
our own stock. A record breaking offering at this price.
Shirts Here Worth $1.50 to $2.25
Buy them by the half dozen or more and you won't go wrong.
Men's Hosiery at 35c a Pair
100 dozen Men's Fibre and Silk Hosiery, consisting of odd
lots from large Eastern Hosiery Millsi in plain colors and fancy
Main Floor, Men' Building
Men's Silk Neckwear at 55c
About 300 dozen Scarfs, all new, fresh patterns, will be
placed on sale here on Saturday. Beautiful styles for Easter
wear, in excellent quality silks. Worth 75c and $1.00. .
Your New Spring Suit or Top Coat
Should Be
Hart Schaffner & Marx
More and more the best of everything
is being stardardized in merchandise as
well as manners and the man who
aspires to be well dressed, is just as
particular about the label sewed on the
inside of the garment as he is about the
weave of the cloth and the cut of the
garment. THAT IS TO SAY he pins
his faith to a clothing organization that
stands for character of output rather
than quantity.
Hart Schaffner & Marx
have taken the leading place in the
making of clothes for Men, because
they have an organization second to
none other anywhere ALL WOOL
means ALL WOOL when quoted in
any ad concerning their Suits or Over
coats and with the present condition
of the Woolen Market taken carefully
into consideration a statement that a
garment is ALL WOOL is one th,at so
rarely can be made with truth, that it
deserves instant recognition and sup
port of every man who wants to wear
good clothes.
Copyright Sort Schaffner & Man
Spring Suits Snappy Styles
Young men should come to our Second
Floor and see the new military sack
styles the Fort, the Recruit, the West
Point, the Militaire; all with the new
five-seam back; very good looking. We
show the same idea in some of the new
Spring overcoat styles. Plenty of other
lively things for men and young men.
$20, $25, $3Gr, $35, $40, $45, $50, $60
Spring Top Coats, $18 to $30
Spring overcoats, motor coats and slip
ons, that were late 1917 arrivals and
salesmen's 1918 spring models, in Scotch
weaves, cheviots, knit fabrics and staple
weaves. All are silk lined and .silk trim
med. Most of these coats will shortly
sell at double the price, now, '
$18.00 to $30.00
Hart Schaffner & Marx Trousers, $5.00
They're perfectly made, of course; they're made mostly of fine suit
fabrics, such as don't often get into odd trousers; and Oil
they're $5; which is a lot less than their value; now pJUU
Other Trousers $6 to $15.
Advance Showing of Men's Spring Hats
"Stetson" to the Fore-Fine Styles
One of the best known Hats
in America and one of the best
Hats as well THE STET
SON. We are showing them
here at headquarters in a;
broad variety of styles a
$4.50, $5, $6 and up to $i2.50
Mayo Hats
Headquarters Here Also.
The $3.50 Hats with the
$5.00 Look.
Other exclusive makes
at $2, $2.50 and $3.
Special, Boys' New Spring Caps,
value $1.00, at 65c.
at Low
Boys' 50c and 65c Caps, in one lot,
Saturday, at 25c.
Main Floor, Arcada
Men's $7 to $10 Shoes at $5.85 a Pair
English Last-Lace Style-Limited Quantity
Don't hesitate, because we are offering you
Shoes that would be excellent values at the reg
ular prices of $7 and $10 for $5.85 a pair.
Your Footwear is a very important part of
your wardrobe comfort and style in the Shoes
you wear go a long way toward making you
happy and comfortable. Here are excellent
Shoes at a price that is well below the usual.
Brown Cordovan and Russian Calf, Dark Brown and
Gun Metal Calf also; your choice, at, a jE OC
pair pjou
$6.50 and $7 Shoes at $4.50 a Pair
Russian Calf, Gray Buck Top, Russian Calf with
Fawn Buck Top, and Gun Metal and Gray Buck Top.
Boys' $4.45 to $5.98 Shoes, $3.95 a Pair
Gun Metal, English last, lace style. Also Boys,vBlucher Style, Black Calf,
Broad Toe.
Main Floor, Man's BIdf.
s- v mv t m . s- J
dim ffi Sores s,,9dpT'
The Men's Store Oilers Ex
ceptional Opportunities to Save
on All Spring Wear.