V THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, MARCH 2, 1918. STATE READY FOR THIRD LIBERTY LOAN CAMPAIGN T. C. Byrne Announces Drive Will Start Soon; Interest Rate Probably Will Be 4 1-2 Per Cent. Organization throughout the state for the sale of the third Liberty loan bonds is practically completed. "It is apparent now that the cam paign will start soon," announces T. C. Byrne, state chairman. "There is no exact information yet as to the date, or what the size of the offering will be, but we feel sure the amount to be sold is between $6,000,000000 and $9,000,000,000. Recent offerings of treasury certificates would indicate that the rate will be Al2 per cent." "Nebraska is ready to do its part again," said O. T. Eastman, manager of the Omaha branch of the Federal Reserve bank. "No matter how big Nebraska's quota is, the experience of the state committee indicates that it will be taken. The very real se rious problem, in the interest of the commerce of the country, is to have the subscription well distributed among the people." , E. F. Folda, secretary of the state committee, said: "It is absolutely es sential that the bonds be generally distributed. The banks have proven that they are behind the government to the limit, but banking assets must be held liquid so that the banker in every community can take care of the business of his depositors and bor rowers, because it will be necessary to create a credit that you can loan to your government. There is not enough cash on hand or available funds to absorb the entire loan." Volunteers Are Working With Membership Committee A platoon of volunteer hustlers of the Chamber of Commerce marched out of the headquarters Friday morn ing to assist the membership commit tee in hustling memberships to a to tal of 2,500 They will continue the work Saturday, and probably finish Saturday night. The co-operation of all club mem bers will be sought today and tomor row in getting new members. Letters have been sent to every member with an application blank enclosed, and every member is expected tc make a special effort to bring in some friend as a new member. February Enlistments Not Up to Standard Army enlistments in the Omaha district were the smallest during February of any month since the en trance of the United States into the war. February enlistments totaled 545 men. The January enlistments were 785. An active campaign will be made for recruits this month. A new branch station has been opened in Creston, la., for the summer. cam paign. Recruiting officers will be sent out from the Omaha office to the smaller towns where recruiting stations are . not maintained, in an effort to obtain more enlistments. An endeavor will be made to enlist 800 men from the Omaha district this month. Swedish Society Regales Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meurling The Swedish singing society, "Nor den," tendered a farewell reception Thursday night to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Meurling at the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Edquist, 802 North Forty second street. Mr. Meurling, who has been editor of the Omaha Posten for the last seven years, will go to Minnneapolis as editor-in-chief of the Svenska Amerikanska Posten, the largest Swedish paper there. John S. Helgren, Sam Simonson, Louis Henderson and Hjalmar An derson made speeches and several poems written for the occasion were read. Mr. Meurling made a response to all the complimentary remarks and poems. Enemy Aliens Notified Of Last Day to Register German aliens are notified that Sat urday will be the last day for obtain ing registration cards, according to the law as defined by the attorney general. H. J. Nielsen and Frank Rose of the police department have main tained an office in the city council chamber for several weeks. On and after Monday enemy aliens must be prepared to identify themselves by showing registration cards. A Special Sale Saturday of Spring Flowers A- dainty corsage for Milady, a boutonniere or a pretty plant for your home, all lend nature's charm to these first days of Spring. Sweet Peas 20c Bunch Beautiful sweet peas in various colors, very special Saturday, at 20c bunch. Fresh Carnations, 3c Fresh carnations, very specially priced Saturday, at. 3c each. Hyacinths, 19c Potted hyacinths, white and col ors, special, at 19c a pot. Spring Flowers Daffodils, narcissus, tulips, etc., at special prices. Main Floor Burgess-Hash Gohpaijy. VERYBODYS STQR& Friday, March 1, 1918- -Burgess-Nash Store News for Saturday- Phone D. 137 aiirday at Jwgess -Nash 1mm Clock Another Fascinating Demonstration Saturday oj Burgess-Nash Style Supremacy Featuring- Newest Spring Hats at popular prices of $5.00, $7.50 and $10.00 A MOST interesting display jtx. planned on a broad scale. An event for which we have as sembled numerous copies of the most recent creations by foremost New York and Paris designers, in addition to a special group from our own workroom. Included are models for dress, street, motoring and pastime wear types that will appeal to women of discrimination and refinement for each hat has an individuality all its own. Individual French rooms for those who prefer to make a selec tion in privacy Burges-Nah Co. Second Floor H ERE'S Unusual Glove News $1.29 For women who wear small sizes, this is, Indeed, a most un usual opportunity. The offering consists of sample pairs, also several hun dred pairs that are soiled and mussed taken from our own stock, otherwise in perfect con dition, and offered at fully 25 to 33 per cent under the pres ent market value. The assortment consists mostly of sizes 54, 5, 6, and 6V4, the price, $1.29 a pair. Bure-Naah Co. Main Floor. Drugs and Toilet Goods Soul Kiss cream, 29c. Dr. Graves' tooth powder, 18c. Colgate's tooth paste, large, 23c. Frostilla, 22c. Orchard White, 33c. Espey's cream, 22c. Senreco tooth paste, 19c. Odorono, medium, 44c. Massatta t al c u m powder, 15c. R a c a r m a toilet water, $1.00. 1 lot white ivory manicure pieces, 19c. Pepsodent tooth paste, 44c. Burgets-Nash Co.- Daggett and Rams dell's cold cream, 28c. 1 lot H. L. Hughes waterproof ideal hair brushes, 89c. S 1 o a n's liniment, 18c. - Nuxated Iron, 79c. Lavoris, small, 22c. Sal Hepatica, 24c. -Main Floor. A Glimpse at the New Spring Suits $25.00 and $29.50 Suits that show spring in every line. This means their styles, individuality and distinctiveness, are such as will appeal to the woman who gives a thought for the new. The style trend is a de cided change from seasons past conservation of wool materials has not brought about a lessening of smart lines and styles of the new suits. The skirts are narrow, the coat sleeves are tight and the shoulders close fitting. Where extra materials have been used, if any, is in the ripple flare of the coats. Some of the new suits show the Eton effects ; others the pony jackets, and still others the smart severe ly, tailored effects. The materials are poplins, serges, tricotines, p o i r e t twills and mixtures. Black, navy and the spring shades. Prices, $25.00 to $29.50. Burgess-Naih Co. Second Floor WOMEN'S Pure " Thread Silk Hose 85c The famous "Burnasco" quality, black or white, full fashioned, regular made foot, also seamless, special 85c a pair. Women's Hose, 50c Black or white cotton, full fashioned, full regular made foot, double garter top, "Bur nasco" quality, at, 50c a pair. Pure Silk Hose, $1.35 Women's black or white pure thread silk hose, full fashioned, at, $1.35 the pair. Thread Silk Hose, $1.75 Black or white, pure thread silk, full fashioned, full regu lar made foot, double garter top, our "Burnasco" quality, $1.75 a pair. Burfeii-Nuh Co. Mala Floor You Can't Duplicate These Shirts at Anywhere Near the Price $1.15 AND there is no telling when such a good value will be offered again, the upward tendency of the mar ket will most likely preclude a repetition of such an occasion. The shirts are splendid fitting and well made, cut full and large of plain and fancy carded madras, har mony and garner percales, pongees, mercerized cloths, Russian cards and other soft materials suitable for high grade shirts. Laundered and soft cuffs, coat style. You'll want a half dozen when you see the quali ty and patterns offered at $1.15. Men's Handkerchiefs. 15c, 25c Hemstitched colored borders and plain white. Some with initials. Big assort ment for selection at 15c and 25c each. Men's Sample Hose, 25c White and black, and some fancy colors included, priced at about 12 price, at, 25c a pair. Men's Neckwear, at 75c Men's rubber lined spring neckwear, a new shipment just received. Beautiful as sortment of patterns and colorings, 75c. Muslin Night Robes, $1.00 Splendid quality, cut full and extra length. Bought before the advance and offered to you at the same rate of saving, $1.00. Burftt-Naah Co. Main Floor FRESH Peanut Brittle, at 29c Peanut or cocoanut brittle, fresh made, best ingredients, Saturday, 29c lb. .Nut caramels, vanilla or chocolate flavor, fresh made, special at 33c lb. Burieta-Nath Co. Main Floor. Early Spring Styles of Women's Boots, Pumps and Oxfords RICH, beautiful, splendid fitting model oxfords for early spring wear will be correct , ' We mention just a few of the many styles fifty different pat terns from which to select. Black Russian calf, light welt sole, cuban heels, perforated tip. Dark shade tan calf, circular vamp, turn Boles, full Louis XV heel, Briancliff last. Same in all patent colt. Dark tan Russian calf, welt soles, leather cuban heel. Black kid oxford, light welt soles, cuban heel. White Nile cloth oxford, welt sole, low cuban fiiack kid oxford, low heel, comfortable last Black kid pumps, patent kid pumps, gray kid mimDs. brown kid Dumps, tan Russian calf pumps. black Russian calf pumps. Price range $5.00 to $10.00. The Early Spring Boots All kid with Louis XV covered heel including: Gray kidskin, brown kidskin, fawn color kidskin, white kidskin, golden brown kidskin, ivory tone all kidskin. Prices range $8.00, $10.00, $12.00 and $13.50. Saturday is children's day In our shoe section. The only store in Omaha where the famous Educator shoe for children can be found. i Burfeaa-Nath Co. Second Floor Again Saturday MEN'S SUITS Reduced to $21.50 THERE is no better or more important news in this en tire paper than this about these men's suits, which we have reduced for Saturday to $21.50. Every garment possesses all the points there are to a suit, thorough satisfaction with the way it fits, the way it's made and the way it looks and wears splendidly tailored throughout. In style and fabric everything that is new is represented. The tailoring shows the master touch of America's greatest designers. All sizes represent ed, from 33 to 46. There's a wide range of materials, including plain serges, good staple styles that will be de sirable for the com ing season. All re duced to the one price Saturday $21.50 r BurfMt-Naih Co. Fourth FIooi SATURDAY TILL 6 IN THE DOWN STAIRS STORE CHILD'S Wash Dresses, at 29c Also aprons, bloomers, caps and shirts, plain white and light or dark colored ging hams, slightly mussed but very special at 29c. Burgeis-Nash Co. Down Stairs Store w OMEN'S Pretty Blouses. 69c " Good desirable styles, white or colored, nainsook, voile, flaxon, and organdie, prettily trimmed with lace or em broideries, 69c. Burg-est-Naih Co. Down Stair Storo WOMEN'S Silk Camisoles. $1.25 Pretty shade of pink, splen did quality, all pink, silk taped, exceptional values, Saturday, at $1.25 each. Burgeat-Naih Co. Down Stair Storo w OMEN'S Cotton Hose, at 15c Unusual values are these cot ton hose for women at 15c pair, black or white, double tops and seamless, special at 15c pair. Bur(..-Nath Co. Down Stair Storo w OMEN'S Hose, Special, at 25c Women's1 fine cotton hose, black, white or colored, with seamless foot, very special, Saturday at 25c pair. Burfei.-N.th Co. Down Stairs Storo M IDDY Blouses, Saturday. 49c" Sizes for girls and misses, made of heavy cheviot in plain white or with assorted colored collar, cuffs and girdle, at 49c. Burgtss-Nash Co. Down Stairs Storo Charming New Silk Dresses Featured for Saturday at $16.50 WE'RE certainly enthusiastic about these dresses we offer Saturday at $16.50, and you will be also when you see them. Made in a number of pretty ways of crepe de chine, chiffon, taffeta, satin, foulard and combinations, in styles for afternoon and street wear. Tunic, straight line and draped models, beaded and embroidery trimmed, very special, when at $16.50. New Skirts, '$5.95 Made of good grade of taffeta, and trimmed with shirrings and pockets, black and navy, at $5.95. Women's Coats, $6.50 New spring weight, sport plaids and checks, length, large cape collar, belted all around, pockets, very good value, at $6.50. Burgei.-Naih Co. Down Stafr Store is m a A Remarkable Display and Sale Saturday of New Spring Hats At $4.50 SHOW room samples, bought at a tremendous sacrifice. New individual shapes, including Large Lisere Sailors, Dainty Poke Bonnets, Shiny Watteau Sailors, Small Nifty Turbans. Some are combined with the finest quality georgette crepe, others all straw, black and all colors. Burftis-Nath Co. Down Stair Storo Several Hundred Pairs of Men's Good Shoes Reduced To YOU will certainly appreciate the wonderful values. They are all clean and new. made for this season's selling- no job l,ots or old styles. Including: Black calfskin, Eng lish last, oak tan leather soles. niov onifcirin. rinPT anles. which will outwear leather. Black calfskin, tan Russia calf tops. ; Black kidskin, wide toe last. Black calfskin, high toe, button. Tan Russia calfskin, high toe, button and lace. Boys' School Shoes, $2.65 Black calfskin with solid leather soles, button and lace, $2.65 and $2.95. Burf-Naah Co. Down Stair Storo AT t w Men's Sample Shirts, at QCp Extreme Reductions Saturday THE spring sample line of a big jobber which were bouht at a sacrifice, this together with odds and ends from our own stock are offered at a tremendous reduction from the regular or untouched price. The materials are heavy percales, mohairs and crepes in the most desired color and pattern, made with French cuffs, and negligee collar attached. . All arranged on tables in sizes and lots for quick and con venient selections at 95c. Burf M-Naah Co. Down Stair Storo - 1 1