The Omaha Sunday Bee THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: FEBRUARY 24, 1918. . The Bee's Special Sunday Sport Pages All the Latest Sport News All the Time Rube Oldring Sells Farm and Signs to Play with Old Boss WAR-TIME MEDALS FOR WINNERS OF ILLINOIS EVENT Bronze Medals to Take Place of Costly Watches and Pins at Western Relay Carnival. JHlere's Way Red Sox Infield . Will Look When April Arrives FANS HARBOR NO SYMPATHY FOR T LADS HOLDOU v tt W I BIG BANK ROLLS LURE RING STARS DOWNTO DEFEAT Money Madness Causes Many Top Notch Boxers to Fade ,:Away in Relatively Short is. Time. By JACK SKELLY. This is certainly the rapid age in pugilism, as in other affairs of Ameri can speedy life. Bright, brilliant box ing stars loom up moon after moon on the fistic firmament, dazzle and shine for a while in all their fascinat ing glory, and then "blow up" or fall gradually into obscurity. When Kid Williams knocked out that clever, artistic boxer, Johnny Cpulon, in the third round of a sched uled 20-round combat at Los An geles in 1914, he was not only pro claimed the undisputed bantam cham pion but a wonderful little fighter indeed. Bows to Pete Herman. . The next year, however, lie los,t his title to Johnny Ertle on a foul in a no decision bout, and he soon after began to slow down a bit, until he finally ran up against Pete (Kid) Herman at New Orleans and lost the decision in a 20-round mill. Her man's victory over Williams did not help the latter any, and he relin quished all claims to the bantam crown. , The other night over in Phiadel phia Williams hit the crushing down fall of his flashy ring career. Joe Lynch, a fairly clever local New York boy, knocked the once supposedly unbeatable Kid out in the fourth round. . , .This was indeed a big surprise to the close followers of the game. But it only goes to show how a rushing, flashy, aggressive fighter like Wil liams will battle his way up to a championship by terrific speed and hitting, and then in a short while fall back step by step when his steam and vigor leaves him. . Stan Fall Without Science. It also goes to prove the old argu ment regarding the lack of science on the part of so many young box ' ers. If ( Williams and many other young nngsters only acquired the rudiments and some of the fine classy tactics of th mantv art ti not only last much longer as top- IUK.IIC13 out wouia Decomc lar more brilliant boxers. Oh, but this is the slam bang, Jieljer skelter, rapid age, when no body has any time to learn anything thoroughly. Watch the youngsters in the ring today; slashing, swinging, mauling, wrestling, hugging and bull ing their way through 10 decisionless rounds like a pack of raw amateurs. . Slug Away Until Checked. Most of them have not the slight est conception of the manly art But as long as their youthful vigor and stamina last they manage to slug and fool the public and many of the incompetent referees, who don't dare to disqualify them. , Think of such great fistic cham pions and stars as Terry McGovern, .Young Corbett, Knockout Brown, Johnny Coulpn, Young Ahcarn, Johnny Ertle, Leach Cross, Jack Dil ion, Bob Moha and many others, hitting the toboggan or falling back in their prowess before they have reached the prime of their manhood, McGovern wn nnlv ?? .,. when he lost his featherweight title to , Young Corbett, . and many more were under the age of 25. It is the rapid, unnatural, abnormal existence that most of the high roll ing topnotchers lead that causes them to deteriorate so early in life and fall by the wayside. Most of them box too often and do not train properly. b"ome money mad, as it were. With this commercial idea foremost in their brains they sacrifice every thing for the hustling hunt after dol ars. Big bank rolls and high life lure them to defeat. B; Miske Lets Out a Wail; Hot on Dempsey's Trail From St. Paul comes a wail. It emanates from Billy Miske and his mana8fl' Pearl Smith- wh want to know how can Dempsey go ahead nd cop honors without giving Miske ronsideration? They claim Miske's record is far superior to the Californ ia" s, and that Jack has refused to meet Billy. Smith says he will put up $2,000 with fiSke'' lt Dempsey wi" match Dempsey'ke mre bus!ness anea(I or College Aviators Learn How to Use the Shotgun College aviators are to be 'taught he use of the shotgun in ccnnection with their other instructions, so that once m an aeroplane they can use that weapon to good advantage against font. Th . rjstablished a military school of aero nautics at the University of California and part of thi instruction is that of bluerock shooting. Each recruit shoots at something like 60 targets iach week. Running Champion Goes ' : Into Navy as Draft Looms Alike Devanney, holder of the na tional half-mile championship, and one of the leading middle-distance runners in the country, has enlisted as a second-class seaman at the Bos ton navy yard. Devanney was placed in Class 1 of the draft, but he pre ferred the navy to the army and re ceived the necessary permission from the exemption board to enlist as a second-class seaman. McCredie Passes Up-Siglin As Portland Leader Draft President Judge McCredie of the Portland Pacific Coast International league (Northwestern) has decided to past up Paddy Siglin as his manager, because Siglin's , draft status makes him so doubtful, and is now looking about for another man to lead his team in the coming race. Nick Will iams may be the selection, i. t Hi mmmmmmmmmmmmmW ' V V ' ' III ','"-' : '-i WK'Sh mil i ijyjs X v,A. - U n Rube Oldring, former Mackman and Yankee, after selling his farm at Marlboro, N. J., purchased a home in West Philadelphia and is to return 'to the Mackmen. -He has confided this information to a friend. ; Connie Mack is reticent about dis cussing Oldring's return to the Ath NATIONALS END OLD SQUABBLE WITH FEDERAL c!?eck for $55,000 Given to Defunct Ball Organization Set tles Controversy on Old Agreement. New York, Feb. 23. John C.( Toole, attorney for the National Base Ball league, today handed over a , check for $55,000 to James Hindman, at torney for former Federal league clubs, settling the National league's account up to date with the Federal league clubs under the terms of the agreement of two years ago. - Of the amount $25,000 goes to .the Pittsburgh Trust company, receivers of the former Pittsburgh Federal league club, which settles in full the National league's obligation to that club j $20,000 goes to the Robert B. Ware? estate for two vears' rental of the Brooklyn Federal leabue ball park; and $10,000 to Harry Sinclair ior two years rental ot the Newark Federal league grounds. It also was announced that the Na tional league has 18 more annual nav- ments of $10,000 each to be made to the Ward estate and eight additional payments of $5,00 to Sinclair. President B..B. Johiison of the Am erican league, is was said, also will send, a check for $55,000 to the Fed eral league attorney in the near future as the American league share of the Federal league peace indemnity. John K. Tener, president of the Na tional league, , will make ' all future payments for his league without further action by that body. Cards Sign Kid Who Cuts Wide Swathe in Mound City The St. Louis Cardinals anounce the signing of another youngster from educational circles,- in Robert Lara more, a player who has made t great reputation in St. Louis High school base ball He is an infielder. He does not report until school closes. St. Louis comment indicates that he is a wonderful all around athlete. Egan Lauds Catcher. From , Cincy for Milwaukee Team Manager Ned Egan is rapidly build ing up a team for Milwaukee. One Jf his late purchases is that of Catcher Emil Huhn from the Cincinnati Reds. Huhn, who fell to the lot of Cin cinnati when the Federals disbanded, has not done much for two seasons past, but he should be a valuable man it me muciivaii assucialllVIi. Cubs Sign Youngster. William Johnson, the Kansas City youngster who has been signed by the Chicago Cubs for a trial, is a nephew of Frank Houseman, a great Chicago fan. Johnson is a southpaw pitcher, who has shown a lot of class in the Kansas City independent field. Quite Different Today, is That Cub Training Jaunt to California Chicago, Feb. 23. The transporta tion of a major league ball club with all of its accoutrement, from the mid dle west to the Pacific coast, will be under far different rnnHitinno frnm former years, officials of the Chicago national jeague ciuo learned today. A year ago the Chicago club made the iournev to the roast in a cnrrtal train of eight cars, including a diner, a buffet and an observation car. The party consisted of more than 75 per sona and stoos were mide at turn points from which side trips were taken. ' - 6 iU, r i 4 ?'K "'' 'A I letics. ."I know he has purchased a home here," says Connie, "but whether or not he. will, play with the Athlet ics I cannot discuss." Oldring retired at the end of 1915. He joined the Yankees in 1916 with Mack'sconsent. He played 83 games to help the Yankees out of a bad hole. Then he retired again. GUYON IS GREAT ALL AROUND STAR Georgia Tech Redskin Shines in Track and Field Events as Well as on the Grid iron. A few years ago Glenn Wan." - the famous foot1 ball and athletic coach, was asked if there would ever be an athlete who- would equal the deeds of Jim Thorpe. He replied in the affirmative, and said that Joe Guyon, the Chippewa brave,' who starred with George Tech last season, would be the" man. . , : The name of the brawny Indian has been sung throughout the country. He won his place in the sun while at Car lisle school, but it was not until last season that he reached the pinnacle of fodt ball fame. There was not a back field man in the south that compared with him. On the track and field Guyon is not so widely known.' This is due, per haps, that the sporting field, as all others, has come under the influence and control of the specialist. Yet thtre is not a shade of doubt that Guyon wilt , win fame as an all-around per former. Not a champion in any par ticular event, he is dangerous in all, from the . sprints to . hurling the weights. Guyon can run the century consist ently in 10 1-5 seconds, and has been caught in even time on numerous oc casions. Moreover, lie, can repeat with out trouble. His' time work at the furlong compares favorably, and he can go along in 22 seconds or there abouts. Such speed would win him points in the majority of meets, even though he might not be the first to cross the line. The high hurdles offer no great obstacle to Guyon. He can fly the sticks at 120 yards in 15 3-5 or slightly better, while . his time at the furlong over the low hurdles is con sistent at about 24 3-5 seconds. . High Jumps Six Feet. Leaving the cinder paths for the field, the Indian is quite as proficient. He ranks well up on the broad and high jumps; the shot put and javelin throw, and the discus as well. In the interclass meets held during the early fall, Guyon ; cleared 23 feet on the broad jump, and soared over the bar set at six feet. ; He can put the shot 45 feet and hurl the javelin out some 170 feet, while his work with the discus is consistent at 135. to 140 feet. While these figures do not establish his abso lute supremacy in ; any individual event, they prove his' efficiency as an all-around performer.: McCrea Retains Title in Marathon Run in England In : the . Powderhall 15-mile mara thon this year, a big handicap event of the Great Britain sporting world, George McCrea, the v holder of the title, retained his championship, al though not' the winner, by making the best time, running from scratch. McCrea . finished - third. His actual time for the distance was 1:23:41. He ran in spite of an injury sustained in the mines a few days previous to the race. H. Malcolm of Bolt Beith was the winner in ;1:18:42. .He had a seven minute -.handicap, allowance. This year the club management has been notified that "when the party is ready to depart for California there will be at its service two sleeping cars and an observation car , tackei no dining car service over one road to no dining car service over one or sleeping car space for the party over another and. longer route, which would have dining car service. Business Manager Craighead of the club was of the opinion today that the offer of two sleepers and an observation-car attached' to ,'a mail train would be accepted.. Champaign, 111., Feb. Si. Patriot ism in all its phases will lcature the University of Illinois' second annual indoor relay carnival which is to be held on Saturday, March 2. Proceeds of the meet will be devoted to the army Young Men's Christian associ ation. In order to insure a profit and to cut down all unnecessary . expense, bronze medals will replace the costly watches, pins and medals which have been awarded in "former Illinois meets. All point winners will receive the same kind ' of bronze rewards, while relay teams will also be given the same prizes. For winning schools silk banners will replace the shields presented hitherto. A loving cup, the gift of Ma-Wao-Da senior honorary society, will be the trophy for the all-round championship. As a distinctly patriotic feature, efforts are being made to enter enough relay teams from military and naval encampments to stage one or more races. Several neighboring camps have signified their interest and will be represented, provided the time is sufficient for them- to train their teams. The length of the races will be left for the teams to decide, as many of the encampments possess athletes who are proficient in one dis tance, which others are strong in dif ferent lengths. High School Relay. A high school relay race will also be added to the card. University high school of Chicago, Oak Park high school, Champaign, and several Springfield and Peoria schools have already mailed their entries, while others have signified their intentions of doing so. The usual events for Western Con ference, college and all-round teams will also be staged. The conference schools that have already mailed in their entries are Michigan, Wiscon sin, Purdue, Chicago, Michigan Ag gies, Ohio State, Indiana, Minnesota and Iowa State. Notre Dame, Milli kin and Knox are a few of the smaller colleges that expect to be repre sented. As usual, the huge Armory, the largest indoor track in the country, will be used for the meet. Covering nearly two blocks in length, this building offers an admirable place to stage a meet on a large scale. Hockey Teams on Coast , Are Composed of Women San Francisco boasts of two hockey teams made up entirely of women. They are the "Princess Pats" and the "Wanderers." These women are en thusiasts over the game and are reg ular in the matter of practice with the result that they play an excellent game. Ibe captain of the Wander ers" team is Miss Helen Joyner, a swimmer, who has been a competitor in the swim across the Golden Gate. She placed fourth in the last con test of this kind held, Dick Rudolph Anxious To Shake Dust of Boston Dick Rudolph, sturdy pitcher of the Boston Braves, is anxious to make a change. Rudolph turned down a con tract offered him by the Boston club for the reason that it called for a $3,000 cut. He informed the Boston management that he would rather re tire from the game than accept the contract offered him. " Rudolph re ceived President Percy Haughton's permission to trade himself to any club in the league, provided, of course, that the trade be agreeable to the Boston club. Cincy Shortstop Leads Majors in Errors Made Shortstop Billie Kopf of the Cin cinnati Reds, made more fielding mis plays than any other major leaguer in the game last year. Kopf made 68 errors, but was kept in the game by Manager Mathewson because of his heavy stickwork. Kopf was not much to blame for the amount of er rors he made, because there was nothing he would not go after and he often tore, off plays that brought the fans to their feet. Bob Bescher May Go to Columbus Club, Is Report Report from Milwaukee has it that Outfielder Bob Bescher may be swapped to Columbus. - Bescher, after being transferred from the St. Louis Cardinals to Millwaukee played a high class brand of base ball and had hoped he might be given another chance in the big show. Joe Tinker will have made a good deal if he lands him for his Columbus team. Owen Moran Tells of Good Boxers in British Forces Owen Moran, clever English light weight, has been promoted l-j the rank or sergeant in the British array. He writes a friend in America that Eng land will be able to show up with a bunch of good boxers when the war is over, that is, if they are not killed or wounded before then. Braves Sign Hurler Who Made Record at College John E. Murray, a pitcher who made a reputation with the George town, university base ball team, has been signed by the Boston Nationals for a trial. He is said to have won 21 straight games in his three years of college and independent base ball. Lake Erie Trot Circuit To Pay $250,000 stakes ine Lake trie circuit ot light har ness racing this summer will dis tribute close to $250,000 in purses and stakes. The season will start June 3 at Cranwood and conclude September 27 at the Erie, Pa., fair ' , v 1 R , '' A V hiSl - SICK HOBMTZtl " . y -.....HJimL 'JL. ' - EVEKETT SCOTS. Dick Hoblitzel at first, "Stuffy Mc Innis at second, Everett Scott at short and Wallie Schang at the third corner will be the makeup of the Boston Red Sox infield when the American league . season opens in April. Ed Barrow, the new manager of the Red Sox, made this announcement re cently. . Barrow believes Mclnnis can Tip O'Neill May Purchase , . Frisco Club From Berry Among possible purchasers of the San Francisco club from Hen Berry, whose retention of the club is strong ly opposed, are Norris L. O'Neill, for mer president of the Western league, and Danny Long, former manager of the ' San Francisco team. O'Neill's former home was in Oakland and he has amassed wealth in oil and real es tate sufficient to make him well able to finance the club. Bridwell Wants Trial. Al Bridwell, veteran infielder, wants to come back and has written Joe Tinker askjng for a trial with the Columbus association team. I 1 JS2fc j A Woman's Critical Eye instantly takes in the little niceties of a man's dress. A swift glance of ap praisal and her first impression is formed. Whether it is favorable or not depends on appearance. Your: shirt has much to do with your attire and your comfort. If it fits perfectly, is of correct style and made of approved fabrics, it adds to your .dress; " Beau Brummel Shirts are perfection in good looks. The cloths from which they are cut are approved by: fashion. Tested for strength and fastness of , color, they 'are absolutely dependable. , . . ' " ' .The workmanship is fine because rigid inspection prevents that. And finally, there is built into them- a satisfying comfort. , : - . 5; ' i5 - The armholes are large; the back is amply full; the elbows have plenty of room.' There: are five buttons on the center pleat, giving a dressy appearance, if the shirt "creeps,, upward slightly. ,. The. V-cut skirts permit smooth fitting trousers; and. in every part there is that easiness of fit which spells comfort to you. . And the shirt is sturdy, too. We. should like to show you this master shirt. It is worthy of a place in your wardrobe. ,f mi s, Burgess-Nash Company. -;- STUFFY M5 INJURS V, Hi be developed into another Eddie Col lins at the midway, and he is also confident that Schang, rated by many experts to be the best catcher in either league, will prove equally as valuable at third as behind the bat. With this infield combination the Red Sox will have one of the hardest hit ting quartets in base ball. z" Patterson to Give His ; ' ! Brother a Trial William Patterson, who will get a trial with Dallas in the Texas league this spring, is a brother of Manager Ham Patterson. Last year he played ball under the name of Gene Murphy, first in a tryout with Dallas and then in the Western association, but this year intends to drop the camouflage. Lawry to Retire Otis Lawry, former University of Maine athlete, who had a trial with Connie Mack and then was shipped to Baltimore, has announced that he is done with professional base. ball. He is teaching school in Maine this winter. ' , . and perfect as the material "EVERYBODY STORE' - . " - iss r Every Beau Brummel Shirt Has Then Feature Players Out for Big Coin in War Times Due for Shock When the Season Starts. This is the year in which the base ball holdouts get little sympathy from the fans. With so many of his for mer associates already enlisted or drafted and so many minor leagues gone busted, the average major leaguer of 1918 will be considered mighty lucky by the general public. Thanks to the foresight which prompted club owners, led by the American league, to ally themselves with the military authorities in vari ous ways and to devote generous sums to war-time charities, the profes sional ball player escaped the charge of being a slacker last season, when the public's verdict was hanging in the balance. A little less farsightedness and gen erosity on the "part of the magnates and the player would have found his occupation gone through the clos;ng of ball parks and his popularity wan ing fast. That was what happened in many of the minor circuits, for the owners lacked the coin or the public spirit, or both, to conduct the game at a loss. Players Don't Realize Crisis. Because the major magnates went through the season without complaint, although all except a few of them lost money, their players continued to draw fat salaries and maintained their popularity with their admirers. - For that reason a number of the players have failed to grasp the fact that the United States is at war and have con ceived the fdea their status was noi going to be affected in the least by changed conditions. That is the le nient way of looking at the holdouts of 1918. They do not realize what they have to be thankful for nor what they are going to be up against in case their club owners get tired, of conducting the sport at a loss. Big salaries for a couple of hours' work a day are a thing of the past except in such cases as unexpired con tracts with players. These will be fulfilled unless things get too bad, but' the men whj are not fortunate enough to have "holdup" contracts with an other season to run will have to join hands with the club owners in help ing to keep base ball alive until the end of the war. It is a cinch, if the club owners as a whole have to cougli up more money in the coming' season than they did last year, a bunch of them will vote to close their parks. Canadian Yacht Club Has 65 Men in the War Sixty-five of the 158 members of the National Yacht club nf Toronto are' in the service of the Canadian war forces. not a crudity to be seen,