att.xjs.'i.-"' THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1918. il sis NJIdelaide Kennerly B . ir rT ' r.' fclla MeishmoivKq ASST EDITOR. - IF omen Furnish New Source of In an effort to bring thousands of ttomcn employes to the pay roll of industrial establishments in Cleveland, 0., the committee on industrial rela tions. of the Chamber Of Commerce voted to make a survey and report on the substitution of women, for man power in Industry. The action was heralded by those Interested! in the movement as recognition. Of an era in which work will not be divided, ac cording to sex but on the standpoint of production. Wage will be gauged by efficiency only.; Misfits. " - "Not every girt is a. good cook, and there is much waste in the kitchen because a good draftsman or me chanic is presiding," (aid Miss Char lotte Rumbold, an assistant secretary of the Chamber of Commerce,, who will have charge of the survey. "The committee hopes to be able to assist women unsuited ior work in the kitchen or office t 'obtain employ ment in industries. . The industrial field has many opportunities for girls with college educations and positions as supervisors . for those -vho have had the necessary, training will be available as the .factories open their doors wider to women." The report of the committee will be available to all Cleveland manufac turer. There is no One vested with authority to force them to add women in large numbtrs to their pay rolls, but data will be given to aid them in Astors at an American Aviator's Grave in France 4 m iiii nwnmiiii Tiiimf!ar-tr fihsign : Vineent As'tor, United States navy, and Mrs. Astor visit the grave 'of ' in American -aviator who was' killed while fighting with the French ' Ensign Astor, probably .the Advice to the Lovelorn By BEATRICE tto.r MiM KftlffM. Omaha Be: There r mitm , .hnwn In the SS N dwbV ihlM r. quite ..a . wldowa In avery sommumty. if hrtnSn ny ftther huitnfM before the ?buf Wbr 5s fiatho .hould bo frowned Sm fcif'tM pubtla tn bringing- people t iether I underatand.' Thera are many t both inM that would njoy life eorflianlOB. We only llv on?6. When that CTnd ipportunity ha. PMd "" from ua forever. Bo that we ahould all try and tit Vll the benefit Jhd 1;J J? life while en. Add J am fulliy con v nced that every pereon thrt to PWW aound dealr. the oompaplonahlP t the op ooaltaiex. I am a widower. 60 years old, Savins' loat my wife over one year ao. A,d'f oh't believ th man la Uvlng that baa ban a loneioma aa I have the 'af yar( But avary heart knoweth Ita own bit- urn aa therefore I would like td corra SpM'4 Pwltl! Sloneaorn. widow that live. . .. r am not a city man. . Kith and active and eound. With h bad habile, and have a good character. Wilt an.wer any letter that I may receive & Knnwfy.4you. nSktai'Nlb T toMWJtB Prrsr. With plaaaura I help you eolva your prob lem, but touat draw th line vhen coma t actually conducting matrimonial bu reku, although if would eem frorn my re ceirt eottespondene that aucii a' bulnesi wUl4 fca a; good on for aomebody who has mote time than I. . x .. Here's How. . . Dear MJ Falrfa: We are two yOung hlgi. acbool girl, JS and 1. How can we make ouraelves pcpular among the boye aa wel. aa th glrle? How oan you tell when a bui llHti yout la It proper to let a boy Hide you and If not. why not? Do you think o lewr youfaelf in the eye of that boy l you dot What should you say If they aaa to klaa you?. Should you tell them It In not fight: tti other wordn. lecture th?m? ll It proper to ask a bey for his picture Hoy should hlr.s. h?nl girl wear theii half? Hoping we have not troubled you and thanking ynu In advance for ynttr. kindness, We are; atncorely H. C. hd B. I Ba square and fair with yeurselvK Don . try to put on airs r make yourself populai si that'iisaally spoils lt..airls who act na tural ar usually th popular ones. tOu would most eerttlnly lower yourself by ai lowirt thi boys to kiss you pmmiscuousiv No, don't leture leotures are fatal. 1 should not advla oaking for picture. Wear jour htlr In any style thai i most becoming t ydur type. He May Be a Bad Man. Dear Miss Kslffs! I im a young girl of IS. I have stepfather, but I love him a my own father. My stepfather ha a brother, who trtata m very kind. He has given me aeveral present, such a bracelet watch. b. eyol and n.anicurlng set, all of which have tsea very expensive gift. Now my aunts and other disapprove of him giving me these gift, although he gives them only an uncle' desire, t have other sister nd brother. U whom h does not give. Tbey say It 1 not right to recelvt such gifts torn him. Please tell me It I am right In accepting hi gifts.. ,. AN3flOt'8. the faet that the man I your step. father" brother should not enter Into this cam, but yaur . relative may object to the or hia charades Labor Supply-Fill Shortage substituting woman for man power, u mey wisn to Q0 so. New Source of Labor Supply. Manufactu ers alraadv have suffered from labor shortage. The man supply is expected to dwindle as the world conflict continue and America's part in it progresses. A new source of labor supply is deemed imperative to continue production at capacity. Questtonnaires will. be mailed to Cleveland ernployersv of labor by the committee. Thv. employers will be asked to list occupations in which women tabor has been found a satis factory . substitute. Experiences of certain manufacturers will be sought tor ne common . benefit. The report when complete will tell manufacturers just what to expect trom women in different lines Of activ ities. Legal, physical, industrial and social adjustments that must be made to get the maximum production from woman will le set forth. Problem Solved. Subdivisions Of processes 1 will be suggested to, lighten the process of manufacture, but not at the. expense Of efficiency. The gearing of ma Chines operated by foot presses must be adapted to woman's weight and suitable recommendations will be made. Miss Rumford told the committee that if American women have the op portunity to demonstrate their utility in industry, the position never again would be taken that such a job is the man's because he has always done it. - -of weiilthtesi officer In the navy, has been-serving aboard United States patrol boat in foreign waters. Mrs. Astor has been in France aiding the American war relief for some time. FAIRFAX. Informality. Dear Miss Fairfax: I m a young man, nglneeflng for a construction concern. While walking to work last week a young lady slipped and wrenched her ankle. I as sisted her to her home few doors away and aha Invited me to call. Now I want to know would it be proper for m to do so, iiiia I ill IB -- - 1 t ammmmmmmm ''"TTM Witt rWfefrrrTrTTffHi gf is itp4tv liilHlIM itng A Girl Could Make This By GERTRUDE BERESFORD T" 0 U G II every woman ' can't go to Palm Beach, no "female of the spe cies" will turn a deaf 1 ear to the fashion soothsayer who tells her what will be worn next summer. No tre mendously start ling innovations are being launched, rather are well tried ideas being brought to the "nth degree" of perfection In color and cut. Never have sports clothes been so alluring; never have they been worked out with' such sympa thetic color hand ling of each acces sory. A sports shirt of assured popular ity is this model of white silk, with a checker board bo som The original pockets give the "decoration d'hon- neur" to this skirt of whit Georgette satin. Two straight ends of satin are suspended from the belt. The hat of navy straw boasts a knitted band of navy and old blue wool. A knitted band edges , the brim. The capes of heavy blue silk Jersey, with a col lar and border of tan brush wool, is "le dernier cri" in sports wraps. never having had an Introduction, and while, she saema very nice t would like you to set tle the question. II, T. Thi I en of those informal Introduc tion whlch society say ws may accept. Chance and circumstance let you. help this arlrl, , Now It 1 showing no more than a friendly sympathy for- you to cell at her1 home and Inquire about her recovery. Her mother or father will probably meet you end It you make a good .Impression on . these older folks, who hive enough xpetiorlc' td Judge, probably you will be Invited Into the home. Then each of you wilt be. able to form some estimate of the ether by th standard of th family clrol. No Husbands to Submit. . Hastings, Nsb. Mis Beatrice ' Falrf, Omaha, Neb., Dear Mia Fairfax t I am. writ ing td you for you to' help me find a true husband. I am considered a- very beautiful young Woman of 22 and I am a widow, my hus band having died three year ego. I am very particular about whom I , marry and there are no men here who ault me. J have a small fortune and am a graduate of a Kanras City, Mo., high school, and the Montlcella seminary of Godfrey. 111. 1 am five feet four Inches, have black eyeu and black hair, and am real stylish looking. Jly mother was a Spaniard and my father an American traveler. I waa born in Italy 22 years asd last December. My husuahd must be real nice looking and have a real good position and a good disposition Hoping I may hear from yod oOn, J remain, ynur truly, MRS. "A". P. S. Have the men send me there pic DairyFoodsaiKlPotiltry Armour brings to you direct from where they are produced bestshipped under ideal tem perature the choicest of farm and dairy products the quality of each assured by the famous Armour Oval Label. fitoifat Poultry MiUt-feds Fattened at our own poultry stations tad graded for tendernera and iwaat nets of meat. Cloterbtoom Creamery fiafrer churned in the country. Mad where clover lands are richest. Sweet pas tea riied creamery butter, brought toyoor table pure tightly sealed In the Oval-branded cartons golid pound or divided (four quarter-pound portions, each wrapped in parchment paper.) Ijfttfait Eggi chiefly chosen from the poultry farms of the grain belt. Freeh gathered daily selected for quality and extra site. ViSSSt Chee$e made where pastures ere most productive and milk coaseqv dy richest Full cream cheeee of choicest grade aniform quality delldoua la flavor. failed Evaporated Milk pure, rich milk, reduced by evaporation and completely sterilised by beating. soia in seeiea cans. All of these, and hundreds of other deliciona, nourishing food of top-grade selection, are pre pared and packed under the Oval Label. Ask for them tn buying. Call oar trsnaeA Aosm MMiir mndamk tar name ( Oval Lakal daatara im four naigkborHaad. AftMOURCOMPANY MOST. BUOATZ Mgi,. IM S Jons. Sit Omaha, hits., Dewlss 1059. H. P. IIFMRTS. 29th and 0 8tl.. - Streth 1748. - Ji turea o I may Judge for myself. Sorry, but this is not a matrimonial bu reau end I have no husbands to submit at this writing. Providing Education Ten scholarships have been ob tained by subscription .through wo man's clubs by the Missouri division, in the effort to stimulate education of those particularly worthy at this time, when the cost of living is an actual bar to high training. Sixteen scholar ships have also been ' promised by business colleges, and Missouri is pro viding courses of training for teachers of the deaf and blind. Play Schools Tennessee has established play schools for young children. Regular and frequent meetings are held for mothers of young babies. At these meetings the babies may be examined by nurses and physicians and the mothers may receive instructions. National registration of women available for work on farms is pro posed by the Department of Labor as one of the advance steps in a cam paign to obtain sufficient farm labor for every part of the country during the coming season. Try These Oval Label Product Steckiaet Star Ban StarBaeea Ameer' Grte Joke Veteteb (Skerteafat) Deveoskire Fm Snug. BBT Package Feed 53Dr-SaaMge It lift if Iliac Heat Friday and At the We have received at since January 1, 1918, nearly 500 shipments of goods, and since our warehouse i-, fire in October about 1,000 "round quantity" shipments. A majority of , these- r uuus came uueci nuiu me iiuuiuiocLurei vi .iiiipurter- jobbing houses and manufacturers served us well. Listerine The original anti septic. A light straw-colored anti septic fluid, put up in 4 sizes, used ex ternally and intern ally, and especially for mouth and teeth, $1.00 size Saturday 7ft. '8 lor e7i Patent Medicines Our stock fresh and obtained in most instances di rect from manu facturers. 50c Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets 50c Gossom's Kidney Tablets 25c Zymole Trokeys for Week's Break-Up-a-Cold for '250 Senna Liver Pills for 50c Sloan's Liniment for 60o Doan's Kidney Pills for 50c Papa's Dlapepsin for (, $1.00 Quart Tin Usolino Oil for 34c 29c 19c 19c 14c 34c 49c 34c 69c Toilet Soaps We carry about 200 brands toilet and medicinal. Pear's Unscented Soap (genuine), cake 25c Cuticura Soap for 25c Woodbury Facial Soap . . ;. 25c Packer's Tar Soap for ...... M Swift's Oriental Tar for . . Ivory Soap P. & G. White Naphtha Soap ....... H. & H. Soap i Peet's Peroxide or Creme Oil Soap 12c 19c 19c 19c 12c 6c 7c 12c 9c Drug and Medical Items If it belongs in a Drug Store, we have it. 100 5-gr. Aspirin Tablets for 100 2-gr. Pure Quinine . Pills' for .............. 1 lb. Pure Sulphur or Copperas for 1 lb. Epsom Salts for 69c 69c 8c 9c Crude Carbolic Acid, 15e and 25c bottles. , 100 Hinkle Cascara Pink Cathartic Pills or Tablets Qc 100 Blaud'a Tonic Tablets, for 39c Eagle Condensed Milk, can ...... 19c Wool 15c and . Velour Powder Puffs, 25c Sherman Cor. 16th and Dodge Street (Original). Cor. 16th and Farnatn Street North and West of Burlington Office. Owl Drug Co. (New), 16th and Harney Street (Soon). Renew the Joy of Living Don't let ill health any long er rob you of life's pleasures. Get back your appetite, strengthen your digestion, stimulate your liver, regu late your boweh and im prove your blood by taking Their action i3 prompt and thorough, and ycu soon feel their benefits. You will est more, vork better, sleep sound er, and feel new strength after a short course of these depend able pills. They restore healthy conditions, and soon Bring Health and Energy LartMt et Amy MWIefM la tfce World. BM Ivarrwmmra. la aamaa, lOe 26. Looking for work? Turn to the Help Wanted Columns now, You will find hunrlrU of prvitioaj listed there. Of IT Saturday Drug E3arlet 5 Rexall Drug Stores our warehouse, 509 and 511 South Twelfth street. Store Personals . Mrs. Baker and Mr. Rainrey at our West End Pharmacy at 49th and Dodge, find "Dundee Folks' so nice that th work of the store takes the form erf a pleasant social function. Manager Prather of the Har vard Pharmacy and his assist ants, Mr. Hansen and Miss Wangberg, re quite sure 24th and Farnam is the busiest cor ner in Omaha. Mr. Jno. W. Camp, the vet eran druggist, so . well known in Council Bluffs and Omaha, is now at the 19th and Farnam "beautiful, commodious" store. Miss Ida Jacobson at this store, has just returned from a vaca tion, smilinger than ever. Manager Goodwin says the Owl is the only Quarto-plane Drug Store In the West. A floor level for the 16th street entrancers, another for Far namites, still another for the Fountain Room, where Prof. Goodner and assistants myste riously manipulate mellifluous mixtures, and then the Pre scription Room the lowest floor level, but where Dr. G. L. Savage and assistants do the highest grade compounding. K3TS David Leslie Gaskill, at the old Dodge Street Emporium, re ports a "standing room only" business, and is trying to find out through his staff officers, Nesbit, Brown, Miller and Frits, "where all the business comes from." Miss Margaret Lyons, office manager, and her quintet of assistants in the new, light airy and roomy General Office, 2d Floor Front, 19th and Farnam, says: "well it seems too good to be true." is Fresh Candies Liggett's Chocolates Nut assort ment, -lb. for 65cj 2g Dainty Dutch Delights, H-lb. for 65c Guth's Chocolates and Bon-Bons -lb. for 40ct 1 lb. ' gQ 1 lb. Guth's Chocolate Covered Conserved Fruits and $1 AA Nuts ...ipleUU Liggett's Fruit Cordials -H -lb. for 60c; 1 lb. $1.10 for Fenway Pink , , eg 1-lb. package Www Balduff's Egyptian 1 ff Chocolates, 1-lb. box. . P I eUU Dinning s Mazeppa Choco- OA. lates. 1 lb. for OUC O'Brien's Monte Chrlsto Chocolates, 1 lb 80c rt Gum, 5c Cubic inch r Oh, You Chicken Raiser! One-half price sale Friday and Saturday on George H, Lee Products. These were smoked and sooted In our warehouse fire; but are as good as ever and that means they are the best Poultry medicines made. 16th and Dodge and 16th and Farnam Only 45c Lee Lice Killer for. ..23c $1.25 Lee Lie Killer for... 63c" 75c Lee Lice Killer for... 38c 65c Lee Lice Killer for... 33c & PvQcConnell Drug Co. A Talk to Mothers About Croup The New Treatment With Freeh Air and Anti septic Vapors, that Makes Internal "Dosing. riannei jac iters, eic, Local Druggists Are Offering' It on 30 Days' Trial No Cost If You Are Not Delighted with the fiesiuts. All mothers are "home doctors" when It comes to treating the croup and cold troubles that children are heir to. They know that growing children need outdoor exercise and that, with . outdoor exercise, eotne colds are bound to come. They know, too, that these colds should not be neglected, and yet, constant "dosing" disturbs the delicate stomachs of chil dren. , The snswer to this problem Is tno external "rapor" treatment, Vlck's VapoRub, for all the many forms of cold troubles, from head colds, asthma When Buying Advertised Gocds Say You Read of Them in The Bee uui our spienuiu umana j - 'i Talcums and Powders $ Our stock in thjs line, comprises nearly ouu items. t. f 75c Mary Garden Talci ale q it for 50c Melrose Powders ' for (...! 25c Mavis Talcum 1 for 25c Ahsorhit Rndv Deodorizer) for . J. C Rose, Carnation and Vjiolet,' Roman Talcum . . . .'..ikJUC 50c White Cross Dry;., Q3 Shampoo for . , .'. . t '..A j W J C i 25c! Simnlfi Manfrkifiifrp' ir' - ' 25c Simplex Manfturirfij articles for . ..vA- Mac 25c Vantine'a San Der mal Talc for;..,.'..-.. 25c Babcock's Cut Rosa and Violet Talc for.. . 50c Melba Face Powder for i. . . 14c 14c 34c Wonderful Bargain In Linen' Stationery. 23c We have just received 1.000 boxes of a beautiful assortment linen stationery. Each box con tains 24 sheets of paper and 24 envelopes in the very latest cuts. L The quality is Linen Fabric end it is e full 35c value. The assort ment comprises: Grandon Cloth, Traymore Lawn, Cecelie Fabric, Sandhurst Fabrio, Roxburg Linen- and Saxony Serge. This will go on sale Friday morn ing at 8 o'clock at, n per box ,. w3C Better stock up with enough to last all the year. Sponges and Chamois Our assortment of Sponges and Chamois for toilet and industrial mrposes . it ow prices. a Urge one and at Tooth Pastes and Powders 60c Pe-Be-Co f or ......... .39e 30c Kolynos Tooth Paste. ... .19c 25c Norwich Dental 1Ag Cream for xtC tl.00 Lavorie for ......... 79c 75c Jewsbury & Brown's CQ English 'footBTPaate for. . DUQ ,29 c .14c " M N. E. Cor. 19th and Farnam Street. Handsome Commodious. Harvard Pharmacy, 24th and Farnam Street. West End Pharmacy, 49th and Dodge Street. General Office, 2d Floor, 19th and Farnam Street. and Cold Troubles it unnecessary. or catarrh, down to tore throat, bron chitis or deep chest colds. Just apply VapoRub well over the thriat and chest, corering with a warm flannel cloth. Leave the cover ing loose around the neck so the rapors, released by the body heat, may be freely inhaled. The next morning the head la clear, phlegm loosened and soreness gone. One rubbing with VapoRub usually re lieves croup la 15 minutes and an application at bedtime prevents a night attack. Colds are easiest to stop at the be elnnlng. "Nip them In the bud" by keeping plenty of fresh air in the bed room and applying VapoRub freely at the first stpn of trouble. Tour druggist will aell you a 15o jar wtta the privilege of a month's trial . ...j fir tJHtr .-, : ft