Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1918, SOCIETY, Image 17

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Ella Fleishman
Adelaide Kemierly
Omaha Woman's club, political
and social science department,
Metropolitan club, 2:30 p. m.
Eegabrn, club, Y. V. C. A., 6
p. m.
All Saints' Red Crofs auxiliary,
parish house, 9 a. m.
Omaha Woman's club,' public
speaking, 10 a. current top
ics, 2:30 p. m.; psychology de
partment, 4 p. m.
South Omaha Woman's club, Mrs.
C. C. .Wilson, hostess. 2:30 p. m.
Business Women's Council, lunch
con, Auditorium, 11 to 2 p. rn.
Business Women's club, Y. W. C.
. A, 6.15 p. m. -
Daughters of .American Revolu
tion, Omaha chapte., Fontenelle,
2 p. m.
P. E. 0, Sisterhood, Chapter B. P.,
Mrs. R. E. Parrott, hostess.
Custer Woman's Relief corps, Me
morial hall, 2 p. m.
North Side Mothers' club, Colo
nial party, Mrs. B. F. Park, hos
tess, 2:30 p. m.
Omaha Woman's club. Red Cro6s
auxiliaryBaird building; art de-
. partnient, Metropolitan club, 10
a. m. v'
W. C. ' T. U., Frances Williard
nion, Mrs; L.' B. Webster, host
ess, 2 p. ea.; county and local
superihteitdents, Y. W. C. A.,' 2
p. m.. ,
Omaha Woman's Press club,
luncheon ' at Commercial club,
l:45 p.' m. - - 1
Dundee Woman's club. Red Cross
work at Dundee church.
Bc'vidtji Woman's . club, Belvi
dirc 'school house, 1 p. m.
Thurs-y : '..
Omaha Woman's club, music de
partment. 2:13. p, m., home ceo
nomics department dinner at
Bums bakery, 7:30 p. m.
Association, of Collegiate Alum
nae, 'drama section, Mrs. Walter
Abbott hostess., 4 p. m.
B'nai B'rith Woman's auxiliary,
Lyric hall, 8 p. m.
Benson Woman's club, Benson
city hall, 2:30 p. m. .
Vesta chapter Kensington. Mrs. J.
F. .Purcupile, hostess, 2:30 p. m.
Friday '
Collegiate "Alumnae, executive
meeting, Fontenelle, 4 p. m.'
Lowe "Avenue Church Missionary
society, Mrs.. H. M: McClanahan,
hbstess, 2:30 p. m. ' 1
Benson W. C. T. U., Benson city
halt2 p. m.
Garfield Woman's Relief corps,
Memorial hall, 2:30 p. m.
Alumnae, general meet
ing, Fontenelle, 2:30 p. m.
MOVING pictures and their. influences-
will furnish the subject
for discussion at the political
and social science department meeting
of the Omaha Woman's club Monday
at 2:30 o'clock in Metropolitan club.
Miss Louise Stegher. of Central High
school - faculty, Judge - Charles Leslie
and Dean J. A. lancocK or umuy
cathedral and a physician will lead the
discussion from various viewpoints,
though all ray take part. A general
invitation to moving picture theater
managers and parents has been ex
tended by the leader, Mrs. Benjamin
S. Baker. ... ;
Arrangements for the public speak
ing department's open day. program,
March 4, are now being made. A re
view of -the study of pitch and tone
color will be made Tuesday morning
at 10 o'clock.
The third chapter of Mark will be
the-BiblerStudy of the current topics
department, at ,2. o'clock Tuesday, pr.c
cediag the regular departmental meet
ing. Mrs. Mary I. Creigh. leader,
asked each meniber to bring a quo
tation" from' one 'of Lincoln's ad
dresses or' a s.tpry of the martyred
president.' Current events will also
be discussed.. ' ' . . .
The psychology department meets
Tuesdav'at'4 o'clock with instruction
under Dr. D. E. Jenkins.
Mrs. George Bonner will lead the
program '.of the art department
Wednesday morning at. 10 o'clock.
The works of Paul Veronese, the last
great master before the decline of
Italian painting, allegoricaL and his
torical pictures will be studied.
' Mrs. Raymond YDung" will direct
the program of the music department
Thursday at 2:15 p. m. A study of
the pianoforte with illustrations from
the works' of Italian, French and
American. composers will be made.
Mrs. Young, Miss Edith Miller, Mrs.
Ray Abbott and Mrs. J. E. Haarmann
will play, the illustrations.
Home economics department mem
bers will t be entertained at dinner
Thursday at 7:30 o'clock at lay Burns
bakery. 'Members are asked to notify
the leader, Mrs.'C.'A. Lotz, if able
to attend. . i
Duryea War Relief Benefit.
Miss Helen rvraser of London, who
is to lecture on "Women's Part In
Winning' the War" at Boyd theater
February 20 for the benefit of the
Duryea war relief, has distinguished
herself in, war work in England and
is an official of the British treasury,
being a speaker and organizer for the
national war sayings committee for
which she has personally organized a
number of war-savings associations.
Her visit to America was urged by
the women.'s committee, of the Coun-
Mrs. Thor Jorgenson is
Mentioned as Good
City Commissioner
Friends of Mrs. Thor Jorgenson
think she would make' a good city
commissioner. They are circulating
a petition for her as a candidate on
the socialist ticket in the coming elec
tion. ' ' .
s Mrs. Jorgenson is an active mem
ber of the Omaha Suffrage associa
tion and the Woman Voters'. Conser
vation league, and is a leader in so
cialist circles.
cil of National Defense of Washing
ton. '
SHe has lectured in Boston, New
York, Philadelphia; and Washington,
where she was received at the White
House by President Wilson. She has
also been enthusiastically received at
Bryn Mawr, Vassar, Smith and Wel
lesley. ' ' '
From Omaha. Miss Fraser goes to
Lincoln for the convocation on Tues
day and to speak .before the Woman's
club. , ...
Miss Fraser spent her first week in
America (she. arrived November 30) at
Vassar college, local alumnae of
which school sponsor the Duryea re
lief work in Omaha.
Benson Club Notes.
The Woman's club ! will hold a
meeting next Thursday at 'the 'city
hall, when Mrs. C. A. Tracy will be
leader and' Mrs. A. J. 'McClung will
give current events. Papers on "Prob
lems Confronting the' American -People,"
will -be' read 'by -Mrs. E.' C.
Hodder; "Effect of the War on Liter
ature and Art." Mrs. E. W.-Norrjs,
and a comparison of past and present
wars by Mrs.' C. H. Mbutthrop. '.
Collegiate Alumnae Notes. .
The drama section of the Cpllegiale
Alumnae will meet Thursday-after-nnnti
at the home of Mrs. Walter Ab-
bott. Miss Helen Robinson will lead
the program. The executive commit
to. will linld a mpptillff Fridav 'after
noon at 4 n'rlock at the Fontenelle
and a general meeting win De nem
Saturday at 2:30 at the ronteneiie.
The, topic of the afternoon will be
"Local Educational Problems." Su
perintendent Beveridge will speak,
also Mr. Anderson of the Research
Tli cpnprst niihtie is renuested to
r i
respond to the call for books to be
sent with the Nebraska base hospital
to France. The quota of 1,000 bodks
is not complete by 200, and anyone
who ..wishes to contribute may send
their donations to tne- sunaeriana
Brothers' office.
D. A. R. Regent to Speak.
The regular , monthly meeting of
Omaha chapter, Daughters of the
American Revolution, will be held
Tuesday at 2 o'clock at the Fontenelle.
Miss . Nellie .Famsworth, who is the
Daughters of the American Revolu
tion regent of North Dakota, will be
the speaker. A special business (matter
will be election of delegates' to the
state meeting.
South Omaha Woman's Club.
Miss Edith Tobitt, librarian, will
talk on "A Few Popular Books of
1917" at a meeting of the : South
Omaha Woman's club Tuesday after
noon at the home of Mrs. C C. Wil
son. A business meeting, will pre
cede her talk.. Mrs. J. W. Welch,
second district' president, wiU be a
special guest. Some readings per
taining to the life of Lincoln will' be
given.. ...
Church Societies.
The annual .meeting of Lowe Ave
nue Missionary society will be held
Friday at 2:30 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. H. M. McClanahan. 1312 North
Fortieth street. Mrs. Margaret Wil
son -will lead the program. The hos
tess will be . assisted by the retiring
officers, including Mesdames Thomas
Landale, C. O. Dooley, C. D. Hutch
inson. P. M. Conklin and Blaine
Rev. G. A. Hulbert of St. Mary's
Avenue Congregational church will
conduct' the prayer meeting of the
Business .-Wamea's council Tuesday
at the Auditorium. Women of Trin
ity Methodist thureh will serve lunch
eon between the hours of 11 and 1:30
North Side Mothers Club.
The North Side Mothers' club will
have a colonial rarty and also its
annual quest dav Tuesday afternoon
atnhe home of Mrs. B. F. Park, 2581
Evans. The following program will be
given: Sketch of Mary Washington's
life by Mrs. Charles Dresher; instru
mental duet by Mrs. R. W. Saatfclt
and Mrs. C. E. Stubbs; vocal solo by
Mrs: F. R. Cain, jr.; reading, Miss
Maud Rovs; instrumental duet by
Mildred P'ark and Lucille Park; reci
tation, Mrs. G. R. Gilbert. Mrs. E. O.
Carson will lead the current events
Conservation Lectures.
Miss Nellie Farnsworth, home
demonstration agent, assigned by the
BOvernment to this city to assist wo
men to execute the government food
program, is giving a series of lec
tures in the Van Sant school rooms,
in the Omaha National Bank building,
Saturday afternoons. Miss Farns
worth will give , 12 lectures on cook
ery, followed by recipes which meet
the new food regulations and which
she has .tried and found good.
The' lectures will cover the follow
ing , topics:
Hygiene of food, nutrients, meat and
fish, milk and eggs, cereals, general
discission, cereals, breadmaking,
meat substitutes (cheese, legumes and
nuts), vegetables and fruits, digestion,
food . values and dietary standards,
menu-making, serving meals for
families, food for infants and young
children, food for school, food for
the sick. . '
Dundee' Woman's Club.
i The Dundee Woman's club wilt do
Red Cross work at the meeting Wed
nesday in he Dundee church.
Women's Relief Corps.
i Tuesday, afternoon at 2:30, George
A.-Custer .Women's Relief Corps will
hold its regular meeting in Memorial
hall, ' . i
U. S. Grant Women's Relief Corps
members Work all day Monday in the
Baird building, making Red Cross
surgical dressings.
George' Crook . corps was enter
tained , Thursday at the home of Mrs.
E.' C. Conley, when the women
knitted for; the soldiers. Refresh
ments Vvere served ' by Mesdames
Pugh, Reed.-Partlo and Kingsbury.
Qarfield Circle No. 11 will meet
FridayCafternoon at Memorial hall,
the Garfield Sewing Circle No. 11
meets tve;ry Wednesday at 10 o'clock
at the Young Men's, Christian association.-
The women work all day on
war' relief work and' all women are
urge'd to assist in this work.
W; CT. U. Meetings.
Frances Willard. Women's Christian
Temperance union wjll hold a pa
triotic meeting Wednesday at 2 o'clock
at the home of Mrs. L. B. Webster.
The, R6v.; Frank Young of West
minster. Presbyterian chur:h will be
the.; speaker. Mrs. R. W. Bixby will
blayrthe piano and Mrs. D. H. Dun
ham will sing.
County and local . superintendents
of the Vvomen's Christian Temperance
Union, will each answer the question
''How Do., We Help" at a meeting
Wednesday at 2 o'clock at the Young
Women's Christian Association. The
women who will-lead a ten-minute
discussion each are Mrs. Thomas E.
Harman, Mrs. L. B. Stegner, Mrs. T.
L. Edling, Mrs. Walter S. Lite, Mrs.
W. T. Gillespie, Mrs. F. T. Tunison
and Mrs. Thomas Dunlop.
Benson Woman's Christiau Tem
perance union will hold its regular
business meeting Friday at 2 o'clock
in the Benson city -hall.
P. E. O. Sisterhoods.
Chapter B. P. of P. E. O. Sister
hood will celebrate its second anni
versary Tuesday with a luncheon and
Lincoln's birthday program at the
home of Mrs. R. E. : Parrott, 4908
Webster street. Those taking part
War Work Program Is: v ,-
Outlined by the General
Federation Woman's Clubs
"Departmental work is war work,"
Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon of Lincoln,
president of the Nebraska Federa
tion of Women's Clubs, emphasizes in
a circular letter to all the club women
of the state.
"Our clubs, for the most part, are
busy doing war work under the direc
tion of the woman's committee of the
Nebraska State Council of Defense..
will be Mesdames C. B. Wilson, E..N.
Bovell, W. E. Bronson, E. F.' Gris
wold and T. H. Bryce.
Old People's Home.
The Rev. E. L. Reese of the United
Brethren churc!. will conduct services
at the Old People's Home on Fon
tenelle boulevard Sunday at 3:30
Women's PresssClub.
The Omaha Women's Press club
will discuss constitution revision fol
lowing the fortnightly luncheon at
the Commercial club, Wednesday at
12:45 o'clock.
Give Up Programs for War Work.
The West Omaha Mothers' club,
at its meeting Friday, voted to dis
continue all further programs this
year and devote the meeting time to
Red Cross work.
Trinity Parish Aid.
Trinity Parish Aid will meet Tues
day at 10 o'clock at the First Presby
terian church to assist with the -work
for the Nebraska hospital.
Golf Club Meeting.
The Prettiest Mile Ladies' Golf
club met at the home of Mrs. D. G.
Craighead Tuesday evening, February
5 for a Valentine party.' Mrs. C. Zte
barth gave two readings, with Mrs.
R. W. Saalfeld as piano accompanist.
Mrs. Lula Norris Jerome was"given
nrsi prize lor tuinijusuis mc
posal in rhyme and Mrs. D. H. Hawk
received second prize. Thirty-five
members were present. Those assist
ing the hostess were Mrs. C. H. With
nell, Mrs. R. A. Newell, Mr. D. H.
Hawk and Miss Mabel Craighead.
The members of the club will meet
at Burgess-Nash company Monday
morning, February 11, at 10 o'clock
for a game of indoor golf. '
Postpone Election.
Central Park Mothers' club post-,
poned its election, scheduled for Fri
day, until the second Friday in May.
The club will pay fpt the rental, of a
sewing machine to carry on its Red
Cross work with the North Side aux
iliary, which meets Tuesdays and
Fridays at Monmouth Park school.
Women of the neighborhood are' in
vited to-join in the work, which is
done in the afternoons between 1' to
5 o'clock.
That is excellent. We are proud that
k' An Invitation w extend
i For yea to came mni bring Mtfti
m To hv cup ol te; ' '
X!. Th..i1.u .ItaMMII. Ia
' And browM whlj araund our fhep
Soma lovely thine to . 1 . .
; Why joornoy or the oen
r ne unnii w nwm,
When you wilt (bid. If you're a mind ' '
-i . .......
- The urient "At nomer- , i
On Each Tuesday Afternoon f
k During February, 'Tween
I the Hours of 2 and 5. " f
! Tea Will Be Served f
To All Who Vitit Our Shop. I I
I We want to know YOU-We , 'a
S want YOU to know US.
? Our attractive embroidered eot- '
j ton erepe .kimonoa SPECIALLY .
TRICED during February. ' '' ,
I Importing Company f
I 1318 Farnam Street.
Opposite W. 6. W. ?
v '.i
iir i I ' i'iiui:l:iini')l:ii:il"liiiililiT,.liili'l'Xi'ti:ii
Thoroughly Competent Help
is scarce. Your pros cts of
securing it will be a tly . in
creased if you use
Bee Want Ads
Phone Tyler 1000
Between 8 A. M.- and 10 P. M. Today
You are as close to
as your phone is to you
our federal-and f slate governments
find. such, efficient help through our
general ,and state federations. We
will", 'however ma,ke a 'Very serious
mistake if we allow our regular work
to lapse. That woutd bf short-sighted
and'suicMa! policy. The work of each
department, done-sanely and strongly
and adapted' to the.needs of the hour
is :most essential war work. We have
but to look at the mistakes made by
England and France to make s see
clearly here. Think what should be
done in this crisis-for individual and
community betterment through each
nf ntif itrartinnf ouhlie health, in
dustrial and social conditions, civil
service reform, civics, music, library
extension, conservation, education,
legislation, art, home economics, lit
erature. It seems that we club women
have needed a great national crisis to
make clear' to us . the opportunities
for service which our departments
The proximity of the General Fed
eration biennial convention at Hot
Springs, Ark., April 29-May 8, fo
cuses attention upon that organiza
tion, the work and its plans.
War wort has been the kev to all
its activities since its president, Mrs.
Josiah Evans Cowles, on April 6,
1917, telegraphed President Wilson
placing the organization at the serv
ice ot tne governmeni.
Each of the eleven departments of
the General Federation has adapted
its work to our country's needs in
tin's rrisi. KeeniiiD- hieh the educa
tional standards in order that the
schools miynot deteriorate as those
of England and France were allowed
tn An- Ifcrnino- hich thr standards of
public health in the home and com
munity tn this time of undue nervous
and emotional strain and of physi
cal overwork: keenino- the home and
community environment healthful and
attractive; aiding in food conserva
tion and production; stressing good
roads, narks, forests, bird protection
as war measures; developing a pa
triotic community spirit oy spcecu
and drama and song; giving special
attention to the industrial and social
problems thrust upon our communl-
Eqaal la BiecDem te the
Finest ' Creamery
. . . Batter
SAVE 38 TO 40
" , XHatribnted 'br
Omaha Cold Storage Co.
L I W!. I LUi '-
r. S. Ton. X.X 8010
Adm. MewM T " BT ALL
N. r-lS175 . DEALERS
t'"cs by war conditions: establishing
libraries for those who bear the bur
dens at home as for those at the front;
helping the purchaser to know the
desirable article because of its beauty
and utility and fitness. All of this
to keep up our standards during the
war period and especially in order
that we may come into the reconstruc
tion period with greater strength and
dearer vision.
At the recent meeting of the
board of- directors at Hoi Springs,
Va., a war victory commUsion was
created which is to hack a nation
wide movement to establish for
American soldiers restoration homes
back of the lines.
State Federation Notes.
All state committees will Ik- an
nounced in the Bulletin which will he
mailed during the second week in
Mrs. A. G. Peterson, Aurora, di
rector General Federation of Woman's
Clubs from Nebraska, returned from
attending a meeting of the hoard at
Hot Springs, Va.
Mrs. Addison E. Sheldon, president
Nebraska Federation of Woman's
Clubs, was elected by the general fed
eration board at its recent meeting
chairman of committee on rules and
regulations for the biennial conven
tion at Hot Springs, Ark.
n Tin i n i-i lin i iiw - i - i - H
. W- anticipation
of High Grade Clothes
For Men, Ladies and Misses
i At an Actual Reduction
New Spring Arrivals Are Beautiful
The 1918 styles in spring suits and dresses that are Just
being taken from their boxes will delight the feminine heart
The one word that best describes them in both style and
material Is "charming."
I Men's Overcoats
Our regular J18.75 to $37.50
Coats, In trench models, Chester
fields, as well as conservative
models. This sale
$995 to $2J95
Even at These Great
t Credit Terms of $1.00 or So
Mr. Business Man
Have you an opening for an
.office manager, exempt, mar
ried, efficient? He can also
qualify as an accountant.
If interested in above
party, call
Dougla 388S.
Watts Reference
1138 Firtt Nat!. Bk. Bldf.,
When Writing to Our Advertisers
Mention Seeing it in The Bee
- m iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 n-
of From 25 to 50 Per Cent $
Women's Coats
About Half Price ?
Any Misses' or Ladles' Coat In .
our entire stock, formerly sold at
118.75 to $47.50, In three groups, at
$995 - $1295
Ladies' Suits
One-Half and Loss $
Ladles' and Misses, sizes in the
snappiest styles and smart mate
rials of this past season.
Men's Suits
The latest colors and fabrics
that, men and young men want.
$18.75 to $32.50 suits for
$10.95, $12.95
to $18.95
' i
Reductions We Offer Our Easy
a Week.
"The People's Store
Opposite Hotel Rome
ii i 1 1 m 1 1 1 1 1 1 m imin w mi n iniiiiniiiiiiiu