Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 10, 1918, Image 1

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PAGES 1 TO 14.
Fair; Mild
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Teuton Official Communication Reports Americans Cap
tured Near Toul; Cenrtal Powers Come to Terms
- With Ukrainians in Desperate Effort to Obtain
Grain Supplies for Home Consumption
(By Associated Pre.)
Berlin, Feb. 9. (Via London, )-Some American prisoners
have been captured north of Xivrey, 10 miles east of St. Mihiel,
'says the official statement issued today by the German general
This routine item in the German official statement of Sat
urday announcing a minor operation in Lorraine held American
interest to a far greater degree than any other war news of the
day. ft carries the news of a raid upon the American lines and
the capture of American soldiers by a German reconnoitering
'Northwes. of Toul" said the re-1
cent statement authorized by the Am
erican censor as to the location of the
sector aow being held by the men of
the United Statse army. And it was
near a town northwest of Toul that
the Germans announced having taken
"some American prisoners."
The town is Xivrayand it is sit
' uated about 10 miles east of St. Mihiel,
indicating that the Americans are
holding a line along the southerly
edge of the famous St. Mihiel salient,
in French Lorraine southeast of Ver
dun. This raid by the Germans was but
cne of several conducted by the va-'
rious belligerents on' the western
front, the most important of which
apparently also was carried out in
Lorraine, bu. by' the French in the
vicinity of Dioncourt. The French
penetrated a German position ' here
cleared cut the trenches arid brought
back 30 prisoners- and a machine gun.
Peace With Ukraine.
While these military activities were
in progress in the west the central
'powers wefe busying themselves with
their manifold peace Legotiations and
announced they had come to a peace
agreeme 1 with the Ukraine, signed at
o'clock Saturday morning.
; This announcement marking the
first peace concluded by any of the
belligerents may turn out to be one
of epochal importance. It had, been
largely discounted, however, by the
apparent an:.lety manifested by the
representatives of the Ukrainian
rada at Brest-Litovsk to sign a peace
of some sort which Germany and its
'allies and also by the uncertainty as
to the reality of the peace which has
been achieve-', on paper. (
Doubt Rada's Authority.
. Doubt exists as to the'.extent of the
control exercised by the rada over the
territory comprising the so-called
Ukrainian republic which it purports
to represent. That control is disputed
by the bolsheviki who broke withihe
rada representatives at Brest-Litovsk
and appointed Ukrainian delegates of
their own when they found the first
set of Ukrainians, whom they ob
jected to as ' bourgeoise," secretly
negotiating with the central powers.
Bolsheviki and Ukrainian troops are
engaging each other for the mastery
of the territory, which includes some
of the best grain growing provinces of
Russia, and each is claiming success
in the operations.
Hope to Obtain Food.
Germany and Austria are tacitly ad
mitted to have seized upon the oppor
tunity to sign a peace with the
Ukrainians in the hope that they
(Continued on Tafre Two, Column Three.)
Earl Reading, British
Envoy to U. S., Arrives
An Atlantic Port, Feb. 9 Earl
Reading, recently appointed British
high commissioner and special am
bassador to the United States, arrived
here today on i. British steamship c-,i
his way to his post.
The Weather
For . .Nebraska Fair; continued
mild for several days.
Tempcrotureg at Oirtuha Vestertfay,
5 a.
m. .
m. .
m. .
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
p. m.
( omparativc l.oriil Record.
19TS. 1917. 1911. 1915.
Iciest yosterdr.y.... 39 1 !9 S
I 3 '.' I .1 4 L
:r d so
0" t :i) .on
M-&i temperature...
Ter-'PorRtur'; and precipitation departures
from the norm I:
-lormal temperature i ii
I'lxcess for th4' lay
Totiil deficiency since Miireh 1 716
Normal prtcipltatlon 01 Inch
IJeiklency tnr the day.., 0 inch
fTJin! rainfall tnc9 March 1... 22.76 Inches
fieflolency Fine? Man-h 1 7.46 Inches
Deficiency far cor, period. 1917.12.0 inches
Ueficiency tor cor. ptriud, 1314. .IS Inch
Two Companies of Fort Omaha
Flyers Arrive Saf Sea
port on First Lap
of Trip.
Tt Eleventh and Twelfth balloon
companies, formerly the Fourth
squadron, '-"stationed at Fort Omaha,
have ' arrived safely at an ' Atlantic
seaport and may be on shipboard en
route for France.
Wednesday they quietly., entered
street cars at the fort and were taken
to the Unioa station, where two spe
cial trains awaited to carry them
Fifteen minutes after the arrival of
the men at the station the trains de
parted and as they passed over the
Missouri river bridge the strains of
"We're Going Over" "were heard
floating back. The soldiers were
Cooks Preceded Men.
At daybreak heavily loaded trucks
began transferring equipment and
personal belongings from the fort to
the trains and at the appointed hour
all was in readiness. Company cooks
were early upon the ground and had
field ranges set up in the baggage cars
and at the hour of departure dinner
was being prepared. Efficiency was
demonstrated in every move.
The balloon men were anxious to
see active service, and as they bade
their friends farewell it was with tx-
pref-sed hopes that thy would soon
be at the frnt. Many expressions
were heard of how the barrage fire of
the American troops would be im
proved when they reached France to
direct it.
Mothers, fathers, wives and sweet
hearts of the Omaha men in the com
panies were at the station to wish
them bon voyage. Many of them
were hiding tears behind smiles as
they watched their loved ones go off
into the mist the mist of war, of
danger, of doubt.
Citizens Cheer Soldiers.
Passengers at the station and on
passing trains were profuse in their
well wishes and frequently various
groups would cheer as the men passed
"These men were the nearest
physically perfect of any that have
left the fort," said Colonel Hersey,
commandant. "They were the best
testimonial I know of for Omaha as
a winter resort. For the last two
months all of these men have lived in
tents and a few days before leaving
I was informed by one of the officers
that for two weeks previo'is none of
the men had visited the doctors. They
did not everhave a cold or any minor
ailment that a doctor could remedy.
"They were in unusual good health
and I am Irmly convinced that this
was largely' due to the fact that they
slept in tents where there was plenty
of fresh air. They remained in the
tents all of the time, evc.i when the
temperature was around 20 degrees
below ero."
Colonel Hersey Pleased.
Colonel Hersey is highly pleased
with the training of the men during
the winter months. He expressed sur
prise that as many days would prove
suitable for flying during the months
of December and January. .The big
sausage observation balloons made
flights 19 days in Decembci and in
January flights were made i-n 22 days.
The two companies were under the
command of Major Hardm. The com
pany commanders were lieutenants
acting as captains until the troops
reach the battle front. Captains will
be appointed after the troops have
reached France and an opportunity is
given to select the men best suited for
this position in actual warfare.
Take No Ghances On Trawler Without Lifeboats; Soldiers
Are Sent to Concentration Camp in Northern Part
of Ireland; Conflicting Reports On Total
Number Lost, In Marine Disaster.
Washington, Feb. 9. The War department has ordered
finger prints of all the unrecognizable soldiers recovered from
the Tuscania. By comparison with records here it wil Ibe pos
sible to identify them.
(Ey Associated Press. )s
With but scant hope that additional survivors of the tor
pedoed liner Tuscania will be found, latest compilations show
that 147 American soldiers lost their lives Tuesday night off
the northern coast of Ireland.
British admiralty figures give the
total casualties as 166, the losses.
... j J 'iK,
srs 7 " ' -a
Trawlers have traveled over the wirf
ters where the Tuscania went down
and have cruised along the Irish coast !
without finding trace of men other j
than those already reported rescued.
The Tuscania's survivors' bureau in j
an insn port estimates mc nuxnwu
missing at 101. ,
Official reports on 'the circum
stances surrounding the sinking of
the liner by a German submarine
have not been received at Washing
ton. .; -.. ' . "
A small fishing trawler returend to
this port this morning without the 142
Americans it set out from here to
take off from the barren northerly
shore, which the Americans had
reached in three lifeboats 14 hours
after the Tuscania was sunk.
The shipper of the trawler told
the British commodore here that the
American captain in charge of the
party refused to embark his men on
the trawle.ecaase the little vessel
did not carry life boat3 sufficient to
hold all of the troops in case the
trawler was torpedoed.
This party, according to the cap
tain of the trawler, consists of two
captains and 140 men who reached
the shore a short distance from the
point where the bodies of 44 Ameri
cans were gashed up yesterday.
The trawler had made a perilous
journey to reach the Americans. The
sea was choppy, but the trawler kept
her course until she reached the point
where the Americans are marooned.
On the arrival of the trawler the
Bitish authorities sent a large steamer
to bring the Americans to Glasgow.
This vessel has sufficient lifeboats to
take care of the men in case it should
run afoul of an under-water boat
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l-AI LUIIL Uklliflflll
Uses Dogs to Give
Warning of American Pa
trols; Many U. S. Soldiers
Have Mumps.
(By Associated 1'rcM.V
the , American Army irt
Friday, Feb. 8. The Ger
mans -are using their dogs on the
frcut lines. Jo warn them of .the ap
proach of patrols opposite the Amer
ican 'sector. t
A German dog "listener" early this
morning prevented on of our patrols
from executing a daring stroke.
Two corporals who were concerned
in it have been mentioned in official
reports for their spirit and cool
ness, Sammies Go Exploring.
Accompanied by two privates, the
corporals left a large patrol in a cer
tain place in an abandoned trench
in No Man's Land' last midnight and
went on to the German lines.
They first found a smooth wire bar
rier which had been shot to pieces by
the American fire.
Fifteen yards further on theyamc
upon German entanglements of wire
2U feet Beep with four-pointed barbs.
The men were inspecting an open
ing in the wire when a dog, apparently
chained on the other side, began to
A dugout door opened quickly in a
trench and a gruff voice was heard
to say "Fertig!" meaning ready.
Suddenly a brilliant rocket went up
and the .Americans threw themselves
(Continued ,on Page Two, Column Two.)
His Great Examples
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Head of Nebraska Diocese and Leading Omaha
Catholic Priests Endorse Stand of Cardinal
Gibbons Against National Prohibition
The Catholic clergy of Omaha, almost without exeception, is opposed to pro
hibition. Archbishop Harty, Monsignor Colaneri and a number of the leading priests to
day endorsed the stand taken by Cardinal Gibbons of Baltimore, who denounced
the national prohibition amendment in a published interview Wednesday.
They declare that crime statistics do not prove prohibition is a good thing, but
are "only on the surface" and that underneath and unseen are far greater evils..
Anti-prohibition remarks made by Father P. A. Flanagan in his funeral sermon over the
i body of Frank Rooney last week created a mild sensation.
I That the Catholic clergy of the United States i3 against prohibition is indicated by the
statement given to the Associated ' Press by James, Cardinal Gibbons. Prominent church
Imeh of all denominations declare that the powerful influence cf the Catholic church will
'have to be reckoned with by those who seek to amend the federal constitution in an effort to
! bring about national prohibition.
Cardinal Gibbons Stand
Against Prohibition
This is what Cardinal Gibbons
"I feel that if the amendment is
ratified there will spring up in all
parts of this country illicit stills
that will manufacture a low grade
of whisky that will do Wore harm
than the good grade is doing.
V "It sems that some pf our legis
lators would make ' Mohammedans
of us. Mohammed tenets forbid
the use of wine, yet the Mohamme
dan drinks his wine or his liquor
despite his faith.
"It will be a calamity if this
amendment is adopted. It will be
only a step in the abridgement of
other liberties that we enjoy."
Government to Place
Cheese on the Market
Chicagd, Feb. 9 Immense quanti
ties of cheese held in cold storage in
this country have been ordered by
the United Slates food administration
to be put on the market by June 1,
when the new cheesc-niaking season
begins.- j
The Department of Agriculture say&
that on January 1 69,000,000 pounds
of cheese were in storage houses re
porting to the governmeqt, and it is
estimated a large quantity is not so
This is 80 per cent more than was ,
held a year ago.
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Archbishop It arty Says
Prohibition is Wrong
These are the principal points in
Archbishop Harty's interview given
exclusively to The Bee:
.... f'ProhiWtion is wro..g because It
confounds use sind' abuse." It tres
passes on every man's right to use
or not to use what is good.
- "Herein is a fanaticism that must
be" forestalled lest it cause greater
evils than are caused by the misuse
of intoxicants.
"Evils have arisen from the mar
riage relation; why not prohibit
marnage? Tobacco has hurt many;
why not, then, see to it that no man
"I am opposed to prohibition be
cause does not make men sober
unless, of course, they choose to be
so and because it breeds many evils
such as deceit and hypocracy."
John W. Towlc, Testifying Be
fore Senate Committee, Says .
Money Recklessly Wasted
at Hog Island.
Washington, Feb. 9. When hives-
tigation of the shipping board and the
Emergency Fleet corporation was re
sumed today by the senate commerce
committee John W. Towle of Omaha,
plant engineer for the Hog Island
yards of tfie American Intcrnatbnal
corporation, testilied that at one time
1,300 cars of material were oh the sid
ing waiting to be unloaded at that
plant, and, there being no place to un
load the cars, the Emergency Fleet
corporation paid demurrage on them.
Stone & Webster, a l'oston firm
of contractors, Towlc testified, has a
contract yielding, a profit of 100 per
cent for the servicrs of its expert
engineers giving advice to the inter
national corporation.
Holbrook. Cabot & Rollins of
lioston, ne said, wiiicn lias a memher ;
as vice president of the American In- J
ternational Shipbuilding corporation, j
has a sub-contract for piers amount- j
ing to $1,600,000 and in addition it j
receives a rental fee of $200,000 for j
its equipment, paid by the govern- ;
merit. , I
Questioning developed tint Towle, j
as an expert engineer, gets $250 a I
month and as press agent for the J citiiens of St. Louis, Mo., was dedi
Amencan corporation gels 00 a j catcd to the use of Nebraska soldiers
month. i wi ,rtll:i,f
Towle said he made frequent re
ports to the fleet corporation on con
ditions at Hg Island, an.J when a
representative of the fleet corpora
tion wont there to investigate he was
informed by representative of the
International corporation that the
company v.-as the government's agent
and there should be mo ir'.erjerence
c .t. . ri. I
inmi in c ueei corpui anon.
. Replying to Senator Vardam.m,
Towle expressed the opinion that
general conditions at Hog Island in
dicate 'a -reckless expenditure of
government monc,
Consular Bill Passes.
Washington. Feb. 9. The louse
todav passed the dinlmustic and con
sular bill carrying ?8,056,000.
Archbishop Harty dictated the fol
lowing interview for The Bee:
"I stand for temperance in the use
of U things and therefore I favor the
rigid regulation of the liquor traffic.
"But as prohibition is based on a
vifong'vrinciple X do not advocate it.
"Its principle is wrong because it
does, not distinguish between what is
good in itself 'and what ig essentially
bad. - .
"Prohjbition seeks - to prevent the
use of what is in itself good. It con
founds use and abuse, It strives to
prevent even the temperate use of
liquor and it consequently trespasses
on every man's right to Use or not to
use whatever is good. . j
"It forbids the complete use of hi
free will in things innoeent, of such
things as may be of service to him in
the pursuit of health and happiness.
Man's Freedom Stolen. '
"If the exercises of a man's free will
is hindered in the use of any one thing
not in itself evil, jus as logically may
his freedom of choice and action be
stolen from him in any other good
j "Prohibition, then, of the moderate
i ue of intoxicants, because of the false
! principle owhich it is founded, can
I a&ltv lilrmi.. . ..j : .
. nut... a aiiji aim iii me guise
of virtue and humanitarianism pro
hibit any of the things that men wish
to do.
"Herein is a fanticism that must be
forestalled, lest it cause Kreater evils
than are caused even by the misuse
of intoxicants.
"Evils have arisen from the mar
riage relation; why not prohibit mar
riage? Tobacco has hurt many; why
not, then, see to it that no man
smokes? Why not compel all to eat
j under- the benevolent eye of the
unco gum because gluttony is guite
common and very destructive of life?
"I am, therefore, opposed to pro
hibition because it deprives men of
freedom of will in the use of what is
good in itself; because it does not
make men sober, unless, of course,
they choose to be so; because it
breeds many evils, such, as deceit and
hypocracy; anJ. strongest reason of
all, it does not and will not prohibit."
Clergy, Not Church, Says Colaneri.'
Rt. Rev. Monsignor Colaneri. chan-
rellor othe Catholic diocese of Oma
ha, also is opposed to prohibition.
He said:
''I think national prohibition would
be a natiojfla! calamity." -"Has
the Catholic church taken a
(Contlnni'il on l4ge Two, Column Kour.)
Camp Funston, Kan., Feb. 9. The
Nebraska building, given by the citi-'
zens of Nebraska and equipped bv
Neville, trovernor of Nebraska.
The program was in charge of the
314th ammunition train, which is com
posed largely of Nebraska men. Many
officers of the unit' are from St. Louis.
Officers of the unit and visitors will
be entertained at Company F mess
at Camp Funston today by Keith
'Longshoremen at Work.
New York, Feb. 9. The 2.00C
longshoremen who liave been on
strike for the last tw weeks on the
Southern Pacific railroad steamship
piers, voted today to return to work
Monday morning, pending the dispo
sition of the question of a raise irt
wages by the federal board of adjust
ment of the United States sliipmrg
board - .